Sex with everyone
So young master the question for the sage was …. Sex I want with everyone but love is for a FEw , so you say I should have sex with everyone because I feel good doing it , what about love?:
And the sage says , well love is for everyone .. also , and as for sex , the other person has a say in it too …… sex is aligning the flood of feeling good of hormones rages thru your blood system …
Love ? in fact any feeling is not a pureity of TAO but an expression of BIO MECHANICS ,,, it is the release of HORMONES , the peace you feel in loving your cat is Serotonins and stuff ….. the rapture fo the beauty of nature , that lives and dies in the instant of the experience never to be replayed exactly the same ,,, no 1 sunrise is ever the same again . the evnts are in all ways changing …. Yet that memeory is an current activity is a LOVE …..
Boy and girl love or girl and girl or boy and boy ,,, or any combination of ( 1more free choice ) …. The love of a ct love , it is the love of nature love ( never is the human xactly the same , at a molecular level over the last 3 years almost 50% of my atoms are new , sure the older cells just rebuilt using newer material but the body is NEW . … you can not see it because of the limit of you Data caputuring devise EYES which translates data bundles not complete –ness ….)
The amount of love you FEEL or the amount of HORMONES that flood yo is relative to the conditioning you have accepted …. HOW SKIN DEEP YOU ARE , effect the highs or lows , the LESS skin deep superficial a person you are ,,the higher highs you will have in love in all the broadest of forms available …. The more relaxed you are the more you let
You let … you ALLOW the bio machine to express the wants of the TOA USER so the manifestation of ….. love or good feeling is able to be extracted froma time/space event by the tao time/space adventurer you who put out the desire/want into THOUGHT FORM VIBRATIONAL ESCROW ,,, put out , made into sotry form it is not w RECOGNIZEABLE …. Or extractable … with out first the creation or formation of the WANTS … we would not RECOGNIZE our wanted even if it were presently in front of our face … if you did not IMAGINE them first in your mind
Your relaxtion , lets the body FUCNTION TO HIGHER HIGHS ,,, relaxation is the letting go of resistance it is being happy in your now ….. more hormones flow and are up taken by the cell fo the body whhc then commicate , well being thru the whole body each cell being a tool of use for 1 equal to you of the I IN I … ..for they too are individual expressions of TAO ….. ( scieiticfic American this year an article about single cell life commucation , chemically yes and thru electro maginetc waves … )
Love is not a FAIRY TALE …… the creation of love in fairy tale form was to EASE THE PAIN of the confuse/conquer of sexual manipulation created by society to socialize humanity so that it would be ceom useful to PHAROH ..or the god/kings read the words of ZESUS .. the image from which our own old white male bearded god sitts in judgement on a cloud ideal comes from ,,,born of the descriptions of zuesus …. Not the TOA undescribaness … un wordable god of the orgainl Jewish religions . the UNGRAVEN IMAGE of god or source or whatever for it can not be decirbed it can not be REALLY named … only a WORD TOOL ……..
Ok now how to put this inot a form of appreciation …for it is not a judgement of ,, but a stream of thinking about that is my writing , every one is doing the best they can with the understanding they have , they are finding the ..thier own path to feeling BETTER within in … the vast number os life experiences they live …. Each is a chance for TAO to expand and data be lived … and a chance to FEEL BETTER than before .
The content of your vibration equals how you feel right now. And whether you're thinking about the past, the present, or the future, how you feel right now -- as you think about the past, the present, or the future -- is your life. And it's a precious, fabulous, creative life that you are not wanting to squander in a place of resistance. Your life is right now
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Francisco, CA on Saturday, March 11th, 200o
Every day in every way I am getting better and better …. Emile Coue the law of attraction ..SHAM self help actualization Movements have been around for years , the voice of the SAGE comes in many many forms , if each student was exactly the same in the same place only 1 TEACHER would be needed …..
Every day of you life up to now built the you ,,who is now able to CREATE NEW SOLUTIONS or wants to feel better ,,,, insuring that INFINTY ,,, well stays IN FI NITE . assembling and expansing form UNTHINKABLE variables .
Allowing ..not working hard ,,letting the laws of attraction do the work not , you !
Coué observed that the main obstacle to autosuggestion was willpower. For the method to work, the patient must refrain from making any independent judgment, meaning that he must not let his will impose its own views on positive ideas
You put the want out step 1 of Abraham the tao is changed step 2 let your self extract/notice the vidence trail of your wants as you belief level allows …. Thus also changing belief levels over time thru expeince step 3 ..DO NOT WORK AT IT ! aloow it
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
each pussy is adding to
Each pussy is adding to
How does source.. your greater connecter with everyone elses greater self .. see miss good pussys ,, voyeurism ahhh young master what a question ,,, life is not the waiting around for things to happen that were sent out into Vibrational Escrow ,,well yes it is but it is waiting not trying to force things. But .the action of living is that which which brings up QUESTIONS that continually amend those wants , not total life powerful questions but little questions of claifying … and these are TOO contrasting events are not big important ones , but , form the describing or thinking positively about the question ,,,,, something is created into the VORTEX of tao ,,,,the un maifesed yet ….. and thru VOYEURISM data is added questions are added … to understand vibrational escrow chec out the Abraham link at
And in the saying out loud for others to think about a questions ,,then all thought in VIBRTINAL ESCROW blend in the … I in I … the answers blend together ,,, a group of thought conscsiuoness that does effect answers you will ..experince as your manifestation arrives with events of the PLAYERS the con creators other people , new oppurutunities of finding answers that suprize and dlieght you so often …. All those little bits of adding to
What is it about those girls who have tasted for themselves the contrastof relationship in ways ..that have left them … wanting GRANDER changes or atleast Aalter native CHANGES , just bummed aT the options they have now , but to grasp or talk , or to meet … would be to go outside of bounds of mental cages … the cages of 2nd mind … I believe , that girl too has a core fear of death around breaking out of the shello of protection ,…. We all stay in line for fear that to leave the CORRCT path may mean loss of job of security etc ….. ahhh all things the MASLOW ideas ,,,, who fucking cares what others think ,,, if you have under control maslow’s hierarchy of needs young master you only NEED CASH because you want cash . FOR ALL OF LIFES BASICS are in ( more or less ) your control well matures ..haronmy expressions , that have evidence trails of billions of years of going on and on …. Plants just fucking grow , even chickens ducks and guinea hens they realy do not need my care they can easy to become wild given som form a good home …. And you gave them that …in the site plan . your housing comfy nature based … BUT THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE the fear of realy talking or even exploring ideas for the fear of what others may say or think about even exploring the ALTER NAITVE … so voyeurism is next bes thing .
Hmmmm form source looking at things from broader perspective … .. I asked why ,,, and why is not improtatn ,, what ever her reasoning miss good pussy ,,,, well it serves her from inside the cage she lives , and that is answer enough for me to feell good about her choice to … smile coyly ,,, and just walk on by …. The day will come , in fact from the energy of reader thought also . the larger dynamics chsnges , when I see the amount o hits to vision board page …. That is each person adding to my creation …. Their won creation .. and extra energy to mine .
A mind once exposed to an idea will forever calculate that new option inot the formation of solutions ,,,,, instinctualism will come into mind of all the … miss good pussys , who … in their voyeurism expose themselves to the ALTERNATIVE . …and that is an energy that actually supports me , it supports ..any and all miss good pussy who , feels her contrast ..ACUTELY enough …. Get out side of her box , the nergy flow of …. The whole , supports her FEELING good in her new exploration of ….. instinctualism . s source see it as ,,, a very good? Like always just gotta step back far enough to see the good .
You cannot look at that which you do not want and not join and perpetuate that vibration. Take your attention from that which is not in harmony with who you are, and in taking your attention from it, your "now vibration" will adjust to who you really are, and then you can uplift others.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Portland, OR on Tuesday, June 10th, 1997
Stepping inot the limite ( yes always limited because human barin is limited to processing only 2 gigs per now ) stepping inot the mind frame of BRAODER perspective when it feels good to , is jus that …… taking attention from the unwanted by seeing the positive aspects if not for you atleast in the allowing of OTHERS their won free choice to find positive in it .
How does source.. your greater connecter with everyone elses greater self .. see miss good pussys ,, voyeurism ahhh young master what a question ,,, life is not the waiting around for things to happen that were sent out into Vibrational Escrow ,,well yes it is but it is waiting not trying to force things. But .the action of living is that which which brings up QUESTIONS that continually amend those wants , not total life powerful questions but little questions of claifying … and these are TOO contrasting events are not big important ones , but , form the describing or thinking positively about the question ,,,,, something is created into the VORTEX of tao ,,,,the un maifesed yet ….. and thru VOYEURISM data is added questions are added … to understand vibrational escrow chec out the Abraham link at
And in the saying out loud for others to think about a questions ,,then all thought in VIBRTINAL ESCROW blend in the … I in I … the answers blend together ,,, a group of thought conscsiuoness that does effect answers you will ..experince as your manifestation arrives with events of the PLAYERS the con creators other people , new oppurutunities of finding answers that suprize and dlieght you so often …. All those little bits of adding to
What is it about those girls who have tasted for themselves the contrastof relationship in ways ..that have left them … wanting GRANDER changes or atleast Aalter native CHANGES , just bummed aT the options they have now , but to grasp or talk , or to meet … would be to go outside of bounds of mental cages … the cages of 2nd mind … I believe , that girl too has a core fear of death around breaking out of the shello of protection ,…. We all stay in line for fear that to leave the CORRCT path may mean loss of job of security etc ….. ahhh all things the MASLOW ideas ,,,, who fucking cares what others think ,,, if you have under control maslow’s hierarchy of needs young master you only NEED CASH because you want cash . FOR ALL OF LIFES BASICS are in ( more or less ) your control well matures ..haronmy expressions , that have evidence trails of billions of years of going on and on …. Plants just fucking grow , even chickens ducks and guinea hens they realy do not need my care they can easy to become wild given som form a good home …. And you gave them that …in the site plan . your housing comfy nature based … BUT THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE the fear of realy talking or even exploring ideas for the fear of what others may say or think about even exploring the ALTER NAITVE … so voyeurism is next bes thing .
Hmmmm form source looking at things from broader perspective … .. I asked why ,,, and why is not improtatn ,, what ever her reasoning miss good pussy ,,,, well it serves her from inside the cage she lives , and that is answer enough for me to feell good about her choice to … smile coyly ,,, and just walk on by …. The day will come , in fact from the energy of reader thought also . the larger dynamics chsnges , when I see the amount o hits to vision board page …. That is each person adding to my creation …. Their won creation .. and extra energy to mine .
A mind once exposed to an idea will forever calculate that new option inot the formation of solutions ,,,,, instinctualism will come into mind of all the … miss good pussys , who … in their voyeurism expose themselves to the ALTERNATIVE . …and that is an energy that actually supports me , it supports ..any and all miss good pussy who , feels her contrast ..ACUTELY enough …. Get out side of her box , the nergy flow of …. The whole , supports her FEELING good in her new exploration of ….. instinctualism . s source see it as ,,, a very good? Like always just gotta step back far enough to see the good .
You cannot look at that which you do not want and not join and perpetuate that vibration. Take your attention from that which is not in harmony with who you are, and in taking your attention from it, your "now vibration" will adjust to who you really are, and then you can uplift others.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Portland, OR on Tuesday, June 10th, 1997
Stepping inot the limite ( yes always limited because human barin is limited to processing only 2 gigs per now ) stepping inot the mind frame of BRAODER perspective when it feels good to , is jus that …… taking attention from the unwanted by seeing the positive aspects if not for you atleast in the allowing of OTHERS their won free choice to find positive in it .
Thursday, October 29, 2009
another good pussy
Another good pussy
I donot feel a way to word this interms of ,,, young master .. so I will not ,,, that was a simple anwswer to my should of presenting my blogs in ceratin terms of 2nd mind expectations I created for myself based upon living up to the idea I have created in my mind about what others want to make themselves happy…
And from here I jump …. Still livivng the MANIPULATION , I AM not talking about dating but almost any contact between male and female if the partys are living , the effects of SEUXAL manipulation in their experience has within it ,,the ..aspects of manipulation ,,, of COY and shyness of partys ..of living up to the epxpecattions of 2nd mind their own minds . thus limiting what is at first just open social interaction ..
Now 3 years from the phil of 3 years I need that more open ,,social intereaction ,,, I need real live girls view points not just reapeated ,,,, hidden VOYUERISM …. But mind shedding .ego less inteleigent , PURPOSEFUL … dialogues …. This is the next step in my own ALLOWING the flow
So ,,, miss good pussy ( naming of concept ) ,,, yes you have been TAINt’d by the EVE idea , all your life but you KNOW something is WRONG you do not know what ,, is wrong but .there is something and then along cummms phil the window washer …. Well not wummms but comes to wash the corp. ehadquarters windows again , month in month , year after year , ,,, I have for a few years been kinds of embarrassed to wash the window of your company and all the satillte outlets … for when I came out of the closet locally with TWISTED INSTINCT kinda handing out free copies of my book 3 years ago , well one of your employees a married woman … some how she got one ,,, I d o not know shy I gave her one and why for so long we ould talk and talk during the times of my service of that outlet …. And then when I find her at CORP … I smile in an enabarassed way ,, as , different girl after different girl moth after month has come smiling to the door to greet me then maybe the same girl or another one , will come to pay me , with always a fat tip which igave up tryint go give back or take of of future bills ….
But it isRARE you show up at the door when I arrive , I have watched you thru the window for along time , I can see the HURT IN YOUR SOUL sure you got he good job ,,that was supposed to give you HAPINESS AS ..the world told you it would but , there is always the FEELING OF spriti coming from you of emempt;y iness …. The empty rign fignger says volumes , the presense of OVERTLY GAY FEMALES who nod in ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF my IDFFENCE …. For I know you all know who I am .
Yet you good pussy are the SEEKER ..of the alter anitve …. And no one has presented a workable ..expression of it ,,,
You are like the girls who had come to jamming in Jensen only to get side tracked by the female I had currently in my life , a very good person in herself of course , PERFECT EP[XRESSION OF HER OWN . toa …not mine but her won as she SHOULD BE … and very good experiencial teacher for me ,,,, the most perfect 3 years I was blessd to have lived with my very dear friend who I love like NO OTHER … ….. you goodpussy are seeking … and finding dead ends , confusion , GAME PLAYERS
And I still resisit to meet you now for I DO NOT REPREESENT THE WHOLENESS OF for me it is a J & H … like I allude to in twisted instinct ,,the just and honest … to not be ..atleast involved in building I am not the worthy male that I suggest in …. to invovle you know I MAY MISTAKENLY … I maybe missing my best helper ? who knows maybe the girl who got side tracked were all my best helpers ,,NO THEIR OWN BEST HELPERS … for the idea at the core of …. is the self a girl who is understanding self .. as teacher of teachers and teachers teach what they need to elarn the most ! in my male honor system I may be hindering that which is important it me ,,,\
Importance to me ,,, I get a call form one of my kids separated from me by divorce ..who … I like I like another GOOD PUSSY iwas talking with … understanding that the continuation of FIGHTING only hurts that which hse loves the omost so she left ….. instead of hurt her child more ,,in fighting to satisfy the EGO …of society ‘s ideas 2nd mind shit , she like me as we talked , both understood ….them ,,, the kids are most important and our presence is DE STABLIZING now matter how much conseling is done , the dynics of real human life do not ive up to the … thinking that created the problems willnot create the solution para frased Einstien . . … and as I hear my li’ ones ovice on the recorder and my heart breaks once more , I say I MUST … I MUST PRESENT AN …….. ALTERNATIVE …. For them at all costs . to self …
And in my action you miss good pussy ….. controller … yet slave to that company that you landed such a great job being yourself so young … old enough to have ived hurt and confusion young enough to seek difference ….for in complete femaleness is all aobut you … you also get an alternative a HOLISTIC ALTERNATIVE not just in the confusion of sex love boy and girl but in terms of your choice of eeconics ND ECOLOGY etc etc etc … …. Thru the actions of the window washer who yu tip and smile at … nice to see you once more , I hope you come to greet me directly more often . yet I do enjoy all the others girls also . but there is a connection in those lost soul eyes … and simple smiles .
So your INTEREST .. is the vibration .. I want to see more of in my expreince …. It is my want to see more of you and your sisterhood in all different shapes and sizes and … and ..and ? female human expressions …. Broad enough ?
Two statements that will serve you very well. The first is: There will always be war. There will always be those who aggravate within others a sense of trouble in order to promote the solution that they already have their mind made up about. And so you're never going to come into agreement as a mass consciousness that this is "the way." There will always be disagreements; therefore, there will always be turmoil; there will always be war.
The other statement, that is our favorite is: Well-Being will always abound, so the dominant experience of the majority of people will always be one of Well-Being. So you can decide, at any point in time, in what part of this you want to play. You can use anything as your excuse to align with Well-being, or you can use anything as your excuse to not align. The thing that we think is at the heart of this discussion is my own personal power. We think that's what you are, sort of, struggling for and reaching for.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Francisco, CA on Saturday, March 8th, 2003
My own free choice ,,, and why would one focus on the aspects of the UNWANTED after the understanding has been Id’d and solutions have been set forth …… for now after the solution ahs come to mind , it is time to focus on that , the solution will speak for it self , the evidence trail of success willt ak for itself , if that is what you want it to do , and if it is about you jus t living the better life stemsing from the contrast that brought about the ..solution no one else has to be involved …it is not your job to FIX the world , in fact that would PREVENT other aspects of TAO from coming into the play ground of time/space with the intent to Expreience a HORROR STORY INSTEAD OF HEAVE ..not my right to choose that for them …. I do not know their PARTS tto fit , why theychoose to come be bornin a war zone ….
Why ? would I not focus on the ..solution ? because for 1 aspect I maybe living thru the concept I want to be held in 2nd mind , in how others see me .
I donot feel a way to word this interms of ,,, young master .. so I will not ,,, that was a simple anwswer to my should of presenting my blogs in ceratin terms of 2nd mind expectations I created for myself based upon living up to the idea I have created in my mind about what others want to make themselves happy…
And from here I jump …. Still livivng the MANIPULATION , I AM not talking about dating but almost any contact between male and female if the partys are living , the effects of SEUXAL manipulation in their experience has within it ,,the ..aspects of manipulation ,,, of COY and shyness of partys ..of living up to the epxpecattions of 2nd mind their own minds . thus limiting what is at first just open social interaction ..
Now 3 years from the phil of 3 years I need that more open ,,social intereaction ,,, I need real live girls view points not just reapeated ,,,, hidden VOYUERISM …. But mind shedding .ego less inteleigent , PURPOSEFUL … dialogues …. This is the next step in my own ALLOWING the flow
So ,,, miss good pussy ( naming of concept ) ,,, yes you have been TAINt’d by the EVE idea , all your life but you KNOW something is WRONG you do not know what ,, is wrong but .there is something and then along cummms phil the window washer …. Well not wummms but comes to wash the corp. ehadquarters windows again , month in month , year after year , ,,, I have for a few years been kinds of embarrassed to wash the window of your company and all the satillte outlets … for when I came out of the closet locally with TWISTED INSTINCT kinda handing out free copies of my book 3 years ago , well one of your employees a married woman … some how she got one ,,, I d o not know shy I gave her one and why for so long we ould talk and talk during the times of my service of that outlet …. And then when I find her at CORP … I smile in an enabarassed way ,, as , different girl after different girl moth after month has come smiling to the door to greet me then maybe the same girl or another one , will come to pay me , with always a fat tip which igave up tryint go give back or take of of future bills ….
