Thursday, April 29, 2010

take your pussy to red lobster

Take your pussy to red lobster

Support the world wildlife fed….the WWF and feel good aboutyourself while you are alone driving aroundin your HUMMER on the street of NEW YORK and LA. ….when you eat a shrimp dinner at the SEA FOOD GIANT the MC D of water based INDUSTRIALIZED lives tock production …. Free animal forms now caged and used like MACHINERY … so you can impresss your chick in hopes you will get lucky and aget some ever POWERFUL PUSSY …. ( complexity upon complesiy to the point of confusion then giving up ..which is the CONQUERING )

Scientific American sept 2009 …… pearls hiddenin the corpataly sponsored PIGSHIT spilled down from the Ivory tower and ivy covered walls …. Jargon languages . Like the shound of chineses if you do not speak it .

The an. Budget of WWF is like 100 million ,,, HUMAN IS NOT AN …ALIEN speices we are of this world ..for 15 millin years HOMINDS … growing and changing like everything else with our interactions with ever thing else …. We live in a POTENTIAL GARDEN OF EDEN ..not potential but real …. Garden go to the EAT the WEEDS guys page and just spend some time chicking pages after page of seasonal abudnce all around us …… 10’s of thousands of edibles we human are not NICHE FEEEDERS … but complex onivors ( that means more than the 4 grains turned in to the SHRIMP of farming that is supposed saved the planet WRONG ! 4 grains turned into almost everything we salves who depend on $$$$$ eat ) …..

So real quick I gotta go to work ….. the US devotes 580+ MILLION acres to the HOLY COW … while or kids are crammedinto apartment buildings stacked like FUCKING SARDINES IN concrete cans ….. or in metal can in fucking TRAILER PARK GHETTOS … currently after the slash and burn we did to north America over the alst 200 years , the land is rebelling and INVASIVES are taking over that 580 million , and the rancehers says IT IS NOT WORTH THE 100 BUCKS per years constant cost to re cover the land for graing ,,,great..BONUS …. Give each a 1000 DOLLARS for the land instead ,, give them a GRAND for land whihcis not worth 100 bucks . !
And the 100 MILLION OF THE WWF can re FOOD FESRST America to the tune of 100,000 acres per year ,, and if a KID IN THESTREETS can get up a 1000 buck of matching funds the get 1 of those acres … with the ECONOCS of scale buying power ,,, that 1000 the kids gives is given back to him in terms of 400 wats of PV …. And knowledge to amd acces to temp use of Equip to build rpimatively ….. EARTH SHIP thinking earth tied … local site material housing . and 100,000 kids can make real CORABON OFFSET S not only in the trees but the lack of their future presence in the mainting of the INANSITY which created the confuse and c onquer ..whihc believes its ENGEINERRRING will work to fix the problem …. Whihcis only a SYMPTOM . 100 k free MAERICAN YOUTH ..strong natural healty ,,, inteleigetn wise with wisdom and eonclopedic knowledge of what iREALLY MEANS TO BE HUMAN ! 100k per year …now think about that in terms of 10 years them 20 years and then 30 years …. Million and millions of HEALTHY AMERICANS FOR THE NEXT …7 …GENERNATIONS .

Plus give them TREES >>>>> lots and lots of trees , fire wood food ..bushes and seed …. And the lost ENCLYCOPEDIC KNOWLEDGE HUMANITY USED TO HAVE .. taught to us by the modeling of its FREE family unit that lived for 15’s of millions of years without ..RED LOBSTER and shrimp flown in on airplanes …. For local peoples can not afford the shrimp from distant farms ,,the it is the creation of the $$$$ system get them dependant on $$$$ …. Buy seeds …. Create DEBTS … buy chinese TV’s …. Get a car ,,USE OIL !!!!!! change depending on the plans of the MACRO …. Who have no real taste of the micro ..detached peoples themselves totally invested in the …messed up system .

It doesn't really matter what religion anybody believes. If their life is working (and there are many different approaches to life that are working very well) then why not let them believe whatever they want to believe? It's all working in the way that it is supposed to be. There are religions that you wouldn't want anything to do with, that are perfect mechanisms for the people who are involved in them. And therefore, they are a very good thing.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Asheville, NC on Sunday, April 25th, 2004
Every stock broker as he drives up his commission is teaching a truth in suggesting DIVERCITY …. The world tool of the sage is NEVER IMPORATNTA it is under lying themes at play … 1 more free choice to freelychoose from .

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

MAYHEM aug 11 2010 WPB

MAYHEM Aug 11 2010 WPB

KORN and ROB ( most cool aint seen Rob Zombie for a while ) ,,, but most Imp! Is to worship Korn see you there balloon dude sign the shirt ! ohhh yeah there will be lots of other real good bands …lots really …. A great day to f’ing bake in and pass out in the sun for F’ing sure . !

