Bump into my hard cock
Youngmaster her and your continued ..bumping into each other is ….. she putting herself ..she expressin of her wants … she in the DRIVE that gets HUMANITY UP IN THE MORNING ..the INSTINCUTAL DRIVE for social and SEXUAL interaction …. Well it is her trying to bump inot your HARD DICK …. Giving you to OP to lead by asking her out …. But
But remember the current relationship model is based UPON FEARS ….. really look at it feel it and you will find FEAR is the ROOT of it …
You have seen by now I hope the eVIDENCE trail of your DNa … http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html accept it or not it does not change that you ..are a DNA animal ! I want to touch on this some more in a second in terms of Clones … cloning we have all heard about it? Take the DNa strand from an old person and what GROWS ? another old person ? or a perfect baby ? the info in the DAN build a new perfect BIO machine ,,if the first bio machine was damamged in the womb by chcmeical exposure the close would not have the damamge … if the old person were damaged by life the clone would not have the damamge … the DNA strand is IMPORTANT …. Yes spirit soul ETC ..but it is EXPRESSED thru the BIO-machine ..the meat sack ..which has RELATIONSHIP and sexual expectations build into the DAN strand …
The thing that gets us out of bed so we can BUMP INTO EACH other and eventually meet and FUCK LIKE animals ..to Quaote NICKEL BACK …
Last night I went to a showing of the movie the SECRET at tsomeones house ,,, it was played realy for the beinfit of one person ,,, a SEEKER … this one s she .. she is ROOTEd in her pososition in a sub culture yet ,,,, has reason to want to leave that GROUPING that social society ,,, but still HER COOL is rooted in her posisiotn in that group and the people she knows and even the eX…EX boyfriend she still LOVES (aahh is it love OR is it EVE positioning herself .. tieing herself to one UP HIGH in the eyes of that society ..the TATOO ARTISIT HIMSELF .) but like the AVERAGE like the 99 out of 1000 the soul mate fairy tale ideal dream (http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html ) is not working out and I fact as I find out she now with baby in the belly is having to REALLY THINK for the first stime ..about .. REALITY .. the instinct of a mother .
THE SECRET….. http://www.thesecret.tv/ a great starter movie it has all the TRIGGER … baits ….. FAST CARS for the boys and SOUL AMTES for the girls … it is designed to be ATTRACTIVE to get your attention … hey just l;ike my blogs …. BUMP INTO YOUR HARD COCK …. Bait and switch … now the SWITCh in the movie does not come till later on , in fact all the POSITV E thinking books movies etc ,, from all tiem all started with teasing the STUDENT with the promise of becoming a MASTER in PHAROHS ECONOMY …. The male gettins wealth a great toys like cool cars or chariots … and girls the GREAT MAN who has all the right stuff and toys and wealth and POSITION …. But later on in the moive HOPEFULLY after they have your attention they teel you the truth ….
Want everything ( wats are thinking about the past …. Ideas born from contrasting events ALREADY lived experienced …the past )
Expect nothing ( .. EXPECTATION is living in the future … to be NEEDY about the expected is to live in fear which means you are thinking or are focused on the LACK of the wants in your life …. Which means the power of thought that …. Think thought which is UNDESCRIBABLE … but is ..choice ..the AGREEMENT STATE of being ….. the universe is not a place of LAW and PUNNISHMENT .. with Atomic and sub atomic POLICE forces to Inforce lase .. with quantum jails … but a place of TAO ..WELLBEING .. each quant in IN FI NITE NUMBERS ..remember you can not even understand that …. Beyong thinking the unthinkable. http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html )
Be happy now …for being happy now is living in the only REAL there is … both past the WANTs and the future expectations are both living in the TAO of thoughts …not in the ADVENTUIRE of the eXPERIENCE of the flow of TIME/SPACE ….. being happy with now means you are …living your desired INTENT ….. intent to see your wants then live realizing that your dreams your intentions do come true ,,, and in this state of WELLBEING freedom of choice called TAO ..the gathering of countless I – in – I particle wave expressions fo quantum pyshihcs as we call it … in this you experience realiys of NOWS …. With the possible so fexperinceing the WANTED to generate or clarifly the WANTS …. Which you have the choice to see later on in EXPERINCES of more NOWS …. But thliving of the PASSION of the wanted …. Of the being HAPPY .. with aspects of what you already have starts the MOMENTUM of energy to wards even more and ore wanted events .
The BAIT …of the movie SECRET …. Ahhhh welll bait is needed to ge the attention of one who is lost …. Leading a horse to water … if the horse can not understand the TAO of water it may not see water like I see water ,,so it is important to bring the horse to a pond of water that it can RECOGNISE … so GREEDY ness of THINGs it understands ..
Young mater you ….. are ENTRENCHED in a mind set , yesterday I talked about the poverty mindset , and reminded you that the tool of EE US saving bonds with help in the BREAKING of tha mind set … ( link to that info http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html ) but the girl lat night because in this social circle … WORKED the gCROWD did she ,,she said the right words enterd the right discussion but her heart is bing in the HIERACRHY of her choosen KEWL ! ……. Lead a horse to water but you can not FORCE her to drink and FEAR of CAHNGE is the only the only the ONLY reason she does not change ,,she is seeng th revolving RPISON doors of her social group the on average ,,, anarchy of well ANARCHY … and she worrys about her baby to come does she want this life and upbringing astress for the baby ? yet
The life of the AVAGE SLAVE to the CORP / is what she stated she was not going to live as she JOINED in the Alternative social group …of the KEWL .. to recant .to turn around will bring about … I TOLD YOU SO’s FORM FAMILY AND FRIENDS she ..left behind .BETTER TO STAY TRAPPED and DOOM the baby to a life of STRUGGLE than to … accept I told you so’s form people like parents …. Wow pretty fucked UP and powerful this whole EGO thing ,,this EVE greed ! it will evn over ride the instinctual power of motherhood FREE CHOICe .,….. foprm within the bio-suit the bio/machine of experience …
( part of the secret they talk and talk ab out how your mind can CONTROL the body ..well to a point , you do not SPROUT WINGs just because you think .. you may build an AIRPLANE … but you do not ALTER your DNa …… they talk about the SET point of RELAXATIOn and the effects of stress …. Acting against the DAN program develops long term stress . for the bio machine has EXPECTION built into it … so that BIO MACHINES will be around for the next GENARTION the chooser who uses the BIO machine the YOU “S well you are so FREE YOU CAN CHOOSE SLAVERY … you can choose to self destruct your bio machine at the cost of much stress …. I never met a junkie yet who when I realy got to know them did not hate their life …. But the pain of confusion was worse still …. Not understanding or listening to the INNER programinf of the DNA . ……… the body when brought back to a state of ZERO stress will let the DAN of human cells grow like it would if your were to be CLONED like a baby ..healty cells will develop ..if you couold get rid ..of the STRESS … YOucan not because you live in ….. your wants or your expectation …. Not in the UNSTRESS of happiness …. ..think for yourself … just ideas not HAVE TO’S
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
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