A+ pussy
So that kid bomber dude who did not blow up the plane…so they were doing some profileing on him especially about his posts online and they said matter of FACT LIKe … he was a regular late teen early sdult ,depressed and confuse …DEPRESSED AND CONFUSED ..IS REGULAR .that is what is expected of life ?
Huh ..this is fucked up ..we have gotten so trained to IGNORE OUR EMOTIONAL GUIDANCE tht our leadership expects us to be FUCKED …. And that is what is normal .. confuse and conquer . http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html the sage has come up with a list of hints about how your GREATER SELF sees the possibleity of life for you and …then there is what you are living and what choices you are making the the difference is EMOTION …. FEELINGS ….. guidance …. If you are not up near the top in hope and better .. why . confusion .
You have been trained to think life it this ECONOMY .. and to fuction in it is to get the A+ ….. trained in expectations of CONFORMINTY as soon as you are born by PARENTS WHO like wise have mind ufcked since day 1 …so seprated form their DNA EXPECATATIONS … by the teachings of their teachers and so on , dating back to the mind fucking of slaves in the days of PHAROH it worked so well it became art form of POLITITCS RELIGON BUSINESS … an animal so large and competitive amongst it selves … economy systems ….. multi celluar systems ,, with brains ( king/queen / god form ) ….. nerves PREIEST …. Primary organs THE CAPATILISTS …. And basic cells or worker bees ,, you and I .
Where does milk come from ask any kid and he will tell you it comes from the store . and bread? Meat? ,,,, what if you had to do yur own killing and skinning … how BAMBI FRIENDLY would you be after a while you get numb to the act of killing . but actually be freo REFRIDGERATION meats were specialities … eat fast before they spoil , smoke preserve etc the rest asap …. Nohitn like what we live now . for the last what when did the REFRIG in every home become reality ,,, 1920’s 1930’s ? less that 100 years , when you have DNA memeorys in you of life style expectations datin back 13 million years … you are ANIMAL you sweat piss shit , shoot cum , have a wet pussy , react to HORMONES …. Even have sensors I your nose to detect PHEREMONES .. still animal.
The confusion is the wondering how to fit into the econmcs ..when you DNA is still telling you that you show be free to pick fruit from a tree ….. and we have the ABLITLY NOW AND THE …KNOWLEDGE … to have it all , the great toyts of economy ,, the computer SEX DRUGS AND ROCK AND ROLL airplanes and ….FOOD FORESTS .. http://www.instinctualism.org/free_food.html
Yo have been taught to do well in school go to univestiy then get a job the over ALL starting salalry is 30,000 that is take those FEW who get the big bucks of 100K or 70K or even 50 K … and then rest get LOADS LESS THAT the 30,000 … to make the aveage . and to get that 30k .. you most likely with RACK UP ABOUT 100 K indebts , with and average of 8% interest … or about 8 THOUSAND a year in interest …. To subtract from your ENTRY level pay of 25,000 …. And the geat news is that you will get pay increases ,,guess what the again average …. ( not what SONNY BOY is getting paid by daddy .. or uncle .. or in the CLICK born with the right family get ) so again take those MULIT MILLIONARIES SALARYS .. in the equation of averages … and the average GOLLEGE GRAD .. make $ 46, 036 . …whoopee ! I am rich !
And to get all those riches you had to work for FREE ( no not for free you hwent into debt to the tune of $ 100,000 plus compounding interest , which the government has made it ILLEGAL to file bankruptcy protection on SLAVE SLAVE SLAVE ) so you work for free , graduate with NO JOB … and hope you can find a job in the field you spent 100,000 dollars to get a degree in ….
CONFUSED YET ? DEPRESSED YET ? well most likey you are … that is what the experts …expect and consider normal .. confusion and depression … so if you were CREATIVE ….. and not SCARED ….. and not EGO DRIVEN that youhave to have someone form ..2nd mind deem you worthy thur your ownership of their piece of paper .. …… I fyou choose an ALTERNATIVE PATH … in those 4 years you could very well likely build your won business that will make you the average starting salary with growth potential to the average aover all salarly .. and NO ONE CAN LAY YOU OFF OR FIRE YOU …. And you will most likely have total ownership of an OFF GRID home and …free food for life …. …what would be the value of all that ? EQUAL TO A MILLION in the bank collecting interest ? in the same 4 years .. an other male ,, who DID AS HE WAS TO by the sytem … would end up back at amommy and daddy house ,, 100k in debt and no job for a year or two expect that same BULSHIT WORK you took as a high school diploma/equalivalent …. ( just you branch off into the capalist area asap ..small time let it grow slow TIME YOU GOT , mony you donot , get the MALSOWS FIRST the rest will grow , like a tree in the ground ,,,, 1st year it sleep , 2nd year it creeps … 3rd year it leaps time then to invest the cash being made so that in the 4th year you can reap …. Never mortgage the farm to buy inot the PHAROH SYSTEM do not rust the best advise … who is making the profit ? really on average ? http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html ….. would this fee LIKE HOPE AND SELF DIRECTION # 1 empowered # 6 hope ? ….. or # 22 fear/grief/despair/POWERLESSNESS ..from http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html OF having your life in the HANDS OF 2nd mind ..others ….. the same 4 years . the same late teens /early adult life …..
The discipline that we would like you to exercise is to make a decision that nothing is more important than that you feel good, and that you are going to find thoughts that feel better. Your cork floating is the only thing that is worthy of discipline.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on Saturday, April 19th, 1997
Was that bomber kid ready to blow himself up was HE HAPPY AND EXCITED WITH …LIVING ? …… was he floating high near the top of living ?
Your RESPONSIBILITY in capitalism is to YOU ,,,, DNA life is basic natural Econmy and Capaptislim without the $$$$$ or gold standard ,, but the life standard of enjoyment . a plant does not grow toward what a teacher yesll at him to do ,the plant grows towards what feels better ….. the A+ …… is a CHILDS SILVER STAR gold satr no star … … bullshit game .
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
pussy on the moon
Pussy on the moon
“the state starts with a man , if the man is self sufficient then the state is self suuficent , if the man is dependant the state is dependant “ …. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KH5W7utCjKA and in that state of dependence on searching for a SOMEHTING outside of itself … weird things happen … http://www.instinctualism.org/ is not about HAVING TO LIVE OFF GRID FOR EVER ..it is about having done it .. realy youhave then freedom to do anything for your EXPERINCE with having MASLOW in your control allows for freedom of choice ..not dependace . … freedom to do ..then freedom to choose . or freedom be BONDAGED to addictive lifestyle sytems controlled by ….?
So are you young master like all excited that some day you can jack off to a web cam of some chick who is selling her PUSSY image froma MOON BASE ? WE WILL BRING OURSELVES WITHUS ,,EVEN THERE and beyond unless we first broach core concepts here first .. finding water on the moon is great fun …I love science ,,, but I am alos now one of those who is QUESTIONING the value of it . really. Do we have other more pressing things to do first … they say OUR lives have been so enhance by the space program ,,,, look at computers ….. OK .. the ablity to transmit information world wide …. But actually we had that abity before just supresssed by the church and fear of death …… from CHRIST’S LOVE .. if we acted in contrast to the church which is the expression of christs love .. or islams love … or whatever god is used to control a population . confuse and conquer ..keep you focused on them and their solutions … 1000’s after 1000’s of years . what is at the core for the GREED for GOLD or $$$ the visible manifestation of POSITITIONS OF POWER maybe from business or position in church business ( still cash based God needs CASh to run the churches ) …what is the MALE realy going to have when he achieves the $$$$ and position … ??? toys and chicks …. Having the expression of wealth attracts the CHICKS like moths to a flame … the sublt motivating POWER OF …EVE .
Is it just the answer to the question ..produced by the mind fuck showing off your IMPORTANCE … only to be never ending ,,so if they find the HIGGS BOSON … what are you teeling me you willnot find some form of question about it ? was not once the atom not the HIGGS BOSON of its age … and once hinted at not realy found just hinted at … we were able to question it and then look fo the QUESTION ..about it’s exisitance . and so to will b ehte higss bosn .
The question the expansion oof possible ORAGANIZATION of … what is call Quanta … the unthinkable .. building block which is too large and too small to be measured .. I in I …. Beyond the EGO OF SCIENCE . the ARROGANCE of science of the PRIEST OF THE IVORY TOWERS . who age after age will be seen as fools …… smart for their age but foolish in the light fo GROWTHS TO COME . designer of products who with such ARROGANCE AND EGO … say I have made the ULITMATE PRODUCT ..nothing better could be produced ,,, foolish gods of science . yet these same god/kings of observations who by these observations are able to create .MAGIC .. are also like HISTORIEANS .. thru understanding the explorations of pastevents , the ffects of EXPERIMENTS we can create new things or old successful things … seeing FAILED CULTURES and thinking about root causes not just in terms of falied food supplys and such ..but looking to what caused the GENISIS of the PATHWAY the cutlutre grew … http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html
So ,, some chick will be selling her image of her pussy online from the moon , a 1000 years form now ….. because instead of dealing with real HUMAN ISSUES …. We worry more about our EXPERIMENTAL budgets and project funding .. our place in scientific hierarchy ….. designing BANDAIDs ;; of genentic medice .. to combat … die ease , and only to have new DIS EASE come ,,for DIS EASE is not about matter the ..evidence trail of PAST .. but the PRO ACTIVE . action of thinking in advance of the manifestation of the quantum second … of MATTER . which just disassembles and is DATA …. information . assembaleges happening so fast to seem like constant or a reality to perceivable sensors mechincs … and it will always be so each and every DISCOVERY will lead to the next question …
So ON AND ON … AND ON … AND …ON … and you what will you realy have to show for it ,, a better video game to escape form the tress of life , a better OPIUM ? to be sold to you thru the corp which funds the scienc so they can get the nest NEW AND IMPORVED thing to sell you …. The next improvement to addict you to FEAR of death which you will do ..you will DIE …. Get to basics please ….. being ….. higgs boson is just and expression of BEING NESS . destroy the proton a beingness to find other beingness ….
Could us ,, the great and wonderful human … fuck it all up and for a great part … kill off all this MAGIC OF SCIENCE … the god like arrogance of the IVORY towers …. Al this civil world like so many cultures over 1000’s of years have in their greed over exteneded themselves ? science is one that says it likes to learn from OBSERVATIONS . well what does our track record show . what does the track records of other bio mechincal animals show if they get to much food wealth .. do they over do themselves till such time as another BEINGNESS come to feed off of them ….
So really has the thinking thus far ..for 500 years been successful …. Does the words of Einstein have any truth can we fix anything using the same thinking that created it …. The preist of old were the scientists of their day ,,now just different names the same EGO . same self importantce ..
Rather see you in appreciation thatn in meditation . appricaition ,in the flow of …… so much in the action that you do NOT COMPARE … now to any other … event . .. if I can ot direct my mind then use MEDITATION … if I can not find the action of excitement and engrossment … http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x9pp1h_abraham-help-me-stop-my-monkey-mind_people .....
You are meant to live an expansive, exhilarating, good-feeling experience. It was your plan when you made the decision to become focused in your physical body in this time-space reality. You were born knowing that you are a powerful Being; that you are good; that you are the creator of your experience, and that the Law of Attraction (the essence of that which is like unto itself, is drawn) is the basis of the Universe, and you knew it would serve you well. And so it has.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
Great happy words ..giving hope to millions now this voice of the sage having found an NICHE … to genenrate cash thus can grow in the firttile economy …. Yet the listener is lulled inot SURFACE FIXS …. Once more , and at the same time deeper messages are there for those willing to hear …… little clips of info do not do the sage justice . http://www.instinctualism.org/id113.html but we have been trained to have short attention spans …. We have been trained to look for short term escapes , remember how with PLANNING the priest hood of PHAORH addicted a whole culture to OPIUM 5000 years ago ,,, distrasting the slave …. Prasing the good slave with his DAILY BREAD ( they were known as the OPIUM EATERS ) … AND TO PUNISH THE BAD SENND THEM TO HELL WITH NO MORE SUPPLY OF junk TO FEEL THE PAIN OF WITHDRWLS …. Thus teachining the children to fear …. Especially since the children were taught addiction form time of birth by the mothers spreading opium laced products on their nipples as recommended by the PRIESTS .of the day ..become ADDICTED TO THE SYSTEM ….. trust us … the bringers of KNOWLEDGE and magic .
The pople dependant on citys for LIFE up until the last few years was still the MINORITY OF THE HUMAN POPULATION , up until a few years ago the majority of humanity was still AGREAIARN … the lived on family farms … especiall way back then , when the world was wild ……. The evidences of wars realy revolve around the RISES of god/kings WHO BROUGHT ABOUT REAL WARS , …teheevidneces of small scale tribal srumishes … shows an evidence trail of war being much more like a foot ball game when it got to bloody everyone quit …. 1st nations people were appalled by the white man who BURNED ALIVE the women and children in the proactive compounds after the battle was over THIS HAD NEVER HAPPENED in their history , the winners before were just given what ever thsy wanted and the losing tirbe was left alone once more to re build itself … a complex foot ball game . the game not to be replayed until till one tribe walked once more to far … further than was able to be walked in a day ,, beyond the natural growth of the 5 acre farm plot expansion of a tribe member growths .. not the TOTAL DEVISTATIONS of wars based upon the greed of complex Econimics …. WHERE thought form uses humanity instead humanity using thought form . …. Where FEEDING the machine becomes more important then the benefits of the machine .
“the state starts with a man , if the man is self sufficient then the state is self suuficent , if the man is dependant the state is dependant “ …. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KH5W7utCjKA and in that state of dependence on searching for a SOMEHTING outside of itself … weird things happen … http://www.instinctualism.org/ is not about HAVING TO LIVE OFF GRID FOR EVER ..it is about having done it .. realy youhave then freedom to do anything for your EXPERINCE with having MASLOW in your control allows for freedom of choice ..not dependace . … freedom to do ..then freedom to choose . or freedom be BONDAGED to addictive lifestyle sytems controlled by ….?
So are you young master like all excited that some day you can jack off to a web cam of some chick who is selling her PUSSY image froma MOON BASE ? WE WILL BRING OURSELVES WITHUS ,,EVEN THERE and beyond unless we first broach core concepts here first .. finding water on the moon is great fun …I love science ,,, but I am alos now one of those who is QUESTIONING the value of it . really. Do we have other more pressing things to do first … they say OUR lives have been so enhance by the space program ,,,, look at computers ….. OK .. the ablity to transmit information world wide …. But actually we had that abity before just supresssed by the church and fear of death …… from CHRIST’S LOVE .. if we acted in contrast to the church which is the expression of christs love .. or islams love … or whatever god is used to control a population . confuse and conquer ..keep you focused on them and their solutions … 1000’s after 1000’s of years . what is at the core for the GREED for GOLD or $$$ the visible manifestation of POSITITIONS OF POWER maybe from business or position in church business ( still cash based God needs CASh to run the churches ) …what is the MALE realy going to have when he achieves the $$$$ and position … ??? toys and chicks …. Having the expression of wealth attracts the CHICKS like moths to a flame … the sublt motivating POWER OF …EVE .
Is it just the answer to the question ..produced by the mind fuck showing off your IMPORTANCE … only to be never ending ,,so if they find the HIGGS BOSON … what are you teeling me you willnot find some form of question about it ? was not once the atom not the HIGGS BOSON of its age … and once hinted at not realy found just hinted at … we were able to question it and then look fo the QUESTION ..about it’s exisitance . and so to will b ehte higss bosn .
The question the expansion oof possible ORAGANIZATION of … what is call Quanta … the unthinkable .. building block which is too large and too small to be measured .. I in I …. Beyond the EGO OF SCIENCE . the ARROGANCE of science of the PRIEST OF THE IVORY TOWERS . who age after age will be seen as fools …… smart for their age but foolish in the light fo GROWTHS TO COME . designer of products who with such ARROGANCE AND EGO … say I have made the ULITMATE PRODUCT ..nothing better could be produced ,,, foolish gods of science . yet these same god/kings of observations who by these observations are able to create .MAGIC .. are also like HISTORIEANS .. thru understanding the explorations of pastevents , the ffects of EXPERIMENTS we can create new things or old successful things … seeing FAILED CULTURES and thinking about root causes not just in terms of falied food supplys and such ..but looking to what caused the GENISIS of the PATHWAY the cutlutre grew … http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html
So ,, some chick will be selling her image of her pussy online from the moon , a 1000 years form now ….. because instead of dealing with real HUMAN ISSUES …. We worry more about our EXPERIMENTAL budgets and project funding .. our place in scientific hierarchy ….. designing BANDAIDs ;; of genentic medice .. to combat … die ease , and only to have new DIS EASE come ,,for DIS EASE is not about matter the ..evidence trail of PAST .. but the PRO ACTIVE . action of thinking in advance of the manifestation of the quantum second … of MATTER . which just disassembles and is DATA …. information . assembaleges happening so fast to seem like constant or a reality to perceivable sensors mechincs … and it will always be so each and every DISCOVERY will lead to the next question …
So ON AND ON … AND ON … AND …ON … and you what will you realy have to show for it ,, a better video game to escape form the tress of life , a better OPIUM ? to be sold to you thru the corp which funds the scienc so they can get the nest NEW AND IMPORVED thing to sell you …. The next improvement to addict you to FEAR of death which you will do ..you will DIE …. Get to basics please ….. being ….. higgs boson is just and expression of BEING NESS . destroy the proton a beingness to find other beingness ….
Could us ,, the great and wonderful human … fuck it all up and for a great part … kill off all this MAGIC OF SCIENCE … the god like arrogance of the IVORY towers …. Al this civil world like so many cultures over 1000’s of years have in their greed over exteneded themselves ? science is one that says it likes to learn from OBSERVATIONS . well what does our track record show . what does the track records of other bio mechincal animals show if they get to much food wealth .. do they over do themselves till such time as another BEINGNESS come to feed off of them ….
So really has the thinking thus far ..for 500 years been successful …. Does the words of Einstein have any truth can we fix anything using the same thinking that created it …. The preist of old were the scientists of their day ,,now just different names the same EGO . same self importantce ..
Rather see you in appreciation thatn in meditation . appricaition ,in the flow of …… so much in the action that you do NOT COMPARE … now to any other … event . .. if I can ot direct my mind then use MEDITATION … if I can not find the action of excitement and engrossment … http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x9pp1h_abraham-help-me-stop-my-monkey-mind_people .....
You are meant to live an expansive, exhilarating, good-feeling experience. It was your plan when you made the decision to become focused in your physical body in this time-space reality. You were born knowing that you are a powerful Being; that you are good; that you are the creator of your experience, and that the Law of Attraction (the essence of that which is like unto itself, is drawn) is the basis of the Universe, and you knew it would serve you well. And so it has.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
Great happy words ..giving hope to millions now this voice of the sage having found an NICHE … to genenrate cash thus can grow in the firttile economy …. Yet the listener is lulled inot SURFACE FIXS …. Once more , and at the same time deeper messages are there for those willing to hear …… little clips of info do not do the sage justice . http://www.instinctualism.org/id113.html but we have been trained to have short attention spans …. We have been trained to look for short term escapes , remember how with PLANNING the priest hood of PHAORH addicted a whole culture to OPIUM 5000 years ago ,,, distrasting the slave …. Prasing the good slave with his DAILY BREAD ( they were known as the OPIUM EATERS ) … AND TO PUNISH THE BAD SENND THEM TO HELL WITH NO MORE SUPPLY OF junk TO FEEL THE PAIN OF WITHDRWLS …. Thus teachining the children to fear …. Especially since the children were taught addiction form time of birth by the mothers spreading opium laced products on their nipples as recommended by the PRIESTS .of the day ..become ADDICTED TO THE SYSTEM ….. trust us … the bringers of KNOWLEDGE and magic .
The pople dependant on citys for LIFE up until the last few years was still the MINORITY OF THE HUMAN POPULATION , up until a few years ago the majority of humanity was still AGREAIARN … the lived on family farms … especiall way back then , when the world was wild ……. The evidences of wars realy revolve around the RISES of god/kings WHO BROUGHT ABOUT REAL WARS , …teheevidneces of small scale tribal srumishes … shows an evidence trail of war being much more like a foot ball game when it got to bloody everyone quit …. 1st nations people were appalled by the white man who BURNED ALIVE the women and children in the proactive compounds after the battle was over THIS HAD NEVER HAPPENED in their history , the winners before were just given what ever thsy wanted and the losing tirbe was left alone once more to re build itself … a complex foot ball game . the game not to be replayed until till one tribe walked once more to far … further than was able to be walked in a day ,, beyond the natural growth of the 5 acre farm plot expansion of a tribe member growths .. not the TOTAL DEVISTATIONS of wars based upon the greed of complex Econimics …. WHERE thought form uses humanity instead humanity using thought form . …. Where FEEDING the machine becomes more important then the benefits of the machine .