But it isRARE you show up at the door when I arrive , I have watched you thru the window for along time , I can see the HURT IN YOUR SOUL sure you got he good job ,,that was supposed to give you HAPINESS AS ..the world told you it would but , there is always the FEELING OF spriti coming from you of emempt;y iness …. The empty rign fignger says volumes , the presense of OVERTLY GAY FEMALES who nod in ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF my IDFFENCE …. For I know you all know who I am .
Yet you good pussy are the SEEKER ..of the alter anitve …. And no one has presented a workable ..expression of it ,,,
You are like the girls who had come to jamming in Jensen only to get side tracked by the female I had currently in my life , a very good person in herself of course , PERFECT EP[XRESSION OF HER OWN . toa …not mine but her won as she SHOULD BE … and very good experiencial teacher for me ,,,, the most perfect 3 years I was blessd to have lived with my very dear friend who I love like NO OTHER … ….. you goodpussy are seeking … and finding dead ends , confusion , GAME PLAYERS
And I still resisit to meet you now for I DO NOT REPREESENT THE WHOLENESS OF for me it is a J & H … like I allude to in twisted instinct ,,the just and honest … to not be ..atleast involved in building I am not the worthy male that I suggest in …. to invovle you know I MAY MISTAKENLY … I maybe missing my best helper ? who knows maybe the girl who got side tracked were all my best helpers ,,NO THEIR OWN BEST HELPERS … for the idea at the core of …. is the self a girl who is understanding self .. as teacher of teachers and teachers teach what they need to elarn the most ! in my male honor system I may be hindering that which is important it me ,,,\
Importance to me ,,, I get a call form one of my kids separated from me by divorce ..who … I like I like another GOOD PUSSY iwas talking with … understanding that the continuation of FIGHTING only hurts that which hse loves the omost so she left ….. instead of hurt her child more ,,in fighting to satisfy the EGO …of society ‘s ideas 2nd mind shit , she like me as we talked , both understood ….them ,,, the kids are most important and our presence is DE STABLIZING now matter how much conseling is done , the dynics of real human life do not ive up to the … thinking that created the problems willnot create the solution para frased Einstien . . … and as I hear my li’ ones ovice on the recorder and my heart breaks once more , I say I MUST … I MUST PRESENT AN …….. ALTERNATIVE …. For them at all costs . to self …
And in my action you miss good pussy ….. controller … yet slave to that company that you landed such a great job being yourself so young … old enough to have ived hurt and confusion young enough to seek difference ….for in complete femaleness is all aobut you … you also get an alternative a HOLISTIC ALTERNATIVE not just in the confusion of sex love boy and girl but in terms of your choice of eeconics ND ECOLOGY etc etc etc … …. Thru the actions of the window washer who yu tip and smile at … nice to see you once more , I hope you come to greet me directly more often . yet I do enjoy all the others girls also . but there is a connection in those lost soul eyes … and simple smiles .
So your INTEREST .. is the vibration .. I want to see more of in my expreince …. It is my want to see more of you and your sisterhood in all different shapes and sizes and … and ..and ? female human expressions …. Broad enough ?
Two statements that will serve you very well. The first is: There will always be war. There will always be those who aggravate within others a sense of trouble in order to promote the solution that they already have their mind made up about. And so you're never going to come into agreement as a mass consciousness that this is "the way." There will always be disagreements; therefore, there will always be turmoil; there will always be war.
The other statement, that is our favorite is: Well-Being will always abound, so the dominant experience of the majority of people will always be one of Well-Being. So you can decide, at any point in time, in what part of this you want to play. You can use anything as your excuse to align with Well-being, or you can use anything as your excuse to not align. The thing that we think is at the heart of this discussion is my own personal power. We think that's what you are, sort of, struggling for and reaching for.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Francisco, CA on Saturday, March 8th, 2003
My own free choice ,,, and why would one focus on the aspects of the UNWANTED after the understanding has been Id’d and solutions have been set forth …… for now after the solution ahs come to mind , it is time to focus on that , the solution will speak for it self , the evidence trail of success willt ak for itself , if that is what you want it to do , and if it is about you jus t living the better life stemsing from the contrast that brought about the ..solution no one else has to be involved …it is not your job to FIX the world , in fact that would PREVENT other aspects of TAO from coming into the play ground of time/space with the intent to Expreience a HORROR STORY INSTEAD OF HEAVE ..not my right to choose that for them …. I do not know their PARTS tto fit , why theychoose to come be bornin a war zone ….
Why ? would I not focus on the ..solution ? because for 1 aspect I maybe living thru the concept I want to be held in 2nd mind , in how others see me .
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
scar faced
Scar faced
Young master , your dom vibration , vibration is the word of the sage refereeing to the FREQUENCY of thinking , as in Quantum wave event type shit ….
Ahh mirrors ,,,,, tell lies ,,, you can see what ever you want to see in others ,,, I will expand that later or you can see the SHOULD BE THERE ..or compared to todays fashions of others …. In others an of yourelf that is where the lie of the mirror is , in your won , self image , WHO ARE YOU TO DICTATE TO OTHERS HOW THEY SHOOULD SEE YOU , but in your vibration about your own self image , your transmit that SHIHC YOU WILL RECEIVE from others .
Okay so I have a scar ..that is an important jugemenet point in todays world …the skin deep image of beautly that can bee seen if I let myself smile , which I have been training myself for some time now not to do , an acitivity I used to love , but I now stop . so as not to be judged like a book by the cover …yet ,,, ask young master for what you want ,,not hink constantly about what you donot want OK ..the understanding more clearly of the unwanted is important actually it is step 1 ,,,, it is the contrast that set forth the rockets of desire … and the vents that come that allow for the correlation of data to create ….BELIEF in possibility of complex changes .
Complexity of changes ,,, belif in the impossible , my scar is the result of the for profit meidacl system gone wild ,a dn the love ..of loving parents trained in service to PAHROH … belief in the eystem knows best . now enabling me to thingk MORE BRAODSLY , for with out my scar I would not have interst in this topic . wow we are now finding evidence ..observation from science that it is possible in fact when resistance is lowered by exptreme age it happens automactically ,,tooth re-growth …. Most cool … we are finding that the mega company that devoted so much mind fuck funds to advertising to SELL SHIT … that we realy knew very little about the dyamincs of . not broad enough view point . "When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way."
The glycerin base of tooth paste prevented RE CALCIFACTION … or self repeair of teeth , but …is great for the business of sticking toxic metal in the palce of SELF REPAIR , which they all knew would lead to big buck SALES later in life …
I could worried about the SKIN DEEP … and fix my scars …. But choose not to . for I know MY IMAGE IS THE CHOICE ,,,FREE CHOICE OF THE ..OBSERVER …
Is her EVE or miss good pussy ?
Ahh to describe more now the alter native ,,miss good pussy … I have named her so , like the hurricane .. I will experience her . thru my describeing of her …
What others want to see ,, I said I would return to that , I was lucky yong master for years to run a MAN’S CLUB …. A bait and tackle shop where men came , hung talked complained of course ,,but in that they said interesting things common themes ,,, but 1 special one ,,, who not a customer but he was represented in the talk I heard too , the special 1 was my old man ,,, a maring , adrunk , bad boy opeiun freak , …just freak , womanizer , ..devoted husband and father …. Who after ww2 met a cute chick learned a few words in her language after a few days and said ….WIEEZ U MARRI UP WIEEZ ME …. And so , and eve returns to her home ladn with a common European mute ,,, scandal for a family with such roots not quite blue but …. Big frogs in a small pond ..
Ahh to have EVE as mommy … a real cute Eve , the room mate of briggete bardoe . and dad said even as mom lay dieing not resembleing the human bio macine I had even seen ,,,nothing like my mother , he said he still saw not in THAT MINUTE the same girl as on the movie set on the shores of france . where he was an extra . and ended up hooking up with that hottie … ( ohh why was mom EVE , I never saw her as such but others did , you the kids , wore dollar shoe sneekers while she wore minks and Diamonds , well hell I did not care they were shoes that covered my feet while I went fishing , what the fuck di d , bass want with seeing me WEAR DIAMONDS or minks that ain’t fishing bait …. It made dad happy and mom happy , and that let me go fishing everyday out of their hair life was good ! ..see whatever you want to see , read into things what ever you want to read but I was fucking happy and so was EVE and adaM (may toa expand their presence into infinity or as others say may god rest their soul ) ….. cool then and now ,,cool for all Eve’s I still see .) .but what of MISS GOOD PUSSY ….. what about her chance for alternatives ,,, be in competition with EVE ,,, be alone .. be GAY ? limited choices only because . is yet written named like the hurricane but not expreinced yet ?
But back to a Free choice to see , whatever we want to see in the other for ever ,,,, reality is up to you , .. it is a result of the vibrations ..of thinking that wave form of quatum mechanics we … the USER OF BIO MECHANICS …. Have free choice over …. The mirro only tells you lies ..even your eyes will tell lies , depending on the way.. you WANT to think . .
Young master , your dom vibration , vibration is the word of the sage refereeing to the FREQUENCY of thinking , as in Quantum wave event type shit ….
Ahh mirrors ,,,,, tell lies ,,, you can see what ever you want to see in others ,,, I will expand that later or you can see the SHOULD BE THERE ..or compared to todays fashions of others …. In others an of yourelf that is where the lie of the mirror is , in your won , self image , WHO ARE YOU TO DICTATE TO OTHERS HOW THEY SHOOULD SEE YOU , but in your vibration about your own self image , your transmit that SHIHC YOU WILL RECEIVE from others .
Okay so I have a scar ..that is an important jugemenet point in todays world …the skin deep image of beautly that can bee seen if I let myself smile , which I have been training myself for some time now not to do , an acitivity I used to love , but I now stop . so as not to be judged like a book by the cover …yet ,,, ask young master for what you want ,,not hink constantly about what you donot want OK ..the understanding more clearly of the unwanted is important actually it is step 1 ,,,, it is the contrast that set forth the rockets of desire … and the vents that come that allow for the correlation of data to create ….BELIEF in possibility of complex changes .
Complexity of changes ,,, belif in the impossible , my scar is the result of the for profit meidacl system gone wild ,a dn the love ..of loving parents trained in service to PAHROH … belief in the eystem knows best . now enabling me to thingk MORE BRAODSLY , for with out my scar I would not have interst in this topic . wow we are now finding evidence ..observation from science that it is possible in fact when resistance is lowered by exptreme age it happens automactically ,,tooth re-growth …. Most cool … we are finding that the mega company that devoted so much mind fuck funds to advertising to SELL SHIT … that we realy knew very little about the dyamincs of . not broad enough view point . "When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way."
The glycerin base of tooth paste prevented RE CALCIFACTION … or self repeair of teeth , but …is great for the business of sticking toxic metal in the palce of SELF REPAIR , which they all knew would lead to big buck SALES later in life …
I could worried about the SKIN DEEP … and fix my scars …. But choose not to . for I know MY IMAGE IS THE CHOICE ,,,FREE CHOICE OF THE ..OBSERVER …
Is her EVE or miss good pussy ?
Ahh to describe more now the alter native ,,miss good pussy … I have named her so , like the hurricane .. I will experience her . thru my describeing of her …
What others want to see ,, I said I would return to that , I was lucky yong master for years to run a MAN’S CLUB …. A bait and tackle shop where men came , hung talked complained of course ,,but in that they said interesting things common themes ,,, but 1 special one ,,, who not a customer but he was represented in the talk I heard too , the special 1 was my old man ,,, a maring , adrunk , bad boy opeiun freak , …just freak , womanizer , ..devoted husband and father …. Who after ww2 met a cute chick learned a few words in her language after a few days and said ….WIEEZ U MARRI UP WIEEZ ME …. And so , and eve returns to her home ladn with a common European mute ,,, scandal for a family with such roots not quite blue but …. Big frogs in a small pond ..
Ahh to have EVE as mommy … a real cute Eve , the room mate of briggete bardoe . and dad said even as mom lay dieing not resembleing the human bio macine I had even seen ,,,nothing like my mother , he said he still saw not in THAT MINUTE the same girl as on the movie set on the shores of france . where he was an extra . and ended up hooking up with that hottie … ( ohh why was mom EVE , I never saw her as such but others did , you the kids , wore dollar shoe sneekers while she wore minks and Diamonds , well hell I did not care they were shoes that covered my feet while I went fishing , what the fuck di d , bass want with seeing me WEAR DIAMONDS or minks that ain’t fishing bait …. It made dad happy and mom happy , and that let me go fishing everyday out of their hair life was good ! ..see whatever you want to see , read into things what ever you want to read but I was fucking happy and so was EVE and adaM (may toa expand their presence into infinity or as others say may god rest their soul ) ….. cool then and now ,,cool for all Eve’s I still see .) .but what of MISS GOOD PUSSY ….. what about her chance for alternatives ,,, be in competition with EVE ,,, be alone .. be GAY ? limited choices only because . is yet written named like the hurricane but not expreinced yet ?
But back to a Free choice to see , whatever we want to see in the other for ever ,,,, reality is up to you , .. it is a result of the vibrations ..of thinking that wave form of quatum mechanics we … the USER OF BIO MECHANICS …. Have free choice over …. The mirro only tells you lies ..even your eyes will tell lies , depending on the way.. you WANT to think . .
teacher of myself
Teacher of myself
Words are an un lit candle….. for like the sage reminds old wisedoms , words to not teach it is life experience that teaches ,,,the words if used if the candle is lit it can guide someone thru darkness while adventuring .
Young master it is wisely said , a teacher teaches what they themselves need most to learn …… and I can proudly say I feel I have proven that correct , in fact I believe in the suing of you as my tool of self exploration , is again t he same as in hypnosisi to guide the client into FEELING the wanted thru them imagining of a non related third party experiencing the wanted event of the client… now this is again not the first time I have admiited this or brought up this topic ,,not an admission like I ever thought myself better than be teacher per se … only A 1 ..who will ..willl ..WILL expose in effort to create candles for those who attract these candles in word . how many people run churches ,, hwo many TAO teachers re there around …. Lack of supply .
Sounds fucked up , it has to do without training to live for others not our selves , but ,,to arugue with reality is not profitable ,,to move in lil steps of understanding ,,that make sense ,,, you can not want to become a major league pitcher and expect to land the job without some time of practiseing ….. a complex structure of BELIEFS is surrounding the importance even IN YOU revolving around the posossiton of becoming a major league pitcher ,, so that belifeef in your own mind must be satiflyed .
So to it is in making any changes that effect the WHOLE AGREEMENT state you have lived in , YES YOU CAN CHANGE THINGS , to keep the POSTIVE EXPECTATION ,,, accept the experience of TIME/SPACE TO STILLB E PART OF the experience of time/space .
What ever tool FEELS GOOD works with LIL OR NO RESISITANCE , is agood method …teacher teach what they need to learn the most ,,,, ahhhh what you do not want to admit you are still a LEARNING of the IN FI NITE , what you want every one to believe you KNOW IT ALL ! … fool , who or what but the complete connction to the Unthinkable THE UNDESCRIBABLE .. SOULD A STATE OF … knowing it all be … inthis limit you are always in ALLWAYS still a LEARNER OF SHIT … the one learning even from your own teaching . of others
Self wanted
Hmmm so again I will talk to myself thru young master …. Wanting ,,, it seems so easy to want but then again , there I believe is wanting that has a BAISIS in the self image you have of yourself that is really the relfection of reactions from others ,,and then …. There is YOU ….. it is a sublte difference that is felt when you cut the strings … it is felt in the passions .. or lack of passions
Now there is no one else to do something for except self ,,, the real self … not the self created to get resonses form others who react to your actions …now
Now your WANTING is pure …. Now when you get the passion for actions , it is based upon YOU and only you …… there is something here that will be. Come to over a period of time …. A clarity of this issue , I have felt before ,,, yet never gave word to . but his time I will put word to it , for there is the ME and then the ME as a reaction to those others … this will be one of those CORRELATING of data expeince events …
There is some sort of magic in this difference …. One is the energy of creation for ..self yes , but self as in the 2nd mind … and the other is pure you . without regard for 2nd ..mind yet we are SOCIAL …. Being friendly is important we do not like being alone. We want to attract 2nd mind/s ….. attract to a real you
Ahhh …..ATTRACT TO A REAL YOU …. Not the response image that which you cultivate in a MIRROR ….. but a real you they can choose to attract with or ignore . so who is the REAL YOU ? ever met him lately ? now the effects of living in a FAST FOOD WORLD ..INSTANT GRAIFIACTION . … when reality is that life does take up TIME/SPACE ….. manifestation of wants take experiences to be correlated and new belief patterns formed so , ALLOWING CAN …..ALLOW based upon belief for nothing comes to you outside of BELIEF .
So if you explore or look to know REAL SELF ,, form a frustrated set point .. then you set up ….. a confused wanting … there is a sublte question of importance here . in all this it will arrive … understanding will arrive …
This ties to the Eistien quate a solution can not be found in the thinking that created the problem …… just hearing stock answers coming from standard ..SHAM . self help acutaliztion movements ….. no eventhose Guru’s wonder why their teaching work so GREAT for some and not for others …. The others are creating formt he SELF of 2nd mind response ,,not pure SELFISH –NESS …. And why do inot act from self ? ohh that is old traing that I have been very good at living up to …
So I experience the classic of momentum pyshihcs … in thought …. Something in montion continues in montion until acted upon by opther forces , and that takes time ..
Being happy and expective of wants …. When ALONE …. Without audiences ….. hmmmm there is some learning here .. piece by thinking piece … tis is so important a PIECE ..for when you here the great expanantion from the sage of Taon in current day word tool , yet the listener is still lost ….
Even those who get it ,, get it thru a MENTAL SELF CREATION of response to tohers ,,, so engrained it becomes the functioning self …. Ego ? what about …ME behind the persona phil ….. that which is using the BIO MACHINE HUMAN ….. who wanted to use bio machine human …. What do …me want .
For in MY THRIVING I am less concerned of the clamor of the world ….. how am I tuneing my self …..
Ahh now what if ,,, I am in the action game … no longer I am on theoutside wanting but now I am ,,more and more in it , and from the inside the feeling place is different …. It is comparable to the excitement or dream of someday owning a baitshop and then ,,,then ,, the days of walking in rain , painting walls being creative .to adapt to events that were really happening as it pertaining to living that DREAM
Maybe thisis the aspect of FEELING PLACE DIFFERNECE I am feeling …. And the ego self and me self is a red herring making WOMTHING OUT OF NOTHING …. Yes and no … will accept both aspects in fact many more aspects of feeling points , I am not simple , neither are you sim[ple young master …. All pieces of the dyanic called the human bio machine . and the brain self ,,, resulting of years of manipulations . ..that self talk we all have ….
