Saturday, December 19, 2009

pussy on a beach

Pussy on a beach

Ok like my norm lately this blog will hav very little to do with pussy … in fact my focus has to really be on the GAME the TOUR OF DUTY ½ way down the page … pussy will just get me fucked an off track ..PUT YOUR PASSION IN YOU POCKET to be more FULLY enjoyed later . life is long ans full of stuff and and I want thtat stuff to be fun and more in my control … and I can then really enjoy PUSSY much more way way way different aspect and SUBLTE INTERACTION dynamics even in just ½ the projected time of … retire at 22 based upon starting at 18 . So events may be lining up for me to ad… venture.

5000 bucks a used car and a 200 buck a week job….and I am gone ,,, 4 years to completeion or before ( before would be good )… but just to go is such a fucking AD VENTURE .. usch a great model …. No real tools but a shovel ? and start fucking there , imeasured the table In the living room and thought could If commit to shoveling just ath much per day by hand? And that after noon pouring it as adobe ? not build a house but to build an office or farm building ….. so I have no IMAPCT FEES Of building a house yet . let my income stream grow over a year or so for that . but to do that building which actually is only about 8 linear feet shy of the 48 ft int. of a starter home …. To do that by shovel how fucking cool would that be ….. how fucking basic how fucking FREE an aint that the idea to BUY MY FREEDOM ..ASAP . at least show a model of that concept .

ad ( fucking ) venture …what is life anyways ,, just being SAFE and bored or it to ad to the venture orf the expansion of possible … ohh all possibility is always in all ways ..but until lived is not data yet …. Just possibility ….

So I hae the time to pre cut the wood for the camp ….. and line up some other cash to pop and ag/iragation well get a used lawn tractor … buy 2 more PV PAKS … etc etc … cash for the survey ,, cash to start up the engneering process of adobe construction …. 100 here 200 there over the next 6 months … then bai out , someone else will take over my comfy life here my company my property etc ,t hey will do deluxe I still have my Equities …. And the freedom to start for SQUARE 1 like a kid of 18 …. A few 1000 bucks a used car a simple job .. and a taste for AD venture …

Now does this feel like RELIEF ..yes and very much NO , the excitement of it is nowhere near relief except in the idea of that the GAME has started right or worng ready or not ,,, the game has started now handle the PRESSURE .. that was what all the practice and study has been for ,,to eventually jump into the GAME ….. so relief int hat the game is ready to start up ..yep that is RELIEF … and excitement and passion … and reason for getting out of bed in the morning and going to sleep at night ,, so I can get another day …. Started … yep this is living .

do things come ,,do things line up some how ? yep they do ..just move towards the want the adventure and thngs tend to line up on the way ….. then thngs will SPEED UP but wow what a great MODEL EXAMPLE … to have it documented .

to get it done in the 4 years … the 3 homes the 2 other building ( my place and the family place .. pay off the land ,, have the pond done and stocked , the lad planted out and producing and to build a business an activity that makes $$$ now that is always up to the person but for me it would be best to ….

I don’t want to have an office , I don’t want to have any employees , I don’t want to wear a watch or live by a clock or eveh have a fucking calendar with real hard APPOINTMENTS OR shit … live with the movements of the sun and work at aomething I enjoy where people are happy to seee me and give me money …. Got o the mail baox and get checks … ( actually sounds a lot like what I have been doing for the last 15 years life is a beach and then you live on one )

There has never been an injustice anywhere in this physical time/space reality or anywhere else. Law of Attraction does not promote injustice. Law of Attraction amplifies the vibration that is within you.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Tarrytown, NY on Saturday, May 8th, 2004
Without everything I had lived in the past I would not have formed the WANT TO which is cummculating now … if it were not from the contrast lived ..the combinations of all POSSIBLITY ….

From a position of the TAO SELF who is not ESTED in the fear of DEATH or the idea that UNIVERSE is real .. the game we play that feels so REAL to us is seen as just that GAME ….. ALL POSSIBLITY to be finnaly experienced thus become data and allow for new ever more complexity formt he each and every event and each and EVERY now DNA combination …. Baby ..the combination of the DNA of a daddy whose life is writtenin his fresh sperm everyday , to join with the static egg ..whihc will bring forth the next generation of GAME PLAYERS … who are DIFFERENT a LITTLE MORE complex . at the DAN level …… what we JUDGE from here inside of the game is from a pposition of of welll the core of what ..the sage says thru …
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way."
a postion of limited understanding …the no’s of

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