FAKE orgasim
Young master ,,the spin ….the manipulation is there hell it is every hwere ..NO ! it is not a BAD thing a VLUE JUDGEMENT thing a black and white thing ..HEAVEN OR HELL all or nothing …. The mind fuck of FEAR used by the SALVE MASTER to keep slave workers active so that the thought form oECONOMY will be healthy …. And the basis of Economy is the care and feeding of the VERY VERY … FEW back in hisoty it revolved around one person and his family ,,the GOD?KING
But SPIN is everywhere hell my own writine is full of it ..it is the 2 sides of a coin it is the ARTICLE on Global cooling in this years Farmer Almaninc …. ( luckly in that article which can be taken to REFU+TE global warming , you can realize the 50 years trend … when ending will have now a GROWHT of the insulating blanket of Gren HOUSE gases which wil make the next CYCLIC up swing into heat even more profound ,,,,,WHAT DOE STHIS HAVE TO DO WITH PUSSY > I am getting there ..every thing can be tied back to PUSSY , for without sex and pussy there is not continued life of humanity …. No more BIO-SUITS for the Tao to come and experience BEING thru …( remember you quantum pyshihc science can not realy describe energy only that is is was and will be … it becomes MATTER the quant ,, then groups of QUANTA form atome a thought form and the BEING of that thing Atom ,, and so on till matter formed another level of SELF REPICATING thought forms or LIFE … things … and bio-suits for experinceing being ….. which USE SEX >>> )
Her FAKING and her learning the TOOL the Illusion the manipulation ( reap the seeds you sow http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html ) the START of the confusion in our teens ..where we both the girls and the boys are FEELING insecure something is WRONG and we do not listen to our INNER BEING or our emotional guidance NO ..we listen to the FAIRY TALE of confusion created by the manipulators of history ….. ohhh like most of my blogs they are NOT FOCUSING on the negative ..they are a continued attempt to bring you into thinking more clearly about you STEP 1 of the 5 steps ..understanding the UNWANTED to clarify the wanted better . http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html and then FEELING where you are on the emotional guidance scale …now feeling that location ,, while understanding your TRAINING the MIND FUCK …. Of society . you learn to accept …living in states of depression expecting life to hard to be a struggle …when in fact like yesterday I brought up the SAGE Jesus and it was him describing the TAO in ,,,, look at the LILLYS of the valley ..they TOIL nor …nor do they SPIN ,,,,, the divide cell by cell moving towards that which feels GOODs sun light and water in the ground .
And so it is the same for all DNA life
Yesterday young master you got caught in the old TRAP ..well described in the writing and observations of ….DR> GREY in his line of books calle MARS AND VENUS (http://www.marsvenus.com/members/articles.php?id=42&text=5%20THINGS 5 things that drive men away …. Ahhh the INSTINCTUAL moving away from DISCOMFORT toward things that feel GOOD … manipulation once , felt as confusion ..as TRAPED not able to be UNDERSTOOD … in not fun and something that causes that slw break APART )
Yesterday you were in one of those ,,she was talking ..and you were doing what she wated LISTENTIN .but the MALE PROBLEM SOLVER who and what is written in your DNA ..came up as you heard her come up with her own ..SOLUTION ..so to stay in an semmly endless discussion when the solution was there and oable …NOT PERFECT … but you the male would ADVANCE WITH CONFEDINCE into the UNKNOWN ..while the female genically ….stays …. IN THE CAVE …… talkling and talking with the other women while her silver back male confronts the dangers …. The issue …. Works the best INTUITIVE solution his sub conciuos mind can produce based on the data it has already stored from living and that which is written in DNA ( DNA has in it every experience of the parents every history ,,, is there that is why ,,, when VIRUS came to the NEW WORLD the white man could USE it as ABIOLOGICAL WEAPON ..of geneicde agaist the aboriginal tribes KNOWING that the whites would on a LARGE average survie the Virus the DISEASE … north Americans had not been exposed over centurys did not have written into their DNa the history of surviving these Virus ACTS ….
Ok back so you listen to your girl and ..when you can not stand her UNHAPPINESS ny longer you ..get MAD and say ,,just .FOLLOW THRU on the plan you describe ! ..just DO it …. And well this brings up a fight . …for she does not want to TAKE Responsibility ….. there is many aspcts of manilulations going on in the REAL … events much more than you young mater know or SHOULD know in fact more than she even allows herself to REALIZE for she lives a BROKEN MIND Life of COMPARTIMENTALIZATION … different personaliies for diiferent environments ,,each a different FACE a face of MANIPULATIONS ..the face of enjoyment the screams and groans and words of a liars who thinks having SEX ..will POSISITON HER SELF …. In your eyes ..and MAINTAINING her psositon ..of YOUR 1 AND ONLY …. Source for sex . …..
But back to moving towards thing that FEEL GOOD …or FUN and moving away form things ahtat feel BAD ..or discomfort ..trapped …… when you find yourself in a trapp ..when you find yourself NOT WINNING … you the DNA winner ,,, your DADDY GORRILLA …. 6 million years AGO WON he lived …so he was able to passed donw his GENES ….. when he lost then his genes no longer got passed down ,,, this went on every 20 years for the last 6 million years of UPRIGHT walking apes ( who for example examine the shoulder baldes along with the COCK of human Girlla and chilp and you will agin find more evidence of the tie between us human and GORILLA ..who have move out othe trees even more than the chimps ) http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
Yu are a winner when yo find youself having to beggg ..to your women to make her feel GOOD you have to FEEL BAD … like a non winner if you did this on a job ..and you had no family or wife to support you would most likesy leave that job very fas for you can NOT trake IT ….not being a winner ,,, if you get beat by your friends o much you move on to find others you can atleast COMPETE with equally … instead of feeling put down and being the loser all the time ( unless you have been so trained to be a loser by gornwing up with a DOM mom and female world so fucking confused you accept the SLAVE psositon ….
Ok enough things for you to think about … remember THINK FOR YOURSELF . shit head my friend .
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
abundant pussy
Abundant pussy
Young master ,,the constant re-inforcing of the MASTER/slave MINDSET … every where in our culture … ( now remember this is just our land … this christain mindset ,,, other lands ..people grow up will other forms it based on other THMES of STRIVING …..)
Our striving is 2 fold first we were taught that mankind is EVIL and we are EVIL because of an ORGINAL SIN ,,now my use of the Word TOOL EVE ,, has nothing to do with SIN against any one or THINg …no I just use the eVE … for a deeper example a real biological story behind the MYTHICAL story ,, remember IT IS NATURAL for EVE’s to greed short term FOCUED nad greedy ,,that insures the baby in her belly is healty … she has to FOCUS on SELFISH NESS ..to insure the health of the next generation you the SILVER BACK gorilla are focused on the whole of the family …. That can mean multi generational thiking and concerns while EVE is DEISGNED programmed by her DNA to expect being SPECIAL beint the PREGANANAT ONE … so the URGE for SPECIAL posisitoning is natural yet when allowed to be UNBALENCED ,, it causes problems ,,the on on one ,,, remember realy is only a JUSTICIAFTION for the control OF POLICITICAL POWER … if the whole culture is forced into because it is GODS …law ! ..then the female can control certain wealth politically . thur marriage . it is way to complex for this lil’ fisherman mind to write about it is just may hope that by bringing up the concept you can THINK FOR YOURSELF .
