Sunday, October 12, 2008

baby tool

Baby tool
Young master ,,even just the talk about starting a family is a TOOL of the selfish EVE mindset ,,, it is not the baby but the oppurutunity to CLAIM posseion of you that is really the WANTO she has ….and if she allows herself to get preganant … look to her evidence trail of action her CHANGES OR ….LACK! of real changes in her day to day lifestyle to , PROVE actions speak louder than words ..THE … motivation of the EVE spirit will not be discussed or even allowed to be a topic it will be denyed and any attempt to be logical about it ..will lead to …

Confuse and conquer …… distract ….. re focus mainly on your ACTIONS which I must admit are that of a NON master . remember this when you get into a fight with the girl of your dreams and you feel that you DO HAVE appoint but the pointgets turned around till you are the one on the DEFENSIVE ….. remember that our PRISION SYSTEM si full of innocent people when you talk to the ones who got busted ,,they almost all say …..but I was innocent I was a vicitim …? Distract ,, confuse and conquer . here we go inot the of the enteratainer ESTER HICKS …. The link at ... if you get into the TAO of Abraham the idea that we are here in this TIME?SPACE yet a greater part is still aware of the connection to Source the tao ,,the one part of perception is here totally inot the TOOL of experience the bio-machine ,,the brain tool of the bio-machine has INSTINCTS yes but like most animals it also has much learning to DO …. And that brain is a clean slate for impriontining important information about the details of the EXACT environment of the bio-machine ,,leanring which grass to eat from the example of the mother and other family member .learning which areas are dangerous and have cliffs and hidden pot holes ….. human being minds ..come BLANK and we train our kids …with so much info so they can function to the best of what WE PERCIEVE is in their best interests based upon the life we lived and the training we got …and just think that comes from pasted down effect of being in ECONOMY based on the idea of PHAROH or god/king ….slave master

A bio machine experience of time/space of BEING a thing is a bit different than being just a THING like the Dildoes of yesterdays blog or the idea that I will experience the being of every grain of sand , on this palanet ..every molecule of plastic or raod asphalt …being of BIO-machine has newer ..experinces ,,, yet from the aspect of BEING THE WHOLE of Tao always …in ALWAYS ..even being just a grain of sand has its own ..experince … and since each experience has STILL the connection or vantage point of theTAO or source self ,,,, do not think that with having that PERCEPTIVE of IN FI NITY … that a … I …of the … I – in I …. Willnot find some pleasure in serving in the GAMe of the agreement state of stable pyshihcs …. listen to Abraham ,,hear you mind up ..swing that pendulum of your life and free choice …. (eternally and joyously INCOMPLETE ! ..THINK FOR YOURSELF )

So …looking for that which you want to see from there is want to bring up some great discussion form theSISTERWIVES forum ,,, agin realize the FOCUS … this is a place where the girls who explore it are thinking not interms of the GREED OF EVE yet in terms of building a life of sisiterhood … FOCUS .. this is the EVIDENCE TRAIL ..actions speaking louder than words …. When I get letters of FEAR from girl after girls teeling me I SHOULD ,, ( oooh that word of master to slave SHOULD and HAVE TO ) fear the problems of 3 wives as their GREDDY controlling mnds see it ,,, since they are looking at the INSTINCTUALISM LIFE thru the Viel of the EVE mindset .

How is she treating her body now that she is heavy with baby ? how is she treating her mind and is the baby being used to manipulate you , can you allow yourself to HEAR her using the baby as a TOOL ? part of you does not want to admit that FEMALES are manipulative ,, but history ,, shows the CONSIUOS use of manipulation by EVE ….. the RELATIONSHIP contract respects the idea that you are ALWAYS LOADED she maybe only able to have a bay a few days each month but you are loaded fully each time you PLAY ….. the actions where concerning topics of this page will show the deepest of inner truths … if you did your INSTINCTUAL job …then peace should be the future unless someone else wants SOMETHING else ….. AND THAT UNANTURAL STATE OF CONTROL WILL BRING ABOUT stress AND THE EFFECTS OF
back when i was a practicing HYPNOTHERAPIST and STOPP SMOKING sessions I ofund out that it was not my words or the NICOTINE RELPACEMENT or the lazer which forced the client to stop no ,,each tool was just the excuse of the indidivula to express their deepest inner WANTS …and they stopped based upon their level of WANT TO … each smoking cessation tool has the about same effectivenss rate …
the tool I then developed was a tool of helping tht patient become aware of their OWN LIE ….. I had them ..write once a day at the same time each day … this little sentence ,, I WANT TO STOP SMOKING ….. for 30 straight days ..
IF YOU WERE LATE AT YOUR JOB 1 OUT OF EVERY TEN DAYS WOULD YOU EVENTUALLY GET ….FIRED ? if you droped and broke a GLASS glass ,,1 our of every ten times you drank out of a glass you would start to use plastic glasses ?

If the client failed to meet their OWN appointment schedule …of writing that phrase 3 times over the month ,,, I get them to realize that stopping smoking is NOT their DEEPEST INNER …. Motivation ,,,it is NOT a WANTO ! …. And when they can commit to just writing those words each day at the same time a time they could pick form all the hours of the day ,, and do it ..with NO EXCUSES no blame about their FAILURES ….. then I have a clientready to stop smoking …. Actions speak louder than words ,,then REASONS personel reasons ..THAT PULL YOU OUT OF BED AND A DEEP SLEEP because you were out all night just to write those words on a SLEEP IN Sunday …. What gets you out of BED each morning and what are you or another doing just TO LOOK GOOD IN someones elses’s EYES …MANIPULATION

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