Saturday, January 30, 2010

my green thumb in her pussy

My green thumb in her pussy

Or yours young master … the learning that HTINGS GROW … is what excites me , if you learn first in the SEARCH for the Escape from the confuse and conquer of CIVIL life …ok , but in that you learn the seed of freedome ( seed pun intented ) the leap from growing WEED to letting fruit trees do what they do NATURALLY …. And realizing that the human DNA animal with its upright albity its soft hands sensitve to touch testing for ripeness and the teeth designed to eat fruit and designed to establish the probiotic digestive to use fruit as the 90% of food intake to live healthy SLIM and natural .. well growing DOPE just helps you realize that a leap to freedom would be EASY …. Food is a basic SUB C> concept of maslows hierarchy of needs ,, that is you depend on the centrailized system yur FEEL a sense of stress and slavery at a SUB C level .. that stress is a Window Open in you mind … taking up processing ability even if you do not belieive or notice the opne window .

Look centralization like high speed rail systems and mass transit …. What they are are tools ,,, think about this idea ,, you got cattle move them from the feed lot to their stalls EFFICIENTLY … you need organizing ,,, well your city APARTMENT is your stall like a farm animal lives in a stall ….. your job ,,, the feed lot ……. Cows dependant on the RANCHER for life itself in terms of food … since the CONCRETE STERiLE world no longer holds nay food or grasss for the cow.

This is US …

In florida example with the projected 9 billion dollar high speed rail system let us ,, tear apart those numbers ,,nothing special real simple ideas that , others have thought ,, and put aside in stead choosing the …the RAIL PATH …. First FOLLOW THE $$$$ high speed rail is HIGH TECK … the USA does not manufacture that we did the beginning design 20 years ago ..but now the manufacturing country and companies have their own design programs …. The work for us AMERICAN will be in the assembling of metal rails and concrete road bed …. Hmmmm concrete … that means CEMEX … a Mexican company ….. the metal is really really a tiny part , just that thin rail that will be American … the construction project will be bid and won by some one like Cata Fumo … Italian …. We get shit realy …. And the end we get a high speed rail …. Not a day to day usable item for the masses of florida but a system designed for the use of the 5% for their daily business and reacreation use … us on special occasion .

Ok ….. 9 billion is ,,, 9 million $1000.oo bills …. Tata Nano: Not Just a Car but Also a Platform that 2500 retial car ,,, genernal rule of thumb retial is about 3 times cost …. 3 grand means cost is 1000 ….. the labor cost in the countrys making the car sure are low , but right now with florida at 14 % unememployement there are lines fo 6 buck an hour jobs …. On par with 3rd world jobs realy . we have lot sof CLOSED auto plants ….. so what I am saying is
9 billion could deleiver 9 MILLION ..POD cars …. MADE IN THE USA … theose 9 million cars get 3TIMES the current 20 mpg avagaer,, so we destroy ,, CARBON concern do not worry about CAP and TRADE …. In fact decrease ,carbon by over 2/3rds….. the american POD car is the town car the commute car keep you EGO CAR , but you will find you willuse your POD for indivual travel mostly …… instead of builidn new ROAD BED and rail system ….. big construction and land clearing … PAINT A NEW POD DRIVE LANE on current road ways …. 9 , 000 , 000 on the road and that is just form the PORK from 1 state …..

But what about the profit …. Consider it the US doing a R/D to then let for profit take over in a decade . and the Nano has already passed European crash-test safety standards. From that article refered up top . now are you teelling me the the USA is to STUPID to copy the system of TATA who just copied the system of others who ORGINALLY copiied the ideas of AMERICA …. We are now TO STUPID take it all back ? if so we deserve what we live ….go back to SLEEP american trust the leadership .
FOR every 1 email they get they figure 1000 others feel the same ,,, votes do count your voice will effect things .. because most people are asleep yet talking to each other … so all you gotta do is search you state then fill out 5 lines and then say your peace in 10 or 20 words … they do not read the shit they LOG THE DATA ….

The revovling door … the heads of government overseeing agencys .. on avearage have ties if not had worked for the CORP they now … oversee and will become re- employeed by some form of CORP after leaving goevernemt service

WE HAVE MET THE ENEMY AND HE IS …… us ….. stay asleep . or become INDEPENDENT ….

Planning a food forest … brings things back to you …. Even PRE –ag- cave man there are oaisis that have been tended for 1000’s of years in desert areas … yeilding food without PLANING per say … planned AG croping is not as easy as just creating …. A food forest … self re genenrating food supply with little effort . but to do that would mean you will have to PUT DOWN THE …BONG … nah ,,,,, better to drug yourself into submisssion . go to sleep ….. sleep …sleep …. Hypnosis is all about ..sleep .
Recreational food gathering …. the last 3 minutes about instinctualism ….. different words the same theme … humanity is good !

If man understood that "what I create has nothing to do with what anybody else is creating" then he wouldn't be so afraid of what others are doing.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in El Paso, TX on Saturday, November 14th, 1998
Or whaT OTHERS ARE THINKING about what you are doing , acting because of your concern for what is int 2nd mind ,,, your current social cirlce .. the girl you currently LOVE .. maybe just that aspect to you ,,the restraint of 2nd .. and it does not serve her ( I beielive in you truth of feelign for her ) nor does it serve her ( I beielv ein her truth of love for you ) ……. It is NOT ATTRACTION

Again …search out Pogo …. We hae met the eneemy and he is us …

The h uman child is designed to trust by EONS OF DNA … for the need to sruvive on the SAVANNAHS . for our APE fore fothers was one of … KNWOLEDGE .. if a child was not one to learn from mom and dad they went off on their own and became lion food … the trusint child .. listened . and lived … so a core .. a core .. a core DNA expression OF CONCERN for 2nd mind evovled . useful to the slave master if it got hold of the developiong human mind ……
The Corp UNDERSTOOD THIS and funded mass education system …. And encouaraged mothers to work and trust in INSDUSTIRAL CHILD CARE .. ) depend on the system …. ( sleep …

Friday, January 29, 2010

miss creamy jeans

Miss Creamy jeans

We have met the Enenmy and he is ,,, us - Pogo

The focus on the solutions …. And the solutions is not to destroy ones self ,,but to understand ones self .. and the PART TO FIT of that self in the things that we all agree are issues that OVERWHELM ourlives thing mostly done MINDLESSLY , from economic to sex … to housing and food … IF YOU HAD NEVER TASTED CHOCLATE how could you describe that WANT ? you could not but you could describe things UNWANTED then allow new things to arrive for comparision and abiltyto then choose a new want … …….and so an event laced with UNWANTED the 3 of us … you miss creamy jeans , me , and Mr. good ole boy mr. good ole boy has me beat by few inches in height , we are the same age about , got equal sun lines and color … I gotta cheap Kia he ahs a REDNECK Cadillac even sproting real guns in the gun why when he is working I do not know but .. ….

Pussy PREENS when it starts to wet up in anticia[pation in want of HARD COCK .. it is a series of SUB C. actitivy , could relate to hair , mirror watching . clothes a djusting ..etc etc etc , it may have expression in the practicing of SUBBIE VOICE changes .. off track but no realy is understandning the eefect os STRESS or over stimulation or over concern or over fuck load …the sub.c … speaks grasping for something that FEELS BETTER … actually here is some science on this …. 7 numbers ,, seven concerns ,, like home mortagage , car payments o electric bill , calling mom , etcetcetc … they are like open WINDOWS pages not used but taking up available RAM and you no longerTHINK FOR YOURSELF .. science may not be just doing experiments on this but the effects have been KNOWN since the days of AMENHOTEP IV and the slave master traditions already alive for genenrations . tobacco alcohol and common drug helps shut down the clamor of these programs running

Toadys powerful EVE is still the horny little wet pussy of …animal of DNA , even if she has the POWER husband … NO kids … duel incomes … and in a position of freedom and power in business herself .. she is still able to show her INSTINCTUAL nature of being the penetrated and being of desire of that … ..... so i just dig life as I arrive and start work and be told to start here so , the concrete guy can come and finsh up ,, I gotta be done there because ther area will have to dry …. I have time to seee ,,miss creamyjeans as well she is usually the naromal WOMAN … on the cell ther voice and tone ,, I am sure those on the other end of the line fear and respect ,, it . their job is on the line by how well they serve ..her

And then along cummms mr. concrete dude …. And CHANGES HAPPEN ,, firth the cell is left to voice mail I gues … and the PREENING A STARTS UP … now mr. good ole boy has a WAY ABOUT him . to workin this area with these people you gotta have something going …one thing he ahs is OVERT MALE SENSUALITY – confidence … there is no way , I would refer to this woman in terms of HONEY OR SWEETIE … she is without doubt cute … and her fotos from around the house show the HUSBADN . did not pick her orgianlly for her NOW presence in businesss but the HOT BLONDE BIKINI BABE helped a lot I am sure to catch this CEO ( ohh dinks part of the top 1% she down in the Fla. He .. the husband visits regualry )

Now PREENING . common animal displays that we NOW intellectualize about , but are common ,,, DNA expressions , this is the MODELING of the next genernation … so while she has no kids to 24/7 model for , today her lil’ nephew was over ….. and what DATA is being Internalized by the SPONGE of a mnd … that is the child before age 7 ?

Auntie Creamy Jeans dealing with the window washer and and business matters , then the arrival of the CLASIC REDNECK WARRIOR dresses well in CAmo , real pretty big truck so pretty god knows I would never lay a tool downin the bed … and then add in a LOADED GUN RACK ….

BASIC SEXUAL activity natural even for children they are AWARE of their own sexuality yet trained to SUPRESS it .. but the INSTINCT is there the learning of HOW TO ATTRACT A FEMALE IS GOING ON … and what does young master the SPONGE … learning from the example of MODELING he sees ?


Now interesting as miss creamy jeans and gool ole boy aer talking and he is Trash mouthin his wife at home … and she is fawning in support of him …. And recieiving her flood of Honey and sweetie from her EMPLOYEE …. He is just a concrete dude .. Politics got involved .. and I was brought inot their world of talking …. She is INVESTMENT CLASS ….RED .. he is redneck Red …. Me I find way to build bridges and escape saying anything except that I have found … that most like the French had said the left becomes like the right and the right actually close to the left …. I say , honestly both sides outside of US outside of the professional policiticans are very much alke we want HONSTY AND RESPONSIBILITY and Eqaulity … fine enough words to get me out and them to interact ….