Monday, December 28, 2009
heavenly pussy
Heavenly pussy
Kirshna ….. humanized form of a god/king ,,, give yourelf to me and I will beyour friend is the promise of Kirshna… god in human form from a time of myth when human felt itself so BIG because it could make fire when no other anmal did well of course it created the image of creator in human form ,,,,, yet like so many times it seems the god arrives to interact AFTER the fact humaniy is already active and then god finds them fun … it even seems that adam and eve were kicked out of EDEN inot a world with other HOMINDS …. The conept of god is not that we NEEDED one as Aborginal man was un happy with the inner knowledge of its connectiveness to TOA and all spirit as much as the HIERACHIAL players ( petty healers mitch doctors leaders who found it possible to live without working or farming or hunting gathering and live off of WORSHITP ) needed magical support to keep their believers in line and so ….… so maybe PHAROH by name was not in India but thru the trade routes the concept of CONTROL was passed from tribe to tribe , found uselfull it became AREA SPECIFIC myth form . supporting the KINGS AND PRINCES of that area …
Think about myth and how ASSOCIATION from birth with the famous of that myth does grow … myth in yur own life , tales of the EXPLOITS of yourself or friends … in the fl. Keys Is myth around a gigantic tiger shark that hunts the bridge system , well once during the shark run while my partner and I were commericailly fishing it at night he noticed what he thought was a submarine going under neath us , we could see the water color change by the lights then caught a glimse of the edge of the IT , WELL THE NEXT sharke we hooked this fucking monster eats in 1 bite now the sharks we get this time of year avarega 5 to 7 feet mostle lemeons …. That was fucking wild …. The monster swam off with our CASH in its belly ignoring the drag of the 4/0 eventually at full drag we broke off ..the next shark here comes MONGO once more and eats it whole 1 bite this time I gott a beter reference on the width of its head based upon how it ate the tiny 6 footer I had on ( tiny compared it , just live bait ) that was on a 8/0 and I gues the heavier line Drag caused Mongo a stomach ache so after almost empting the reel … it bit off the head of the leamon eationg the rest so I reeled back a head ..…. Which I kept at the store ( phils bait and tackle in Miami for the next decade ..telling grand storys around Mongo .. ) from the teeth marks in the head the size of the head we get an idea of how big the lemon shark was and how big mongo was and what speices it was …
Back to that shark run we geared up for mongo and returned in a few days with 100 of feet of trailer cable, truck tire inter tubes and AR 15’s bolted that to a bridge piling in the are we were fishing last imte .. caught ourselves 5 foot piece of live bait ( a full on shark that would cause the empting of most public beaches if it showed up ) hooked it on the rig like it was a live shiner and waited …no mongo ,,, only years of storys ….
The same thing happened around a wise man who like the animals around him learned the benift of eating grass when sick to create a purgative effect .. or what plant to use to stop bleeding a protect a cut ,,,, let us say that maybe this wise man’s grand son was EXTRA big and strong and was the HERO procteCTOR of the area …. And thus ..magicall story grew out of this family ,, honors bestowed …and god myths foloowed over genenrations … of entertaining storys … around camp fires and caves .
So in the book from http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html CASHING IN ON THE AMERICAN DREAM how to retire at 35 ( well you can not cash in on the American dream any more because most people are UPSIDE DOWN in their mortagess ) mr.paul tells an old story from the islands about an American who comes to a pretty secluded piece of beach well outside of the tourist town of the isaland where a young man in his 20’s is kicked back under a palm tree with a couple of coke bottles with fishing line wrapped around them as his fishing poles , he is chilling with a few fish already cautgh hidden in the sand under a palm fron to keep em fresh …
And so the tourist sets himself up , un loads the car and starts to fish and talking with the youg man ,,,, giving him the best American advise about wealth …. Well if you would move into the city … and get an education and a good job and work hard yur should be able to retire like me in your 60’s and then spend your time… fishing on nice secluded beach ….
And the young man replys ,,,hmmm good adivse work for 40 years in some crowded smelly city I don’t like at a job I hate so that in 40 years when I am old , over weight and in bad health , I can come back and do what I am doing right now ……. Sounds STUPID .
There are estimates that about 50,000 americans live off grid … bailed out of the system and are self sustaining …. That is not to mentioan the 75,000 or so amish who have been living outside of the ENGLISH system for 300 years ,,, off grid ….
IMAGINE..no flags …. No call to arms … http://www.instinctualism.org/one_human_family.html they love thier familys to .they open doors for strangers just like you …. The smile laugh and sing just like an Arab.
http://www.spaceoflove.com/rodnoe_1.htm great video on adobe house building
Recently in Russia there has been an increase in the number of people who, preferring life in nature to the hustle and bustle of the city, have moved to Eco-villages…and are creating "Kin's domains." They have given up the use of fertilizers, heavy agricultural machines, and grow all their food themselves.
Eco-village Rodnoe has approximately 100 plots of land, each of which measures no less than a hectare. Families organize their plots in their own way, and say that their domain has the personality of its owner.
Who are they? People who leave their successful and relatively quiet life in modern cities and go to rural areas to set upon a hectare of land - their Kin's domains? What drives them? Are they happy about the change? How they deal with the land and growing plants? How does one build an adobe house? Watch the Day of all-Earth celebration. You will find the answers to all these and many more questions in the film # 1 about summer time in Eco-village Rodnoe.
It‘s good!.. to have your soul-searching done
And your infinite troubles finished
It’s good! To have the question solved
And being aware of your predestination!.. (from a song)
"...A human’s thought serves to begin it all. You see, these people thought it up from the beginning, their Kin’s domains creation, for children and grandchildren to live in garden, in paradise. And people took wild bushy land that meant to be abandoned and there they have started to embody their thoughts into reality, with caring tenderness touching their native land, they were planting trees and flowers, building roads to make it easier to drive to their Kin’s domains, they were erecting houses, of any type, some made of wood, some of clay, adobe houses, and many were in no hurry to build a house and lived in tents, in temporarily dwellings all summer long, but main thing that attracted them was their native land that generously loved them back and gave them warmth and fruits.
And seeds were sprouting, and trees were growing up, following beautiful dream of man they strived to eternity..."
yep the plan sold to you by …. The media is the ONLY plan you shuld follow , never ever think for yourself , listen to thehttp://www.instinctualism.org/ponds.html you will need dirt to build and thus you have your private beach and fish
http://www.instinctualism.org/pest_control.html let some chickens gorw wild and muscov ducks ( they love mosquitoes like candy to ‘em Mosq, have no place to hide ) fresh game meats and eggs once you find their nesting hide aways and track the laying cycles .
http://www.instinctualism.org/make_beer.html understanding how to make beer you actually learn a lot about any type of food preservation … but remember beer is not just wheat and barley …. Ginger beers juice beers etcetcetc B vitimans and yeast … yeast is present naturally on all sweet dark berry skins . that whitish covering in it .
but NO do not think outside of the box ..especially about the core ISSUE of SEX … bring with you the FEAR and GREED of being the 1 AND ONLY …. Make sure you maintain that UNDER LYING CURRENT of thought vibration … to pollute the future with your past … carry yourself with you …. Bring the core failure along for the ride . http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html ..... for 5000 years from the first examples of 1 man and 1 woman relationship forms … KINGS AND QUEENS … before them and the creation of fairy tale of soul mate around the Fashion of being Royality and privildged ....well there was … Polygamy laws expose our own hypocrisy
By Jonathan Turley http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html half way down the page on right … a good article , easier reading than me .
Your hands are tied in action, but your hands are not tied in imagination -- and everything springs forth from the imagination. Everything.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in San Rafael, CA on Saturday, February 27th, 1999
It is not the WORD OF A GOD you have to follow but Abstract advise , information filtered thru a human .. info or data of and about the UNTHINABLENESS .. way beyond the 2 gigs of human brain power to translate or talk about …. Filtered thur the DENDRITE PATHWAYS …. Of the speaker .
It was in the ALL OR NOTHING , grown from the fear of a slave ..LISTEN OR END UP IN THE ….hell ….. the foundrys of PHAROH …. In a desert already now even fucking hotter melting the gold needed to satify the UPPER CLASSES need for Fashion .
Your hands are not tied if you have the first few level os MASLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS taken care of then everything even actionis Free choice ,,,, to continue withor bail from when it becomes no longer fun … http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html
But imagination also comes with its LIMITS ,,again FEEL … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html even in just dreaming about something you can feel the TIGHTNESS of limiting belief become expresses in your body , as you feel the IN ABLITY … or stress of the trap you live …. Belief trained dendrite pathways of thnking … bio mechanics . your toa self has no limits and the bio machine does have limts ,,we want limits so to explore .. THNGNESS .. limit of 1 thing 2 thing 3 thng instead of ALL THINGS ALL THE TIME IN ALLWAYS till there is NO1 THING . http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
The toa reality is muchmuchmuch greater than this TINY INNER EXPERINCE of living we experience in the whole of toa .. to call it it following your inner self is a confusing concept for that give rise to the imagaination that HERE AND NOW is of any great importance , when in reality the ..QUANTUM second af ..quanta assemebleage and ..de-assembalge is NOTHING … in comparison to the Tao in which it HAPPENS WITHIN . unverses or in fi nite heaes are nothing but grains of sand …. Read this to get that idea of grains of sand ness . http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html ...... but remember all is still experienced here in and thru bio mechanics all ways FLAWED and limited ..not he UNTHINKABLE thoughts alluded to by bubddha .
Kirshna ….. humanized form of a god/king ,,, give yourelf to me and I will beyour friend is the promise of Kirshna… god in human form from a time of myth when human felt itself so BIG because it could make fire when no other anmal did well of course it created the image of creator in human form ,,,,, yet like so many times it seems the god arrives to interact AFTER the fact humaniy is already active and then god finds them fun … it even seems that adam and eve were kicked out of EDEN inot a world with other HOMINDS …. The conept of god is not that we NEEDED one as Aborginal man was un happy with the inner knowledge of its connectiveness to TOA and all spirit as much as the HIERACHIAL players ( petty healers mitch doctors leaders who found it possible to live without working or farming or hunting gathering and live off of WORSHITP ) needed magical support to keep their believers in line and so ….… so maybe PHAROH by name was not in India but thru the trade routes the concept of CONTROL was passed from tribe to tribe , found uselfull it became AREA SPECIFIC myth form . supporting the KINGS AND PRINCES of that area …
Think about myth and how ASSOCIATION from birth with the famous of that myth does grow … myth in yur own life , tales of the EXPLOITS of yourself or friends … in the fl. Keys Is myth around a gigantic tiger shark that hunts the bridge system , well once during the shark run while my partner and I were commericailly fishing it at night he noticed what he thought was a submarine going under neath us , we could see the water color change by the lights then caught a glimse of the edge of the IT , WELL THE NEXT sharke we hooked this fucking monster eats in 1 bite now the sharks we get this time of year avarega 5 to 7 feet mostle lemeons …. That was fucking wild …. The monster swam off with our CASH in its belly ignoring the drag of the 4/0 eventually at full drag we broke off ..the next shark here comes MONGO once more and eats it whole 1 bite this time I gott a beter reference on the width of its head based upon how it ate the tiny 6 footer I had on ( tiny compared it , just live bait ) that was on a 8/0 and I gues the heavier line Drag caused Mongo a stomach ache so after almost empting the reel … it bit off the head of the leamon eationg the rest so I reeled back a head ..…. Which I kept at the store ( phils bait and tackle in Miami for the next decade ..telling grand storys around Mongo .. ) from the teeth marks in the head the size of the head we get an idea of how big the lemon shark was and how big mongo was and what speices it was …
Back to that shark run we geared up for mongo and returned in a few days with 100 of feet of trailer cable, truck tire inter tubes and AR 15’s bolted that to a bridge piling in the are we were fishing last imte .. caught ourselves 5 foot piece of live bait ( a full on shark that would cause the empting of most public beaches if it showed up ) hooked it on the rig like it was a live shiner and waited …no mongo ,,, only years of storys ….
The same thing happened around a wise man who like the animals around him learned the benift of eating grass when sick to create a purgative effect .. or what plant to use to stop bleeding a protect a cut ,,,, let us say that maybe this wise man’s grand son was EXTRA big and strong and was the HERO procteCTOR of the area …. And thus ..magicall story grew out of this family ,, honors bestowed …and god myths foloowed over genenrations … of entertaining storys … around camp fires and caves .
So in the book from http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html CASHING IN ON THE AMERICAN DREAM how to retire at 35 ( well you can not cash in on the American dream any more because most people are UPSIDE DOWN in their mortagess ) mr.paul tells an old story from the islands about an American who comes to a pretty secluded piece of beach well outside of the tourist town of the isaland where a young man in his 20’s is kicked back under a palm tree with a couple of coke bottles with fishing line wrapped around them as his fishing poles , he is chilling with a few fish already cautgh hidden in the sand under a palm fron to keep em fresh …
And so the tourist sets himself up , un loads the car and starts to fish and talking with the youg man ,,,, giving him the best American advise about wealth …. Well if you would move into the city … and get an education and a good job and work hard yur should be able to retire like me in your 60’s and then spend your time… fishing on nice secluded beach ….
And the young man replys ,,,hmmm good adivse work for 40 years in some crowded smelly city I don’t like at a job I hate so that in 40 years when I am old , over weight and in bad health , I can come back and do what I am doing right now ……. Sounds STUPID .
There are estimates that about 50,000 americans live off grid … bailed out of the system and are self sustaining …. That is not to mentioan the 75,000 or so amish who have been living outside of the ENGLISH system for 300 years ,,, off grid ….
IMAGINE..no flags …. No call to arms … http://www.instinctualism.org/one_human_family.html they love thier familys to .they open doors for strangers just like you …. The smile laugh and sing just like an Arab.
http://www.spaceoflove.com/rodnoe_1.htm great video on adobe house building
Recently in Russia there has been an increase in the number of people who, preferring life in nature to the hustle and bustle of the city, have moved to Eco-villages…and are creating "Kin's domains." They have given up the use of fertilizers, heavy agricultural machines, and grow all their food themselves.
Eco-village Rodnoe has approximately 100 plots of land, each of which measures no less than a hectare. Families organize their plots in their own way, and say that their domain has the personality of its owner.
Who are they? People who leave their successful and relatively quiet life in modern cities and go to rural areas to set upon a hectare of land - their Kin's domains? What drives them? Are they happy about the change? How they deal with the land and growing plants? How does one build an adobe house? Watch the Day of all-Earth celebration. You will find the answers to all these and many more questions in the film # 1 about summer time in Eco-village Rodnoe.
It‘s good!.. to have your soul-searching done
And your infinite troubles finished
It’s good! To have the question solved
And being aware of your predestination!.. (from a song)
"...A human’s thought serves to begin it all. You see, these people thought it up from the beginning, their Kin’s domains creation, for children and grandchildren to live in garden, in paradise. And people took wild bushy land that meant to be abandoned and there they have started to embody their thoughts into reality, with caring tenderness touching their native land, they were planting trees and flowers, building roads to make it easier to drive to their Kin’s domains, they were erecting houses, of any type, some made of wood, some of clay, adobe houses, and many were in no hurry to build a house and lived in tents, in temporarily dwellings all summer long, but main thing that attracted them was their native land that generously loved them back and gave them warmth and fruits.
And seeds were sprouting, and trees were growing up, following beautiful dream of man they strived to eternity..."
yep the plan sold to you by …. The media is the ONLY plan you shuld follow , never ever think for yourself , listen to the
http://www.instinctualism.org/pest_control.html let some chickens gorw wild and muscov ducks ( they love mosquitoes like candy to ‘em Mosq, have no place to hide ) fresh game meats and eggs once you find their nesting hide aways and track the laying cycles .
http://www.instinctualism.org/make_beer.html understanding how to make beer you actually learn a lot about any type of food preservation … but remember beer is not just wheat and barley …. Ginger beers juice beers etcetcetc B vitimans and yeast … yeast is present naturally on all sweet dark berry skins . that whitish covering in it .
but NO do not think outside of the box ..especially about the core ISSUE of SEX … bring with you the FEAR and GREED of being the 1 AND ONLY …. Make sure you maintain that UNDER LYING CURRENT of thought vibration … to pollute the future with your past … carry yourself with you …. Bring the core failure along for the ride . http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html ..... for 5000 years from the first examples of 1 man and 1 woman relationship forms … KINGS AND QUEENS … before them and the creation of fairy tale of soul mate around the Fashion of being Royality and privildged ....well there was … Polygamy laws expose our own hypocrisy
By Jonathan Turley http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html half way down the page on right … a good article , easier reading than me .
Your hands are tied in action, but your hands are not tied in imagination -- and everything springs forth from the imagination. Everything.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in San Rafael, CA on Saturday, February 27th, 1999
It is not the WORD OF A GOD you have to follow but Abstract advise , information filtered thru a human .. info or data of and about the UNTHINABLENESS .. way beyond the 2 gigs of human brain power to translate or talk about …. Filtered thur the DENDRITE PATHWAYS …. Of the speaker .
It was in the ALL OR NOTHING , grown from the fear of a slave ..LISTEN OR END UP IN THE ….hell ….. the foundrys of PHAROH …. In a desert already now even fucking hotter melting the gold needed to satify the UPPER CLASSES need for Fashion .
Your hands are not tied if you have the first few level os MASLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS taken care of then everything even actionis Free choice ,,,, to continue withor bail from when it becomes no longer fun … http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html
But imagination also comes with its LIMITS ,,again FEEL … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html even in just dreaming about something you can feel the TIGHTNESS of limiting belief become expresses in your body , as you feel the IN ABLITY … or stress of the trap you live …. Belief trained dendrite pathways of thnking … bio mechanics . your toa self has no limits and the bio machine does have limts ,,we want limits so to explore .. THNGNESS .. limit of 1 thing 2 thing 3 thng instead of ALL THINGS ALL THE TIME IN ALLWAYS till there is NO1 THING . http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
The toa reality is muchmuchmuch greater than this TINY INNER EXPERINCE of living we experience in the whole of toa .. to call it it following your inner self is a confusing concept for that give rise to the imagaination that HERE AND NOW is of any great importance , when in reality the ..QUANTUM second af ..quanta assemebleage and ..de-assembalge is NOTHING … in comparison to the Tao in which it HAPPENS WITHIN . unverses or in fi nite heaes are nothing but grains of sand …. Read this to get that idea of grains of sand ness . http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html ...... but remember all is still experienced here in and thru bio mechanics all ways FLAWED and limited ..not he UNTHINKABLE thoughts alluded to by bubddha .
Sunday, December 27, 2009
dusty pussy
Dusty pussy
Face down on the ground breathing in DUST you will no longer be looking for your bible but to your creator to get you THRU ……
The WORD TOOL of the sage spoken thru the hierachial tribal leader of an ABORGINAL north American 1st nations p[eople ..all just word tool … trying to make sense of the myths told to him by grand pa who was making sense of the myth told to him by his grand pa , and so on and so on ….
But the honeslty ..of the SUN DANCE .. shows wisdom ..everywhere is heave said grandpa ..to the leader of today ,,gandpa knew that SPIRIT is every where … always in ALL WAYS . hearing voices….npr on sat dec 26 ….. the aboringal voice of the sage before HIERACHY of witch doctor . or worshiped preists ,, all felt their connection to . http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html ..... feeling that air itself was an equality the spirit of life was nevered feared … LIE AND EDEATH were UNDERSTOOD as TRANSITIONING forms …of awareness ,,,, not this BLACK AND WHITE fear based concept of PAHAORH’S mind control
Go beyond universe , the reward of heaven after flowing the RULES of god.kins , the myths born of HIERACHIAL slave /AMSTER eco system expression of sociapathic human ……
Now let go to TAODYS Yemmen … running out of oil ain’t got no WATER and has I illiteracy na big time unemployement for the Slaves who depend on CITY for life issues l like food and water …. And so with the bleak out look AlQUEDA gives NEW HOPE to the people the slaves …. Now it is just the same old HIERACHY system .. with no real improvements but it is some form of hope that PHAROH system backed by Western consumption of oil us Europe and the us … and the new china us the new BABLYLON … us the new PAHAROH EXPRESSION .. is not not fulfilling the needs of the slave work force we FOLLED INOT COMING INOT THE CITY . remember these cultures have 30,000 year old history of being desert nomads , they realy do not NEED us but we addicted them to ur systems and so like any junkie now without DOPE they are getting Strung out and stressed looking for a new FIX ….
