Being THAT dildoe
Young master I get RECURING letters from people about …that humanity is THE ! end all of end alls of current develop ment of the spirit …. Uhhhhh well from with a STORY with something describable then WELL YES I can agree it is POSSIBLE for the tao ….is a state of UN-IMPOSIBLITY … whatever dream you want to create well it is possible to create and BE that story that movie that adventure that STATE OF BEING ….
They have a hard time not seeing human as BEING ABOVE … and better ,, well this whole idea of above and better is part and parcel it is the whole and the micro of the ….. programming the SLAVE mentality needs to have beeter than and worse than …. To exoxist when the TAO KNOWS NOTHING BUT THE EQULITY of itself and you are like a HOLOGRAM of the whole …. In the bible it says we are created in god’s image ,,, welll …. The hologram when cut still show the whole …. And the whole hologram shows the whole …. For us to be this HUMAN na for god to be human would mean that GOD is DESCRIBABLE …. You can create a graven image of god …. Oooh boy against like the major rules of GOD_DUMB …..goddom ,,kingdom …. No graven image of the god of the history of JESUS or the jews …..
God is ? in fi nite ? well what is the LIMIT on in fin tie … when will you tell me , BUT PHIL THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE ….. ahh the end of infinity as created by you a mere human on some lil ball of dirt you just a aBACTERIAL INFECTION of the thought form Gaia ….. huan is going to SAY ! because they read it in a book written by other humans who ARE POSSILBE of being LIARS how many leaders of churches the high holiest of holys were found out to actually be FLAWED humans …living imperfect human lives ,,but because they SAID …( which is POSIBLELY a lie ( um inposible TAO are you going to limit it , just because ,,you a human ….. well you must be god .to limit infinftey humanity you are the CREATOR ) of the thought form god …..
But on to the DIDOE …… being that dildoe …. That Caucasian dildoe with ball sack and suction cup ,, … that dildoe which is different fro the blue dildoe with a suction and those wicked ribs ….. being that dildoe …. It it a BEING? Equal to that of a living human …. To the TAO not to you and I who are so fucking special ….. because we can think ourselves in wanting to end our life because of the confusion ,,, even if we do not admit to SELF DESTRUCTION THRU CHEMCIAL RECREATION the deepest of truths is still there .( I am happy to hear you admit you have being …purchasing happiness ..that the magical mystery herb … still antural herb ,, but I t gets you high because of the poisineffect …. You got it ….. everythin in moderation …. Well that is different that suicide to an extent ..)
Back to the dildoe …. So you go to the toy store …. And ther are like 10 of the same dildoes on the shelf …. But are they the same ,,,, NO each if you were to explore them at a molecular level would be INDIVIDUALS …now …. BEING you ..every what we call LIVING CELL as compared to bEING ….a living cell sTUFF just molecules ,,, non living stuff which the TAO ..i will not limit it to energy or shit I will let the un impossible BE un impossible … and jut call the EXPERIENCER of molecules htat have poetential for SELF REPLICATION When energized with a ….a? TAO ….. that cell is a being of 1 cell …. A being of 1 cell if it leives for 1 second 1 minute of lasts long enough to divide …. It didi live it experienced TIME/SPACE ..
So 1 human cell one live cell of anything is ..well BEING-ness of …. Experience of BEING …a thing ..and this thing is a THING which is designed to SELF REPLICATE …… to copy itself even maybe grow like a seed from a tree so small and does not resemble the TREE yet it ..that seed becomes something so diffenenrt …so LARGE …
SO 1 LIVE CELL DIVIDES and becomes TWO …the two each are ALIVE … yet the whole of the 2 is a concuios of MADE UP OR THE 2 …. So the 2 indidivuals reproduce themselves and become 4 …… each is alive and speerate ..each FEEDS and gROWS .. with in the design of it’s own best interest ,,which in the DAN of that living BEING … is designed to act most often ( yes mutation does happen on about a 3% average ) I HARMONY with the design of the HOLOGRAM DNA held within … the 4 make up the consciuoness of the 1 …. And the 4 become 8 and the 8 become 16 and the 16 become 32 and the 32 become 64 , 128 ….
