Saturday, October 10, 2009

solar powered vibrator

The solar vibrator

Young master did you get the ad from harbor freight …. You gotta get on their mailing list …. The 45watt system package is priced down to 169.00 reatil that is a nice package system tilted rack , charge controller fused distribution outlets , even fucking lights . I have been playing with one for a while now , and I am getting still about 10 hours of power genenration per day ,,, it starts cranking up good before 8 and stays goint till after 6 …. Now that will decrease in the middle of winter but I could effect it by adjusting it twice a day ….. mid afternoon to catch that pm sun more fully at night tocatche the early am suun then set it to day time when you leave for work …but honeslty that is a painin the assss … and the bpurchse of another unit will over 20 or 30 years life span be a much easier idea than ..trying to remember to move the panels 3 times a day for 30 years …
Ok now you get the idea the HITACHI vibrator that girl love to hate …… uses about 60 wats of power …… ok so if I am get 10 hours aday at 45 wats .. that means I have in a battery 450 watts of energy that will last for 1 hour ….. so a 60 wat vibrator could be run for almost 8 hours ( 6x8=48 8x7=42 ) ok 7 and ½ hours and the poor girl can last only 10 or fifteen minutes so even using it on 3 girls ….3 times a day ….. you would still have 45 minutes of OGRGASISMS times 3 is just over 2 hours of power …. Actuall you would have enough power left over to run the chest freezer/refridge…. Because you turn on the freezer twice a day , on a timmer to chill it down to near freezing the chest effect keeps the coll air inside instead of the cold air flall out of the door of a regular refirdge …

Now another buck69 ,,for a microwave ,,, nucler cooking … I am not a freak about not using technology if I will vibrate NATURES PUSSY with a hitcahi then I should be allowed to use .. a micro wave ….. the 700 watt microwave ….. hmmm you make 450 watts … that is about a 1/2 hr. of micro wave cooking that is a lot of fcuking pop corn

An one last one 169.oo for lights and computer …. Each has it’s own deep cycle battery that costs about 100 buck but has a 5 year warrenty …. Or a real cost of 20 bucks a year times 3 for electricty consuming cost .

But lets us bring this back inot the FEELINGS place … the belief in what you can live …. For you live nothing outside of your beliefs ,, and beliefs come because of the gathering of SUPPORTIVE data …. For varying source of data …. It maybe this idea that helps you see the poosibles about the girls you will meet , some many lil’ thing syou hear the girls talka bout among themselves …. Or see them express in their blog site … their own desire for the oppurutunity to ATLEAST experience something different ..the oppurutuniy is not available right now in your social circles …. How many of your friends have anything like the ideas of up and going? Al the girl have to choose from is the same old thing … and they themselves are getting itred of the THROWING ROCKS UP INTO THE AIR ONLY TO HAVE THE ROCK COME BACK DOWN AND HIT THEM ON THE HEAD …. They express this in their expressions of frustrtations ..maybe ..visible inthier hiding in drugs or alcohol or food or …. Girls , or work or anything other than another of the same old same old guy and life style ….

This is all tied to metapyshics really ,, you are so much more than what you see here , and here is only the ASSEMBALGE … of quantas in the flashing in and out of being to form a stable time/space evnt for you to experience in a seireis of NOWS …. Creating data ..fromt he experiences … form the choices made or proposed … for just in the dreams of solutions ….. the UNBLEIVABLE the UNTHINKABLE , lives a new DATA STEREAM of possibility forms …aka …vibrational escrow …. And the act of noticing supportive evidence that realtes to any SOLUTIONS FORM in vibrational escrow will compound into more and more of the totality of manifestation extraction …ATTACTION ….. the compounding is example of attraction , the assemblage os quantas is ATTRACTION ….. everything is ATTRACTION …noting is IMPOSED everything is ATTRACTION from the data of belief you have been traineed … but you have the FREE CHOICE to look and think about NEW ALTER NATIVE IDEAS .

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