So the US …us ..last year while we have our own $$$$ problems send Yemmen 700 MILLION in miliatray AID … go back a month or 2 in blogs to get the DATA on how many 100’s OF THOUSANDS OF MILES OF OIL PIPE LINES WE HAVE ,,GET THE DATA FROM Isreals plan to build a 400 mile water pipe line for 2.3 billion , and REMEMBER war fixes nothing …. And then say to yourself . VOTER ..BOSS OF THE UNITED STATES IN REALITY … that 700 million would have been 1/3 of the nation wide irrigation system
Bringin them back to ..the slaves back to nature …. Would ruin the SLAVE useage of human ,,, the available human resource for PHAROH … in the city .
War is better keeps everyone DIVIDED AND CONQUERED ..confusion is just divided attention . confuse and conquer ..keep you stressed out at home , dependant on leaders to think about larger issues because your day to day life is stressing you out so much . banking on PHAROH …
700 million would pay 1/3 of the greening of the deserts of yemmen , providing food foresting ,,,, thru out history the average family fam size has ended up being about 5 acres … it seems to be a natural norm , when humanity is left alone and UN GREEDY . http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html yemmen like most countrys has plenty of land for its slaves .. much more than is needed …. Studytthe greening the desert videos of bill mollison and find out ,,, in a few yeas there is no need for warfare because the happy contented well fed population ..would not want to destroy their GOOD LIFE to die for … ideal not needed .. why struggle for heaven and the end to suffereing if sufferieng here and now is OVER . suffereing is the creation of the PHAROH CONCEPT and the TRICKING OF SALVES with promises of gold covered streets and gold chains and fashion .
It will take the VOTER …. To make the real change , a voter who thnks for themselves and does not listen to the 5000 year old lies of PHAROH … and Priests who have vested $$$$ interests in maintaining the status quo .
If we were talking to you on your first day here we would say, "Welcome to planet Earth. There is nothing that you cannot be or do or have. And your work here—your lifetime career—is to seek joy.
"As you think thoughts that feel good to you, you will be in harmony with who-you-really-are. And in doing so you will utilize your profound freedom. Seek joy first, and all of the growth that you could ever imagine will come joyously and abundantly unto you."
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
You can here the audi clip from a dowlaod here http://www.instinctualism.org/time_for_peace.html
FEEL the tension in your body ,,, notice the sublte muscle tightening you express when you think about certain topics ,,,, compounded this tightening restricts blood and proper functioning of the bio machine which in time will express as DIS-EASE ,,, dis ..as in a problem with or lack of ..Ease as in Ease .. or FEAR really core fear of death ,,, not understanding of tth CONCEPT OF …. TAO ..TRANSISTIONING OF ..THE unthinkable ness which is you … http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html a story to help you FEEL that UN THINKABLENESS of you …
Your thinking actuall is based upon the lack side of the equation … on the topic of your think ing whenyou feel the difference between slightly tightened muscles and relaxed muscles . …. And here you find the PRESCITION to a health care plan without doctors . http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html first over and over , is the CORE fear of DEATH .. so muchyou have to CONSTANTLY PRAY to god in fear of death … we seems to be the ONLY bio machine so scared of death … remember you are only BIO MACHINE …. Take a TEA CUP PODDLE and a Great Dane … and we KNOW they are both speicies DOG …. Take you and take Gorilla and the see http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html blood , bones , eyes , fingers , babys , lungs ,,even to sperm comparison and head of the COCK designe ( we have a longer shaft evolved by un antural hierarchy display over 10 thousand years like TITS large tita re unnatural and back for chicks backs but usefull in HIERACHY DISPLAY ..that is why chcikc get boob jobs .. hierarchy displays )….. aboriginal man felt the word of the sage saying THERE IS NO DEATH ..only transisiton waking from the dream then choosing to eneter a new dream .
Give this knowledge to the people of Yemmen along with irrgted desert and there will be no WAR .
Face down on the ground breathing in DUST you will no longer be looking for your bible but to your creator to get you THRU ……
The WORD TOOL of the sage spoken thru the hierachial tribal leader of an ABORGINAL north American 1st nations p[eople ..all just word tool … trying to make sense of the myths told to him by grand pa who was making sense of the myth told to him by his grand pa , and so on and so on ….
But the honeslty ..of the SUN DANCE .. shows wisdom ..everywhere is heave said grandpa ..to the leader of today ,,gandpa knew that SPIRIT is every where … always in ALL WAYS . hearing voices….npr on sat dec 26 ….. the aboringal voice of the sage before HIERACHY of witch doctor . or worshiped preists ,, all felt their connection to . http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html ..... feeling that air itself was an equality the spirit of life was nevered feared … LIE AND EDEATH were UNDERSTOOD as TRANSITIONING forms …of awareness ,,,, not this BLACK AND WHITE fear based concept of PAHAORH’S mind control
Go beyond universe , the reward of heaven after flowing the RULES of god.kins , the myths born of HIERACHIAL slave /AMSTER eco system expression of sociapathic human ……
Now let go to TAODYS Yemmen … running out of oil ain’t got no WATER and has I illiteracy na big time unemployement for the Slaves who depend on CITY for life issues l like food and water …. And so with the bleak out look AlQUEDA gives NEW HOPE to the people the slaves …. Now it is just the same old HIERACHY system .. with no real improvements but it is some form of hope that PHAROH system backed by Western consumption of oil us Europe and the us … and the new china us the new BABLYLON … us the new PAHAROH EXPRESSION .. is not not fulfilling the needs of the slave work force we FOLLED INOT COMING INOT THE CITY . remember these cultures have 30,000 year old history of being desert nomads , they realy do not NEED us but we addicted them to ur systems and so like any junkie now without DOPE they are getting Strung out and stressed looking for a new FIX ….
So the US …us ..last year while we have our own $$$$ problems send Yemmen 700 MILLION in miliatray AID … go back a month or 2 in blogs to get the DATA on how many 100’s OF THOUSANDS OF MILES OF OIL PIPE LINES WE HAVE ,,GET THE DATA FROM Isreals plan to build a 400 mile water pipe line for 2.3 billion , and REMEMBER war fixes nothing …. And then say to yourself . VOTER ..BOSS OF THE UNITED STATES IN REALITY … that 700 million would have been 1/3 of the nation wide irrigation system
Bringin them back to ..the slaves back to nature …. Would ruin the SLAVE useage of human ,,, the available human resource for PHAROH … in the city .
War is better keeps everyone DIVIDED AND CONQUERED ..confusion is just divided attention . confuse and conquer ..keep you stressed out at home , dependant on leaders to think about larger issues because your day to day life is stressing you out so much . banking on PHAROH …
700 million would pay 1/3 of the greening of the deserts of yemmen , providing food foresting ,,,, thru out history the average family fam size has ended up being about 5 acres … it seems to be a natural norm , when humanity is left alone and UN GREEDY . http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html yemmen like most countrys has plenty of land for its slaves .. much more than is needed …. Studytthe greening the desert videos of bill mollison and find out ,,, in a few yeas there is no need for warfare because the happy contented well fed population ..would not want to destroy their GOOD LIFE to die for … ideal not needed .. why struggle for heaven and the end to suffereing if sufferieng here and now is OVER . suffereing is the creation of the PHAROH CONCEPT and the TRICKING OF SALVES with promises of gold covered streets and gold chains and fashion .
It will take the VOTER …. To make the real change , a voter who thnks for themselves and does not listen to the 5000 year old lies of PHAROH … and Priests who have vested $$$$ interests in maintaining the status quo .
If we were talking to you on your first day here we would say, "Welcome to planet Earth. There is nothing that you cannot be or do or have. And your work here—your lifetime career—is to seek joy.
"As you think thoughts that feel good to you, you will be in harmony with who-you-really-are. And in doing so you will utilize your profound freedom. Seek joy first, and all of the growth that you could ever imagine will come joyously and abundantly unto you."
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
You can here the audi clip from a dowlaod here http://www.instinctualism.org/time_for_peace.html
FEEL the tension in your body ,,, notice the sublte muscle tightening you express when you think about certain topics ,,,, compounded this tightening restricts blood and proper functioning of the bio machine which in time will express as DIS-EASE ,,, dis ..as in a problem with or lack of ..Ease as in Ease .. or FEAR really core fear of death ,,, not understanding of tth CONCEPT OF …. TAO ..TRANSISTIONING OF ..THE unthinkable ness which is you … http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html a story to help you FEEL that UN THINKABLENESS of you …
Your thinking actuall is based upon the lack side of the equation … on the topic of your think ing whenyou feel the difference between slightly tightened muscles and relaxed muscles . …. And here you find the PRESCITION to a health care plan without doctors . http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html first over and over , is the CORE fear of DEATH .. so muchyou have to CONSTANTLY PRAY to god in fear of death … we seems to be the ONLY bio machine so scared of death … remember you are only BIO MACHINE …. Take a TEA CUP PODDLE and a Great Dane … and we KNOW they are both speicies DOG …. Take you and take Gorilla and the see http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html blood , bones , eyes , fingers , babys , lungs ,,even to sperm comparison and head of the COCK designe ( we have a longer shaft evolved by un antural hierarchy display over 10 thousand years like TITS large tita re unnatural and back for chicks backs but usefull in HIERACHY DISPLAY ..that is why chcikc get boob jobs .. hierarchy displays )….. aboriginal man felt the word of the sage saying THERE IS NO DEATH ..only transisiton waking from the dream then choosing to eneter a new dream .
Give this knowledge to the people of Yemmen along with irrgted desert and there will be no WAR .
Saturday, December 26, 2009
S.A.D. pussy
Sad pussy
Season affected disorder ,,, so fucking wrong the DISORDER is in the expectation that a DNA animal has to act outside ot the MILLIONS OF years of SUCCESS HISTORY writtenin data , survival history and those that found life enjoyable enough to keep living lived and had babys and the animal has all of the many adaptations written in its DNA ,, in our DNA we have the story of our connection to the LIZARD to SINGLE CELL life etc etc etc … http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html a self repearing ablity available to life forms that find value in continueing the game .
So when the PHAROHsystem eco system econimc system calls S.A.D. it a DIS ORDER when a human expresses the nature of HIBERNATION … during this time when it should be SLOWING DOWN great survival instinct rest and thenb e ready for to enjoy spring , rest and sae food and energy ,, rest let the body heal up actually ,,use up those extrea calories sotred as FAT ,,, nothing worng with fat just htat we were supposed to go to sleep and live off that fat during winters instead of PUT ON MORE AND MORE LAYERS OF FAT …
So the SLAVE MASTER wanst to drug you into be GOOD ..NOT SINNING … work slave work … all that matter s I the ECONOIMIC system not the INDIVIdUAL HUMAN . THE orginal sin was not following the rules of PHAROH .. that what was evel and for that you would be killed ,,,,, and the MYTH and fear …. BECAME FAIRY TALE STORYS TO TEACH children young ..be good or PHAROH will cast you out or worse straight up kill you … or have you work in the FOUNDRYS OF THE AGE …
FIRE AND BRIMSTONE HELLLS of the slave world . morphed by preists into tools of fear that we continue to pass down mindlessly to children today thru ORGANIZEZD RELIEGONS .
So missionaryies go to Africa to HELP THE POOR PEOPLE , to save them with their IDEAS AND TECHNOLOGY ,,but realize this , Africa had a stable human population living within rythems and harmonys with nature ofr 10 MILLION YEARS …. And only in the last 100 years of getting BARBED WIRE from the new BABLYON … the disruption of thenatural cycles and OVERGRAZING of the HOLY COW The US has 2.3 billion acres of land of which about 350 million is used for growning crops , 503 million acres for forestry land , 587 million acres of pasture/range land ( meat for the king wine for the church - Masanabo Fukuoka ) 108 million acres for housing/city land the balence is park land. http://www.instinctualism.org/housing.html 587 million acres for the holy cow , 108 for us to be Ccrammed inot LIKE SARDINES IN DENCITY HOUSING. Close to the work place of PHAROH MACHINE . work hard spend more and PHAOH lives like a mosquitoe form the 1% og GNP ….
So RELIGON COMES to save people from the PROBLEMS it in reality creates .. in complex generrationally passd action paths . done without thinking … HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT IT ALL ..DIFFERENTLY . only a few 100 years ago to think like this would be cause for your pulbic execution … hiersey
Back to the sad pussy ,,, well think for yourself , look at nature …like the sage of old did ,,the wisdom of ZHUANGZI was roote din his coparison of human insanity and natures success … http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
Now a FRUITATIAN again the extreme expression not aharmonius expression of success evovlution WE LEARNED HOW TO PRESERVE FOOD SO WE COULD EXPAND OUT INTO ARTIC WORLDS LIVE THRU …ICE AGES … so balancing the nature of our being our teeth and hand expression of being thr fruit eaters with the tool maker ablity .. and food processor ablity allows for the life of human to be in northern places where we do n o totally HIBERNATE , but eat less be less active and live from dryed food stockes and preserved food sotres . be adaptable do not just FOLLOW LIKE A SHEEP .. like a religion once more fruitatriam COMMANDMENTS … http://www.instinctualism.org/free_food.html they are just examples form which you yong master are to draw CREATIVITY FROM .
Your conclusion that there isn't enough of something—whether it is enough land, or money, or clarity—stems from you learning, without meaning to, a vibration that holds you apart from what you want. There is no limitation. If you identify a desire for it, Source recognizes your desire, and immediately begins to deliver it to you. And it will manifest in the variety, in the fullness, and in the way that you, and only you, learn to allow it.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in San Francisco, CA on Saturday, March 8th, 2003
The whole of everything is ..ATRRACTION and EXPANSION based ..sucess based , there is NO REASON FOR THE ATOM TO STAY …STABLE.
Think about it ……
There is not LAW there is no QUANTUM police force … arresting BAD quantuas and bringing them before a QUANTUM JUDGE AND DA , negotiating Plea Bargians , before the quanta is sent to a Quantum jail for acting in a sub atomiclay disruptive way … NO THE WHOLE IS ATTRACTIVE TO ALLOW FOR A stable play ground of HTINGNESS … http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html billions upon billions to the BILLIONTH power flasing in and out of BEINGNESS so the play ground can BE and we can ….ad…venture .. in it experiencing thru BIO MECHANICS which still carries in it the RYTHMS OF NATURE … of sunny summers and darker cooler winters .
Season affected disorder ,,, so fucking wrong the DISORDER is in the expectation that a DNA animal has to act outside ot the MILLIONS OF years of SUCCESS HISTORY writtenin data , survival history and those that found life enjoyable enough to keep living lived and had babys and the animal has all of the many adaptations written in its DNA ,, in our DNA we have the story of our connection to the LIZARD to SINGLE CELL life etc etc etc … http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html a self repearing ablity available to life forms that find value in continueing the game .
So when the PHAROHsystem eco system econimc system calls S.A.D. it a DIS ORDER when a human expresses the nature of HIBERNATION … during this time when it should be SLOWING DOWN great survival instinct rest and thenb e ready for to enjoy spring , rest and sae food and energy ,, rest let the body heal up actually ,,use up those extrea calories sotred as FAT ,,, nothing worng with fat just htat we were supposed to go to sleep and live off that fat during winters instead of PUT ON MORE AND MORE LAYERS OF FAT …
So the SLAVE MASTER wanst to drug you into be GOOD ..NOT SINNING … work slave work … all that matter s I the ECONOIMIC system not the INDIVIdUAL HUMAN . THE orginal sin was not following the rules of PHAROH .. that what was evel and for that you would be killed ,,,,, and the MYTH and fear …. BECAME FAIRY TALE STORYS TO TEACH children young ..be good or PHAROH will cast you out or worse straight up kill you … or have you work in the FOUNDRYS OF THE AGE …
FIRE AND BRIMSTONE HELLLS of the slave world . morphed by preists into tools of fear that we continue to pass down mindlessly to children today thru ORGANIZEZD RELIEGONS .
So missionaryies go to Africa to HELP THE POOR PEOPLE , to save them with their IDEAS AND TECHNOLOGY ,,but realize this , Africa had a stable human population living within rythems and harmonys with nature ofr 10 MILLION YEARS …. And only in the last 100 years of getting BARBED WIRE from the new BABLYON … the disruption of thenatural cycles and OVERGRAZING of the HOLY COW The US has 2.3 billion acres of land of which about 350 million is used for growning crops , 503 million acres for forestry land , 587 million acres of pasture/range land ( meat for the king wine for the church - Masanabo Fukuoka ) 108 million acres for housing/city land the balence is park land. http://www.instinctualism.org/housing.html 587 million acres for the holy cow , 108 for us to be Ccrammed inot LIKE SARDINES IN DENCITY HOUSING. Close to the work place of PHAROH MACHINE . work hard spend more and PHAOH lives like a mosquitoe form the 1% og GNP ….
So RELIGON COMES to save people from the PROBLEMS it in reality creates .. in complex generrationally passd action paths . done without thinking … HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT IT ALL ..DIFFERENTLY . only a few 100 years ago to think like this would be cause for your pulbic execution … hiersey
Back to the sad pussy ,,, well think for yourself , look at nature …like the sage of old did ,,the wisdom of ZHUANGZI was roote din his coparison of human insanity and natures success … http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
Now a FRUITATIAN again the extreme expression not aharmonius expression of success evovlution WE LEARNED HOW TO PRESERVE FOOD SO WE COULD EXPAND OUT INTO ARTIC WORLDS LIVE THRU …ICE AGES … so balancing the nature of our being our teeth and hand expression of being thr fruit eaters with the tool maker ablity .. and food processor ablity allows for the life of human to be in northern places where we do n o totally HIBERNATE , but eat less be less active and live from dryed food stockes and preserved food sotres . be adaptable do not just FOLLOW LIKE A SHEEP .. like a religion once more fruitatriam COMMANDMENTS … http://www.instinctualism.org/free_food.html they are just examples form which you yong master are to draw CREATIVITY FROM .
Your conclusion that there isn't enough of something—whether it is enough land, or money, or clarity—stems from you learning, without meaning to, a vibration that holds you apart from what you want. There is no limitation. If you identify a desire for it, Source recognizes your desire, and immediately begins to deliver it to you. And it will manifest in the variety, in the fullness, and in the way that you, and only you, learn to allow it.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in San Francisco, CA on Saturday, March 8th, 2003
The whole of everything is ..ATRRACTION and EXPANSION based ..sucess based , there is NO REASON FOR THE ATOM TO STAY …STABLE.
Think about it ……
There is not LAW there is no QUANTUM police force … arresting BAD quantuas and bringing them before a QUANTUM JUDGE AND DA , negotiating Plea Bargians , before the quanta is sent to a Quantum jail for acting in a sub atomiclay disruptive way … NO THE WHOLE IS ATTRACTIVE TO ALLOW FOR A stable play ground of HTINGNESS … http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html billions upon billions to the BILLIONTH power flasing in and out of BEINGNESS so the play ground can BE and we can ….ad…venture .. in it experiencing thru BIO MECHANICS which still carries in it the RYTHMS OF NATURE … of sunny summers and darker cooler winters .
Friday, December 25, 2009
pussy wanna milky boner
Pussy wann a milky boner
MY ATTENTION ON WHAT IS …. I , we came here to experience NO’s .. http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html an agreement state wehere we all said … NO more magic ..limitations .. points of references that we can some what deal with thru a tool of bio mechanics .. a brain to process things thus far evolved to handle about 2 gigs at a conssiuos level .. ( the bio machine processes ands toes and esl with much much more data ) but us we deal with about 2 gigs of experience at anyone INSTANT or second . life is supposed to be fun and in finding life fun or NOT fun you EITHER WANT to expres the REPLICATION of bio menchaincs or not ,, y=( you nay be express it because you feel it is SOCIALLY EXPECTED .. or is fashionable youg women having kids is like the new hadn bag ..in some areas ) that is not what I am talking about … I am talking about choosing to be a DINK or gay .. when the facts is for gay ,,there is not homo sexual gene expcept in 1% or th 3% birth mututations … a very small percentage for ,, homosexual genes do NOT reproduce themselves they are homo sexual DUH …. No JUDGE MENTS just exploration or the wanted and unwanted and
BOYCOTT UGANDA … buy so. American coffees Uganda is trying to enact death penalty for being gay ,,sick !
