Saturday, February 14, 2009

make her clothes fall OFF!

Make her clothes fall OFF!

So young master I am sure you have seen the Advertsisng much more than me since I have no TV no Babble box . no mind fuck devise in my home ,, but I did see this ad one day while on my travels …. Advertising for a PJ gream for valentines day and the tEASE of SEX the manipulation ,,now remember rememeber ..the effects of manipulation over the long term ..ohhh it can be fun short term but just like Running her_ron or smoking crack or doing Blue berrys can be fun Short term the EFFECTS long term will FUCK YOU UP …. Every JUNKIE knows quiot or die ….

Wow even though I am not writing daily like I used to ,,,, the tracking soft ware from the web provider shows that WORLD WIDE I am still getting 100’s of hits per day on average …uniques and that you are are exploring the Various pages of and spending lots of time sure of course the Surfers spending only seconds on a page out number but it is nice to see the numbers of people per day who are spending a ½ plus …THINKING FOR THEMSELVES … understanding their EXPERIENCES of contrst the wanted and UNWANTED … and the resulting comparisons of their current posisiton on THEIR PERSONEL emotional scale .

But today is HOLY DAY …. Holiday a day of ESCAPE ….. like doing a drug sancationed by PHAROHS slave masters the churches and real legions …. Escaping into PRETTY LITTLE FARIY TALE LANDS …. Of the mind created by ROMAN ..and romance … of course skills learned from culture from culture ..peopels to peoples thru time on how to control the POPULATIONS … you are the population dipshit !
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY … enjoy the sancationed escape of ..fairyt ale land forget you ..instincts …. As is the DESIGN of the manipulations of Ecomony of PHAROH … and what is you instinct hmmmm? Start your own personel journesy in comparing the contrasts …. and and .... nude and NATURAL ….. not needing to pay ,,, GOLD with PHAROHS PICTURE ON IT .. render un to Ceasar what is ceasar’s /… pay to UNLOCK the combination of the SAFE of sexual MANIPULATIONS … of the 1 on 1 relationship form …. Thru buying a kiss or paying to et her to take her clothes off ….. every kiss begins with zales jewlwers ,, the old advertsing went ..the =mind constant repetition of your PROGRAMING until you think L;IVING IN STRESS is natural ….
No! it is not he TAO …. It is the construction of the thought form of ecomony which lasts eons longer than the PHAORHS or slave masters who are just CELLs or organs of economy ….. not he flow of NATURAL ECO SYSTEM OF THE savannah pae called human who has a history written in our DNa dating back 6 million years as compared to the current social structure forced upon our minds dating back to ROME only 2 , 000 years old …

The legend has it that Claudius II was trying to raise an army in Rome. It was his belief that married men would not make good soldiers because they would always be worried about their wives and children back home. To raise men for the army he forbid young men to marry. The punishment for any priest who would perform a marriage ceremony would be death!
Now here is a good example of how complex the MIND FUCK OF the thought form of ecomony realy is ,,remember ecomony lasts longer than those who live in it … like the cells of your body live and die off the primitive multi celled orgaism .where the single cells could live alone without the colony if needed refroming a new multiceeled being but within the colony the co-operated ..there is s THREAD of simailarity about this evolution of the thought form of Ecoo=mony ….. which we are all just cells within … and it lives on beyond us and before us in varying stages of its own evolutions … this the MYTH … the Emporer and the shurch were said to be at ODDS … but remember ..the church needs to CREATE EVIL ones form which it protects you the cnfused from to the ROME the emoroper has to have Enemey states from shihc it needs to protect itself froma dn needs to create armys to do that … think deeply young master about the DEEPER thruths of Myth …. Of Valentines day or the story of EVE …the understanding of the GREED NATURE of the female during preganacy the short term ….. hormonial nature of her urge to …. Divide … ( single cell multi celled ..the I in I ,, often the macro and the micro are very very similar ) have A GREAT DAY KEEP THNKING FOR YOUR SELF PEACE Phil

Worthiness, in very simple terms, means I have found a way to let the Energy reach me, the Energy that is natural, reach me. Worthiness, or unworthiness, is something that is pronounced upon you by you. You are the only one that can deem yourself worthy or unworthy. You are the only one who can love yourself into a state of allowing, or hate yourself in a state of disallowing. There is not something wrong with you, nor is there something wrong with one who is not loving you. You are all just, in the moment, practicing the art of not allowing, or the art of resisting--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Kansas City, MO on Saturday, July 22nd, 2000

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