Sunday, April 25, 2010

hummin' pussy

Hummin’ pussy

So why do we give each other ORAL sex ….. altruism ,,, we like each other within a yin / yang a balancing of selfishnees and giving ,, for the giving brings some for the SELFISH part of us tooo… ACCEPTANCE place in a social structure or family or friendship or community …. All that from her sucking my cock ? just as the evasive HIGGNS OBSON and the field steming from it is so small so far off so outside of the ability of your bio machine to perceive with out use of other forms of TOOLS the tool collectors born from DNA ,,,, had no need to understand HIGGS EFFECTS , like we have no reason to UNDERSTAND the ..activity of micondria in our cells or the other trillions TRILLIONS of ….PROBIOTICS that enable us to survive without them we would rott like a piece of fruit in afew days ……( PaulHawhkins of Bioneering said that 1 … a 50 minute video )

We the adv enturuer UNTHINKABLE un pegable ,, unput inot bosaxalbe … adaventurere we use word tools like SPIRIT to discuss between each other about it ,, that aspect of the … I …. Uses a complexity build upon ..unthinkable complexity ,, like we trust the elelctric company and the computer manufactureser and the system oPerators to interact here on the web ..with out really UNDERRSTANDING athte Quantum level NOR individually apttempting to control the whole thing ourselves . as a play gorund .

Back to a good blow job your hard cock transmits data information it is INSTINCTUAL COMMICATION …. Non verbal commication … about the ehalth of the relationship .. to a speicies dependant on some forms of society … all sexual beings do have forms of SOCIETY … to be able to interact with each other no mater how limited or complex … we APES are harem social . and neighbor peacefull . ALTRUIST .

So this …. Means we are ahrd wired TO ATKE INTO ACCOUNT THE ….WANTS OF 2nd .MIND OTHERS , TO LIMITED OR WITHIN BALENCED effects ,,, the presence and training of A BIOLOGICALLY un ballenced human expression called PYSCHOPATH … and the NURTURING of society to accept it’s FLAWED views as being a reality for all ,,,, thru SCHOOLING for example … teaching a work force thru fear or rewards and punishments or thru social ostresations … or fear of government in Prsionment for not paying taxes or spending time working on the Pyramids in off season . even if this work generated economic PAY in terms of FOODS … to bring to the family during the off season … remember CHICKEN AND THE EGG ..where didi the PHAROH class the preiest get this food sotre to PAY IT’S economic slaves in the first place ?

FROM THE SLAVES THEMSELVES in tax form of that age .

Ohh shit I have gotten way off base this is supposed be to about my reaction to someone ,, a nice person showing the CONCERN for another human acting in a way they felt was NEGATIVE AND POTENTIALLY …… BAD ! ( judgemests of action based upon right and wrongs taught in theory schools ) PHIL …he said ,, I checked out your web site ,,and I hope you do not beleleve any of the shit you have on it ,,,, it was all done in the 60’s and they failed …..

And I had .. a FEELING !!!! of not being accepted by someone I wanted to accept me , to dicsuss with me aobut ,,,, details ,,, about real evidence trails …. I felt mayself respond to the reactions of 2nd mind …. Now quickly I caught myself and realized ,,,he is behind a brick wall of books calling to master who is walking further and further away into the infinity of heaven YELLING master master watchout you … are walking in the impossible as I have been taught by thsese books which in prision me . and master waves his good bye once more to 1 more ……as the tiny voice becomes weaker and weaker …

The 60’s were baby steps .. so when the baby fell in its practisin of change CHANGES from been bound by gravity to all 4’s on the floor to becoming the POTENTIAL of …BI PED ….. it falls fails …. STOP !!!!! baby you have failed and thrus proven mankind is not BI PED’s …… is this the thought process of my friend the SUPER INTELLIGENICA EXAMPLE of our best schools and his multiple degress ?

As I eat 2 to 3 meals now a days form … blended compartimenatiled food foresting designs …. No failures I see …but lelarnng falling and trying again ,,, natural evolutions of micro eco sytems ..etc etc etc … but day after day , the bounty of free food is there …but way more important really to the food is the RECREATIONAL ASPECT of the gardens …. I could be watching TV .. I could be driving to the gym tow ork out ,,, I could be in line to pay for groceryies ..etc etc etc ,,, instead I am outside watchin squierels and birds my cats play the bugs eat my food plants and the to watch the lizards and toads who are now plentifully eating the bugs … along with the birds hopping around thru my gardens …… like my own private nature program …. That is EDIBLE while I watch it …
I hope you do not believe ? like this is THEO baed … the gift of th training of a devieious psychopath , who created tools of control thru THEO …god form . which demands abstract BELIEF …no my so called ..scineifitc frind ,, you seem to be more REAL LEGION based needing of belief instead of evienddcenw while I walk the evidence

Are you talking aobut ecomoninc stragetys of service industrial income and savings plans ? are you talking about the concepts of thrmal mass ? all things I live or have hands on gathered experincail data after scientific experiments. …no BELIEF …is it ehsexual aspects ….ahhh CORE MIND FUCK TOOLS OF PAHROH ,, find something important and then create rules around it ….. so that the child grows up ..dentrites form that fitler realty possibles and expecatations arise … based upon the social instincts of ACEEPTANCE form 2nd ….. complexly tied to THEO ( god/king) AND THE TOOLS OF MANIPULATION . ahhh therea gain beliefs my frinds ,,, books written in today about the eefcts of this MNAIPULATION new relationship forms arising .. BDSM man kinds attempt to rise up off all 4’s …change … and then the idea that POLIGMY is what is n the DNA strand of the homind human . and the evidence trails of that .