The evidence trail of FUN or FEAR …. Confusion worry stress … to the pint your only options are X Y and Z ..so of course you exercise the presented option forms … www.instinctualism.org is just 1 more free choice ..did you see the fruitiarian . video .. the site plan the food forest 100’s upon 100’s of fruit producers http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html ( ohh yes and game animals also we found birds in the trees fish were easy to catch ) …..the evidence trail of dental examine on the 13 million years fossil homids shows wear patterns in harmony with a fruit eater .. your hands and teeth are designed to eat fruit…. But for PHAROHS slaves and armys ,,it was better to have TRAVELING FOOD SUPPLYS ,, like hard dyed grains to make breads and meat because they walk by themselves …. Sure we eat seeds of fruit ..but not in BREAD . especially high gluton shit ,,the true beigining of TOOTH DECAY in humaity is the beginning of high glutom sicky wheat breads and cakes . again of PHAROHS TIME . but now on to some thing more abstaratc that even this .
I had a student once that I was teaching about passing thru solid walls or doors …. And again explaining the PYSHICS of subatomic particle of atomic particle of atmospshere itself … having all the material into IT suppeneded that would make up a human bio macine .. already , and it does pass thru things like concrete or a door even thru vapor barriered things … just a way slower rates … but the THINGNESS will and does pass thru common shit all the time , the same stuff that you and I are made of
But if you were to appear coming thru a wall you would be BREAKING THE RULES … and you YOURSELF and everyone else would not acknowledge your GREATNESS because realy behind the Wants of this skill is you wanting to SHOW OFF geatneess to plac eyoursel fin a HIERACHY above others . …. Not part of the agreement state of this adventure PLATFORM . we at our deepest truest selves know the equality of of us all even down to the single celled ..being ness even to the beingness of the building block ,,the QUANTA itself equal in all ways to me .. http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html to think about that understand that brings you into a state of IN FIN NITY so braod you do not realy come back .. because the quantity of QUANTAS in just 1 atome or a compoung molecule or cell single is so many BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS TO THE BILLIONTH POWER . and we are all the SAME ? you mean that is the same importance as em the GREAT AND WONDERFUL human being ? yep! All of the building blocks are ..i…. in …. I ….. the guided imagery is to show you your vast ness yet your smallness … NO SIZE ..NO TIME ..NO SPACE … no jusdgements of hierhay ,,no right hand of GOD ….
So once the student got the idea they could then pass thru walls …. For their own personel recreation ..but toe ver speak of this to anyone else would eman being judged as PHYCO PUPPY …. Woof woof pussy wanna milk bone …
As you ..if you get inot listening to eht ENTERTAINER Ester .. who does speak with the clarity of the sage …. Think back to the idea of UN IMPOSSIBLITY … and how to be ther would cause such chaos to the experience of REGULATED TIME SPACE VENTS chronlogial order from which we can have a paly ground I which to create or build with BLOCKS LIKE CHILDREN .
It is lke becoming the block of metal ..the bio machine goes on AUTO POILT … expecting your return …. WHILE YOU AND THE ONLY WAY TO DEAL WITH IT AND stya ture ot the agreement state …. You go dream …. And whatever you dream is POSSIBLE ….. for toa has not IM POSSIBLITY . but the agreement state ..this football field where we chosse to play by the same rules well this does .. rules KEPT TRUE IN THE DNA ….
Back to POLY LIFE And being human ….. back to DNA expectations and living more HAPPY …. Think for yourself .think out side the box … http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
You are the creator of your own life experience, and as the creator of your experience, it is important to understand that it is not by virtue of your action, not by virtue of your doing—it is not even by virtue of what you are saying—that you are creating. You are creating by virtue of the thought that you are offering.
You cannot speak or offer action without thought-vibration occurring at the same time; however, you are often offering a thought-vibration without offering words or action. Children or babies learn to mimic the vibration of the adults who surround them long before they learn to mimic their words.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
Vibration is just another word tool for thinking ..what is a thought can you buy a cup of thought ?
MY ATTENTION ON WHAT IS …. I , we came here to experience NO’s .. http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html an agreement state wehere we all said … NO more magic ..limitations .. points of references that we can some what deal with thru a tool of bio mechanics .. a brain to process things thus far evolved to handle about 2 gigs at a conssiuos level .. ( the bio machine processes ands toes and esl with much much more data ) but us we deal with about 2 gigs of experience at anyone INSTANT or second . life is supposed to be fun and in finding life fun or NOT fun you EITHER WANT to expres the REPLICATION of bio menchaincs or not ,, y=( you nay be express it because you feel it is SOCIALLY EXPECTED .. or is fashionable youg women having kids is like the new hadn bag ..in some areas ) that is not what I am talking about … I am talking about choosing to be a DINK or gay .. when the facts is for gay ,,there is not homo sexual gene expcept in 1% or th 3% birth mututations … a very small percentage for ,, homosexual genes do NOT reproduce themselves they are homo sexual DUH …. No JUDGE MENTS just exploration or the wanted and unwanted and
BOYCOTT UGANDA … buy so. American coffees Uganda is trying to enact death penalty for being gay ,,sick !
The evidence trail of FUN or FEAR …. Confusion worry stress … to the pint your only options are X Y and Z ..so of course you exercise the presented option forms … www.instinctualism.org is just 1 more free choice ..did you see the fruitiarian . video .. the site plan the food forest 100’s upon 100’s of fruit producers http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html ( ohh yes and game animals also we found birds in the trees fish were easy to catch ) …..the evidence trail of dental examine on the 13 million years fossil homids shows wear patterns in harmony with a fruit eater .. your hands and teeth are designed to eat fruit…. But for PHAROHS slaves and armys ,,it was better to have TRAVELING FOOD SUPPLYS ,, like hard dyed grains to make breads and meat because they walk by themselves …. Sure we eat seeds of fruit ..but not in BREAD . especially high gluton shit ,,the true beigining of TOOTH DECAY in humaity is the beginning of high glutom sicky wheat breads and cakes . again of PHAROHS TIME . but now on to some thing more abstaratc that even this .
I had a student once that I was teaching about passing thru solid walls or doors …. And again explaining the PYSHICS of subatomic particle of atomic particle of atmospshere itself … having all the material into IT suppeneded that would make up a human bio macine .. already , and it does pass thru things like concrete or a door even thru vapor barriered things … just a way slower rates … but the THINGNESS will and does pass thru common shit all the time , the same stuff that you and I are made of
But if you were to appear coming thru a wall you would be BREAKING THE RULES … and you YOURSELF and everyone else would not acknowledge your GREATNESS because realy behind the Wants of this skill is you wanting to SHOW OFF geatneess to plac eyoursel fin a HIERACHY above others . …. Not part of the agreement state of this adventure PLATFORM . we at our deepest truest selves know the equality of of us all even down to the single celled ..being ness even to the beingness of the building block ,,the QUANTA itself equal in all ways to me .. http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html to think about that understand that brings you into a state of IN FIN NITY so braod you do not realy come back .. because the quantity of QUANTAS in just 1 atome or a compoung molecule or cell single is so many BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS TO THE BILLIONTH POWER . and we are all the SAME ? you mean that is the same importance as em the GREAT AND WONDERFUL human being ? yep! All of the building blocks are ..i…. in …. I ….. the guided imagery is to show you your vast ness yet your smallness … NO SIZE ..NO TIME ..NO SPACE … no jusdgements of hierhay ,,no right hand of GOD ….
So once the student got the idea they could then pass thru walls …. For their own personel recreation ..but toe ver speak of this to anyone else would eman being judged as PHYCO PUPPY …. Woof woof pussy wanna milk bone …
As you ..if you get inot listening to eht ENTERTAINER Ester .. who does speak with the clarity of the sage …. Think back to the idea of UN IMPOSSIBLITY … and how to be ther would cause such chaos to the experience of REGULATED TIME SPACE VENTS chronlogial order from which we can have a paly ground I which to create or build with BLOCKS LIKE CHILDREN .
It is lke becoming the block of metal ..the bio machine goes on AUTO POILT … expecting your return …. WHILE YOU AND THE ONLY WAY TO DEAL WITH IT AND stya ture ot the agreement state …. You go dream …. And whatever you dream is POSSIBLE ….. for toa has not IM POSSIBLITY . but the agreement state ..this football field where we chosse to play by the same rules well this does .. rules KEPT TRUE IN THE DNA ….
Back to POLY LIFE And being human ….. back to DNA expectations and living more HAPPY …. Think for yourself .think out side the box … http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
You are the creator of your own life experience, and as the creator of your experience, it is important to understand that it is not by virtue of your action, not by virtue of your doing—it is not even by virtue of what you are saying—that you are creating. You are creating by virtue of the thought that you are offering.
You cannot speak or offer action without thought-vibration occurring at the same time; however, you are often offering a thought-vibration without offering words or action. Children or babies learn to mimic the vibration of the adults who surround them long before they learn to mimic their words.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
Vibration is just another word tool for thinking ..what is a thought can you buy a cup of thought ?
Thursday, December 24, 2009
her pussy likes cock
Her pussy like cock
When yo are vibrating ,,,vibes what are the vibes lke ?but reallythe sage is using the word tool vibration ,,and meaning just thinking r thoughts as a grouping of .. http://www.instinctualism.org/id113.html
So you have a want ….PUSSY of course it is natural you are built to like and want and desire PUSSY and pussy is natural designed to want you .. http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html ….. YOU HAVE FLOOEDS of sexual hormones that clear your braino f HTOUGHTS OR VIBRATION on regurlar hourly cycles all related to PUSSY … it is on auto pilot like fucking breathing you do not have to schedule in the flood of TESTOSRONE … it happes like growing figner nails or hair … natural aspects to be thought about like http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
But back to ..the PATH TO FREEDOM , your worry about retirement ,,great to hear you are event hinking that far in advance already young master …. But the WORRRY WORRY WORRY ..the confusion as the information stream of GLOOM AND OOM .. is like fucking nevr ending … and then there is the WANTING of soemthng right now to just get your mind off the WHOLE OF THE SHIT and feel good for a while …
Vibration …. Or thinking , as you have a thought of something wanted , in the instiant you have a=certain sense of THE ATTAINABLITY of the wated …. But soon your Dentrite pathways of slave upbringing …. Catch you and remeind you about the bELEIFS … you can not have it or having it will be HARD or whateve …
So on you go to the thought groupings to support your CHILDHOOD PROGRAMING and the fucking evidence trail of an ECO YSTEM human eco system or economy ..based on HIERACHY which is ..Anchored in the creation of the …HAVE AND HAVE NOTS .. so lack ..srtifical realty …. Started off with some one putting out rules like , YOU CANNOT WHERE REALLLY …COOL …FEATHERS .. UNLESS YOU HAVE DONE ..X ..Y …S…and T … so the lil’ helpless child get mind fucked …. Big people teel me shit ,, I depend on them for food and protection so this is the way it must be ..NO …. YOU WERE ALWAYS ABLE TO WEAR FEATHERS …… just bail out of the CIVILZATION ..ASAP and kill yourself a bird with cool feathers and where them …
Ok so that was like 30,000 years ago … well today ,,,you still have the OP to bailout of the culture … if you want ,, the freedom is all around you .
Say yes to whatever it is. Because if you say yes to it and then you get in the middle of it, and you say, "Uh oh, this isn't really turning out the way I wanted it to," then out of that is born another desire. And as you say yes to that, then it turns out. And you say, "Well, it's still not quite right." So you have another desire... Until eventually you get it exactly right. You cannot get it wrong. No creation is ever complete. Just do it.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Tucson, AZ on Tuesday, February 15th, 2000
Everyday in everyway I am getting better adnb etter … http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89mile_Cou%C3%A9
Émile Coué de Châtaigneraie (February 26, 1857 – July 2, 1926) was a French psychologist and pharmacist who introduced a method of psychotherapy and self-improvement based on optimistic autosuggestion the voice of the SAGE is not a GOD or PERSOANGE ,,that is the way the human who has tapped the INFO STREAM deals wit it terms of their UP BRINGING … if you were born with NO GOD concept but the concept of TAO all equality you would feel the messages the inof for what iti si ..DATA . that feels good and useful giving RELIEF ..a sense fo better ..the evidence of Expansion .
When yo are vibrating ,,,vibes what are the vibes lke ?but reallythe sage is using the word tool vibration ,,and meaning just thinking r thoughts as a grouping of .. http://www.instinctualism.org/id113.html
So you have a want ….PUSSY of course it is natural you are built to like and want and desire PUSSY and pussy is natural designed to want you .. http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html ….. YOU HAVE FLOOEDS of sexual hormones that clear your braino f HTOUGHTS OR VIBRATION on regurlar hourly cycles all related to PUSSY … it is on auto pilot like fucking breathing you do not have to schedule in the flood of TESTOSRONE … it happes like growing figner nails or hair … natural aspects to be thought about like http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
But back to ..the PATH TO FREEDOM , your worry about retirement ,,great to hear you are event hinking that far in advance already young master …. But the WORRRY WORRY WORRY ..the confusion as the information stream of GLOOM AND OOM .. is like fucking nevr ending … and then there is the WANTING of soemthng right now to just get your mind off the WHOLE OF THE SHIT and feel good for a while …
Vibration …. Or thinking , as you have a thought of something wanted , in the instiant you have a=certain sense of THE ATTAINABLITY of the wated …. But soon your Dentrite pathways of slave upbringing …. Catch you and remeind you about the bELEIFS … you can not have it or having it will be HARD or whateve …
So on you go to the thought groupings to support your CHILDHOOD PROGRAMING and the fucking evidence trail of an ECO YSTEM human eco system or economy ..based on HIERACHY which is ..Anchored in the creation of the …HAVE AND HAVE NOTS .. so lack ..srtifical realty …. Started off with some one putting out rules like , YOU CANNOT WHERE REALLLY …COOL …FEATHERS .. UNLESS YOU HAVE DONE ..X ..Y …S…and T … so the lil’ helpless child get mind fucked …. Big people teel me shit ,, I depend on them for food and protection so this is the way it must be ..NO …. YOU WERE ALWAYS ABLE TO WEAR FEATHERS …… just bail out of the CIVILZATION ..ASAP and kill yourself a bird with cool feathers and where them …
Ok so that was like 30,000 years ago … well today ,,,you still have the OP to bailout of the culture … if you want ,, the freedom is all around you .
Say yes to whatever it is. Because if you say yes to it and then you get in the middle of it, and you say, "Uh oh, this isn't really turning out the way I wanted it to," then out of that is born another desire. And as you say yes to that, then it turns out. And you say, "Well, it's still not quite right." So you have another desire... Until eventually you get it exactly right. You cannot get it wrong. No creation is ever complete. Just do it.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Tucson, AZ on Tuesday, February 15th, 2000
Everyday in everyway I am getting better adnb etter … http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89mile_Cou%C3%A9
Émile Coué de Châtaigneraie (February 26, 1857 – July 2, 1926) was a French psychologist and pharmacist who introduced a method of psychotherapy and self-improvement based on optimistic autosuggestion the voice of the SAGE is not a GOD or PERSOANGE ,,that is the way the human who has tapped the INFO STREAM deals wit it terms of their UP BRINGING … if you were born with NO GOD concept but the concept of TAO all equality you would feel the messages the inof for what iti si ..DATA . that feels good and useful giving RELIEF ..a sense fo better ..the evidence of Expansion .
her pussy likes cock
Her pussy like cock
When yo are vibrating ,,,vibes what are the vibes lke ?but reallythe sage is using the word tool vibration ,,and meaning just thinking r thoughts as a grouping of .. http://www.instinctualism.org/id113.html
So you have a want ….PUSSY of course it is natural you are built to like and want and desire PUSSY and pussy is natural designed to want you .. http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html ….. YOU HAVE FLOOEDS of sexual hormones that clear your braino f HTOUGHTS OR VIBRATION on regurlar hourly cycles all related to PUSSY … it is on auto pilot like fucking breathing you do not have to schedule in the flood of TESTOSRONE … it happes like growing figner nails or hair … natural aspects to be thought about like http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
But back to ..the PATH TO FREEDOM , your worry about retirement ,,great to hear you are event hinking that far in advance already young master …. But the WORRRY WORRY WORRY ..the confusion as the information stream of GLOOM AND OOM .. is like fucking nevr ending … and then there is the WANTING of soemthng right now to just get your mind off the WHOLE OF THE SHIT and feel good for a while …
Vibration …. Or thinking , as you have a thought of something wanted , in the instiant you have a=certain sense of THE ATTAINABLITY of the wated …. But soon your Dentrite pathways of slave upbringing …. Catch you and remeind you about the bELEIFS … you can not have it or having it will be HARD or whateve …
So on you go to the thought groupings to support your CHILDHOOD PROGRAMING and the fucking evidence trail of an ECO YSTEM human eco system or economy ..based on HIERACHY which is ..Anchored in the creation of the …HAVE AND HAVE NOTS .. so lack ..srtifical realty …. Started off with some one putting out rules like , YOU CANNOT WHERE REALLLY …COOL …FEATHERS .. UNLESS YOU HAVE DONE ..X ..Y …S…and T … so the lil’ helpless child get mind fucked …. Big people teel me shit ,, I depend on them for food and protection so this is the way it must be ..NO …. YOU WERE ALWAYS ABLE TO WEAR FEATHERS …… just bail out of the CIVILZATION ..ASAP and kill yourself a bird with cool feathers and where them …
Ok so that was like 30,000 years ago … well today ,,,you still have the OP to bailout of the culture … if you want ,, the freedom is all around you .
Say yes to whatever it is. Because if you say yes to it and then you get in the middle of it, and you say, "Uh oh, this isn't really turning out the way I wanted it to," then out of that is born another desire. And as you say yes to that, then it turns out. And you say, "Well, it's still not quite right." So you have another desire... Until eventually you get it exactly right. You cannot get it wrong. No creation is ever complete. Just do it.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Tucson, AZ on Tuesday, February 15th, 2000
Everyday in everyway I am getting better adnb etter … http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89mile_Cou%C3%A9
Émile Coué de Châtaigneraie (February 26, 1857 – July 2, 1926) was a French psychologist and pharmacist who introduced a method of psychotherapy and self-improvement based on optimistic autosuggestion the voice of the SAGE is not a GOD or PERSOANGE ,,that is the way the human who has tapped the INFO STREAM deals wit it terms of their UP BRINGING … if you were born with NO GOD concept but the concept of TAO all equality you would feel the messages the inof for what iti si ..DATA . that feels good and useful giving RELIEF ..a sense fo better ..the evidence of Expansion .
When yo are vibrating ,,,vibes what are the vibes lke ?but reallythe sage is using the word tool vibration ,,and meaning just thinking r thoughts as a grouping of .. http://www.instinctualism.org/id113.html
So you have a want ….PUSSY of course it is natural you are built to like and want and desire PUSSY and pussy is natural designed to want you .. http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html ….. YOU HAVE FLOOEDS of sexual hormones that clear your braino f HTOUGHTS OR VIBRATION on regurlar hourly cycles all related to PUSSY … it is on auto pilot like fucking breathing you do not have to schedule in the flood of TESTOSRONE … it happes like growing figner nails or hair … natural aspects to be thought about like http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
But back to ..the PATH TO FREEDOM , your worry about retirement ,,great to hear you are event hinking that far in advance already young master …. But the WORRRY WORRY WORRY ..the confusion as the information stream of GLOOM AND OOM .. is like fucking nevr ending … and then there is the WANTING of soemthng right now to just get your mind off the WHOLE OF THE SHIT and feel good for a while …
Vibration …. Or thinking , as you have a thought of something wanted , in the instiant you have a=certain sense of THE ATTAINABLITY of the wated …. But soon your Dentrite pathways of slave upbringing …. Catch you and remeind you about the bELEIFS … you can not have it or having it will be HARD or whateve …
So on you go to the thought groupings to support your CHILDHOOD PROGRAMING and the fucking evidence trail of an ECO YSTEM human eco system or economy ..based on HIERACHY which is ..Anchored in the creation of the …HAVE AND HAVE NOTS .. so lack ..srtifical realty …. Started off with some one putting out rules like , YOU CANNOT WHERE REALLLY …COOL …FEATHERS .. UNLESS YOU HAVE DONE ..X ..Y …S…and T … so the lil’ helpless child get mind fucked …. Big people teel me shit ,, I depend on them for food and protection so this is the way it must be ..NO …. YOU WERE ALWAYS ABLE TO WEAR FEATHERS …… just bail out of the CIVILZATION ..ASAP and kill yourself a bird with cool feathers and where them …
Ok so that was like 30,000 years ago … well today ,,,you still have the OP to bailout of the culture … if you want ,, the freedom is all around you .
