Kirshna ….. humanized form of a god/king ,,, give yourelf to me and I will beyour friend is the promise of Kirshna… god in human form from a time of myth when human felt itself so BIG because it could make fire when no other anmal did well of course it created the image of creator in human form ,,,,, yet like so many times it seems the god arrives to interact AFTER the fact humaniy is already active and then god finds them fun … it even seems that adam and eve were kicked out of EDEN inot a world with other HOMINDS …. The conept of god is not that we NEEDED one as Aborginal man was un happy with the inner knowledge of its connectiveness to TOA and all spirit as much as the HIERACHIAL players ( petty healers mitch doctors leaders who found it possible to live without working or farming or hunting gathering and live off of WORSHITP ) needed magical support to keep their believers in line and so ….… so maybe PHAROH by name was not in India but thru the trade routes the concept of CONTROL was passed from tribe to tribe , found uselfull it became AREA SPECIFIC myth form . supporting the KINGS AND PRINCES of that area …
Think about myth and how ASSOCIATION from birth with the famous of that myth does grow … myth in yur own life , tales of the EXPLOITS of yourself or friends … in the fl. Keys Is myth around a gigantic tiger shark that hunts the bridge system , well once during the shark run while my partner and I were commericailly fishing it at night he noticed what he thought was a submarine going under neath us , we could see the water color change by the lights then caught a glimse of the edge of the IT , WELL THE NEXT sharke we hooked this fucking monster eats in 1 bite now the sharks we get this time of year avarega 5 to 7 feet mostle lemeons …. That was fucking wild …. The monster swam off with our CASH in its belly ignoring the drag of the 4/0 eventually at full drag we broke off ..the next shark here comes MONGO once more and eats it whole 1 bite this time I gott a beter reference on the width of its head based upon how it ate the tiny 6 footer I had on ( tiny compared it , just live bait ) that was on a 8/0 and I gues the heavier line Drag caused Mongo a stomach ache so after almost empting the reel … it bit off the head of the leamon eationg the rest so I reeled back a head ..…. Which I kept at the store ( phils bait and tackle in Miami for the next decade ..telling grand storys around Mongo .. ) from the teeth marks in the head the size of the head we get an idea of how big the lemon shark was and how big mongo was and what speices it was …
Back to that shark run we geared up for mongo and returned in a few days with 100 of feet of trailer cable, truck tire inter tubes and AR 15’s bolted that to a bridge piling in the are we were fishing last imte .. caught ourselves 5 foot piece of live bait ( a full on shark that would cause the empting of most public beaches if it showed up ) hooked it on the rig like it was a live shiner and waited …no mongo ,,, only years of storys ….
The same thing happened around a wise man who like the animals around him learned the benift of eating grass when sick to create a purgative effect .. or what plant to use to stop bleeding a protect a cut ,,,, let us say that maybe this wise man’s grand son was EXTRA big and strong and was the HERO procteCTOR of the area …. And thus ..magicall story grew out of this family ,, honors bestowed …and god myths foloowed over genenrations … of entertaining storys … around camp fires and caves .
So in the book from CASHING IN ON THE AMERICAN DREAM how to retire at 35 ( well you can not cash in on the American dream any more because most people are UPSIDE DOWN in their mortagess ) mr.paul tells an old story from the islands about an American who comes to a pretty secluded piece of beach well outside of the tourist town of the isaland where a young man in his 20’s is kicked back under a palm tree with a couple of coke bottles with fishing line wrapped around them as his fishing poles , he is chilling with a few fish already cautgh hidden in the sand under a palm fron to keep em fresh …
And so the tourist sets himself up , un loads the car and starts to fish and talking with the youg man ,,,, giving him the best American advise about wealth …. Well if you would move into the city … and get an education and a good job and work hard yur should be able to retire like me in your 60’s and then spend your time… fishing on nice secluded beach ….
And the young man replys ,,,hmmm good adivse work for 40 years in some crowded smelly city I don’t like at a job I hate so that in 40 years when I am old , over weight and in bad health , I can come back and do what I am doing right now ……. Sounds STUPID .
There are estimates that about 50,000 americans live off grid … bailed out of the system and are self sustaining …. That is not to mentioan the 75,000 or so amish who have been living outside of the ENGLISH system for 300 years ,,, off grid …. flags …. No call to arms … they love thier familys to .they open doors for strangers just like you …. The smile laugh and sing just like an Arab. great video on adobe house building
Recently in Russia there has been an increase in the number of people who, preferring life in nature to the hustle and bustle of the city, have moved to Eco-villages…and are creating "Kin's domains." They have given up the use of fertilizers, heavy agricultural machines, and grow all their food themselves.