Oh well it was just cool for me to FEEL …the twinge of not being ACCEPTED by the reperesentative of PHAROH ,,his advisor for the king / presisdnet or pharoh is just a DUPE who repeats the words of his LEARNED ADVISOR CLASS … the ivory towers of past are the ivy covered walls of today . Each age PROCLAIMING THE .. IMPOSSIBLES ..beware …have fear ..follow me … I know better .. I am like a GOD see what I have built …..look at the great city and greay PYRAMIDS ..
The words of EVE myth ,, and we will be like gods …. See what I have built I must be god or atleast SON OF GOD … claims the human hierachial psychopath thru his DUPE

When you manage to stay connected to your Energy stream, you always win. And you know what, somebody else doesn't have to lose for you to win. There is always enough.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Los Angeles, CA on Sunday, February 2nd, 1997
Or is it the words of the sages ..even your own PRIESTS UPON high so to say of PYSCICS eventually admit to complexity possibles that are ever expanding ..that we can not really even THINK OF … unthinkablity .

To touch the word of the sage ,, you were trained in day 1 in lack THE FEAR STATE OF A ….PYSCHOPATH ,,disconnected from …nature ….. thru schools and a few 1000 years of repeatition to believe in the diety of human ablity since we are the sons of GOD … ..are you letting yourself think for yourself yet? Expand past the birck wall in heaven ?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

over priced pussy lube

Over priced pussy lube

So about 3 years ago the real estate buble was beening felt by COMMON MAN . and we stopped playing the game and …the evidence of all the corruption surfaced . but at the same time oil was heading into the 100 buck range only to get to over 140 … but rmemember for like a decade until Bsuh and his wars oils was around the 20’s …and well premium sex lube silcon lube in aritifical andreflected costs of raw materials . ,,, so if playing with sex toys is part of your life you felt the costs ….

I am getting ready for JAMIIN IN JENSESN because I ma gonna take a PRO national sales tax stance …. And it will take all of the understanding of the confuse and conquer history to umderstand why .

My old hero back in the day was Roger Milken ( milk-ing the system ) now realize the …OVER ALL COSTS to do the deals he was involved in the all the lawyers and accountants and inspectors and etce tce tc ,,, plus the straight forward ROBBERY of proce manipulation and insider trading … back in those days I traded thru a house in boston called Brown ,, I remember the costs of doing business buyig a house our comm. Realestate there were commissions back then …. Many people or their retirements atleast are held in ..FUNDS whihch may or may not have COSTS of doing business , paid front end ,,back end or thru amintence fees , either way WE ALLL PAY …

Ecomonies …. Have costs , slaves who are depedant on slave master for WATER and FOOD .. and fuel to get to and fro the place of DRUDGERY … etc , has FEES … of the total system called econlmy which is held in COMMON WEALTH management of the …GOVERNMENT … bozo’s AND PROFITEERS .

A national sales tax is a front end load …
In the best possible wrodl where we understand to limit the OPPURUTUNITY for the Pyschopath work their magic of fraud , illusion TO FEED THEIR DELUSIONS . of fear and discoonection .
According to Hare, psychopaths are glib and superficially charming, and many psychopaths are excellent mimics of normal human emotion;[10] some psychopaths can blend in, undetected, in a variety of surroundings, including corporate environments.[11] According to some, there is neither a cure nor any effective treatment for psychopathy; there are few medications that can instill empathy, while psychopaths who undergo traditional talk therapy only become more adept at manipulating others.[

Now remember thru HISTORICAL TURUTH About the arts of WAR taught by the ancient Taosists ….. confuse and conquer …. Cinfusioin is easy ,,just over whelm you will data … good and bad misss info is great , later on they can apoplgize saysing OPPS WE WERE wrong and us NONpsycho’s WILL HAVE EMPATHY and trust once more
This tax is the baby steps of centurys to come where there will be a flat ECONOMIC ACTIVITY TAX fund a government legally held to a balanced budget regardless of WAR STRESS …..

And so my friend will say ,,but do not tax me on my materials costs …. Do not tax my stock trades etcetc etc etc ,,all the loop holes in which the FUNCTIONAL in fact FASHIONALBE …… hero of capitailm can hide .

We absorbed the price in crease of gas from 20 dollars up to $ 140 in only 4 or 5 years …. A flat 5% on everything would just get passed along ….. equally the more you have to spend and the more you spend the more you get taxed , the less you are ADDICTED TO econlmy the less you are taxed . ahh but the message will get lost in RHETORIC tonight ,,emotional stances not based on viewing broader concepts ,,

Scorates was MURDERED by population who didi not think for themselves but were lead …. Like sheep , for he was training people to NOT BE LEAD LIKE SHEEP …but you have been geneticall bred , to be the good slave ….. to be more likely to let yourself be lead like a sheep .