Ahh the clarifying of my want to from another set point of experience ….. have I described what I want the EVER spirit to become ? I have talked much about the UNWANTED but what about the wanted ? my idea not the diea form 2nd mind , but what I THINK , and from there I ATTRACT ….. those who want to expand beyong the concepts of EVE that are here and not serving ,,,,,, anyone ? well those who do find ,,, sonme thing wrong ? not to judge ..any one for all are correct as there are , but the ALTER NATIVE nust be DESCRIBED teacher ,, what is you idea which will be the NEXT JUMPING OFF POINT FOR EXPASION ..
You never get it done …… for done would mean the end of INFINITY .
You don't have to take the bad with the good. Why include the bad in the vibration? Only include the good in the vibration, and then only the good can come to you.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Napa, CA on Thursday, February 27th, 1997
Ok to translate it …. There was no thing as HURRICAINE ( BAD THING ) before human gave it NAME , described it ,,, and then man wated in fear for the hurricaine to come as was described by the olds , who heard it from the old ones …. And as they waited and heard the storys , hurricane came , or atleast something that was comparable to the DESCRIPTIONS of the named …. THNK ABOUT IT
So you already have been TRAINED in many many BAD THINGS they have been described nad over time you started to experience evedience ot them … this training is hard to EXTRACT from the ..future plans you have about the WANTS you have sent out into the TAO /vibrational escrow …. It is hard not IM POSSIBLE , remember being more source like or being …. Mr. I don’t know of tao …. And tao ,,,there is NO IM-possiblity ..there is IN FI NITE possibles , even for your way of choosing to think …
A body in motion tends to stay in motion until acted upon by another force ….. the other ways of thinking is your FORCE ….the force that effects the POSSIBLES in TAO that may ,,ever changing ..may express themselves for you to extract what ,,, you are EXPECTING belieiving will and can or MYA happen … and here comes the understanding of SLEEP WITH PIGS WAKE UP SMELLING LIKE SHIT …. The poisin of living the same old same old life and expecting changes? Well this is not the evidence trail of changing the MOTION THE MONENTUMS .
Words are an un lit candle….. for like the sage reminds old wisedoms , words to not teach it is life experience that teaches ,,,the words if used if the candle is lit it can guide someone thru darkness while adventuring .
Young master it is wisely said , a teacher teaches what they themselves need most to learn …… and I can proudly say I feel I have proven that correct , in fact I believe in the suing of you as my tool of self exploration , is again t he same as in hypnosisi to guide the client into FEELING the wanted thru them imagining of a non related third party experiencing the wanted event of the client… now this is again not the first time I have admiited this or brought up this topic ,,not an admission like I ever thought myself better than be teacher per se … only A 1 ..who will ..willl ..WILL expose in effort to create candles for those who attract these candles in word . how many people run churches ,, hwo many TAO teachers re there around …. Lack of supply .
Sounds fucked up , it has to do without training to live for others not our selves , but ,,to arugue with reality is not profitable ,,to move in lil steps of understanding ,,that make sense ,,, you can not want to become a major league pitcher and expect to land the job without some time of practiseing ….. a complex structure of BELIEFS is surrounding the importance even IN YOU revolving around the posossiton of becoming a major league pitcher ,, so that belifeef in your own mind must be satiflyed .
So to it is in making any changes that effect the WHOLE AGREEMENT state you have lived in , YES YOU CAN CHANGE THINGS , to keep the POSTIVE EXPECTATION ,,, accept the experience of TIME/SPACE TO STILLB E PART OF the experience of time/space .
What ever tool FEELS GOOD works with LIL OR NO RESISITANCE , is agood method …teacher teach what they need to learn the most ,,,, ahhhh what you do not want to admit you are still a LEARNING of the IN FI NITE , what you want every one to believe you KNOW IT ALL ! … fool , who or what but the complete connction to the Unthinkable THE UNDESCRIBABLE .. SOULD A STATE OF … knowing it all be … inthis limit you are always in ALLWAYS still a LEARNER OF SHIT … the one learning even from your own teaching . of others
Self wanted
Hmmm so again I will talk to myself thru young master …. Wanting ,,, it seems so easy to want but then again , there I believe is wanting that has a BAISIS in the self image you have of yourself that is really the relfection of reactions from others ,,and then …. There is YOU ….. it is a sublte difference that is felt when you cut the strings … it is felt in the passions .. or lack of passions
Now there is no one else to do something for except self ,,, the real self … not the self created to get resonses form others who react to your actions …now
Now your WANTING is pure …. Now when you get the passion for actions , it is based upon YOU and only you …… there is something here that will be. Come to over a period of time …. A clarity of this issue , I have felt before ,,, yet never gave word to . but his time I will put word to it , for there is the ME and then the ME as a reaction to those others … this will be one of those CORRELATING of data expeince events …
There is some sort of magic in this difference …. One is the energy of creation for ..self yes , but self as in the 2nd mind … and the other is pure you . without regard for 2nd ..mind yet we are SOCIAL …. Being friendly is important we do not like being alone. We want to attract 2nd mind/s ….. attract to a real you
Ahhh …..ATTRACT TO A REAL YOU …. Not the response image that which you cultivate in a MIRROR ….. but a real you they can choose to attract with or ignore . so who is the REAL YOU ? ever met him lately ? now the effects of living in a FAST FOOD WORLD ..INSTANT GRAIFIACTION . … when reality is that life does take up TIME/SPACE ….. manifestation of wants take experiences to be correlated and new belief patterns formed so , ALLOWING CAN …..ALLOW based upon belief for nothing comes to you outside of BELIEF .
So if you explore or look to know REAL SELF ,, form a frustrated set point .. then you set up ….. a confused wanting … there is a sublte question of importance here . in all this it will arrive … understanding will arrive …
This ties to the Eistien quate a solution can not be found in the thinking that created the problem …… just hearing stock answers coming from standard ..SHAM . self help acutaliztion movements ….. no eventhose Guru’s wonder why their teaching work so GREAT for some and not for others …. The others are creating formt he SELF of 2nd mind response ,,not pure SELFISH –NESS …. And why do inot act from self ? ohh that is old traing that I have been very good at living up to …
So I experience the classic of momentum pyshihcs … in thought …. Something in montion continues in montion until acted upon by opther forces , and that takes time ..
Being happy and expective of wants …. When ALONE …. Without audiences ….. hmmmm there is some learning here .. piece by thinking piece … tis is so important a PIECE ..for when you here the great expanantion from the sage of Taon in current day word tool , yet the listener is still lost ….
Even those who get it ,, get it thru a MENTAL SELF CREATION of response to tohers ,,, so engrained it becomes the functioning self …. Ego ? what about …ME behind the persona phil ….. that which is using the BIO MACHINE HUMAN ….. who wanted to use bio machine human …. What do …me want .
For in MY THRIVING I am less concerned of the clamor of the world ….. how am I tuneing my self …..
Ahh now what if ,,, I am in the action game … no longer I am on theoutside wanting but now I am ,,more and more in it , and from the inside the feeling place is different …. It is comparable to the excitement or dream of someday owning a baitshop and then ,,,then ,, the days of walking in rain , painting walls being creative .to adapt to events that were really happening as it pertaining to living that DREAM
Maybe thisis the aspect of FEELING PLACE DIFFERNECE I am feeling …. And the ego self and me self is a red herring making WOMTHING OUT OF NOTHING …. Yes and no … will accept both aspects in fact many more aspects of feeling points , I am not simple , neither are you sim[ple young master …. All pieces of the dyanic called the human bio machine . and the brain self ,,, resulting of years of manipulations . ..that self talk we all have ….
Ahh the clarifying of my want to from another set point of experience ….. have I described what I want the EVER spirit to become ? I have talked much about the UNWANTED but what about the wanted ? my idea not the diea form 2nd mind , but what I THINK , and from there I ATTRACT ….. those who want to expand beyong the concepts of EVE that are here and not serving ,,,,,, anyone ? well those who do find ,,, sonme thing wrong ? not to judge ..any one for all are correct as there are , but the ALTER NATIVE nust be DESCRIBED teacher ,, what is you idea which will be the NEXT JUMPING OFF POINT FOR EXPASION ..
You never get it done …… for done would mean the end of INFINITY .
You don't have to take the bad with the good. Why include the bad in the vibration? Only include the good in the vibration, and then only the good can come to you.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Napa, CA on Thursday, February 27th, 1997
Ok to translate it …. There was no thing as HURRICAINE ( BAD THING ) before human gave it NAME , described it ,,, and then man wated in fear for the hurricaine to come as was described by the olds , who heard it from the old ones …. And as they waited and heard the storys , hurricane came , or atleast something that was comparable to the DESCRIPTIONS of the named …. THNK ABOUT IT
So you already have been TRAINED in many many BAD THINGS they have been described nad over time you started to experience evedience ot them … this training is hard to EXTRACT from the ..future plans you have about the WANTS you have sent out into the TAO /vibrational escrow …. It is hard not IM POSSIBLE , remember being more source like or being …. Mr. I don’t know of tao …. And tao ,,,there is NO IM-possiblity ..there is IN FI NITE possibles , even for your way of choosing to think …
A body in motion tends to stay in motion until acted upon by another force ….. the other ways of thinking is your FORCE ….the force that effects the POSSIBLES in TAO that may ,,ever changing ..may express themselves for you to extract what ,,, you are EXPECTING belieiving will and can or MYA happen … and here comes the understanding of SLEEP WITH PIGS WAKE UP SMELLING LIKE SHIT …. The poisin of living the same old same old life and expecting changes? Well this is not the evidence trail of changing the MOTION THE MONENTUMS .
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
shit pie
Do the tings that make you feel better , sounds simple enough … is the way you are thinking ..amkeing you feel better ? emotional guidance …. You only create in your own mind have no power in the mind of another , their minds can change and do and you really have not lasting effect in that brain … it is ILLUSION to believe your actions effect them … any more than their own free chice to let your actions effect them .
So not doing one thing makes you feel good , but it also stirs up GUILT …. And guilt is very stupid it is trying to create the happiness in 2nd ,,, a place I have no creative control in …but I some reason feel I ,,, or I want so much to help some one , that I will hurt myself for them ….. if I hurt myself in the aid of another am I realy then in any position to AID THEM or are we both damamged ? neither alble to helpt the other ?
Ahhh the whole mountain trail story
The thinking aobut why ,, are they not , seeing the plain evidience trail of me , and not being nice and wellbeing nice thinking of the feeling of another …OOOPS .I ask of the other to create in my m ind ….to be responsible for my feelings …. No their job my job is to move confidendenlty to my goals ,,, and adapt along the way .
So the expecatation of me that that any will will act to take into account my feelings IS BACK WARDS ……I NEED TO THINK ABOUUT THIS SOME MORE . I am doing unto others that like I do not want done to me … ….
I am saying hey can’t you see me and where I am going and what I am asking for …give me that ……. The other has a choice to give or not ,,, and if not I have the choice to ignore them out of my focus … and move on to attraction points . for this one must not be a good attraction match ,,it may have been agreat 1 at a time in a past but that evolved out ..and now ..movement time
If I do not move I will eventually expression the evidence trail of STUCK energy , emotional guidance not listened to ..or dis-ease OF SOME SORT ,,, STRESS IS ….. dis-ease ….. ,,, if everyone were in the same place only 1 teacher would be needed …
Over again , so in asking the UNDERSTANDING of others I am doint unto them what I am complaining about in the moment …. I am feeling stuck because I feel guilt in not making a friend happy … and at the same time asking my friend to take my feelings into account … both of us are asking the other to make us happy ,,now that is fucked up .
That other person is a big person , they can work themselves up their own scale of emotions … if my actions do not provide them with happy happy , they can ignore me out of their world ….. would that hurt my feelings ? and who is able to RESPOND WITH ABLITY IN THE 1 mind? My mind ..them of me …. Can I just then choose ..LEAN IN THE DIRECTION OF NOTICING SOEMTHING ELSE that feels good in the minute ,… take that event out of my focus by free choice or choose bondage ? to that thought . I can notice a butterfly or something else , the world is full of distractions , …really PLEASANT distractions , trees birds clouds ,, life ,,, who chooses the bondage .
And their mind ? that old traiing to worry about how teachers or mommy is feeling .. to worry about PHAROH …. Yes this ties to PHAOROH MIND FUCK TRAINING also , not just the micro of the famly and friends unit , but often in the MACRO there is the same patterns of the micro …
How does my graeter self see that ,,, a recommended slef talk to practice until it becomes habit …remember young master you have been trained in many forms of self talk ,,,now this time you YOU GET TO CHOOSE the patter form going on in your head ,,not the shoulds of ..TOEHRES GREATER than you when you were young who for years told you , WOORY ABOUT WHAT I THINK OR YOU WILL BE PUNISHED SOMETHING AWFULL will happen ….
My greater self , for to use the word tool inner being brings to mind SPIRIT or soul and that brings the perjorative imagery … that it LOOKS LIKE ME … IT HAS HUMANISTIC QUALITIES …. This importance on the FORM OF THE HUMAN BODY ,, the bio machine … WRONG!
Ok , one of the reasons I dig the sage so much is she ,,,says ,,, you are the equal of the animal the bird the worm even the dirt molecules themselves …. Well the inner being of dirt sure as fuck does nothave a ghost like appearance that is humanistic in form …. What would a DIRT MOLECULE ghost look like ? months and months ago I went on and on ..about ,,the BEINGNESS OF a grainof sand …iis my equal …. I mean you can hear the Sage talking about equality of all ..all the time , in a tlk about words she says , THE LARGEST APRT OF YOUR POPULATION HAVVE NO …WORDS . then she goes on to clarify ,that by saying the babys the beasts sonot have words but they have ALIGNMENT …… when she first says population you think right away ,,,HUMAN … we are the ONLY POPULATION …. No the beast the bugs , the BUTTERFLYS …. Are BEING …. Just being ..too !
So that touched on once more …back to me ,, changing my own inner patter .
How would my greater self see the realestate agent … that I am still letting bug me ,, she is not in my face … but thoughts of her creep in to my mind …. Ahhhh what is realy at play … it is me wanting to be LIKED …. Yep the suppilcator …. the core Ross teaches not to do wit women … but we do it with everyone for it is our core training to think about others first to WORRY IF we are liked , for if we are not liked will will DIE ,,really it is deeply a core fear of dEATH , issue ….. we are so fucking dependandt on other for everything that a certain amount …. Of neediness in approval makes sure we keep jobs oppurutunity supportive systems ,,etc etc etc …. And the reason I stress the MASLOWS HIERARCHY OF NEEDS aspects of instinctualism . to free you from that dependace , then being nice whichi beeive is human nature can be freely given not manipulated from ..
How does my greater self see her …. Fine ,,she is great playing her game living the IMPORTANCE OF ASPECTS OF THAT GAME , which I can freely choose to become involved in or IGNORE OUT OF MY FOCUS , my free choice … see is great living a MR. I DON’T KNOW life …. One face is the evolved high goddess spiritual eader of a community locally ….. the other expression is the …… fear ….. ohh yes she fears much … and $$$$$ is in that fear … honesty not as important as $$$$ … wide open thinking … not as important as ,,living up to the images that other will seee her ….. hey cool her game not mine …. She is fine , I am happy she has such a great ADVENTURE to become engrossed in …. And the more I gnore her the faster she will move away …. For there is no retrun of energy …
And my greater self knows that everyone is ..attracting to themselves , their own ..stuff ,,, if they say they will fel bad … real estate agents aside or any sales person for they just know the ARTS of manipulation and GUILT WORKS . when other things do not … if a person says they will feel bad , HEY THAT IS THEIR POINT OF ATTRRACTION THEIR OWN CREATION , not mine I do not create in their mind ,,they are my 2nd mind … I do not get to create there only they do . I can not RESPOND WITH ABLITY in the feelings of the 2nd mind . no resposnisiblity
Opinion of me …. I don ot want your opinion of me ,, yor reasons . like wise I do not any longer feel the need to give my opinion of you to you ,,,, for I see through larger perspective you are ALL RIGHT JUST FINE DOING GREAT HAVING FUN .. bye ! I ignore you out of my focus .
Ahhhh a better patter stream ,,, my mind will PATTER ..if it is empty not filled with something passionate for me to focus on the mind will AUTO fill itself ….. with something ,,, nature abhors a vaccum … so I can choose the FILLING IN MY PIE …. I can fill it with SHIT FALVORED MUD …. Or bostom crème …. Or KEY LIME ! OR DUTCH APPLE …. YEAH ….. sounds a lot better that ..SHIT ! ( wow no referenece to pussy …hmmm that does happen sometimes )
You can live comfortably and joyfully and resiliently and healthfully as long as you have desire that summons life through you. People don't die because they pass through time. They die because they don't allow this arena to stimulate decisions. The only reason people ever die is either because they have stopped making decisions about being here, or they have made decisions about being Nonphysical. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Orlando, FL on Saturday, February 21st, 1998
They do not allow this life to stimulate WANTS …. If I get TRAPPED IN LIVING int eh mind of …. Others …. I do not allow MYSELF to decide about my life my here …. Then I start to think or focus on ,,, some way of feeling better and , then a CRACK OF LEST RESISITANCE into the Transition will appear , thru aging and death … but the key is ,,,, my own chice not to …live my own life first not feel passion in my own free choices first ,
Aging also is ,,,a BELIEF PATTERN ,,, if you count the years and you buy inot the TRAINING about age . and remeind yourself constantly FOCUS on age thru mirrors .. well you get wha you think about , if you live agelsess well you are age less.. death will happen because boredome will eventually happen ,,, nothing more to AD TO THE VENTURE …. Like the nature of HISTO COMPATIABLITY limiting the DNA expression os SILVER BACK GORILLA MALE he has nothing more to add to this world he , allows the retrun into NO 1 THING … thru a relatively swift creack of least resisitance , .. and allowing the SHOCK SYSTEM to aid the sleep so the body can stop functioning while the toa self is already in connectionw the SOURCE like in a lsleep state .
Do the tings that make you feel better , sounds simple enough … is the way you are thinking ..amkeing you feel better ? emotional guidance …. You only create in your own mind have no power in the mind of another , their minds can change and do and you really have not lasting effect in that brain … it is ILLUSION to believe your actions effect them … any more than their own free chice to let your actions effect them .
So not doing one thing makes you feel good , but it also stirs up GUILT …. And guilt is very stupid it is trying to create the happiness in 2nd ,,, a place I have no creative control in …but I some reason feel I ,,, or I want so much to help some one , that I will hurt myself for them ….. if I hurt myself in the aid of another am I realy then in any position to AID THEM or are we both damamged ? neither alble to helpt the other ?
Ahhh the whole mountain trail story
The thinking aobut why ,, are they not , seeing the plain evidience trail of me , and not being nice and wellbeing nice thinking of the feeling of another …OOOPS .I ask of the other to create in my m ind ….to be responsible for my feelings …. No their job my job is to move confidendenlty to my goals ,,, and adapt along the way .
