Pussy on the moon
“the state starts with a man , if the man is self sufficient then the state is self suuficent , if the man is dependant the state is dependant “ …. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KH5W7utCjKA and in that state of dependence on searching for a SOMEHTING outside of itself … weird things happen … http://www.instinctualism.org/ is not about HAVING TO LIVE OFF GRID FOR EVER ..it is about having done it .. realy youhave then freedom to do anything for your EXPERINCE with having MASLOW in your control allows for freedom of choice ..not dependace . … freedom to do ..then freedom to choose . or freedom be BONDAGED to addictive lifestyle sytems controlled by ….?
So are you young master like all excited that some day you can jack off to a web cam of some chick who is selling her PUSSY image froma MOON BASE ? WE WILL BRING OURSELVES WITHUS ,,EVEN THERE and beyond unless we first broach core concepts here first .. finding water on the moon is great fun …I love science ,,, but I am alos now one of those who is QUESTIONING the value of it . really. Do we have other more pressing things to do first … they say OUR lives have been so enhance by the space program ,,,, look at computers ….. OK .. the ablity to transmit information world wide …. But actually we had that abity before just supresssed by the church and fear of death …… from CHRIST’S LOVE .. if we acted in contrast to the church which is the expression of christs love .. or islams love … or whatever god is used to control a population . confuse and conquer ..keep you focused on them and their solutions … 1000’s after 1000’s of years . what is at the core for the GREED for GOLD or $$$ the visible manifestation of POSITITIONS OF POWER maybe from business or position in church business ( still cash based God needs CASh to run the churches ) …what is the MALE realy going to have when he achieves the $$$$ and position … ??? toys and chicks …. Having the expression of wealth attracts the CHICKS like moths to a flame … the sublt motivating POWER OF …EVE .
Is it just the answer to the question ..produced by the mind fuck showing off your IMPORTANCE … only to be never ending ,,so if they find the HIGGS BOSON … what are you teeling me you willnot find some form of question about it ? was not once the atom not the HIGGS BOSON of its age … and once hinted at not realy found just hinted at … we were able to question it and then look fo the QUESTION ..about it’s exisitance . and so to will b ehte higss bosn .
The question the expansion oof possible ORAGANIZATION of … what is call Quanta … the unthinkable .. building block which is too large and too small to be measured .. I in I …. Beyond the EGO OF SCIENCE . the ARROGANCE of science of the PRIEST OF THE IVORY TOWERS . who age after age will be seen as fools …… smart for their age but foolish in the light fo GROWTHS TO COME . designer of products who with such ARROGANCE AND EGO … say I have made the ULITMATE PRODUCT ..nothing better could be produced ,,, foolish gods of science . yet these same god/kings of observations who by these observations are able to create .MAGIC .. are also like HISTORIEANS .. thru understanding the explorations of pastevents , the ffects of EXPERIMENTS we can create new things or old successful things … seeing FAILED CULTURES and thinking about root causes not just in terms of falied food supplys and such ..but looking to what caused the GENISIS of the PATHWAY the cutlutre grew … http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html
So ,, some chick will be selling her image of her pussy online from the moon , a 1000 years form now ….. because instead of dealing with real HUMAN ISSUES …. We worry more about our EXPERIMENTAL budgets and project funding .. our place in scientific hierarchy ….. designing BANDAIDs ;; of genentic medice .. to combat … die ease , and only to have new DIS EASE come ,,for DIS EASE is not about matter the ..evidence trail of PAST .. but the PRO ACTIVE . action of thinking in advance of the manifestation of the quantum second … of MATTER . which just disassembles and is DATA …. information . assembaleges happening so fast to seem like constant or a reality to perceivable sensors mechincs … and it will always be so each and every DISCOVERY will lead to the next question …
So ON AND ON … AND ON … AND …ON … and you what will you realy have to show for it ,, a better video game to escape form the tress of life , a better OPIUM ? to be sold to you thru the corp which funds the scienc so they can get the nest NEW AND IMPORVED thing to sell you …. The next improvement to addict you to FEAR of death which you will do ..you will DIE …. Get to basics please ….. being ….. higgs boson is just and expression of BEING NESS . destroy the proton a beingness to find other beingness ….