Now if you took a look at the total econimci activity or DOLLAR volume of all the maerican stock exchanges and ,,did not let the ….. mind fuck in but have them to PAY FOR THE GOOSE … at the equal rate we will pay for our pussyy lube in terms of national sales tax ,,,, wellll hedge funds will actually need to invest based upon $$$$ not emeotions . day traders will be out of work like commercial net fisherman before them …hey maybe they can get a job mowing lawns …

Every time you say, "I appreciate that. I really like that. I applaud that. I acknowledge the value in that." Every time you do that, you spend some of your Energy, and it is the spending of the Energy that creates a vacuum, so to speak, or an attraction, so to speak, that draws more and more and more and more.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Chicago, IL on Sunday, November 2nd, 1997
Happy earth day ….. do you appreciate now the changes forced upon the GREEDY few who cryed and cryed and cryed and told FEARFUL storys way back when in the 70’s ,,, it ain’t perfect now but is better ….. FEAR ……. Learn it slave ! it is a VACCUM of positive emotion .
Equality of taxation in support of the common good derived from econimc activity sounds at face to be LOGICAL . Base health care and social secureuty to a general population who by INVOVLEMENT anaddiction TO THAT SYSTEM is empathy ..whihc the time tested system Of PHILO philatropy proved did not function .

The for profteering ..systme of health care ans social security ..well that is next in line to become UN CONFUSED . to have a capaptiist system needs economy and slaves and PHAROH needs to have a factor of responsibility for them . Like PHAROH needed to be responsible for the damge to the earth itself …happy earth day !

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

feels like real pussy

Feels like real pussy

My friend , it is not! !!! !!! pussy just some bunch of really cool chemicals that built someones ego ….. in its creation … it is still the FEELS LIKE the REAL THING be it the fels like flesh dildoe or pussy to be bought at at store ,,,,, so not onloy do we have to buy our WATER and food at a store ,,, we are having to buying sex ,,,, but this all got started from out alk about the benifts of

Science for humanity …topic after topic , if I was able to elad you to the nbraoder scale we found that science did not BENIFT HUMANITY …. At best it is the solution sold to humanity after It created THE PROBEM IN THE FIRST PLACE … then you got inot eye glasses thinking you had me there ( the gene therapy – Genie led you no where ) so you went much lower teck … plainold simple eye galsses and as I returned to work … it came to me ….

My own child , my friend born with multiples of genentic defects caused by exposure to UNANTURAL science created chemicals by an act of stupidity of the users her psarents … I do not blame science nor the product producer … but simple eye glasses as it component ( not protective wear which in realty again like accidentali issues stems mainly from RISKS and dangers created by exploit of Humainty ) simple glasses … so all imporatnat you claim ,,and along comes me once more ..with

So at the time of birth this child was seen and understood to never be able to SEE like we do ,,, that was a gimmie , due to the complexity of over all factors that sciences wanted data records on her progress I would have to drive 100 miles to see a qualified eye specialist for her every 3 months . ( over lapping tracking of issues ) This Doctor the HIEGHT of your eye sciences in complexity ..recommened this

Paraphrased “ the human brain is more complex than we know , she CAN NOT see like we do but her brain my adapt and rpvide her with sight , to what levels I do not know but if we allow this adapting able encourageing it ,,, we may be pleasnlty surprised . for glasses will give her marginal benenfit only realy useful in school settings “

And ¼ after ¼ years after year the doctor was suprized at some how her brain was picking up on some form of INFORMATION so that she would be seeing things and APPREICIATING NUIANCES on her onw of visisble stimuli that science says would be IMPOSSIBLE for her to see , this human the structure of of her light gathering apparatus can not ..CAN NOT see like us . but does ……

Only until forced inot the UNANTURAL world of Industrialized education and black boards did having to alert her to her special ness and providing glasses and encouraging the movement in the class that would best facilitate vision … etcetc …but outside of the PROBLEM CREATED BY SCIENCES RELIGON ..the worship of SCHOOLS . she could appreiacate a flower ,, the red hues of the sunset ,, the smoothness of the summer home lake in queebec and describing to me the details between the beavers on the creek . …etc etc etc

Ahhh sorry …your glasses were un needed ,,, your glasses are a SELF FULLING PROPHESY for the bored stressed and aged slave worker .

