Sunday, August 23, 2009

healthy pussy

Healthy pussy

Young master you know that … as in the micro you find the macro …. And visa versa ,,, similarities ,, not EXACTS , but general themes. And a complexity way beyond the ablitly for the 2 gigs of human brain power processing to deal with . but never the less , this is what is life of NO;s of limited awareness’es …

Socialism is the same as the COMMUNITY theme found in your ultra conservative ideas of capITAlism and LIBERATIANISm . the idea and need for community family and individual that you talk about ,,, is SOCIALISM in the micro .

A welfare state ,,, makes sure that the masses have $$$ and so the capistalist has CUSTOMERS ,,,, it is the common 80-20 rule ,,even in you system you admit that the 1 makes the cash that 100 family members will live from for 3 generartions . 20% make the $$$ that the other 80 will really upon …. The flow of the resource which will make the next fortune for the next SOCIO PATHIC capitalist … you idea the BENEVOLET capapist has not basis of evidence trail …THROW A ROCK IN THE AIR IT FAILS . learn from history …… the captalsit , be it hidden in the disguise of CHURCH or the pirate , donw right thief or industrialist ,,or slave owner , for 10k years the evidence trail does not show the UTOPIAN CAPTALIST … you talk about it shows the evidence trail of a genetic abornormality or social path .

The community ,, has to curb the social path and also milk the golden stream of them ,,,, to support the family and commuity which supports the capitalist … micro ans macro …. In something so large as the thought form ECONOMY …. Or nation …. The general theme is exapmled by the rise of socialisms systems.

Now health care is a free choice ,t he use of the printed paper with ceasrs piciture is the choice of the user to use , you are SO FREE YOU CAN CHOOSE BONDAGE … you are so free you can make some baisca cash then bail out of the system …. or stay in it and if in it ,,then RENDNER UNTO CEAASR WHAT is CEasrs…. ( reneder unto go what is gods? What is GOD define the un thinkable ness of god and so I give to god what is god’s I give it ,,,, no thought ..unthinkablness ) tax is the taking back of CEASARS shit by ceasar …. To insure community survies and economy survivies and PROFIT POTENTIALS SURVIE . for the evidence of the DESERTS AND DSTRUCTIONS left behind by the sociao path ,,the capapsit ..the rock thrown in to the ari …learn form HISOTRY .

Health care …….. is a who cares to those who live with PASSION …. In the state of excitement in the moving towards that which you … you … you ..really really want ( not wants tainted by expecatations drilled inot your brain . by programming …. Uninstincutal ideas . health care is part and parcel of the mind fuck trap . happy healthy …happy =healthy …. The evidence supports this ….

Ohh to go back to blogs back in may ,,AMRT CUNT … I wonder if she read the ariticle in her AARP .. how to live to 100 ,,,, it like the articles from national geographic did not find longevity or quality of life in the DOCTORS OFFICES OF MODERN medicine but in …living instinctually …. Family friends simple understandable living ….. the secret of living to 100 found in remeote tribes ? the national G .a rticles found the same things in 3 WESTERNIZED nationsl JAPAN , US , and the EEC ….. small groups of peoples who by FREE CHOICE LEFT their chains of slavery and mind fuck and … lived long happy and had no NEED for health insurances .

Ahh but young master you are just a COG in the amintianing th mind ,,,, hungry to make your $$ cash so you can sitt closer to PHAROHS TABLE …. But remember young master … we all never get it worng only get more information to allow fro the EXPANSION of experiences out inot INFINITY …. We never get it done .
What you do is miniscule in comparison with what you choose to think, because your vibration is so much more powerful and so much more important. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Sunday, October 20th, 1996

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