BUT TODAY IS NOT ABOUT THAT IT is about solar energy … and having a less STRESSED life which will make having RECREATIONAL sex more fun ,,, and warmer .! see I can twist even SOLAR ENERGY inot the page http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html becaue if it is cold in side the house then you can not realy enjoy the recreational SEX we are designed to enjoy , that she wets for …..
The use of PASSIVE methods of ..creatingstable life the foundation levels of MASLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS … http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchy_of_needs#Physiological_needs to meat these needs without the tie to the MYTH of REAL LEGIONS ….. will bring you back to the words of the SAGE JESUS … ( even in TAOISM later on some smart man seeing how well the christains used ,,, GODs to control populations ,well a Branch of TAosim dreamed up how to DIEFY godisy ,,Lao …. And een designed a similair …. SAINT or IMMORTALS SYSTEM … again the use or promise of immortality is a great carrot on a string to confuse the minds of the WORKER salve in the EMPORERORS land ) once brought back to the real understanding or the TAO and even the basis ,, of the teaching of Jesus whose base Faith is that very similar to Tao ,,, a god that is UN DESCIRBABLE not able to be written in GRAVEN images or engraved words on stone tables ..
( just me doing the counter programming to the constant stream of shit your are remeinded of ,,,, the constant stream of fear of death and fear of god ..and busllshit about the one and only WAY ….. 1 and only in something the is IN FI NITE …. )
back to getting your basis done paid for working with little or no… mechaihcal needs so ther is very little worry about break downs or needs for REPAIR dudes on your land and housing ,,fuck the rest of the world ..they can CHOOSE FREELY to be slaves to the system WHILE YOU CAN …CHOOSE FREELY not to be…..
http://www.instinctualism.org/solar_power.html , just one aspect of LIVING ,,getting ti taken care of …. Takes a STRESS OFF YOU RIGHT ? no bills ,,no moving parts no break dows no ..bullshit …now living with in the limits of the power proudcuced willll …nothing more than ! THAN ! wanting to do so !
that is it ,,no struggle not strain ,if the person YOU or the girls DO NOT WANT IT TO >>>>>>>>>>> WORK it will not work if the WANT IT if it is a PASSION a want to .some born of the http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html then it is the ANSWERING to the wants and not something forced upon the person .
Not only is solar enenergy or alternative energy … it would be a good idea to get just one windmill for the winter season to compensate for over all lack of day time sun ….
It is about ….. passive solar … in your car even in the winter ,,the inside of your car if facing the sun will be much woarmer than the outside air …now of course during the summer you know it will reach dangerous temps inside a locked car … understanding this ….DEDUCED information ,,, then learning form people who have experimented frome INDUCED experimentas and then deduced learning …
Is important …. I need you to RE LEARN how to think for yourself over and over this is my main thrust your free THINKING skills .
Solar air collectors are often integrated into walls or roofs to hide their appearance. For instance, a tile roof could have air flow paths built into it to make use of the heat absorbed by the tiles. Air entering a collector at 70°F (21.1°C) is typically warmed an additional 70°–90°F (21.1°–32.2°C.). The air flow rate through standard collectors should be 1–3 cubic feet (0.03–0.76 cubic meters) per minute for each square foot (0.09 square meters) of collector. The velocity should be 5–10 feet (1.5–3.1 meters ) per second.this system warms air during the winters by collecting solar energy in thermal mass and stablizes air temps during summers by maintaing night time coolness , summer time the insulated front door stays shut . to avoid mold or mildew build up in the system ( in fact any air handling system ) proper filteration and regular atomizer of anti mold ie LYSOL SPRAY
Use the same box design as in the home air heater but instead of fiilling the box with concrete blocks to baffle the air use just gravle . lay an 80 gallon steel water tank on its side and make sure the fitting and pipes running thru the box ans gravel are steel till you get out side of the box . Put in a RELEASE valve for safety .
Split the relfective front door into two parts so you can better control the temps during summers . You do not want it g=to get TOO HOT ! and during the summer the full sun could make the box way to HOT possibly close to 300 degrees ! whihc would cause the water to continually escape the release value.
Tha above cut/paster form the http://www.instinctualism.org/solar_power.html page is to wet your mind ….. think … the suns RAYS is what heats things not the outside TEMPS but the light visiable and NON visisble ..do the heating …. A double pained collctor ..takes already hot air … to be HEATED even more to store that heat in the ROCKS ( like hot pavement during summer ) that is insulated and can retain heat to levels of 100’s of degrees like STONE PIZZA OVEN ….. and then letting the even hotter air get exposed to the heating rays to increase slighty even more ,,,, you do reach a point of negatin returns ..the insulatin effect of the double pains and the outside temsp and potential for SOLAR RAIDIATION gains EVNTUALLY EQUAL OUT to no fulrth gains ….. but that is fine … that is when the rock are already welll over 200 + degreees … more than enough energy stored to keep the bassis home comfy factoring that ..the home also will have its own CARBON SYSTEM going on used for … comfy cooking coffe and tea or whatever ….and heating also …. Carobn system the ..tool of BEN FRANKLINS design simple …. http://www.instinctualism.org/dcappliances.html
the picutre and a good linkt to installation guides is here ,, getting familiar with simple things a lttle at a time ,,, is it your PASSION ? to learn this shit … hmmmmm what do you want … have you REALY FELT the 5 steps …. So you want to do what mom and dad have done and live the SAME OLD STRESS …of ios your passion ALTERNATIVE ? if it is alternative then exposure to new things will be your passion and your passionate wants WIL COME into your wrodl it is the facts about the TAO and time/space the system of WELLBEING thruopugh which you energy of thinking eventually become s the world YOU LIVE ….. and YOUR ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS …… what is the choosing of reading and learning except for that of an EXAMPLE OF ACTIONS …..
ohhhh an on this page is something REALLY OUT OF THE MENTALL BOX …..something beyond I betcha you are evne ready for ,,, so I will let you if and when your PASSION is strong enough to want to even let yourself to EXPLORE and realize how …for the most part ..AMERICANS are out of shpe over weight sick and unhealthy mainly because they VEGGG to much ….. in fact they then spend COPIUS Quantities of CASH to try and get healty in fact driving cars wasting more $$$ to go to GYMS to do WORK ….????? Hmmmmm I wonder if you can think for youelf ???? it is not a HAVE TO ..no the DC mechanism is also on the page ,,, but the mind expansion of understanding the mind fuck … of ..the EASY WAY …. Is ther for you to SELF EXPLORE ..or thnk for yourself about ….peace out phil . … VOTE EARLY VOTE OFTEN !