You claim your job ,,, your company .. your science along will all other is for the AID of humaity …… air travel sciences are a boon mankind….
I CALL you and the many others to be PYSCHO PATHIC ( nurtured into or by the 1% of 3 % nautral birth mututaion rate ) …. In your stances over all ,, Psychopathy (pronounced /saɪˈkɒpəθi/[1][2]) is a personality disorder characterized by an abnormal lack of empathy combined with strongly amoral conduct, masked by an ability to appear outwardly normal

Depending on the STATS passport ownernship in the US in under 7% to over 34% ohh reader ask some of your buddds if they got one and check the stats …. The US is a population group representing the richest 5 humans out 100 humans on the planet ,,, and of that 5 humans which science is here to PRIVDE Benefit for ( or is science to be for the benift of ALL to ignore the ALL is to lack EMPATHY ! ) …. Only 7 out 100 of that SPECIAL 5 reap thebenifts of …traveling to a FUCK VACATION at Hedonism like you do my ( rep. friend ) … ..the benift to humanity let me see if can use my fingers and toes and count how much BENIFTI SCINCE is to planet earth and HUMANITY ON A WHOLE … it will take 20 bunchs of 100 humans to get 100 SPEICAL AMERICANS … to get that 7 who use the airplane and all the sciences of it … 20,000 HUMANS …. Do not go play being INSTINCTUAL lying on the beach enjoying NATURAL PLEASURES of surf sand and cock or pussy or both …. Gotta love hedonism … nothing new the word derived form the activitys of Eygtpt seen thru the new PAHROH CLASS of Greece . 1000’s of years ago … going to play at NAUTRE because of the level of STRESS their science based City causes them .

CIVIL life is born from the LEARNING OF SCIENCES first AGRI SCIENCES that allowed for mass human settlement . and the Artichetiures which needed SLAVES which brought about the understanding …PYSCHOLOGY to manage those slaves .. and chemical sciences to know that getting the salve population addicted to OPIUM spread on their mother TITS was a good management move for the ….PSYCHO PATHIC ruling class ..hidden in the GIFT of scinece from Doctor /preist class .

Look the dis association fomr NATURE and natural cycles of seasons of life and death etc ,is all part of this Pyscho shit …… lets us not endelessy get trapped in the talking and comparing of RHETORIC …. About SMYPTOMS …. And discuss this fear ! of being what we are …..BEINGS who are using time/space ….. like the durnk or dope addict will make no real progress in their experince of DIS-ease untill they admit to the problem * which is only a symptom effect ) like wise with you and me my friend ,,out alks are the same talks repeated thru out hisotry "When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way."

When you're vibrating purely, you get only what's a match to that. It's your ambivalence: "I like that but I don't like that... I like that but I don't like that..." that keeps what you like and what you don't like coming at you all the time. You don't have to "turn the other cheek" when you are in vibrational harmony only with what you want. Then, only what you want comes.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Chicago, IL on Sunday, November 1st, 1998
Vibrating? ( word tool of the sages ) what is THOUGHT ? can you prouce for me a bottle of thought ? like you can prouce a bottle of coca cola ? the higgs boson may only be EVIDENCED in an event so fast that it in word tool could be described as . a single VIBE event ..still a valid beingness … of Zhauangi’s fruit fly , human , toritse and red wood tree …
My child could see because she had not dentrite memeory of the contrary expectation to filter her living thru . so turning of the other cheek was not needed , achnowledging the unwanted or continually talking of it brings it ..but the acceptance of something allows for the TALKING about NEW THINGS and letting of old dentrite asscciations to no longer be fed by memeoryr stimuation needs …. but us having been polluted by the confuse and conquer ..( confusion is just divided attention beyonds DNA desgn of 2 gigs of brain power ) ….. the acceptance of the PROBLEM the no longer resisiting .. for resisitance takes energy … allows for the going with a FLOW … that can only our after the dam I of resisitance is BLOWN UP . I think this is what Dereck Jensne is really getting at .

Sunday, April 18, 2010

'ere go pussy

‘ere go pussy

ergot , where go , there go ….. like a seed blown by the wind , or dropped after thr furit was eaten if it was tasty the seed traveled closer and closer to the CAVE entrance thus creating a natural food forest evolutioning ,,,,where go? Is not important and not of our 2ND mind to worry to much about ,,,let those what want to grow grow where they find it best to grow ….. as those who do not find it pleasant to move or die off ..TRANSITION or move as per dna and Tao unimpossiblity desin … the human chick can come and go to find the place best suited for her ,,but the seed lands and then lives or dies … no judgement of good or evil based upon human’s fear of TRANSiTION fostered by the DISCCONNECTION of the Pyschopatic mind of fear or PHAOROH …

grow what wants to GROW …. Attract pussy that wants to be with you , not mold yourself to fit the ever changing wants of the 2nd mind only to continually fail since you really are nevr inside that mind to feel the up coming changing wants …..

grow what wants to grow this guy has the best forgaer site I have yet to find , enhancing the complexity of food , from the 4 staples found in every thing we eat our meat is just changed corn wheats and soya and rie anyway all the same base molecules and proteins are to be found still there . …. Here he expands the complexity of a human diet , to the point you eat a few leaves of this a fruit of that thru out a day or season ever changing never poisising …but the fear … of ERGOT came in and I wondered ..about the growoing of my grains , so , I researched ERGOT the LSD fungi …. And found SURE if harvested and grown in the IMPERSONEL distracted commerce methods of today or yesteryear also , the shear volume of activity ERGOT would pass bby un noticed … then I noiced my grain harvesting method my ,,POCKET … I pick a hand full as I walk the food forest evry growing in my yeard things that find the place I pu them to be COOL AND COMFY they grow great other do not …grow only those that want to grow ,,, adapt the surrounding or enhance them and then try again to se if it is a sustainable place after the changes were made … but back to ergot ,,, it is a very noticeable fungi realy if you were to pick and look at each head of grain ….. as you choose to pick it today or let it ripen a few more days I already am friends on a first name basis with that plant knowing that I willeat some I see its health or weakness ( ergot or no ) and as I process the grain after a week of drying some othe seeds drop a isweep them up and scatter them to complete the cycle of letting PUSSY GROW WHERE IT WANTS TO …….