And soon Mr. good ole boy leaves the cell starts rigning … the WOMAN changes her voice once more into that of …EVE …no .her expresion of sexual manipulation was MORE …EVE than the truth of the business woman .. I was now listening to … no this was WOMAN not EVE .. was the 40+ cutie being treated like a 20 something once more …. By the BAD BOY … ohh the husband not a bad boy except maybe in a political sense once way back when …. Rebellious expression of a blue blood thru and thru generation to generation nothing more …… ohhh the generation STOPS there DINK . why if life is so good ? would they not want to share it with repelcation ? I guess the 1 newphew is close enough ,, the good fashionable display of mother hood for the family . …DNA lines like that DISSAPEAR ..

In most lawsuits, most people just use each other as their excuse to disconnect from the Stream. And then they just suffer until the one who is the least disconnected wins the lawsuit. But it is still an exercise in disconnecting from Source Energy that we think is never worth the price of the reward, no matter how great the reward of a lawsuit is.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Buffalo, NY on Wednesday, September 27th, 2000
Your part to fit ,,the lawyers are out of business except if we buy in …. Try as the do to make the government so confusing …. Thus creating their own JOB SECURITY ,, in taxes and laws .. you have much choice about whether you WANT or not play in their world .
The more international friends you have and really talk to the more you will find how crazy the US systems have become . but that is just US .. the enemey of itself is that we are not THINKING FOR OURSELVES . ….. trained by MODELING to wake up and vote act like you are a part then go back to sleep … the wisdom of the political machine of Rome . poloitics is very holistic in its understanding of POPULATION dynamics … confuse and conquer on every front … home food sex and $$$$

Now POLIGAMY to most of us is LIKE CHOCOLATE .. but actually there is much of your current life especaiil the girls ,, their life where they are living a TASTE OF THE WANTED … and it comes in the sisiterhood .. and un conditional love …

Thursday, January 28, 2010

sleep pretty pussy sleep

Sleep pretty pussy sleep

So I was looking into whether there was any social activity that I would like , so many things are to NARROWLY focused …. Bait shops and fishing piers , hell been there done that for years , most sport based social things again very narrow , being social at the bar ? no no no ..that is sctration place of people who are all just hiding the drug club or meta P groups often very small groups ..gun club? Same as bait shop .

So , I thought about the PARTY ….. that is place where many people gather each twith their won SPECIAL ISSUE but to get the whole ball rolling we all us the PARTY …. Me I am blue ,,years ago I was RED .. but changed to blue . but realy a GEEEN of those who understands the use of the group to effect GENERALIZE streams of chnge ,,not aperson who willnot play just because my own issue in …NOT the 1st and only issue but realizing the CONFUSE AND CONQUER demands this group activity. But now my core issue is

But to find out the PARTY IS …OVER , it is kinda of strang now ,, hell a year ago I was getting phone calls for mthe party daily , when I wash their windows at the headquarters ( my freebie ) the place had been jumping for a year always maneed or womaned … but to look around the web for current meeting activitiys and find NOTHING ..strange .. it is as if ,t he SYSTEM says ok do you job people wake up get confused ,,make a vote and …

GO BACK TO SLEEP …… you did your job

Right now with al the people UNEMPLOYED or unemployed the ..pool ov volunteers is vast … now is time to be PHAONING meeting holding education meeting about things like HEALTHCARE …. To explore the comparisionso f health care ysytems world wide ETC .. and we would have the …..volunteer work force since so many have too much free time in a county with 14% unemeployement .
OK YOUNG MASTER think for yourself .. think logical what is this evidence trail realy SAYING , they can get ,,volunteers , the evidence trail of last years show that WHY HAVE THEY NOT BEEN DOING THE SAME NOW?
They pay for electric and rent on headquarters every year .. why not use it?

Ahhhh under neath it all is the expression of the FOR PROFIT SYSYTEM , le the slave think they are involved , then …. Do like the ROMAN EXPLAINED 1000;s of years ago .,,,…. Entertain the masses into …mindless – ness …. The same system ,…bum with the current level of PEOPLE exisiting in boredom and the flood of VIDEO infor forms , we could have educational meetings about so many SUBJECTS .. form GREEN ISSUES to health care , to self emeployment , econimcs . to etc etc

A 100 years ago the PARTY WAS ACTIVE EVRYD AY ….. if you did not work you went to the localparty headquarters ,sure there was CORRUPTION in that system but is there not now also ..corruption just now hidden ,,, and when something is hidden it is always worse . the active 5 to 7 day a week party headquarters could do so much good …

Whatever you are giving your attention to already has a vibration of its own, and as you give your attention to it, you include its vibration in your vibration...and then your point of attraction is affected.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on Saturday, April 19th, 1997
Understand the Unwanted ,,design a WANT ..from that understanding then focus on THE SOLUTIONS …….
centrailization beniftis the ,,HAVES AND HAVE MORES …. The 9 billion dollar rail plan for florida ? wrong , more cnetrilization that profits the top 1% . sure gives the rest of us some … antoher ADDIVTIVE toy to become depednat upon and fat over … that that 8 BILLION and all the other 8 and 10 BILLION dollar rail projects trun theminto POD transport projects ..
high speed rail is all about working and living HARDER FASTER HARDER FASTER …. The have’s and have more’s no longer are struglling to make it to PHAORHS talbe … no it is about driving the slave master class harder .. they do it to themselves in searchof making the cut near PHAROHS table has nothing to to with the 40% of people who will most likely NEVER use it ..or the other 40% who will use it as a NOVELTY or on that once or twice in a life time VACATION …
the pod transportation ,,concepts will provide the biggest over all benift , so what ifthe mid level mananger has to plan an extra day for travel ,,hell the rest will be good for them . OBAMA is in florida today wining and dining with ,,pharoh over the high speed system … I believe the man Obama to be a good man to the best of ALLOWABLITY within the expression of the current system …. Like working with golden hand cuffs and forced to eat CAVIAR . for a man not far from INSTINCTUAL TRIBAL ROOTS .
rmemeber the Indian TATA NANO…$2,500. 4 passenger , 65 MPG ,, legaL in Europe the land of MERCEDES , BMW audio Volvo … they have very precise safety requirements in the EEC …. The 10’f of BILLIONs we will spend for PHAORH’S EGO .. could bring us ..the US … reasonable pod transport . at resonalbe prices … and change CO2 issues . but we have no VEHICHLE OR VENUE to teach … like the daily open door of the party could provide .

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

pussy likes farmers

Pussy likes farmers
For Cave Women, Farmers Had Extra Sex Appeal
by Richard Harris
…… a load of good reading “Men can have more kids than women, presuming they aren't monogamous. So their genes would spread much faster than the genes of any women who were traveling with them. And it seems the women in Europe welcomed the farmers with open arms. “ ….. and more good reading and then listen to the NPR radio broadcast ….
But the idea that SCIENTISTS have to first make MONAGMONY … a NON –issue or fact ,,which it never was fact until the evidence trail shows its growth and it was forced on society ..thru LAWS … forced on society . yes becaue of the Un natural selelctive breeding to creat more males ,, women of family that historically had more male kids WER BRED like farm animals almost … to gain the most men for PHAROHS army the systems armys … thus developing a time where birth parody called forth the need to limit women more htan is natural ….
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way."
Fukuako … it is the THEME the under lying ,,, attempt at human MANIPULATION instead of living harmonusly .. which is being discussed in his quaote .
Sexual predators grow from ..this … manipulation of mind .

Wow my gay friend that was unexpected , but I guess attracted it ,, I betcha , it is a kind of ..KARMA thing of my own past what went around came back around .. …. …. Ahhh being alwys in the pubic eye from the day I opened PBT and be came PHIL … to what I do now …. Of course I attract everyone eventually ,,, I can not be going out ATTRACTING EVERYONE with out doing just that …attracting all types …but you my gay friend even though you had not being saying that you were gay until of late .. it was kinda there WHAT EVER …. Where and when I grew up and in the cultures I hung with In Maimi fl. There wera All types all the time …. Gay whatever …

Look you READ INTO my words .some sort of anger at WOMEN wrong wrong wrong .. WE ARE ALL CONFUSED … victims of genenration OF MIND FUCKING . my voice is not the voice of a good PROSPECT … thinking aobu that option just like the majority of men , has been thought about already after other break ups …. Most normal guys will not admit to it ,,,, but I ain’t NORMAL .

But to wait till today to openly HIT ON ME … ahhhh shock ,,, yes and no , A good preditor looks for their opening that window to get that closeness … but now while I am embracing the pain that shows me the importnce of this person who I know and now will live without ..… to be in the discomfort … is as equal to the smiles that I had being with her .. what we lived had together … I could not feel this bad If she had not made me feel THAT GOOD !

But ,,,,, I thought you got it … even though we went over and over the theory , often times it was as if I had never talked to you about it , you started the conversations off from new angles of questioning … I ,, all ways took you for my DEVILS ADVOCATE … well read , intelligent , with enough years and experience to be of benefit in sharpening my skills . that was greatly appreciated and enjoyed by me .

People using people during tiems of DURSS of stress expecially using sex and affection as tools of manipulation …. Just get me sick , it is the same ole’ theme I write about , but you are a special person yourself realy , the Preformer that you are shows the … 1 in 1000-ness of you in a world full of followers of HIDERS …many many many males are hiding behind their GUNS their churches the Drug of cchoice …. Of sex of choice

Again we can ague about Genes and whether a gene manifestes later in life maybe the GAY GENE ?…. You know what I kinda gotta give that tooo you , form what I have heard Gene scientists themselves have no IDEA how …. Genes realy get triggered … we both were talking about gene potential illness the 50/50 chance you call it ,,, the get it or not I call it …. I believe the trigger is of stress basing and you believe in the STRICK 50/50 NUMBER but since the illness we talked about effets 1 in 100,000 the data base is to small and the THUS far accumulated data is form to short a period . and tainted with expections not DOUBLE BLINDED . I will not argue ..but give you the doubt . and yet stil look at the EXPRESSION OF STRESS … the effects of manipulation adh of historical expressions of the same and the passed effect of ..PERP TO PERP …

The info you give about what LOOKS like gene based evedince between gay and straight I , still say are the effects of …..THOUGHTS and actions , the more gay the acted , the more the body ,,, grew to the vibration of thought . for there is the evidence of men who have to be the mommy/daddy showing changes in the shape of peneile or peturutary to more reflect the traditional care giving female .

