Thursday, October 22, 2009


Slut maker

Ok young master this will be about ….. amking that 19 bucck office chair at stpales into a sex toy ….. “ The Slut Maker “ ..but first on to the repeatitive mental aspects of ..the day to day in evryeway changing you core belif system so to open you to the POSSIBLITY OF TAO ..and the completeness of it is not just sex ,,,, look at the visison board again every one and evry thing is represented family relaxation , $$$ interms of permaculture lifestyle ,,, real retirement security ….. fishing …. And PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY ( ohh yes ass fucking to ) whole-istic ….

Now to the summoning ,,,, you ,, I can choose to seee evrythig in 2 ways ,,,, the way EVE rpesents dresses to impress … herself is 1 an skillful attempt and practsed use of manipulative skills learned and practiced during early teens ,encouraged by mothers and all older women . FACT …they may not SEE it that way but they have the fre choice to SEE IT HTAT WAY ttoo an if they did ,,allow themselves to see THEIR OWN FLIP SIDE … well there are 2 sides …the other side is her own sexual DESIRE she is the she likes to be PENETRTED she wets in desire and to provide your COCK with ease in entering and maintaining movement with PROPER FICTION as nature designed her lube to asjust to her moods …. Thicker or more watery …. She ONLY DRYS when she is NOT OF 1 MIND … when her vibration is split ….. she is not realy fucking you totally for herself …. When she is fucking because whe wants to get DICKED then her pussy wetts like a Niagara falls . she dresses … to make herself feel better for event he sage talks about how most people feel their WORST ENEMY IS THEMSELVES their own self worth or self esteem … she hides that in the ILLUSION of association with fashionable others who themselves are basse ing their own self worth on the REACTION sot others the cycle continues everyone ..thinking about what ion 2nd MIND and not living thru 1 mind …

The sage in a recording ..conversations with god for teen ..taken from the exploration of DONALD WALSH …. Here is alink to schooling idea of Walsh seee it is not just about sex but kids came from the PLEASURE that sex is ,,, it CARROT ON THE STICK of dna procreation ….. and we are 24/7 able to enjoy and seek that sex pleasure ,,it is GOOD describes ,,the use of sexual RULES and manipulation as the tool of SOCIALIZATION … of control …. Classic military idea is to CREATE a DIVIDE AND CONQUER state in the enemy ….. confusion is just divided concentration …if one of the most basic life issues and PLEASURES in REGUlated ..then effects of manipulation will eventually occur . …now the sage directly talks about becoming more INSTINCTUAL …. Intuitive …. Flow your BLISS …

She summons thru her skilled presentation this is the flip side of that manipulative choice in sexual presentation in clothing .. she wants so much to be …daddys lil’ slut ,, master’s good girl ….. she wants to submit but can not for it is not SOCIALL acceptable ,,, she may submit during BDSM … then become bitch in other aspects of the 1 on1 relationship that will slip over and poisin the whole relationship ….. the harem family makes sure that she ,,, has other PERSONAL relationships that are strong and daily ..and she can interact with you as we are truthfully desgined to inteact …. In BASIS … we interact yes in other ways ,,but ther is a SUBLTE DYNAMIC of sexuality it is NATURAL … but back to something

The SUMONING …. The sgae says the is NO VICTIM …. We attract everything we summon and are summoned … players in COMPLEX GAMES that we understand from the BRAODER PERSPECTIVE OF ..SOURCE … but we forget in our here and now so that we can REALLY FEEL …. Horror or Heaven ……. Now I have always had a hard time using the DADDY position in any scene or with any chick …. I have spent way to much time being the supportive partner to women who had absueive pasts … ..go back to the effects manipulation …. And think for yurelf about the question IS IT NUTURE OR NATURE …we know that stress effects the working of our BIO CHEMISTRY …. And over time your vibrations or thinking will become a manifestation of bio machanicap ABNORMAILTY … you are depressed / confused / manilulated FOR A LONG TIME ANd EVENTUALLY THE BODY PRESESENTS SOMETING identifiable BY MEDICAL SCIENCE . and they tell you it is the CAUSE ..wrong ! ( not a braod enough view of bio mechanics ..but a PROFITABLE one for the…. for profit meidacl insdsutry controlled by the conceptual PHAROHs of our age )
3% of birth have some sort of defect …. There are 1000 defects ..a mental bio chemical defect that would predepose someone to be PERP … is equal to 1/10th of 1% of 1.5 % of the population in whole ,,,, and that absolutely tiny number could never result in the numbers of almost 20% of children being sexually abused …the eeeffects of SEXUAL MANIPULATION … which was created to support the PHAROHS kings and queens … it is the core message behind the myth of SOUL MATES …the divided human is now of USE to the gods( to PHAROH THE GOD KING who predated Greece by a few 1000 years ..who lived such an ALOOF life it seemed un real to the common person like a god on mount oylmpus ) ….