Say yes to whatever it is. Because if you say yes to it and then you get in the middle of it, and you say, "Uh oh, this isn't really turning out the way I wanted it to," then out of that is born another desire. And as you say yes to that, then it turns out. And you say, "Well, it's still not quite right." So you have another desire... Until eventually you get it exactly right. You cannot get it wrong. No creation is ever complete. Just do it.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Tucson, AZ on Tuesday, February 15th, 2000
Everyday in everyway I am getting better adnb etter … http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89mile_Cou%C3%A9
Émile Coué de Châtaigneraie (February 26, 1857 – July 2, 1926) was a French psychologist and pharmacist who introduced a method of psychotherapy and self-improvement based on optimistic autosuggestion the voice of the SAGE is not a GOD or PERSOANGE ,,that is the way the human who has tapped the INFO STREAM deals wit it terms of their UP BRINGING … if you were born with NO GOD concept but the concept of TAO all equality you would feel the messages the inof for what iti si ..DATA . that feels good and useful giving RELIEF ..a sense fo better ..the evidence of Expansion .
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
pussy is wet and warm
Pussy is wet and warm
What I want and why I want it ….. talk about that ,, now there are SURFACE ISSUES ..things that I think , I think that are reasons for wants then there are the results of realy understanding the UNWANTED http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html … but nither of those really is want is important this time for what do iw ant and why do I want it …. Iw ant the site plan http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html and the life style to have the freedom , and the fun the food the fishing the family ( ohh the complexity of teaching it all after it is done well that is actually STAGE 2 … later onthat ) but the site plan ane work plan lifestlying ,, just because it will be fun to have created it all .. as I want it to be … tha activity of the work and living ..the living of it after done … the day to day of wakeing up and doning my run/walk around my own property and thus seeing and interacting with it during those 3 passes ….. I dig having he whole idian river as my fron yard but honesly I hav elittl control over ht fish I have to catch like I can on a managed environment … I fish on those before they were cool too .. so ican have wild sport when I want and … managed sport … the off grid-ness one of those constant dreams … thinking about the WHY I WANT it more than the PROBLEMS OF CREATING IT . thnkiing in terms of problems is a trained in habit of negative expecatation as seen from the aspect of the SLAVE who knows only 1 way to live with no real ALTER ANTIVES .
So before being a husband ( the first time ) and daddy ,, beofe even really thinking hard about WANTINg of that I ..i lived for PHIL …. But as that EXPASION aspect came into me ,,, well I am forever changed BIO DYNAMICS ..this is bio dynamic ,,, I found life worth living so I choose to RE-PLIECATE myself http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html ,, and act to insure the FUN OF MY replicas MY KIDS ….. ah so after more life experience I said to self ,,,HEY SELF this worrya bout $$$ shit is getting fucking old ... and GIRLS DRIVE YOU NUCKING FUTZ … is this the FUN YOU WANT TO …MODLE for that …. BIO DYNAMIC …need you have to help your Replicas have FUN ? is this the fun you were having when you decided that you wanted to continue the EXPRESSION OF HUMANITY … thru REPLICATION ?
AHHH …NO! …… so why would I leave COMFY TOWN and comfy business and comfy water front .. to … to …. To ….? Do what I am going to do ? what is the WANT ? undertand the wanting ….. realize the RE-CURRING theme thngs that come up over and over … thnk in terms of the BIO MECHINCS of what you REALLY ARE not what …you should think or do , or feel or plan or live like …
So un-used potential is not a stack of beans that someone else can just walk up and take …hmmm …. THE SAGE .. http://www.instinctualism.org/id113.html She tells a story about someone talking about being WELL for a life time so they decided to become ill for a decade so that others could use the SPIRITUAL potential of her wellness … it ain’t that way …. She talks about some one not GOING FOR IT in business and says the same ,,, your poverty will not insure some one else wealth …. True
All great pump up ideas …but what is WEALTH … really and if you say $$$ you are not correct really , it iw the fun the feel of better you will get by using the $$$$ , hell you can feel better by MAINLINING HERION …. How many people hie their self disgust thru spending $$$ ADDICITVE SHOPPING …
What is …WEALTH http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html ..start there young master for yourself ,, understand WHY you WANT . and accept the truth of SELF ESTEEM issues you find under your own rocks. Self ESTEEM is a comparions to FASHIOON something created way back in HISOTRY when the slave looked up at the PHAROH and PRIESTS and wished they were Them instead of the slaves ..the golden carrot on the stick was born . What and how PAHOROH AND THE QUEEN dressed and wore their make up became the FASHIONs of the age LIKE WE DO TODAY . same shit 5000 years later are you HAPPY in the endless struggle to live up with the jones ? realy happy ? is this why you want WEALTH ? you will always still ive in FEAR of not being fashionable enough ,, in the eyes of others in 2nd mind .
It is important that you stay ,,in FEAR ! …. Believe you are VICTIM to your BIO MACHINE … instead of CO PLAYER iwthit ,,, continue to COMPARE your life with that of …FASHION OR THE EXPECTATION of others ,,, if you have body that by DNA happens to be one that is WEAK ( per se ,,, in comparision ) the yes you will die ,,but the FEAR OF DEATH is what will fuck up the eperince of living whatever you got ,,,
Be a co-player with the events you have to play with ..without the fear comparison to the IDEAL the image of PHAROH …. The fairy tale . http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html
Now macro and micro …. I like to effect the outside of my house to chosoe food plants as well as flowering plants … I like to a have a devercity of wildlife coming by …. But if I let for example MONSANTO or BP OIL have their way , the world would be GREY AND BARREN filled withnothing but their PRODUCTS AND BANKS TO keep their $$$ in …. No butterflys ..for remember the effects of UN RESTRAINED INDUSTRY the vidence trail of it … in our not so distant past … my free choice is to work to insure BIO DEVERCITY . now if we as a speices kill off the planet to the point that we can not live in our ECO system …. To bad for us ,,,,, sounds all to much like WALL-EEE the movie …. Just us hiding our heads in the sand because of GREED …. Fine we deserve to die off like many other cultures in history like other foolish examples of OVER POPULATING ANIMALS … ahh but to here the words of the sage at t ASURFACE LEVELS it sounds like she is saying IGNOR GLOBAL WARMING OR BAD NES OF peoprl like Mr. AL Gore ..or is she saying FREE CHOICE you foolish humans … you can not kill of the UNVIERSE you are nothing but BACTERIA … no more and NO LESS important ADVENTURERS …. Than grass seeds … are the seeds not yet grass Beings ? than what are they ?
There is so much ADUNDANCE so much land ..so much available resources options … and to not OPEN MY EYES and just listen to some CORP feed me shit like a mushroom in the dark is … letting go of my own POWER ….
BUT ARE WE NOT TRAINED TO DO THAT , to go around asking OTHER ..WHAT DO YOU THINK I SHOULD DO? Searching for a savoir or a professional or a preist or an energy workers or THE SAGE …. What shuld I do ..THINK FOR ME .. and the sage repeats ,,listen to your feelings , and then the sage also says you can not TRITHFULLY FEEL when stressed ,,but you are stressed due to FEAR ..actch 22 unless you take back your power … make a small plan to FEEL BETTER …by controlling that MASLOW …. Why do yu want a million dollars … what would it do for you if you had no food or house ..OHH WELL IT WOULD PAY OF ALL THAT ..right ! exactly … the 2% form a CD would bring you 20k a year and just about pay for the house and taxes and food … what is WEALTH ? and why do you want it ? ( oh 20k un earned income will come with a high tax rate so yur real time net will be ? 12 k out of BEING A MILLIONAIRE and honeslty doyou think you will become that millionaire or will you sped in all of sex , drugs and ROCK A ND ROLL first … wht odds do yu have throwing a rock into the air and havin it fly away ? ) lot so free choices of lifestyles … 1 more free choice http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html
Those old habits don't have to be erased, they just become replaced by a new habit that is more in vibrational harmony with who you are and what you want.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Sunday, October 20th, 1996
The voice of the sage tapped into over history by some many spiritual leaders can only speak the word tool available thru that vessel human ..Ester Hicks for 1 does not refer to Dentrite Pathways http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendritic_spine the less this cell structure is timulated by thought and new dentrites are stimulated by new thoughts ..the words of th sage is born true once more
Like in the time of Buddha , there was no understanding of SINGLE CELLED LIFE but the voice of the sage thru Buddha / Siddharthra said , have respect for life seen and un-seen . unable to use the word tools surrounding microscopic life ….. the word of the Sage is not the Voice of a GOD ..but a stream of INFORMATION . that feels correct and gives a sense of relief in it’s understanding . It is non-hierachial and available to anyone .
What I want and why I want it ….. talk about that ,, now there are SURFACE ISSUES ..things that I think , I think that are reasons for wants then there are the results of realy understanding the UNWANTED http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html … but nither of those really is want is important this time for what do iw ant and why do I want it …. Iw ant the site plan http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html and the life style to have the freedom , and the fun the food the fishing the family ( ohh the complexity of teaching it all after it is done well that is actually STAGE 2 … later onthat ) but the site plan ane work plan lifestlying ,, just because it will be fun to have created it all .. as I want it to be … tha activity of the work and living ..the living of it after done … the day to day of wakeing up and doning my run/walk around my own property and thus seeing and interacting with it during those 3 passes ….. I dig having he whole idian river as my fron yard but honesly I hav elittl control over ht fish I have to catch like I can on a managed environment … I fish on those before they were cool too .. so ican have wild sport when I want and … managed sport … the off grid-ness one of those constant dreams … thinking about the WHY I WANT it more than the PROBLEMS OF CREATING IT . thnkiing in terms of problems is a trained in habit of negative expecatation as seen from the aspect of the SLAVE who knows only 1 way to live with no real ALTER ANTIVES .
So before being a husband ( the first time ) and daddy ,, beofe even really thinking hard about WANTINg of that I ..i lived for PHIL …. But as that EXPASION aspect came into me ,,, well I am forever changed BIO DYNAMICS ..this is bio dynamic ,,, I found life worth living so I choose to RE-PLIECATE myself http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html ,, and act to insure the FUN OF MY replicas MY KIDS ….. ah so after more life experience I said to self ,,,HEY SELF this worrya bout $$$ shit is getting fucking old ... and GIRLS DRIVE YOU NUCKING FUTZ … is this the FUN YOU WANT TO …MODLE for that …. BIO DYNAMIC …need you have to help your Replicas have FUN ? is this the fun you were having when you decided that you wanted to continue the EXPRESSION OF HUMANITY … thru REPLICATION ?
AHHH …NO! …… so why would I leave COMFY TOWN and comfy business and comfy water front .. to … to …. To ….? Do what I am going to do ? what is the WANT ? undertand the wanting ….. realize the RE-CURRING theme thngs that come up over and over … thnk in terms of the BIO MECHINCS of what you REALLY ARE not what …you should think or do , or feel or plan or live like …
So un-used potential is not a stack of beans that someone else can just walk up and take …hmmm …. THE SAGE .. http://www.instinctualism.org/id113.html She tells a story about someone talking about being WELL for a life time so they decided to become ill for a decade so that others could use the SPIRITUAL potential of her wellness … it ain’t that way …. She talks about some one not GOING FOR IT in business and says the same ,,, your poverty will not insure some one else wealth …. True
All great pump up ideas …but what is WEALTH … really and if you say $$$ you are not correct really , it iw the fun the feel of better you will get by using the $$$$ , hell you can feel better by MAINLINING HERION …. How many people hie their self disgust thru spending $$$ ADDICITVE SHOPPING …
What is …WEALTH http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html ..start there young master for yourself ,, understand WHY you WANT . and accept the truth of SELF ESTEEM issues you find under your own rocks. Self ESTEEM is a comparions to FASHIOON something created way back in HISOTRY when the slave looked up at the PHAROH and PRIESTS and wished they were Them instead of the slaves ..the golden carrot on the stick was born . What and how PAHOROH AND THE QUEEN dressed and wore their make up became the FASHIONs of the age LIKE WE DO TODAY . same shit 5000 years later are you HAPPY in the endless struggle to live up with the jones ? realy happy ? is this why you want WEALTH ? you will always still ive in FEAR of not being fashionable enough ,, in the eyes of others in 2nd mind .
It is important that you stay ,,in FEAR ! …. Believe you are VICTIM to your BIO MACHINE … instead of CO PLAYER iwthit ,,, continue to COMPARE your life with that of …FASHION OR THE EXPECTATION of others ,,, if you have body that by DNA happens to be one that is WEAK ( per se ,,, in comparision ) the yes you will die ,,but the FEAR OF DEATH is what will fuck up the eperince of living whatever you got ,,,
Be a co-player with the events you have to play with ..without the fear comparison to the IDEAL the image of PHAROH …. The fairy tale . http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html
Now macro and micro …. I like to effect the outside of my house to chosoe food plants as well as flowering plants … I like to a have a devercity of wildlife coming by …. But if I let for example MONSANTO or BP OIL have their way , the world would be GREY AND BARREN filled withnothing but their PRODUCTS AND BANKS TO keep their $$$ in …. No butterflys ..for remember the effects of UN RESTRAINED INDUSTRY the vidence trail of it … in our not so distant past … my free choice is to work to insure BIO DEVERCITY . now if we as a speices kill off the planet to the point that we can not live in our ECO system …. To bad for us ,,,,, sounds all to much like WALL-EEE the movie …. Just us hiding our heads in the sand because of GREED …. Fine we deserve to die off like many other cultures in history like other foolish examples of OVER POPULATING ANIMALS … ahh but to here the words of the sage at t ASURFACE LEVELS it sounds like she is saying IGNOR GLOBAL WARMING OR BAD NES OF peoprl like Mr. AL Gore ..or is she saying FREE CHOICE you foolish humans … you can not kill of the UNVIERSE you are nothing but BACTERIA … no more and NO LESS important ADVENTURERS …. Than grass seeds … are the seeds not yet grass Beings ? than what are they ?
There is so much ADUNDANCE so much land ..so much available resources options … and to not OPEN MY EYES and just listen to some CORP feed me shit like a mushroom in the dark is … letting go of my own POWER ….
BUT ARE WE NOT TRAINED TO DO THAT , to go around asking OTHER ..WHAT DO YOU THINK I SHOULD DO? Searching for a savoir or a professional or a preist or an energy workers or THE SAGE …. What shuld I do ..THINK FOR ME .. and the sage repeats ,,listen to your feelings , and then the sage also says you can not TRITHFULLY FEEL when stressed ,,but you are stressed due to FEAR ..actch 22 unless you take back your power … make a small plan to FEEL BETTER …by controlling that MASLOW …. Why do yu want a million dollars … what would it do for you if you had no food or house ..OHH WELL IT WOULD PAY OF ALL THAT ..right ! exactly … the 2% form a CD would bring you 20k a year and just about pay for the house and taxes and food … what is WEALTH ? and why do you want it ? ( oh 20k un earned income will come with a high tax rate so yur real time net will be ? 12 k out of BEING A MILLIONAIRE and honeslty doyou think you will become that millionaire or will you sped in all of sex , drugs and ROCK A ND ROLL first … wht odds do yu have throwing a rock into the air and havin it fly away ? ) lot so free choices of lifestyles … 1 more free choice http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html
Those old habits don't have to be erased, they just become replaced by a new habit that is more in vibrational harmony with who you are and what you want.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Sunday, October 20th, 1996
The voice of the sage tapped into over history by some many spiritual leaders can only speak the word tool available thru that vessel human ..Ester Hicks for 1 does not refer to Dentrite Pathways http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendritic_spine the less this cell structure is timulated by thought and new dentrites are stimulated by new thoughts ..the words of th sage is born true once more
Like in the time of Buddha , there was no understanding of SINGLE CELLED LIFE but the voice of the sage thru Buddha / Siddharthra said , have respect for life seen and un-seen . unable to use the word tools surrounding microscopic life ….. the word of the Sage is not the Voice of a GOD ..but a stream of INFORMATION . that feels correct and gives a sense of relief in it’s understanding . It is non-hierachial and available to anyone .
Monday, December 21, 2009
a pussy without
A pussy with out
MASLOW ,,,MASLOW ,,, MASLOW http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html … I do not care if you are a butterfly who is lacking a flower to gain FUEL from …. A lion who finds it self in a place with no game lost in a desert with no antelope or … a squirrel with no tree and 100 hungry dogs around it …. Or human female http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html whose life up to now has been mind fucked ,,to the point you got NO WHERE TO LIVE like this woman http://www.lawofattractioninteraction.com/video/Thriving.html whose focus is on that reality instead of her NOW and as such her energy projection is 1 of lack so LACK will be her experience . … DO NOT RESISIT the DNA FACTS of bio machine , it generates a self PRESERVING sense of FEAR about basic life issues and that fear over rifdes MIND in many ways basic hungers or fears or life issues the first few layers of MASLOW …… get them under your control then enjoy http://www.pathtofreedom.com/urban-homestead there is more than ENOUGH time freedom $ , love… then enjoy words of the sage even more dream more ,,
In the current here an now … if you are comparing or keeping rack of life in terms of comaparison to the ARRIVAL of the wanted in reality I am projecting thinking that is ,,has a basisi of the LACK OF THE WANTE D,,, and why do I want the WANTED to feel better in the NOW OF IT … but I am in a now ..NOW , that is based upon the projections of my past … and I should have in this NOW the
FEELING BETTER present as compared tot heim time of the wanting of the life I now live …. Or AT LEAST SOME ASPECTS OF THE LIFE I NOW LIVE …. So what is good , hell oong long long ago just having car would have been cool ( but for me that means like before age 15 0 living on the water ,, hell that is a want I had and still have , o I got that , the relaxed business … goint to the mail box to collect more checks than bills cool also …. Being in this nice place is the Vortex of Ester …. Now wheni think that daydreaming is being in the vortex NO for I am realy in place of comparing now with the wanted and SUB C . REALIIZZING THE LACK OF THE WANTED … and thus I would honeslty be gerenrting thinking energy of lack ..instead of prospertiry …
Hmm to think to think to let that sink in a bit more ..over and over … defifing the aspect OF BASK ..BASK BASK … a bit better …. A bit cleare … what is lie it is my now not my dream ,the dream has been set forth that WORK DONE ,,,, what is REAL thought …ahhh well that is tomorrow clients , and the understanding of some info I got about some plants I have growing lid , and now learning how to prepare them …. Most cool .
And a good example of NOW is the stuff you bum into NOW THAT YOU FIND ENJOYABLE … http://www.pathtofreedom.com/urban-homestead
For the sage talks form a place way above the the basic calling form the bio machine …
Feeling good ….. getting a handle on the BSICIS of real FEELING of good , realizing the supportive aspects youhav ein OBTAINING the current and mostly likey future control over that , that to is FEEL GOOD ….. a deeper good than the good of dreaming about FAIRY TALE LIFESTLYES . which you can have also ..life is long and full of stuff , ,,fear not time … you are A1 ..or the I in I … A1 player who adds to the experience available to all of us …. In the I in I ..whihc from the broader perspective you are stillin and of and NVEVER separated from , except by free choice of becoming TOTOLLAY EMERSERCED IN the game here and now .. http://www.lawofattractioninteraction.com/video/Thriving.html her use of the word VORTEX ..is again getting into the GAME … in the zone of living life instead of COMPARING LIFE … to a future concept … if I find myself outside of it .. I will slip back inside of the CURRENT aspects I find ENJOYABLE . bask bask bask … at the aspects of the GAME PLAN you currently have available to live .. and the more you are enjoying that the more the energy stream projected from youis 1 of good , you attract . more GOOD … and growth for TAO expands towards what feels good ,,, a plant does not grow towards what feels WORSE , now does it?
In ..stinct..ualism ….. what is instinctual .. moving towards what feels better ,, the mind fuck trye to get you to BUY INTO ..the idea of AFIRY TALES … DREAMS OF HEAVEN … the end to suffereing will be when I can follow the GOD/KING concept who created the mind fuck that is causing me some much confusion and thus pain …
Bummer I am getting bummed harping on that topic .. talked way to much about for a few months …. Over it … on to AD VENTURING … I am the butterfly who can see 1 flower and hints of others beyond ,,, I am the lion who can smell fresh grass on the wind knwoingthat is where the game will be …. A squirrel with a strong weed to clim from where it cann jump up to thin limb hanging down close enough to jump up …..
What do I have now ..that is something ,,, as my teacher once said ,,you are still fucking breathing phil , and that means everything else is just TOYS …
Ok so when the SAGE says there are unlimited Resources … oh true ohhhh true , seen from braoder perspective , but here in abrain full of LACK DENTRITES PATHWAYS … umlimited resources sounds un real because based upon belief you recive … and belief is due to PROGRAMING OF THE BIO MECHINCS of brain dentrites … so within the BELIEVABLE .. find the best the good and move .