Young master ,,the constant re-inforcing of the MASTER/slave MINDSET … every where in our culture … ( now remember this is just our land … this christain mindset ,,, other lands ..people grow up will other forms it based on other THMES of STRIVING …..)
Our striving is 2 fold first we were taught that mankind is EVIL and we are EVIL because of an ORGINAL SIN ,,now my use of the Word TOOL EVE ,, has nothing to do with SIN against any one or THINg …no I just use the eVE … for a deeper example a real biological story behind the MYTHICAL story ,, remember IT IS NATURAL for EVE’s to greed short term FOCUED nad greedy ,,that insures the baby in her belly is healty … she has to FOCUS on SELFISH NESS ..to insure the health of the next generation you the SILVER BACK gorilla are focused on the whole of the family …. That can mean multi generational thiking and concerns while EVE is DEISGNED programmed by her DNA to expect being SPECIAL beint the PREGANANAT ONE … so the URGE for SPECIAL posisitoning is natural yet when allowed to be UNBALENCED ,, it causes problems ,,the on on one ,,, remember realy is only a JUSTICIAFTION for the control OF POLICITICAL POWER … if the whole culture is forced into because it is GODS …law ! ..then the female can control certain wealth politically . thur marriage . it is way to complex for this lil’ fisherman mind to write about it is just may hope that by bringing up the concept you can THINK FOR YOURSELF .
BUT TODAY IS NOT ABOUT THAT IT is about solar energy … and having a less STRESSED life which will make having RECREATIONAL sex more fun ,,, and warmer .! see I can twist even SOLAR ENERGY inot the page http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html becaue if it is cold in side the house then you can not realy enjoy the recreational SEX we are designed to enjoy , that she wets for …..
The use of PASSIVE methods of ..creatingstable life the foundation levels of MASLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS … http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchy_of_needs#Physiological_needs to meat these needs without the tie to the MYTH of REAL LEGIONS ….. will bring you back to the words of the SAGE JESUS … ( even in TAOISM later on some smart man seeing how well the christains used ,,, GODs to control populations ,well a Branch of TAosim dreamed up how to DIEFY godisy ,,Lao …. And een designed a similair …. SAINT or IMMORTALS SYSTEM … again the use or promise of immortality is a great carrot on a string to confuse the minds of the WORKER salve in the EMPORERORS land ) once brought back to the real understanding or the TAO and even the basis ,, of the teaching of Jesus whose base Faith is that very similar to Tao ,,, a god that is UN DESCIRBABLE not able to be written in GRAVEN images or engraved words on stone tables ..
( just me doing the counter programming to the constant stream of shit your are remeinded of ,,,, the constant stream of fear of death and fear of god ..and busllshit about the one and only WAY ….. 1 and only in something the is IN FI NITE …. )
back to getting your basis done paid for working with little or no… mechaihcal needs so ther is very little worry about break downs or needs for REPAIR dudes on your land and housing ,,fuck the rest of the world ..they can CHOOSE FREELY to be slaves to the system WHILE YOU CAN …CHOOSE FREELY not to be…..
http://www.instinctualism.org/solar_power.html , just one aspect of LIVING ,,getting ti taken care of …. Takes a STRESS OFF YOU RIGHT ? no bills ,,no moving parts no break dows no ..bullshit …now living with in the limits of the power proudcuced willll …nothing more than ! THAN ! wanting to do so !
that is it ,,no struggle not strain ,if the person YOU or the girls DO NOT WANT IT TO >>>>>>>>>>> WORK it will not work if the WANT IT if it is a PASSION a want to .some born of the http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html then it is the ANSWERING to the wants and not something forced upon the person .
Not only is solar enenergy or alternative energy … it would be a good idea to get just one windmill for the winter season to compensate for over all lack of day time sun ….
It is about ….. passive solar … in your car even in the winter ,,the inside of your car if facing the sun will be much woarmer than the outside air …now of course during the summer you know it will reach dangerous temps inside a locked car … understanding this ….DEDUCED information ,,, then learning form people who have experimented frome INDUCED experimentas and then deduced learning …
Is important …. I need you to RE LEARN how to think for yourself over and over this is my main thrust your free THINKING skills .
Solar air collectors are often integrated into walls or roofs to hide their appearance. For instance, a tile roof could have air flow paths built into it to make use of the heat absorbed by the tiles. Air entering a collector at 70°F (21.1°C) is typically warmed an additional 70°–90°F (21.1°–32.2°C.). The air flow rate through standard collectors should be 1–3 cubic feet (0.03–0.76 cubic meters) per minute for each square foot (0.09 square meters) of collector. The velocity should be 5–10 feet (1.5–3.1 meters ) per second.this system warms air during the winters by collecting solar energy in thermal mass and stablizes air temps during summers by maintaing night time coolness , summer time the insulated front door stays shut . to avoid mold or mildew build up in the system ( in fact any air handling system ) proper filteration and regular atomizer of anti mold ie LYSOL SPRAY
Use the same box design as in the home air heater but instead of fiilling the box with concrete blocks to baffle the air use just gravle . lay an 80 gallon steel water tank on its side and make sure the fitting and pipes running thru the box ans gravel are steel till you get out side of the box . Put in a RELEASE valve for safety .
Split the relfective front door into two parts so you can better control the temps during summers . You do not want it g=to get TOO HOT ! and during the summer the full sun could make the box way to HOT possibly close to 300 degrees ! whihc would cause the water to continually escape the release value.
Tha above cut/paster form the http://www.instinctualism.org/solar_power.html page is to wet your mind ….. think … the suns RAYS is what heats things not the outside TEMPS but the light visiable and NON visisble ..do the heating …. A double pained collctor ..takes already hot air … to be HEATED even more to store that heat in the ROCKS ( like hot pavement during summer ) that is insulated and can retain heat to levels of 100’s of degrees like STONE PIZZA OVEN ….. and then letting the even hotter air get exposed to the heating rays to increase slighty even more ,,,, you do reach a point of negatin returns ..the insulatin effect of the double pains and the outside temsp and potential for SOLAR RAIDIATION gains EVNTUALLY EQUAL OUT to no fulrth gains ….. but that is fine … that is when the rock are already welll over 200 + degreees … more than enough energy stored to keep the bassis home comfy factoring that ..the home also will have its own CARBON SYSTEM going on used for … comfy cooking coffe and tea or whatever ….and heating also …. Carobn system the ..tool of BEN FRANKLINS design simple …. http://www.instinctualism.org/dcappliances.html
the picutre and a good linkt to installation guides is here ,, getting familiar with simple things a lttle at a time ,,, is it your PASSION ? to learn this shit … hmmmmm what do you want … have you REALY FELT the 5 steps …. So you want to do what mom and dad have done and live the SAME OLD STRESS …of ios your passion ALTERNATIVE ? if it is alternative then exposure to new things will be your passion and your passionate wants WIL COME into your wrodl it is the facts about the TAO and time/space the system of WELLBEING thruopugh which you energy of thinking eventually become s the world YOU LIVE ….. and YOUR ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS …… what is the choosing of reading and learning except for that of an EXAMPLE OF ACTIONS …..
