Wednesday, October 21, 2009

summoning pussy

Summoning pussy

Young amster … the vibrtional escrow …of the un-impossiblitlity of what ever you have dreamed up already ,,,, in the ALWAYS IN ALL WAYS … of tao a state of unthiinakableness from here within BRAIN and bio machine ,,JUST AS IT SHOULD be … for that makes the game most real ,,,, other wise it would be the same old boring INFINITY .. you escaped to come here and expeince contrast the oppurutuinty to CREATE new ideas from the experiences of contrasting events … to produce your won PIE form the ingredients avaalibale into a new creation …. Now remember in your LETTING IT BE , your acceptance of what is self training to ralize the SPIRIT OF EVE and the girls who blindingly embrace it knowing not other ALTERNATIVES .. they to …. Are summoning the better which they will find in part ( NEVER WHOLE NEVER COMLETELY for that would end expansion of tao ) ..they find inpart their BETTER their expansion in and thru YOU !

The sage has kinda in her best WORD TOOL to describe that the IMAGE THOUGHT FORM DREAM that idea you sent out into Tao has a power of SUMMONING ….. for you are in it … and for it to be an EXPREIECE of THING well you gotta be there . so there is a summoning energy is not your ACTION OF CREATION but the letting of it manifest … but if your thought energy or focus is not the …. Belief of IMPOSSIBLITY belief of things our ide of what other tell you till you believed more in their IMPOSSIBLITY that … possibles .. …… you hold to aspects of your creation then there is a constant flow of thoughts inot that NON STAGANT BUT CONSTANLY AMMENDING T toa .. or vibrational excrow … the has a confliction of summoning energy … hmmmmm interesting . maybe you are amending what you REAALY WANT the POSSIBLITY into form you can beter aceept withi the boundrys you have accepted … no longer the PURRITY OF YOUR WANT …

To relax in 1 mind . to feel relief BASIS ….. to fucking feel relief peace happiness expectation passion excitement … being lost in many different daydreams that feel good etc etc …. Then the NANO SECOND by nano second expression fo thought energy from you is not CONFLICTING BUT CONGRUIENT . with the stated wants .

Ol to admit the summoning of source thru a dream about 300 .. 300 dna expressions of self …a nd I have been wondering WHAT THE FUCK ? to weird to exrtreme .. me thinking thru 2nd 3er 4th 5 th minds ,,, trying to satify the creations of others wants ,,, thru my attention to wht I believe they want ,,,, ignoring the POSSIBLE and the growing belief in that possibility in me , but the figures are congruient 10 or 15 over what have I been saying saying 5, 10 , 15 , 30 years ( life is long and full of stuff ) 300 and more …. OK SO I HAVE BEN ADDING TO a lot lately as IN SPIRIT ACTION has been calling , seeing that LIFE STYLE IS THE CORE ADDICITION ACCEPTANCE OF THE ..status qua … and I see a pattern of CHOOSING evolving 3 parts yes that starting of BDAM that instinctualism had in its core from step 1 or columum 1 ,,to the step two of learning more about ABRAHM TYPE SHIT … self … about unwanted and wanted and the contrast she expreinced , then the moving on to columum 3 being the TEACHER OF TEACHERS ….. where girls motivate YOU …. Young master the good aspect about the WOMAN BEHIND THE MAN …. Ahh I have another entry into the and i feel RELEIF ..she will guide you motivate you into creating for her and the lil one she brings? The example the reality of another lifestyle option …. it is not the simple wording of that page but the totality of the permaculture and food forest and health care and source enrgy , and …….no fear of deth of contrast …..that she will motivate you to provide for YOURSELF and thus her . and then to have 300 dan expressions to carry on ..will effect this TIME OF AWAKENING it is said to be … intention brought into the game from before the game …. That took a life time to expose

And you feel that feeling the sage described as SUMMONING ….. the evidence trails supporting aspects of possibility , in fact need for wht you have described and put inot word or picture …. ..actuall all of theis is just he evidence trailof the THOUGHTS ALREADY IN TAO ..these are the supportive events showing you the reality of your FLASH of wants …over and over ..for if like me young master your life style choice … comes to an apex of DECIDING …. It was most probably from aseries of events over years …. Each putting into vibrational escrow … ASPECTS of the current DREAM …. Being able to describe activitiy or find pictures to put on a vison board is not the CREATIVE ACTION as much as the LETTING YOURSELF HAVE WHAT YOU WANTED ACTION ..the allowing ,,,it is a SUBLTE power of summoning , sublte because you as yet are still in a NON BELIEF state which hampers ..the summoning power ….. but is this not a universe of non-imposition … WOULD SOMMOING be force … no because it is the result of attraction forces that you yourself put inot action based upon many aspects … those of the contrasts lived ….those of a more META P NATURE WHICH MAYBE THE IDEA that we do come into this expreince with a GAME PLAN of sort ….( not impossible ,,the the consiuosness state levels of the i… in the i-in I …. Is as infinite as everything else … ) and from there a form of the 1 ..can talk as the SAGE or come with a game plan of sorts .