But I will go back to gorilla …. There are observations of a female leaving the troop or harem … liknda like we talked about or you questioned me , and leaving a baby behind …. As she went off in searchof a new male she saw advertising himself . the daddy silver back gorilla takes care of the baby primamrly except whenit comes to breast feeding of course , but he adopts and makes room in his nightly nest building for the kids whose moms have either died of natural causes ( or human predation ) or left . the human male has been trained to be a DICK HEAD … so he would be a better tool in PHAROHS ARMYS …. There has been 1000’s of YEARS OF THIS un natural selelction ,,, going on , like girls growing large TITS for sexual display males picked for breeding or , becoming higher up in the social ranks ( eve behind the scenes controlled muchof that ) high enough in the social ranks to not be picked for FRONTLINE BATTLE DUTY . un antural selelction . so many manyways we have evidence of UNANANTURAL SELECTION of slaves from body shape and style to dememenor etc , which enabled slaves to move into citizen ranks . all the while the NICE co-operative human still lingers ….. even if mind fucked and REPEATING the mind fucks the abuses they themselves suffered

That realy is what you are showing my friend in you current choices fo expression , you are REPEATING once more that which happened to you …at a CORE LEVEL .. the details the players change but the under lieing core is still there if you want to AKNOWLEDGE that..or we can continue the same word dance ….. which I now feel less inclined to …. Knowing more the basis behind your motives ,
Wow most cool I have asked for GREAT THINGS to happen to write about and I get what I ask for every fucking time …

"Gender identity" is inconsequential from an Energy standpoint. In other words, when we view anything that is physical, we see the Energy of it, and we note that the Energy of what you call male and female is equal in all things.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Seattle, WA on Saturday, July 2nd, 2005

Monday, January 25, 2010

Tears of blood

Tears of blood

Ih ave been crying on and off since thurday afternoon after getting the HAPPY NEWS , a very dear friend has come in to her OWN , most probably for the firt time in her life , you are not of your own realy while under the roof and stuff of a pareant and all to often we RE CREATE lives with similar themes fromt then on , repeating dysfunctions we saw growing up . thinking that is what life is

“ You can not see the silver lining unless you are looking at the clouds “ the word of a sage …

so I told myself I was going to FEEL this event not hide and distract myself like I know I can get FOCUSED on work and goals .. and all the gREAT AND WONDERFUL things all around me …no I was going to FEEL this

so as my friend cam e back home satruday I met at the door tears in my eyes , she so ex cited and full of LIFE AND SELF EMPOWERMENT and tales of her growth …. I knew she was leaving ( me ) …. And I am happy , sad, torn the fuck up , I have of course cryed over many girls . mainly in blame and anger and confusion to , and LONELYNESS poor phil alone again shit … this time it was COMPLEX … and the tears were/are … what they call in ARTS bitter sweet tears … ( lucky it started to rain and that is forcing me to let myself write . …. In spirit action )

the soul is of the I in I …. The illusion of separation is the gift of TIME/SPACE … sure all great fucking logical shit I understand MENTALLY ..but this morning as I was taking her positive affirmation POST IT notes off the cabnet in the bathroom , I started to cry and scream and shake … like a trapped animal IN THE THROES OF LIFES .. transition , the change of being BIO MECHINCAL and that what state of mind ,, and the returning to SOURCE self which knows ALL IS WELL … as the sage says you maybe screaming as you leave this play ground but you are not screaming as you re-enter the TOA .

so in the BLENDING bio mechincs and emotional ….. difference between a BRAODER SELF which is all all times all ways …. And a me here and now that has the chnce to FEEL PAINS … to FEEL to taste .. laugh ,, to cry … to plan to work … to relax and play .. to stress or trust … I ws crying YELLING so hard so much that my MACHINE tasted what it translated to the BODY as blood …….OOOOOPS this is bad … !

crying blood would be a bad thing for a bio machine . the machine in tis desire for self preservation needed to ACCESS the data .. was this taste of blood …blood? Stop …look .. access … Lucky NO , but it was a shock of the 2 parts of being-ness , THE ME WHO feels happiness and losss ….and the bio machine that wants to Live … IN all my pains and feeling oppurutunity the bio machine continues to process data , to grow hair to breathe to digest , to grow finger nails … etce tcetc …while I think the world is coming to an end in the part I live thru the 2 GIG A BYTES of consiuos brain use … processing
power .

Sunday as we fininshed loading the car , we told ourselves we would do some other things , acting AS IF everything was … normal . BUT by now she to was crying too ,,, she had to leave THEN FAST go be happy … I had,,, HAD the oppurutunity to touch her hair ONCE MORE in the middle of the night like I had done a 1000 times before to check to see she was OK …. And I cryed myself back to sleep … I got one more TIME to scour the yard for that perfect flower … fo r the kitchen , to bring her coffee once more as I wake her ,, and like I would day after day , just enjoy looking at her before I woke her up , touching her curls , maybe lightiy kissing her forehead …

I HAD HURT HER IN SO MANY FOR SO MANYYEARS … and now she is BEYOND ME …. Safe from hurt feeling hurt unless she wanted to FEEL IT .. for hwt you RESSIT will only persist …

I do not resisit this sadness …. Why I feel sad , when the other part of me is so FUCKING COMPLETELY happy in the strength happiness and life of my friend ..well that is now and will be gifts of learning . ,,,of INSPIRATIONAL ties of events and stimulations to thought paths .

Like Thursday night as only few hours had passed , and I was dealing LOGICALLY with the events I know were coming , I talked with my gay friend ,,, one we got on the topic of his JSUTIFACTION for being gay but before that

“ what if in the ahrem he asked a girl wanted to leave and the reason was for another male would you respong ,, would you invite the other male into your world to keep her in your world ? “

ahh the depth and confusion we are all having …because of being trained away form the meesage of BIO MECHNICS .. and listen to FAIRY TALES of love … the TRAGIC LOVE STORY which is the basis for my tears of pain . not my tears of JOY .

no I would not …invite himin to keep her SHE IS NEVER MINE TO ….. KEEP like property …. That is the observable to be found in the Gorilla world , the wives the females can come …. They first need to find peace with the other females , then find peace with the male then maybe there may even be MATING / FUCKING … and like wise she is free to walk away and join up withsome other dudue and that does happen

but ..the silver back a good silver back who … did the right thing is not left alone , he would only be left alone if he was UN WORTHY . if he was mean cruel or stupid … that in fact would be NATURAL SELELCTION at work … a self centered soicopathic expression who does not care about tohers would not live for the benefit of the FAMILY UNIT … so no suruving DNA .. would be left to re create … ( ahh but some how in human we have allowed the sociopath to live on ) not my current desire to write about hat now

no I want to BE the emotional confusion the pain of loss ..the happiness and pride of seeing a friend gorw and know I helped in some tiny way ….. and I said to my gay frind …. If she was ahppy ….. I would side by side fill the car with her new boyfriend .. ( I am glad to see to that my girl friend is not living dependnant on another guy right now , she is LIVING FROM HER OWN strength this time cool … and form that position her next love will be ….. what ever it will be )

but I as the ….. male she is leaving would not myself be in an UN NATURAL STATE of …alone-ness . fro we humans are social animals … being alone is a PUNISHMENT .. that is what we do to prisioners in jail ..put them inot SOLITARY CONFINEMENT …. I am happy that this time , this break up , I am alone no kids to watch my melt down to be confused the stress expressions … there is no need to SUPRESS and stay strong so the kids willnot see dad be weak they are kids and need stability in a parent …

NO this time there is GREAT LEARNING from the tears … like the idea of how I limit my action and so does she based upon …living in the same house exampled by the cleaing out of the junk drawer yesterday …. There is much supporoitn evidence trails in this pain and feelings and support and love and hope . and alones to bring into ( this blog realy will have to find its way inot the page of positive aspects

When a child has a dream and a parent says, "It's not financially feasible; you can't make a living at that; don't do it," we say to the child, run away from home... You must follow your dream. You will never be joyful if you don't. Your dream may change, but you've got to stay after your dreams. You have to.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Asheville, NC on Sunday, May 1st, 2005
You do KNOW THAT at an atomic level they say that not 1 atom of your living bio mass is over 7 years old ..we are ALWAYS still kids .

I have been following my dream ..writing and that writing actually has been hurting my friend …. For we do not see things the same way …. On many many subjects form relationship core issues to economics etc …. So my RUNNING away from home , caused her many tears ,, and from those EMOTIONS … wants were projected and she hasnow let herself ..have her wants ….. I am happy … I know I wll be crying soon as I continue the process of packing up her stuff ready for her last return in a few weeks to get thte bigg stuff …. But it will be all of these little things that make me cry . happy or sad .. I am still ..confused about .

Friday, January 22, 2010

the pussy is confusing

The pussy is confusing

Aaahhh a world that tells me I can not ,,no not a world just an attraction of individuals who help me clear my own thinking , so …… those are your LIMITS not mine ,,nothing I propose is IMPOSSIBLE ..only UN …usual and you are stuck in … what everyone else is and has been doing so long you are stuck with out accepting it in …. 11. conformity , lack of creativity , fear of trying something new … of dr. Thomas Godons list of the effects of manipulation … so young master who talks to me about , his feeling of homosexuality ( fine cool good your FREE CHOICE ) or about building codes … fine so a concept has not the engeering testing for a certain area does not mean it can not be proposed .. then tweeked then tested or designed to fit … NO IT IS NOT ALWAYS …EASY … to be different .

But to being gay ….. I still maintain the logic that you do not have within you a TRUE homosexual gene but the epsression of …REPRESSION .. antoher form of SELF PROTECTION from alie of confuse and conquer ,, an escape which you find functions but WITHOUT EXPLROIGN THE ..CORE REASONS more completely you are re acting to symptoms creating thus more symptoms . … true homosexual gene would not reproduce itself and would die off in nature each time it was manifested …. It is HOMOSEXUAL so it would not reproduce …. Or even if due to CULTURAL REASONs it does have a child or two . the numbers would be overwhelmingly UN SUPPORTIVE OF ITS CONTINUATION . it would be NAUTRALLY SELECTED TO exticition … it is homosexual … what you are using is a convient excuse to DENY RELATIONSHIP …. Un-naturalness dating is so fucking una antural and human contanct so BASIC TO …MASLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS . that homosexual espression of relationship forms just is easier .. I totally accept and support you in your finding a way to live happy in a country where …32,000 people KILL THEMSELVES EACH year out of the confusion in the USA ( ahh the gift that maybe the muslims are fighting about as they fight for their Traditions seeing past the LIE of westerners , but for me ,, REAL LEGION is REAL LEGION the same mind fuck … in different clothes and different rules . )

WE WORRY ABOUT 5000 killed in the twin towers or ..a few here and there killed in terrorist activity when ,, we KILL OUR SELVES by the 1000’s year aftrer year … due to the confuse and conquer …of our un-natural life style.
Young master I wil refer back to your youth when you had HIGH HOPES for love sex and girls …. Sure I get it by age 15 you were already so STRESSED and confused … and you found other friends feeling the same way and LUCKLY for you now adays there is much moe open acceptance in fact your mom is almost trying to make you into .. a Feminine MALE … that be BI or now gay … 10 years later seemed natural … but you did not start that way ..nope nope nope .. ….. I just want you to STOP DEFENDING your free choice and let yourself think ..for yourself …. About the ROOT CAUSES . and they are many ,,, sexual manipulation …. Eve does not realy understand her own RESPOND WITH ABLITY … like you donot understand the effects of what you are living …. She blames MEN for having to bE >>EXTRA SEXY .. when it never ever thru out history ..the dad who dressed and put make up on his daughters so they would be able to ATTRACT the RICHEST OF KINGS … the geneisis of the beauty pagenent .. IT was not daddy who taught he arts of the BELLY DANCE to you girls , that was EVE TO EVE ….. then blaming men . for their own deep rooted generational … actions gone wild .