Eco-village Rodnoe has approximately 100 plots of land, each of which measures no less than a hectare. Families organize their plots in their own way, and say that their domain has the personality of its owner.
Who are they? People who leave their successful and relatively quiet life in modern cities and go to rural areas to set upon a hectare of land - their Kin's domains? What drives them? Are they happy about the change? How they deal with the land and growing plants? How does one build an adobe house? Watch the Day of all-Earth celebration. You will find the answers to all these and many more questions in the film # 1 about summer time in Eco-village Rodnoe.
It‘s good!.. to have your soul-searching done
And your infinite troubles finished
It’s good! To have the question solved
And being aware of your predestination!.. (from a song)
"...A human’s thought serves to begin it all. You see, these people thought it up from the beginning, their Kin’s domains creation, for children and grandchildren to live in garden, in paradise. And people took wild bushy land that meant to be abandoned and there they have started to embody their thoughts into reality, with caring tenderness touching their native land, they were planting trees and flowers, building roads to make it easier to drive to their Kin’s domains, they were erecting houses, of any type, some made of wood, some of clay, adobe houses, and many were in no hurry to build a house and lived in tents, in temporarily dwellings all summer long, but main thing that attracted them was their native land that generously loved them back and gave them warmth and fruits.
And seeds were sprouting, and trees were growing up, following beautiful dream of man they strived to eternity..."
yep the plan sold to you by …. The media is the ONLY plan you shuld follow , never ever think for yourself , listen to the let some chickens gorw wild and muscov ducks ( they love mosquitoes like candy to ‘em Mosq, have no place to hide ) fresh game meats and eggs once you find their nesting hide aways and track the laying cycles . understanding how to make beer you actually learn a lot about any type of food preservation … but remember beer is not just wheat and barley …. Ginger beers juice beers etcetcetc B vitimans and yeast … yeast is present naturally on all sweet dark berry skins . that whitish covering in it .
but NO do not think outside of the box ..especially about the core ISSUE of SEX … bring with you the FEAR and GREED of being the 1 AND ONLY …. Make sure you maintain that UNDER LYING CURRENT of thought vibration … to pollute the future with your past … carry yourself with you …. Bring the core failure along for the ride . ..... for 5000 years from the first examples of 1 man and 1 woman relationship forms … KINGS AND QUEENS … before them and the creation of fairy tale of soul mate around the Fashion of being Royality and privildged ....well there was … Polygamy laws expose our own hypocrisy
By Jonathan Turley half way down the page on right … a good article , easier reading than me .
Your hands are tied in action, but your hands are not tied in imagination -- and everything springs forth from the imagination. Everything.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Rafael, CA on Saturday, February 27th, 1999
It is not the WORD OF A GOD you have to follow but Abstract advise , information filtered thru a human .. info or data of and about the UNTHINABLENESS .. way beyond the 2 gigs of human brain power to translate or talk about …. Filtered thur the DENDRITE PATHWAYS …. Of the speaker .
It was in the ALL OR NOTHING , grown from the fear of a slave ..LISTEN OR END UP IN THE ….hell ….. the foundrys of PHAROH …. In a desert already now even fucking hotter melting the gold needed to satify the UPPER CLASSES need for Fashion .
Your hands are not tied if you have the first few level os MASLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS taken care of then everything even actionis Free choice ,,,, to continue withor bail from when it becomes no longer fun …
But imagination also comes with its LIMITS ,,again FEEL … even in just dreaming about something you can feel the TIGHTNESS of limiting belief become expresses in your body , as you feel the IN ABLITY … or stress of the trap you live …. Belief trained dendrite pathways of thnking … bio mechanics . your toa self has no limits and the bio machine does have limts ,,we want limits so to explore .. THNGNESS .. limit of 1 thing 2 thing 3 thng instead of ALL THINGS ALL THE TIME IN ALLWAYS till there is NO1 THING .
The toa reality is muchmuchmuch greater than this TINY INNER EXPERINCE of living we experience in the whole of toa .. to call it it following your inner self is a confusing concept for that give rise to the imagaination that HERE AND NOW is of any great importance , when in reality the ..QUANTUM second af ..quanta assemebleage and is NOTHING … in comparison to the Tao in which it HAPPENS WITHIN . unverses or in fi nite heaes are nothing but grains of sand …. Read this to get that idea of grains of sand ness . ...... but remember all is still experienced here in and thru bio mechanics all ways FLAWED and limited ..not he UNTHINKABLE thoughts alluded to by bubddha .
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