Down stream does not mean not ATTEMPTING that cast under the dock ..or ATTEMPTING that approach on the flats towards those tailing permit …. Moving DOWN STREAM does not mean ,,not LIVING …. Going down stream means living experinceing but WITHOUT COMPARISON TO .. comparing is THINKING ABOUT YOUR CURRENT LACK and the fairy tale castle …. And caliming yourself currently a FGAILURE because you do not live NOW Iin THE CASTLE .
I want a life of living …… a new pod of bonefish just out of reach …. To ATTEMPT an approach at . ad venture …. Perfection is DEATH …. Game over all done nothing else to ATTEMPT for I have it all ,,the CASTLE is built totally ….. might as well just bury me now . but thank you for the CHOICE of contrast ..the Op to say I WONDER IF I CAST UNDER THAT DOCK what will be there ? and so I snag up losing my lure on on the dock and I do not know what exactly it was like to have presented good cast exactly EXACTLY within those CONDITIONS to a dock like that ..or what fish may have been held under it and so , I will gomy life searching for a SIMILAR EVENT to test myself against once more . …end of BOREDOM .
But with some so important as PUSSY … AND FAMILY this viariabl eis not FUN … for I have a deep INSTINCTUAL call towards fullfillng ,,the the STORY? .. to expand TOA there has to be NEW PGAME PLAYERS … human game players have the need for stable family units for certin # OF YEARS .. and the daddy gorilla has instinct to provide that aspect for the next game player .. and if for some reason THE EVE SPIRIT in its mind fucking complexity thwarts my expression of INSTUANTUALISM … WELL that si no fun and if I believe I have no chance of learning to sueceed at the game well then you end up with the ffects fo manipulation …. Over and over . it goes for bothe sides of the game both girl and boy …. Both are fucking confused to their core . ohhh not the EVE ..she is so commited to her fairy tale that nothing else realy matters ….SEH IS LIVING THE EXAMPLE OF THE ALL POSIBLE also .
Think about that little smear that starts out as the human body, and then there's a nose and a liver and a gizzard, oh, not a gizzard... All that stuff that is present and knows how to become this. There's so much knowledge within the human body. You're wanting to free the human body's knowledge to be well from the resistance that has been picked up along this physical trail. The very best approach to medicine is,"Well, I see your physical body is sick, what's been bothering you? What are you worried about? What are you angry about? What are you frustrated about?" Because that is what is at the root of all of this. And then say, "Let it go, let it go, let it go." That's the message, and if they could hear you and do that, then they would all be well right away.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Ashland, OR on Tuesday, May 16th, 2000
THEY ? the cels of your body who are EQUALITYS to you , quanta players experincers being CELL …not less tha you just because for this 1 LIL’ EXPERIENCE of time theya re being the building BLODK FOR YOUR GAME ,,, thank them all , for without them you are NOT ! ..
But the training of the MIND FUCK is what is really at the bottom ,,, 5000 year of mind fuck . the same MASTER/slave reltionshp …. Tweeked over the ages …. Find something important to the animal and control them with it ,,, oh yes fisrt find a nice animal to train ,,HUMANS are when in a natural state very FRIENDLY ahppy supportive it is only when mind fucked with GREED and HIERACHY that we ,,, become violent . the effects of manipulation http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html
We you are happy and in the ZONE or vortex aligned with source ,,feeling great not livng in a state of comparing your NOW with afuture that will b e better ,,,, but finding in today the betters you set forth form the past ..not Ffearing death of TIME …. You tap inot HEALTH …. http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html
MASLOW ,,,MASLOW ,,, MASLOW http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html … I do not care if you are a butterfly who is lacking a flower to gain FUEL from …. A lion who finds it self in a place with no game lost in a desert with no antelope or … a squirrel with no tree and 100 hungry dogs around it …. Or human female http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html whose life up to now has been mind fucked ,,to the point you got NO WHERE TO LIVE like this woman http://www.lawofattractioninteraction.com/video/Thriving.html whose focus is on that reality instead of her NOW and as such her energy projection is 1 of lack so LACK will be her experience . … DO NOT RESISIT the DNA FACTS of bio machine , it generates a self PRESERVING sense of FEAR about basic life issues and that fear over rifdes MIND in many ways basic hungers or fears or life issues the first few layers of MASLOW …… get them under your control then enjoy http://www.pathtofreedom.com/urban-homestead there is more than ENOUGH time freedom $ , love… then enjoy words of the sage even more dream more ,,
In the current here an now … if you are comparing or keeping rack of life in terms of comaparison to the ARRIVAL of the wanted in reality I am projecting thinking that is ,,has a basisi of the LACK OF THE WANTE D,,, and why do I want the WANTED to feel better in the NOW OF IT … but I am in a now ..NOW , that is based upon the projections of my past … and I should have in this NOW the
FEELING BETTER present as compared tot heim time of the wanting of the life I now live …. Or AT LEAST SOME ASPECTS OF THE LIFE I NOW LIVE …. So what is good , hell oong long long ago just having car would have been cool ( but for me that means like before age 15 0 living on the water ,, hell that is a want I had and still have , o I got that , the relaxed business … goint to the mail box to collect more checks than bills cool also …. Being in this nice place is the Vortex of Ester …. Now wheni think that daydreaming is being in the vortex NO for I am realy in place of comparing now with the wanted and SUB C . REALIIZZING THE LACK OF THE WANTED … and thus I would honeslty be gerenrting thinking energy of lack ..instead of prospertiry …
Hmm to think to think to let that sink in a bit more ..over and over … defifing the aspect OF BASK ..BASK BASK … a bit better …. A bit cleare … what is lie it is my now not my dream ,the dream has been set forth that WORK DONE ,,,, what is REAL thought …ahhh well that is tomorrow clients , and the understanding of some info I got about some plants I have growing lid , and now learning how to prepare them …. Most cool .
And a good example of NOW is the stuff you bum into NOW THAT YOU FIND ENJOYABLE … http://www.pathtofreedom.com/urban-homestead
For the sage talks form a place way above the the basic calling form the bio machine …
Feeling good ….. getting a handle on the BSICIS of real FEELING of good , realizing the supportive aspects youhav ein OBTAINING the current and mostly likey future control over that , that to is FEEL GOOD ….. a deeper good than the good of dreaming about FAIRY TALE LIFESTLYES . which you can have also ..life is long and full of stuff , ,,fear not time … you are A1 ..or the I in I … A1 player who adds to the experience available to all of us …. In the I in I ..whihc from the broader perspective you are stillin and of and NVEVER separated from , except by free choice of becoming TOTOLLAY EMERSERCED IN the game here and now .. http://www.lawofattractioninteraction.com/video/Thriving.html her use of the word VORTEX ..is again getting into the GAME … in the zone of living life instead of COMPARING LIFE … to a future concept … if I find myself outside of it .. I will slip back inside of the CURRENT aspects I find ENJOYABLE . bask bask bask … at the aspects of the GAME PLAN you currently have available to live .. and the more you are enjoying that the more the energy stream projected from youis 1 of good , you attract . more GOOD … and growth for TAO expands towards what feels good ,,, a plant does not grow towards what feels WORSE , now does it?
In ..stinct..ualism ….. what is instinctual .. moving towards what feels better ,, the mind fuck trye to get you to BUY INTO ..the idea of AFIRY TALES … DREAMS OF HEAVEN … the end to suffereing will be when I can follow the GOD/KING concept who created the mind fuck that is causing me some much confusion and thus pain …
Bummer I am getting bummed harping on that topic .. talked way to much about for a few months …. Over it … on to AD VENTURING … I am the butterfly who can see 1 flower and hints of others beyond ,,, I am the lion who can smell fresh grass on the wind knwoingthat is where the game will be …. A squirrel with a strong weed to clim from where it cann jump up to thin limb hanging down close enough to jump up …..
What do I have now ..that is something ,,, as my teacher once said ,,you are still fucking breathing phil , and that means everything else is just TOYS …
Ok so when the SAGE says there are unlimited Resources … oh true ohhhh true , seen from braoder perspective , but here in abrain full of LACK DENTRITES PATHWAYS … umlimited resources sounds un real because based upon belief you recive … and belief is due to PROGRAMING OF THE BIO MECHINCS of brain dentrites … so within the BELIEVABLE .. find the best the good and move .
Down stream does not mean not ATTEMPTING that cast under the dock ..or ATTEMPTING that approach on the flats towards those tailing permit …. Moving DOWN STREAM does not mean ,,not LIVING …. Going down stream means living experinceing but WITHOUT COMPARISON TO .. comparing is THINKING ABOUT YOUR CURRENT LACK and the fairy tale castle …. And caliming yourself currently a FGAILURE because you do not live NOW Iin THE CASTLE .
I want a life of living …… a new pod of bonefish just out of reach …. To ATTEMPT an approach at . ad venture …. Perfection is DEATH …. Game over all done nothing else to ATTEMPT for I have it all ,,the CASTLE is built totally ….. might as well just bury me now . but thank you for the CHOICE of contrast ..the Op to say I WONDER IF I CAST UNDER THAT DOCK what will be there ? and so I snag up losing my lure on on the dock and I do not know what exactly it was like to have presented good cast exactly EXACTLY within those CONDITIONS to a dock like that ..or what fish may have been held under it and so , I will gomy life searching for a SIMILAR EVENT to test myself against once more . …end of BOREDOM .
But with some so important as PUSSY … AND FAMILY this viariabl eis not FUN … for I have a deep INSTINCTUAL call towards fullfillng ,,the the STORY? .. to expand TOA there has to be NEW PGAME PLAYERS … human game players have the need for stable family units for certin # OF YEARS .. and the daddy gorilla has instinct to provide that aspect for the next game player .. and if for some reason THE EVE SPIRIT in its mind fucking complexity thwarts my expression of INSTUANTUALISM … WELL that si no fun and if I believe I have no chance of learning to sueceed at the game well then you end up with the ffects fo manipulation …. Over and over . it goes for bothe sides of the game both girl and boy …. Both are fucking confused to their core . ohhh not the EVE ..she is so commited to her fairy tale that nothing else realy matters ….SEH IS LIVING THE EXAMPLE OF THE ALL POSIBLE also .
Think about that little smear that starts out as the human body, and then there's a nose and a liver and a gizzard, oh, not a gizzard... All that stuff that is present and knows how to become this. There's so much knowledge within the human body. You're wanting to free the human body's knowledge to be well from the resistance that has been picked up along this physical trail. The very best approach to medicine is,"Well, I see your physical body is sick, what's been bothering you? What are you worried about? What are you angry about? What are you frustrated about?" Because that is what is at the root of all of this. And then say, "Let it go, let it go, let it go." That's the message, and if they could hear you and do that, then they would all be well right away.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Ashland, OR on Tuesday, May 16th, 2000
THEY ? the cels of your body who are EQUALITYS to you , quanta players experincers being CELL …not less tha you just because for this 1 LIL’ EXPERIENCE of time theya re being the building BLODK FOR YOUR GAME ,,, thank them all , for without them you are NOT ! ..
But the training of the MIND FUCK is what is really at the bottom ,,, 5000 year of mind fuck . the same MASTER/slave reltionshp …. Tweeked over the ages …. Find something important to the animal and control them with it ,,, oh yes fisrt find a nice animal to train ,,HUMANS are when in a natural state very FRIENDLY ahppy supportive it is only when mind fucked with GREED and HIERACHY that we ,,, become violent . the effects of manipulation http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html
We you are happy and in the ZONE or vortex aligned with source ,,feeling great not livng in a state of comparing your NOW with afuture that will b e better ,,,, but finding in today the betters you set forth form the past ..not Ffearing death of TIME …. You tap inot HEALTH …. http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html
Sunday, December 20, 2009
the beasts know it
The beasts know it ….
Is this the start of the poisin of HIERACHY? Is creativity only human ? who is the VALUE judge who can claim to then be more important balancer or creator ,thus having the RIGHT to EN-SLAVE the rest ,, as beasts of burden , workers or . industrial BIO MACHINES to scarifice themselves as food source . to gods …. http://www.instinctualism.org/
The Beasts Know It
If you know that all is well, you know all you need to know. And if you know life is supposed to be fun, you know more than almost anybody else knows. And if you know that the way you feel is your indicator of how connected you are to Source, then you know that which only a handful of Deliberate Creators, respective to the total population, really know. The beasts all know it. Your animals know that all is well. Your animals live in the moment. They understand the power of their now. They expect the Universe to yield to them. They don't worry or fret or conjure or make laws or rules or try to regulate. They are Pure Positive Energy. Your beasts vibrate more on the Energy scale of contentment than of passion. Their desire was set forth from Nonphysical, and continues to be set forth by those, like you, who want Energy balance, who want sustenance. The difference between the beast and the human is that the beast is more general in its intent. The human is usually less blended, usually less allowing of the Energy to flow, but is more specific. And that is why the human is seen to be the Creator while the beast is more the balancer of Energy.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Sunday, October 11th, 1998
Now we can cause NUEROSIS in the beast also by ,,, training it to become dependant on us ,,and if we are neurotic and with UPS AND downs IN OUR REACTIONS INTERACTIONS WITH THEM , THEY IN TIME BECOME LIKE US ….. they get trained into COMAPRISION of living , the rules changing to often UNANATURALLY , in the wild the rules of the game are the same as DNA EXPECTS them to be what ahs been around for the most part for BILLIONS of years .. food comes and goes rain and sun also …. Others come and go ….. and if you do not like your neighbor syou are free to find another part of the forest to live in …but not if you are a SLAVE PET OWNED BY … A HUMAN ….. owned by PHAROH depedant on the interaction with the SLAVE MASTER or pet owner for the baisis of DNA exixisatance ,,,( maslow )
Instead of being freee to interact natural with the nature EXPECATIONS of the dna design of the body …
Natural lfie has not the FEELING of uncontrolablity … and hence the comparision of living after time … after to many NUEROTIC EVENTS had developed negative expectation
In human or neast/pet ( your pets are all beast ans still have within them the chance to return to a FERREL life …instinct. How long they would suruvive is of debate for they may have lost out on important survival training from a wild parent … but the potential is there .
NOW THE IDEA OF ………. PASSION the chance to focus energy … to be the creator ….. if you had the MASLOW’S under your belt on AUTO POLIT , your freedom to create is ENHANCED … passion is a concentration of THOUGHT . that feels good ..and TAO moves towards that which feels good … the sage sys the beast lives in contentment ..rmember the sage is a FILTER of undescribe –able never can A1… use word tool to talk about all the IN FI NITE levels of things ,,, the sunflower growing towards the sun when born under wome shade is LIVING …PASSION to sustain LIFE … to feel GOOD ..the same as US humans who are we to judge ..to COMPARE ONCE MORE to create HIERARCHY about what is a feeling of good for us and another EQUALITY OF EXPERICE called sunflower .
The sunflower creates within DNa parameters , beavers likewise …. Birds and their nest adaptive to the environments placed ,,ABORGINAL HUMANS .. their dwellings like wise
Certain animal even dogs PICK UP scents to enhance themselves , some animals decorate their surroundings by picking up flashing stuff for their nesting material or to stick on their shells …. The evolution of SHOWIER FEATHERS is an example of CREATIITY OF THOUGHT ENENRGY … who am I or HUMAN OR THE HUMAN USER of the voice of the sage .to ,, put into once more into HIERACHY … of kings and queens … and PYRAMIDS .and castles . fostering the idea of sepsration from the quanta that I use , each my Equal ..that group to form atom what is then DESCRIBABLE .. thus thing , and able to be NAMED …. To thos grouping together into molecules …. That eventually have structure and can be named … and be THING-NESS etc etcetc .. till we get to BIO LOGICAL REPLICATING ..THNG –NESS . all have PASIONS or the feeling of BETTER which they each strive for …
The grouping of QUANTA itself into sub atomic particle or thingness was the CREATIVE expression . equal to any human expression of PYRAMID BUILDING .
Is this the start of the poisin of HIERACHY? Is creativity only human ? who is the VALUE judge who can claim to then be more important balancer or creator ,thus having the RIGHT to EN-SLAVE the rest ,, as beasts of burden , workers or . industrial BIO MACHINES to scarifice themselves as food source . to gods …. http://www.instinctualism.org/
The Beasts Know It
If you know that all is well, you know all you need to know. And if you know life is supposed to be fun, you know more than almost anybody else knows. And if you know that the way you feel is your indicator of how connected you are to Source, then you know that which only a handful of Deliberate Creators, respective to the total population, really know. The beasts all know it. Your animals know that all is well. Your animals live in the moment. They understand the power of their now. They expect the Universe to yield to them. They don't worry or fret or conjure or make laws or rules or try to regulate. They are Pure Positive Energy. Your beasts vibrate more on the Energy scale of contentment than of passion. Their desire was set forth from Nonphysical, and continues to be set forth by those, like you, who want Energy balance, who want sustenance. The difference between the beast and the human is that the beast is more general in its intent. The human is usually less blended, usually less allowing of the Energy to flow, but is more specific. And that is why the human is seen to be the Creator while the beast is more the balancer of Energy.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Sunday, October 11th, 1998
Now we can cause NUEROSIS in the beast also by ,,, training it to become dependant on us ,,and if we are neurotic and with UPS AND downs IN OUR REACTIONS INTERACTIONS WITH THEM , THEY IN TIME BECOME LIKE US ….. they get trained into COMAPRISION of living , the rules changing to often UNANATURALLY , in the wild the rules of the game are the same as DNA EXPECTS them to be what ahs been around for the most part for BILLIONS of years .. food comes and goes rain and sun also …. Others come and go ….. and if you do not like your neighbor syou are free to find another part of the forest to live in …but not if you are a SLAVE PET OWNED BY … A HUMAN ….. owned by PHAROH depedant on the interaction with the SLAVE MASTER or pet owner for the baisis of DNA exixisatance ,,,( maslow )
Instead of being freee to interact natural with the nature EXPECATIONS of the dna design of the body …
Natural lfie has not the FEELING of uncontrolablity … and hence the comparision of living after time … after to many NUEROTIC EVENTS had developed negative expectation
In human or neast/pet ( your pets are all beast ans still have within them the chance to return to a FERREL life …instinct. How long they would suruvive is of debate for they may have lost out on important survival training from a wild parent … but the potential is there .
NOW THE IDEA OF ………. PASSION the chance to focus energy … to be the creator ….. if you had the MASLOW’S under your belt on AUTO POLIT , your freedom to create is ENHANCED … passion is a concentration of THOUGHT . that feels good ..and TAO moves towards that which feels good … the sage sys the beast lives in contentment ..rmember the sage is a FILTER of undescribe –able never can A1… use word tool to talk about all the IN FI NITE levels of things ,,, the sunflower growing towards the sun when born under wome shade is LIVING …PASSION to sustain LIFE … to feel GOOD ..the same as US humans who are we to judge ..to COMPARE ONCE MORE to create HIERARCHY about what is a feeling of good for us and another EQUALITY OF EXPERICE called sunflower .
The sunflower creates within DNa parameters , beavers likewise …. Birds and their nest adaptive to the environments placed ,,ABORGINAL HUMANS .. their dwellings like wise
Certain animal even dogs PICK UP scents to enhance themselves , some animals decorate their surroundings by picking up flashing stuff for their nesting material or to stick on their shells …. The evolution of SHOWIER FEATHERS is an example of CREATIITY OF THOUGHT ENENRGY … who am I or HUMAN OR THE HUMAN USER of the voice of the sage .to ,, put into once more into HIERACHY … of kings and queens … and PYRAMIDS .and castles . fostering the idea of sepsration from the quanta that I use , each my Equal ..that group to form atom what is then DESCRIBABLE .. thus thing , and able to be NAMED …. To thos grouping together into molecules …. That eventually have structure and can be named … and be THING-NESS etc etcetc .. till we get to BIO LOGICAL REPLICATING ..THNG –NESS . all have PASIONS or the feeling of BETTER which they each strive for …
The grouping of QUANTA itself into sub atomic particle or thingness was the CREATIVE expression . equal to any human expression of PYRAMID BUILDING .
Saturday, December 19, 2009
pussy on a beach
Pussy on a beach
Ok like my norm lately this blog will hav very little to do with pussy … in fact my focus has to really be on the GAME the TOUR OF DUTY http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html ½ way down the page … pussy will just get me fucked an off track ..PUT YOUR PASSION IN YOU POCKET to be more FULLY enjoyed later . life is long ans full of stuff and and I want thtat stuff to be fun and more in my control … and I can then really enjoy PUSSY much more way way way different aspect and SUBLTE INTERACTION dynamics even in just ½ the projected time of … http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html retire at 22 based upon starting at 18 . So events may be lining up for me to ad… venture.
