Non issue cute lil ass
Young master there is a bold of difference betweent HAS AND HAD a boyfriend …. In terms of your expectiation ..this reality is not one of FORCE it is one of attraction ,, and extraction … things that are ISSUES can be NON issues ….. life Forms from possibles based upon the filter of your bio machine and BRAIN programming or BELEIFS . ok I understand you look at her inline and see htat round butt she has so conscuiosly formed and framed with hr choice of pants to stimulate other males around … constant manipulations …. You see that ass in fornt of you like a puppy and this time the SUBLTE DIFFERENECE between the visual of an ASS FUCK AND a pussy fuck it that the ass crack has no OTHER FEATURE as it blends in to her back and hips spread where my hands are holding her to force her back and forth on my hard cock … there is no other feature , for when in her pussy there is another feature that of her asshole itself ,,,no this time you see her in a flashof TAO …. OF VIBRATIONAL ESCROW … you see you thich harder than hard cock buryed in that tiny asss , well lubed , slidingin in and out ans you can hear RESPOND .. ( we;; I lnow it is that sound of her respose that drives my pleasure ) … I love the feeling of friction but is in her CO CREATION HER RESPOSNSE … that I get off …… ok do I have your mind ? is that what you put inot vibrational esrow the second you saw that perfectly framed ass at the counter as you came in for a gallon of milk ? now …… on to the realy dynimcs involved in the PRESENTATION she MDE! ..HER VIBRATIONAL escrow that you have been trained to INVOLVED IN ? she is the 2nd or 3rd mind ,,her feelings or her creations are not your RESPONSIBILITY …your actions do NOT CREATE in her extractions or attractions , so feeling anything or any resposniblity except the urge to see you dick in that ass and her LOVING IT …. CUMMING ANNALLY OVER AND OVER ( get that clit cumming and her ass will take over for you ) … whihch see will like in YOUR EXTRACTION …. It is fine to see her likeing your ACTIVITIES in your vision of your VIBRATIONAL EXCROW . then on;u look for eveidence trails that support THAT . this is the day by dat everyday in evryway …. Correlating of BELIEF …for nothing comes to you outside of your belief . and how does have anything to do with the LOSERat the gas pummp as she gets into the drivers seat …hmmm I wonder who got a DUI again ? and can’t be man enough to drive and the poor confused CUTIE …. Confused by the lack of alter.NATIVES …. Feels stuck with shithead and thus presents that perfect lil young ass for all to ….. create VIBRATIONAL ESCROW ABOUT …. Hew ..escroa is one of helpless ness , a calling out for LEAD ME TO MEY BLISS YOUNG MASTER PLEASE …I call you …. Please . I want it like you want it , IT IS MY nature ..... it is not about her … YOU are worthy … YOU just being here to create an idea , is the expansion , and ass fucking her is an idea it is a DATA evnent a new POOSIBLITY that wwas Not until you tought about the components and her … THIS IS THE EXPANSION EVENT OF TOA …. ..WELL ATLEAST another cute lil’ ass exactly like hers worthy too and will come ….. it is done so let it happen look for that evidence trail … piece by piece belief facts flow to you . and thus soon you will fine the JOYOUS CO CREATION of her pleasure response to yur hard cock in her feeling the friction of me fucking that lil’ tiny ass hole …. Over and over and voer is about entering in belief that FEELINGS place , tilll as the sage says QUATUM REALITY can do nothing more that act within the LAWS of motion and attraction adngive you both want you want .
