Sunday, October 11, 2009

skin deep

Skin deep

Young master …dam it is just to hot to work outside only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the nnonday sun ….. so pick another activity and LINE UP WITH that ..find the FEEL good aobut that choice ..forget the other choices once you have choosen and LINE UP FEEL GOOD NOW ….. .the fashion the image you strive for as you groom in fromt of the mirro is SKIN DEEP now as …..Enlighterned humans we tell ourselves the lie that we are above the judgements of skin deep we love eneryone and we love ourselves more deeply that that image those bounced off light waves that are reflected by the mirror then gathered by a VIBRATIONAL seonsor then transmitted to a DECODER so that we can then use the data to feel ..something .

Tht feeling of something the sage says is the comparison of the LARGER OR BRAODER PERSPCETIVE of you …. Aka inner being ..or the outer being beyond time/space …to use the term inner being for me brings the UNLIMITED UNIPOSISBLE some how into these confines of time/space body life and death …. When it I think is more true to describe the realy totoality of you as something tah could never fit INSIDE .. but word tools ae lacking in each age of the sage ,,,, current JARGONS …

The comparision between a you …who feels no comparisons ….. who feels and is always in ALWAYS . complete expanding and knowing of the idea of infinity not humg up on the limited ablity to understand thrua brain processor that can handle only 2 gigs of data per now ,,,2 gigs per now is a lot of processing power but realize that if you had the powerful enough sensor tool to capture all the forms of data possibles streaming from 1 single atom , an perceive even inot the data projected by the suu atomic activity there would be more that 2 gigs of data being expressed fromjust 1 single atom .

The comppaision of you …… here in a dream .. a playground .. experiencing thru a DNA bio machine that has SUCCESS srititen into its PROCESS OF LIVING … needs , to succeed ….. and one …..biological need of our species is COMMUNITY IS SOCIAL ACTIITY … if not family then friends work social acitivty but family if large enough to be stimulating …. Can be more than enough to satify this instinctual urge … larege enough means we do like extra stimulation .

The 1 on 1 nuclear family unit is not large enough in most cases we have extended family units ,,, like the family units of the most healthy and long lived peoples of our plantes data availbe at .

The mirror is a tool for putting on a presentation to make the succees of SOCIAL activity more likely …..the book of positive aspcts way of thinking about ….the negative of comparing oneself ENDLESSY to the fashion Dictates . ahhhh but END LESS is not correct again if you go back to building an instucntual famly unit the CALL to searchout the stimulation of society acceptance will be …. A non issue … the 3 wife life with kids and you …is complex … enough each child brings from SOURCE a new ….. a new set of things that will delight you and the family . excitements . in just chasing butterflys . the concept that is being called a blue zone …. Is to see not just skin deep ..honeslty ....... conncted to those who you would trust to groom be your mirror

If you threw away the mirror and trusted in the words of positive praise from the ones who care about you see the sest in you …your KAMMA of energy projection would be positive not COMPARITIVE . for in comparision there it is inherent a WINNER and loser ,,, and the struggle to livin up to or catchin up to the WINNER . the focus is a REMINDER OF LACK ……

If you young master turusted your wives to groom you , and in their happiness you left for the day enpoered … they like wise would do what is NATURAL FOR US APES grooming CHICKS ALREADY DYE EACH others hair paly with each others make ups etc etc … if they would trust in their sister wives not in the …winner or loser message coming from a mirror .. how much better would they feel and in them feeling GOOD EVERYONE ELSE who comes into contact with that type of person who feels good from the AN INSIDE OUT reference of inner being …. All are touched positively and feel better thus ..the true expression of tao , is lived ,,to feel better and better …. ( ok now this acitivty is done to find something else and line up with that , for I realy want to finish what I was doing outside , but you gotta be nuts to hang out in that heat for no real good reason …. It AIN;T FUN and life should and can be by free choice more and more fun ….. on to the next thing …. Line up forget all else , get in the ZONE of that activity focused on the GOOD which it is ….. what else could you realy aske for in life … $$$$ .. what is $$$$ , the oppurutunity to choose more different activity that you hope will be fun … but maynot be if you are still thinking about other things thus not focused on the fun that you realy wanted in the first place which can be found in cutting the grass ) ..writing for me is like going out of the house without combing my hair in a MIRROR ,,for my writing is streaming unkempt …. Not equal to the schooling I have had , butto live up to the school would be to die the NATURAL-NESS OF THE STREAM . to just once more PARROT words IDEAS that are digestable or palaltable for masses with in acceptable social frames or boxes.

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