5000 bucks a used car and a 200 buck a week job….and I am gone ,,, 4 years to completeion or before ( before would be good )… but just to go is such a fucking AD VENTURE .. usch a great model …. No real tools but a shovel ? and start fucking there , imeasured the table In the living room and thought could If commit to shoveling just ath much per day by hand? And that after noon pouring it as adobe ? not build a house but to build an office or farm building ….. so I have no IMAPCT FEES Of building a house yet . let my income stream grow over a year or so for that . but to do that building which actually is only about 8 linear feet shy of the 48 ft int. of a starter home …. To do that by shovel how fucking cool would that be ….. how fucking basic how fucking FREE an aint that the idea to BUY MY FREEDOM ..ASAP . at least show a model of that concept .
ad ( fucking ) venture …what is life anyways ,, just being SAFE and bored or ..is it to ad to the venture orf the expansion of possible … ohh all possibility is always in all ways ..but until lived ..it is not data yet …. Just possibility ….
So I hae the time to pre cut the wood for the camp ….. and line up some other cash to pop and ag/iragation well get a used lawn tractor … buy 2 more PV PAKS … etc etc … cash for the survey ,, cash to start up the engneering process of adobe construction …. 100 here 200 there over the next 6 months … then bai out , someone else will take over my comfy life here my company my property etc ,t hey will do deluxe I still have my Equities …. And the freedom to start for SQUARE 1 like a kid of 18 …. A few 1000 bucks a used car a simple job .. and a taste for AD venture …
Now does this feel like RELIEF ..yes and very much NO , the excitement of it is nowhere near relief except in the idea of that the GAME has started right or worng ready or not ,,, the game has started now handle the PRESSURE .. that was what all the practice and study has been for ,,to eventually jump into the GAME ….. so relief int hat the game is ready to start up ..cool ..yep that is RELIEF … and excitement and passion … and reason for getting out of bed in the morning and going to sleep at night ,, so I can get another day …. Started … yep this is living .
do things come ,,do things line up some how ? yep they do ..just move towards the want the adventure and thngs tend to line up on the way ….. then thngs will SPEED UP but wow what a great MODEL EXAMPLE … to have it documented .
to get it done in the 4 years … the 3 homes the 2 other building ( my place and the family place .. pay off the land ,, have the pond done and stocked , the lad planted out and producing and to build a business an activity that makes $$$ now that is always up to the person but for me it would be best to ….
I don’t want to have an office , I don’t want to have any employees , I don’t want to wear a watch or live by a clock or eveh have a fucking calendar with real hard APPOINTMENTS OR shit … live with the movements of the sun and work at aomething I enjoy where people are happy to seee me and give me money …. Got o the mail baox and get checks … ( actually sounds a lot like what I have been doing for the last 15 years life is a beach and then you live on one )
There has never been an injustice anywhere in this physical time/space reality or anywhere else. Law of Attraction does not promote injustice. Law of Attraction amplifies the vibration that is within you.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Tarrytown, NY on Saturday, May 8th, 2004
Without everything I had lived in the past I would not have formed the WANT TO which is cummculating now … if it were not from the contrast lived ..the combinations of all POSSIBLITY ….
From a position of the TAO SELF who is not ESTED in the fear of DEATH or the idea that UNIVERSE is real .. the game we play that feels so REAL to us is seen as just that GAME ….. ALL POSSIBLITY to be finnaly experienced thus become data and allow for new ever more complexity formt he each and every event and each and EVERY now DNA combination …. Baby ..the combination of the DNA of a daddy whose life is writtenin his fresh sperm everyday , to join with the static egg ..whihc will bring forth the next generation of GAME PLAYERS … who are DIFFERENT a LITTLE MORE complex . at the DAN level …… what we JUDGE from here inside of the game is from a pposition of of welll the core of what ..the sage says thru …
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masanobu_Fukuoka
a postion of limited understanding …the no’s of http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
Ok like my norm lately this blog will hav very little to do with pussy … in fact my focus has to really be on the GAME the TOUR OF DUTY http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html ½ way down the page … pussy will just get me fucked an off track ..PUT YOUR PASSION IN YOU POCKET to be more FULLY enjoyed later . life is long ans full of stuff and and I want thtat stuff to be fun and more in my control … and I can then really enjoy PUSSY much more way way way different aspect and SUBLTE INTERACTION dynamics even in just ½ the projected time of … http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html retire at 22 based upon starting at 18 . So events may be lining up for me to ad… venture.
5000 bucks a used car and a 200 buck a week job….and I am gone ,,, 4 years to completeion or before ( before would be good )… but just to go is such a fucking AD VENTURE .. usch a great model …. No real tools but a shovel ? and start fucking there , imeasured the table In the living room and thought could If commit to shoveling just ath much per day by hand? And that after noon pouring it as adobe ? not build a house but to build an office or farm building ….. so I have no IMAPCT FEES Of building a house yet . let my income stream grow over a year or so for that . but to do that building which actually is only about 8 linear feet shy of the 48 ft int. of a starter home …. To do that by shovel how fucking cool would that be ….. how fucking basic how fucking FREE an aint that the idea to BUY MY FREEDOM ..ASAP . at least show a model of that concept .
ad ( fucking ) venture …what is life anyways ,, just being SAFE and bored or ..is it to ad to the venture orf the expansion of possible … ohh all possibility is always in all ways ..but until lived ..it is not data yet …. Just possibility ….
So I hae the time to pre cut the wood for the camp ….. and line up some other cash to pop and ag/iragation well get a used lawn tractor … buy 2 more PV PAKS … etc etc … cash for the survey ,, cash to start up the engneering process of adobe construction …. 100 here 200 there over the next 6 months … then bai out , someone else will take over my comfy life here my company my property etc ,t hey will do deluxe I still have my Equities …. And the freedom to start for SQUARE 1 like a kid of 18 …. A few 1000 bucks a used car a simple job .. and a taste for AD venture …
Now does this feel like RELIEF ..yes and very much NO , the excitement of it is nowhere near relief except in the idea of that the GAME has started right or worng ready or not ,,, the game has started now handle the PRESSURE .. that was what all the practice and study has been for ,,to eventually jump into the GAME ….. so relief int hat the game is ready to start up ..cool ..yep that is RELIEF … and excitement and passion … and reason for getting out of bed in the morning and going to sleep at night ,, so I can get another day …. Started … yep this is living .
do things come ,,do things line up some how ? yep they do ..just move towards the want the adventure and thngs tend to line up on the way ….. then thngs will SPEED UP but wow what a great MODEL EXAMPLE … to have it documented .
to get it done in the 4 years … the 3 homes the 2 other building ( my place and the family place .. pay off the land ,, have the pond done and stocked , the lad planted out and producing and to build a business an activity that makes $$$ now that is always up to the person but for me it would be best to ….
I don’t want to have an office , I don’t want to have any employees , I don’t want to wear a watch or live by a clock or eveh have a fucking calendar with real hard APPOINTMENTS OR shit … live with the movements of the sun and work at aomething I enjoy where people are happy to seee me and give me money …. Got o the mail baox and get checks … ( actually sounds a lot like what I have been doing for the last 15 years life is a beach and then you live on one )
There has never been an injustice anywhere in this physical time/space reality or anywhere else. Law of Attraction does not promote injustice. Law of Attraction amplifies the vibration that is within you.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Tarrytown, NY on Saturday, May 8th, 2004
Without everything I had lived in the past I would not have formed the WANT TO which is cummculating now … if it were not from the contrast lived ..the combinations of all POSSIBLITY ….
From a position of the TAO SELF who is not ESTED in the fear of DEATH or the idea that UNIVERSE is real .. the game we play that feels so REAL to us is seen as just that GAME ….. ALL POSSIBLITY to be finnaly experienced thus become data and allow for new ever more complexity formt he each and every event and each and EVERY now DNA combination …. Baby ..the combination of the DNA of a daddy whose life is writtenin his fresh sperm everyday , to join with the static egg ..whihc will bring forth the next generation of GAME PLAYERS … who are DIFFERENT a LITTLE MORE complex . at the DAN level …… what we JUDGE from here inside of the game is from a pposition of of welll the core of what ..the sage says thru …
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masanobu_Fukuoka
a postion of limited understanding …the no’s of http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
Friday, December 18, 2009
hairless pussy
hairless pussy
The finger print of god http://www.npr.org/templates/player/mediaPlayer.html?action=3&t=live1&islist=false …… understanding the complexity of the MIND FUCKING .. and that there maybe DNA predisposing the human brain got bigger just rying to understand why were are subjected to GOD concepts the endless questioning and expansion of WORD TOOLS … but at the end of the day what does that shit have to do with a AHRD COCK AND A WETT PUSSY ? …dna holds a history of the events of the partys involved the female egg STATIC the male sperm made new each day will have recorded success of living . at levels of genral experience that would be useful for the DNA bio machine ….. the quanta self is the USER …. the light switch and light are my tools I am the chooser of its use . the USER IS UNDEFINE-ABLE in ATOMIC terms http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html ..... now scienc can only observe the PAST and of course from within limits of the intended goal of the experiment .
Pyschonuero immunology the idea that our thinking choices effect our bio mechincs.. …. Spontaniuos mystical experience is of course perceived thru the TOOL of bio machenics . our larger brain can be the expression or result of trying to UNDERSTAND …TOA …. It has more storage because of our generation after generation growing their ,,nueroplasiticlty …. Like the size of our dick or the size of her tits …… the idea that she is mainly hairless except in the part of her body which has been TOLD TO HIDE .. the sexual organs maintained hair .. out of embasessement and thus genenrrational expcetaion of each new young ones coming up to someday start to see their own expression fo sexual maturity being evidenced in that HAIR COVERING … of sex . now will the new fashion of shaved twats be seenof course by the children growing up the WANT will not be for the expression of hair ..so less hair will show up … ( western man afew 100 years ago averaged 5 ft 5 inches ,,, now averages close to 5 fot 10 inches .. and over half of that 4/5 inch has happened in the last few generations )
Cultivate the expeince thru .. a METHOD that works fo the person ,,, so a church can be that , yet the over all
Out and out FRAUD …… the tool of making that $$$$ to establish their place in the hierarchy …. Built from the WITCH DOCTOR ..and their use of FEATHERS and decoration … to place themselves In society
Getting our sense of GOD thru PARTICLES … is missing the idea that god concept GOD BEING PERJORATIVE automactically generating menta picutures of a HUMAN…. BUT we are just observing the PAT of the quatum building and De building of quantum SECOND … the exact now … everything else is experienced data
We have experiences of the UNTHINKABLE then try to bring it back into terms that is TALKABLE is able to be discussed with friends and family and others and to do that we need to use common sounds or words …. We agree that a certain REFLECTION of light is BLUE and we train babys in the idea of BLUE …. And then from then on we use word tools called BLUE ,,, but BLUE is nothing but thought form of sgreements for in Spain Blue is not blue ….. but another grouping of sounds that bringsa bout another PERJORATVE reaction in the listeners . have some way to interact about the UNTHINKABLE the no1thing IS fun ..and fun is the reason for expansion . nature moves to towards things that are fun . that feel better . finger PRINTS of a GOD again bring us back to thinking in terms of the specialness of or IMPORATNCE ( hierarchy ) of the HUMAN BIO MACHINE … which in a instant of Geological time or unviverse time could be wiped clean off this lil rock …. It is not the BIO MACHINE but the user of the BIO MACHINE and the same user …. http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html
Uses all assemblages … assemblages of others co-operative players or EQUALS that form a grouping which can then be NAMED given word tools to use ,,, that were still THING before we were even here to give word tool to it ,,, .
Desires and beliefs are just thoughts and thoughts. "Ask and it is given?" You ask through your wanting. You ask through your desire. That thing you call desire. That's the asking. You don't have to use your words. You just have to feel it in your being. That spark of desire. "I desire this. I want this. I adore this. I embrace this. I appreciate this. I..." That desire is the beginning of all attraction. The desire is what puts the eternalness in eternity.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in San Diego, CA on Saturday, February 7th, 1998
Does a plant another bio machine , grow towards that whihch feels better for its… it’s ..it’s special DNA design ,, some Are full sun SOME NEED PARTIAL SHADE .. read the seed packages …. The expansion is in the SUCCESS of the bio machine so that it RE PRODUCES and life then moves on and on … in every VARYING FORMS success recorded in the …..DNA data storage unit . …. Your choices of moving towars something wanted is like the plant growing towards usn or towards partial shade from the ablity of the DNA bio machine of the quaTUM USER SELF .
That is why it is good to understand MOTIVES behind the wants $$$$ is not the WANT it is what the $$$ will give you ..is it ESCAPE from feeling something yo do not want ? so at the core of the thought energy expressed it realy the INCLUSION OF THE UNWATED … the FEAR aspect maybe realyy deep down the holding on to this idea of importance around the use of the ATOMS …
http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html the helpless child is NEEDY of mothers milk for the bio machine to continue …. It is needy of teaching of how to find the first few levels of MASLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS … http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html again simple things like food water and protection from the elements and safety from PREDATION .. but we got trained to depend on that … security … in terms of being SLAVE for PHAROHs use for the use of the growth of the thought form of economy or city …. A simple multicelled orgaism that depends on the hive or slaves in many forms of hierhy …
we were trained away form our ABLITY to live independently inot living DEPENADNT on the system and begging it for that which can be given freely … http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html 180 fruit bearing plants X 3 = close to 600 each only need to give a few hands full of food per year …and life is COOL ( have you ever seen a fruit tree in some ones back yard where the ground is littered with rotting fruit ..and all you need is a couple of hands full fromt hat tree let the squierels and birds eat …all they want stress free there is WAY TO MUCH ABUDANCE ( not the fear of lack you were trained inot believing in so that PEOPLE /phaorh system COULD SELL YOU AND answer to the problem they created in your mind ) … in harmony with the DNA designe of your body ,, teeth that are designed to eat fruit hands sensitve to picking ripe fruit and evidence trails of human success in i]living vegetarain lives … ( still about 1 in 5 people world wide live vegans type lives ) ohh an then the 1800 linear feet of WILDIZED … food forested VEGATBLE PRODUCTION PLUS THE GAME BIRDS AND FISH AND THE solar /earthship housing etc etcet etc. LIVING INDEPENDANTLY .. yet with in ,,with freedom to PARTY IN THE CITY .
AND POLIGAMY ….. sex is important ,, the expression of successful living is the desire for expansion or KIDS .. being a non stressed parent http://www.instinctualism.org/children_ina_polyfamily.html sex ..back to sex … without HIERACHY …. Back into the DNA design of us ..not chimp not even TRUE gorilla but human NOW free to choose ..fromt he wanted by under standing the unwanted . http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
The finger print of god http://www.npr.org/templates/player/mediaPlayer.html?action=3&t=live1&islist=false …… understanding the complexity of the MIND FUCKING .. and that there maybe DNA predisposing the human brain got bigger just rying to understand why were are subjected to GOD concepts the endless questioning and expansion of WORD TOOLS … but at the end of the day what does that shit have to do with a AHRD COCK AND A WETT PUSSY ? …dna holds a history of the events of the partys involved the female egg STATIC the male sperm made new each day will have recorded success of living . at levels of genral experience that would be useful for the DNA bio machine ….. the quanta self is the USER …. the light switch and light are my tools I am the chooser of its use . the USER IS UNDEFINE-ABLE in ATOMIC terms http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html ..... now scienc can only observe the PAST and of course from within limits of the intended goal of the experiment .
Pyschonuero immunology the idea that our thinking choices effect our bio mechincs.. …. Spontaniuos mystical experience is of course perceived thru the TOOL of bio machenics . our larger brain can be the expression or result of trying to UNDERSTAND …TOA …. It has more storage because of our generation after generation growing their ,,nueroplasiticlty …. Like the size of our dick or the size of her tits …… the idea that she is mainly hairless except in the part of her body which has been TOLD TO HIDE .. the sexual organs maintained hair .. out of embasessement and thus genenrrational expcetaion of each new young ones coming up to someday start to see their own expression fo sexual maturity being evidenced in that HAIR COVERING … of sex . now will the new fashion of shaved twats be seenof course by the children growing up the WANT will not be for the expression of hair ..so less hair will show up … ( western man afew 100 years ago averaged 5 ft 5 inches ,,, now averages close to 5 fot 10 inches .. and over half of that 4/5 inch has happened in the last few generations )
Cultivate the expeince thru .. a METHOD that works fo the person ,,, so a church can be that , yet the over all
Out and out FRAUD …… the tool of making that $$$$ to establish their place in the hierarchy …. Built from the WITCH DOCTOR ..and their use of FEATHERS and decoration … to place themselves In society
Getting our sense of GOD thru PARTICLES … is missing the idea that god concept GOD BEING PERJORATIVE automactically generating menta picutures of a HUMAN…. BUT we are just observing the PAT of the quatum building and De building of quantum SECOND … the exact now … everything else is experienced data
We have experiences of the UNTHINKABLE then try to bring it back into terms that is TALKABLE is able to be discussed with friends and family and others and to do that we need to use common sounds or words …. We agree that a certain REFLECTION of light is BLUE and we train babys in the idea of BLUE …. And then from then on we use word tools called BLUE ,,, but BLUE is nothing but thought form of sgreements for in Spain Blue is not blue ….. but another grouping of sounds that bringsa bout another PERJORATVE reaction in the listeners . have some way to interact about the UNTHINKABLE the no1thing IS fun ..and fun is the reason for expansion . nature moves to towards things that are fun . that feel better . finger PRINTS of a GOD again bring us back to thinking in terms of the specialness of or IMPORATNCE ( hierarchy ) of the HUMAN BIO MACHINE … which in a instant of Geological time or unviverse time could be wiped clean off this lil rock …. It is not the BIO MACHINE but the user of the BIO MACHINE and the same user …. http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html
Uses all assemblages … assemblages of others co-operative players or EQUALS that form a grouping which can then be NAMED given word tools to use ,,, that were still THING before we were even here to give word tool to it ,,, .
Desires and beliefs are just thoughts and thoughts. "Ask and it is given?" You ask through your wanting. You ask through your desire. That thing you call desire. That's the asking. You don't have to use your words. You just have to feel it in your being. That spark of desire. "I desire this. I want this. I adore this. I embrace this. I appreciate this. I..." That desire is the beginning of all attraction. The desire is what puts the eternalness in eternity.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in San Diego, CA on Saturday, February 7th, 1998
Does a plant another bio machine , grow towards that whihch feels better for its… it’s ..it’s special DNA design ,, some Are full sun SOME NEED PARTIAL SHADE .. read the seed packages …. The expansion is in the SUCCESS of the bio machine so that it RE PRODUCES and life then moves on and on … in every VARYING FORMS success recorded in the …..DNA data storage unit . …. Your choices of moving towars something wanted is like the plant growing towards usn or towards partial shade from the ablity of the DNA bio machine of the quaTUM USER SELF .
That is why it is good to understand MOTIVES behind the wants $$$$ is not the WANT it is what the $$$ will give you ..is it ESCAPE from feeling something yo do not want ? so at the core of the thought energy expressed it realy the INCLUSION OF THE UNWATED … the FEAR aspect maybe realyy deep down the holding on to this idea of importance around the use of the ATOMS …
http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html the helpless child is NEEDY of mothers milk for the bio machine to continue …. It is needy of teaching of how to find the first few levels of MASLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS … http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html again simple things like food water and protection from the elements and safety from PREDATION .. but we got trained to depend on that … security … in terms of being SLAVE for PHAROHs use for the use of the growth of the thought form of economy or city …. A simple multicelled orgaism that depends on the hive or slaves in many forms of hierhy …
we were trained away form our ABLITY to live independently inot living DEPENADNT on the system and begging it for that which can be given freely … http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html 180 fruit bearing plants X 3 = close to 600 each only need to give a few hands full of food per year …and life is COOL ( have you ever seen a fruit tree in some ones back yard where the ground is littered with rotting fruit ..and all you need is a couple of hands full fromt hat tree let the squierels and birds eat …all they want stress free there is WAY TO MUCH ABUDANCE ( not the fear of lack you were trained inot believing in so that PEOPLE /phaorh system COULD SELL YOU AND answer to the problem they created in your mind ) … in harmony with the DNA designe of your body ,, teeth that are designed to eat fruit hands sensitve to picking ripe fruit and evidence trails of human success in i]living vegetarain lives … ( still about 1 in 5 people world wide live vegans type lives ) ohh an then the 1800 linear feet of WILDIZED … food forested VEGATBLE PRODUCTION PLUS THE GAME BIRDS AND FISH AND THE solar /earthship housing etc etcet etc. LIVING INDEPENDANTLY .. yet with in ,,with freedom to PARTY IN THE CITY .