And my friend ….. if no one tried to build anything NEW and just followed the rules set down …. We would never evolved past … accedential fire gathering … instead of fire making …. I do not want to destroy TECHNOLOGY … I just want to FREELY choose not ..NOT to be totally depedant on it . for my OWN FREE CHOICES in living . and if that means my ruffs VISION BOARD PLANS need structural tweekeing if I need solid poured concrete .. colums tied to a solid poured concrete tie beam …. Then I should draw those in in a way equal to those found in regular CBS block construction …the rest of the wall should pass just based on the SHEAR VOLUME and thickness .. since it is not realy load bearing as it pertains to the roof and being . buryed , shear winds will flow over the structure like iwas a HILL IN NATURE NOT A HOUSE … and the two flat side with doors and windows will have so many concrete columns due to the doors and windows as to be above ..code already .. adoboe is not meant to be load bearing .. but he SHEAR THICKNESS WILL NOT BE MOVED BY SIMPLE WINDS . nor effect by flyng debri like stick built .

Young master the core relationship form the 1 on 1 , that we have accepted a s NORMAL ( notice I didn’t say natural … ) …. It has a root of FEAR … permeating it and so what do you expect to MANIFEST form it with the bassis of thought energy being so polluted .

Now girls are BI SEXUAL … or atleast they need each other much more that we you and I need eachother … we can interact , male to male , but we are LONE ANIAMSL … look to the observations of Dr. gRay of mares and venus fame , …. But I would rather bring you to … the gorilla … who we share SPERM THICKNESS AND PENIS DESIGNE and 98% dna … sure we share 98.9% with chimp but mucho of that is … random dna strands not we we consider right now as functionals strands , . plue the fact that … overwhenliming thru out history we have a history of being poligmous . before the rise of the mind fuck ..

The Universe does not know if the vibration you are offering is because of what you are imagining, or because of what you are observing. In either case, it is responding. Where emotion comes in is that emotion is your guidance or your response to your vibration. Your emotion does not create. Emotion is your indicator of what you are already creating. As you think, you vibrate. And it is your vibrational offering that equals your point of attraction. So it's always a match. What you are thinking and what is coming back to you is always a vibrational match. The emotion (your Guidance System) is telling you what's coming.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in North Los Angeles, CA on Tuesday, March 7th, 2000
Ok I can feel the truth permeating this ,, vibrationis her word tool for THINKING thinking is carried out thru …bio mechincs called brain , brain is programmed by CONSENT , of the young in human species to accept certain aspects so we do not have to RE-INVENT the wheel with each genenartion and thus many children woul die in that process we evolved to acepte and TRUST elder guidance …

But that becomes the dentrite filter thru which we ..THINK …

Now our pwn PERSONEL FEELING about our experience is further confused because of this INSTINCT IN ATE … INSTINCT to follow leadership becaue of the complexity of the CO SYSTEM of being human .

It evolved in to the MND FUCK of reward and punishment , the TRAINABLITY of humanity was Recognized early on by the HTOUGHT FORM …. Example again the Jesuit preists would say ,,,give me you youth and by age seven I will give you the man …

Reward and punishment systems which understood the in ate …trainablity of human . training them to thinki in terms of what is best for PHAROH or God ,the kingdom …of heaven , to serve and worship . a god /king form . to the point we no longer would be able to FEEL our own FEELINGs or QUESTION why is life so fucked up .

Again ties back to you being gay , and not letting yourself …even think about what I talk about ,, aout un covering layers …it is not about your free choice young master , the tool of your own survival .. whether it is being Gay , or drinking or getting high , or working to extremems your own tool to deal the best you can with CONTRAST , an attempt with the choices availabl to find a way to FEEL BETTER .

Now in the life ,,, what do you REALLY FEEL …… your self justifaction shows me ,, a SOMETHING .. about the hidden inner suppressed feelings … the emotionala guidances .

Thursday, January 21, 2010

a barn raising

A barn raising

Over and voer day after day …. I seee how realy on average nice we are to each other …and it has nothing to do with GOD RFORCED MORALITY we do not fisrt check out whether I believe as you believe before the let someone in to traffic or open a door or smile and say hi , nice day finnaly not so cold ….

No it is just ON AVEARGE human nature , now the sociaopath sees the world as being like HIM OR HERSELF …. And thus fears and being that they rose to PWERFUL POSITIONS , as godKINGS where others like themselves that tiney BIRTH DEFECTED part the top less than 1 % that 1 out of 100 …. Stange one … who lead ..there are many leaders ,, but led … with personel motives secretly in their head … it was those who wrote the books of fear …. And ideas of orgianl sin or sin nature of human kind ..kinds like themselves .

Eve is evolved from the CAVE for the protectedds state ,,,, the silver back does his job and scares everyone off and she ,,TALKS AND TALKS AND TALKS around the camp fires , all harem SPECIES are like that ,,, be it Deer or lion ,, the male keepa protective vigil ,,t he famles in times of GREAT need will alos help BUT DAY IN DAY OUT he handles the pressures of that ..aspect so MOMMYS AND BABYS can live in the peace needed for good healthy growth …

City life and sociatey grew from EVE’s love of that ,,, group .. we you and me young master interact a bit , but , still like our alone time and our out in the woods time … but isntincutally we will do what ever is NEEDED TO GET PUSSY …. And if pussy is in the city and if pussy is demanding a level of FASIONALBLITy ,, we will do that tooo.

Now there is a ..% of hippie chick spirits some young early on , some later on with dreams of simplicity after the world of $$$ has DRIVEN THEM NUTS .. but back to the co=operative human …
So the next fear they are filling you with is that ,,, in the future the enxt WARS will be fought ovewr water ….ARMYS who fight eachother are filled with MIND FUCKED SLAVES …. Who do not have be there really . the benifts are not for them but for PHAROH concept . do not POINT AND FINGER NAD say government change ,, change yourself …
IRAQ aveareages 4 to7 incehs of rain fall per year ,, afgansitan … 12 inches … the SHEETING effect of theses rains at the surface of deserts means 90% of that water is runn off towards the OASIS a areas or rivers .. or wherever that it gathers then evaporates ..
My house for example even though built with CBS block was beuilt before electric was in this area ….. so it still has the rain water cisterin man kind has been doing for fucking 1000’s of years especially on islands like Bahamas or the florida keys , catching an storing rain water ……

And acres of land 200 wide whaterver deep … could if SWALED … only by a fewws inces .. and directed into … clay based underground citserisn … catch that 90% run off from DESERT iraq at 6 incehs per year to the the TUNE OF …. 13, 000 gallons per year …. Ancient technology

Only 200 feet a few men and a few shovels and a few weekends and a few six paks of beer and it is done …. Understanding the topography of those 200 feet ….. digiing a hole to CLAY IN LIKE MAKING A POND … then the dirt becaomes the berming used to direct the water inot he cisterin . forever on to catch …. Rain water ..that then becomes a WATER CYCLE of the human family on that acre …. Now honselty that kinda means 4 people using 10 gallons a day ,,, we only need about 1 gallon for drining and the rest . needs to be used even piss( humanure ) .. for irrigation uses , grey water from the cooking and kitchen and bath etc ..but all that means is to LIVE IN HARMONY with nature not expecitn to live like an AMERICAN … now double that for afaganstian … and let us talk about HATIA it gets about 50 …50 fucking inches ….
Ohhh but huans are so mean and cruel we would not ehlp our neighbor out and dig a for a few meinutes over a few weekends and laugh and drink beer …we are to sinful .

No we are not … we RAISE BARNS .. we help each other out . so why was this not done before because for 1000’S of years humaity has livied fine with out .WESTERN MAN ‘S PROMISE of civilization . why should they have done it ,, it is only now afeter we have come in and fucked them up that …. These ideas are needed . and do=able.

Fuck the governments …….. just informa the people ….. fuck giving them … Krats and blankets , give me sholvels and KNOWLEDGE ….ahhh but that frees the slave .. 1 bad bad bad move for business . well why does n’t the church teach it ,,, or MOSQUE … they have plaenty of knowledge history understanding , wisdom and ancient learning ..? dividsion confusion and stress is what keep people going to REAL legions in the first place , if they were self susuficient and happy and well fed they would not need to PRAY TO GOOD for help about their plites …

But vack to the leaders ,,the socio path ,,from which we get our LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR .. of expectation about HUMANITY …. A source pollution of EXPECTATIONS .. and since we are so nice , we care about eachother even those who are WOULD BE ..not so nice … we drag the whole down to their level .

Eve in her years of ..being the MOTHER … has to be that selfish and greedy single mind .to insure the best possible of herself and infant based upon EONS ofdevelopment … when the condtions really have changed , the TECHNOLOGY of things like agri culture , or food foesresting have not been FELT byt eh DNA fear of the EVE ..young mother instinct .

Everything that I think that I need to do is all only in order to propel me to some place that when I get there, I think I will be happier. So, everything that I am doing, no matter what it is, all of my lists of rights and wrongs... are all about me getting to a manifestation that I believe I will then be happier... So, why don't I take a short cut and just go get happy?
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Washington, DC on Saturday, May 1st, 2004
Sure sounds ..gereat ..sounds like claisc ..SELF HELP ACTUALIZATION MOVEMENT … ideas ( sham like a sham like bullshit ) but we are here to experience CONTRAST … to be able to experience CONTROLAABLE LEVELS of stress . and OPS to be able ..transistion ( die ) ….. having a want .to be able FEEL what is is better as compared to ….. another …feeling … is better than being EVERYTHING IN …ALL WAYS … ALWAYS to the point of it actually being no1 thing …

So MASOW’S HIERACHY of needs COMES IN to the experience of a DNA bio mechinalcal organism .. you are still DNA based … animal experience Dna carries withit MEMEORY of expecatations . ……. Just get happy when there is not WATER IN SIGHT …is the words of SHAM … great ideas for fat rich AMERICANS who cry over lost PAPER PROFITS .