Could us ,, the great and wonderful human … fuck it all up and for a great part … kill off all this MAGIC OF SCIENCE … the god like arrogance of the IVORY towers …. Al this civil world like so many cultures over 1000’s of years have in their greed over exteneded themselves ? science is one that says it likes to learn from OBSERVATIONS . well what does our track record show . what does the track records of other bio mechincal animals show if they get to much food wealth .. do they over do themselves till such time as another BEINGNESS come to feed off of them ….
So really has the thinking thus far ..for 500 years been successful …. Does the words of Einstein have any truth can we fix anything using the same thinking that created it …. The preist of old were the scientists of their day ,,now just different names the same EGO . same self importantce ..
Rather see you in appreciation thatn in meditation . appricaition ,in the flow of …… so much in the action that you do NOT COMPARE … now to any other … event . .. if I can ot direct my mind then use MEDITATION … if I can not find the action of excitement and engrossment … http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x9pp1h_abraham-help-me-stop-my-monkey-mind_people .....
You are meant to live an expansive, exhilarating, good-feeling experience. It was your plan when you made the decision to become focused in your physical body in this time-space reality. You were born knowing that you are a powerful Being; that you are good; that you are the creator of your experience, and that the Law of Attraction (the essence of that which is like unto itself, is drawn) is the basis of the Universe, and you knew it would serve you well. And so it has.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
Great happy words ..giving hope to millions now this voice of the sage having found an NICHE … to genenrate cash thus can grow in the firttile economy …. Yet the listener is lulled inot SURFACE FIXS …. Once more , and at the same time deeper messages are there for those willing to hear …… little clips of info do not do the sage justice . http://www.instinctualism.org/id113.html but we have been trained to have short attention spans …. We have been trained to look for short term escapes , remember how with PLANNING the priest hood of PHAORH addicted a whole culture to OPIUM 5000 years ago ,,, distrasting the slave …. Prasing the good slave with his DAILY BREAD ( they were known as the OPIUM EATERS ) … AND TO PUNISH THE BAD SENND THEM TO HELL WITH NO MORE SUPPLY OF junk TO FEEL THE PAIN OF WITHDRWLS …. Thus teachining the children to fear …. Especially since the children were taught addiction form time of birth by the mothers spreading opium laced products on their nipples as recommended by the PRIESTS .of the day ..become ADDICTED TO THE SYSTEM ….. trust us … the bringers of KNOWLEDGE and magic .
The pople dependant on citys for LIFE up until the last few years was still the MINORITY OF THE HUMAN POPULATION , up until a few years ago the majority of humanity was still AGREAIARN … the lived on family farms … especiall way back then , when the world was wild ……. The evidences of wars realy revolve around the RISES of god/kings WHO BROUGHT ABOUT REAL WARS , …teheevidneces of small scale tribal srumishes … shows an evidence trail of war being much more like a foot ball game when it got to bloody everyone quit …. 1st nations people were appalled by the white man who BURNED ALIVE the women and children in the proactive compounds after the battle was over THIS HAD NEVER HAPPENED in their history , the winners before were just given what ever thsy wanted and the losing tirbe was left alone once more to re build itself … a complex foot ball game . the game not to be replayed until till one tribe walked once more to far … further than was able to be walked in a day ,, beyond the natural growth of the 5 acre farm plot expansion of a tribe member growths .. not the TOTAL DEVISTATIONS of wars based upon the greed of complex Econimics …. WHERE thought form uses humanity instead humanity using thought form . …. Where FEEDING the machine becomes more important then the benefits of the machine .
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
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