So the expecatation of me that that any will will act to take into account my feelings IS BACK WARDS ……I NEED TO THINK ABOUUT THIS SOME MORE . I am doing unto others that like I do not want done to me … ….
I am saying hey can’t you see me and where I am going and what I am asking for …give me that ……. The other has a choice to give or not ,,, and if not I have the choice to ignore them out of my focus … and move on to attraction points . for this one must not be a good attraction match ,,it may have been agreat 1 at a time in a past but that evolved out ..and now ..movement time
If I do not move I will eventually expression the evidence trail of STUCK energy , emotional guidance not listened to ..or dis-ease OF SOME SORT ,,, STRESS IS ….. dis-ease ….. ,,, if everyone were in the same place only 1 teacher would be needed …
Over again , so in asking the UNDERSTANDING of others I am doint unto them what I am complaining about in the moment …. I am feeling stuck because I feel guilt in not making a friend happy … and at the same time asking my friend to take my feelings into account … both of us are asking the other to make us happy ,,now that is fucked up .
That other person is a big person , they can work themselves up their own scale of emotions … if my actions do not provide them with happy happy , they can ignore me out of their world ….. would that hurt my feelings ? and who is able to RESPOND WITH ABLITY IN THE 1 mind? My mind ..them of me …. Can I just then choose ..LEAN IN THE DIRECTION OF NOTICING SOEMTHING ELSE that feels good in the minute ,… take that event out of my focus by free choice or choose bondage ? to that thought . I can notice a butterfly or something else , the world is full of distractions , …really PLEASANT distractions , trees birds clouds ,, life ,,, who chooses the bondage .
And their mind ? that old traiing to worry about how teachers or mommy is feeling .. to worry about PHAROH …. Yes this ties to PHAOROH MIND FUCK TRAINING also , not just the micro of the famly and friends unit , but often in the MACRO there is the same patterns of the micro …
How does my graeter self see that ,,, a recommended slef talk to practice until it becomes habit …remember young master you have been trained in many forms of self talk ,,,now this time you YOU GET TO CHOOSE the patter form going on in your head ,,not the shoulds of ..TOEHRES GREATER than you when you were young who for years told you , WOORY ABOUT WHAT I THINK OR YOU WILL BE PUNISHED SOMETHING AWFULL will happen ….
My greater self , for to use the word tool inner being brings to mind SPIRIT or soul and that brings the perjorative imagery … that it LOOKS LIKE ME … IT HAS HUMANISTIC QUALITIES …. This importance on the FORM OF THE HUMAN BODY ,, the bio machine … WRONG!
Ok , one of the reasons I dig the sage so much is she ,,,says ,,, you are the equal of the animal the bird the worm even the dirt molecules themselves …. Well the inner being of dirt sure as fuck does nothave a ghost like appearance that is humanistic in form …. What would a DIRT MOLECULE ghost look like ? months and months ago I went on and on ..about ,,the BEINGNESS OF a grainof sand …iis my equal …. I mean you can hear the Sage talking about equality of all ..all the time , in a tlk about words she says , THE LARGEST APRT OF YOUR POPULATION HAVVE NO …WORDS . then she goes on to clarify ,that by saying the babys the beasts sonot have words but they have ALIGNMENT …… when she first says population you think right away ,,,HUMAN … we are the ONLY POPULATION …. No the beast the bugs , the BUTTERFLYS …. Are BEING …. Just being ..too !
So that touched on once more …back to me ,, changing my own inner patter .
How would my greater self see the realestate agent … that I am still letting bug me ,, she is not in my face … but thoughts of her creep in to my mind …. Ahhhh what is realy at play … it is me wanting to be LIKED …. Yep the suppilcator …. the core Ross teaches not to do wit women … but we do it with everyone for it is our core training to think about others first to WORRY IF we are liked , for if we are not liked will will DIE ,,really it is deeply a core fear of dEATH , issue ….. we are so fucking dependandt on other for everything that a certain amount …. Of neediness in approval makes sure we keep jobs oppurutunity supportive systems ,,etc etc etc …. And the reason I stress the MASLOWS HIERARCHY OF NEEDS aspects of instinctualism . to free you from that dependace , then being nice whichi beeive is human nature can be freely given not manipulated from ..
How does my greater self see her …. Fine ,,she is great playing her game living the IMPORTANCE OF ASPECTS OF THAT GAME , which I can freely choose to become involved in or IGNORE OUT OF MY FOCUS , my free choice … see is great living a MR. I DON’T KNOW life …. One face is the evolved high goddess spiritual eader of a community locally ….. the other expression is the …… fear ….. ohh yes she fears much … and $$$$$ is in that fear … honesty not as important as $$$$ … wide open thinking … not as important as ,,living up to the images that other will seee her ….. hey cool her game not mine …. She is fine , I am happy she has such a great ADVENTURE to become engrossed in …. And the more I gnore her the faster she will move away …. For there is no retrun of energy …
And my greater self knows that everyone is ..attracting to themselves , their own ..stuff ,,, if they say they will fel bad … real estate agents aside or any sales person for they just know the ARTS of manipulation and GUILT WORKS . when other things do not … if a person says they will feel bad , HEY THAT IS THEIR POINT OF ATTRRACTION THEIR OWN CREATION , not mine I do not create in their mind ,,they are my 2nd mind … I do not get to create there only they do . I can not RESPOND WITH ABLITY in the feelings of the 2nd mind . no resposnisiblity
Opinion of me …. I don ot want your opinion of me ,, yor reasons . like wise I do not any longer feel the need to give my opinion of you to you ,,,, for I see through larger perspective you are ALL RIGHT JUST FINE DOING GREAT HAVING FUN .. bye ! I ignore you out of my focus .
Ahhhh a better patter stream ,,, my mind will PATTER ..if it is empty not filled with something passionate for me to focus on the mind will AUTO fill itself ….. with something ,,, nature abhors a vaccum … so I can choose the FILLING IN MY PIE …. I can fill it with SHIT FALVORED MUD …. Or bostom crème …. Or KEY LIME ! OR DUTCH APPLE …. YEAH ….. sounds a lot better that ..SHIT ! ( wow no referenece to pussy …hmmm that does happen sometimes )
You can live comfortably and joyfully and resiliently and healthfully as long as you have desire that summons life through you. People don't die because they pass through time. They die because they don't allow this arena to stimulate decisions. The only reason people ever die is either because they have stopped making decisions about being here, or they have made decisions about being Nonphysical. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Orlando, FL on Saturday, February 21st, 1998
They do not allow this life to stimulate WANTS …. If I get TRAPPED IN LIVING int eh mind of …. Others …. I do not allow MYSELF to decide about my life my here …. Then I start to think or focus on ,,, some way of feeling better and , then a CRACK OF LEST RESISITANCE into the Transition will appear , thru aging and death … but the key is ,,,, my own chice not to …live my own life first not feel passion in my own free choices first ,
Aging also is ,,,a BELIEF PATTERN ,,, if you count the years and you buy inot the TRAINING about age . and remeind yourself constantly FOCUS on age thru mirrors .. well you get wha you think about , if you live agelsess well you are age less.. death will happen because boredome will eventually happen ,,, nothing more to AD TO THE VENTURE …. Like the nature of HISTO COMPATIABLITY limiting the DNA expression os SILVER BACK GORILLA MALE he has nothing more to add to this world he , allows the retrun into NO 1 THING … thru a relatively swift creack of least resisitance , .. and allowing the SHOCK SYSTEM to aid the sleep so the body can stop functioning while the toa self is already in connectionw the SOURCE like in a lsleep state .
Monday, October 26, 2009
fucking freckles
Fucking freckles
So young mster ….. it is not the response of 2nd mind others but you ,,where are you ? the rocket of DESIRE .. has been projected by the law of attraction that brought her …her ..her free choice to position herself ..into your awareness …. This is not a reality of FORCEING but ALLOWING . the action the vents are already in the tao . BURST INTO THE EXPANSION from a flow of thingking . and any thing you do to express your WATNING of it ,, your feeling of WRTHYNESS TO being it ….any thing or way you can expres the thoughts you had that MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD IN THE EPXRESION OF THEM …. Ahh key point is the feeling good while epsressing ,,is there some reason you may not feel good in the expression of something ?
If so … there is your world of SHOULDS …. Living in the creation of 2nd , being responsible for the feelings of other when relaiy is they contro their own feelings and you DO NOT CREATE IN THEIR HEADs ..NO matter what level of guilt mayb e projected to you …
So the other end of the vibrational stick ,,calls the sage … when you think LIMITS and feel IMPOAAIBLITY you are not connected to the Tao … the UN IMPOSSIBLE … and I have choice to admit defeat or to ..RE WRITE …. Think different aspects …
So lil’ girl who stands so close ,, VIBRATIONALLY we attracted each others presence ,… and I will re wwrite you … as one who is ..seeking and finds me ,, along with you I will add another chick from earlier , who was in the pizza shop her friend HOVERING over the pizza delivery dude ,,, you just along fro the ride , yet , the sexy you hidden behind dull glasses and a ..bored look … was touching her own ass and thihgs ,,, those sking tight pants did lend themselves to the notice my notice of your FEMALESNESS …
Ok so girl one is now starting her path of entrenching in the 10% … relaxed living a newer life allowing her allowing her time for changes .. as she wants NO FORCING it is now her own attracting , and too ,,, is girl too . and I am doing what well , what they both like , and that is being the pentrator that is of my designe , responding to their ATRACCTIONS ….. this time fucking SWITCHY in the blondes ass and cunt .. movng from ass to puussy or pussy to ass whatever you like ,,, and girl too . the brunette , is playing with her friends pussy birnging her now to the edge of a realy good strong CUMMING which will make girl 1 buck screams and ride my cock in a way that makes me FEEL 10 FOOT TALL >… yeah me ….. ahh so I re wrote the stick … and leave it as such and feel good ,,, about living in the POSSIBLITY OF TAO . which feels better thatn ,,, stuck . in others shoulds . I leave it to the laws of attractions , which brought us all together today in the first place for eachof us to play the parts we REALLY WANTED the other to see and become involved …
Ok so I got to enjoy all those freckles on the back of the blonde whose stood so close to me that my eyes ran down her neck into that loose shirt … she so bored with her life that her passion was for DRUGGGING HERSLF instead of living . … and so while she cumms over and over this girl who , lives instinctualism , nude natural mirroless . etc , studying at ther own pace the words of the sage to correlate the changes of her own growth , …. As she starts to buck and cumm on my cock I grasp her fore arms and bury my cicl in which ever hole I find myself in driving her organisms over and over …. Till I am about to blow my load in that orgasims slut … and I with draw ..sure I may have depsoisted some of my live perm in that girl but I want to save enough .of myself to fuck the girl friend who brought her to the level of my FULL ENJOYMENT and as she curls up in that ili; ball of organsisming girl I love ot see , I move towards the brunette , wo is currently being licked int extasy by a currently OTHER facelsss girl friend who these girls aceept a s SISITER WIFE , …. And I rub myself back into penetatable state knowing I will get good sns tiff once once in HOLE … and this girl I feel so good about her WANTING of me that I enjoy so much to fuck her face to face … looking deep into eyes that call me , ..FUCK ME MASTER PHIL FUCK ME PLEASE MAKE ME YOUR LIL SLUT ….. Sir ! …. THIS a girl who is now knowing her Power of attractiona nd free choice … is calling to me , …. Blending of co –creations .
Ahh young master the other end of the stick youa re free to write except is you FEAR what others will FEEL when they read it and KNOW IT IS YOU ! A YOU that everyone can come and see to talk to to find is a real flesh and blood human EQUAL TO THEMSELVES .
Now does it HURT YOU to express .. your wants ? if so pull back and coreelate your shoulds some more , you are worried to much aabout how others will respond to you think aboit young master about me ….. I state that I want to be an example of CHANGE ….. and I get a pump out of this chance to expand ..almost if I have been waiting 3 years to do some more ,, now that I have better understanding about what I am doing …. Better feeling place not so worried about what the NON ATTRACTED MAY FEEL for my words are for the …ATTRACTED ONES ….
So young mster ….. it is not the response of 2nd mind others but you ,,where are you ? the rocket of DESIRE .. has been projected by the law of attraction that brought her …her ..her free choice to position herself ..into your awareness …. This is not a reality of FORCEING but ALLOWING . the action the vents are already in the tao . BURST INTO THE EXPANSION from a flow of thingking . and any thing you do to express your WATNING of it ,, your feeling of WRTHYNESS TO being it ….any thing or way you can expres the thoughts you had that MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD IN THE EPXRESION OF THEM …. Ahh key point is the feeling good while epsressing ,,is there some reason you may not feel good in the expression of something ?
If so … there is your world of SHOULDS …. Living in the creation of 2nd , being responsible for the feelings of other when relaiy is they contro their own feelings and you DO NOT CREATE IN THEIR HEADs ..NO matter what level of guilt mayb e projected to you …
So the other end of the vibrational stick ,,calls the sage … when you think LIMITS and feel IMPOAAIBLITY you are not connected to the Tao … the UN IMPOSSIBLE … and I have choice to admit defeat or to ..RE WRITE …. Think different aspects …
So lil’ girl who stands so close ,, VIBRATIONALLY we attracted each others presence ,… and I will re wwrite you … as one who is ..seeking and finds me ,, along with you I will add another chick from earlier , who was in the pizza shop her friend HOVERING over the pizza delivery dude ,,, you just along fro the ride , yet , the sexy you hidden behind dull glasses and a ..bored look … was touching her own ass and thihgs ,,, those sking tight pants did lend themselves to the notice my notice of your FEMALESNESS …
Ok so girl one is now starting her path of entrenching in the 10% … relaxed living a newer life allowing her allowing her time for changes .. as she wants NO FORCING it is now her own attracting , and too ,,, is girl too . and I am doing what well , what they both like , and that is being the pentrator that is of my designe , responding to their ATRACCTIONS ….. this time fucking SWITCHY in the blondes ass and cunt .. movng from ass to puussy or pussy to ass whatever you like ,,, and girl too . the brunette , is playing with her friends pussy birnging her now to the edge of a realy good strong CUMMING which will make girl 1 buck screams and ride my cock in a way that makes me FEEL 10 FOOT TALL >… yeah me ….. ahh so I re wrote the stick … and leave it as such and feel good ,,, about living in the POSSIBLITY OF TAO . which feels better thatn ,,, stuck . in others shoulds . I leave it to the laws of attractions , which brought us all together today in the first place for eachof us to play the parts we REALLY WANTED the other to see and become involved …
Ok so I got to enjoy all those freckles on the back of the blonde whose stood so close to me that my eyes ran down her neck into that loose shirt … she so bored with her life that her passion was for DRUGGGING HERSLF instead of living . … and so while she cumms over and over this girl who , lives instinctualism , nude natural mirroless . etc , studying at ther own pace the words of the sage to correlate the changes of her own growth , …. As she starts to buck and cumm on my cock I grasp her fore arms and bury my cicl in which ever hole I find myself in driving her organisms over and over …. Till I am about to blow my load in that orgasims slut … and I with draw ..sure I may have depsoisted some of my live perm in that girl but I want to save enough .of myself to fuck the girl friend who brought her to the level of my FULL ENJOYMENT and as she curls up in that ili; ball of organsisming girl I love ot see , I move towards the brunette , wo is currently being licked int extasy by a currently OTHER facelsss girl friend who these girls aceept a s SISITER WIFE , …. And I rub myself back into penetatable state knowing I will get good sns tiff once once in HOLE … and this girl I feel so good about her WANTING of me that I enjoy so much to fuck her face to face … looking deep into eyes that call me , ..FUCK ME MASTER PHIL FUCK ME PLEASE MAKE ME YOUR LIL SLUT ….. Sir ! …. THIS a girl who is now knowing her Power of attractiona nd free choice … is calling to me , …. Blending of co –creations .
Ahh young master the other end of the stick youa re free to write except is you FEAR what others will FEEL when they read it and KNOW IT IS YOU ! A YOU that everyone can come and see to talk to to find is a real flesh and blood human EQUAL TO THEMSELVES .
Now does it HURT YOU to express .. your wants ? if so pull back and coreelate your shoulds some more , you are worried to much aabout how others will respond to you think aboit young master about me ….. I state that I want to be an example of CHANGE ….. and I get a pump out of this chance to expand ..almost if I have been waiting 3 years to do some more ,, now that I have better understanding about what I am doing …. Better feeling place not so worried about what the NON ATTRACTED MAY FEEL for my words are for the …ATTRACTED ONES ….
be becoming
Be Becoming
This was so perfect I just had to start with it instead of end withit …
All is well, and you will never get it done. Life is supposed to be fun. No one is taking score of any kind, and if you will stop taking score so much, you will feel a whole lot better -- and as you feel a whole lot better, more of the things that you want right now will flow to you. You will never be in a place where all of the things that you are wanting will be satisfied right now, or then you could be complete -- and you never can be. This incomplete place that you stand is the best place that you could be. You are right on track, right on schedule. Everything is unfolding perfectly. All is really well. Have fun. Have fun. Have fun! --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Tucson, AZ on Tuesday, February 20th, 2001
I feel there is not to translate in that word of the sage it is said so clearly .
Now that was weird , and worse almost is I can not find the creature in any search page , there ae not that many swallowtail butterfly groups and espcailly distinctinve as this one birght orange wings and white body ( moth or buttefly )
Now sure a butterfly can like land almost on your nose and it is not a big deal.. it just chooses the leaf right in front of your nose instead of your nose ….. most cool most pretty ,,most DISTRACTING …. And actually that was exactly what I was wanting to ,,get in my here and now more fully ,,, it had been along day I was getting tiered out there in the service personle parking area preparing more paper towels I had way to much time to think … and starting to wish that the house would hurry up and sell ,,,then I remeinded myself ,,no I wanted that 3 years ago ,, and msy times over but each time ti was good it did not ,,, so many good aspects so much learning so much good for the family to … everyone got to get their wings about them … and lfy a way …
So no big fucking deal about a butterfly almost landing on my nose …cool but no big deal ….. cool also in that I had never seen that species before I dig stuff like that fish , bird , animal or bug ,, it dig species ID . and there that butterfly sat on a leaf just inches away from nose as I prepared to retrun to wrk most cool …very distracting very in a now . living in a now is the moral of
Ok so , I head back to the job site some 1000 feet away leaving that butterfly still there beating it wings . , get back to work and get back to thnking about wishing the house would sell , self talking to an realestate adgent ,,no I do not want to LIST the house ,,I WANT TO SELL THE HOUSE …. There is a difference ! if you got a buyer then sell it and we’ll factor in the com . ….. blah blah bla in my head ,,, WHERE AM I when doing that
Am I in my now? On this great estate home … surrounded by some of the most beautiful gardens I have ever seen ( I love this estate home ) ….. am I dreaming about the future ,,, in a dsaydream of digging dirt to make adobe walls ..or getting my cock sucked letting girls be their nature self …. ? where am I ,when I am , re hashing ….. am I in the Tao of eXPANSION … or in the past .. a contraction ? or the now of being ..aware of ……a butterfly …Eexpansion is enevitalbe but joy or bliss in the journey is the reason for being here in the game …. Am I using my time for the OPPURUTUNITY … to achieve just that ….joy of my own design ? I am free to do that … so free I can choose bondage .