ohhhh an on this page is something REALLY OUT OF THE MENTALL BOX …..something beyond I betcha you are evne ready for ,,, so I will let you if and when your PASSION is strong enough to want to even let yourself to EXPLORE and realize how …for the most part ..AMERICANS are out of shpe over weight sick and unhealthy mainly because they VEGGG to much ….. in fact they then spend COPIUS Quantities of CASH to try and get healty in fact driving cars wasting more $$$ to go to GYMS to do WORK ….????? Hmmmmm I wonder if you can think for youelf ???? it is not a HAVE TO ..no the DC mechanism is also on the page ,,, but the mind expansion of understanding the mind fuck … of ..the EASY WAY …. Is ther for you to SELF EXPLORE ..or thnk for yourself about ….peace out phil . … VOTE EARLY VOTE OFTEN !
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
only about pussy
Only about pussy
But if I did that ,,then I would not be true to the opening page and the body of http://www.instinctualism.org …nope I gota keep you well rounded ,,, your fanasty life already has in almost 90 % pussy related thoughts the rest may be about your sport and shit ,,,, but I put carrere and money relted thoughts inot the world of pussy in fact much of your sport relted sctivity is the development of your own self image …. Your KEWL and thus also relted to pussy ….
Everything I wwrite about actually has a pussy aspect because the TAO ,,, the MIND and the BODy well they are interact and so they all have to do …RE – CREATION …. And the most naturel of human recreations is SEX …. So again I remend you of her … of hwat she does like what she naturalay WETS for ..why she dresses so sexy is so that she can be in volved in theres activities … and these activities http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html these acts of being penentrated are in total harmony with the designe of her body of her mind ..and of her SPIRIT the TAO …. For with out these ..all of this FUN FUN FUN … the next genenartation will not be born …. Sex had to be….FUN ….a WANTO
The WANTED ….. and then remember there is the unwanted …and from the comparison of the 2 ….PASIONATE DESIRE IS BORN …. “ want everything expect ( need) nothing ..be happy now “ those wants that keep showing up that yu give some attention to …. To you make plans based around are not NOT all PASSIONATE DESRIE ..but with the continued ATTENTION of FOCUS the constant …. Flow of thoughts of comparision where by you automactically are doing the 5 stpes of creative thinking ,,, ( though being the energy that mold the in fi nite field of POTENTIALS FROM WHICH AFTER REPEATED AND POWER IS A APPLIED MANIFESTATION HAPPENS ,,IT SHOWS THE FUCK UP ) again over and over ..the 5 steps ..but along with the 5 steps is the ..LEVEL of ENERGy ..if it is a GOOD want a GOOD Feeling Tehn you will think about it more often …… you move towards things that feel good …like the plant another DNa animsl moves toward the light ,,,, its CELLS ( you have cells ) its cells move to toward the choice of things FEELING GOOD to THEM event by event ,,, eperince of time after time ,,now after now … the leave point to the sun the roots , BURROW under grown in search of water …. You too move towards the most pleasant FEELINGS http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
Ahhh I love movies ..for art represents life ,,has to be drawn from the experiences of the MASSES the average so that it can attract the largest of audiences so it can be PROIFTABLE ….. WHAT IS the movie ….. MAMMA’S BOY ..about ….
The 2 main males ,,, are the same just in opposite extremes . we find out ….. as girls say about guys with loud harley Davidson OR … impressive black corvettes of big trucks that serve not pupose for WORK …… they must be COMPENSATING FOR the lack of something ( politely say ing the guys feel that they have small dicks )
So the main character a you have sen in the previews is a MAMMA’S BOY to the GROSSEST of extents …. Do you understand HUMOR ? how it is the coverin up of your OWN WEAKNESS thru laughter …. WHAT YOU RESIST persists ..
Yes the BLUSTER of the big TRUCK the showing off …. Is natural to an extent … the GORILLAS SIZE is about bluster so that it will not have to realy engage in warfare ..because it puts on such a show that any SELF Respecting animal ..wiht the natural ..URGE for self protection well that animal will THINK TWICE before for fucking with t silver back gorilla snd so the WHOLE FAMMILY has a level of safety ,,, this allows fot h SABLITY in the family and the growth of the brain of the baby gorilla …. Increases chances of survival … us ,the SAVANNHA OGRILLA … since or dicks are much more like GORILLA THAN OUR OTHER RELATIVE THE CHIMP … WE ARE CLOSEY RELATED TO EACH AND IF YOU WERE TO dig INTO READ BEWTWEEN THE LINES OF THE box OF THINKING IN THIS MONTHS …..antional geographinc AND THE cover ariticle on NEAndrothals Man http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2008/09/080917-neanderthal-photo.html the QUESTION about the possibility of inter breeding … THINK AGAIN A OUT DOGS ….. great danes and little poddles the possible of inter bredding and new speicies …. New shapes …. Comeing out … new colors … new hair or coats …. Think gorilla , chimp savannah ape .. all living close toegehter ..all having a VERY loving nature an ADOPTIVE nature …. eACH WHEN IF ….. FEMALE GIVES OF …phermones when horny and wnts to be fucked …… think fo the ALL possible situations of in fi nite …. Lost and lonely baby female HUMAN savvanha ape …. And the mother Chimp whose baby was MURDERED in the ….. HIERACHY battles over a ALPHA male …. Girls chasing that guy who drives the biggest Truck …. And the GRIEVING mom adopts the lost baby ….. and as it ages and enters sexuality it will GETFUCKED by the local boys …. Who happen to be chimps so THE INFECTION oof modern man and hierarchy …. And MURDER ..grew out of AFRICA Slaughtering of the human / savannha Gorilla the peaceful …. Ohh neadethral did not disappear it GENES show back up in us humans it charasterists …. Like the that lone black kitten in momma kats new litter ….
Back to the FEELing of uneasiness ..and the moving away form uneasnesss ..thru HUMOR which feels better …or the use of COURAGE IN A CUP .. another beer before talking to that girl at the party ….. and the MOVIE …MAAM’S boy …. Humor and the connecting with that WEAKNESS you FEEL about yourself yet hide in so many ways ….
