Sunday, October 4, 2009

hot pussy is born

Hot wet pussy is born

Today young master the MOTHER of your child’s mother will be born …. The mother of 1 ! …YOUR CHILD’S mothers will be born your babies garnd mother will be born ….. NOW there are many young masters I write to reader so read nothing beyond your accepted level of programming into this …. And everyone else read into this the un-impossiblitly … today oct 6 2009 out of the …. 517,000 total births per day as per wiki …. 260 thousand girls plus for the amount of girls being born is starting to cycle back to natural models except if ….fucked around with like china did ,,, and force the murder of girl kids and abortions …… there is way to much land the open data of …. way to much fucking land world wide which would support animal and humanity in comfort and peace and environmental interaction .

Each human is a SPICE in a well stocked kitche form which TAO ..expresses the NEW …BETTER AND BETTER the oppurutunity for expansion ,,is the combination of SPICES into new recipes of DNA ? and the adaptive DNA in human is the male DNA for male dna is manufactured each and everyday,, each cell of the human body is abe to produce the same array of chemicals it is of the same root and in theory could produce a CLONE … the living body is NEVER more than 7 years old , the aatomic matieila used by each cell is changed out including things like bone and teeth so that no atom is over 7 years old . ( yet the female eggs is formed early is not adaptive but is just maintained ) aftrer the SLEEP mode and the data correlated the hormones message sent thru out the blod stream to indo the totality of the bio machine about the new data can be used and made par to ght data storage system called DNA ….. the new sperm relfecets the emotions and experiences and success’s ..of the living up to the time of formation of that new sperm ….. a trail of successful living …….. for the dead no longer addds to DNA evovlution …. So the living continue to ad.,….. to the venture ….. histo compatibility is negated in terms of limiting your ABILITY to express NEED in the fathering effect our moblie world and vast population diversity ..allows the expression of expansion it is available to those who are 1 …close to 1 mind ..attrracted .

What limits or shoulds or should not do ,,, you feel when thinking outside of the box of your training can you become aware of the contradictions between possiblitys ,,,,, the tao ,,, the UN IMPOSSIBLE and the words written in books about what is right or wrong in the opinion of this or that human .. dead words in books , oppurutunity to gather data , but it is in the LIVING that learning realy takes place . but HTNK FOR YOURSELF you have the free choice to filter yourevery action ….. thru a screen of SHOULDS of data expressed by others …. Each thread of the screen A SHOULD which catches ideas thoughts or actions on your part as being something THEY DON NOT LIKE …. And so for THEIR HAPPINESS they want to stop you from acting so you have this mental screen trained into hopes it will make their life better ..

WHOSE LIFE IS IT ANY WAY ? they fear your evil in acting outside of their screen …. Doing something that they may have then make a choice about ALIGNING WITH IT or ignoring it ….. but if you only do as you are TOLD to their life is easy ,,the basis of pharoh system …. And religion …. Whose lif is it? And what is the evidence trail about the GOOD NATURE of the un-MANIPULATED HUMAN …. Look in to that screen as it catches your WANTS unexpressed ,,, that LATENT ENERGY will eventuall spill out andin the confuseion of energy be expressed as the effect of coherision and control of manipulation …

Your free choice is to LIVE HAPPY AND DIE LONG or live LONG and die happy ….. the end is the same on both paths in fact all PATHS , even just the being of MATTER eventually transisitons it dies ..we transition …..tha NAMED bio machine transisiotn the UNTHINKABLE WELL THAT IS unthinkable what possibles there are there for you ….

Live long ,,, do as the say and you may or maynot live long ,, worry about every lil’action thought or deed , stress over each 1 of th 100’s of decisions you make everday , fill that screen fliter with pent-up energy and stress and the are RIGHT !!! you are happy to die to end the suffering …. Wow ..the same issues as were discussed in Buddha’s day still happening today . in you .

Live happy …… for when the bio machine is dead ,,, well it is just a machine not ME! THE USER OF the tool of time/space ..well me … who is beyond the name ..given the bio mahine ,,, me who is in ALL WAYS part of something UNTHINKABLE . ..un-impossible. For I will be DEAD for fucking ever! Die ong but today I trust my good human nature and free myself to live long and let PHAROH deal with what it sees as my disrespect for …it …god …king …others …. When in fact the action of the good natured human is with intent to be NEEDED …of USE ….. to others tocreate SMILES …. If phaoroh is un happy ,,,, well that is it’s problem and free choice to look at things that make it hapopy in the well stocked kitchen ..the oppurutuniy to extract it’s wants if it focuses in another direction ….

No human would ever do anything to harm another if Connected to Source because when you're Connected, you're empowered; you don't feel insecure. And when you don't feel insecure, you don't need to do something to somebody else that you're afraid of, because you're not afraid. You understand that Well-Being is yours.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Francisco, CA on Sunday, February 27th, 2005Ahh the words of the sage spirit expression in the entertainer Ester Hicks ,,, was not Budhha tooo just an entertainer helping people feel better are not entertainers just people who make others feel better is that not what all great wise one’s were entertainers … and thsame theme is expressed in all the core religions …only until the Government of RELIGON got involved did the control factors of fear get written into BOOKS which were more revered than the GENENRATION BY GENENRATION expressions of wisdoms coming forth from the sage entertainers all around us ..telling storys of wisedom

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