Wow …………about 15 minutes inot returning to work …. this is now GOT MY FUCKING ATTENTION …. A butterfly is like 1000th the size of me so I gues ,,1000 feet x the factor of 1/1000the my size would make the ODDS OF THAT MID TO SMALL SIZED bright orange swallowed taild butter fly with a distinctive white body ..for it to fly and land on the window frame where I was just starting to work and would remain actively working sloshing water around , cleaning scarping ,,squeegeing drying ETCETC …. For at least 10 minutes fot htat window grouping ( I left that goup with the butter fly still there opening and closing its wings far fucking out ! ) … what are the fucking ODDS of this ….. 1 Osprey comes running with me every morning not missing a day for a solid week in fact I get out early one day and it fucking catches up with me to fly from telephone pole to telephone pole waiting for me to arrive befoe it flys to the next pole …. ( that was a year ago ) the sea turtle around my dock … I am on the inside of the river not on the ocean sea turtles are most common ocean side ,,, not reiver side … and to see one , the same exact size one so I gues the same one , voer and over for a course of weeks weird …. 3 coral snakes in a week where I had only ever encountered 1 befoe in all my years in the woods … and now the buttefly
What is …it ..when the UN USUAL becomes usual ? and the theme …. Neat thing is ..they all had ASSOCIATED THEME events happening in life … what is the butterflys real theme ….?HERE AND NOW ….. BE HERE AND NOW …. There is stuff to do here and now …
Yep for when I …. Sell move . I will be so focused on that new aspect of adventure , I will not have the freedom to FEEL .. to get the inspiritation of JENSEN .. there is WRITING TO DO … now! … I can feel that , calrifactions on aspects that will become BLUEPRINTS to things up coming ….. for ever changing yes … but here and now is just perfect to allow the assemblage come in words first …
Yesterday is over,,,, tommoroow will come all to soon they say ,,, there is something in important in the NOW …. The relatively short terem ,,,, that relatively short term for me ahs be going on for well 4 years ….. and each year is imporatnat not was , but in my now ..i thank each of those eyasrs for the supporting DATA that I got to experience correleate ..etx.
Some how this writing .. is part again of LESSON PLAN …. The Idea of NOT BRINGING ANY PAST in to the time for peace … … no pics , foto memoriabilaia or anything ,,it is only for 2 years , and if you want to interact with those people in the FOTOS , why not call them in their NOW ,,,, why not go see them NOW ,, their foto is not them …. It is a past ,,go be in the NOW WITH THEM . instead of in a past …. Be the becoming the expansion ..not the PAST … antoher expreince to live to compare to what WAS lived ….. so a person cn really make a better FREE CHOICE living without mirrors ….. like lving a more or less RAW FOODS lie ( except for the chickens and fish , and freah water lobsters , and duck meat and eggs …oppps tossed that VEGAN ideal right out the windown ) but still in harmony with the gifts of a FOOD FOREST . living off grid … living Cash $$$ less …. Living more in aligment with source BODY mind .. flowing bliss
Lesson plan …. I feel resisitance the whispers of SHOULDS mainly social pograming … there have been other aspects I have been letting myself writie about that I feel resiaitnce to also ,, life plans that could unfold but not ones of my CONCSIUOS WANTING but what I let my self WANT consiuosly is often tainted …by the core phrase ,,, AREGUE FOR YOUR LIMITATIONS AND THEY ARE YOURS …. So free to choose bondage …. just kinda weird … not IMPOSSIBLE …. Just LARGER or grander than I expected … to become …. Hmmmmm …… another blue print of lesson plan for … ( I wll have to catalog them )
This was so perfect I just had to start with it instead of end withit …
All is well, and you will never get it done. Life is supposed to be fun. No one is taking score of any kind, and if you will stop taking score so much, you will feel a whole lot better -- and as you feel a whole lot better, more of the things that you want right now will flow to you. You will never be in a place where all of the things that you are wanting will be satisfied right now, or then you could be complete -- and you never can be. This incomplete place that you stand is the best place that you could be. You are right on track, right on schedule. Everything is unfolding perfectly. All is really well. Have fun. Have fun. Have fun! --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Tucson, AZ on Tuesday, February 20th, 2001
I feel there is not to translate in that word of the sage it is said so clearly .
Now that was weird , and worse almost is I can not find the creature in any search page , there ae not that many swallowtail butterfly groups and espcailly distinctinve as this one birght orange wings and white body ( moth or buttefly )
Now sure a butterfly can like land almost on your nose and it is not a big deal.. it just chooses the leaf right in front of your nose instead of your nose ….. most cool most pretty ,,most DISTRACTING …. And actually that was exactly what I was wanting to ,,get in my here and now more fully ,,, it had been along day I was getting tiered out there in the service personle parking area preparing more paper towels I had way to much time to think … and starting to wish that the house would hurry up and sell ,,,then I remeinded myself ,,no I wanted that 3 years ago ,, and msy times over but each time ti was good it did not ,,, so many good aspects so much learning so much good for the family to … everyone got to get their wings about them … and lfy a way …
So no big fucking deal about a butterfly almost landing on my nose …cool but no big deal ….. cool also in that I had never seen that species before I dig stuff like that fish , bird , animal or bug ,, it dig species ID . and there that butterfly sat on a leaf just inches away from nose as I prepared to retrun to wrk most cool …very distracting very in a now . living in a now is the moral of
Ok so , I head back to the job site some 1000 feet away leaving that butterfly still there beating it wings . , get back to work and get back to thnking about wishing the house would sell , self talking to an realestate adgent ,,no I do not want to LIST the house ,,I WANT TO SELL THE HOUSE …. There is a difference ! if you got a buyer then sell it and we’ll factor in the com . ….. blah blah bla in my head ,,, WHERE AM I when doing that
Am I in my now? On this great estate home … surrounded by some of the most beautiful gardens I have ever seen ( I love this estate home ) ….. am I dreaming about the future ,,, in a dsaydream of digging dirt to make adobe walls ..or getting my cock sucked letting girls be their nature self …. ? where am I ,when I am , re hashing ….. am I in the Tao of eXPANSION … or in the past .. a contraction ? or the now of being ..aware of ……a butterfly …Eexpansion is enevitalbe but joy or bliss in the journey is the reason for being here in the game …. Am I using my time for the OPPURUTUNITY … to achieve just that ….joy of my own design ? I am free to do that … so free I can choose bondage .
Wow …………about 15 minutes inot returning to work …. this is now GOT MY FUCKING ATTENTION …. A butterfly is like 1000th the size of me so I gues ,,1000 feet x the factor of 1/1000the my size would make the ODDS OF THAT MID TO SMALL SIZED bright orange swallowed taild butter fly with a distinctive white body ..for it to fly and land on the window frame where I was just starting to work and would remain actively working sloshing water around , cleaning scarping ,,squeegeing drying ETCETC …. For at least 10 minutes fot htat window grouping ( I left that goup with the butter fly still there opening and closing its wings far fucking out ! ) … what are the fucking ODDS of this ….. 1 Osprey comes running with me every morning not missing a day for a solid week in fact I get out early one day and it fucking catches up with me to fly from telephone pole to telephone pole waiting for me to arrive befoe it flys to the next pole …. ( that was a year ago ) the sea turtle around my dock … I am on the inside of the river not on the ocean sea turtles are most common ocean side ,,, not reiver side … and to see one , the same exact size one so I gues the same one , voer and over for a course of weeks weird …. 3 coral snakes in a week where I had only ever encountered 1 befoe in all my years in the woods … and now the buttefly
What is …it ..when the UN USUAL becomes usual ? and the theme …. Neat thing is ..they all had ASSOCIATED THEME events happening in life … what is the butterflys real theme ….?HERE AND NOW ….. BE HERE AND NOW …. There is stuff to do here and now …
Yep for when I …. Sell move . I will be so focused on that new aspect of adventure , I will not have the freedom to FEEL .. to get the inspiritation of JENSEN .. there is WRITING TO DO … now! … I can feel that , calrifactions on aspects that will become BLUEPRINTS to things up coming ….. for ever changing yes … but here and now is just perfect to allow the assemblage come in words first …
Yesterday is over,,,, tommoroow will come all to soon they say ,,, there is something in important in the NOW …. The relatively short terem ,,,, that relatively short term for me ahs be going on for well 4 years ….. and each year is imporatnat not was , but in my now ..i thank each of those eyasrs for the supporting DATA that I got to experience correleate ..etx.
Some how this writing .. is part again of LESSON PLAN …. The Idea of NOT BRINGING ANY PAST in to the time for peace … … no pics , foto memoriabilaia or anything ,,it is only for 2 years , and if you want to interact with those people in the FOTOS , why not call them in their NOW ,,,, why not go see them NOW ,, their foto is not them …. It is a past ,,go be in the NOW WITH THEM . instead of in a past …. Be the becoming the expansion ..not the PAST … antoher expreince to live to compare to what WAS lived ….. so a person cn really make a better FREE CHOICE living without mirrors ….. like lving a more or less RAW FOODS lie ( except for the chickens and fish , and freah water lobsters , and duck meat and eggs …oppps tossed that VEGAN ideal right out the windown ) but still in harmony with the gifts of a FOOD FOREST . living off grid … living Cash $$$ less …. Living more in aligment with source BODY mind .. flowing bliss
Lesson plan …. I feel resisitance the whispers of SHOULDS mainly social pograming … there have been other aspects I have been letting myself writie about that I feel resiaitnce to also ,, life plans that could unfold but not ones of my CONCSIUOS WANTING but what I let my self WANT consiuosly is often tainted …by the core phrase ,,, AREGUE FOR YOUR LIMITATIONS AND THEY ARE YOURS …. So free to choose bondage …. just kinda weird … not IMPOSSIBLE …. Just LARGER or grander than I expected … to become …. Hmmmmm …… another blue print of lesson plan for … ( I wll have to catalog them )
Sunday, October 25, 2009
constant mastrubating
Constant masturbation
So , I let myself even think about ideas that at first cause RESISITANCE … my training coming up …. The social conditioning … thinking form the aspect …WELL resisitance is the emotional guidance that I am not seeing the thought about event thr the EYES OF SOURCE .. I am not seeing A BRAODER PERSPECTIVE …
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way."
I am in the trap that Fukuoka describes ….
The mind fuck … especially of the CHURCH creation ! of ROME thy understood the power of the mind fuck . the sword is important in intitla conquest and to cull out those who are not likely to become good citizen/slaves of the empire those who will not FOLLOW … thr rules … now the rules are best INFORCED THRU FEAR … of death of HELL …. Inforced by a god ! my new book THE BIRTH OF VENUS … historical novel set in the renisnasance …just graphically remends me about the GENERATIONAL PASSING ..OF …….UNANANTURAL … UN-INSTINCTUAL … mores beliefs life expectations etc etc etc ,,,, about the human body ….
The TEACHERS ….. the nuns … who were the teachers of many people ..were not even allowed to ever see their own body , they had to wear clothing at all time … even having to bathe in their un garments , and only change their under garments with their eys closed so as to not be …..SIN …OR POISISINED by the sight of human flesh .
NOW THAT IS FUCKED …… but that is the basis for the CICILIZED WORLDS UP BRINGNG passed down with out question , from parent ot child … sex and body are DIRTY …. SIN .
At first THOUGHT . the the topic on constant masturbation and the foto of the girls pussy being self touched … column 1 of bring up flashes of emeotion … 1 of being rebelliously sexy ,,I presenting such absurdity ..that a period of constant masturbation could be mentall healthy ,,cleansing re connecting with SOURCE . but the idea that it takes to to EFFECT THE MENTAL MOMNETUM ….. to re write the programming , with the thinking as recommended by Einstien “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."
The resistance I feel is me not being connected to source ….and then I go thinking about ..playing the DADDY role in sex that so many girls kind of slow into as the hornier and hornier , as they want their lil’baby pussy to be fucked but for DADDY to be gentle . yet mske them cumm and be Daddys good lil’girl …. ( all things veryu possible tied to the 20% ) the OLDER MALE secure male …. The silver back male …..animal instint aspect has rrots in DNA alos ..the fashionable dating of boys …. In UP TO DATE COOL CLOTHES , is not an expression of INSTINCT it is the result of ..the mond fuck … keep everyone … confused balance in an ever CHANGING EXPECATION OF …WHAT IS …FASHIONALBE ,,,next? This is not in harmony with female DNA .,,, the DADDY …. Is instincuta urges that was never allowed to be followed ? instead she dated boys …. Immature boys in cool clothes .
So ilet myself …. Think out side of the box ..expand out of my original thinking as to why DO I FEEL RESISTANCE ?
If humanity had grown up without the MIND FUCK ? if now we sere to return to m ainy a …. Naturuist life ..for indidvual and family and we lived the TIPI … HOME LIFE aboriginal human ..HAD NO CLOSED TO DOORS .. honor god by hiding sex ,, and get real so GOD CAN NOT SEE WHAT HAPPENS BE HIND A FUCKING DOOR? Pretty fucking limp ass weak god if you ask me! To fooled by a closed door . WHAT WOULD HAVE BEEN would we be the recreational sexual animal we show evidence of ?
A so …. Script is rooling around in my heading …. To whispered to that girl as she learns to relax lean back on my body on a couch and masturbate her self …. I feel a script coming … to atke her back ..all hypnosis is SELF hypnosisi , if you take a person further than their own comfort ..they will POP OUT … come back up to regular state . and I feel a new LIFE RESCRIPTING .. where self pleasuring … is allowed where ther in the mind , ther is the TIPI world … that she would have seen mom , self pleasure dad self pleasure , and herself ….. I feel the idea of using the voice of other girls too , the ENCOURAGEMENT ..THAT IT IS OK AMDN MOMMMY IS HERE . and we all love you …… hmmmm I think that is what I was doing in the direction of that colum ….
Not just that YES sEXUAL activity is very aligning with source ,,as the core of buddhas teaching is ,,MOVE TO YOUR BLISS SEX IS BLISS ,,, NO MATTER HOW YOU PLAY IT …
A feeling of being overwhelmed is your indicator that you are denying yourself access to all manner of cooperation that could assist you if you were not disallowing them.
As you begin to feel freer regarding the expenditure of time and money, doors will open, people will come to assist you, refreshing and productive ideas will occur to you, and circumstances and events will unfold. As you change the way you feel, you access the Energy that creates worlds. It is there for your ready access at all times.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
Feeling tell you things … how you are now as compared to ..A BROADER PERSPECTIVE views how you are now . the braoder view from the UN IMPOSSIBLE . connected self … ..... different thinking than that which created the world we have now.
So , I let myself even think about ideas that at first cause RESISITANCE … my training coming up …. The social conditioning … thinking form the aspect …WELL resisitance is the emotional guidance that I am not seeing the thought about event thr the EYES OF SOURCE .. I am not seeing A BRAODER PERSPECTIVE …
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way."
I am in the trap that Fukuoka describes ….
The mind fuck … especially of the CHURCH creation ! of ROME thy understood the power of the mind fuck . the sword is important in intitla conquest and to cull out those who are not likely to become good citizen/slaves of the empire those who will not FOLLOW … thr rules … now the rules are best INFORCED THRU FEAR … of death of HELL …. Inforced by a god ! my new book THE BIRTH OF VENUS … historical novel set in the renisnasance …just graphically remends me about the GENERATIONAL PASSING ..OF …….UNANANTURAL … UN-INSTINCTUAL … mores beliefs life expectations etc etc etc ,,,, about the human body ….
The TEACHERS ….. the nuns … who were the teachers of many people ..were not even allowed to ever see their own body , they had to wear clothing at all time … even having to bathe in their un garments , and only change their under garments with their eys closed so as to not be …..SIN …OR POISISINED by the sight of human flesh .
NOW THAT IS FUCKED …… but that is the basis for the CICILIZED WORLDS UP BRINGNG passed down with out question , from parent ot child … sex and body are DIRTY …. SIN .
At first THOUGHT . the the topic on constant masturbation and the foto of the girls pussy being self touched … column 1 of bring up flashes of emeotion … 1 of being rebelliously sexy ,,I presenting such absurdity ..that a period of constant masturbation could be mentall healthy ,,cleansing re connecting with SOURCE . but the idea that it takes to to EFFECT THE MENTAL MOMNETUM ….. to re write the programming , with the thinking as recommended by Einstien “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."
The resistance I feel is me not being connected to source ….and then I go thinking about ..playing the DADDY role in sex that so many girls kind of slow into as the hornier and hornier , as they want their lil’baby pussy to be fucked but for DADDY to be gentle . yet mske them cumm and be Daddys good lil’girl …. ( all things veryu possible tied to the 20% ) the OLDER MALE secure male …. The silver back male …..animal instint aspect has rrots in DNA alos ..the fashionable dating of boys …. In UP TO DATE COOL CLOTHES , is not an expression of INSTINCT it is the result of ..the mond fuck … keep everyone … confused balance in an ever CHANGING EXPECATION OF …WHAT IS …FASHIONALBE ,,,next? This is not in harmony with female DNA .,,, the DADDY …. Is instincuta urges that was never allowed to be followed ? instead she dated boys …. Immature boys in cool clothes .
So ilet myself …. Think out side of the box ..expand out of my original thinking as to why DO I FEEL RESISTANCE ?
If humanity had grown up without the MIND FUCK ? if now we sere to return to m ainy a …. Naturuist life ..for indidvual and family and we lived the TIPI … HOME LIFE aboriginal human ..HAD NO CLOSED TO DOORS .. honor god by hiding sex ,, and get real so GOD CAN NOT SEE WHAT HAPPENS BE HIND A FUCKING DOOR? Pretty fucking limp ass weak god if you ask me! To fooled by a closed door . WHAT WOULD HAVE BEEN would we be the recreational sexual animal we show evidence of ?
A so …. Script is rooling around in my heading …. To whispered to that girl as she learns to relax lean back on my body on a couch and masturbate her self …. I feel a script coming … to atke her back ..all hypnosis is SELF hypnosisi , if you take a person further than their own comfort ..they will POP OUT … come back up to regular state . and I feel a new LIFE RESCRIPTING .. where self pleasuring … is allowed where ther in the mind , ther is the TIPI world … that she would have seen mom , self pleasure dad self pleasure , and herself ….. I feel the idea of using the voice of other girls too , the ENCOURAGEMENT ..THAT IT IS OK AMDN MOMMMY IS HERE . and we all love you …… hmmmm I think that is what I was doing in the direction of that colum ….
Not just that YES sEXUAL activity is very aligning with source ,,as the core of buddhas teaching is ,,MOVE TO YOUR BLISS SEX IS BLISS ,,, NO MATTER HOW YOU PLAY IT …
A feeling of being overwhelmed is your indicator that you are denying yourself access to all manner of cooperation that could assist you if you were not disallowing them.