In fighting treaining in body building the becoming ONE with the pain , letting it YES BE THE …SIGNAL the information that is important to understand but then just letting it dissapte thru the whole of you after you have REALIZED from it the USEFULL INFORMATION imparted to you … this will take the TAOSIT master that is you ..THE deepest of inner spirit that which came into a BAbY BODY … helpless that which is connected to the ALL always …. Let the DISCOMFORT of association in that movie sweep thru you .. as UNDERSTANDING of aspects of yourself …. Do not associate with it … just use is as info ….. the UNWANTEd form which WANTS WANTOS will come . then realize the limited choices of actions to take as it pertains to the deepest of the issues …. And the realize the INSTINCTUAL nature od the DNa you have in you ….. and think for yourself .
But if I did that ,,then I would not be true to the opening page and the body of http://www.instinctualism.org …nope I gota keep you well rounded ,,, your fanasty life already has in almost 90 % pussy related thoughts the rest may be about your sport and shit ,,,, but I put carrere and money relted thoughts inot the world of pussy in fact much of your sport relted sctivity is the development of your own self image …. Your KEWL and thus also relted to pussy ….
Everything I wwrite about actually has a pussy aspect because the TAO ,,, the MIND and the BODy well they are interact and so they all have to do …RE – CREATION …. And the most naturel of human recreations is SEX …. So again I remend you of her … of hwat she does like what she naturalay WETS for ..why she dresses so sexy is so that she can be in volved in theres activities … and these activities http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html these acts of being penentrated are in total harmony with the designe of her body of her mind ..and of her SPIRIT the TAO …. For with out these ..all of this FUN FUN FUN … the next genenartation will not be born …. Sex had to be….FUN ….a WANTO
The WANTED ….. and then remember there is the unwanted …and from the comparison of the 2 ….PASIONATE DESIRE IS BORN …. “ want everything expect ( need) nothing ..be happy now “ those wants that keep showing up that yu give some attention to …. To you make plans based around are not NOT all PASSIONATE DESRIE ..but with the continued ATTENTION of FOCUS the constant …. Flow of thoughts of comparision where by you automactically are doing the 5 stpes of creative thinking ,,, ( though being the energy that mold the in fi nite field of POTENTIALS FROM WHICH AFTER REPEATED AND POWER IS A APPLIED MANIFESTATION HAPPENS ,,IT SHOWS THE FUCK UP ) again over and over ..the 5 steps ..but along with the 5 steps is the ..LEVEL of ENERGy ..if it is a GOOD want a GOOD Feeling Tehn you will think about it more often …… you move towards things that feel good …like the plant another DNa animsl moves toward the light ,,,, its CELLS ( you have cells ) its cells move to toward the choice of things FEELING GOOD to THEM event by event ,,, eperince of time after time ,,now after now … the leave point to the sun the roots , BURROW under grown in search of water …. You too move towards the most pleasant FEELINGS http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
Ahhh I love movies ..for art represents life ,,has to be drawn from the experiences of the MASSES the average so that it can attract the largest of audiences so it can be PROIFTABLE ….. WHAT IS the movie ….. MAMMA’S BOY ..about ….
The 2 main males ,,, are the same just in opposite extremes . we find out ….. as girls say about guys with loud harley Davidson OR … impressive black corvettes of big trucks that serve not pupose for WORK …… they must be COMPENSATING FOR the lack of something ( politely say ing the guys feel that they have small dicks )
So the main character a you have sen in the previews is a MAMMA’S BOY to the GROSSEST of extents …. Do you understand HUMOR ? how it is the coverin up of your OWN WEAKNESS thru laughter …. WHAT YOU RESIST persists ..
Yes the BLUSTER of the big TRUCK the showing off …. Is natural to an extent … the GORILLAS SIZE is about bluster so that it will not have to realy engage in warfare ..because it puts on such a show that any SELF Respecting animal ..wiht the natural ..URGE for self protection well that animal will THINK TWICE before for fucking with t silver back gorilla snd so the WHOLE FAMMILY has a level of safety ,,, this allows fot h SABLITY in the family and the growth of the brain of the baby gorilla …. Increases chances of survival … us ,the SAVANNHA OGRILLA … since or dicks are much more like GORILLA THAN OUR OTHER RELATIVE THE CHIMP … WE ARE CLOSEY RELATED TO EACH AND IF YOU WERE TO dig INTO READ BEWTWEEN THE LINES OF THE box OF THINKING IN THIS MONTHS …..antional geographinc AND THE cover ariticle on NEAndrothals Man http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2008/09/080917-neanderthal-photo.html the QUESTION about the possibility of inter breeding … THINK AGAIN A OUT DOGS ….. great danes and little poddles the possible of inter bredding and new speicies …. New shapes …. Comeing out … new colors … new hair or coats …. Think gorilla , chimp savannah ape .. all living close toegehter ..all having a VERY loving nature an ADOPTIVE nature …. eACH WHEN IF ….. FEMALE GIVES OF …phermones when horny and wnts to be fucked …… think fo the ALL possible situations of in fi nite …. Lost and lonely baby female HUMAN savvanha ape …. And the mother Chimp whose baby was MURDERED in the ….. HIERACHY battles over a ALPHA male …. Girls chasing that guy who drives the biggest Truck …. And the GRIEVING mom adopts the lost baby ….. and as it ages and enters sexuality it will GETFUCKED by the local boys …. Who happen to be chimps so THE INFECTION oof modern man and hierarchy …. And MURDER ..grew out of AFRICA Slaughtering of the human / savannha Gorilla the peaceful …. Ohh neadethral did not disappear it GENES show back up in us humans it charasterists …. Like the that lone black kitten in momma kats new litter ….
Back to the FEELing of uneasiness ..and the moving away form uneasnesss ..thru HUMOR which feels better …or the use of COURAGE IN A CUP .. another beer before talking to that girl at the party ….. and the MOVIE …MAAM’S boy …. Humor and the connecting with that WEAKNESS you FEEL about yourself yet hide in so many ways ….
In fighting treaining in body building the becoming ONE with the pain , letting it YES BE THE …SIGNAL the information that is important to understand but then just letting it dissapte thru the whole of you after you have REALIZED from it the USEFULL INFORMATION imparted to you … this will take the TAOSIT master that is you ..THE deepest of inner spirit that which came into a BAbY BODY … helpless that which is connected to the ALL always …. Let the DISCOMFORT of association in that movie sweep thru you .. as UNDERSTANDING of aspects of yourself …. Do not associate with it … just use is as info ….. the UNWANTEd form which WANTS WANTOS will come . then realize the limited choices of actions to take as it pertains to the deepest of the issues …. And the realize the INSTINCTUAL nature od the DNa you have in you ….. and think for yourself .
