Love potion #7
“ In every great FAIRY TALE (unreality ) the sorccerors take a little sciene and throw in a little magic tocreate the perfect brew to bring TWO lovers together ….” WWWWOOOOWWW does that sound NATURAL ?
Young master ,,, / about being NATURAL ,, in harmony with who and WHAT we all are .. it is about the FREEDOM to choose this …nature as your personle lifestyle ,,, and when you have done your Job your TOUR OF DUTY ( to be read and thought about …. Again not direction or TRUST ME’s as much as seeds to help you to START to think on down the page some )
The firt section and the title both come from an advertisement the MIND FUCK …. The keeping you RUNNING ON A WHELL like a TRAPPED …..RAT ! chasing the CHEESE of pussy that ,,urge deep in your DNA to reproduce that has been found out thru the eons to be usefull in the CONFUSE and conquering of populations …. Divivded attention ….. keeps the slaves unable to REBEL or understand how much stress they are actually havein to live with in … creation of ECON OMy for the continued exixitatnce of the thought FORM economy ….
UN NATUIRAL …. From the writing of Chuangzi … from the words of 1000 BC man , who even then was feeling the stress of DATING A ND LIVING RULES OF CIVIL ( ?????) MAN … is the sotry of mr. I don’t know … .... remember OK , now matter what others try to tell you that you are above ,,, the other fellow TAOIST oint of view experincers who are all USING bio-machines for the TEMPORARY experience of adventure in time/space ..dependant on the QUANTUM itself to BE …. So that ATOMS can BE use the sub atomic paricles that MOLECULES can BE ..using atoms … so substances can BE … so that so the POTENTIAL of the NO 1 THING can …… BE …. Thing … and that thing become groups of substance that makes up … makes up BIO MECHANICs …. That we all use … and each related for each BIO mechanincal SUIT …. Which a POINT OF VIEW …. A you … a BEING uses …. Has in it DNA a common thread of ….. INFORAMTION … ( ok maybe not the virus but as far as I know all others s do ) ….. and the truth even those who CHOOSE to continue on to the NEXT dream of aCHRISTAIN HEAVEN ….. must FIRST DIE … no one gets out of herea alive …
THE UN …. NATURALNESS of our DATING ..because dating has become a system of POLICTICS ..evolved from …. Times of HANUNRABI’S CODE … a tool of GREED and FEAR …. Gread and jeoulsy is all based on FEAR the current the under lying focus of thought is upon STRESS and lack ,,, and the idea of I WILLB EHAPPY WHEN … IGET the next big TOY or item or influx of cash …she will be happy and give you kisses will HAPPEN after you buy her that Diamond Necklace advertised with the …. FAIRYT ALE words …sure love for a minute until she starts fto again FEEL …her TRUE focus of greed and FEAR and UNWORHTYNESS ….. a neve ending cycle that keeps ECONMY ALIVE …. Something that continues while we humans come and go , live and die . worry about the HEALTH OF ECONOMY …… well it just keeps on living on ,, a THING …. So vast we can not see our part to fit …. Our PART OF IT … yet with out us it does not live ….. welll you dumb ass , can not live without the PROBIOTIC bacteris that has evolved to exoxtst in all complex Living creatures the symbios …. Seen in every eco system … and the bacteria do not understand expect for the world they live ,,they live and experience within the PARAMETERS of their design the dangers of their world with ,,the PREPROGRAMED URGE TO ….RECREATE THE OPPURUTUNITY FOR …THE NEXT genenration fo ….. BEING to come experience …. Being . another adventure from a UN limited amount of choices ..for ….EVER … in fi nite ,, some thing so fucking big NEVER eVER think you can .. even really THINK about it ,,, it is to vast for a little human mind ..for in fi nity … means that it would take in finity to just experience it ,, much lesss conceive of the wholeness for there is NO WHOLENESSS beyond that of continued IN FI NITE GROWTH …. And oppurutuinty . the life form the thought form of economy …. The SERVICE to the GOD?KING was the first basisi of this …the need to HAVE tools of service for the GOD?KINGS ….. good trainable l..beast of burden with abilty to pull a plow or paint a piciture or carve some ART ..or cook a meal … or suck a COCK ….. all in one PACKAGE CALLED the human animal … easy to capture and TRAIN by fear ..bREADING THUS more TRAINABLE GENARATIONS …. Which have become the CONFUSED beings you currently are … being used and LIED TO ..every day .
Can you think for yourself ….
Dating is STRESSFULL it is why you have to get tha beer or 6 before you TALK to that girl ,, your CORAGE in a cup because of the STRESS of acting OUTSIDE OT THE DNA …programming the DAN expecataion …
Currently ,, there is anew school of thought when it comes to training your PUPPY DOG ….. they now realize that DEEP in every dog is still that DNA dog of ages before it decided to evolve a CO-exsitance ..with human kind …. It still has written into its DAN ,,the urege to be in a CAVE or burrow they recommend the use of the PUUPY PEN in training a dog …. AHHHH the ANCIENT DNA urges are still there after how many years ? how long has MAN and DOG been the BEST of FRIENDS way ..way ..way BEFORE man kind become the SALVE animal the besast of burden for PHAROHS ….. and if the DOG still has this ACTIVE DNA URGE ,.,,yet can be trained to ignore it …. By violence and negative RE0INFORCEMENT …. Or as we find now it can live evn beter by being in harmony with DEEP NATURAL urges of DNA …… again I will go back to US … you are nothing more than BIO MACHINE …. That is the truth ,,, you can think but you do not GROW WINGS … your urge is to fuck human girls not chickens …. You have INSTINCTS …. But you now have TWISTED INSTINCT ….. ( selfless plug ….. I like to see that number of people grow …. Expaning thought thru out the world ….. so get a copy for a buck an quarter at ….
Ok not only you BUT SHE TOO in a confused state sure she likes the ATTENTION but when the ATTENTION stops comeing shes GSTS DEPRESSED ……… and woorys about self worth . ahh the cost of the GAME of greed EVE …. Your creation from when you DECIDED upon MANIPULATION of man thur SEX ……. Hanurabi’s CODE ….. the first wife concepts . the genisis ..the myth in fact all myth have SEEDS ….
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
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