Wednesday, April 21, 2010

feels like real pussy

Feels like real pussy

My friend , it is not! !!! !!! pussy just some bunch of really cool chemicals that built someones ego ….. in its creation … it is still the FEELS LIKE the REAL THING be it the fels like flesh dildoe or pussy to be bought at at store ,,,,, so not onloy do we have to buy our WATER and food at a store ,,, we are having to buying sex ,,,, but this all got started from out alk about the benifts of

Science for humanity …topic after topic , if I was able to elad you to the nbraoder scale we found that science did not BENIFT HUMANITY …. At best it is the solution sold to humanity after It created THE PROBEM IN THE FIRST PLACE … then you got inot eye glasses thinking you had me there ( the gene therapy – Genie led you no where ) so you went much lower teck … plainold simple eye galsses and as I returned to work … it came to me ….

My own child , my friend born with multiples of genentic defects caused by exposure to UNANTURAL science created chemicals by an act of stupidity of the users her psarents … I do not blame science nor the product producer … but simple eye glasses as it component ( not protective wear which in realty again like accidentali issues stems mainly from RISKS and dangers created by exploit of Humainty ) simple glasses … so all imporatnat you claim ,,and along comes me once more ..with

So at the time of birth this child was seen and understood to never be able to SEE like we do ,,, that was a gimmie , due to the complexity of over all factors that sciences wanted data records on her progress I would have to drive 100 miles to see a qualified eye specialist for her every 3 months . ( over lapping tracking of issues ) This Doctor the HIEGHT of your eye sciences in complexity ..recommened this

Paraphrased “ the human brain is more complex than we know , she CAN NOT see like we do but her brain my adapt and rpvide her with sight , to what levels I do not know but if we allow this adapting able encourageing it ,,, we may be pleasnlty surprised . for glasses will give her marginal benenfit only realy useful in school settings “

And ¼ after ¼ years after year the doctor was suprized at some how her brain was picking up on some form of INFORMATION so that she would be seeing things and APPREICIATING NUIANCES on her onw of visisble stimuli that science says would be IMPOSSIBLE for her to see , this human the structure of of her light gathering apparatus can not ..CAN NOT see like us . but does ……

Only until forced inot the UNANTURAL world of Industrialized education and black boards did having to alert her to her special ness and providing glasses and encouraging the movement in the class that would best facilitate vision … etcetc …but outside of the PROBLEM CREATED BY SCIENCES RELIGON ..the worship of SCHOOLS . she could appreiacate a flower ,, the red hues of the sunset ,, the smoothness of the summer home lake in queebec and describing to me the details between the beavers on the creek . …etc etc etc

Ahhh sorry …your glasses were un needed ,,, your glasses are a SELF FULLING PROPHESY for the bored stressed and aged slave worker .

You claim your job ,,, your company .. your science along will all other is for the AID of humaity …… air travel sciences are a boon mankind….
I CALL you and the many others to be PYSCHO PATHIC ( nurtured into or by the 1% of 3 % nautral birth mututaion rate ) …. In your stances over all ,, Psychopathy (pronounced /saɪˈkɒpəθi/[1][2]) is a personality disorder characterized by an abnormal lack of empathy combined with strongly amoral conduct, masked by an ability to appear outwardly normal

Depending on the STATS passport ownernship in the US in under 7% to over 34% ohh reader ask some of your buddds if they got one and check the stats …. The US is a population group representing the richest 5 humans out 100 humans on the planet ,,, and of that 5 humans which science is here to PRIVDE Benefit for ( or is science to be for the benift of ALL to ignore the ALL is to lack EMPATHY ! ) …. Only 7 out 100 of that SPECIAL 5 reap thebenifts of …traveling to a FUCK VACATION at Hedonism like you do my ( rep. friend ) … ..the benift to humanity let me see if can use my fingers and toes and count how much BENIFTI SCINCE is to planet earth and HUMANITY ON A WHOLE … it will take 20 bunchs of 100 humans to get 100 SPEICAL AMERICANS … to get that 7 who use the airplane and all the sciences of it … 20,000 HUMANS …. Do not go play being INSTINCTUAL lying on the beach enjoying NATURAL PLEASURES of surf sand and cock or pussy or both …. Gotta love hedonism … nothing new the word derived form the activitys of Eygtpt seen thru the new PAHROH CLASS of Greece . 1000’s of years ago … going to play at NAUTRE because of the level of STRESS their science based City causes them .

CIVIL life is born from the LEARNING OF SCIENCES first AGRI SCIENCES that allowed for mass human settlement . and the Artichetiures which needed SLAVES which brought about the understanding …PYSCHOLOGY to manage those slaves .. and chemical sciences to know that getting the salve population addicted to OPIUM spread on their mother TITS was a good management move for the ….PSYCHO PATHIC ruling class ..hidden in the GIFT of scinece from Doctor /preist class .

Look the dis association fomr NATURE and natural cycles of seasons of life and death etc ,is all part of this Pyscho shit …… lets us not endelessy get trapped in the talking and comparing of RHETORIC …. About SMYPTOMS …. And discuss this fear ! of being what we are …..BEINGS who are using time/space ….. like the durnk or dope addict will make no real progress in their experince of DIS-ease untill they admit to the problem * which is only a symptom effect ) like wise with you and me my friend ,,out alks are the same talks repeated thru out hisotry "When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way."

When you're vibrating purely, you get only what's a match to that. It's your ambivalence: "I like that but I don't like that... I like that but I don't like that..." that keeps what you like and what you don't like coming at you all the time. You don't have to "turn the other cheek" when you are in vibrational harmony only with what you want. Then, only what you want comes.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Chicago, IL on Sunday, November 1st, 1998
Vibrating? ( word tool of the sages ) what is THOUGHT ? can you prouce for me a bottle of thought ? like you can prouce a bottle of coca cola ? the higgs boson may only be EVIDENCED in an event so fast that it in word tool could be described as . a single VIBE event ..still a valid beingness … of Zhauangi’s fruit fly , human , toritse and red wood tree …
My child could see because she had not dentrite memeory of the contrary expectation to filter her living thru . so turning of the other cheek was not needed , achnowledging the unwanted or continually talking of it brings it ..but the acceptance of something allows for the TALKING about NEW THINGS and letting of old dentrite asscciations to no longer be fed by memeoryr stimuation needs …. but us having been polluted by the confuse and conquer ..( confusion is just divided attention beyonds DNA desgn of 2 gigs of brain power ) ….. the acceptance of the PROBLEM the no longer resisiting .. for resisitance takes energy … allows for the going with a FLOW … that can only our after the dam I of resisitance is BLOWN UP . I think this is what Dereck Jensne is really getting at .

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