Friday, December 11, 2009

it is ... a sweaty pussy

It is ….. a sweaty pussy

So as her excitement grows and the lil’ man in the boat rackes back and forth her clit swells with semmingly each beat of her heart , the increased blood flow in those itght jeans ont his warm day will lead to the NTURAL EXPRESSION OF A SWEATY PUSSY .. does that sound logical young master ….. do you sweat when it is hot , I know I sure the fuck do when working outdorrs during the summer like a fucking river I sweat … it is natural ….

So I used the whole sweat comparison with this young miss who has known me for some time and wanted to ask me about if PAST LIFE EXPERINCES could be at the root of her current problems ….. now I honelsyt do not think there is ANY ONE who does not carry within them som POISIN … some system of thinking that does not serve … actuall a form of PTSD … post trama stress disorder ….. big or lil by COMPARISON to others or to 2nd mind is again ,,2nd mind shit UN IMPORTANT , I am concerned about my own HAPPY HAPPY and that of this young friend …. She actually open what is best called PANDORAS box in therapy only to be ladi off lose her insurance and no longer be able to afford professional consouneling … so first to cover my ass about his blog I say … read the disclaimer on every at the bottom of

HAPPY HAPPY as opposed to wrroy or self doubt .. or self worth , or self estemm issues .. or guilt or fear or confusion or . or . or. So everyone has one fucking ISSUE .. growing up . parents school …. My big one came later after a short tour in public service ,,, incongruitys in memeory and what was in official records …. Just made the poisin more confusing …
Many people can point ouit directly the IT ..the sensentizing event others just KNOW THERE IS something ,,, and manyjust have the EVIDENCE trail of their life to show that they are fucked up and not DEALING …. ( now get it ,,I did not say not dealing with it ….i wam talking about dealing … about living … finding ahppy happy more that shitty shitty … )
Life is not a PROVING GROUND WHERE we have to suffer our way back to NIRVANA or god …. Right as sooon as you trasition you become once more AWAKE to yourelf as an EQUALITY and pureness of I IN I .. wha was in a dream state for something as UN IMPORTANT as time …. You donot bring past lives with you like that ,, you may touch the DATA stream of the all possible thus access information that THIS BIO MACHINE can not totlallyprocess properly and thus will CREATE … some form of reason about the …. Vibrations … and thus create VIRTUAL MEMEORY .
In light of this experiment, Roure suggested that metal imagery may help in the construction of schema which can be reproduced, without thinking, in actual practice (Roure, 99-108).
Creating functional memeory pathways comparable LIVED MEMORY pathways …

So I say to my friend does not matter if it is REAL or not ….. and the continued effort in justifaction is more about how you look in the EYES of others 2nd than ,,how well your life is your own HAPPY HAPPY …. If the evidence trail of your life does not support the PROBLEM AT HAND ….. you yes from a meta state could have tapped into UN –IMPOSSIBLELITY who am I to limit toa …
But honeslty your I betcha the all to common probem of GIRLS in asexuall manipulated society which actually almost all human hierachial societys … possibility of childhood sexual abuse …sure …but I want ot lead this some where SOLUTION ORIENTED beyond the simple solution to yu rday to day …. That actuall is pretty easy , accept it as a FACT no longer question it ,,, now leave it alone do not need to live the life of VICTUM because that realy is not fun … but what happens to all to many women who live the recommendations of the book on this page . they create a new self esteem thru being the VICTUM … and forever more daily beat the drum of NEGATIVE ATTRACTION . … you have free choice what you put your focus on ….. I have a SLEW of triggers .. from smells to sounds to languauges to personalitys many movie themes that it is joke how much I screen my movies …BUT I LIKE MY LIFE ENOUGH to care more about it than what any one may say , fuck you ..but I do not WANT to watch that .. you enjoy it ,, I’ll go fishing . free choice … and some would say that this is avoidance of the PTSD ..but luckly this is the recommendation fo the only therapist who fucking helped …. All the rest kept me just in a trapp of recycled DISCOMFORT . I have enjoyed much more the decades of living I have had over the couple of years of their programs … YOU HAVE FREE CHOICE to avoid ..triggering and if you do get TRIGGERED , then let yourself FUCKING FEEL IT ,,, GRIEVE ! .. take the rest of the day off ..till such time you get a handle on the triggers because you like living more than … GRIEVING …. In the words of the sage …GET HAPPY

