Skinny dipping
Young master form a surface listening to a program form th Sage ,,,,, the entertainer who does her best to voice .. to give words to her ,,her stream of connection with the UNdescribable …. The no self , the non pyshichal , which is her and I and you and the cat etc to the molecues of earth itself …. And ITSELF . on the topic of self APRRECIATION … good old classic SHAM topic pop pyscilogy and self help actualization movement basics … and that old program ( it is nice to hear how her wood tools have expaneded over the years ) that old program it seems she is just repeating the old positive thinking theme of YOU ARE PERFECT LOVE YOURSELF …. And she is of courseis saying just that … for equaility from the stand point of outside of the mind fuck which is being human is EASY to repeat …she is isnot having to REMEMBER like we who have choosen to FORGET have to …. she is feeling the NO DISCONNECTION so feeling appreiciaitve …. Us now thru the filter of FREE CHOICE ,we came here to EXPAND cause the flow of PASSIOn towards the better which is the or A ..of the flow of chi or expansion of in fi nity ( cncnetrating on the past negatives is introverted and not expansisive unless used in a process of passion to create SOLUTIONS … which are EXPANSIVE .
In the bio machine we choose ..we come in helpless depending on others to feed protect us and teach us how to survive …… the first 2 levels of MASLOWS HIERACHY ON MEEDS . actually instinctual and easy and within simple economic means which do not limit you in expanding later to become a lawyer doctor or Indian chief ..non limiting but security defining … no more HLPLESS NESS , thus worthy to survive at the instinctual level …. The basic DNA satifited . but the terrible lie of NIN ….. comes ,,and DAM is it ever CONFUSING multi layered lie upon lies upon confusions …
Now add on to this TECHNOLOGY which is depriving HUMANITY of the power of touch ,, and that basic … need stimulation of hormones at a very very ver early age ,,,,, SHOVE PLASTIC BOOTLE IN THE BABYS MOUTH FULL OF SURGAR AND ARTIFICAL PROTEIENS CREATED by …….PHAROH corporation ….. create the divided cog to be used like a slave dependant on TECHNOLOGY .. with out DATA reference to humanity or LOVE OR THE POWER OF human TOUCH . shove that bootle in their mouth find a way to prop it up , and mommy will watchover you will you lay alone after 2 or threeeminutes of affection bores mommy , while mommy KILLS TIME on Technology ,,on the computer of gets high …. While the baby learns to wonder ..why am I ALONE MY ….DNA CALLS FOR TOUCH is it possible I am UNWORTHY that is why I am put inot this cage with bars called crib ? of course since the baby has no data from which to establish cognitive conntections , it just starts it’s life from a flawed confused ..premise ….instinct calling and expecting ,,, 12 million years MOTHERS HAVE BEEN FEEDING BABYS and touching them and loving them …. 60 + years we have been …… ignoring them .. our DNA can not evolve that quickly ..expectations like air to breathe expectation seen in study trail between babies touched or not ……
Instead of the flow of LIQUID LOVE COMING FROM THE BREAST AND ……heart ..yes the real hearth the blood pumping heart which maitians the flow of mothers milk ,, which can and should ( I hate shoulds …not should ,, FREE CHIOCE ) flow for YEARS being the main food for year 1 and a large supplement in year two and still a connction of MOTHERING LOVE expression for a few more years TOUCH LOVE HUMANITY …… ( this does not serve the PHAROH who needs better a consuded disfucntional slave to use for a life time be create dependency in it’s slave populations )
W have much study about the lack of stimualtiona and human touch has on babys yet ,,, young moms are subtly pushed into caring more about trhe design of their TITS for use in seduction and hierarchy displays AMONG themselves . than on the understanding of KNOWN data about the need for human touch and the future emental well being of the baby human ……..SELF APPRICATION . so I offer a link to the LE LECH league on subbiew training? Again it is the use of the pendulum to help a per swing themselves into changes …. Out of the SAME OLD thing getting the same old RESULTS ..way off till a balance can be lived ,,, over time ( 10% of the 18 or 20 years already lived means 2 ..small price for freedom of choice )
Ohh shit this blog was supposed to be about water quality on you pond ,to show or open your mind to understanding that like an aquarium water quality is due to NUTRIENT levels your aquairma has an under ground filter of bactiral action each tiny rocks is covered this eats the extra food and the fish shit ,,, the same dynics can be developed in your pond ,,, yes you want to have solar powered nights lights hanging voer the pond to attact bugs to feed the fish ,,, all of this inNUTRIENTS Adding …. Welll ,,, lifting WATER inot the air takes more energy than putting air into the water and the air ,,, the bubble moveing upwards causes water movement ,,,, circulation of nutrient if this water goes thru a cage of sort then algae can form to feed on those ntureients , you can remove the cage on occasion let it dry over the compost pile the dead algae nutrients will later become lettuce and tomaotes. …. While the algae forms and grows it will fed the fodder fish that your bass will feed on to get large and be fun to catch ,,,,,, the catch also eat bottm nutreients and I love fried catfish ,,, also remeovng nutrients from the pond …. and the more you spend some of your DREAM TIME enjoying the study ….. in other words creating the flow of Buddhist KAMMA by living RIGHT ACTION ….. creating a positive flow of CHI bringing into your awarenss the WANTED for you to eXTRACT FROM reality because of the building of BELIEF ,,see how ALL THIS SHIT TIES TOGETHER …. Not so confusing … budha tao , ester . bio mechincs … in HOLISTIC BALANCE …
INSTINCTUALISM is a Holistic ...... STYLE OF LIVING1 more choice to look at , in this world full of choices to freely ........ choose from !
Now on to getting NAKED … sex sex sex ,,, makes you feel good! Now does the thought of getting anked also make you feel un sure of self ,,NON self appreciative ? with that in mind …… understand nudism better ..more than just being ansty and sexy ,,inot being accepting of SELF …. With all you scars and tht link page still under IN SPRIT ACTION creation …. Mirrorless living ,,, the NO COMPARISON life ,,, all the mirror does is remeind you of how you are inCOMPARISON to ……FASHION …. the wants of others . it is all a free choice
Ohhh yeah …the same idea about RADIANT heating on the same $129.oo heater ,,, dig in piping under the swimming area before you lay the pnd liners or mix in the caly sealers with water dischagers in aand around the swimming area …heat the ground it will maintain the heat longer , and radiate it … making for 24/7 skinny dipping time . ….
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
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