MICRO AND MACRO evidence trails over and over .
and the comment I left ,,people make comments about things interact do not be SCARED how about that bummer sticker you have NO FEAR ,,prove it ,stand up put tyour name out there not some ANNI MOUSE thingie and talk …..THIS IS WHERE THE…..REVOLUTION IS BEING FOUGHT people …. The pen is mightier than the sword … the worthy words of the sages of the ages out live the effects of the barrel of guns or points of arrows or th sword that PHAROH mind fucked people into using against others nice people like themselves , friends unmet ,, a stranger is just I friend I have not met yet …. The words of a worthy sage still living on time after time
finaaly got to finish the full 3 hours ,
myabe a new evolution to the idea of $$ and group human activity called civilazation is our dependance on FUEL coal oil electric derived from any source ( inc green ) . This is our new slavery , add to this the evolution that world wide more people live in dependant citys , not able or knowing how to FEED THEMSLEVES as thier fathers still could just a few genertions ago .
and waht of social security and socailied healthcare , these are the gifts PHAROH must make to his slaves to keep them from revolt . The human animal has at it’s disposal the Garden of Eden discussed in the Bill Mollison Video and the general healthy life style which accompanies .
Life span and health figures of stressed industiral workers do not hold the broader perspective of HOLISTIC HUMAN LIVING from many different varied form of imperical/acceptable data to help insure less manipulation in conclusion drawing .
Further the confuse and conquer of the few or PHAROH CLASS over the many . who by free choice move to the bright and shiny the new and fancy promises , like a moth to a flame. Historical evidence of societial failure , macro and micro ie.easter island for an example of a closed resource system with reliance on the trust in a GOD/PHAROH class, experiment drwn from historical evidence.
treating only 1 aspect like $ is not …whole istic
so ERGOT …… a fear a confuse and conquer worry ,to prevent you from TRYING or attempting ….. to change your DENTRITE expectations of your life worth of MODELING , telling you there is 1 and only 1 way ….
Your choices of action may be limited--but your choices of thought are not.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Chicago, IL on Saturday, May 25th, 2002
Again over and over when the expectation built upon dentrite memory agreement about what is REALITY , is changed within the DNA dymics of the quatum agreement state of this THIS .playground outside of the science limits we agree to respect ,,,, in others words moving into unthinkable thoughts …. In time changes you realm of action possibiles . ( think unthinkable thoughts )

Thursday, April 15, 2010

pussy chases the chaser

Pussy chases the chaser

That is realy the reality we as a culture PROTARY the male as the pursuer but , it is the female who has the finals ..the say fo yes and no ,,and also it is she who puts forth the first effort inASEXUAL COMMINCATION , being some where we can meet and very very often , continueing some THEME OR THRAED of conversation … maybe started by my practice of the skills to be learned in …. sex and friendshit with that sexual partner are as much a motivtor in MASLOWS hierarchy of needs a water then food then shelter is , for actuallyt hose can be pretty simple things to get in short sighted or short term … usual methods trained to us by the modeling of our common up bringing of being DEPDENDANT on civil or city … and outside resources and bartering for these staples thru use of $$$ for ervice to the ecomony or PHAORH …system … themes dating back 5000 years of FAILURES that over time after the worker class the concept slave class gets fed upot he the CONFUSE nd CONQUER THEY REVOLT AND DESTROY …CUTLURE only to thve the under lying ..theme never realy addressed and thus it ,,theproblem shows back up for the revolution only treated the SYMPTOM …
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way."

the Engineer this time is the engineer of the rvolution …
because of the effects of manipulation they do not THINK ….. or learn from hisoptoy history is hitting your finger with the hammer .. and then doing it again and again instead of watcing a successful MODLE LIKE NATURE ITSELF . AND OUR OWN DNA library of info ( ooh the video on nudity if the probiotic paretic lice ..1 eveloved from chimps 15 million years ago another has it roots in gorilla only 3 million years who family tree are we closer to ? and 100’s of thousands for the clothes just shows we did expand into areas needeing of winter protection ) …. Our DNA librry of a very important aspect of our lives …. SEX pussy fucking , something ..even BUDWIESER AND COKE A COLA KNOW TO TAG INOT THEIRE DAVERTISING IN SUBLTE WAYS ……PUSSY AND HARD BODY MALES … youthe and sexual veritlity …

ok gotta love JAMMIN IN JENSEN ..from the hatman the Islamaic Poet , to them frined the republican tea partyer , who is almost excited about the REVOLUTION ideas of Dereck Jensen the ECO extremeist who wills to DESTROY civil or city …to me who says ….no! I want my COKE ,,, a can of comerical beer and my KORN !!! iwant to have it all and believe the wisdom of TAO ..the idea of the UN-impossible ….. the idea there is NO BRICK WALL in ehaven ,,, ... i am just to stupid to be able to see with the broadeness of perspective .. refered by the Japense permacultureist ….