As you begin to feel freer regarding the expenditure of time and money, doors will open, people will come to assist you, refreshing and productive ideas will occur to you, and circumstances and events will unfold. As you change the way you feel, you access the Energy that creates worlds. It is there for your ready access at all times.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
Feeling tell you things … how you are now as compared to ..A BROADER PERSPECTIVE views how you are now . the braoder view from the UN IMPOSSIBLE . connected self … ..... different thinking than that which created the world we have now.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
white tiger
white tiger
Young master ,,when the UNUSSAUL Becomes USUAL ..stop and thin it over and figure out the gifts …. All of them .
So I find myelf having supper with 2 girls at the end of work …. It is a big commercial job , a regurlar account friendly place FEMALE DRIVEN … 3 men have their names on the Door but the women run it . it is the end of the day Friday ..the office has emptied I have about fifiteen minutes left to do , when this lil brunette who I know comes out an says PHIL stop come in and eat ,,,no saysing no like you always do we have a plate already made for you …… hmmmm interesting ,,, people are friendly and if I ate all the food my customers offered to feed me I would weight 300lbs … and it is very common at this locale that when they have the very regular catered lunches .. I get sent out plate like it or not …. They got great kitchen/lounge … I dutifully stop work and go inside to find herself and other yong wome I know from the office all of us have nice roast chicken sandihcihes cheeses humus chip salad … not a full dinner but a nice supper … I know I ain’t needing to cook tonight .
These two are both very young but both up and coming in this creative company where your degree is less important than … so I have known both for about year , and the young one who asked me in I knew from last month was dumping her boyfriend iw as some how brought into the discussion in the office about it back then so I ask how it went ,,,and off the talk and talk goes … ohh the other girl has a lil boy there are sublte dynimacs present ..a difference between a woman with child and woman who may want one someday let me y girl 1 ( no baby ) girl 2 baby …
1 some how brought up the baby aspect …. As I was on about how life changes and will keep on changing I was ina SAGE mood ..the the game never ends ..change keep happening … only to stop whenyou transisiton or die ,,, I stayed very true , to SAGE wording even if it meant being asked what I meant by TRANSITION INSTEAD of deth ..
then girl 2 goes on with …an example of when the UNusual Becomes usual .. it is a sign and girl 1 brings up a new aspect of her learning an new teacher …. A guide astrologer who has told her that her dreams areimportant and that she is spiritual , 20 bucks for this visit please … type of guide though … so give her info about ABRAHAM …. Nonphysical toa ..source …. Number 2 is steeped in her church but opne to like she said SIGNS ….
OHHHH both are single ..well number 2 is not single she is dating ..she is the other woman to a powerful player in their industry she has been pinning her hopes on him leavinghsi wife for almost 2 years now , I guess it works for both to me it is kinda sad…here is time … inher eyes when we have talked over the year or so we have been talking …. I can see that her yes TALK ,, before she responds , to me about almost anything or even more to co-worker , you can se her BRAIN CALCULATE her response …… girl 1 …not near as much …
And I got thinking the MOTHER INSTINCT , she has to make sure her baby is taken care of no matter what the higher she moes up in RANKING in job in income etc ..the safer her child is ……. Ahhhhhh the EVE …. Spirit …. Hmm I am cool with this ..sound INSTINCTUAL securing good food supply like finding a good gorilla with lots of banana trees …..
Now girl 1 on the same topic after she brings up when we get to talking about changes I was on the change of her leaving her looser boyfriend LOVE MY ASS … aftrer a while a smart open her eyes and realizes it … and actually both girls like most girls atually.. have their eyes open ,,, even those in relationships the numbers are that 90% non marriage will fail ..they have open eyes
Back to #1 and baby ….. she understood me when I brough the idea of having some form of lock on maslows hierarchy of needs …kinda if did not go inot but her instinct to self judge or pick her words duiring our conversations was noticeable as compared to girl 2 that has child already …
Where am I going with this …well this is my future ….. enteringinto NO SEXUAL DISCOURSE on varied life topics ..with girls ….. yet finding that sex and realtionahip and family ..and spirit and tao ….. etc all come into play … because we are sexual … oooht he sex came in with girl 2 and her times with her married man …. The sparks , the idea of him going bak to his wife , the newly single girl not missing sex because it had cooled down with her boyfriend anyway , but being single was already strating to suck because …wel girl like to be ….
I did not look for this nice supper or conversation and company ..or anything yet it was handed to me on my lap ….
Ohh the pussy and the tiger .. iwas trying to help girl 1 clean up her vibration in a dream state that her for profit guide said was so important ….. she wanted to change the dream image ,, so I repeated the words of the SAGE … you can get what evr you want …by just wanting it ….. so I did a 17 seconds combustion of thought exercise with her after teaching to allow herself to choose a new dream …. That she realy liked ,,it was strange , she said I CAN CHOOSE? I CAN HAVE WHAT EVER I WANT ? yes you can choose and have what vver you want ,,but I remeinded her about classic PYSHIHCS and the laws of motoin a body in motion stays in motion until acting upon by other forces … your new wanting is that force but you have years of momentum tied to this repeating dream form you want to change …so the summoning of the tiger will expressin many forms maybe first it will be in the expreince OF ….. when the UNUSAUL BECOME USAUAL … I said just notice over the days if you see more tigers , white or any tiger tigers on tv , or in fotos or stuffed animals outside of TIGGERS ther are too many tigggers … notice any evidence trail relting to the siberian white tiget of your wanting …. ,,then look deeper into the dream state to see if the tieger starts to show up and if so …let it EAT the problem thoguth form since you kinda want the tiger to do that anyway ….
I got GREAT EXPERINCE CONFIDNECE BUILDING experience with cute lil’girls inexactly the things I want for my future ..ohhhh sex yesYES SURE … that seems to always happen to me …. But the full wholistic life aspect tooo ….. in a resepectful conversation where they did not have to give up their Beleifs.. nor be combative with me being on the other side of the wall in heaven calling them forward ,,just climb over expand thnking as I brought them inot thnking UNTHNKABLE HTOUGHTS …
For I believe really young master it is girls like THESE , who will really be the ones to DRAW you over the wall , too ,,then my words will become of value ..after a girl is the one saying to you… BECOME MASTER EXPAND ….. I want to leave the RAT RACE AND SHIT I AM LIVING …and have not a WORTHY MAN to call master by my free choice . Expand or I will IGNORE YOU OUT of my FIELD OF FOCUS …..
(OK READER IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THIS BEFORE ….I WILL SAY IT ANGAIN JUST LIKE IN TWISTED INSTINCT MY PUBLISHED WORK … I PROPERLY FICTIONALIZE CHARACTERS OF MY WRITINGS .. it would be cruel not to ! .. a jamming in Jensen person will be a congolmerartion of girls .. 1 asking about this, one introducing herself herself , one questions about my reading there ,,whateer unitl I am able to disguise the girls of my topic enough that I feel that even if some one were to watch every person who talked to me they could never ever pin point that 1 person I get insprired to write about . and so to it is with these 2 girls ….. ) but that makes it no les important in the aspect of the core issues and events …. Strange how I can let myself srite in stream of C and have this protection event just happen ….. source energy is a loving energy stream , becaue I am suprized often in the quality of the disguise that I wrote …. Like I am suprized at the words that flow also . ) smile smile girls just in case you are reades …. I am not a hidden person I have a decade of openeness here in my PARIS …. many many know my life and what I am I often wonder who am I interacting with …. It is OK FOR ME TO EXPSOSE MY SELF but not ok to force that on another . I guess that is ANOTHER evidence trail of me getting my deepest wanting ….. because I do not like another normal happy huan to hurt another even by accident …… we are good loving animals ..not the evil ones who NEED RESEMPTION from a Saior to be worthy of GOD /KING A AND THE DKINGDOEM OF …HEAVEN …for there is no where else to go like Buddha knew and tried to teel ..ther is no where else to go but back to SOURCE …. The I in I ….. good things are good and yu R good so good things ………….. are a free choice of yours to experience . do you get it young master ? maye more important do you yung miss … so you do it ? for I am understanding more that you … you will IN SPIRIT ACTION young MASTER TO BECOME WHAT IS CAPAPBL;E OF HIS ……………. INSTINCT . a harmony for both of you and kids to boot !
You can be happy or sad, it doesn't matter. You get to choose. You can go this way or that way. You get to choose. Figure it all out as you go. There's not one right path. There are many right paths. Do anything you can do -- which means think it or speak it or do it -- that makes you feel a little better.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Sunday, October 10th, 1999
INSTINCTUALISM is a Holistic ...... STYLE OF LIVING1 more choice to look at , in this world full of choices to freely ........ choose from !
Young master ,,when the UNUSSAUL Becomes USUAL ..stop and thin it over and figure out the gifts …. All of them .
So I find myelf having supper with 2 girls at the end of work …. It is a big commercial job , a regurlar account friendly place FEMALE DRIVEN … 3 men have their names on the Door but the women run it . it is the end of the day Friday ..the office has emptied I have about fifiteen minutes left to do , when this lil brunette who I know comes out an says PHIL stop come in and eat ,,,no saysing no like you always do we have a plate already made for you …… hmmmm interesting ,,, people are friendly and if I ate all the food my customers offered to feed me I would weight 300lbs … and it is very common at this locale that when they have the very regular catered lunches .. I get sent out plate like it or not …. They got great kitchen/lounge … I dutifully stop work and go inside to find herself and other yong wome I know from the office all of us have nice roast chicken sandihcihes cheeses humus chip salad … not a full dinner but a nice supper … I know I ain’t needing to cook tonight .
These two are both very young but both up and coming in this creative company where your degree is less important than … so I have known both for about year , and the young one who asked me in I knew from last month was dumping her boyfriend iw as some how brought into the discussion in the office about it back then so I ask how it went ,,,and off the talk and talk goes … ohh the other girl has a lil boy there are sublte dynimacs present ..a difference between a woman with child and woman who may want one someday let me y girl 1 ( no baby ) girl 2 baby …
1 some how brought up the baby aspect …. As I was on about how life changes and will keep on changing I was ina SAGE mood ..the the game never ends ..change keep happening … only to stop whenyou transisiton or die ,,, I stayed very true , to SAGE wording even if it meant being asked what I meant by TRANSITION INSTEAD of deth ..
then girl 2 goes on with …an example of when the UNusual Becomes usual .. it is a sign and girl 1 brings up a new aspect of her learning an new teacher …. A guide astrologer who has told her that her dreams areimportant and that she is spiritual , 20 bucks for this visit please … type of guide though … so give her info about ABRAHAM …. Nonphysical toa ..source …. Number 2 is steeped in her church but opne to like she said SIGNS ….
OHHHH both are single ..well number 2 is not single she is dating ..she is the other woman to a powerful player in their industry she has been pinning her hopes on him leavinghsi wife for almost 2 years now , I guess it works for both to me it is kinda sad…here is time … inher eyes when we have talked over the year or so we have been talking …. I can see that her yes TALK ,, before she responds , to me about almost anything or even more to co-worker , you can se her BRAIN CALCULATE her response …… girl 1 …not near as much …
And I got thinking the MOTHER INSTINCT , she has to make sure her baby is taken care of no matter what the higher she moes up in RANKING in job in income etc ..the safer her child is ……. Ahhhhhh the EVE …. Spirit …. Hmm I am cool with this ..sound INSTINCTUAL securing good food supply like finding a good gorilla with lots of banana trees …..
Now girl 1 on the same topic after she brings up when we get to talking about changes I was on the change of her leaving her looser boyfriend LOVE MY ASS … aftrer a while a smart open her eyes and realizes it … and actually both girls like most girls atually.. have their eyes open ,,, even those in relationships the numbers are that 90% non marriage will fail ..they have open eyes
Back to #1 and baby ….. she understood me when I brough the idea of having some form of lock on maslows hierarchy of needs …kinda if did not go inot but her instinct to self judge or pick her words duiring our conversations was noticeable as compared to girl 2 that has child already …
Where am I going with this …well this is my future ….. enteringinto NO SEXUAL DISCOURSE on varied life topics ..with girls ….. yet finding that sex and realtionahip and family ..and spirit and tao ….. etc all come into play … because we are sexual … oooht he sex came in with girl 2 and her times with her married man …. The sparks , the idea of him going bak to his wife , the newly single girl not missing sex because it had cooled down with her boyfriend anyway , but being single was already strating to suck because …wel girl like to be ….
I did not look for this nice supper or conversation and company ..or anything yet it was handed to me on my lap ….
Ohh the pussy and the tiger .. iwas trying to help girl 1 clean up her vibration in a dream state that her for profit guide said was so important ….. she wanted to change the dream image ,, so I repeated the words of the SAGE … you can get what evr you want …by just wanting it ….. so I did a 17 seconds combustion of thought exercise with her after teaching to allow herself to choose a new dream …. That she realy liked ,,it was strange , she said I CAN CHOOSE? I CAN HAVE WHAT EVER I WANT ? yes you can choose and have what vver you want ,,but I remeinded her about classic PYSHIHCS and the laws of motoin a body in motion stays in motion until acting upon by other forces … your new wanting is that force but you have years of momentum tied to this repeating dream form you want to change …so the summoning of the tiger will expressin many forms maybe first it will be in the expreince OF ….. when the UNUSAUL BECOME USAUAL … I said just notice over the days if you see more tigers , white or any tiger tigers on tv , or in fotos or stuffed animals outside of TIGGERS ther are too many tigggers … notice any evidence trail relting to the siberian white tiget of your wanting …. ,,then look deeper into the dream state to see if the tieger starts to show up and if so …let it EAT the problem thoguth form since you kinda want the tiger to do that anyway ….
I got GREAT EXPERINCE CONFIDNECE BUILDING experience with cute lil’girls inexactly the things I want for my future ..ohhhh sex yesYES SURE … that seems to always happen to me …. But the full wholistic life aspect tooo ….. in a resepectful conversation where they did not have to give up their Beleifs.. nor be combative with me being on the other side of the wall in heaven calling them forward ,,just climb over expand thnking as I brought them inot thnking UNTHNKABLE HTOUGHTS …
For I believe really young master it is girls like THESE , who will really be the ones to DRAW you over the wall , too ,,then my words will become of value ..after a girl is the one saying to you… BECOME MASTER EXPAND ….. I want to leave the RAT RACE AND SHIT I AM LIVING …and have not a WORTHY MAN to call master by my free choice . Expand or I will IGNORE YOU OUT of my FIELD OF FOCUS …..
(OK READER IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THIS BEFORE ….I WILL SAY IT ANGAIN JUST LIKE IN TWISTED INSTINCT MY PUBLISHED WORK … I PROPERLY FICTIONALIZE CHARACTERS OF MY WRITINGS .. it would be cruel not to ! .. a jamming in Jensen person will be a congolmerartion of girls .. 1 asking about this, one introducing herself herself , one questions about my reading there ,,whateer unitl I am able to disguise the girls of my topic enough that I feel that even if some one were to watch every person who talked to me they could never ever pin point that 1 person I get insprired to write about . and so to it is with these 2 girls ….. ) but that makes it no les important in the aspect of the core issues and events …. Strange how I can let myself srite in stream of C and have this protection event just happen ….. source energy is a loving energy stream , becaue I am suprized often in the quality of the disguise that I wrote …. Like I am suprized at the words that flow also . ) smile smile girls just in case you are reades …. I am not a hidden person I have a decade of openeness here in my PARIS …. many many know my life and what I am I often wonder who am I interacting with …. It is OK FOR ME TO EXPSOSE MY SELF but not ok to force that on another . I guess that is ANOTHER evidence trail of me getting my deepest wanting ….. because I do not like another normal happy huan to hurt another even by accident …… we are good loving animals ..not the evil ones who NEED RESEMPTION from a Saior to be worthy of GOD /KING A AND THE DKINGDOEM OF …HEAVEN …for there is no where else to go like Buddha knew and tried to teel ..ther is no where else to go but back to SOURCE …. The I in I ….. good things are good and yu R good so good things ………….. are a free choice of yours to experience . do you get it young master ? maye more important do you yung miss … so you do it ? for I am understanding more that you … you will IN SPIRIT ACTION young MASTER TO BECOME WHAT IS CAPAPBL;E OF HIS ……………. INSTINCT . a harmony for both of you and kids to boot !
You can be happy or sad, it doesn't matter. You get to choose. You can go this way or that way. You get to choose. Figure it all out as you go. There's not one right path. There are many right paths. Do anything you can do -- which means think it or speak it or do it -- that makes you feel a little better.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Sunday, October 10th, 1999
INSTINCTUALISM is a Holistic ...... STYLE OF LIVING1 more choice to look at , in this world full of choices to freely ........ choose from !
Friday, October 23, 2009
double dong
Double dong
Jensen is my paris the Indian river is my siene ( I am sure a million people have ued that line ) ,,what fuckig magic am I attracting the blog to follow this jamming in Jensen event well they are connected ….. “ are you looking for a date ? “ I can not tell you how many yeasrs it has been since I heard a line like that come out of girls mouth ,,the hint YOU WANNA BUY PUSSY OR MOUTH rent me to deposit sperm ?
Young miss your magic was strong ,, I noticed you and your poser boyfriend ( if had not spent all theat $$ cash on clothes maybe you wouldnot have to get up the DOPE money thru selling sex )… your magic is strong I saw at first glance the ….I ..of you , I saw the happiness you want be as you walked by once here once there once holding his ahand like boyfriend adnd girlfriends other times not ..once with this beer later in the night with another beers long after your question to me … ….. an I say you aint but 18 , 19 maybe 20 still to soft in the eyes to be oever 21 … so get interested in my cigarette making machine and ask me to make you one , then ask who is JAMES JOYCE the of of my current book on the table … and I say people have said I write like him ,,,no , only comparison is that we are both PIONEERS but he is a literary artist … me I am an ape using word like a crayon …. Some for ..soem attempt to commucate ..the alter antive … Joyce is an artist … and as I hand you a hand made cigarette …. I ge the proposition …. Which I smile and turn down … 1 because it was like only 8:30 and I work till 10 ,,nexst I ain;t buying pussy …wow my magic ..strong things come to give me reason to write to explore ,… to expsose … thank you little girl I hope some day you will see the you in you .. and find other than him …. But on to the in spirit witing steming of another pick up …. Earlie that day ( dot dot dash dhsa leadin … )
Hi YTHU , thanks for yur great interesting invite , but right now I know SELF enough that the gorilla aspect of me as it pertains to RELATIONSHIP along with my own mind fuck RESIDUE …. That any 1 on 1 could evolve into what I DON’T REALY WANT ,,, ohh sex is fun and I can have that …. I still have a great sexy lady for the last 3 years ..who wants me to see the ….2nd mind ..but Her because of the prolongED esposure to me …. Also knows that I must ALIGN WITH ….. myself here and tao self .
Let me propose to you something else realy fun , in fact so fun I had written a blog once never posted it , but worte it ..and it seems lost not saved , so I will re-write the idea but now from aNEWER point of attraction , I gues the last one was pre mature ,,you had not yet written … but I was expecting your arrivale .