Monday, October 27, 2008
a rich lawyer chick
A rich Lawyer Chick
· what if one of the housewifes is a lawyer she will be earning a lot of monies would you take her monies for the other sisterhood? would you wonder if theres a prenup would you be fighting over money at this point? I d never put myself in a situation like that cuz its an ongoing war before you start it! good luck finding the agreeing! its hard not to love one girl .. you can not split your heart among group to have sex with them human being machine does not work this way
so Young master that was the question …. My auto response was my auto response that first word coming out of your mouth ,that HONESTLY YOUR ARE …NOT COMMITTED TO FULLFILL .. your are EXPECTED by your honor to fullfill ..but the expectation that we can deal with COMPLEX artibarty concepts in an instant every time and then have to live for ever with the CHOICES does not respect the … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html … 5 steps of UNDERSTANDING CONSTRAST AND determining the WANTO from the data of the UN-WANTED . ….. now facts is facts … you may have been alreadyt FORCED EXPECTED to do some choosing so far in life … but realize those choices were based on Llimited ..alternatives AND MODELS OF LIFESTLYES …. Choosing from the POT OR THE FIRE …. Both are gonna get you COOKED ….. limited choices …now http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html is a model ..... It is not aQUICK FIX for anything it is that life style model . like choosing COLLEGE or choosing the army … and just like the FORE life path ideas …. http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html is changeable .... reverse able …. Your freedom to say ..I FUCKED UP …. I acted or WROTE in good fatih .. but as the experince has gone on …. I see feel hear taste smelll … after the translating of the QUATUM VIBRATIONS of the time/space events of living ….. and the RESULTING comaprison of EMOTIONS …. I have decides that changes MUST BE MADE .to what I DID … in the past …
THIS IS LOGIC ……… and honorable.
Ohhhh back to my auto response .
· do you love each of your children ? do youlvoe family and freinds ... seee sexual love is not LOVE it is SPERM GREED ... a tool of manipulation if you will take some time to explore it in other terms you donot have to agree with me ,,, but just try to get out of the box of your programing when it comes to REAL LOVE next ..it is up to the girls but from within my guide lines ... the male gorilla only guides the peacefull family when it comes to money i think i will ... as part of an EVOVLING 5 steps method , of livng thru events or contrast ... to expeince the eventuall WANTED out of the unwanted i will satrt with the FREE CHOICE of GROUP monys split 3 ways .... DO WHAT YOU LOVE AND THE $$$ WILL COME . if the person is working for GREED power and CASh ,, wealth thru increases in bank accounts .... honeslty the EVE GREED based ... i will become like GOD ! ... deep programing ... of that person is wrong for me and my family i some how ATTRRACTED the WRONG person
THEY … your controlers … society in WHOLE ( ACUTAULLY your parental units are sometimes you most very best friends and best supporters .ir ,, and this is a big if ..THEY CAN THINK FOR THEMSELVES .. if not then stilll deep in them is a desire for your BEST and they enjoy seeing that your choices are based on LOGIC AND HONOR . ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html ........ young master i can TELL already YOU HAVE been put in the corner … forced to make choices , that in some ways FEEL DEEPLY WRONG and you do not KNOW WHY ,,,, hey maybe it is BECAUSE YOU HAVE BEEN TRAINED >>>> expected to choose from un INSTINCTUAL CHIOCES …. Choices of living the CARROT and stick life of GREED …. And the fariy tale of the 1 on 1 sexual expression .
These choices made …. Often early in life … personally deep in your head ,,, sure they say over and over LIFE AN PERSONLEL choice happesn at 18 or 21 ,,but BULL SHIT …. You made the choice from the presented options much earlier ,,like when you atarted having hardon .. like when you were 13 … when the TRITH the INSTINCT of your bio-machine was talking to you … and telling you to start planing alife …to leave the play ground and starte thingking about the new play ground of the BEDROOM ….. the DATE of the pyshihcal action of SEX is un important as concern … it is the TIMe of CHOICe … of choosing between the pathways presented to you by SOCIETY . and ..and ..the YOU the dep chooser EXCITED with the life ahead of him ….
Now since your choices were limited ,, you had little modeling of true ALTERNATIVEs .. of course you were excited by the GREAT life you had …. Options to live but ..soon you found PAIN AND CONFUSION in the experinces of living the FAIRY TALE life paths …. During your start up phase your ….. practise phase .. your learning skills before going out ,,into the FOREST and livn a year before returning to the tribe surving a year alone ..proving your ablity to be a MAN and leader of the harem family you are NOW allowed to construst ,,, ( contrust … here is the free choice of the girls comes in ,,they too were not BOUND by limited PROGRAMING OR CHOICES … if such male silver back gorilla equal ..huan male constructed a shityy territory . which lacked needed items like good tents , ample FOOD TREES etc …. Was placed out in the middle of a mosquitoe infested swamp …. Well they have the FREE CHOICE not to choose you …. Free choice )
The ABOVE response brings up that free choice ,the idea of the RELATIOSNHIP CONTRACT … being written in advance by you a copy ,,,, some where on you desk so that some time after you have had your first adte and the chihck is still talking to you , because of the complexity of WHO YOU are as compared to every other LOSER she has dated …. She is still atlking to you a DIFFERNET MAN and …ALTERNATIVE MAN … and hopefully after you have had a chance to fucke her to SHOW off the SKILL sexual control you learned by PRACTISINT THE concepts of playing STOP ….
Wll if the contract is wrtten ,,,, it will aid her in her ..her own …. Goin over her own … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html ....... and that is nice ..the helping her to EXPAND HER CHOICES ……
See she too has been trained to think that $$$$ will buy her HAPPINESS … but WEALTH is living a state where money never comes into the equaTION … that understanding the BEAUTY and joy is always available … it is the understanding of TAO … it is the understanding of concepts from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchy_of_needs and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Schweitzer who said mankind will not find true happiness until the individual finds a way to SERVE …… it is not about $$$ for the compound of http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html provides the FOUNDATION of human needs the animals life and instinctual support ….. form where the abilty to comforatble without stress ..the person can find their own way to serve EACH OTHER and interat with the world in genearla thus finding smiles in SERIVCE there also …..
