Double dong
Jensen is my paris the Indian river is my siene ( I am sure a million people have ued that line ) ,,what fuckig magic am I attracting the blog to follow this jamming in Jensen event well they are connected ….. “ are you looking for a date ? “ I can not tell you how many yeasrs it has been since I heard a line like that come out of girls mouth ,,the hint YOU WANNA BUY PUSSY OR MOUTH rent me to deposit sperm ?
Young miss your magic was strong ,, I noticed you and your poser boyfriend ( if had not spent all theat $$ cash on clothes maybe you wouldnot have to get up the DOPE money thru selling sex )… your magic is strong I saw at first glance the ….I ..of you , I saw the happiness you want be as you walked by once here once there once holding his ahand like boyfriend adnd girlfriends other times not ..once with this beer later in the night with another beers long after your question to me … ….. an I say you aint but 18 , 19 maybe 20 still to soft in the eyes to be oever 21 … so get interested in my cigarette making machine and ask me to make you one , then ask who is JAMES JOYCE the of of my current book on the table … and I say people have said I write like him ,,,no , only comparison is that we are both PIONEERS but he is a literary artist … me I am an ape using word like a crayon …. Some for ..soem attempt to commucate ..the alter antive … Joyce is an artist … and as I hand you a hand made cigarette …. I ge the proposition …. Which I smile and turn down … 1 because it was like only 8:30 and I work till 10 ,,nexst I ain;t buying pussy …wow my magic ..strong things come to give me reason to write to explore ,… to expsose … thank you little girl I hope some day you will see the you in you .. and find other than him …. But on to the in spirit witing steming of another pick up …. Earlie that day ( dot dot dash dhsa leadin … )
Hi YTHU , thanks for yur great interesting invite , but right now I know SELF enough that the gorilla aspect of me as it pertains to RELATIONSHIP along with my own mind fuck RESIDUE …. That any 1 on 1 could evolve into what I DON’T REALY WANT ,,, ohh sex is fun and I can have that …. I still have a great sexy lady for the last 3 years ..who wants me to see the ….2nd mind ..but Her because of the prolongED esposure to me …. Also knows that I must ALIGN WITH ….. myself here and tao self .
Let me propose to you something else realy fun , in fact so fun I had written a blog once never posted it , but worte it ..and it seems lost not saved , so I will re-write the idea but now from aNEWER point of attraction , I gues the last one was pre mature ,,you had not yet written … but I was expecting your arrivale .
How about setting up anew …. Personage ,, go to google images and capture my logo …. Make sure the page persoan it YELLS FEMALE BI-SEXUAL ….. looking to meet friends and then in the weblog area and the photo section where you can put personal fotos with out getting kicked off …. Put a series of fotos of your pussy with a double dildoe in it …about to enter it , deep inside it .. you ge the idea …… few pics , titled LOOKING FOR A FRIEND TO PLAY WITH …..
AND THEN highlight blog rings rigns that are associated with like minded girls and then see if your friends get what you say you get ? ,,,, here is something that kinda strikes a nerve in me since in my distant past a chihck I had …. she SAID ? ( bullshit she knew exactly her goal ..the evidence trail was like smell on shit ) ….. to find aplaymate for us to explore my ideas … the attraction she made was with an ….. I – IN – I . who was so scared by the confuse and conquer of life that …that person so CONFUSED to have lost all sense of orginal ID … that well it was just so fcuking wrong from the get go …. For that person attracted and myself and the girl who in her attempt in manipulation ONLY …distanced herself from me in ways she will never understand … unless she ever chooses to accept her own spirit of eve …. That is always IN ALL WAYS a personal choice event .
But back to you …a new now event that came about from events I had in the past ,,you the new expression of quantum assemblage …. HAVE FUN and see if the girls you attract can GET IT ! …. If they can FEEL the change afforded in if they can see the oppututnity of checking it out … and if your ATTRRACCTION point is clear ,,true good ,, ( it always is really my intent is 2nd mind to you .follow your own blisssnot my ideas ) you will SUMMON some special friends ..and when I am ready like I said it will be evident to all the invititation to come see ….a permaculture in the process of being built , I AM NOT masochist enough to wait tillit is perfect or done ,,nope I ma going to start involving those like yourself ASAP suring the start up building ,,the evidence trail has been set up so ,,, it is time to get real interactions for it is there that NEW ROCKETS OF DESIRE ,,, events of contrast will happen ..the expansion of tao ) you will read about the dynimaic of building it …. Along the way from site purchase concerns to ..engeering to building permit concerns ..all events I believe is important for young master ….. to have acees to the DATA stream … but in the mean time you SET FORTH ideas inot vibrational escrow ,, and soon yes you will be tie to a SLUT MAKER and having play with you till you DRIP and MOAN … sound fun?
Ahh alignment with SOURCE ( so spiritual huh? New age shit yet REAL HOT DIRP[Y SEX is real spirituality real TAO ..real humanity in the living )
Ohh yeah keep me up dated by making sure your letter aredressed” hey twisted instinct “… so I know it is not spam .
So remember the words of the sage YOUR APRECIATION OF WHAT IS IS THE FASTES PATH TO WHAT YOU WANT ….. be happy now ..thenyou have arrived at the goal for the goal alwaysis to just be happy ( me ther or not ) your own happiness is your goal for self ,,,, follow your bliss * and think good thought about the sale of 12601 s. Indian river dr . that maybe the vortex or not who knows not to force things let thing come ..i just know I do not need or want the connection to this location still on my mind as I build
( wow this again is a LESSON PLAN for the step 2 part of not rying just letting it flow manifest it happens all by itself ….. no trying for tryin is the sending out of the positive energy ot the want and the vision of failure ,, +1 + - 1 = 0 energy )
Make the best of it. When you make the best of whatever you're focused upon, your future will be better than your now. If each moment you're making the best of what-is, no matter what it is, you make the best of it; make the best of it; make the best of it—your future just gets better and better and better, and better. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boulder, CO on Saturday, June 7th, 2003
Does’st it sound logical if … you are on a roll of finding the best in your…your …view of living ( forget about what 2nd mind whisters in your mind ..the constant line of shoulds …the best advise of others) but finding the better NOW ….doesn’t if just feel better ?
What the fuck do yu want in all the striving for that DREAM state ,,,, that MILLION BUCKS …to feel better welll take the WHATEVER BETTER YOU CAN FIND HERE AND NOW . how about starting there ….
Anyway ,,,1,000,000 invested in an INSURED way willonly bring you 22k a year income take out of that mortgage insureance taxes , the sddiction your home has to Electricity and then figuring that fruit costs as much as MEAT ….. you will use up that 22k fast …
Friday, October 23, 2009
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