Pussy is imporatnat ……. And this brings me to 1 othe the others who sat and talked ….. the DRED surfer dude ….. you are the ROOT ….. YOUNG MASTER ….. it is in your tour of duty in the presentation you then show beofer dating takes place that PERSEPCTIVES OF CHANGES … in culture will express to levels UNTHINKABLE forminside the box of UPBRINGING …. Even the new street person AKA the anti chirst ( I have never met a person who is lucid who can talk so well ab out why he! Is the anti Christ and be proud .. real good data steam sup=pportin evidence trail fo him being the ANIT CHIRST wow Jensen beach is a great little town )

But back to pussy and the girls who stoped while we talked young master ,,,,, you ..your EXAMPLE ..your WITNESS AS MY base chirtian right wing republican tea party member frind ..would understand ,,THE WITNESS … is how Christianity was first sold ..then , sued by the ruler class to mind fuck everyone

Like you are searching learning opening your mind the UNTHINKABLE of my ideas young master so to many many girl would LOOK AT YOUR ..EVDIENCE TRAIL after your tour of duty ….. ahh but hen …the STREAM OF ….C … writing I did a few maonths ago when I let myself contemplate ..fleting thoughts and dream …in pulbic ..unfleshed out ..just steams of jump roof from …. For as the girl askes ,,men will provide … complexity upon complexity unforntunately is still so . if girls asked ..guys would deliver if girls ask for DUMBASSES they get the dumbasses THEY COMPLAIN SO MUCH ABOUT …. The ending of this time for peace is about he changes needed in DENTRITE MEMEORY EXPECTATIONS .. dna shit of bio mechincs .. that will aloow for BRAODER THINKING AND BROADER ASKING on the part of the motivator female in our culture . then this hard worker surfer DRED dude would not have to think sohard about what I am saying to do …no this guy would just do it ,,,,, and be free to surf much more !

Revolvution is just hitting ones self with the hammer … the effects of manipulation … form that web page
Dr. Thomas Gordon’s work ,,, P.E.T . Parent effectiveness training ,,,
From page 175 of that book here is a list of the common reactions to someone’s use of POWER , see if you can find the men in your life in this list , ladies … and men you to ,, think about how you were in the beginning of the relationship wanting to come home and fuck ,,, but now …. Do any of these fit ?
1. resistance , defiance , rebellion , negativism
2. resentment , anger , hostility
3. aggression , retaliation , striking back
4. lying ,( “I’ll be home late got loads of work say good night to the kids for me “ you told your wife … “hi sally I ‘ll see you in about 10 minutes wear nothing at all ,,,,,”
5. blaming , ( is after solution building could not happen )
6. dominating , bossing , bullying ( wife beating , bashing your favorite truck with big metal sticks )
7. needing to win , hating to lose ( with your friends you are able to build compromises about where to go fishing , after a while not with your wife can you any longer compromise )
8. forming alliances , organizing against
9. submission , obedience , compliance ( giving the fuck up and investing your money in Budweiser )
10. courting Favor ( begging )
11. conformity , lack of creativity , fear of trying something new
12. withdrawing , escaping , fantasying , regression
I am not going to say a fuckin word …………….


The less we DEPEND on or are slave to ..$$$ or sity whose resource depends on others who strive to sit near PHAROHS talbe of wealth $$$$ …. We make the basic changes of not hitting the finger with the hammer of revolution , … kill the lawyers has been the cry of many … revolts only to find the same greed hierchay system creep back in as the …issue of PSYCHO’S as our model of wanna be’s FUNCTION IN FACT reviered … OUR FAMOUS ONES . the goal calss we strive and buy lotto tickets to be one of when what is real