Now to put a book of positive aspects spin on tings , HER EMPTY PUSSY is a point of SUMMONING you d knw that of the MILLIONS of sex toys sold each year 90% are sold to wome for personel use and most are sold to women under 30 … just turning 18 is the faster growth segement of that industry online . you can here that if you play with her , when she says DO NOT;S STOP …STOP! AND SEE THE PAIN OF HER empty pussy it is …. SUMMONING … THE EPXRESSION OF …………DNA …. The pentrated !

AHH when you young master start to realize and THANK every person who caused you dis comfort for the part they played in your CURRENT BECOMING , especially the aspects that you RESISTED while involved …. When you embrace that thing RESISITED …… as a tool maybe for further expansions … ahhhh all the PARTS FIT ! tha feeling of RELEIF means you have let go resistance and toa YOU HAVE EXPANDED ONCE MORE … THE SUMMONING IS STRINGER AND STRONGER ,,everyday in every way things are getting better and better ….no worrys !

Now , at the same time us lil’ humans are a PART TO FIT …. For the bio machine we term Gia even the DNA evovlution the actions like INFANTICIDE … all helps create the FIRE STARTER … who has been UNLOCKING stored materials that have beens tuck and not in play for millions of years ….. for us to light fires is to relelase sun light back out into space once more ,,the earth became WAY TO GOOD AT captureing collecting and storing solar energy ,,,, in fact She got fat ,, we ,,,, are an over all help

Ahhh now we have developed enough ,,the TIME OF AWAKENING .. the sage says …. Time to become SUSTAINABLE ….. we have earned a position to live in harmony and FEEL GOOD ….. there is TO MUCH RESOURCES and land …. We have to much oppurutuinty to live long healthy relaxing wealthy LIVES ( wealth is not $$$ wealth is love ) iw ll bring up the land use figures once more 580 million acres for range and pasture ,,for the fucking holy cows …and 108 the the almost 400 million humans to live on like stacked sardines many and most in desncity and slum like condstion here even in the US ….. we have way to much land and techonology to make it liveable … and enjoyable … concepts of FOOD FOREST …. Permacultures …. Retirement in 4 years instead of 40

Time of awakening ……. A n exciting sound bite …. The idea that my dreams SUMMON ME , that I do not have to work hard to make the come whihch actually is me thinking projecting energy of fear outwards …. To let myself , feel the summoning energy of that which I have already created …. To let it unfold withme IN IT .

You're always getting a perfect vibrational match to what you predominantly give your attention to. But you've got to make the best of it. You've got to vibrate slightly different from where you are if you are going to improve where you are. You can't keep taking score of where your business is or your relationship is, or your body is, without continuing to create it as it is. To make improvement, you've got to reach for a different thought.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Tampa, FL on Saturday, December 6th, 2003
It is like living in a MIRROR LESS world your attention is not called for ever to your SELF JUDGEMENT OF the past for the reflection is the past NANO SECOND travel of light bouncing … of quantum assemblage ,,, not the up coming….. by living without the mirro you are THINKING PROJECTING ENERGY based upon YOUR WANTS not dead data ..the past the over already expreinced …. Tihgns to make new creation wants from ,,data …only …. Your current flow of thought effect the flow of UP COMING quantum assembalege ,,so to live not looking at your feet as you walk but looking where you are going ..
Take a motor cycle training class , and learn if you are looking always at your front whelly you will crash ,,you must look forward and trust that your body will INSTINCTUAL ACT IN ACCORD WITH YOU WANT TO GO IN THAT DIRECTION …..ahhhhhh evidence trail supporting the words of the sage .
Look at your feet or where you are and get more of just that … daydream about where you want to go and things will line up to bring you in that direction . safely.
(hmmmm flash of in spirit thought ….. when I taught in college I had created a lesson plan for the semester , yet daily I had to adapt the class the individuals needs preented on that day …hmmm should I risk writing a eries of THEORY LESSON PLANS TO SUPPORT if the urge continues to present itself …young mster that is the SUMMONING … follow the urge )

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