She attracted the saw HORSE
Young master th Sage says over and voer WRITE YOUR OWN STORY even if that story is detail about building a sex toy saw horse … the tool she WANTS to let shserself be herself and without someone building it SHE HAS NO FREE CHOICES to choose from,,but if in the writing of it you FEAR what others are thinking about ,,what is realy going on ,,is not what others think for honestly ..others are also ,,,I ,,, in ,,,I … even if that portion of the flow of the unthinkable is happy in its totality of FORGETTING our connection and ATTRRACTION ,, those who read your stuff are some HOW ATTRACTING IT INTO THEIR LFIE for their own OPPURUTUNITY TO GROW. expression of free choice to learn form each other by our interaction …EXPRESSING OURSELVES , is common how many churches are in lil JensenBeach …..there are 11 church and only 2 grocery stores ….. churches where some 1 person most often male stands up ,,in leadership to help the sheep …..actually the flock is more like a social club and the preacher their leader but some preachers get to eog centric and for get their flock arrived by LAW OF ATTRACTION an expression of personel wanting to feel better. When you FEAR what is that VIBRATION ?
The sage constantly talks about that , and that is the system of belief changing that happens the reprogramming of you in you ,,day by day , sleep event by sleepe vent … what limits ydo you want to put on your life with your FEARS .. when the fact of the UNLIMITED expression of possibles is out there do you realy ,,DID you realy understand the inner selves of all your girl friends all the baggages the personalities you hae dated think back to all those talks even with girls who were just friends and not lovers since if they wanted you as a lover they NEVER tell you what they really thinking for they fear it may not be ATRRACTIVE .. ah manipulation … event everywhere in sublte ways ,,so in your SILENCE you too are being the MANIPULATOR . hmmmm where am I going what is this flow ….
Young master how many writers write As weird as me? …. As attempting to be open I still do not succedd in being as open as I want … 1 connected with SOURCE is more powerful than 1,000,000 still hiding in fears . and yet the idea of being powerful is repulsive ? no power does not hurt anyone ,,it is the force of ATTRACTION it is a LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS FOR others or 3 … another portion of the I in in ,,, you … to find some peace ..maybe … peace thru swinging the pendulum so lets describe or write a story for you …
You have done all the prep already starte the second home your expression of permaculture and off gird living are all around …. Very important DO NOT attract WRONGLY … and now I understand you are as HORNY AS A RAGING BULL and figure you can do the same old thing or be different let attraction work for you , so you let the eveidence trail of OPPUTUTNITY arrive ,a nd you set up the ALTER NATIVE GORUP and do small advertising evenm if it is the buying of 5000 cards for 99 bucks …. So you attract no one to the first few showing but in time … event by efvnet hings will ATTRRACT AS YOU WROTE IT , and people show girls show , and they also come to the 5 ACRES learn and there is reference to instinctualism all around YOU ..JUST LIKE ON THE FRONT PAGE there is the reference to remeind her ..then YOU ATTRACTED THIS I did not force you …. DISCOVER WHAT YOU ARE ATTRACTING . cumm back over and over … is your own EXPRESSSION of instinctualism impossible if I can do it you can do it ..there is not law to say you can not compete ..for there is no competition you are being your own LIGHT .
You are an up lifter to the very core of your being to quate the sage ….. people will come and go and each event is their life , their FREE CHOICE and has nothing to do with you except each one is agift of experience clarifiying you more also as they TOO clarify themselves . a win win …
Now on to desciribing a saw horse as ,,the tool of her own choice being presented to her OWN sttraction thru YOU ! ….. and I know your horniess will be expressed opnly by shooting your loda ASAP … I am sure got 3 or 4 in you so no fear at wasting the first one …. But it willc alify you rmind ,,,, the attract has happened ,,she is here not by your MANIPULATION but by her attraction so if or IF not hse accepts that interaction will you will depend on her signing a BDSM contract that you ahsould write youself ,, again , this is the expression of your won mastery do not depend on finding all answers thru 1 vortex like me . ….. the BDSM contract .. spell out her own desire to be the vessel the wording is here what is said ,,she knows her own aligmentnt her own joy is in this DNA expression .
Who is she ? what does he look like ? I will deffer to Ross do not get WRAPPED into the importance of ANY 1 ….
