Sunday, October 19, 2008

More than more fucking

More than more fucking

Young master … whole ….. what does that mean ? whole ? HOLISTIC what is meant by that statement on / wow I know I have brought out the idea of MASTRUBATION CONTENT …. In the blog about making and using vision boards graphically … I hoped to show you about your own level of SEXUAL frustration …. And the EVE concepts are about the GENISIS of that frustration ,,, the recurring reference to PHAROH and the Slave master who had to learn to CONTROL humans …. How the use of SEXUAL frustration was learned … how in Ancient GREECE the EVE spirit started to refine it …. With SOCIAL RULES … and ROME completed the mind fuck we have been living in … with it’s EMPIRE CHURCH …. Even the off shoot churchs form the ROMAN church all get together to ..make sure there is .. an underslying PEACE among them evidenced from the policitcs of religions way back in the beiging between roman Christ based government and Bysitines and Greeks and other Sects of that time .

I know it is COMPLEX young master ,,from the ideas of QUATUM pyshihcs .. and the idea that your thoughts do effect your world in general themes and the idea that here and now is a PLAYGORUND which is changeable by only the efforts of your thinking …. To understanding that we are just a PART TO FIT in larger “” life forms or thought forms …. The UN IMPOSSIBLE THE UN…UNTHINKABLE “” like thoeroy or concepts of Gaia or Economy ….

But the compound young master is a HOSITIC ….. alternative choice …. Mind body spsirit economy family recreational and SEXUAL …..

One TOPIC …. I have not touched on enough is the $$$ aspect of EVE … her careers her desire for the FREEDOMS just won over the last DECADES to work hard get stressed ,,, by GREED . fine that is a FREE choice …the idea of the compound the 3 tents and a camel is .again ,,, your provide the basics of MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS ….. …… that done and if the particiapants who freely choose to live with you ..understand the under lying concepts and EMBRACE THEM … by free choice …. Then in THEORY the girls should be happy with about 200 a week ( increasing with inflation and market pricing ) of spending money …… you did the job of making the homes the etc ,, you provide the camels ,,the Vehicle the transportation to go to…and fro ..the city …. Not complete breaking form the WORLD but the BEN FRANKLIN idea of everything in moderation … and free choice and understanding … this CASH cow for the Girls …. Done only 1 day per week …… it never can become a CHORE or job … or slavery if done 1 day week … it stays the ….. PASSIONATE service describe by and that also plays inot MALSOWS concept sof human actualization ….. but again I give only SEEDS for your brilliant mind to expand on … young MASTER for I trust in that you are WORTHY TO BE >>>>> MASTER ! …. And in such like in the days of Aborginal Humanity when you would have to prove your man hood by living 1 year alone .. in the woods .. it proves you are able to …. In a Push come to shove ..TAKE YOUR FAMILY OFF AWAY FORM THE tribal lands in enenrgency and care for them … that you and family would STILL on . ahhhhhh the idea of the LONE MALE … STH SILVER BACK GORILLA … in there own way ..they PROVE PEACE ….. and lives of non greed in a hormaony with each others respect of the idea of bluster , show of force yet not needing to test that force UNTIL SUCHA TIME AS THE OLD MAN DOES SHOW EVIDENCE OF BECOMING AN old man ….. and his Tao adventure is ready to end and in the bennifit of the whole … of the bio-machine speicies .. HE GETS BEATEN AND LEAVES HIS FAMILY safely IN THE HANDS OF A BETER MAN .

back to EVE …… so she can make $$ .get out of the house alsone for day ,.,,, trust her kids to her sisiters swho she had better trust for they also have to trust her with theirs ….. each gets a day away …. To serve and be given cash …. Simple easy fullfililng . BUT NOT EGO GRATIFYING ….ahhh important for EVE to realize before she chooses STUPIDLY … to create new life with you …the 6 months refered in ... if her EGO is such that her needs are for FAME AND FORTUNE then ,,,, yo! Hey WAKE up yourself …. Free choice move on … this is not a fairy tALE … this is life … and it seems to be a life you do not want …. So PEACE GO WITH you EVE …. Next is the aspect of ART and self expression again go back to MASLOW …. And then realize the beinfit of another day away … on acycleing baisis created by the EVE’s …. In the form of EVENT RETAILING again great soical interaction great EXCUSES to be in TOWN and making cash and mmeeting friends and family etc etc …… and expressing ARTS and CRAFTS form all the girls .

HOLISTIC ……. ( they are happy if they want to be …but what does EVE want ? I will go back to what girls have told me and I heard described in that movie P.S I LOVE YOU … girls don’t know what they want ,,,, straight form the horses mouth the honest EVE will …. Admit to that . if she has taken any real time to realy SELF EXPLORE ) ohh and what about you …welll ….. the STRESS of having to supply unending $$$ cash to an EVE who thinks that happiness will happen when she GETS ..x …. Or y ….of Z …. Will never happen for if you do you job , then you have done your job … you willnot be stressed by fear of econlmy shifts or job loss if your are the Captain of your own ship …. ... and you got some great fishing on you own …owned land …. plus sex ....... as the urge of the Eve ebbs and flows the 3 will be more than enough to keep you from experiencing a TRAP of 1 on 1 seuxla frustration and the nned to become the LIAR amanipulated by ..sublte sexuall urges . can you young master …. Think for yourself ? … can you act out side of the BOX really in an ALTERNATIVE manner not just …. Following the crowd and getting another tattoos or being anti governemt and society by doing more DOPE ….. can you ? do yu have the guts to say ….. I am a DNA species is the evidence of science to PROVE …. And here is my own created solution to the problems of my culture as I believe . can you do you hae the guts and the smarts to do it young master ?

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