It is the words of Marie of France once more out of the mouth of millions of westerners …LET THEM EAT CAKE !

I DON OT NEED TO GIVE UP anything help them grow in fact thru my wealth I can help them more …. As long as I ,,,realize the mind fuck going on from ages past ..simple little trainings to support a PHAROH CLASS …. Like the MYTH story of the sage jesuss ( putting words into his mouth ) …. The poor will always be with you I will only be here for a little while paraphrased ,,,, JUSTIFACTION of extragance on lavished LEADERSHIP figures ….

When it would just as easy to let the leader live like the rest in COMFORT …. And bring the rest to comfort also .

Fruititarian abilty of human eating habits to ….. sex birth rate parody is result of selelctive breeding to MAN ARMYS ..there should be pleanty of pussy … so much FUCKING UP OF THE NATURAL system has happened that supports it self like a bad fucking dream .

TONY blAIR AND HIS FUCK BUDDY George W. … it is nice to se the development of support of …. The mind fuck of the constructors Iraq war …. Both sides of the atlantic enhanced the mnd in supporting FAITH BASED schooling …. The chatolic said give me the child for the 1st 7 years and I will give you the man ,,,,the skill of the slave master passed down from learning and suceess

The human bio machine , developed to trust PARENTS . if not they would die to easy and thus not be a successful speices , thru learn form TRUST .. of the life giving parents children survied and thus had kids also …. Fertile bio mechincal ground for the mind fuck .

Interesting chimps depending on clan and sup speioces … bononboo etc , can raise up the ..alpha level thru ALLTURISM 9 BEING FUCKING NICE AND HELPFUL _ … now I do not know if they have correlted newer observations ofn the presence of the BLOOD LUST alpha’s and that aspect ..but no the less inever said we were TOTAL GORILLA … I just say we are not totally chimp … I accept , the inter of the saavnnh ape . as being the possible dna shift of homind that brought about ..PHAROH … CONCEPT . SOME 70 K YEARS AGO … and by 12 k years ago we were like on every speck including tiny island like the Cananrys … some poor africains lost at sea …. A good tail wind and a few more days of water supplys and the myth of pharoh his beard and all could have made the coast of S. America to become jus that ,,,myth ….. their DNA lost over a few 1000 years . but the power of a good story lives on and on …

Surviving on pussy

We will make thru love alone , the romanictic notion of many ,,,, the truth of very very few , the …stress at the grocery line ….. this dude green dean ,,, is very SURVIALIST oriented sometimes ,,, and I am builot for comfort not for speed … being in a survival position is no fun ,, what I like most about his info it the understanding of speices , the idea that much of what we call weeds is ..CULTIAVTED … DOMESTICATED .. slave … plants gone back to nature .

many what we call DUMB ANIMALS alter their enivoroment so they will have FOOD .. I was watcing some squierls digging up some of their stach , the ones they miss become the trees of the future ,,, I really dug watching a young wild boar who was working an area developing it as his territory and watching how his SHIT sproated FOOD , the …THINGS HE LIKED TO EAT , since he did eat it ,, he ust of some what liked it or else he would have tasted it and soad SELF THIS TASTES LIKE SHIT let me try THAT ONE OVER THERE INSTEAD … that one tasted better and so ….. in his shit or tuckedinto his fur were the seeds he woill be eating rom in his home range … and his family ALSO ..

so I am not going to go aout my fucking way to eat wild apples , we humans realized way way way fucking long time ago that plants that rubbed up against each other to the point thea they shared sap , became 1 treee ,, SO WE , CUT THE BRANCH OFF A SWWEEET FRUITED BRANCH … and stuck it on a sour tree and made a sour tree sweet … but also this has gone WILD we have over done it to the point I can not buy a good ole fashioned fruit everything is UNVIRCITY DEVELOPED and addicted to petrochemical based fertilizers … I mean I grew up with fruit trees and my folk new SHIT about plants stick it in the gorund and it will grow is about it and they did and the fruit was WAY BETTER THAN sotre bought , it was like a fresh caught fish is way better than some farmed raised fish ,,,

but what is with the food .thing …… iw rite about what I encounter ,,, and the stress of you in the grocery line worried about your BUDGET . with a basket full of … RESTURANT FOOD … no real food only thing that resemeble real food was the bannas . everything else is DEHYDRTED pre cooked just add water and heat … at the most , or eles straight up canned botteled or frozen completely made foods …. Value adding is what we used to call … take some thing cheap with little profit margins get people hooked buying it ,,, in an altered state … and make big bucks . next make sure you have GOOD FOOD ADDITIVE SCIENCE … MSG is like a red herring now adays the science of smell flavor and their ..relationships to events common in the upbrignng of the population are now being addressed in adult food flavors and smells …

we are BIO CHEMICAL MACINES … we respond to SCENTS sexual SCENT and food scent ,, and scent can have association to emotional events …. And food is also a common tool of REWARD …. Sweets and ice creams …SURGAR AND FATS .. we sold our souls for surgars and fats

ohh off track . the basket of ..resturant food , cost so much the fear of the months budget was brough up over and voer .

next is …. Dieing to be thin time …it is NEW YEARS the boon time for they Gym people and the diet industry ….. get healty time … wow we fucking buy CHOROPHILL PILLS … I thought chorophill was that green shit in food ….. ooooh that is right you do not eat FOOD ….

How and why did you and me ..young master get so fucking addicted to this …. You and me stillhave that HUNTER GATHER in us …. Even while you are worried about the budget and your chick is comfortoign you about it will work out we will make it …. Your T-shirt is from Henry’s …..FISHERMAN …. A blood satined t-shirt … and a ball cap and jeans …. Little miss pretty tits .. I dug her PEACE PEACE PEACE hteme shirt unfortunately the way it was cut and the PERKY NESS OF THOSE tits caught most of my attention I idd not thinka bout her POLICATICAL STATEMENT … a new theme in FASHIONALBE clothes and shit now adays … I could really go ona bout her .. but safe to sy I hope you understand we are happy in our old BLOOD SATAINED tshirts ,,, we get our $$ out othem …. And she will spend spend spend …. To maintain a position in the eyes of others ,,,, who are you IMPRESSING IN THAT blood stained shirt ? hell cut that up if you run outa bait … I don’t care how much Tide and bounty SHE .. uses ,,, that shirt cut or ripped can still back jig if needed and scent it too.

So let me got this right ,,, a plant can get FREE Of slavery …. Get will once ,, finda a way to live and reproduce without depenadacne of HUMAN … but we can not ? us the SMART ONES ….. and when you see wild plants well they look pretty happy , they are having fun ,, they are flower fucking …. Having baby plants … but we can not .

It is about $$$$ PHAROH lives … CODEX …. And food hidden behind the smiling face ,, trained thru the young mommy , like the mother in the time of AMENHOTEP IV and how they taught the use of …OPIUM . but like all battles a ..what your resist persists ….. it is the core DEPENDANCE issue of being CIVIL that maybe the core … things going back to the manipulation of the population who were mainly of Evovled slave decsent … good slaves became the good citizens those who wrote GOOD GRAPHITTI about likeing PHAROH … they lived reproduced taught their kids to respect the sytems and moved up the lader closer to pahorh table . to the point that .. about 4 PHAROHS AFTER ..amenhotepIV a comer became pharoh , thru THE MILILARTY ESTABLISHMENT system of political ladder climbing .

Natural health means …food forests not chlorophyll pills brought from your chiropractor or other profit monger …the same sytem different Pharoh … MAYBE A LITTLE BETTRER . ALL the way down to 1.25 acres systems … OGITOP …. Off grid … that emans out of the control of all of them … like a wild plant …. In town … I dig the town free choice ….. outa pocket …. 4900 bucks and the dirt for abode is free.

Ohh ihave been finnaly playing with slurry adobe construction starting yesterday …. I have a pad started for a solar hot water heater … so I thought to build it using some dirt I got last year .. some salt march muck …. And chipped brazilian pepper for fiber … so 2/3 dirt of 5 gall buckt .. 6 garden sholevs fiber ..adn 4 portland … lots nand lots of water to make shovel mixxing easy …. And the test test the day later was as long as the coverage was over ½ inch tihck I could walk on it and not break it . … fine 1 day dry time . thin ½ inch … if that was 18 or 24 inch thick walls well dryed ,,,, way fucking strong . add in solid poured concrete colums on 10 foot with concrete tie beams same as would be found in any CBS single story home … and all in good fun ….

And freedom form never fucking ENDING CONFUSION ,,some old greek dude said let your food be your PHARMACY …

In Aldhous Huxley's Brave New World, the government encourages its citizens to take a sorrow-erasing drug called soma. Huxley's novel, of course, was a commentary on a society obsessed with pleasure and happiness at the expense of real experiences.

Fluoride is bad

Monday, January 18, 2010

biting down on pussy

Biting down on pussy

There is realy no state of try ,, there is DO nd then find out what the results were of the DOING …. And if by that you mean try ..OK . that is the compounding of information about wanted and nunwanted …but it is notTRYING everything is doing …. The lil green guy from star wars said it in about 8 words ….

Kale , chard , beet , fennel , collards , mustard , purslane , garlic , marygold , chicory , romaine, chicory , bib , onion , carrot , hibiscus , basil , radish , alfalfa , clover , nasturiums , pennywort , fengeek , amanranth , sunflower , and I betcha I ma forgetting some ….. sprouts and young leaves make up my daily salads ….. that type o f variety means you realy can only eat maybe 5 or 6 baby learves a few flower petalsfrom each speicies , and well the sunflower sprouts are like 27% protein at the embryo leaf stage well I add a lot more of those in and if I miss em young they grow out to become seed . and older leaves of some become POTHERBS .. what the fuck is a pot herb is it to be smoked ,,,no pot as in fucking put em in pot and cookem , ( but when it comes to smoking stuff wild lettuce makes a good opium )

Diversifaction …… there are like 120,000 edible plants an we westerns eat mainly from 4 …. Corn , high gluton wheat , soy bean , and rice …. Even most of our meats are based on those plants also , the same 4 vegies turned into now meat .

