Monday, October 20, 2008

best fucking behavior

Best fucking behavior

Young master I talk about the EE spirit and I hope you are getting it is NOT blame on any one person , as much as using the EVE MYTH … as a word TOOL ,,, to describe a very OLD pattern of UN NATURAL behavior expectations of BOTH parties ,,both you and her … now girls who ARE INTO it …. Well they adopt and love the ‘EGO of it all the SPECIALNESS of it …well they are EVE …

During dating in the beginning both of you are on your BEST behavior , trying to get in EACH OTHERS PANTS ..remember that young master ,,keep that concept os the penetrated the reality of who and what she is as a DNA animal …. she wants what is in your pants as much as you want what is in her pants …now ,,in truth after a while TODAYS girls ,,,, do not really give much of shit about what is in your pants because you as such SORRY FUCKS ….. guys that … they really give up dreaming that they will finda guys who can SUE IS TOOLE with SKILL ….and the girl HUNTS ofr a guy with good cash flow …security ,,the evidence trail of the SILVER BACK GORLLA territory … the same shit in different form … they look for compatablity and that you have a sense of humor since they know form the past HEART BREAKS that the fun of sex will soon fade away ,,so you had better be more that a POOR FUCK …. Ahh again there is evidence of this Gorilla harem relationships … taken from a female gorilla needs to feel comfortable enough to initiate mating feeling comfortable …. See even there ..FREE CHOICE the animal world … BEASTS have free choice they are not just mindless slaves to INSTINCT yet they do not act outside of the DAN program of the BIO_MACHINE they are USING FOR TIME/SPACE A adventure ..agin they and use ,,and every molecule ,,every atom ..every QUANTUM it self are all part and parcel of the ADVNTURE the STATE of agreement ///the flow of wellbeing …. The POETENTIAL of adventure … since the Tao is an INSTANT state of everything … at evey momonet ALL the time … this environment of time/space ..this ARENA of ..thing after thin after thing LINEAR TIME . allows for the illusion of ADVENTUIRES of problems … we forget our TAO nature to enjoy the GAME the illusion to buy into the PRICE of a moive ticket you have to GAMBLE on EXPERIENCING live cat dead cat of yin and yangs of CONTRATING events the WANTED and unwanted from …. From the UNWANTED COMES THE WANTED the knwolegde of comaprision … to start the 5 steps of living and creation …..

So you dressup ,,you clean up .. you take off the PROVERBAIAL Blood stained T-shirts … ( the word tool just like the concept of EVE is a word tool ) your blod stained t-shirt of the fisherman hunter , recreational football player get ready for a DATE …… and she welll she willl PREEN for hours if not DAYs in advance otf that first date ,, and she will continue the DECEPTION of PREFECTION until the slave statement of I LOVE YOU …the honor statement that triggerien state of the GORILLA MALE who gives his life first to protect the family ..the triggering of you DNA proagraming thru ,,, 3 ili words … I love you . then she can relax ..and become herslf more and more as she begins to trus that you meant what you asid ..for she has had many many guys say that to
GET in her pants and she has accepted it from them ,because of her own desire her own nature ..her won WETNNES .. the need to BE filled back to the graphic images ,,to drill it in to your head ,,she likes to be PENETATED

AND then as in any marriage counseling experience start toe xplore this concept not fully form the INSTINCUTALISM ,,broader persecpectives ..but form a LIMITED perspective of A PROFIT BASED INDUSTRY that needs to maintain CLIENT base …to pay off school loans to pay for OVER HEAD of an office and provide continuso income stream so that the PORFESSIONAL CAN MAKE paymenst on his home and Mercedes benz that he can keep the EVE in his life ahppy with a constant stream of … amterial things provide wher with smiles ..thru $$$$ ….. because she is so ..DISCONNECTED . from the TRUTH about WEALTH and happiness to believe her life long training of I WILL BE … or as the media teachs traines minds fuckes you into FEELING you WILL BE HAPPIER WHEN YOU ….BUY …BUY … BUY ,,ourstuff . ahhh the SCIENCe of mind control the learning of humanity fact it was Frueds Nephew who studied humanity from his WISE SMART uncle who created this great advertising hertigae of the US and the western cultures …

But back to …the CORE ,,and the CORE is SEXUAL MaNIPULATION …. Not a blame thing except when the EVE realy is understanding and USING it concsiuosly ,then ,,it is HER own FOCUS .that provides her with her eventuall life of discomfort …. The constant state of I WILL BE HAPPY …WHEN … never happy in her now always happy ,,,, when she gtts X Y or Z …. Very un-TAOISt …. But those who do not know what they are doing WELL here is some thought for you to think about …. So think for yourself ….

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