My Holy HIGH day Dec 6 ‘08
Ok so they announced the line up for one of my days of WORSHIP ? this one being the Dec high holy day of PHIL … it is BAKE SALE day avenge seven fold , pepper SKINDERED , Flogging molly , anberlin , flobotssaliva , shine downa dn a bunch more the head liner to be announced later ,,, but the Fucking line up so far is so great who realy cares about the headliner …. ( but we all do will it be RAGE OR metalica ( are thye scheduled to be on the road ?) or may RAGE ,,or slip know ,,,, SATINED would be nice to see again and they are on the road …. Or it maybe RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE who is doing a welcome back tour around everywhere …. ) but who cares ,,,, the line up is awesome
See you all up in the lawn like always …. JUST LOOK FOR WHERE THE BALLONS ARE COMING FROM AND FIND THE GUY WITH THE BLUE BEARD AND COME SAY …….HIGH. ( nnd sign the shirt …. Gotta sign the shirt )
Now young master NO ,,, I AM NOT GOING TO GET IN THE PIT WITH YOU ,, I written about Celbrating the pit pleanty of times over the years , for me ,,,, sine I have already PROVEN my position ,,,to actively Bluster in un FAMILIAR territory risks the health and wellness of my family thru me acting like an IMM MATURE BOY you have not yet ..gotten that fatherly instinct .. AND to the fathers who still ae acting like boys well girls you CHOOSE HIM …why did you choose him ? becaue he was cute has great potential ..why why ,,no one else around realy ? your CHOICES were really limited ,,,,, and a NICNE GUY well was just not COOL fashin is much more important than ,,the CHILD ( ren ) you now have to take into account as you man ( boy wastes his healthin the pt only to come out injured with a stupid twisted ankle , fucked up knwee broken writs…only to miss MORE DAYS AT WORK and probably get fired …now during this time when eCONOMICS is tuff ..shit head will loose his job the bread and butter foy you and your baby ,,,his baby …..??? why is he still actin like a BABy himself
Ahhhh EVE ……it is about your choice see the males ,,are confused ,,, being a good guy means being WALKED on , disrespected , because the ILLUSION or toughness is more important , the sound of the TRUCK is more important than the function of the vehicle …. The econimics of transportation in relationship to over wealth of the male …… the harley or CROTCH ROCKET is cooler …. The show of TATOOS shows his GuTS his strength ,,,,HIS FUTUTRE IN ABLITY TO GET ANY WORK MORE THAN A MINIUM WAGE POSITION because he can never be seen inpublic in most companies …. Ahhhhh EVE ? ever think for yourself no , no no …. And since you do not and your PUSSY IS PLATED IN FUCKED GOLD ,,,, YES THAT LUBRICATION THAT ENABLES PENETRATION … IS LIQUID GOLD ,,FILLED WITH THE MIX OF hormones that my male body needs to EASE the FRUSTARTION of bein a man ,,,the key ingredient that my fucking jacking oofff hand can not supply ,,jacking off will only release pressure but not satify ,,,, the expsosurre to you and your FACTORY OIF HORMONES is needed for me to keep my mind on strainght ….. so I will become that which I think you are looking for so that I can get a ready supply of your LIQUID GOLD….
That motivating afactor that Generals of armys thru ou the pages of history used to MOTIVATE their soldiers first DENY THEM SEX ,,,let let them lose on the civial population …IF YOU WIN THE WAR …. You get to RAPE AND PILLAGE the towns folks ….the kings and generals well they get theirs they get ultimate control …while the slave worker get to release his created pain and frustration ,,,CONFUSION …. Divided concentration ,,divide and conquered … keep the male deived from his INSTINCTS …
Force him to not ,,act naturally that is to develop a stable TErroty where girls can check him out and decide based on GOOD factors whether to choose that male or not …… ahhhh but CIVILIZE the male school him force him to DEPEND on econloy for FOOD … and for SEX even because of RESTRICIVE LAWS pertaining to HUMAN BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY …. Bio machine …
Now this REALLY DOES HAVE TO {ERTAIN to the music of buzz bake sale ..) ..for tha pain the Emotion distress …found in most great art the stimulation for art most ofter is the CONFUSION OF LOVE ..the fairy tale gone wrong !!!!
ART IS NOT … only a human express one of mankinds most favorite and basic art forms ……. And also found thru out nature ,,, in almost every other speices that comuciated AUDELEY welllll they SIGN …. Again I want to lead you back to understanding that we are not like aritiotle said we are not the END ALL of life forms ….. .. and as you realize this then realize that your MUSIC NATURE … the Taoist in you has the RIGHT TO BE choosen …. 1 more option 1 more free choice …. ( hey the DOWNLAOD price for TWISTED INSTINCT is now only $1.25 …so go get a copy … )
Listen to that nature show listen to the song of a coyote .. listen the the VARYANCES in the birds around your own houie and life …. Listen to the female cat in heat ..callinf the TERRITORIAL male the HAREM MALE of the area over to her …. From tiger down to house cat ,,, 1 male patrols an area serving on average 7 females …. Hear the sound of the lion ,,the barks and holwls of dogs as they sing at night .. like in achior ..and only HUMANITY HAS art ? expression of emotion ? OF EMOTIONS THEMSELVES ,,, you were sold a bunch of bullshit and you never questioned it …… you accepted the ords of the PROFESSIONAL ….the doctor and priest … and forgot the self repair design of the bio – machine … that you … you are just 1 more of the infinte numbers and forms of I – in – I … who are choosineg to experience TIME/SPACE ….. in an unlimited form of manners , from bein a Bacteria this time to being a bird next time which is a bio- machine that depends on PROBIOTICS so it can live … or the human ape bio-macine that like wise needs PROBIOTIC BACTERIS INFESTATIONS SO THA IT CAN LIVE A healty life …. Complexity unpon complexty IGNORED in fact trained to ignore so that the SLAVE BEAST OF BURDEN … human the best beast of burden because it need ed to be smart to learn so much to survive the exposure of living in the grass lands …. Instead of hidden in the jungle forests ,,, the human ape the savannah ape ,,, became very trainalb e programmable . USABLE … from the hand desgn to the ablity to be a field worker even pull a plow when the ox was …. Sick … harvesting SLAVE human then MIND FUCKING THEM genenrtion after genenrtion …. [provided the thought form of PHAROH ..economy with continued exisitance … … just a thread for you to thik about on your own ..see the options to think outside of the box of FASHIONS ….. you are not TRAPPED those of you who feel TRAPPED just are not thinking for yourself , you fear ..the Wrath of economy when in fact you are so free you can choose ….to build the instinctual ism compound ,,, you young lady can choose to be a GOOD MASTERS subbie choice in a world outside of yet ,,estill enjoy …the high holy days of economy …… BUZZ BAKE SALE DEC 6 in west pal m beach a good reason to visit the treasure coast of florida for vacation … and I will meet you there peace PHIL
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
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