Pussy has been EVOVLED to be RECREATIONAL …. And so has our cocks … her tits also , by UNANTURAL ..( no nothing is realy un-natural … ) SELELCTION but certain design principles of pussy and cock show the evidence trail of the root FAMILy unit ,,, the thickness of our sperm shows ,,sperm competition , the acorn head shape versus the pencil dick of the chimp .. shows the tie ot gorilla amd ..HAREM FAMILY units …. Sure her clit swells , the man rocking in the boat … thing , when excited , but the swollen pussy of the PASSPORT chimp female is not us , we again are more gorilla like . the use of FUCKING UP mating proactise SERVED THE SOCIOPATH who COVERTED POWER and position in the gorwing PHAROH expression ,,, BECOMING QUEEN . SUPPORTING THE WHOLE NEW SYSTEM THRU god ..story and myth ….

I get so easy distracted ,, you can not bite a pussy like she was something to eat and still have a pussy that would be usefull in EVLVUTION . you would damamge the pussy and thus damamge hopes of the next genenarition .. of bio machine form her …. We are actually very nice to each other other wise if we were EVIL SINNERS we would hurt ourselves out of exisitance … we open doors for each other and total strangers … IR REGARDLESS of CHURCH ,,,no actually those who are totallyengrossed in their church would ont open doors any more out of natural human niceness , they have been the tools of MURDER ACTUALLY . the tools of the sin …

… so … I have a lot of links a d video info about FOOD FORESTINg on andi have not had the greatest of luck with growing the main …. Fashion crops .the seeds realy need to be fed in accord a diet as prescribed by MONSANTO …. They have been designed to FEED on the stream of artifical plant steroids found in commericail fertilers and wild soils FREAK’em out . ahhh but along come ,,, an …ATTRACTION . now what a great site this guy has like so many video ..from making hard ciders ,….. BOOZE weeds … and most of these 100’s of weeds we have were jus the common edibles of our fore fathers … and 1st NATIONS PEOPLES . I have been lucky enough over the last year to naturalized most of the above greens inot re-seeding hemselves so I got my weeds …… now there can be chemical down sides to some plants but since our ancestors had much more vaired diests including many seasonal changing foods build up of possible chemical dangers were greatly minimized . and honeslty a lot of the shit he says is Edible is just fucking NASTY tasting .. but , actually HERBS like fennel or basil etc , strong flavors IF YOU are not accustomed to them would at first TASTE NASTY …

ahhhh girls …. Pussy … she wants to look sexy … dieing to be thin … the model … now a fruitarian diet will do it , but so will adding in greens because you do not have to kill the whole palnt …. Just be like the grass hopper and eat off some choice leaves while letting the plant complete it life cycle . even the eating of sprouts is HARMONY … for those I miss go to seed … but girls work so hard at ..going to the gym ,, working out , eating salalds … and the salads they eat maybe have 4 tings , like 1 or 2 lettuce , maybe a garnish of shrreedded carot and a few rings of onions maybe a black oil or two and a few grape tomatoes …

there is a healthy dynamic about tending mother nature and harvesting the available food on a daily basis … that going to the gym and eating at the salad bar really do not exactly match …. But then again there is no argueing with the success of some fine PIECES OF ASS walking around ,, and much to argue with the 60% obescity rate in America … also . of the 40% not obsecie …. What % is the fine bitch ? really ? not he shit you see on TV but the reality …. FASHION .. AND HIERACHY

the idea is about how fucking easy it is …… to grow food …. BE IT FRUIT TREES OR WEEDS . a basic issue in MALSOW .. a biascic issue that TIES you to a slavery to the sytem … wantng to shop a the store ,,wanting to eat at the restutrant is very very different form HAVE TO …OR DIE . and somewhere deep in you Pyschie is the awareness of your lsavery to the system that is part of the reason you are so mad at the system …

People say, "The joy is in the journey," but they rarely understand what they are saying. You are in this focused time/space reality with goals and objectives that call you because as you identify a desire it literally summons life through you. Life summoning through you is what it's all about --it's not the completion of anything.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Chicago, IL on Sunday, November 1st, 1998
The joy is in the journey ,,, sound bites .. repeated so much that the brain develops AUTO PATHWAYS .. dentrites and resulting ..non thinking or PERJORATIVE effects .

The training from birth by expsosure to and environment where UNSAID ideas are at the basis for how everything kinda is going on …. Passed down form genenrtino to generation even thought certain levels of THE IVORY TOWER do , and have known the BRAODER ideas and decided for the BEST not to teach the ..people .. for they believe it would confuse them and cause a collapse of CILVIL things … and their possoiton of power in PHAROHA system depends on maintainng the system . …… the amount of deep study and information the HOLY ROMAN EMPRIE CHURCH has and had in their librarys … about vast concepts and cultural ideas … were kept silent as to not disturb the population for their OWN BENIFT ? you mean our benefit or the benefit of the system ? if you get inot his videos and he gives the history a lot of the plants , you find mankind has lived for fucking ages …. Long before ,,,corn wheat soya and rice …. Theymust have done ok . or else we would not have already been living on every fucking SPECK of land and island long before the Western cultures DISCOVERED ..the new world …. And then came to save the savages …. Save them from what? They had beent here for 1000’s of years lived thru the rise and fall of their own expressions OF GREED citys ….. realizing the FOLLY of that let nature reclaim the pysramids and ego statements ….

Why we become attracted to the bright and shiny city in the first place the first few geneanrtions ,, is to be found in what happens here today … people attracted to the idea that the streets are paved in gold only to be come trapped in the working class here ,,, finding it not that much better DIFFERENT …. Yes ,,, over all better than the true RURAL WORLD of their history ,, that really needs to be viewed again from the position of seeing where they came from . before …before the poisisins of the western concepts took hold enough to get theire attention and stimulate them to move inot the city .

Deciding if ,, family and natural living ,, is of ENJOYMENT also … as compared to … drugs tv and video games .

Life summoning thru you ………… vast chances for expeince …no longer simple expression of growth ,, combinations of THINGNESS .. from 1 thru 10 , becoming group of 10 …. Now a new 1 …. To thng-ness .. GROUPING as Atom …. To grouping a groups of atoms … to mbecoing .. atoms .. with different make ups .. to becoming groups of belended atoms …. To becoming an explosion events and expansion events to create universe .. time and distance …. Space …. And energy …. Supported by … dark matter game players who do not interact in SENSORIAL TERMS that we can not guage currently .

Sunday, January 17, 2010

500,000,000,000 Blow Jobs

500,000,000,000 blowjobs

You aare not teeling me that the guy complainng about getting tailed by the OVERLORDS GOONS … is you high holy source of information , that has been getting you so upset and that you refer to as a source so fucking perfect he is never refuted ….. ( on this
) if he did not exisit he would have to be created to maintain the CONFUSE AND CONQUER system .

what this guys does is use so good DATA ,,, charge it with emeotinal retorhic presenting over whelming topics about issues way beyond your ablity ,,to alter … thus leaving you angry and hopelsss and without any realy ..idea of the ISSSUE …. All that is brought up is the SYMPTOM … that shows up age after age , and will repeat itself again as long as we are mostly concerned with the SAME THINKING THAT CREATED THE PROBLEM . ( einstin…. You cant slove a proble using the thinking that created it )

now I am not trashing this guy just because HE INFERED …that jimmy Carter was as bad if not WORSE …. The skill of this PRESENTER … is beyond belief … the way to associate things in emeotional ways , with out enough supporting data … honeslty to use him as a source of INFO is like fucking using me as a source of DATA ….. NO nono no no ,, I am fucking art ….. and good art is supposed to stimulate INDIVIUAL THINKING . that guy , leaves you wanting to HOARD GOLD AND PRECIOUS METAL ( the same old thinking about TINGS having some sort of Value or HIEARCHY ) OR THAT you gotta go out and buy another gun to hide and a ton of ammo ( same old thinking that violence will be any answer ) …… phaorh will not fight his own fight it would be our own sons and daughters who would do that to their own family blinded by the emotional mind fuck of the CONFUSE AND CONQUER That feeds you , your source of data.

Trillions of dollars have Disappeared ,no no no there are paper trails if money to that level is missing there are paper trails , it is not like a guy washing a car and getting 30 bucks cash and then that money is not placed into a n account but circulates as a method of EXCHANGE you realy can not walk around with ? boxs of CASH to make up a BILLION dollars musch less how many ever boxes it would take to carry around 1000.s boxes of BILLION’s of DOLLARS to make up , Just , 1 trillions paper dollars …… bankers deal in paper trails electronic money impulses of data … that is different form t he WANT TO locate any funds missing thru good open accounting ….. or the NOT wanting to demand of accountability … the idea that accounting is over whelimg again is the mind fuck of one who says …. Looking into every 20 dollar espenditure is unrealitisc and to time consuming ,,,correct …. 20 or 30 buckis the working uy on thstreet IS cash able to carried in a box … but when people dela in even in just tiny amounts compared to trillions like 100’s thousands ..that is carried aroundin electronics and ….. there is to much effeort and people involed to hide trillions in the Unaccountalbe forms of 20 dollars cash at a time . put it into termso freality the 20 BLOW JOB … how many blow jobs is a hidden TRILLION DOLLARS ..what can you do with BLACK $ EXCEPT GET BLOW JOBS and other hidden things that can not be accountable ,, how many 20 dollar cash washes doe sthe banker have time to deal with the LOWLY CAR WASH GUY ABOUT . do you think these bankers eve talk to the car wash guy ? themselves ? no he would be to busy keeping the mice and squirrels form making nesting in all that paper money …

PHAROH is not realy a person or even a group of people even though people make up the cell structure …. Like brains cells which demand much of the effort of the organism …. Like we are beyong the ablity of I skin cell on my arm to understand it HAS EVOVLED to become depedant on a SYSTEM … when in fact it still has in it’s … DNA history the information to live a SINGLED CELLED ORGANISM life . we who have FREELY choosen thru our UP BRINGING to be parts of th CI , the city the organism …. Are used by something that does NO know us like we realy do not know our own skin cells …. They live they die … and so do we too… and so do econicm systems or cities .
And sun spot activity ,,, fine fine fine …. That does happen but under neath we can still see aroud us evidence that we can effect things ….. look at the cloud over town next time you return from the Bahamas and tell me we do not effect the thin atmosphere . and when the circle of sunspots changes and tmps goes back up the insulation we creaed will be like you wearing your WINTER JACKET IN JULY ….

Again this is me POINTING AT symptoms ….. understand the UNWANTED if we do the same old things use the SAME old tools …. And get the same old results ..why keep doing it ?

