Saturday, October 4, 2008



Young master …. Again over and over I want you to understand ..that all of us are the same , maybe the bio-machine we use for experience has different ablity … designed for different NICHE of time/space experience within the WHOLE of the greater ……Gaia the theory that the planets themselves are LIFE and us life forms are no more than the BACTERIA that is in our guts that makes our life possible ..PROBIOTICS …. And so we are to something so large that we can not understand it …. Or realy conceive of it …now the idea of CONCIEVING is what makes us humans special?

The ablitly to build homes and roads …? Have a concept of ourselves in contrast to the GOD we have been trained to FEAR…. The concept of DEATH of a friend or family and the STORYS mankind told their babys to explain why someone did not wake up any more ….

And those BABYS believed their parents and the storys and told the sorys to the next genenration …. They wondered about the lighting more than other animals and feared the lighting for once here and there some one got hit by it and dieed so , even more MYTH WAS createda bout the GOD from the SKY that will KILL you if you do not do what I tell you ….. not what I TELL YOU but …what some one from ages past used to GAIN control …… and seemingly it became very common after the GENETIC mutatlion of 70,000,000 years ago … yet the evidence trail of humanity the DNA body design of a HAREM ANIMAL … and peaceful harem lifestyle where by …territory was created and maintained by …BLUSTERING ….. yet on average real harm or warfare did not happen atleast nothing like that of the MODERN MAN …. I gotta keep bringing you back to the reality of the design of your COCK and of her pussy and the similarities and difference between our most similar DNA cousins ,,, we are … like DOG speicies ,,there are great DANES , german shepards , chow dogs . Lasa Apso , it rat like chiwowo’s ( spelled wrong the taco bell dogs ) all still genetically capable of inter breeding since they are all dogs yet look nothing alike the DANE big but very sort harid the TACO DOG tiny and no hair …. The CHOW fussy beyond reason ….

And us the naked APE because we used animal hides to protect us ..and we thru SEX choose less and less hairy women …. And the girls got attracted to bigger and bigger cocked men ….. that is why you have an ACORN on a shaft as composed to the gorilla whose acorn is on a very very short shaft …. The chimp’s pencil dick desgned for SPERM competion is very much un like ours …. The GROSSLY SWOLLEN pussy of the female chimp is umlike the the human pussy which does engorge a bit the clit does swll , but nothing like the HRONY DISPLAY ….. the sexual PASSPORT of the chimp female …

But today was supposed to be about ,,, the I – IN – I , and commucation and how we …ALL ANIAMSL are the same TAO ..all of us even the bacteria in our guts that can not understand the MACROcosim of the environment in which it lives or that it’s life is what allows the life of the macro….. and how the hollow gram continues ,,, it is logical to think we are just alos part sof a greater expression of …BEING called Gaia ….. something we can hardly THINK OF … something unthinkable. but yet because of the years oand years of sublte programming the training like a dog the point the wildness the ablity to live back in the wild is lost … … the training that strats with ,,,NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP I PRAY a god MY SOUL TO KEEP and if I die …….

Iw as doing my run ,,,, a bald eagle was wind surfing the currents of wind created by the cliff here on this portion of INDIAN RIVER DR where is live ( and am selling my home hint hint hint … ) now that is not so strange ,,wind surfing is done my amny species of birds …. Just for fun the animals is sometimes you can tell surfing while hunting other times just having fun , riding currents of waves doing some trickes even . banking here and there just for FUN ..but what I saw today that sparked me was …. 3 white herons SURFING . that wading bird ,,,, can fly but its bulk ….. well it normally just uses flight to get from POINT A TO POINT B …. To see them seemingly surfing was strange , then I noticed one of the birds start out ..across the open water in front of my area ,,, even at the closest the barriaer island accros the Indian river lagoon is over a mile away ….. and there is now where for this wading bird to stop and rest along its way …. So 1 bird started out then another of the three followed and lstly the the 3rd started but her lgot only out about 300 hundered yasrds when he banked on the head wind ..turns back to shore and landing on the shoreline with about 10 other white herons ,,, now this was wiered ,,that was a fairly large grouping of this speices ….. as did my ring I kept an ieye on these birds and notice from time to time one would raise up into the ari colum test this out ,,,, either leave to attempt a crossing or go back down and mingle withit’s kind BIRD OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER …

Now this for the most part is a VERy slient bird I do not know its language the sounds I can hear …. I have not heard ,,, the sound I can hear ,, I bring up because remember WE CAN NOT translate ALL VIBRATIONS …. Sound is just vibrations …. We can not hear the DOG WHISLTE ….our A HUMAN
Dna design is niched expeince and live within certain parameters …

And I was remeinded then about my cats I love using them because they are GREAT examples of ….the BEAST the stupid animal beneathe … humanity ,,, soulless ….just a dumb animal … who makes not houses of plant seeds or pray to god for SALVATION …. ( salvation from a life that was created by mankind itself ...SLAVERY ,,THE GOAL OR HOPE THE TREAT OR REWARD PROMISED TO THE GOOD SAVLE of PHAROH ) cat talk with meows we can hear that and so us the GREAT HUMAN the KNOWIT ALL human believes that is the only way they communicate …. In fact anything commicates is many thur sound ….. now a man named MAJOR MARK here is his direct site and he is very muc involved in the SEDUCTION system of …. The link found here talkes about how we commuciate …in 1000’s of ways …being an EX SF … he had to learn how not ot commuciate …
I watch my cats … come face to face witheachother touching foreheads … for second and I am reminded of all the books and ancient TRDATIONS ..that stated that current mind kind has FORGETTEN The commication of spirit no longer trusts the FLOW Of tha feeling because ,,well becaue we HAVE BEN LIEENING TO EACH OTHER SOMUCH THE commucation of spirit is tainted by the lies of needing to serve PHAROH gain position to EASE the pain of the slavery ….. we learned to lie to eachother over and over to the point that the words tha come out of the mouth ,,,the words of the actionsof someones life …actions speak louder than words …and the commucation of the VIBRATIOAN of FEELING ..feelings ,, what are FEELINGs …they are some thing you FEEL …. And everything even the sub=ATOMIC partrcle is nothing but the experience of the observation of a VIBRATION tha once observed the Quatum collapse happens a nd a PAST IS now memeory ,,the expreince of a thing a nano second … fo nticing ….. nticing observing the time ..the time … of a vibration …

FEELING are the TRANSLATION …. Thru a receptor .. aSENSORY organ … like eyes or skin or HEART ?
OHHH the birds ..were showing me again how animals the BEAST like us JUDGES THINGS ..chooses things ,,,, FEELS things ,,before ACTING . before gamibing on such a long flight out the the barrier island.

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