Ok but ..that is BANDAID SHIT me now … I ammore into the Enstien shit ,,, we can not solve a problem using the thinking that created …… I willnot fix the problem but atleast I can put my 2 cents worth in …

The human mind isvery creative .. a young mind exposed to EVENTS beyond its ablity to COMPAREitvy process , in tis confusion will create an IT … and if the emotions were strong enough many dntrites will be formed linking the vent to a host of stimuli that was there at the same time …. Later on as new events that relted to the IT come about ,, the brain uses this new info stream to make sense of the past event .

SEX ….
Sexuality in infants and toddlers—Children are sexual even before birth. Males can have erections while still in the uterus, and some boys are born with an erection. Infants touch and rub their genitals because it provides pleasure. Little boys and girls can experience orgasm from masturbation although boys will not ejaculate until puberty. By about age two, children know their own gender. They are aware of differences in the genitals of males and females and in how males and females urinate.

Sexuality in children ages three to seven—Preschool children are interested in everything about their world, including sexuality. They may practice urinating in different positions. They are highly affectionate and enjoy hugging other children and adults. They begin to be more social and may imitate adult social and sexual behaviors, such as holding hands and kissing. Many young children play "doctor" during this stage, looking at other children's genitals and showing theirs. This is normal curiosity

Normal … yet , if you were exposed to some WHACKO who responded to yours … self exploration or maybe that of another child you were around in an EMTIONAL OF VOILENT WAY the young confused mind over time will correlate the event in its own way … very possibly in correctly … … maybe IT happened at Sunday school or day care or your granparents or you rpaents … this if exstreme enough and these SEX PHOBES are way fucking extreme ( Uganda is going to make the death penalty for being gay or leasiban BOYCOTT UGANDAIN products and companys that do business with UGANDA ) buy Colombian coffee …. Something as simples as an etreme PRUDE over time the mind correlates FAULTY DATA into virtual memeory that is as STRONG if not stronger tha actuall lived memory ….

Thus young miss …your confusion ,, there seems to not be any verifiable eveidece trail of sexual abuse history in the family yet ..there are THOUGTHS ABOUT SEXUAL abuse issues ..the young brain ties many thoughts together in some form of logic based upon ideas encountered over time … sexual ideas or stresses or informations or judgements correlted alone in a YOUNG MIND …. Confused and represeed about sexuality … . All the fear based teaching going on about a very SERIUS issue that does touch … way to large a percentage of the population nad still may have touched you directly but is deeply suppressed and coming out in BYTES AND PIECES .. ….. it does not matter the TRUTH exceptin the TRUTH about the functionality of LIVING A …… HAPPY HAPPY …. Instead pain and feeding the $$$ of the mental health sytem and drug companies for fucking ever …

IT HAPPENED …. In the mind it HAPPENED IT HAPPENED IT HAPPENED … as sure as lived it HAPPENED ….. now even if you found the MAGIC KEY of evidence you will some day have to deal….. compartimentalize the ….IT …. It happened . done over not you … just and event ..not you ..for to drag the cat around and be the victum is NO FUN …. Keep it in a galss box where you can see it , accept it , and GREIVE OVER it ..and if triggered to do that take time to greive … and in a shorti time months or 10% of the years lived … it will become a NON issue … like a scar on your legg There but who cares . that is all 2nd mind shit and they do not create happiness in my mind I DO THAT BY MY FREE CHOICE of what I will focus on NOW ,, BE THAT OLD SHIT or that bird in a tree …. ( it happened what I survied makes stronger )

Look we all sweat ……. You can argue with the sun …but you will get no where .

Ahh now to offer humanity a chice to view society differently .. act indivually and DREAM GLOBALLY

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