128 indidnual live cells that because of DNA designs PASSED down for the orginal 1 celled life at the BEGINNING of self repelicating forms …. That evolved into mulit celled animals …. Indidnual animals that depended on group life to INHANCE THEIR lives …. Then the group becme an NAMED SELF a 1 . but just becase the group now acted as a 1 … the indidnuvals were still acting in the WELLBEING of themselves and of the whole group … the intent of this mental exercise is for you to experience what it would be like to be the smallest THING in this dimension …. Just this dimension ,,, to not limit the TAO or the UN-IMPOSSIBLE ..the building block of the ATOMS themselves is to DEPEND on the WELLBEING the AGREEMENT that particles such as QUANTAS themselves will BE so the ATOM can form ..the BEING of an atom DEPENDS of the agreement of the in-fi-nite numbers of Quantas flash in and out of exisitance … for if only less than a nao second so that ..the EXPERINCE the PROBABLITY of the thing called atom can be ,, and experience the LIFE CYCLE OF ATOM …. Atoms do age and DECAY …..
what I am trying to get at is …BEING …. A dildoe … being dependant on the plasitic particle … each COMPOUND particle a particle unto itself that works in a state ofWELLBEING ..and function so that a DILDOE can BE a DILDOE …
the plasic partivcle depends on a STABLE PYSHICS ..of atomic structure so it can be PLASITC PARTICLE and the Elementall atomic Groups depend on atoms which depend on subatomics which DEPEND ON THE SMALLEST >>>> CHOOSER OR particiapant the QUANTUM itself ….to come in to TIME/SPACE
TO JUST BE …… in time space for a nano second or for 100 humans years or 1000 REDWOOD tree years or the 1 day of a fruit fly …. Long lived or short lived … discussions from as far back as the days of ZHUANGZI … ....... humanity is DEPENDANT on ..the WELLBEING the intent of stabl;ity in pyshics …. Of the basic TAO the action of observing of being something ….. time is just a VLUE JUDGEMENT trained into us …. By our culture and fear of RETRUNING TO the TAO fear of death … something that of course the BIO-machine has programmed into it ,,, it must stay alve and FEAR death so that it can stay alive along enough to reproduce ,,insure the children live on , and helpt the following generations …. That is the PROGRAM of the bio machine
A rock or dildoe being ,,, a being not the same as life being …but still a state of being a thing ….. equal …in the WHOLE OF TAO ….. the beginning or manufacturing or birth of a dildoe is ….. and the death and decay of a dildoe is ….
So to it is with life forms ,,birth and …NO ONE GETS OUT OF HERE ALIVE …. Ahh but the carrot on the stick of RELIGON is LIFE EVERLASTING (but you gotta die firt ..something they do not realy remeind you of to much they foucs on the life everlasting part ..the carrot on the stick ) think for yourself
Should dildoes have rights? Why ..everything ages and dies … things change … humanity realy is a VERY HLPFUL NICE species is only when thGREED comesinto play that you have to worry about CRUEL ACTIONS on humans parts ….. greed steming from SEX … yes manly sex and as the time of PHAROHS came and EVE learned SEUXAL manilualtions …man to get his ROCKS OFF have sex …had to fight to GET EVES …. Instead of
EVE choosing her harem in peace free to do so based upon her judgements as is in the nature of the DNA desgn shown evident in the COCK and pussy of the human animal …..
We are like the PEACEFUL gorilla read down the page ,,, and read about the manipulation and greed ..the hierarchy …. And use of SEX as a tool of manipulation of the WAR LIKE fighting chimps …. Yet our bio desgn show we have GORILLA in us also ..yes ,, some chimp some gorilla ..and now the free choice to choose which lifestyle … maninpulation ,,the effects of ocontrol and coehrciosn or free choice to be … whole-istic
(we kill humans kill life forms everyday by the millions ….. not in ANGER but as a part of functioning in this complexity ,,,it is not a bad thing it is the transitiong for the DEAD back into the TAO ….. no thing ..more
Saturday, October 11, 2008
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