How about setting up anew …. Personage ,, go to google images and capture my logo …. Make sure the page persoan it YELLS FEMALE BI-SEXUAL ….. looking to meet friends and then in the weblog area and the photo section where you can put personal fotos with out getting kicked off …. Put a series of fotos of your pussy with a double dildoe in it …about to enter it , deep inside it .. you ge the idea …… few pics , titled LOOKING FOR A FRIEND TO PLAY WITH …..
AND THEN highlight blog rings rigns that are associated with like minded girls and then see if your friends get what you say you get ? ,,,, here is something that kinda strikes a nerve in me since in my distant past a chihck I had …. she SAID ? ( bullshit she knew exactly her goal ..the evidence trail was like smell on shit ) ….. to find aplaymate for us to explore my ideas … the attraction she made was with an ….. I – IN – I . who was so scared by the confuse and conquer of life that …that person so CONFUSED to have lost all sense of orginal ID … that well it was just so fcuking wrong from the get go …. For that person attracted and myself and the girl who in her attempt in manipulation ONLY …distanced herself from me in ways she will never understand … unless she ever chooses to accept her own spirit of eve …. That is always IN ALL WAYS a personal choice event .
But back to you …a new now event that came about from events I had in the past ,,you the new expression of quantum assemblage …. HAVE FUN and see if the girls you attract can GET IT ! …. If they can FEEL the change afforded in if they can see the oppututnity of checking it out … and if your ATTRRACCTION point is clear ,,true good ,, ( it always is really my intent is 2nd mind to you .follow your own blisssnot my ideas ) you will SUMMON some special friends ..and when I am ready like I said it will be evident to all the invititation to come see ….a permaculture in the process of being built , I AM NOT masochist enough to wait tillit is perfect or done ,,nope I ma going to start involving those like yourself ASAP suring the start up building ,,the evidence trail has been set up so ,,, it is time to get real interactions for it is there that NEW ROCKETS OF DESIRE ,,, events of contrast will happen ..the expansion of tao ) you will read about the dynimaic of building it …. Along the way from site purchase concerns to ..engeering to building permit concerns ..all events I believe is important for young master ….. to have acees to the DATA stream … but in the mean time you SET FORTH ideas inot vibrational escrow ,, and soon yes you will be tie to a SLUT MAKER and having play with you till you DRIP and MOAN … sound fun?
Ahh alignment with SOURCE ( so spiritual huh? New age shit yet REAL HOT DIRP[Y SEX is real spirituality real TAO ..real humanity in the living )
Ohh yeah keep me up dated by making sure your letter aredressed” hey twisted instinct “… so I know it is not spam .
So remember the words of the sage YOUR APRECIATION OF WHAT IS IS THE FASTES PATH TO WHAT YOU WANT ….. be happy now ..thenyou have arrived at the goal for the goal alwaysis to just be happy ( me ther or not ) your own happiness is your goal for self ,,,, follow your bliss * and think good thought about the sale of 12601 s. Indian river dr . that maybe the vortex or not who knows not to force things let thing come ..i just know I do not need or want the connection to this location still on my mind as I build
( wow this again is a LESSON PLAN for the step 2 part of not rying just letting it flow manifest it happens all by itself ….. no trying for tryin is the sending out of the positive energy ot the want and the vision of failure ,, +1 + - 1 = 0 energy )
Make the best of it. When you make the best of whatever you're focused upon, your future will be better than your now. If each moment you're making the best of what-is, no matter what it is, you make the best of it; make the best of it; make the best of it—your future just gets better and better and better, and better. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boulder, CO on Saturday, June 7th, 2003
Does’st it sound logical if … you are on a roll of finding the best in your…your …view of living ( forget about what 2nd mind whisters in your mind ..the constant line of shoulds …the best advise of others) but finding the better NOW ….doesn’t if just feel better ?
What the fuck do yu want in all the striving for that DREAM state ,,,, that MILLION BUCKS …to feel better welll take the WHATEVER BETTER YOU CAN FIND HERE AND NOW . how about starting there ….
Anyway ,,,1,000,000 invested in an INSURED way willonly bring you 22k a year income take out of that mortgage insureance taxes , the sddiction your home has to Electricity and then figuring that fruit costs as much as MEAT ….. you will use up that 22k fast …
Jensen is my paris the Indian river is my siene ( I am sure a million people have ued that line ) ,,what fuckig magic am I attracting the blog to follow this jamming in Jensen event well they are connected ….. “ are you looking for a date ? “ I can not tell you how many yeasrs it has been since I heard a line like that come out of girls mouth ,,the hint YOU WANNA BUY PUSSY OR MOUTH rent me to deposit sperm ?
Young miss your magic was strong ,, I noticed you and your poser boyfriend ( if had not spent all theat $$ cash on clothes maybe you wouldnot have to get up the DOPE money thru selling sex )… your magic is strong I saw at first glance the ….I ..of you , I saw the happiness you want be as you walked by once here once there once holding his ahand like boyfriend adnd girlfriends other times not ..once with this beer later in the night with another beers long after your question to me … ….. an I say you aint but 18 , 19 maybe 20 still to soft in the eyes to be oever 21 … so get interested in my cigarette making machine and ask me to make you one , then ask who is JAMES JOYCE the of of my current book on the table … and I say people have said I write like him ,,,no , only comparison is that we are both PIONEERS but he is a literary artist … me I am an ape using word like a crayon …. Some for ..soem attempt to commucate ..the alter antive … Joyce is an artist … and as I hand you a hand made cigarette …. I ge the proposition …. Which I smile and turn down … 1 because it was like only 8:30 and I work till 10 ,,nexst I ain;t buying pussy …wow my magic ..strong things come to give me reason to write to explore ,… to expsose … thank you little girl I hope some day you will see the you in you .. and find other than him …. But on to the in spirit witing steming of another pick up …. Earlie that day ( dot dot dash dhsa leadin … )
Hi YTHU , thanks for yur great interesting invite , but right now I know SELF enough that the gorilla aspect of me as it pertains to RELATIONSHIP along with my own mind fuck RESIDUE …. That any 1 on 1 could evolve into what I DON’T REALY WANT ,,, ohh sex is fun and I can have that …. I still have a great sexy lady for the last 3 years ..who wants me to see the ….2nd mind ..but Her because of the prolongED esposure to me …. Also knows that I must ALIGN WITH ….. myself here and tao self .
Let me propose to you something else realy fun , in fact so fun I had written a blog once never posted it , but worte it ..and it seems lost not saved , so I will re-write the idea but now from aNEWER point of attraction , I gues the last one was pre mature ,,you had not yet written … but I was expecting your arrivale .
How about setting up anew …. Personage ,, go to google images and capture my logo …. Make sure the page persoan it YELLS FEMALE BI-SEXUAL ….. looking to meet friends and then in the weblog area and the photo section where you can put personal fotos with out getting kicked off …. Put a series of fotos of your pussy with a double dildoe in it …about to enter it , deep inside it .. you ge the idea …… few pics , titled LOOKING FOR A FRIEND TO PLAY WITH …..
AND THEN highlight blog rings rigns that are associated with like minded girls and then see if your friends get what you say you get ? ,,,, here is something that kinda strikes a nerve in me since in my distant past a chihck I had …. she SAID ? ( bullshit she knew exactly her goal ..the evidence trail was like smell on shit ) ….. to find aplaymate for us to explore my ideas … the attraction she made was with an ….. I – IN – I . who was so scared by the confuse and conquer of life that …that person so CONFUSED to have lost all sense of orginal ID … that well it was just so fcuking wrong from the get go …. For that person attracted and myself and the girl who in her attempt in manipulation ONLY …distanced herself from me in ways she will never understand … unless she ever chooses to accept her own spirit of eve …. That is always IN ALL WAYS a personal choice event .
But back to you …a new now event that came about from events I had in the past ,,you the new expression of quantum assemblage …. HAVE FUN and see if the girls you attract can GET IT ! …. If they can FEEL the change afforded in if they can see the oppututnity of checking it out … and if your ATTRRACCTION point is clear ,,true good ,, ( it always is really my intent is 2nd mind to you .follow your own blisssnot my ideas ) you will SUMMON some special friends ..and when I am ready like I said it will be evident to all the invititation to come see ….a permaculture in the process of being built , I AM NOT masochist enough to wait tillit is perfect or done ,,nope I ma going to start involving those like yourself ASAP suring the start up building ,,the evidence trail has been set up so ,,, it is time to get real interactions for it is there that NEW ROCKETS OF DESIRE ,,, events of contrast will happen ..the expansion of tao ) you will read about the dynimaic of building it …. Along the way from site purchase concerns to ..engeering to building permit concerns ..all events I believe is important for young master ….. to have acees to the DATA stream … but in the mean time you SET FORTH ideas inot vibrational escrow ,, and soon yes you will be tie to a SLUT MAKER and having play with you till you DRIP and MOAN … sound fun?
Ahh alignment with SOURCE ( so spiritual huh? New age shit yet REAL HOT DIRP[Y SEX is real spirituality real TAO ..real humanity in the living )
Ohh yeah keep me up dated by making sure your letter aredressed” hey twisted instinct “… so I know it is not spam .
So remember the words of the sage YOUR APRECIATION OF WHAT IS IS THE FASTES PATH TO WHAT YOU WANT ….. be happy now ..thenyou have arrived at the goal for the goal alwaysis to just be happy ( me ther or not ) your own happiness is your goal for self ,,,, follow your bliss * and think good thought about the sale of 12601 s. Indian river dr . that maybe the vortex or not who knows not to force things let thing come ..i just know I do not need or want the connection to this location still on my mind as I build
( wow this again is a LESSON PLAN for the step 2 part of not rying just letting it flow manifest it happens all by itself ….. no trying for tryin is the sending out of the positive energy ot the want and the vision of failure ,, +1 + - 1 = 0 energy )
Make the best of it. When you make the best of whatever you're focused upon, your future will be better than your now. If each moment you're making the best of what-is, no matter what it is, you make the best of it; make the best of it; make the best of it—your future just gets better and better and better, and better. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boulder, CO on Saturday, June 7th, 2003
Does’st it sound logical if … you are on a roll of finding the best in your…your …view of living ( forget about what 2nd mind whisters in your mind ..the constant line of shoulds …the best advise of others) but finding the better NOW ….doesn’t if just feel better ?
What the fuck do yu want in all the striving for that DREAM state ,,,, that MILLION BUCKS …to feel better welll take the WHATEVER BETTER YOU CAN FIND HERE AND NOW . how about starting there ….
Anyway ,,,1,000,000 invested in an INSURED way willonly bring you 22k a year income take out of that mortgage insureance taxes , the sddiction your home has to Electricity and then figuring that fruit costs as much as MEAT ….. you will use up that 22k fast …
Thursday, October 22, 2009
play a good game
play a good game
young master when the ETHEREAL becomes the material ……. When the ideas hopes or dreams start to become realife choices presented in real time …..your OLD WAY OF DOING THINGS HOWS UP OUT OF HABIT ….not because you want …. Here is where the reprogramming done over time isIMPORTANT , that experience of time .. of event by event …. Retraining the brain to different EXPECTATIONS ..BELEIF BASIS etc . it is time to stop …. Once you notice the FEELING of ? conufusion? Stress ? indecision ….. whenever stop and FEEL what the fuck is happening in my life and what do I WANT TO HAPPEN ,,that is the most important aspect ….. remembering YOUR WANTS …. And looking for that aspect in what ever is MATERIALIZING in your life , sure you may feel it is all happening to fast but you have FREE CHOICE TO SLOW THINGS DOWN …..
remember you cn not get it wrong and living is never ever done ,,there is no beginning or END TO >>>>>>>>> YOU …ohh this game may seem real enough that has much more to do with themind fucking you were INSTILLED WITH from childhood to keep you OFF BALANCE and useful to PHAROH …. If you had been brought up in more Taoist culture like the tribes of americas that taught the oneness of spirit taught from day one not to FEAR death or transitioning ,,, taught to live ..instead of constantly hide in PREPARING FOR FAILURES or disaster or things gong wrong …
but we do have such an overwhelming amount of activity surrounding us that it is hard to keep tabs on all possiblitys of all aspects love sex friends $$ house job insurances investing boat paymesnts cars etc etc etc ,,,, this WHOLE TRAP is of our creation and under our control , the amount and the timeing of stress you can actually control ….. you can not get it wrong , all you do is learn from the choices you make ….
Make one that feels good ..then look for that good in what transpires ,, and the reality that is p[resented will be the CONTRAST EVENTS for the next ..WANTINGS … and feeling and chices …. And plans .
What you wish for will show up …. Make it what you want by looking into it for things you want , finding the supportive aspect of it ….
And realizing you have MOMENTUMS THT YOU CARRY FROM OLD HABIT PATTERNS … they served you the best they could you have evolved them to enhance life and and in the future ….. so just be aware of the URGE TO BE LIKE THE TRAINED dog and act without THOUGHT . without feeling first what the fuck is being presented does it serve me ? that first impulse is going to serve you best especially after you have been involved in some t=period of time in RE TRAINING YOUR BRAIN …. But no matter you can not get it WRONG ….. all of it is AD venture …. And adds to the you. From where you will make new CREATIONS ..wants projected inot toa.
In the action of being MR. I DO NOT KNOW ,, in the zone …… trust how you feel and know everyday in everyway things are getting better an better . a great and glorious unfolding is happening and it happens during the GETTING LOST in the game ..enjoying the game …liking of the game and if you find you are in a ggame you do not like ,then BAIL ….. stop think feel ,,, create ..choice freely … you are so free you can choose bondage …. Is your lifestyle BONDAGE ? you can slow down or speed up what ever aspects of your life you want to the speed you want …. You can really ,… fuck what 2nd mind has taught you it is your life …. Live it your life ..not THEIR LIFE FOR YOU … not their idea of what you should live … be in your life feeling your wants …. Acting to move in the direction you have stated …
It happening right now …. Everyday in evryway …that getting better and better you hoped for is happening …. The adventures …. Unfolding …
young master when the ETHEREAL becomes the material ……. When the ideas hopes or dreams start to become realife choices presented in real time …..your OLD WAY OF DOING THINGS HOWS UP OUT OF HABIT ….not because you want …. Here is where the reprogramming done over time isIMPORTANT , that experience of time .. of event by event …. Retraining the brain to different EXPECTATIONS ..BELEIF BASIS etc . it is time to stop …. Once you notice the FEELING of ? conufusion? Stress ? indecision ….. whenever stop and FEEL what the fuck is happening in my life and what do I WANT TO HAPPEN ,,that is the most important aspect ….. remembering YOUR WANTS …. And looking for that aspect in what ever is MATERIALIZING in your life , sure you may feel it is all happening to fast but you have FREE CHOICE TO SLOW THINGS DOWN …..
remember you cn not get it wrong and living is never ever done ,,there is no beginning or END TO >>>>>>>>> YOU …ohh this game may seem real enough that has much more to do with themind fucking you were INSTILLED WITH from childhood to keep you OFF BALANCE and useful to PHAROH …. If you had been brought up in more Taoist culture like the tribes of americas that taught the oneness of spirit taught from day one not to FEAR death or transitioning ,,, taught to live ..instead of constantly hide in PREPARING FOR FAILURES or disaster or things gong wrong …
but we do have such an overwhelming amount of activity surrounding us that it is hard to keep tabs on all possiblitys of all aspects love sex friends $$ house job insurances investing boat paymesnts cars etc etc etc ,,,, this WHOLE TRAP is of our creation and under our control , the amount and the timeing of stress you can actually control ….. you can not get it wrong , all you do is learn from the choices you make ….
Make one that feels good ..then look for that good in what transpires ,, and the reality that is p[resented will be the CONTRAST EVENTS for the next ..WANTINGS … and feeling and chices …. And plans .
What you wish for will show up …. Make it what you want by looking into it for things you want , finding the supportive aspect of it ….
And realizing you have MOMENTUMS THT YOU CARRY FROM OLD HABIT PATTERNS … they served you the best they could you have evolved them to enhance life and and in the future ….. so just be aware of the URGE TO BE LIKE THE TRAINED dog and act without THOUGHT . without feeling first what the fuck is being presented does it serve me ? that first impulse is going to serve you best especially after you have been involved in some t=period of time in RE TRAINING YOUR BRAIN …. But no matter you can not get it WRONG ….. all of it is AD venture …. And adds to the you. From where you will make new CREATIONS ..wants projected inot toa.
In the action of being MR. I DO NOT KNOW ,, in the zone …… trust how you feel and know everyday in everyway things are getting better an better . a great and glorious unfolding is happening and it happens during the GETTING LOST in the game ..enjoying the game …liking of the game and if you find you are in a ggame you do not like ,then BAIL ….. stop think feel ,,, create ..choice freely … you are so free you can choose bondage …. Is your lifestyle BONDAGE ? you can slow down or speed up what ever aspects of your life you want to the speed you want …. You can really ,… fuck what 2nd mind has taught you it is your life …. Live it your life ..not THEIR LIFE FOR YOU … not their idea of what you should live … be in your life feeling your wants …. Acting to move in the direction you have stated …
It happening right now …. Everyday in evryway …that getting better and better you hoped for is happening …. The adventures …. Unfolding …
Slut maker
Ok young master this will be about ….. amking that 19 bucck office chair at stpales into a sex toy ….. “ The Slut Maker “ ..but first on to the repeatitive mental aspects of ..the day to day in evryeway changing you core belif system so to open you to the POSSIBLITY OF TAO ..and the completeness of it is not just sex ,,,, look at the visison board again every one and evry thing is represented family relaxation , $$$ interms of permaculture lifestyle ,,, real retirement security ….. fishing …. And PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY ( ohh yes ass fucking to ) whole-istic ….