AND POLIGAMY ….. sex is important ,, the expression of successful living is the desire for expansion or KIDS .. being a non stressed parent http://www.instinctualism.org/children_ina_polyfamily.html sex ..back to sex … without HIERACHY …. Back into the DNA design of us ..not chimp not even TRUE gorilla but human NOW free to choose ..fromt he wanted by under standing the unwanted . http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
majorly sexy pussy
Majorly sexy pussy
So basking now is a good idea , but basking about a fucked up past? Is good? ( ooh recommends of the sage ,,, the more you thinking in apostive mode well the more positive energy is projected … so thinkig aabout the past …. In terms of finding it ..agree-able .. seeing that it is the ..EVERYDAY IN EVERYWAY THINGS ARE GETTING BETTER ADNB ETTER ..of the shit I am basking about now ….? Sounds LOGICAL .. for if I am HONESLTY TRUE HEART FELT NOT JUST LIEING TO MYSELF … basking in my now , the I would not be EXACTLY here if it were not for exactly all that happened in the past … oh and as for when thinking about future yes , there tooo bask ..find the WANTS to think about not the ISSUE withnot tissues ..think about the successful aspects , bask bask bask … ( boot strapping it , once more ..hmmm bask baskbask …. Is is not exactly the vision board I created in www.instinctualism.org )
M/S pussy ,,, majorly sexy pussy ? sure ! bonus ,,,, master slave pussy … ok if that is the result of your exploration of the wanted/unwanted and the relationship solution you found was being a CO-OPERATIVE part of a DOM/sub life style ,,cool …… but I am here today talking about some one who IGNORED , their inner guidance for WAY WAY WAY to .long until the commication came out in terms of ILLNESS , where by they then went to SOMEONE ELSE … asking tell em what is WRONG and this highly paid professional who gets paid to FIND ! ..disease ..and give it a name … this priest of the ivory tower the doctor …. Tells you it is ….MS ….
What it is is ..COMMICATION … the you beyond words has been talking to you about what feels GOOD and what feels OFF ..FOR SO LONG and have not been listening you have been SUPPRESSING your own feelings your guidance abot what feels right for you in the way you live ….. what is your ZONE or PASSION mainly due to the FEAR of Economics ,,dependence on a system for basic life issues ….. you were trained not to listen to within but .to act in accord with the needs of the SLAVE DRIVER to serve the PHAROH concept … trained and molded from biorth to serve the GOD/KING and if you do well you get to get RELEIF you die and go to heaven , so after a while ,,the confusion become DISEASE ,,,, I need a break ,.. I need time out ,, the only way I can get some time out is to be SIICK , to sick to be used by SLAVE MASTER ANY MORE .
While there have been few studies examining the relationship of stress and MS symptoms, MS patients often report that stress causes their symptoms to worsen. Because stress interacts with the immune system, it could be possible that stress may trigger a worsening of MS symptoms or a relapse.
Why has there not been better more long term studys about stress ? well because to realy have all the data on stress and how it realy effects US the slaves would risk US revolting , but you can buy yourself out of the insanity if you want …. Like a slave of old http://www.amazon.com/Richest-Man-Babylon-George-Clason/dp/0451205367
Once you've decided that you want something, the opposite of it is going to be very much a part of your awareness too.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Napa, CA on Thursday, February 27th, 1997
When oppurtunitys present themselves , feel the message of emotions .
Is the leap to far are you feeling nervous or excited ?
Do you need more time to clarify and learn about your wants ?
Is the investment in action or money causing you stress right now?
Do what feels good and natural !
Do those things that make you feel excited and happy !
Step 5 RECIEVE IT , Yes notice your feelings about the events of your life and which things and oppurtuntites truely make you feel GOOD deep down WHAT MAKES YOU WANT TO GET OUT OFF BED each moringing excited about today! Recieve this everyday .
This is the fact for almost anything that you have ever achieved , even though you may not have realized it. You did all the above things for every job , vacation , girlfriend , home , adventure , etc. etc.. Almost everything you do , you first go thru the above stpes with or with out consciuos knowledge before that event becomes your reality .
That even goes for the things you say you do not want , because the things you DO NOT want often are the training grounds to aid you in learning to be ready for what you in the END really want . That is the SILVER lining around the dark clouds of life we hate so much , that is the reason it takes time to recieve that real want . We must learn something first , so that we can be ready to really enjoy our want better .
So basking now is a good idea , but basking about a fucked up past? Is good? ( ooh recommends of the sage ,,, the more you thinking in apostive mode well the more positive energy is projected … so thinkig aabout the past …. In terms of finding it ..agree-able .. seeing that it is the ..EVERYDAY IN EVERYWAY THINGS ARE GETTING BETTER ADNB ETTER ..of the shit I am basking about now ….? Sounds LOGICAL .. for if I am HONESLTY TRUE HEART FELT NOT JUST LIEING TO MYSELF … basking in my now , the I would not be EXACTLY here if it were not for exactly all that happened in the past … oh and as for when thinking about future yes , there tooo bask ..find the WANTS to think about not the ISSUE withnot tissues ..think about the successful aspects , bask bask bask … ( boot strapping it , once more ..hmmm bask baskbask …. Is is not exactly the vision board I created in www.instinctualism.org )
M/S pussy ,,, majorly sexy pussy ? sure ! bonus ,,,, master slave pussy … ok if that is the result of your exploration of the wanted/unwanted and the relationship solution you found was being a CO-OPERATIVE part of a DOM/sub life style ,,cool …… but I am here today talking about some one who IGNORED , their inner guidance for WAY WAY WAY to .long until the commication came out in terms of ILLNESS , where by they then went to SOMEONE ELSE … asking tell em what is WRONG and this highly paid professional who gets paid to FIND ! ..disease ..and give it a name … this priest of the ivory tower the doctor …. Tells you it is ….MS ….
What it is is ..COMMICATION … the you beyond words has been talking to you about what feels GOOD and what feels OFF ..FOR SO LONG and have not been listening you have been SUPPRESSING your own feelings your guidance abot what feels right for you in the way you live ….. what is your ZONE or PASSION mainly due to the FEAR of Economics ,,dependence on a system for basic life issues ….. you were trained not to listen to within but .to act in accord with the needs of the SLAVE DRIVER to serve the PHAROH concept … trained and molded from biorth to serve the GOD/KING and if you do well you get to get RELEIF you die and go to heaven , so after a while ,,the confusion become DISEASE ,,,, I need a break ,.. I need time out ,, the only way I can get some time out is to be SIICK , to sick to be used by SLAVE MASTER ANY MORE .
While there have been few studies examining the relationship of stress and MS symptoms, MS patients often report that stress causes their symptoms to worsen. Because stress interacts with the immune system, it could be possible that stress may trigger a worsening of MS symptoms or a relapse.
Why has there not been better more long term studys about stress ? well because to realy have all the data on stress and how it realy effects US the slaves would risk US revolting , but you can buy yourself out of the insanity if you want …. Like a slave of old http://www.amazon.com/Richest-Man-Babylon-George-Clason/dp/0451205367
Once you've decided that you want something, the opposite of it is going to be very much a part of your awareness too.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Napa, CA on Thursday, February 27th, 1997
When oppurtunitys present themselves , feel the message of emotions .
Is the leap to far are you feeling nervous or excited ?
Do you need more time to clarify and learn about your wants ?
Is the investment in action or money causing you stress right now?
Do what feels good and natural !
Do those things that make you feel excited and happy !
Step 5 RECIEVE IT , Yes notice your feelings about the events of your life and which things and oppurtuntites truely make you feel GOOD deep down WHAT MAKES YOU WANT TO GET OUT OFF BED each moringing excited about today! Recieve this everyday .
This is the fact for almost anything that you have ever achieved , even though you may not have realized it. You did all the above things for every job , vacation , girlfriend , home , adventure , etc. etc.. Almost everything you do , you first go thru the above stpes with or with out consciuos knowledge before that event becomes your reality .
That even goes for the things you say you do not want , because the things you DO NOT want often are the training grounds to aid you in learning to be ready for what you in the END really want . That is the SILVER lining around the dark clouds of life we hate so much , that is the reason it takes time to recieve that real want . We must learn something first , so that we can be ready to really enjoy our want better .
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
off feeling pussy
Never do anything when it feels OFF ……next is to realize you have been ignoring what you FEEL is OFF to you for so long this simple idea can be more complex than simple words ….. start with why are you wanting to do what you are ddoing , the SANDY FOUNDATIONS OF ACTIONS … and are you just heading to builda gain on sand …. GQ or whater mens mag THIS MONTH ( I had time to kill waiting on something in a sotore and I was checking the covers of magazines ,, I get a kick out the covers of womens Mags , the topics that are used to sell the magazine … then as I got bored because YEAR AFTER YEAR it is the same ISSUES SAME TOPICS … I went to the MALE side and well ihave read evey article there is to read about FISHNG .. and thiere are no magines realy about OFF GRID LIVING ON MAIN STREAM SHELVES … MY EYE WAS ..caught by ……SHOULD ….. a list of 25 things the Gentle MAN “ should “ understand about women the teaching of you to LIVE BASED UPON SHOULDS or 2nd mind ,,, ignoring the FEELING OF self teaching you to twist yurelf around to ….. become good eoungh ofr another … this is the baisis TOO of PHAROHA concept being good enough for the 1 who controls the flow of everything do not please the PHAROH concept and be a DEAD slave …. Please the PHAROH concept and thngs needed to SUSTAIN YOU will be allowed to flow to you …. Learn to live within their idea of what HUMANITY NEEDS …
, in that list of 25 is the reference to her having her nails done … actually describing to yu young master how if she is SEXUALLY M ANIPULATING it shows the relationahip is still viable if she stops there is a problem ….. HMMMM ? … sandy foundation …S …..ILLUSION.. actually the list on whole is the evidence trail OF THE SANDY FOUNDATION UPON WHICH WE DEPEND OUR LIFE ON … and if you young master realy looked at the editiors and writers etc of most mags even mens mags you will find ,,the majorityof the office personel are women ,,,,, HUH ? kinda lop sided stream of info .. well the writers of fishing articles Ok those are mainly written by men but hese fashion mags for men ,, are FASHION MAGS the domaoin of EVE .. the ILLUSION starated way back when ? well the first HOT CHICK OF FASHION we have history of is Amenhoptep’s wife ..Nefititi … I just eant to re-inforce the GENERATION AFTER GENERTION mindless ADHERENCE to failed ideas .
Ok I have vibrated , talked about the problems .. 1 on 1 for so long , but have I been describing the POSSIBLE solution form ? the concept ideas YES …. It is not a simple BANDAID ..no no …. It is a comprehensive changing of mainy aspects from the bottom up … the FOUDNATION up … http://www.instinctualism.org/ ,,, see so many aspects of HUMAN LIFE has beenr ealy rooted in maintaining us in a state of CONFUSE AND CONQUER so long we do not realize it , or the possibility for real freedom s that we can have …. Basic ideas like building a LIFE AND LVOE on ..the idea of FAKE attraction then the RELASE of sexual frustration as the basisi for LOVE and FAMILY foundation is insane since it is realy strated aladi down upon the bais of dandy solisl changined , isslusion ,
So in the poly ,,the girl are NOT TO BE COMPETITIVE but supportive and love eachother and the male of their FREE choice to insure eh ahs fun AND THEY HAVE FUN … but the tRUSt in that we humans do love achother ,, we open dorrs for each other ,, now the NON COPEmpetive AGREEMENT THE girls have ,,is their foundation and has to be self corrc ting … SO PAINTED NAILS fine fine fine but then each girls does eachother … so the supportive system of each … plays out …ah mirrorless living page ..depending on the idea of the others insted of yourself … it comes into theory play here http://www.instinctualism.org/mirrorless_living.html belieiving in your WORTH believing in FREINDSHIP … and NOT A self worth dependant on COMPETITIVE illusion TWEEKED BY … FASHION player who mold things to genenrate cash flow … a solution will start with a change in BAISC thinking first .
Core baiss stress be it $$$ for basic life issues like food housing comfort ( electric ) , AND moliblity (http://www.instinctualism.org/free_gasoline.html having experience with a BISIC CONCEPT then allows more to enjoy bigger and better because you are not TRPPED in a need of the Bigger better ..they become wants not needs ) …
Whenever you're trying to understand anything that is as huge as all of the Universe, or as huge as all eternity, all you have to do is bring it back to something simple that you do understand, and ask the questions and apply them. And then you can understand the Whole. Everything that's true of the Whole is true of the individual.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Tucson, AZ on Tuesday, February 20th, 2001
The concept of the MACRO AND MICRO ,, the I… IN …I … aspects are common to everything .. cycles flows there is MUCH COMMONALITY … so finding failures that stimulate wants ..that need THUS the exploration of the UNWANTED .. http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html …look around for aspects in many different RELTED COUSIN FORMS … http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html SEE IN everything the thngs which FEEL OFF ..to you and thngs that realy feel nice ,,,
Ahh what realy feels nice may be hidden behind RULES PHAROH TOLD YOU NOT TO DO .. churches toldyou not to do ..fahion told you not to do .. thngs your frinds do not understand ,, but yu have free choice to look a their NIGHTMARElifes and say NOT FOR ME ANY MORE …. That feels OFF .
But what feels better? Are you confused ? ahhh there you have the evidence trail about what I have been HARPING ON ,,,the from the day of your birth trained into the CONFUSE AND CONQUER so deeply you believed it to be NATURAL … do you realy TRUST A SALESMAN ? who doe she serve you or his PHONE BILL CAR PAYMENT ..MORTAGAGE AND durg addiction ? who does pharoh or priest realy serve when it comes down to it …( on avage year after year age after age ,,the greatest most common numbers of priest be them religion or of the IVORY TOWER ) OR PAHORH BEING politicians … look for evidence trails in MICRO AND MACRO … and learn …. To feel you own DESIRE ..what do you want ?
THE BEST BOYFIREND ( BY HOOK OR CROOK ) shady foundation to build a lasting relationship upon …
What you want is to FEEL BETTER … the $ no it is the escape the $ will buy … the boyfriend /girlfriend ,,is the NATURAL EXPRESSION IF ANIMAL INSTINCT …. Only in a confused manner … that will lead to CONTINUED STRESS .
Never do anything when it feels OFF ……next is to realize you have been ignoring what you FEEL is OFF to you for so long this simple idea can be more complex than simple words ….. start with why are you wanting to do what you are ddoing , the SANDY FOUNDATIONS OF ACTIONS … and are you just heading to builda gain on sand …. GQ or whater mens mag THIS MONTH ( I had time to kill waiting on something in a sotore and I was checking the covers of magazines ,, I get a kick out the covers of womens Mags , the topics that are used to sell the magazine … then as I got bored because YEAR AFTER YEAR it is the same ISSUES SAME TOPICS … I went to the MALE side and well ihave read evey article there is to read about FISHNG .. and thiere are no magines realy about OFF GRID LIVING ON MAIN STREAM SHELVES … MY EYE WAS ..caught by ……SHOULD ….. a list of 25 things the Gentle MAN “ should “ understand about women the teaching of you to LIVE BASED UPON SHOULDS or 2nd mind ,,, ignoring the FEELING OF self teaching you to twist yurelf around to ….. become good eoungh ofr another … this is the baisis TOO of PHAROHA concept being good enough for the 1 who controls the flow of everything do not please the PHAROH concept and be a DEAD slave …. Please the PHAROH concept and thngs needed to SUSTAIN YOU will be allowed to flow to you …. Learn to live within their idea of what HUMANITY NEEDS …
, in that list of 25 is the reference to her having her nails done … actually describing to yu young master how if she is SEXUALLY M ANIPULATING it shows the relationahip is still viable if she stops there is a problem ….. HMMMM ? … sandy foundation …S …..ILLUSION.. actually the list on whole is the evidence trail OF THE SANDY FOUNDATION UPON WHICH WE DEPEND OUR LIFE ON … and if you young master realy looked at the editiors and writers etc of most mags even mens mags you will find ,,the majorityof the office personel are women ,,,,, HUH ? kinda lop sided stream of info .. well the writers of fishing articles Ok those are mainly written by men but hese fashion mags for men ,, are FASHION MAGS the domaoin of EVE .. the ILLUSION starated way back when ? well the first HOT CHICK OF FASHION we have history of is Amenhoptep’s wife ..Nefititi … I just eant to re-inforce the GENERATION AFTER GENERTION mindless ADHERENCE to failed ideas .
Ok I have vibrated , talked about the problems .. 1 on 1 for so long , but have I been describing the POSSIBLE solution form ? the concept ideas YES …. It is not a simple BANDAID ..no no …. It is a comprehensive changing of mainy aspects from the bottom up … the FOUDNATION up … http://www.instinctualism.org/ ,,, see so many aspects of HUMAN LIFE has beenr ealy rooted in maintaining us in a state of CONFUSE AND CONQUER so long we do not realize it , or the possibility for real freedom s that we can have …. Basic ideas like building a LIFE AND LVOE on ..the idea of FAKE attraction then the RELASE of sexual frustration as the basisi for LOVE and FAMILY foundation is insane since it is realy strated aladi down upon the bais of dandy solisl changined , isslusion ,
So in the poly ,,the girl are NOT TO BE COMPETITIVE but supportive and love eachother and the male of their FREE choice to insure eh ahs fun AND THEY HAVE FUN … but the tRUSt in that we humans do love achother ,, we open dorrs for each other ,, now the NON COPEmpetive AGREEMENT THE girls have ,,is their foundation and has to be self corrc ting … SO PAINTED NAILS fine fine fine but then each girls does eachother … so the supportive system of each … plays out …ah mirrorless living page ..depending on the idea of the others insted of yourself … it comes into theory play here http://www.instinctualism.org/mirrorless_living.html belieiving in your WORTH believing in FREINDSHIP … and NOT A self worth dependant on COMPETITIVE illusion TWEEKED BY … FASHION player who mold things to genenrate cash flow … a solution will start with a change in BAISC thinking first .
Core baiss stress be it $$$ for basic life issues like food housing comfort ( electric ) , AND moliblity (http://www.instinctualism.org/free_gasoline.html having experience with a BISIC CONCEPT then allows more to enjoy bigger and better because you are not TRPPED in a need of the Bigger better ..they become wants not needs ) …
Whenever you're trying to understand anything that is as huge as all of the Universe, or as huge as all eternity, all you have to do is bring it back to something simple that you do understand, and ask the questions and apply them. And then you can understand the Whole. Everything that's true of the Whole is true of the individual.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Tucson, AZ on Tuesday, February 20th, 2001
The concept of the MACRO AND MICRO ,, the I… IN …I … aspects are common to everything .. cycles flows there is MUCH COMMONALITY … so finding failures that stimulate wants ..that need THUS the exploration of the UNWANTED .. http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html …look around for aspects in many different RELTED COUSIN FORMS … http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html SEE IN everything the thngs which FEEL OFF ..to you and thngs that realy feel nice ,,,
Ahh what realy feels nice may be hidden behind RULES PHAROH TOLD YOU NOT TO DO .. churches toldyou not to do ..fahion told you not to do .. thngs your frinds do not understand ,, but yu have free choice to look a their NIGHTMARElifes and say NOT FOR ME ANY MORE …. That feels OFF .
But what feels better? Are you confused ? ahhh there you have the evidence trail about what I have been HARPING ON ,,,the from the day of your birth trained into the CONFUSE AND CONQUER so deeply you believed it to be NATURAL … do you realy TRUST A SALESMAN ? who doe she serve you or his PHONE BILL CAR PAYMENT ..MORTAGAGE AND durg addiction ? who does pharoh or priest realy serve when it comes down to it …( on avage year after year age after age ,,the greatest most common numbers of priest be them religion or of the IVORY TOWER ) OR PAHORH BEING politicians … look for evidence trails in MICRO AND MACRO … and learn …. To feel you own DESIRE ..what do you want ?
THE BEST BOYFIREND ( BY HOOK OR CROOK ) shady foundation to build a lasting relationship upon …
What you want is to FEEL BETTER … the $ no it is the escape the $ will buy … the boyfriend /girlfriend ,,is the NATURAL EXPRESSION IF ANIMAL INSTINCT …. Only in a confused manner … that will lead to CONTINUED STRESS .
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