The thought that you think, you think, which attracts to it; so you think it some more, which attracts to it; so you think it some more. In other words, when you have an expectation, you've got a dominant thought going on, and Law of Attraction is going to deliver that to you again, and again and again. And you say "The reason that I believe this, is because it is true." And we say, the reason that you believe it, is because you've practiced the thought. All that a belief is, is a thought that you keep practicing.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Indianapolis., IN on Tuesday, May 28th, 2002
Word tool ..budha taught repect for life seen and unseen for he had not word tool fo the microbes not discovered yet that still were there …. The sage is talking about DENTRITE expectation of bio machincis … of an savvanh ape who is stilliving thru a mahine not much evolved form the 3 million years sep. form gorilla , who made tools at 2.5 million years ago … who like nation geo grahic talks still needs NIGHT TIME ! the cycle of nature … early to bed early to rise … day light cycles no the mind mind fucking of that cycle with time changes that take months to adapt to …. And stress health sytems . which reflects the need for the PHAROH class to provid health care for it’s slave class … create the problem sell you the solution …. Economic ssalvery slike a share cropper capitislim hidden in layer s of confusion …
Ahhh a good ole thruday night in Jensen beach florida ……
Ohh young master you do not NEED the cow meat of pig meat ,,but want it ~! .. there is a difference like the beer you found you could choose to stop using and find life be sweeter , and thus no lnger addicted … we free up 508 MILLION acres of land to purchase at reasonabl prices for young masters like you ,,and still have the OPTION to buy ..dead cow meat when we want ! BROADER VIEW …beyong the IMPOSSIBLE the brick wallin heaven TAUGHT TO YOU THRU BOOKS the priest calss of the ivory tower or IVY COVERED WALLS OF …… advisor class to PHAROH the dupe the mouth piece who repeats the words written by ..PROFESSIOANLS . who create the problem then sell us The or THEIR solutions . the OLOGY=ists ...the word tool dependant …. Those who make graven images ..opuon clay tablets … or printed pages or electronics ..

Sunday, April 11, 2010

a teen in a sea of pussy

A teen in a sea of pussy 1 of the greatest STORIES …myths … tool of the mind fuck , keeping humans confused and thus conquered !

ahhh my young master firend to be born twith the cutest of chicks there to sick your cock from the MINUTE the second IT STARTED ot get hard hard there was a HOTTIE THER TO PLEASURE IT ! AND yet she is expressing her own EVE spirit epxrsion of the …..

now yung master do have hat URGE to violence out of the frustatraion and training that change happens thru war! …. 10 k years of evience trail denyin ythat as out of you and me assumption … but if so ,, check out . Derck Jensen

excell ! watch this video yet think for yourself durin it . rip it apart 2 gigabyte ablity of human brain power by 2 giga byte human brain power , do not get over whelmed by the information stream of ..... hierachy .

about the hurt leg thingie ,1st if your can warp your mind around the idea that pefection is BOREDOM , you could live this 1 experince of the sea turtle without , comparing today with any other possible then the pain would be a n non issue , but that would be no fun ! the oppurutunity to experince contrast or to give a it a humanized value of suffereing . is blessing for the real you " turtle " the life of a fruit fly bron in the morning dead by evening , a simple humans 70 years the torises 400 or or the red woods 1000's all no1thing ..nothing to the idea of infinity . equal to the flash of a quanta coming in and out of BEING nes , all valid oppurutunity to experince an ASPECT ... a yoke in an infintie sea .

get away from the idea of comparisions .. or human values about good or bad ( outside of expresions of bio mechincal evolution and will to live aspect ) and enjoy the oppurutunity to feel the NOW for it will all be over very very soon .

the Bramha idea of Male jobs being passed down while female were to be used to marry hopefully into more UP-wardly advantagous familys is contrary to bio mechinacs since the male sperm is the ADPTIVE aspect and the older of the success of living thru life's contrstes or challenges ( like the damamged leg ) to reproduce and bring with it in the DNa this adaptive asset ... ie western dna able to survive small pox to a level of 60% while aborinal ameican died to the tune of 95% , also example of alcohol tolerance of whites over north american natives

now with out the albity to have been brought up in the place the , normal world of civil humanity would not have been so strange as to have demanded the ..evolvution of todays Buddha . Yet in nature to life does die but it instinctual of the bio machine is to transition quickly or survie quickly orten within a window of days , not fear state of suffering and the slow years of progession to death or transistioing of civil man . ... the buddha needed to have the oppurutunity to experince CONTRAST a damamged leg may provide another being .

classic idea that KNOWLEDGE of man and his schools of Brhama or university will be the savior instead of the evidence trail of the enslavement it has been for 10k years . Hierachy drw within the lines do not THINK FOR YOURSELF ! and never observe data not subject to EMPIRE ( imperical data )

you are born a clean slate with DNA expectations of bio mechanics natural for this species , dentirte memory pathways create a level of OPPURUTUNITY challenge aspects difined by the age/epoch of the being birthed we often still refer to this as MYTH story sometimes. Thus the FUN of being for the turtle or buddha was the search of a stupid aspect called HUMAN deifned enlightenment ( as if human / honid / ape is all that F'ing important on this tiny 3rd planet of a star in the middle of just ANOTHER galaxy where galaxies are like grains of sand to a universe ) I love BUDDHA !

again the words of another ENTERTAINER… of history someday …
Be easy about it. Don't rush into things. Savor them more. Make more plans and be more deliberate and specific about the plans you are making, and in all you do, let your dominant intent be to find that which pleasures you as you imagine it. Let your desire for pleasure and your desire for feeling good be your only guiding light. As you seek those thoughts that feel good, you will always be in vibrational harmony with the Energy that is your Source. And under those conditions, only good can come to you -- and only good can come from you.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Philadelphia, PA on Tuesday, April 14th, 1998
What is fun what is WEALTH …wealthis the not worrying about $$$ but if like JENSEN says you have to buy FOOD …. Or other masolw aspects of life like PUSSY … are you WEALTHY ?