Now to the summoning ,,,, you ,, I can choose to seee evrythig in 2 ways ,,,, the way EVE rpesents dresses to impress … herself is 1 an skillful attempt and practsed use of manipulative skills learned and practiced during early teens ,encouraged by mothers and all older women . FACT …they may not SEE it that way but they have the fre choice to SEE IT HTAT WAY ttoo an if they did ,,allow themselves to see THEIR OWN FLIP SIDE … well there are 2 sides …the other side is her own sexual DESIRE she is the she likes to be PENETRTED she wets in desire and to provide your COCK with ease in entering and maintaining movement with PROPER FICTION as nature designed her lube to asjust to her moods …. Thicker or more watery …. She ONLY DRYS when she is NOT OF 1 MIND … when her vibration is split ….. she is not realy fucking you totally for herself …. When she is fucking because whe wants to get DICKED then her pussy wetts like a Niagara falls . she dresses … to make herself feel better for event he sage talks about how most people feel their WORST ENEMY IS THEMSELVES their own self worth or self esteem … she hides that in the ILLUSION of association with fashionable others who themselves are basse ing their own self worth on the REACTION sot others the cycle continues everyone ..thinking about what ion 2nd MIND and not living thru 1 mind …
The sage in a recording ..conversations with god for teen ..taken from the exploration of DONALD WALSH …. Here is alink to schooling idea of Walsh seee it is not just about sex but kids came from the PLEASURE that sex is ,,, it CARROT ON THE STICK of dna procreation ….. and we are 24/7 able to enjoy and seek that sex pleasure ,,it is GOOD describes ,,the use of sexual RULES and manipulation as the tool of SOCIALIZATION … of control …. Classic military idea is to CREATE a DIVIDE AND CONQUER state in the enemy ….. confusion is just divided concentration …if one of the most basic life issues and PLEASURES in REGUlated ..then effects of manipulation will eventually occur . …now the sage directly talks about becoming more INSTINCTUAL …. Intuitive …. Flow your BLISS …
She summons thru her skilled presentation this is the flip side of that manipulative choice in sexual presentation in clothing .. she wants so much to be …daddys lil’ slut ,, master’s good girl ….. she wants to submit but can not for it is not SOCIALL acceptable ,,, she may submit during BDSM … then become bitch in other aspects of the 1 on1 relationship that will slip over and poisin the whole relationship ….. the harem family makes sure that she ,,, has other PERSONAL relationships that are strong and daily ..and she can interact with you as we are truthfully desgined to inteact …. In BASIS … we interact yes in other ways ,,but ther is a SUBLTE DYNAMIC of sexuality it is NATURAL … but back to something
The SUMONING …. The sgae says the is NO VICTIM …. We attract everything we summon and are summoned … players in COMPLEX GAMES that we understand from the BRAODER PERSPECTIVE OF ..SOURCE … but we forget in our here and now so that we can REALLY FEEL …. Horror or Heaven ……. Now I have always had a hard time using the DADDY position in any scene or with any chick …. I have spent way to much time being the supportive partner to women who had absueive pasts … ..go back to the effects manipulation …. And think for yurelf about the question IS IT NUTURE OR NATURE …we know that stress effects the working of our BIO CHEMISTRY …. And over time your vibrations or thinking will become a manifestation of bio machanicap ABNORMAILTY … you are depressed / confused / manilulated FOR A LONG TIME ANd EVENTUALLY THE BODY PRESESENTS SOMETING identifiable BY MEDICAL SCIENCE . and they tell you it is the CAUSE ..wrong ! ( not a braod enough view of bio mechanics ..but a PROFITABLE one for the…. for profit meidacl insdsutry controlled by the conceptual PHAROHs of our age )
3% of birth have some sort of defect …. There are 1000 defects ..a mental bio chemical defect that would predepose someone to be PERP … is equal to 1/10th of 1% of 1.5 % of the population in whole ,,,, and that absolutely tiny number could never result in the numbers of almost 20% of children being sexually abused …the eeeffects of SEXUAL MANIPULATION … which was created to support the PHAROHS kings and queens … it is the core message behind the myth of SOUL MATES …the divided human is now of USE to the gods( to PHAROH THE GOD KING who predated Greece by a few 1000 years ..who lived such an ALOOF life it seemed un real to the common person like a god on mount oylmpus ) ….
Back to the perp and the victum …. So from a metaP state the I – IN – I all is well but here it suckes and herts … from the META PA there is a knowing about the SUMMONING of all needed parts so that 1 can explore the horror …of letting themselves be come so TWISTED they abuse kids and eventually go out on the patio and blow their brains out and I have to kleen it up …. And I have always hated having to clean up dead people been ther done that can not stand that … nothing worse than the smell of ROTTING HUMAN …. In War Zones, Rape Is A Powerful Weapon clic for NPR link the warrior is trained manipulated thru lack of sex , and the SPOILS of war have always been free access to the pussy RAPE AND PLUNDER ….. savng the choiset pussy for genrals or the sex industry back home … today in Guinea warriors rape girls in broad daylight in the streets ….oevrwheliming YES as the Sage notes there is a general state of good and within the good the Sage also notes because of socialization and not living INSTINCTUALLY we have become our own worst enemy
So a problem or CONTRAST is sent out in to VIBRTIONAL ESCROW where A of infinite possible solutions is formed … and once it hits alevel of … consiuos solutions become following into the arena of free chice …. Note! the book on it almost creates as many life problems as the abuse idi ,,, it is the evidnec trail once more of "When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way."
Couple this with my new quate from Einstein can not solve a problem using the thinking that created the problem in the first place …… the CORE issue is not being solved only evidence trails ..smyptoms …
Enough day to day ,,, data ..for you to coreelate and eventually allow a reprogramming of your mind fuck if you want ….. and on to the BELIEF BASIS resulting from the reprogramming ….. nothing is in your life now without your belief in its posiblity nothing can come into yur life without some level of belief or awarness or THINKABLITY in it .
The slut maker …… if you have a SLUT MAKER somewhere in your place and have written boldly on that with black magic marker SLUT MAKER ….. the courioslity which is the nature of cats and PUSSY will over take her PROGRAMING … her won desire and SUMMONING will over power the effects of living up to texpectations of 2nd 3rd 4th minds … and SHE will get naked on the Slut maker …
So for 19 bucks … it is called a TASK CHAIR … the hydraulic are ok you can raise her up to a good pentration level and lower her if you tie her up as a puppy ( ther are balance issues when she is presented like that … either commit to having two support straps permantely attached in the floor .. or becafeful and mindfulll …. SAFE SANE CONSENTUAL …
Thigh resistraints …Accros the back support of the chair you will secure a closet rod ( painted black there is something about DUNGEON BLACK that touces a subbies mind in jus the right way , Red is a Dom Mistress color and any other color is just LIVING ROOM DÉCOR COLLORS . black black black bullshit remember it si oly the being of the game … the shedding of the mind fuck ) the rod has to be atleast 4 foot long 6 ffot is a waste of space …. The eye blot make it the large one so that you can use IMPRESSIVE ROPE the actually part that topuches skin that I want to stay soft … skinn that I do not wanted PINCHED unless I do it under my control …. That part use the straps from a back pack plus get some of those extra potrective covers available … … the wideness is important for it insures that the straps pull outwards to the knee area keeping her spread well and up high giving you a good PUSSY TARGET for repetitive entry and with drawl … kinda in line with yestradys blog about SUMMONING …. You withdrawl helps her FEEL her PENETRATED NATURE … the emptiness felt during the excitement makes her realize how much she loves getting ucked by REAL MEAT … for her dildoe is only the tool of stimulation … it is in her mind that the real work is happening ,,VIBRATION of fanasty ,, and in its core is the WISH FOR HARD THROBBING MEAT to gush WHITE LIVE SPERM in that wet pussy ….
And hanging from the bottom of the back support … is a pair of SPORT CUFFS … simple easy to make sex toy …
Ooohh ohhh securing the closet rod ,,, two carriage bolts you know the ones with round smmoth tops started form the fabric side ,,the smooth metal will touch her skin that is ok … drilled thru the closet rod.
The task chair has no ARM RESTS that is a good ! thing . if you want to get ffancier adapt another backpack strap as a seat belt of sort sto insure she does not slip of ,, but honeslty you can control that wih a little alertness and reseating of her butt .. during a with draw portion . positioning her as a puppy will mean you have to tie her kness and ankles to together and raise or lower her with hydraulics for best resentation for you and you will fuck her wide legged your balls swinging good . have fun , for the more you are having fun the more aligned with SOURCE ENERGY YOU ARE .. the more powerful it will be for her …. Be of 1 mind yourelf and the world will manifest for you in better and bettr wyas … option I still feel is a good idea especially in the begigning is a good ball gag or scarf to make sure I have PLAUSIBLE DENALBITY …. I can not stop if I can not understand the safe word . what will her summoning be ? to maintain 1st her control and FEAR ? or trust and love ?
Why would I put the health care link here ? for at the basis of this is fear of the transisiton …
Wow this is weird I can kind twist this bolg inot a lesson plan for part 1 of wierd fucking wierd
Begin modulating thought in terms of the way that it feels rather than in terms of the results that it will net you. The tendency is to flow a little Energy and then take score. Well, the problem is, as you flow the Energy, the Universe responds instantly. But when you take score, you're right back in that reality again. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Rafael, CA on Wednesday, March 4th, 1998
When you take SCORE you are thinking BACKWARDS ….. and so you get that backwards result showing up ,,,, if you are living in harmony with TOA , which is going forwards forever towards that which feels better in the second without fear or focus on backwards ..without fear of the MIND UFCK that gets you to worry about Transisitoning/death for no death evr happens to the I … of I in I ….
So forget ..about scores , but live in a now of finding things that feel good , really GOOD , something that feel good to yu are because of the EFFECTS OF MANIPULATION … they are not INSTINCTUAL expressions of feeling good but the reaction of a Fredom seeking DNA and TAO self .. who have been confused for years LIED TO SINCE birth …
With your understanding of UNWATED …like the mind fuck your day to day secondd to second choices become better for you …. And you then evolve into thE VIBRTIONAL ESCROW …. You put out there ….
Ok young master this will be about ….. amking that 19 bucck office chair at stpales into a sex toy ….. “ The Slut Maker “ ..but first on to the repeatitive mental aspects of ..the day to day in evryeway changing you core belif system so to open you to the POSSIBLITY OF TAO ..and the completeness of it is not just sex ,,,, look at the visison board again every one and evry thing is represented family relaxation , $$$ interms of permaculture lifestyle ,,, real retirement security ….. fishing …. And PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY ( ohh yes ass fucking to ) whole-istic ….
Now to the summoning ,,,, you ,, I can choose to seee evrythig in 2 ways ,,,, the way EVE rpesents dresses to impress … herself is 1 an skillful attempt and practsed use of manipulative skills learned and practiced during early teens ,encouraged by mothers and all older women . FACT …they may not SEE it that way but they have the fre choice to SEE IT HTAT WAY ttoo an if they did ,,allow themselves to see THEIR OWN FLIP SIDE … well there are 2 sides …the other side is her own sexual DESIRE she is the she likes to be PENETRTED she wets in desire and to provide your COCK with ease in entering and maintaining movement with PROPER FICTION as nature designed her lube to asjust to her moods …. Thicker or more watery …. She ONLY DRYS when she is NOT OF 1 MIND … when her vibration is split ….. she is not realy fucking you totally for herself …. When she is fucking because whe wants to get DICKED then her pussy wetts like a Niagara falls . she dresses … to make herself feel better for event he sage talks about how most people feel their WORST ENEMY IS THEMSELVES their own self worth or self esteem … she hides that in the ILLUSION of association with fashionable others who themselves are basse ing their own self worth on the REACTION sot others the cycle continues everyone ..thinking about what ion 2nd MIND and not living thru 1 mind …
The sage in a recording ..conversations with god for teen ..taken from the exploration of DONALD WALSH …. Here is alink to schooling idea of Walsh seee it is not just about sex but kids came from the PLEASURE that sex is ,,, it CARROT ON THE STICK of dna procreation ….. and we are 24/7 able to enjoy and seek that sex pleasure ,,it is GOOD describes ,,the use of sexual RULES and manipulation as the tool of SOCIALIZATION … of control …. Classic military idea is to CREATE a DIVIDE AND CONQUER state in the enemy ….. confusion is just divided concentration …if one of the most basic life issues and PLEASURES in REGUlated ..then effects of manipulation will eventually occur . …now the sage directly talks about becoming more INSTINCTUAL …. Intuitive …. Flow your BLISS …
She summons thru her skilled presentation this is the flip side of that manipulative choice in sexual presentation in clothing .. she wants so much to be …daddys lil’ slut ,, master’s good girl ….. she wants to submit but can not for it is not SOCIALL acceptable ,,, she may submit during BDSM … then become bitch in other aspects of the 1 on1 relationship that will slip over and poisin the whole relationship ….. the harem family makes sure that she ,,, has other PERSONAL relationships that are strong and daily ..and she can interact with you as we are truthfully desgined to inteact …. In BASIS … we interact yes in other ways ,,but ther is a SUBLTE DYNAMIC of sexuality it is NATURAL … but back to something
The SUMONING …. The sgae says the is NO VICTIM …. We attract everything we summon and are summoned … players in COMPLEX GAMES that we understand from the BRAODER PERSPECTIVE OF ..SOURCE … but we forget in our here and now so that we can REALLY FEEL …. Horror or Heaven ……. Now I have always had a hard time using the DADDY position in any scene or with any chick …. I have spent way to much time being the supportive partner to women who had absueive pasts … ..go back to the effects manipulation …. And think for yurelf about the question IS IT NUTURE OR NATURE …we know that stress effects the working of our BIO CHEMISTRY …. And over time your vibrations or thinking will become a manifestation of bio machanicap ABNORMAILTY … you are depressed / confused / manilulated FOR A LONG TIME ANd EVENTUALLY THE BODY PRESESENTS SOMETING identifiable BY MEDICAL SCIENCE . and they tell you it is the CAUSE ..wrong ! ( not a braod enough view of bio mechanics ..but a PROFITABLE one for the…. for profit meidacl insdsutry controlled by the conceptual PHAROHs of our age )
3% of birth have some sort of defect …. There are 1000 defects ..a mental bio chemical defect that would predepose someone to be PERP … is equal to 1/10th of 1% of 1.5 % of the population in whole ,,,, and that absolutely tiny number could never result in the numbers of almost 20% of children being sexually abused …the eeeffects of SEXUAL MANIPULATION … which was created to support the PHAROHS kings and queens … it is the core message behind the myth of SOUL MATES …the divided human is now of USE to the gods( to PHAROH THE GOD KING who predated Greece by a few 1000 years ..who lived such an ALOOF life it seemed un real to the common person like a god on mount oylmpus ) ….
Back to the perp and the victum …. So from a metaP state the I – IN – I all is well but here it suckes and herts … from the META PA there is a knowing about the SUMMONING of all needed parts so that 1 can explore the horror …of letting themselves be come so TWISTED they abuse kids and eventually go out on the patio and blow their brains out and I have to kleen it up …. And I have always hated having to clean up dead people been ther done that can not stand that … nothing worse than the smell of ROTTING HUMAN …. In War Zones, Rape Is A Powerful Weapon clic for NPR link the warrior is trained manipulated thru lack of sex , and the SPOILS of war have always been free access to the pussy RAPE AND PLUNDER ….. savng the choiset pussy for genrals or the sex industry back home … today in Guinea warriors rape girls in broad daylight in the streets ….oevrwheliming YES as the Sage notes there is a general state of good and within the good the Sage also notes because of socialization and not living INSTINCTUALLY we have become our own worst enemy
So a problem or CONTRAST is sent out in to VIBRTIONAL ESCROW where A of infinite possible solutions is formed … and once it hits alevel of … consiuos solutions become following into the arena of free chice …. Note! the book on it almost creates as many life problems as the abuse idi ,,, it is the evidnec trail once more of "When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way."
Couple this with my new quate from Einstein can not solve a problem using the thinking that created the problem in the first place …… the CORE issue is not being solved only evidence trails ..smyptoms …
Enough day to day ,,, data ..for you to coreelate and eventually allow a reprogramming of your mind fuck if you want ….. and on to the BELIEF BASIS resulting from the reprogramming ….. nothing is in your life now without your belief in its posiblity nothing can come into yur life without some level of belief or awarness or THINKABLITY in it .
The slut maker …… if you have a SLUT MAKER somewhere in your place and have written boldly on that with black magic marker SLUT MAKER ….. the courioslity which is the nature of cats and PUSSY will over take her PROGRAMING … her won desire and SUMMONING will over power the effects of living up to texpectations of 2nd 3rd 4th minds … and SHE will get naked on the Slut maker …
So for 19 bucks … it is called a TASK CHAIR … the hydraulic are ok you can raise her up to a good pentration level and lower her if you tie her up as a puppy ( ther are balance issues when she is presented like that … either commit to having two support straps permantely attached in the floor .. or becafeful and mindfulll …. SAFE SANE CONSENTUAL …
Thigh resistraints …Accros the back support of the chair you will secure a closet rod ( painted black there is something about DUNGEON BLACK that touces a subbies mind in jus the right way , Red is a Dom Mistress color and any other color is just LIVING ROOM DÉCOR COLLORS . black black black bullshit remember it si oly the being of the game … the shedding of the mind fuck ) the rod has to be atleast 4 foot long 6 ffot is a waste of space …. The eye blot make it the large one so that you can use IMPRESSIVE ROPE the actually part that topuches skin that I want to stay soft … skinn that I do not wanted PINCHED unless I do it under my control …. That part use the straps from a back pack plus get some of those extra potrective covers available … … the wideness is important for it insures that the straps pull outwards to the knee area keeping her spread well and up high giving you a good PUSSY TARGET for repetitive entry and with drawl … kinda in line with yestradys blog about SUMMONING …. You withdrawl helps her FEEL her PENETRATED NATURE … the emptiness felt during the excitement makes her realize how much she loves getting ucked by REAL MEAT … for her dildoe is only the tool of stimulation … it is in her mind that the real work is happening ,,VIBRATION of fanasty ,, and in its core is the WISH FOR HARD THROBBING MEAT to gush WHITE LIVE SPERM in that wet pussy ….
And hanging from the bottom of the back support … is a pair of SPORT CUFFS … simple easy to make sex toy …
Ooohh ohhh securing the closet rod ,,, two carriage bolts you know the ones with round smmoth tops started form the fabric side ,,the smooth metal will touch her skin that is ok … drilled thru the closet rod.
The task chair has no ARM RESTS that is a good ! thing . if you want to get ffancier adapt another backpack strap as a seat belt of sort sto insure she does not slip of ,, but honeslty you can control that wih a little alertness and reseating of her butt .. during a with draw portion . positioning her as a puppy will mean you have to tie her kness and ankles to together and raise or lower her with hydraulics for best resentation for you and you will fuck her wide legged your balls swinging good . have fun , for the more you are having fun the more aligned with SOURCE ENERGY YOU ARE .. the more powerful it will be for her …. Be of 1 mind yourelf and the world will manifest for you in better and bettr wyas … option I still feel is a good idea especially in the begigning is a good ball gag or scarf to make sure I have PLAUSIBLE DENALBITY …. I can not stop if I can not understand the safe word . what will her summoning be ? to maintain 1st her control and FEAR ? or trust and love ?
Why would I put the health care link here ? for at the basis of this is fear of the transisiton …
Wow this is weird I can kind twist this bolg inot a lesson plan for part 1 of wierd fucking wierd
Begin modulating thought in terms of the way that it feels rather than in terms of the results that it will net you. The tendency is to flow a little Energy and then take score. Well, the problem is, as you flow the Energy, the Universe responds instantly. But when you take score, you're right back in that reality again. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Rafael, CA on Wednesday, March 4th, 1998
When you take SCORE you are thinking BACKWARDS ….. and so you get that backwards result showing up ,,,, if you are living in harmony with TOA , which is going forwards forever towards that which feels better in the second without fear or focus on backwards ..without fear of the MIND UFCK that gets you to worry about Transisitoning/death for no death evr happens to the I … of I in I ….
So forget ..about scores , but live in a now of finding things that feel good , really GOOD , something that feel good to yu are because of the EFFECTS OF MANIPULATION … they are not INSTINCTUAL expressions of feeling good but the reaction of a Fredom seeking DNA and TAO self .. who have been confused for years LIED TO SINCE birth …
With your understanding of UNWATED …like the mind fuck your day to day secondd to second choices become better for you …. And you then evolve into thE VIBRTIONAL ESCROW …. You put out there ….
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