But if the GREED of eve ..the need to impress her to get into her pats is how you live ..if she is joining the compound wanting to impress her family with continued flows of CASh ,,, if her FOCUS is on FEAR of LACK and the need for FAT BANK accounts ,,the POISON of tha greed the FOCUS of that thought energy will pollute your life ….. your free choice is that who and what you want to actrat ….. or would it not be tter to scare ..to UN-ATTRACT ..that ? think for yourself
· what if one of the housewifes is a lawyer she will be earning a lot of monies would you take her monies for the other sisterhood? would you wonder if theres a prenup would you be fighting over money at this point? I d never put myself in a situation like that cuz its an ongoing war before you start it! good luck finding the agreeing! its hard not to love one girl .. you can not split your heart among group to have sex with them human being machine does not work this way
so Young master that was the question …. My auto response was my auto response that first word coming out of your mouth ,that HONESTLY YOUR ARE …NOT COMMITTED TO FULLFILL .. your are EXPECTED by your honor to fullfill ..but the expectation that we can deal with COMPLEX artibarty concepts in an instant every time and then have to live for ever with the CHOICES does not respect the … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html … 5 steps of UNDERSTANDING CONSTRAST AND determining the WANTO from the data of the UN-WANTED . ….. now facts is facts … you may have been alreadyt FORCED EXPECTED to do some choosing so far in life … but realize those choices were based on Llimited ..alternatives AND MODELS OF LIFESTLYES …. Choosing from the POT OR THE FIRE …. Both are gonna get you COOKED ….. limited choices …now http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html is a model ..... It is not aQUICK FIX for anything it is that life style model . like choosing COLLEGE or choosing the army … and just like the FORE life path ideas …. http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html is changeable .... reverse able …. Your freedom to say ..I FUCKED UP …. I acted or WROTE in good fatih .. but as the experince has gone on …. I see feel hear taste smelll … after the translating of the QUATUM VIBRATIONS of the time/space events of living ….. and the RESULTING comaprison of EMOTIONS …. I have decides that changes MUST BE MADE .to what I DID … in the past …
THIS IS LOGIC ……… and honorable.
Ohhhh back to my auto response .
· do you love each of your children ? do youlvoe family and freinds ... seee sexual love is not LOVE it is SPERM GREED ... a tool of manipulation if you will take some time to explore it in other terms you donot have to agree with me ,,, but just try to get out of the box of your programing when it comes to REAL LOVE next ..it is up to the girls but from within my guide lines ... the male gorilla only guides the peacefull family when it comes to money i think i will ... as part of an EVOVLING 5 steps method , of livng thru events or contrast ... to expeince the eventuall WANTED out of the unwanted i will satrt with the FREE CHOICE of GROUP monys split 3 ways .... DO WHAT YOU LOVE AND THE $$$ WILL COME . if the person is working for GREED power and CASh ,, wealth thru increases in bank accounts .... honeslty the EVE GREED based ... i will become like GOD ! ... deep programing ... of that person is wrong for me and my family i some how ATTRRACTED the WRONG person
THEY … your controlers … society in WHOLE ( ACUTAULLY your parental units are sometimes you most very best friends and best supporters .ir ,, and this is a big if ..THEY CAN THINK FOR THEMSELVES .. if not then stilll deep in them is a desire for your BEST and they enjoy seeing that your choices are based on LOGIC AND HONOR . ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html ........ young master i can TELL already YOU HAVE been put in the corner … forced to make choices , that in some ways FEEL DEEPLY WRONG and you do not KNOW WHY ,,,, hey maybe it is BECAUSE YOU HAVE BEEN TRAINED >>>> expected to choose from un INSTINCTUAL CHIOCES …. Choices of living the CARROT and stick life of GREED …. And the fariy tale of the 1 on 1 sexual expression .
These choices made …. Often early in life … personally deep in your head ,,, sure they say over and over LIFE AN PERSONLEL choice happesn at 18 or 21 ,,but BULL SHIT …. You made the choice from the presented options much earlier ,,like when you atarted having hardon .. like when you were 13 … when the TRITH the INSTINCT of your bio-machine was talking to you … and telling you to start planing alife …to leave the play ground and starte thingking about the new play ground of the BEDROOM ….. the DATE of the pyshihcal action of SEX is un important as concern … it is the TIMe of CHOICe … of choosing between the pathways presented to you by SOCIETY . and ..and ..the YOU the dep chooser EXCITED with the life ahead of him ….
Now since your choices were limited ,, you had little modeling of true ALTERNATIVEs .. of course you were excited by the GREAT life you had …. Options to live but ..soon you found PAIN AND CONFUSION in the experinces of living the FAIRY TALE life paths …. During your start up phase your ….. practise phase .. your learning skills before going out ,,into the FOREST and livn a year before returning to the tribe surving a year alone ..proving your ablity to be a MAN and leader of the harem family you are NOW allowed to construst ,,, ( contrust … here is the free choice of the girls comes in ,,they too were not BOUND by limited PROGRAMING OR CHOICES … if such male silver back gorilla equal ..huan male constructed a shityy territory . which lacked needed items like good tents , ample FOOD TREES etc …. Was placed out in the middle of a mosquitoe infested swamp …. Well they have the FREE CHOICE not to choose you …. Free choice )
The ABOVE response brings up that free choice ,the idea of the RELATIOSNHIP CONTRACT … being written in advance by you a copy ,,,, some where on you desk so that some time after you have had your first adte and the chihck is still talking to you , because of the complexity of WHO YOU are as compared to every other LOSER she has dated …. She is still atlking to you a DIFFERNET MAN and …ALTERNATIVE MAN … and hopefully after you have had a chance to fucke her to SHOW off the SKILL sexual control you learned by PRACTISINT THE concepts of playing STOP ….
Wll if the contract is wrtten ,,,, it will aid her in her ..her own …. Goin over her own … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html ....... and that is nice ..the helping her to EXPAND HER CHOICES ……
See she too has been trained to think that $$$$ will buy her HAPPINESS … but WEALTH is living a state where money never comes into the equaTION … that understanding the BEAUTY and joy is always available … it is the understanding of TAO … it is the understanding of concepts from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchy_of_needs and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Schweitzer who said mankind will not find true happiness until the individual finds a way to SERVE …… it is not about $$$ for the compound of http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html provides the FOUNDATION of human needs the animals life and instinctual support ….. form where the abilty to comforatble without stress ..the person can find their own way to serve EACH OTHER and interat with the world in genearla thus finding smiles in SERIVCE there also …..
But if the GREED of eve ..the need to impress her to get into her pats is how you live ..if she is joining the compound wanting to impress her family with continued flows of CASh ,,, if her FOCUS is on FEAR of LACK and the need for FAT BANK accounts ,,the POISON of tha greed the FOCUS of that thought energy will pollute your life ….. your free choice is that who and what you want to actrat ….. or would it not be tter to scare ..to UN-ATTRACT ..that ? think for yourself
Sunday, October 26, 2008
In her 18
In her 18
Ok well that is very Miss leading ,,but I just could not write In her 17 becaue that illudes to INSTINCTUAL but illegal activity ,,, instinctual for the ANIMAL is capable but the CONTROLERS ..have decided to …for their OWN best interst to … decide for them to manipulate ( whose ..OWN ? best interest the controlled or the controllers ) … what actually can not be manipulated an so ..we have … confused furstated …. And depressed TEENS ….twisted instinct
But this is not about that this ..is about this … and tht is FORE ..the word fore …before ,, go for the , forward , forefront , …and FORE GET and FORE GIVE … on the CD http://www.musicforcandles.com/musicforcandlescds.htm#AT a teacher I needed talked to me at a time +THAT I COULD … HEAR .