You talk about CHAVEZ from venezuala … ok if he had done a land thing from day 1 of his firt term I would have respected the guy , anything he does now is just to buy his way in to the hearts after the fact of getting caught be the same old crook …but the core of his example NOT HIM but his example is that LAND is held by PHAORH concept WHILE we were tricked by OUR …. OWN stupidity into buyning into the idea about the importance fo streets being paved in GOLD …. The impoartnce of GOLD ,,, again read the letters of AmenthotepIV …. And how the world was viewing Eygpt of its time as being PAVED IN GOLD …

Get out of the ANGER and FRUSTRATION … and think outside of the ….C I …. Box ,,ci as in ,,,civil ..or city ….. civilian //the less you NEED or love $$$ the better ,,, back to LAND … and UN WORKABLE idealistic idea ….. what if we did not OWN … but in these terms for I am all about letting ownership happen also …

The US has 2.3 billion acres of land of which about 350 million is used for growning crops , 503 million acres for forestry land , 587 million acres of pasture/range land ( meat for the king wine for the church - Masanabo Fukuoka ) 108 million acres for housing/city land the balence is park land. With a population of about 350 million if at time of birth thru LOOTTERY each human born here was given for their sue during their natural life time …. 1 acre … and that acre was planted with 10 food bearing trees local to that area

ok I know ,, what if the land is in FUCKING ALASKA …. Or in Death Valley … fuck you and your fucking ESXTREME fears , this is the result of listening to your friend there ,,FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR ..heavens and hells …. Currently 350 million acres are used for crops and we have 350 million people …hmmm sounds like it is already a PARODY except that ..DOLE MONSANTO , Cargil , ADM , etcetc etc , having their CLAWS in it …. Then too remember 587 million for the fucking HOLY COW ? they do not live to well in fucking FROZEN ALSKAS or in the Death valley now do they …but they get a WHOLE FUCK OF A LOT OF LAND ……

so let PHAROH Have HIS CITY ….. THE 108 million , and you and I get HUMAN BIRTH RIGHT ( what happens when the population grows …. The numbers the numbers the number dipshit …. 350 , 587 .. 503 …. So lets not worry to much about birth rates till we start to encroachon the …BALANCE PARK LANDS the extra billion 100 million acres mean a lot of popu…fucking …lation growth ) back to the idea.

Give us the lottery ,,, let us trade land for land … if I get land in Washington state and some one from Washington state got Georgia land ,, and the guy in Georgia got florida land ….. we after market swap land for land …. Ok and so what about the 5 acres idea …. You know hat my friend shit will work out … the 1 acres is BIRTH RITE … ot needed to be used but at least then YOU CAN QUITHERBITCHING …. If you do no tlike the MONEY CHANGERS AND SHIT ..then split …. To your birth rite . other iwise CAPATALISM ..will live on and methods of EXHANGE will still be needed , and PHAROH willnot clean his own windonws that is for fuking sure …. So and as generations spend off the wealth developed by the ones who came before them I will get my chance at buying 5 acres …. ( now the current idea of multi generational land GRANTING even thru purchase is a questionable practice even with LAND TAX because of the unequlaity of taxation that realy happens . to allow a few to hold vast amounts of land in various methods at such cheap taxation rates …but this … talking about his … is talking about

Solutions instead of just yelling about the symptoms …. And saying something should be done about that …. Yet no REAL change …. Core concepts of ownership ? multi generational ? ok but if tax parody tax equality was realy exercised ,, if we understood the COST OF THE HOLY COW ….. to the civilization …. If we thought about lumber as compared to Earth building …. And what the real cost is with stick building ….

Ahh but that would mean thinking NEW THOUGHTS ….. you slave are trained not to THINK ….. stay confused….. believe and trust have FAITH ….. that our leaders will do what is best just look a the lasat 5000 years you can see the success rate and evidence trails of collapsed system after collapsed system …

This "underdeveloped" country is not inappropriate in any way. It has different desires and different standards, and it is not lesser than -- it is just different. We did not all come to do it the same way. We did not all come to be alike. We came as a diverse bunch of Non-Physical Energies wanting different experiences.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in North Los Angeles, CA on Monday, August 13th, 2001
To use word tool to describe what LOATZU said ,,,” I do not know what it is so I will call it Tao “ CANTOR’S number line ..where there is infinity between just 0 and 1 between NOTHING or no 1 thing ,, and thing ….. the being of thing-ness ..the grouping
So ….. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ….. realized themselves now to be in a TINGNESS ….. a 1 thng called 10 and ten is not greaer than 1 , 2 , or 3 for eachof them is an infinity they make up the ten and ten has them inside ….all being or using groupings so to experience the EXPAINSONS of infinity . how boring it would be if we were all EXACTLY groupings of 10 ….. yet DNA has Potential to create vast vast vast … vairalbes of GROUPINGS ..tht you a 1 use .. then FUCK to create A new grouping called baby …
Here …this time/space vent is the comparison of the fruit fly , the human , the toritse and the redwood tree from the parables of Zhuangzi …. Each BEING’NESS is valid , the naon second of being of just a BUILDING BLOCK of time space at the subatomic level is still BEING-ness ….. hard to thnk about using just 2 gigs of processing power , huh?
And after being –ness in THIS … grain of sand called Unvierse .. what else ,,,, ahhh what else ,,, any LIMIT YOU PUT ON IT is a fucking JOKE ! stupid little human . that is why the voice of the sage coming thru many forms talks about UNTHINKABLE NESS … ungraven- ness . not brick wall that can be described by book … for a word is just a graven image … first on rock then on clay then on papyrus then on paper then on electronic screens … unthinkable –ness is a core translation ,,,, blue means ? azul means? Both are nothing but TOOLS USED to describe something common we IN COUNTERED … to support the level play ground for the BEINGS here to play . give us tools so we can interact .

Saturday, January 16, 2010

perky tits

Perky tits

Yes I will agree ..they are some fine tittys , her doctor should be proud of his work ….loook jamming in jensenif full of plastic bitches some night …now young master back to ttalking ,, no my idea was not tried in the 60’s ,,what you had in the 60’s was some stoners who did no realy planning wanted to just get igh and so they failed …but today int eh wrodlin general about 4 in 10 peaople still live something like I writea about and no… nooo , yes , it is not about the $$$

No am I am not being cheap ,, I know food is fucking cheap ….. it is ot about the $$4 but it is about the use of $$$$

Let us get hypo thetical …. Maybe you can get oyrself out of the picture … what if 10 years ago you an antoher guy started life paths both of you worked fo the BIG SS cleaing company ,,, both after a good 5 to 6 day week took home about 500 …. Now you 10 years later hae a lifestyle that DEMANDS NO less than 30K after tax income . year after year now with no end in sight …. Ok maybe when you are like fucking 60 or 70 with luck you will have the cash to OPT OUT retire …. 94 out of 100 do not make it … but lets say you are 1 of the 6 in 100 who does … BUT THAT IS LIKE FUCKING 40 YEARS FROM NOW … and now is ten years later and every time I hear you talk it is bitch bitch bitch cry and complain boooo fucking hoooo …..ooooooh pretty bitch ,, but I bethca way to much up keep for that cunt $$$$ ….. 10 years now huh ..

The other guy …. Wait wait wait … your younger bron has been bouncing back and froth in and out of your dad and step mom’s house for what about 6 years on and off ..even you while making that 500 a week really lived at dads while you saved the cash for your own truck and machine down payments … right …

So the other guy .. has kin like you like many people realy do espcialy if the Kin see the family member realyd oing the righthing not just getttng stoned everyday … ( which you were actually doing a lot and that is why it took you solong to get your truck right? Or right ! ) so guy 2 …. Picked up on my idea 10 years ago about 6 years before I even put the first ideas on paper in vision borad form since altered …but he was fucking inspired years ago …. His income form his first 2 years of work id not just go up in SMOKE or as a donw payment on a business truck and then payement in rent since you were to cool then to live at home … nope he did at the end of 2 years he is FREE and clear still working for the BIG SS .. you are self employed …. Amking TRIPLE the cash per day when you got work ,,but who cares you are making TRIPLE you can work less but unfortunately you are working much less because you do not have ..the BIG $$$ ad budget like the Big SS …

Guy 2 puts in 1 more year at SS …. Pays forwards his property tax for 20 years ( I understand they got some sort system to do that some who ) being that his house was OFF GRID AND GRREN and he has AG zoning he gets a good rate and has tax credits also …

He in alle ESSENCE is FREE OF SLAVERY and can retire …… while you ….BITCH AND MOAN . ten years later . that mother fucker is still prepaid for 10 years … and fuck he will get bored and go back and do some work but NEVER BECAUSE HE HAS TO . like you ! only because he wants to .

Look all three of us , the hypotheciticall dude 2 like you and me like our hunting fishing and shit …. Actually the cost of that boat you got TYED IN TO PAYMENTS ON .. really drives up the price of a fillet . after 5 years the motor is giving you trouble and she has been idel almost all year because well it was slow year …. No extra cash to fix the motor …. Still go the payments . for a few more years …

FREEDOME of choice thru PLANNING and l FREE CHOICE LIFE STYLE CHANGES no on forced guy 2 into his plan ,,,, there is a world form the SOUND OF YOU conspiring to FORCE YOU into the life you live everyday …..

Am I agetting any where ….? Oh man girls . girls girls … like you say the FUCKING …UP KEEP on them plastic bitches is impossible … part of the reason for your credit card debt right now right …?

Guy 2 …had to shoppp around or ADVERTISE around on HIPPIE CHICK DATING DOT COM ….. to find like minded hippie chicks …. He had the place done … so the girls go tto LIVE REALITY not a dream state , AND …. It is like the UP KEEP is there already …. This is who and what I am ,, interested ? great if not ./…bye ..peace out .. ..he has girls you are again single … telling tales , and DROOLING LIKE A TEEN …
Wondering where all the good single girls are , …… I agree day time it seems every office and building is full of nice girls come night fall they all crawl back into their concrete caves NOT to return till t he sun commes up …. Day tiems they are AFFLIATED with CUSTOMER RELATIONS A SPECTS OF YOUR business so as not to endanger your cash flow you just smile and be pleasant god forbid you make any move date one it EXPLODES and you lose a copr.account over some cunt … been there done that .

Guy 2 ain’t got none of your stress … and all of the thing syou say you want . freedom , fishing pussy …. Clean air ..time out of town … etc etc etc … ohhhh yeah and $$$$ when he WANTS … if he works once more for BIG SS ..he kepps all $500 in his pocket ,,,you ….. it is already spent in up coming bills … 500 or 1500 or 5 GRAND … already spent realy …. Not guy ….

