Wednesday, December 2, 2009

the bliss zone of failure

The bliss zone of failure

Finding a PROBLEM that draws forth the urge TO FIND A problem , that you believe you have the albity to over come ,,,,, then there are problems so complex they drain yur creativity for they semm to be SOLUTION-LESS ,,, complex problems where my hands on my trun of a crew of the planting of a tree well are not TRUTHFULLY myproblems they are the problems of a greater BEING-NESS the solution will most likely come from the EVOLUTION of 1 cell of the being-ness once found to be of benift copied by other cells around it until a level . like the 100th monkey concept talks about here by then the concept of benefit spreads quickly thru the whole …

So my BIKE KIT cam in and the moter is to big for the hole in the frame of my mountain bike , BUMMER ! fuck that pissed me off iw as all so excited to twist some wrenches and just get his TRANSPROTATION CONCEPT UNDER THE REINS of mm MASLOW …. under my RESPOND WITH ABLITY ….and to be cash free as much as possible , ohh sure I am free to create allt he cashi want but , I want to have hands on , KNOWLEDGE EXPEREINCE etc of basics that done that secure that being the first couple levels of MASLOW ,'s_hierarchy_of_needs i should then have that deep sense of PERSONEL FREEDOM OF CHOICE . not dread of HVE TO’S OR SHOULDS but living thru wants .

And this WANTING OF FREEDOM …. Is like a game ,, the actions and events in it’s current creationin my life is the sprot , it is the casting while fishing and the problems are hooking my lures in the trees every now and then when I would attempt to slip a lure into ahoney hole …

And getting hung in the trees used to get me pised off , but I dd not just give up start the motor and go back home …. And give up fishing … nope . this was the event like playing any game where this time my OPPENNENT is beaing me Calling from me the creativity to step up to the plate and BE BETTER thani had been in the pst .
The sublte differences about these ideas when I comes to YOUR LIFE and then the life you believe you HAVE TO live in society …. The HOLISTIC=NESS of is the freedome from the society HAVE TO’S which you can ot control the ruels much to often are in others hands PHAROH for 1 ,,, but your EXAMPLE FO LIFES TLYE , is the step in change the 100th monky example .

So pisse d offf , bummed ,, I can give up ..or , I can let new OPS show , hey I got a 12volt motor stillng idle in the garage and I realy did want to understand Electric bikes but did not invest because of how much the cost was , maybe I willplay with that on this bike ..while I wait for ANOTHER bike to present iself in which my bikekit will fit inot .. ( just a fucking inch jus an inch ….

Pissed off ,, I am distracted from any OTHE THING in life that would cause me to compare my life to some sort of IDEAL STATE . and actually being P[ISSEED OF BRINGS me into the ZONE of timelessness fo TAO being … in the now of tha anger ! y place on the emotional scale yet not in MENTAL WAY of comparing …. States ..but here and now in Retrospect , realizing the passing thru of emotioanls states on the way to SOLUTION BUILDING .

The greatest destruction that takes place upon your planet, and the greatest sadness that is brought about as a result of it, are your man-made, man-induced wars. And yet, when we feel into the vibration of the masses that are involved (not just the leaders, but the masses that are involved) within the conflict, it is a satisfying adventure. Wars are created because they are satisfying something within large numbers of people--or it would not be.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Phoenix, AZ on Saturday, March 23rd, 2002
True upon truth ,,, it sastifies , the DNA EXPECATATION … trained inot the slave masses over centuries satisfies the THINKIKNG AND SOLUTION building from within the TRAINED PARAMETERS of the bio machine that happens before the state of personel free chice comes about in the INDIDIVUAL . but the individual not KNOWING ITS FREEDOM … because of menat l progaming has no comparision points and will HTUS TOLERATE in fact becom tatlly engroosed in the WAR FORE for it KOWS no other posslbility of THOUGHTS or SOLUTIONS ….
As the cell of society show new options for other cells to choose frome the FREE CHOICE parameter change and so thus possible of warfare ,, 100th monkey

CASTING A LURE does not always means successfully landing a fish . but witheach cast like each NEW DNA EXPRESSION from sexual Reprodution evolutions do happen . each cast is alearning .. each solution tried a learning .

From a state of NO’S that warfare seems to be NATURAL what would one expect , except that particiapants would find the BEST VIBRATION they could in IT ,,, for freeling better is the nature of nature ….. even in war . as true for the TRANSLATOR of the voice o fthe sage does so from within his or her own SET OF ……NO’s …. Expanded yes but still limited … and limited even further by the understanding point of the HEARER . the voice of the sage during any 1 epoch of time are not he END ALL of of some sort of god ,,that is the mind fuck creeping in … the vice is just tool for ever expansions of guidance thus living ( words do not teach it is life epxerince that teachs )
Those who worte then Re-wrote the ideas of the Buddha heard this .. end suffereing be 1 , go no where medidiate your way back to TAO unthinkable ness , but that is NONEXPANSIVE , and would mean an ending to n fi nite expansion FOUND IN THE EXPLROATION OF ..IN FI NITE FORMS OF thing of comapision points or space and thus time .. and free choice fo combinations .

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