Back to the saw horse if you have gootent he bood on you have a responsibility to making sure it is safe and sane ,,consentual is her presence her signing , and later her RETURN … for yes I believe in safe words but , I also like not thear 1 so I use the gag wether it is a simple ….. scarf ..or balll gag ,,, I have PLAUSIBLE DENIALBLITY once more protecting me . And her return is the YES . so I am all about SPORTS CUFFS google them , much easier to deal with no worry about tignthening up while I am distracted ENJOYING MYSELF remember ..remember REMEMBER
IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU ………….. and in that she will feel joy and pleasure . if iam not being SELFISH in HARMONY with the instinctual DNA expression fo the DOM HOMIND MALE that is me who life is devoted to the protection of the VESSEL … it is vibrational balance trust the good nature of human , but the sprots cuffs are best … and you will have to place eye hooks on the saw horse at variable stages to accomidate the different sizes of girls and arms etc … the saw horse must MUST …MUST BE secured to the floor you want to be able to BANG with the expression of your nature without again FEAR … now this play room will be that CAMP HOME you originally were living in now becomes the …sales room of the compound where you have books productsn OGITOP stuff plus the …hint …hint … your BDSM stuff hanging on the walls …. The LAW OF ATTRACTION …… the top of a common saw horse is just a 2x4 ,, sure maybe fine for later DISCOMFORT …. But not first date … have another top wider and padded even if the padding is stapled on towels over a 2x8 that you have customized securely to fit the 2x4 top ,,, and then YOU TEST IT ALL . just like learning about dripping wax properly it muist first 1st be dirpped on your won leg or arm to get practice about temnperature …. And distances …. Ohhh go back in my blog about 2 years ago for much more INFO ON these skills , then WRITE your own story ….. it is a written vision board and energy sent out into TAO … without FEAR . .
To do this before doing your TOUR of DUTy .. without being enTRANCHED …in the commitment of yo risk falling BACKWARDS inot old habit patterns of relationship forms , the yells out to all this wi who and what I really am ,,, the respondiblity for your free choice is UP TO YOU for I have given the expression of RIGHT ACTION of the law of KAMMA as suggested by the Buddha . in your holistic expression of self your power of attraction is clearer .. more in focus for you and those attracted , less STRESS LATER …. Because of the understanding of free choice is up front things are different form the get go .
So balance the sotry with dreams of her gardening happly ,,, her living off grid lifestyle and understanding in fact not just understanding but your best sales person .. she is ttracting her ?SISTER wives ..because of her own happiness sounds good ? sounds worth working for ,,does it sound BELIEVABLE ,, NOW hta is of course the most imporatn aspect ,,, in your writing you set forth the want , now you let yourself notice supporting evidnence trails of ASPECTS … 1 here 1 there ,, pieces and parts inothers not a WHOLE PERSON .. never the JUST 1 … but aspects to support the belief …. I think you know hat I mean . gardening , digging the food foest excited and adding to the whole with her own desingning of her own pieces in time … ohh but we were at first contact , and she is still tied to the saw horse …..huh
Just love that mastrubaotry content ..good it is the dream , too , the tool of easing the pain of being a man …. Ok … it is ALIGNING WITH SOURCE for in it you relax you FEEL GOOD doing something enjoyable , you are in the correct current for more and more better thngs to keep coming …w.iwith the idea of that it is believable you have no CONFLICT in vibration … with feeling good … that is living the expansion where in time aminfestation just kinda falls all together without stress , .
Law of Attraction says, "That which is like unto itself is drawn." Which means vibrations are always matched. So as you experience the contrast which inspires the new idea within you, this new idea --this desire -- whether it is a strong one or a soft one, is summoning unto itself proportionately. And as it summons, it is always answered. It is the basis of our Universe: When it is asked, it is always given. The confusion that humans feel is that they think they are asking with their words -- or even with their action -- and sometimes you are. But the Universe is not responding to your words or your action. The Universe is responding to your vibrational calling.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Cincinnati, OH on Saturday, July 15th, 2000
A whole universe is nothing but 1 grain of sand to an fi nity …. but ohh so important to you ..fine ,, balance and understanding promotes freedom and personel empowerment . that power is the vibration of thinking for thinking has not FORM you can not buy a cup of thoughts … you can not store that energy in a battery is TAO expression … calling out inot the unthinkable beyond any universe or matter . there is you want already complete in the sotry you have written and ready to be experienced event by event
It has been over 4 years since I started this path with the writing of TWISTED INSTINCT , and ideas projects people all have come into my life to aid the FINE TUNING OF THE ……WANTO . you do not want your dreams to arrive all at once you are still ..fine tuning yourelf you want day by day UNFOLDING .. so you can correlate data …..
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
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