Wednesday, October 8, 2008

the pussy's passion

The Pussys passions is present

Now young master I got another letter for m another female reader ,,,, the amount of girls reading my shit which you know yourself fis ALMOST UNREADAB;E … always makes me feel good and their question and comments even better is shows THINKING FOR YOURSELF …not just staying trapped in the training … pasted down like training accepted by a slave who feels un WORTHY …ahhht eh SLAVE mentality …. We all realy have the UNWORTY feeling the SELF DOUBTS … and self ESTEEM issues that are common for everyone even those who you think GOT IT ,,, honeslty when you meet them you find they feel the same DEEP QUESTIONS about themselves AB OUT FUCKING LIFE as you do …….

The letter was teeling me to ‘GIVE UP becaue the girls will become DIVIVDED and comparing eachother income stream ,, and competition will develop and the POISIN Oofe EVE ( my words not her she is ot ready to admit to EVE ,,, it is not a CONDEMNATION OF FEMALES or girls no ,,it is the girls doing like we have been told to do for the last close to 50 years since the1960’s to self explore and understand MALE CHAVENISM to aceept tht were males of that AGE AND ERA WERE SLAVE MASTERS not true DOM’s just cuturealy programmed masters of the home given rights by godd to WHIP the shit out of WIFE and CHILDREN …… aaaa again the pass down from our salve background ,,this whole SPARE THE ROD SPOIL the child ,,in nature when then is a problem ,,there is ignorin of the PROBLEM MAKER …. The instincutla living thru FOCUS ,,,,, ( sounds like ESTER HICKS the entertainer … it is all about focus )

TIME OUT IS ABOUT …..focus … books and programs like PARENTING MAGIC 123 ,,, AN PET parent efffectivenss training …all a grounded in the concepts of focus … in fact PET teachs that this method is realy just ntural HUMAN INTERACTION it is not just living with kids but it is the SUPPORTIVE nature of living with EVERY HUMAN …VERY VERY supportive ….

So back to the confused girl ,,she she tooo was programmed to IGNORE HER INSTINCTS …. Told to live within the BOX of rules designed by the orginal church coming from ROME whose model actually still lives in all other Christ based fatiths and is the basisi for the whoel CULTURE of the WEST …. ROME THE MASTER …..a slave based Economy .

So she can only see the problems she can not see the
PASSION OF THE PUSSY to be RPESENT ..remember the idea of WHAT gets you out of bed in the AM the morning ,,what your motivator ..well the girls who will find themselves thinking aobut their own lives and looking at the EVIDENCE trail of the world they live in ,,these who understand their FREEDOM to choose for themselves ….. those who get the ideas of MUTUAL RESEPECT AND SELF RESPONSIBILITY …. Tha t is behind

The passion is what will change your INDIDIVUAL world ,,,, it will motivate you to get up and do your TOUR OF DUTY young master .. and thus PreENT A NEW DATING FACE A NEW CHOICE to girls ….it is PASSION BORN FORM THE CONTRAST …. Live something bad
Feel the emotion .. wonder …… why am I aallowing myself to FEEL or live this way ?
Choose a diffent path …ALTERNATIVE … and then move toward that goal with passion …. With WANTO

The girls who talk to you over COFFEE after you have been worikning your ten foot dating circle …. After the paractising you do the living … these girls will be motivated to ..find their own SOLUTIONS … look at what you have g9ven them the PALETTE the world of less stress unless they want to RECREATE stress of KEEPING UP WITH THE JONES..because the JONES ..are out side of the BUBBLE you created they are out SIDE othe other side of the GREEN WALL of your

That girls concern ,,is the concern I have been battling with myself for a few years ,,me living inside my box … had little passion for I worried so much about the PROBLEMS ,, I believed as she does they could not be over come that the EVE GREED would follow me ,into this life style ,,but with the continued ..exploration and writing and talking… i now think that the GIRLS will THINK FOR THEMSLEVES …tooo.

Thewy tooo feel the WRONGS that many many many men FELT about their own training and backgrounds back in the 1960’s and 1970’s … ohhh it is still here in many gusy but it has lessened ,, it is here mainly still because of lack of understanding the ..PROIGRAMING of thages of 1500 yearsof ROME and of the PHAROH before that …. Lack of understanding the good nature that is REALY in our DNA … that family orented DNA ,, whose EVEDNECE is shown in the conmparison between the TYPE OF >>> COCK you have an ACORN on a shaft … the gorilla harem is a loving peaceful …. Complex commuity with very vey little actual violence even between RIVAL amles ,,, the exchange of power is the TAO ..the TRANSITION period of life an death and the GOOD silver back male insuring the new master to take his PLACE TO CARE FOR HIS FAMILY IS ….. MAN ENOUGH . to do the job …. The loser knows it is time to step down … retire and most often transition back ….to die .

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