Dreaming of pussy
Young master ,,,, the time frame of the arrival of your WANTO’s your dreams can be frustrating ,,, even hopelss ness and boredom generating …. But remember we are a BLENDED being ,, we are not just the MAGIC state of TAO .. where everything IS everywhere all WAYS … always …no we are in TIME /SPACE using bio mechanics . and the programming of the computing unit the BRAIN ,,, the PROGRAMING or also th BELIEF PARAMETERS with in the programming .. without belief well……. Nothing can happen without belief … all the components to make airplanes existed in the time of PHAROH here on earth yet no planes were flying ….. it tookt he evolution over AGES of the BELIEF . THE PROCESSING OF DATA ..after ….EXPERIENCE !
Words do not teach EXPERIENCE does
And in dreams the bio machine is storing and processing events into usable data …. Very important for you can not be READY or in ALIGNEMTN if the bio machine which pervcieves things ,,, filters things ,, is the thing which chooses the wanted and unwanted thru a FILTER of DNA expecations …. You do not have the HOTS FOR A FEMAL MULE DEER ( except if you are a hunter? ) but not to fuck ….
Respect time space and bio mechinaics .. and … the LIMITS of the 2 gigabyte process machine …. BRAIN ,, you de focus ,, and drift off inot the … I in I of toa and let the brain do it’s work while asleep …. Data processing !
Nowyou have the passion maybe stimulated in your voice of the UNWATED . http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html what action do you now take …. I heard a great ,,no THE GREAT ,, but a great disscuion about this PROBLEM ,,, from a program done by ABRAHM-hicks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74OvS7SBZsk and the answer the program which I have probably listened to 20 times this time ,,, became HEARABLE for me …… it is not wether you take the stairs or the evaluator ,,, leave work early to beat traffic or sty later to work ,,, anwer the phaone or answer Eamil ,,, drink WATER or a soda …..
It is in the ALIGNING with whatever it is you finally do choose !
Aligning JARGON of Abraham word tool ,,, just means FEELING BETTER …everything all bio mechanical life is moving towards what that 1 , individual ( yes personally mutated different at some level than others like it ) all are moving towards their own FEELING BETTERS .
To focus on the BETTER NESS ..of the SODA for example ,, if you choose soda over water ,,what was the better ness in something filled with WHITE DEATH SURGARS and acids and artificall flovrs and colors …? How could that be better than WATER ,,?
Well you body can process all the toxins out very quickly expecailly if the body is not constantly over loaded with toxins ,,,, so , there could be a stimulating BENEFIT …or BETTER …. In using or drinking the soda ,,it may give the BIO MACHINE a pump of calories and caffine to help you focus straonger on another thing you had DECIDED to do ….. ahhhhh ANOTHER thing you had decided to do , why did you dicide to do the other thing because some where in it ,,was the hope that it TOO would bring you into the BETTER .
Daily you go thru maybe 100’s of these points of DECIDING to move towards what you hope will provide ALIGNMENT ….. right or worng the activity will PROVIDE experience like experiments in flight and the data processing unit of the Brain will corellatae this data each night for future use ,,in IN SPIRED ACTION …. Inspirtation , or INSTINCT CHOICES .
That FIRST feeling that teachers tell students to trust when taking tests , it is usually the right answer if … if …if ,,, the student have done the prep work gotten enough sleep to allow the brain to function properly in data storage and during testing , then the potential that the first IMPULSE of answer or DECIDING will be based upon the flood of DATA being processed so quickly for the natural urge of bio mechincas to succed at what it is all about tand this is FEELING BETTER , success , getting an A feels better than a C …. It can mean a better university and a better JOB higher pay , tc etc etc …..
Whatever the outcome of actions that happened from the impulse of FIRT Deciding method of living , has to be tempered with ,,,,,, understanding about the FEAR OF DEATH ,,,huh ? way off topic ? no http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html
you have a filter of SHOULDS that will effect even the choice of drinking a SODA …. You have the filter of WHAT OTHERS WILL THINK ABOUT YOUR CHOICE ..filter … ( if you a pronounced HEALTH FREAK will you not bee seen as a LIAR if sseen drinking soda ? )…the feelings of others are important and trained into as improatnce for we DEPEND ON OTHERS for life ..basic life issues ,,, you depended on mommmy for a cookie ,, you depended on teachers for good grades soi you can go out to play you had to make the teacher happy and not overly PISS HER OFF * which you secretly waned to do everyday but did not out of fear * you need your boss to like you … here again I want to invite you to think for yourself about AMSLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS and THE BASIC OUTLINING CONCEPTS ….not blue print just pages of info to stimulate the data processing about your indiviualaexpression of BETTER ! http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html
DECIDE … something any thing , then line up and self talk to yourself to support the BETTER AND BETTER about your Free choice ,,,this is the living more and moe in ALIGMENT and thus the projecting of POSITIVE EXPECATION out inot the UNTHINKABLENSS of tao …. Do you BELIEVE in tao ,,, nothing can come into your experience with out some level of BELIEF about its POSSIBLITY ….. tao is the sate of the UN-IMPOSSIBLE http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
And the result …is ..RIGHT OR WORNG .. better or not .. YOU LIVED you experienced you realy LEARNED something and . your bio machine will data process this info if you give it proper oppurutinity to fuction within its DAN historical designe … wake with the sun sleep with the stars .and then streamlines properly functioning brain will will campare information to data based upon FREE WILL CHOICES within the parameters of DNA design of you …… about your GAOLS to present the best CHOICE for the next of 100 descision you will face tomorrow ,, each one ,,ending up right or wrong …actually will be RIGHT for the benifts of DATA given by the experience .
So many people need you to behave in a certain way for them to feel good. They condemn you for your selfishness. "How dare you be so selfish as to follow what makes you feel good? You should follow what makes us feel good." At an early age, you were convinced that you weren't smart enough to know, and that somebody else should make the decisions... You could not live in this culture during the times of your life without getting a huge amount of information relative to that, just in the way people respond to the things you do and say.--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in San Rafael, CA on Saturday, February 21st, 2004
Think for yourself donot wait for me to give you my idea ,,, what does it mean to you …. Young master ,, it is prove your own metal and tink for yourself . and choose action …of do NOTHING ….. do the no1thing …. Be still …be dead …
Friday, October 2, 2009
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