Friday, October 9, 2009


A shy blowjob

Yong master , hmm maybe from my own direct experiences you can gather some data that will be usefull for ? actually everything I write most probably is from direct experiences but since it is done thru the STREAM OF CONC. Writing I do not know what I write , but this time , I think I stream more with purpose of describing a VISION … I have not dreamed , come back from the time of ditration form the focus of matter ..the re combining with the collective ness of I in I …. Where I am still am the I , singular . and a compsosite of all … unthinkable .

To remember my experience of those times is not common , lately I hae had another which I find bleeding into my writing as I still resit the concepts … I find them show up themes . but …this is interestsing

A BLOWJOB … honestly without MALE PROUDNESS EGO … 9 HAVE BEEN TRAINED to not expect success to hope for luck and over time that gives way to the training of the expectation of LACK …. I am blow job shy ,,, I do not just ALLOW MYSELF TO relax and enjoy but need to FACE FUCK to maintain good hardness .

Here in this vision of a morphing blow job …. Mortphing I will explain … I relaxed and enjoyed .. a AFT CHICK .. repulsive words to me since I have the history of being the fat man …. Another expression of being fat from a fat family ,, I think back another girl I knoew that I must keep seprate from my sriitng because of her closeness to me for ever …. I know the truth of …fruit …. It is me … it has helped many to eat once more as we are designed …

Back to blow job ,,, I can only describe from my perspective of a good blwo job which has nothing to do with blowing ,,no it is the creation of a pussy in mouth form which DROOOLS and is hot and sucking her tongue preseed up to thr roof of her mouth and ther top lip protecting my cock as she sucks openely passionaltely in ,,her lust for my enjoyment aas …she EXCITES HERSELF …very important .. in her masturbation she is ALIGNING WITH SOURCE ENERGY …. In that connection she gives to me the totality of that toa , expression of self of our I IN IN CONNNECTION of feeling BETTER and BETTER …. To herself and me …. We LOVE GIVING CREATING SMILES . this tongue and roof of mouth creates that TUNNEL OF LOVE … pussy like … HER slobbering freely IS THE WETTNESS OF AN EXCITED HOT PUSSY …

But this girl 1 person ,,, I met among so many others at a normal jamming in jesnen night occasionally coming by over and over , to to look and smile and and … be …. And interssted . freedom to be attracted to their own interests . 1person like the 60% og American who have expressed their confsuoin thru the finding happiness feeling better in the CHEMICALLY CREATED addictive food insdutry … recreational edible creations not real huma food , but it feels good to eat it ,,, I see in her the HEALTHY GIRL under the 60 or 80- lbs of extra human cells tructure that covers the healthy person ,,, the real you showed still thru , her friend was COLD COVERED IN THE EXPECTATION OF negatives …. But this 1 sucking my cock was still there under HIDING BEHIND THE EXTRA FLESH … the I in I felt it was just simple like extra clothing that can be shed ..every easly …

But as I shoot my load of sperm in to the HUNGRY NOUTH wanting to taste and suck my spern as her own expression of being FEMALE …. You changed to so many different girls faces sizes shapes colors ethinicitys white latin orient every posssblity of girl shape and size and personslitly FROM fahoinalbly perfect to die to be thing to hiding in exrra felsh …. all with a hungery for sperm …. Not just in their mouths but in their personage in hopes of creating leagacys …where I would be richer in legacy than any BILLIONAIRE . and I woke wondering …WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ? AT 3 HUNDERED AND THIRTY THREE … life is too fucking weird . and now as I let the words spill out of me I again say this is fucking weird for that 300 hundred number has been showing up in thoughts when I had that thought of better than being a billionaire, just to weird even in my words weirdness can over come myself .

BUT DOES IT FEEL GOOD relaxing to express this privatenaess about me ? yyes .. I feel good and is not that the suggestion of the sage to do things that FEEL GOOD that feel relaxing ..yes … is these words hurt full or only open to those who have attracted them …. Am I …. IMPOSING or ….. ALLOWING allowing is in harmony with SOURCE .

So young master what you put INTO vibartional escrow you have the OPTION to live if you find it PLEASANT in the moving towards it …the evidence trail of supporitve thoughts and evidence and data correlation .. is it FUN ? to you really ? be honest . not to me think not about any other that what is TRUE to the FEELING the emotions you feel ,,that feeling of RELAXATION which is the release of RESISITANCE . leaveing behind the PROGRAMING DIRLLED INTO YOU . and being yourself … young master ….

What is the feeling of WIERDNESS ? are you being YOU or not you ?

Being in love is so good for you. Often when people are newly in love, things that have been bothering them for a long time get better. Something wonderful is calling the majority of their attention, so they're holding themselves in a better vibrational place, so the stuff they've been wanting all along can now zoom in. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Portland, OR on Sunday, July 11th, 1999
Being the flow of what feels like for you ,,, for you to FUN … at that time in your life and of course within the amount of allowing you let yourself to live within or outside social expectations , a feeling of relief relaxtion being 1 with self .. fun.

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