There are many teachers many EQUALS to you ..a worthy you also equal , you young master who have come about to p[art of that expansion and …data correlation time/space event experiences ,,that will allow you to realize that that …lil girl ..who turned … whose ass you saw your cock buried dep within … she turns and looks you in the eye ..and both inner beings .GREATER SOURCE us …US not just me ..or her as the DREAM or novel or game of …separation ….but the …US …. ..she knew we are are here to make sure that ,, THE THINKING THAT CREATED THE PROBEM IS changed ! go back to yesterday and the Einstein quote ….. it is as if ,,everyone else SEES the count of years yet the …… I in I ..of you and her know the truth …. The package is unimportant ! that is the worrying about 2nd and 3rd or 4th minds … and NO GROWTH OR EXPANSION WILL HAPPEN WITHOUT a…… a …1 more ….examplpe or free choice ,, ... look young master IT IS DONE .. once thought once projected into TOA …it is done ,,, for BOTH ..not just you but that ili’ girl whose fingers are grasping the bend sheets in orgasimci blis ..CONNECTED WITH OURCE A AS TOTALLIY AS IS NATURAL FOR human for homnd …. Her ass taking you cock is her won vibrational escorw …
You are musch more NON PYSHICHAL than pyshical ..for the tao or non pyshihcal I am ….. so limitless it is beyond THOUGHTS ….. way beyond even an ever explaining a or this UNVIERSE ..for this is all within the BOUNDS OF thinkable . tht ass fucking is there with the BOTH OF YOU… the I in in ..that will change humanity for those who want that free choice of changes . it is real love of self and eachother ( ohh I have so much more to add , but can you ad the word let your own connction flow )
Nothing happens that attracts your attention that does not have in it some GIFT .
But for this game to become gotta forget your WHOle self .. AND BE A THING SELF … rules of the game , if you wannna play foot ball with friends then there has gotta be some sort of rules ..boundrys … now our boundrys are in reality quite EXPANSIVE ….. you can experience anything that you can thinka bout and blive is possible for you …pretty fucking expansive .
Now Having a jealuso boyfriend come around weeks from now after he has found out that most other girls believe he is the WORTHLESS PIECE OF LAZY poser shit that he is ,,he all of sudden wants his GIRL BACK ,,,, a set of BELIEFS built upon the eefects of the manipulative dating rituals we embraced for 1000’s of years . he is going come over when drunk and full of courage in a cup to disturp your life .. is htat a possible ? then depending on the CONCEPT OF …. A BODY IN MOTION TENDS TO STAY IN MOTION UTILL ACTED UPON BY OTHER FORCES …. Your current and the recent past …. Level of clarity in thinking is A MOMENTUM …of believe expecations . it is a POSSIBLE but does not have to be a probable . and this has to do with the momentum of PAST EXPECATIONS still in your mind . they have been drilled in deeply …. This again is one of those UNWANTED’s that it is good to understand it is a concrete held belief of possibility that is better acted upon as SUCH and measures taken now because of that belief in it ……. Or it is you just ATTRACTING again by default … you know you have the BELIEF so you have FREE CHOICE to work aspects of to find actions that give you RELIEF in spirit action ..that is best followed to wards that feeling of RELIEF or better .
She like all things has 2 sides a good possibility and anot so good or contrst possibility each is worthy ..of expreincing depending on what your level of GAME is …. Fuck the stress man ,,, youhave the choice to chill put out and look for the arrival of a better attraction , or maybe during that time she herself will move him inot the PAST so he is a HAD ……
AND then also remember the EVE SPIRIT loves to see men BATTLE oOVER her ….. and she receives the lies maybe from her EX and avoids battles but ..... that her greedy self image needs . all based upon FEARS actually which in turn will become her …..point of attraction … no my friend young master , wrong fgril for fucking sure …. Passssss …next please of great universal supplier called toa expressions of quantum assemblages . the ALL POSSIBLITY OF MY OWN BELIEF SYSTEM . .
Your ability to imagine will help the next logical steps come to you faster. Work the bugs out in your imagination. You don't have to build little things and bigger things. You can do it all in your mind. We're not talking about the next logical action step. Use your imagination until your big dream feels so familiar that the manifestation is the next logical step. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Chicago, IL on Sunday, November 1st, 1998
Not to make it happen from a position or thought of NEEDYNESS which is the NOT FEELING GOOD PLACE ,, but from a position of excitement … IN LIKE PLANNING A FISHING TRIP … the nergy of happiness and excitement is what toa moves towards ..
So ,,, like the BOYFRIEND …. Have enough gas to cover the trip including and extra reserve is good planning , extra bait in case the bite is hot ,,,, WATER …. Suntan lotion …. All things become part of the dream about going fishing ,HELL EVEN THE BOAT if you donot have one yet …. Becomes par tof the dream and if you really like that dream you start to find evidence trails of possibility around that activity ,,,, you end up buying your firt boat then another and antoher …. Each a learning expreince …. That brings you into those dreams you had long long ago , about GREAT GRAND SLAMING BONE TARPON PRMIT AND MUTTON on the flats . it feels so comfortable tha manifestation events just surround you …. You are it .. it is you
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
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