Wednesday, October 1, 2008

time to get fat

Instinctualism 4

Time to get FAT

Young master todays doctor with our great scienc is albe to see the workings of the BIO + MACHIONE we use …now they may see it as an CAUSE and EFFECT event ,,where many many times it is a result of a train of thought … a train of thought … INERTIA .makes it very hard to stop the lfow o f the movement of the train and so with you thoughts ….

Sure there are MALFUCTIONS IN the bio machine and on average the bio machine repairs itself …. There are 3 5 of all births with some ….? Defect ? special circumstances ..but on average and you are most ly linving this long on average you ae …average ,,so mostly your body has the ablity and the INSTINCT to maintain a healty weight for itself

Now the doctor my look at the result of a life time of POOR CHOICES SEEING ACTIVATED GENES AT WORK and after testing and ID’ing said ,,DAN activity , proclaim ,,, obesicty is genetic … when in fact most ly it is that they ae DEDUCTIVELY reasoning abased on imperfect MODELING ….. but of course gentics abornorms can and do exosisit but those conditions mostly would be present in INFANTHOOD … they can be stimulated by THOUGHT BY THE TRAIN OF THOUGHT … some wanted some INSTILLED by the SHOULDs ..the dependence you have on your care givers when young ,,, so yu accept the TRAINING the NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP…

But nature ….. we have a 6 million year history as a BI ped ..ape …. 2.5 million years we have evidence of wide DISTRUBITION … Georgia man , ( that ius the goergias of Russia ) …now understand the FRIG is less than 100 years in common use … in common use in that most people have one in their homes WE HUMAN have less than 100 of this 24/7 access to EVERY food possible ..before that we did live the natural cycle of NAUTRE ..bounty and LACK ….. you ..your BIO machine havine developed over 6 million years over millions of years adapting to the idea of living in DIVERSE climates … ADJUISTS to cycles of activity

You if you are white mostly are ADAPTED to the 4 seasons ,,, and a sort of HIBERNATION cycle …… and to get ready for this SLOW down your metabolism slows ,, you slow a DEPRESION of sorts starts to KICK in , very natural as the sun shines starts to disappear and our DEP INNER ANIMALS sense this change …now with artifical lights again something that is only about 1000 years old in every house ( candles were not lightsing ..they were lights used for apurpose but for the average NON ROYAL or wealthy family night time meant sleep time … night time meant the sun went down , and the sun goes down earlier and early as fall arrives … the TREES them selves go to sleep …..

Now this time of year with out the FRIG means that there is a bunch of fresh food around that should be eaten now before it goes bad ,,,, you put on FAT like BEAR before winter ..yes humans did learn to store and preserve foods ,,, hide foods like a squierel …. Yes we could go hunting but in the worst days of winter you ain’t going hunting for the game also is smart and not moving they too are some why hivernating …

So from OCT nove into DEC you put on FAT …and from JAN FEB AMARCH APRIL you are in an auto fat consuming mode YOUR BODY IS PROGRAMED to do this …. But our Culture has all sorts of parties developed around this GETTING FAT period … like thanksgiving the etc …. And since there is no lack of foods during the darkest months ….. since you have grown up with frig …. Your body was not able to live it’s nature…. Remember DOCTORS like to describe the activity of GENES the activity of the BIO machine this bio machine that developes to live on AUTO pilot so that you do not have to CONTROL it with you thoughts you do not have to JUDGE EACH LEVEL OF MUSCLE CONTRACTION FOR EACH BEAT OF YOUR HEART YOU DO NOT TELL the hair fociles when to grown hair and by how much ….. you do not tell your balls to make more sperm ,,when empty it starts producing lots of CUM ,,, if you do not shoot your load with in 48 hours ,,, it consumes the sperm that is there to use this raw material to make new FRESH SPERM you have to THINK ABOUT THAT CONTROL THAT ? or is auto … when did you develop this ablilty ?

Ok …so as long as I have known you young master you have been on diets … how about using that great mind I know you have to function in harmony with the AUTO PILOT of your body ,,realizing the advent of tECHNOLOGY is fucking up the machine created from 6 million years of EXPERINCE how can we EXPECT it to adapt to 100 years of 24/7 365 days a years of summer abundance …. When it your machine will want to live the INSTINCTS has ….

Now this relates to the HAREM instinct as well …… the design of your cock shows and eveidence trail of EXPECATION …… your dick is an ACORN on ashaft …. Used in a non sperm competive sexual relationship …. It resemble the GORILLA cock except that our dicks are longer ,,,, STRECTHED for DISPLAY and for more pleasure in fucking …

Just vbecause thetop POLIICALL family of history had to create ,,,, powerful alliances of 1 on 1 mariages ,,kings and queens ….. noble families ….. of the WESTERN cultures …POLIGAMY was still practsed every where else and even in SUBLTE forms within the western world ,,the WIFE of the noble man knew he also was fucking other women , but her position was secured as 1st because of church and polictics … the idea of the common man having to live in a 1 on 1 marriage only came about because of the USE of the JESUS myth ….NO ONE WAS THERE TO ….TRANSCIBE jesus’s words … for when he was alsive an preaching he was just a SAGE …. Not until as the story goes that he ROSE from the dead was he given godd status and then able to be a good tool of the ROMAN policatical machine …. And from that time the social control of the 1on 1 sexuall control system the DIVIDE and conwuer of forcing a HAREM ANIMAL TO live UN-NATURALLy ,,, thus in a TWISTED instinctual state of consfuion or divided attention , you get the STRAGETIC advantage of DIVIDE AND CONQUER… a stressed confused home … ahome based on the concepts of a Fairy tale of love based on the subtle need to control populations so that econmys can maintain the life style of the top PHAROH FAMAILYS . here is a good article on … the history of polygamy Polygamy laws expose our own hypocrisy

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