Am I getting any where did I say any thing ? or are you just going to repeat once more … phil you are being cheep food is inexpensive ,, phil the tryued that back in the 60’s and it failed ….

We would never do anything that didn't make our heart sing!... And so you say, "But that choice doesn't seem to be there. There's this choice that doesn't make my heart sing, or sort of staying where I am. So what should I do?" And we say, we'd hang around and wait for something that makes our heart sing—and then we'd jump in with all four feet.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Francisco, CA on Saturday, February 28th, 2004
You can be so fucking twisted up , that you can no longer even recognize your own wants any more ,,,
Not realy under stand what makesyour..your ..your ..heart sing , realy but act based upon ..SOCIAL EXPECTATIONS thinking THEYA RE what makes your heart sing … what makes your heart sing will be so sublte there will be not EFFORt in it CHOICES .. it will be the ZONE or vortex OF …NATURAL behavior stress-less IN THE GLIDE INTO IT … CONTINUALLY PULLED over and ove towards some repeating core IDEA . ) .

When the feeling of WHAT SHOULD I DO comes in ,,,you know yu are not there ,,that is the SLAVE IN you asking GOD/king PAHAROH ..if it is ok that the slaves goes after what makes his/her heart sing . when in reality that thought of HEART SING is thinking about whe=ther the OTHER .. THE 2ND mind … how they will SEE YOU in your new ..HEART SING position .. so you ask around for SHOULDS , to PRE-CHECK the reaction to your CHOICES .

Friday, January 15, 2010

finger pointing at pussy

Finger pointing at pussy

You point your finger and say THEY SHOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT this or that …….. the sage repeats a lot teeling us YOU ARE SO FREE YOU CAN CHOOSE SLAVERY ….. young master you talk about how the government is trying to take your freedom ,,, and I say fuch that you are totally depeendnant of the CORPS Monsantos and Nestle Arher Daniel midland , Cargill etc …. For the basisis of your MASLOWS HIERCAHY OF NEEDS …. With out the food supply system , you fucking dead in a couple of weks ….. so tell me about …. Slavery and freedom you have none ..whether it is the government or the Corp … you . personellly deep down are Slave

You question me and end up at an extremem yourself ,,, what ab out clothes I ablove go to an Extremem what about ,, food if things gst so fucking bad …. Who cares about clothes when you got NO FOOD … then there is also the HUMAN NEED for friendship and sexual expression .. in – to - mate activities ……. How many women are alone and how many men ….. all POINTING FINGERS at the problems , again all because the BASE SYSTEM was designed to cause stress and confusion and dependence .

Now she wants that finger to be exploring her , in a relaxed pleasant manner ,, growing into …..lust and passion as she wets in enjoyment of the penetration . the thing syou can realy change are things around you … your level of life style … but you are so scared to not act in accord with YOUR UP BRIGNING . because of the depedance you learned … as a baby ,,, life foodo water protection all came form above , by a person TRAINED to depend on PHAROH systems …. We learn by modeling .

You are so mind fucked you can not see the oppurutunity ….. it is OUR ..depedance on the system that allows for the system is the baiscics OF THE POWER of …. BOYCOTT … so you say , welll 99 out of 100 will not hear me ,, fine , I am not talking to them or you realy ….. only those who do want some path to their own ..self respond ablity …

If you were in Hatia and choosen my econimc model of lifestyle the choose to commute into town , would you be worried about food or water …no .

The confuse and conquer , I am not skilled enough to convince you of your own Slavery , and I do not care enough to cause myself and stress convincing you ,,,, I just realy hate hearing you all complain complain complain ….WAKE UP and think ,,, your ablity to contain so much knowledge about history to be able to discuss POLITICS shows me your ablity to THINK FOR YOURSELF …. So do that . instead of yell that others are not THINKIG FOR YOU .

Let your alignment (with Well-Being) be first and foremost, and let everything else be secondary. And not only will you have an eternally joyous journey, but everything you have ever imagined will flow effortlessly into your experience. There is nothing you cannot be or do or have—but your dominant intent is to be joyful. The doing and the having will come into alignment once you get that one down.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Portland, OR on Wednesday, July 14th, 2004
We are born DEPENDANT ont others for LIFE ITSELF I THE BEGINNING we are not born able to forge for ourselves , we need to … ..SUCK UP? Be nice enough to be wantable .? WANT ABLE .. if you are so me sor to fo PYSCHO BABY that is so fucking un laoveable so MEAN ANGERY .to be considered UNANANTURAL … it is very possible the tit you BITE As that infant WILL NONT LET YOU …. SUCCLE … so you will die off , END OF DNA LINE FOR YOU … the psycho baby .

Dna reality , levelplayg round fo TAO EXPRESSING THRU dna .. MEMEORY

THE VOICE OF THE SAGE IS THE expression of BUSSINESS … yet the wisdom o f Tao is still in her ……… the bio machine processes event sto create memeory w=from which LIFE ITSELF IS constantly being compared to a t a level beyond our OCNSIUOS CONTROL do you ? control y ou breating or heart REALY ? you can alter it but mainly it takes care of itself ,,, do you totally control each muscle movement to libnk your esyes> or type on the computer are you going teely me you consicuosly contro leachlittle muscle needed . from eyes to fingers to hands to arams to even keeping your whole bdoy UP RIGHT in the first place PLUS BREATHING AND HEART BEATING and finger nails growing ?

No ! good you admit BIO MECHINCS PLAYS A PART in THIS arena OR TIME SPACE …. Good … what you resisit persit ,, you are not resisitn any more BIO MECHINICS …

And the core is to move to wards BETTER … if sunflower or human THAT IS THE CORE … the thoughts you wanted in your past are the aspects of the life you l ive now …WITHIN THE PARARMETERS OF memeory expecataions built around the first days of BEGGING FOR MOTHERS MILK …. And it only got worse as we learned to begg and begg and begg for so many things from some many people groups and thought froms … thought froms …. PAHROH IS A THOUGHT form it is not the people who occupy the brain aspect …. They are just current manisfestataions of that … brains cells of the multi celeld econonmy or thought form .

Dam I forgot I gotta tye this into pussy …. Every kiss begins with ZALES ….. what is the message there ? and how does that POISING PERMETATE INTO every aspect of . think for yourelf why should I have to …. Bring myself back thru that mud … in wiriting I have doen it over and over for years the archives …. It does not bring me currently JOY by re -THINKING for you . if your life has brought you in search . WELL THEN …… search . and think . or continue with what you have been doing the same old thing get the same old result … your life your time ..go back and watch TV some more .. get high … play the WEEEE .. whatever do the same old thing … throw the rock in the air … over and over keep getting hit on the head ….

You are so FREE you can choose bondage .

Today WAS formed thru the …… .... wants you had in the past etc etc etc … the words are there …. The watns are theprojections of what you THOUGTH would be better … that is you now , in terms of DEntrite mehchaicnal memeory thru which experience is filtered to become RELAVENT data that you use for CONCSIUOS THINKING …. You do not think about all muscle movements yet thought energy is being generated to do that work .

All your amthimaticians and all your … spiritualists …. Can only play their games aas long as someone else ,,si feedint hem … I EMAN WITH FOOD STUFF ..fruitarian RO WHATEVER .. AND THEIR fancy thinking will end with them unless they get some pussy of the girls get some dick …. and for them high thinking people ..the search of … pussy and cock seems to take up a lot of energy and .. a lot of heart braek a lot of confusion , it generates lots of shit … again ..the confuse and conquer system of the PHAROH … thoguth form .. a being .. itself that extends beyong the cells of it ,, we are just cells MENHOTEP IV was just a cell … living an dieing to be repelaced and evolved … you and me young master are worker class cells … us who have military history are skin cells of the … thought form we served …. Thought form econimci systems .. are competive and some to en extent … co-opeartive … the dividsion yet co-exisitiance of … a whole fucking lot of Christian beliefs churches … current competive yet world econly systems hidden under flags for us to fight over ,,but .. reality ..the same exchane system under neath ..the flag … just DISTRACTS THE SLAVES .. in that video it talkes about the maintaining tn the future of the STATE oof the have’s and have nots …. THE NEVER ENDING STRUGGLES. Even though science has brought about technical end to it … the programs will be DIVVIDY … OUT .. to insure class struggle … PHAROH will always be realy out side of this struggle look thru out history at the trailo of leaders realy getting the OPT toe scape or go in exsile … while the 100’s of thousands of warriors died REAL DEATHS …. Oh sure kings died also …. That is why the smart …stayed behind the scenes players letting DUPES take the throne so they could be scarificed in the end …. While POWER ENOUGH .. was held in PHAORH bollod lines .. that lived on , in the next governments …

but enough of this shit .. ihave been here to long for to many bolgs … pussy .. and cock … that is ALIGNEMENT WITH … in fi nite .that is the BIO MECHANICS enjoying the NOW …

the dance of thr fruit fly in fact it sings to eachother has complex connimcation . we can hear with hears so we never respected ..with new ears we hear they fucking are doing so big TIME ….hey baby yo …baby eachother .

the will be as powerful an or dance or big ford truck to girls who match you ..ATTRRACTION POINT CHICKS .. as anything . it realy speaks volumes about twhether these girls should SPREAD THEIR LEGS FOR YOU .. and if they and you are POLY based you will have pleanty of pussy in HAROMONYW ITHE the nature of NATUREAL HUMAN FEMALE BIO RYTHMS ..not …. Fairyt ale sexual manipulation … of aoul mates concept as male birth rate increased in became needed to have more 1 on 1 marriages …. Male birth rate increases are based upon selective breeding of girls who had familys with high male births they were bred like fucking COWS … while other girls were over looked . or bred less .. MALES ARE NEEDED FOR SALVES AND …WAR!@

but not antural … for our speices or our cosuisns . only happening over a few 1000 years and as we see now a female birth rate increase is happening once again naturally unless we again SELECTIVELY ALLOW embryos to surive depending on social customes and abortion like what happened over the last few decades in china .. where the FORCED UNANANTRUL SELELCTION caused high female fetus abortion rate

your … young master ,,, aboity to think is ATTRACTIVE .. you ..securuty in life style is attractive … but only after you have proven it … jus the theory IS JUST MORE BULLSHIT she has herad befoe .. why spread her legs for you , when she can spread her legs for the ….
Welll every kiss begins with ZALES celebrate the …. Proft marigins of Valentines day … DeBeers has manipulated .

Sex is fun ….. in ti she is aligned with the ZONE .. and so to are you .