Back to the perp and the victum …. So from a metaP state the I – IN – I all is well but here it suckes and herts … from the META PA there is a knowing about the SUMMONING of all needed parts so that 1 can explore the horror …of letting themselves be come so TWISTED they abuse kids and eventually go out on the patio and blow their brains out and I have to kleen it up …. And I have always hated having to clean up dead people been ther done that can not stand that … nothing worse than the smell of ROTTING HUMAN …. In War Zones, Rape Is A Powerful Weapon clic for NPR link the warrior is trained manipulated thru lack of sex , and the SPOILS of war have always been free access to the pussy RAPE AND PLUNDER ….. savng the choiset pussy for genrals or the sex industry back home … today in Guinea warriors rape girls in broad daylight in the streets ….oevrwheliming YES as the Sage notes there is a general state of good and within the good the Sage also notes because of socialization and not living INSTINCTUALLY we have become our own worst enemy

So a problem or CONTRAST is sent out in to VIBRTIONAL ESCROW where A of infinite possible solutions is formed … and once it hits alevel of … consiuos solutions become following into the arena of free chice …. Note! the book on it almost creates as many life problems as the abuse idi ,,, it is the evidnec trail once more of "When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way."
Couple this with my new quate from Einstein can not solve a problem using the thinking that created the problem in the first place …… the CORE issue is not being solved only evidence trails ..smyptoms …

Enough day to day ,,, data ..for you to coreelate and eventually allow a reprogramming of your mind fuck if you want ….. and on to the BELIEF BASIS resulting from the reprogramming ….. nothing is in your life now without your belief in its posiblity nothing can come into yur life without some level of belief or awarness or THINKABLITY in it .

The slut maker …… if you have a SLUT MAKER somewhere in your place and have written boldly on that with black magic marker SLUT MAKER ….. the courioslity which is the nature of cats and PUSSY will over take her PROGRAMING … her won desire and SUMMONING will over power the effects of living up to texpectations of 2nd 3rd 4th minds … and SHE will get naked on the Slut maker …
So for 19 bucks … it is called a TASK CHAIR … the hydraulic are ok you can raise her up to a good pentration level and lower her if you tie her up as a puppy ( ther are balance issues when she is presented like that … either commit to having two support straps permantely attached in the floor .. or becafeful and mindfulll …. SAFE SANE CONSENTUAL …

Thigh resistraints …Accros the back support of the chair you will secure a closet rod ( painted black there is something about DUNGEON BLACK that touces a subbies mind in jus the right way , Red is a Dom Mistress color and any other color is just LIVING ROOM DÉCOR COLLORS . black black black bullshit remember it si oly the being of the game … the shedding of the mind fuck ) the rod has to be atleast 4 foot long 6 ffot is a waste of space …. The eye blot make it the large one so that you can use IMPRESSIVE ROPE the actually part that topuches skin that I want to stay soft … skinn that I do not wanted PINCHED unless I do it under my control …. That part use the straps from a back pack plus get some of those extra potrective covers available … … the wideness is important for it insures that the straps pull outwards to the knee area keeping her spread well and up high giving you a good PUSSY TARGET for repetitive entry and with drawl … kinda in line with yestradys blog about SUMMONING …. You withdrawl helps her FEEL her PENETRATED NATURE … the emptiness felt during the excitement makes her realize how much she loves getting ucked by REAL MEAT … for her dildoe is only the tool of stimulation … it is in her mind that the real work is happening ,,VIBRATION of fanasty ,, and in its core is the WISH FOR HARD THROBBING MEAT to gush WHITE LIVE SPERM in that wet pussy ….

And hanging from the bottom of the back support … is a pair of SPORT CUFFS … simple easy to make sex toy …
Ooohh ohhh securing the closet rod ,,, two carriage bolts you know the ones with round smmoth tops started form the fabric side ,,the smooth metal will touch her skin that is ok … drilled thru the closet rod.
The task chair has no ARM RESTS that is a good ! thing . if you want to get ffancier adapt another backpack strap as a seat belt of sort sto insure she does not slip of ,, but honeslty you can control that wih a little alertness and reseating of her butt .. during a with draw portion . positioning her as a puppy will mean you have to tie her kness and ankles to together and raise or lower her with hydraulics for best resentation for you and you will fuck her wide legged your balls swinging good . have fun , for the more you are having fun the more aligned with SOURCE ENERGY YOU ARE .. the more powerful it will be for her …. Be of 1 mind yourelf and the world will manifest for you in better and bettr wyas … option I still feel is a good idea especially in the begigning is a good ball gag or scarf to make sure I have PLAUSIBLE DENALBITY …. I can not stop if I can not understand the safe word . what will her summoning be ? to maintain 1st her control and FEAR ? or trust and love ?
Why would I put the health care link here ? for at the basis of this is fear of the transisiton …
Wow this is weird I can kind twist this bolg inot a lesson plan for part 1 of wierd fucking wierd

Begin modulating thought in terms of the way that it feels rather than in terms of the results that it will net you. The tendency is to flow a little Energy and then take score. Well, the problem is, as you flow the Energy, the Universe responds instantly. But when you take score, you're right back in that reality again. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Rafael, CA on Wednesday, March 4th, 1998
When you take SCORE you are thinking BACKWARDS ….. and so you get that backwards result showing up ,,,, if you are living in harmony with TOA , which is going forwards forever towards that which feels better in the second without fear or focus on backwards ..without fear of the MIND UFCK that gets you to worry about Transisitoning/death for no death evr happens to the I … of I in I ….

So forget ..about scores , but live in a now of finding things that feel good , really GOOD , something that feel good to yu are because of the EFFECTS OF MANIPULATION … they are not INSTINCTUAL expressions of feeling good but the reaction of a Fredom seeking DNA and TAO self .. who have been confused for years LIED TO SINCE birth …
With your understanding of UNWATED …like the mind fuck your day to day secondd to second choices become better for you …. And you then evolve into thE VIBRTIONAL ESCROW …. You put out there ….

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