WAY fucking important dipshit as you go off to get married in a short time and believe me I am happy for you both and wish you welll …. Work hard , read the right books if or when I starts to get all fucked up …. And fore get ……about me
To act as if it is FORE the getting of something ……
Now the misconception of to forgive ….. and that is and has always been something you do ..it never never ever has to do with the other person … ohh ihave heard that piece of wisdom many times and understood it ..because it is LOGIC ,, I am the one doing the FORGIVING so it has to be me …. And that goes for the forgetting too ….. but what is NEW
Was the idea of the EMOTIONAL guidance ,,, sure KNOWLEDGE learned shit like the stuff ..stuffed into your brain at school well that DATA … born from the CONTRASTING events …. The pains of love a lot of time …. Those contrasting EVENTS …. That are Blessings in that they help you ..to choose from the WANTED Aand UNWANTEd …. Except where the options for wanted and unwanted are very LIMITED because of UNANTURAL uninstinct ..relationship form choices … hey like in our PASSED DOWN society ,,, ideas passed down from generation to genenration no One ever realy QUESTIONING and saying WHY …. Only saying over and over because God said so … or because it is the WAY we do things …. Welll people used to bleed each other to let out EVILS spirits when they had a bad cold ,,that is the way it was done should we still continue that practice just because it is the WAY IT WAS DONE ?
To ..be or feel like it was FORE the getting of the contrast and FORE the choosing of the next … wants … those choices based on limited info and ALTERNATIVES . http://www.instinctualism.org one more FREE CHOICE that is all that whole web site is … it is NOT the WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIGHT ,,, it si one more FREE CHOICE out the kitchen of the universe to quatoe ESTER HICKS …. http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php ........ you can not limit the truth of the UN IMPOSSIBLE the possibles are still there our culture may try to make it ILLEGAL ..but that NEVER limited the TAO it is still full of possibles … so go my fine young friends you and her …. Fore get ….. what ever it si that you have BEEN FEELING about my writing ,,, now the learning sorry that is a FACT of DATA sotroage … and the human brain ….. you are stuck with the expanded concepts and alternatives … that your exposure to http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html has brought you ....
BE FORE …the getting how did you feel young mster before you got some of the BAGGAE …. The pain of living that you now BASE you current choices on … what were the choices you had while GROWING up … at school when they taughts sex ED when you were about 12 ,,,it was based on the 1 man 1 woman model and that was ….ALL …… hmmm a lot of pressure to put on a DAN immature mind to limit it ,,teach it to not feel itself ..but live within the rules of the expectation of the SALVE MASTER for the amster knows for 1000’s or years of history the way to control a population is to divide it’c concertation … enteratin it ,, keep it drunk and high ,,, keep it sexually unstable …. And BEGGING …. MAKE THE GIRLS feel ugly unless they live up to scoietys IMAGE /
Okkkk back to the AGE thing …… the 18 or 17 …. That IMPORTANT number forced upon us to GAUGE us and for ourselves to …… get confused by ,,get programmed by ,,for all there ever realy is . is NOW … the past is in NOW DATA ..inofrmation that is used to form energy inot mthe next series of NOWS ns the next series of evnts TO BE LIVED by you ..the continueing evolution of the WANTED ANDUNWANTED the experience of CONTRAST . the automactic – ness of starting concluding you wants borm of personel PREFEERENCE … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html . Out of the changes in the EXPECTED …the DATA the learning in your brain is the expected , iF THAT NEVER changed then there would never never never be change …. Boring dull not the ever expaning of Tao .. of in fi nite changes for ever unending to a point that it is UNTHINKABLE to a human mind only able to cope with 2 million bytes of data per second …
AGE …….. to truly FORE GET … you do not foreget the DATA …. That is in you brain sotred …. You FORE GET the emotional SET point the STUCKNESS of you at that point of CONFSUION where you got stuck because of a lack of ALTERNATIVES … of free choices … the learning the storing of data to use automactically that FORE is a feeling sometimes of AGENESS ….
Remember th body if CLONED will not birth an OLD MAN but birth a baby …. The feeling of age is a choice for the ( for the lack of a bettere word tool ) SPIRIT is agaeless ,,, young children feel old and wise .. and people feel in their prison of meat sack of bio machine of body suit they still FEEL ..17 ….. they feel a special age to them a time when ther power WAS theirs finnaly or they felt ..themselves …. A reference point .
Now you yong master may or may not understand this , I believe even you at 22 , do feel it ,,part of you still feels t times the UN EaSYNESS of being TEEnyet you are now a YOUNG MAN …. Free and legally responsible yet acting and feeling like you were still 9 years old ? ( yeah one guy talks about feeling 9 and he has that MAUTURITY that …helpless ness also …. The needy ness of being a child unalble to ….create his territory to be the silver back gorilla male equal in human/homo spaien / savannha ape …terms http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html ... i put down 17 for it was then I had my car packed my boat hook on the back and left home … everything before that was ..blended with the support of parental units ….. the scoping of my apt ment the enrooling in college ,, even the territory I would cover in the family business during my schooling years …. But the fainnaly being the LONE MALE … is refence point I have always still felt .
And when I FORE GET … go back to being me ..before the BLOCKS in emotional growth and expeince or whatever it is … I find myself feeling that day … BE FORE THE GETTING STUCK …… now the fore GIVING ….. that is the RE PLANTING ….. the new SEEDS of internally accepted programming … giving myself clarity of goals ideas of sense of self again ….
FORE GIVING is about me … and FOR ME …… it is taking focus ,, ATTENTION energy …. Thought is what ? can you come and give me a galss of thinking ? no only the evdeence trail of the thoughts made 9 THIS BLOG is evidence trail of thought made ) it is not the thoughts .
FORE GIVING am I sparking a thought in you about the idea of FORE …. Be ..being FORE the acts that confused you ..the PROGRAMING of you to suit the needs of others ,,, but since we humans are such NICE LOVING animals we take the feelings of others into account .. I SAY THIS AGAIN IS THE EVIDENCE TRAIL OF OUR harem nature . the cablity to love many .
You have been programmed to think love is only ABLE to be 1 man 1 woman ,,,, but you young master will LVOE EACH OF YOUR children equally …. YOU WILL LOVE EACH WIFE equall FOR THE PERSON WHO SHE IS ,,, AND she will love her sisiters her support system and you …equally each for who they are …EXCEPT IF the EVE spirit is still entrenched ..the programming of GREED ..the divide and conquer training implanted to make sure humanity is in a state of confuseion or dsitration so that they can be used by the SALVE MASTERS of PHAROHS time ,,the learning pasted down to government after government into religo after religion ,,to create LEGIONS of followers dependant on the answers to the OCNFUSIONS . installed by the SAME .
Enough ,,,, FORE ….. that feeling of EMPOWERMENT ….. think about it young master .
Ok well that is very Miss leading ,,but I just could not write In her 17 becaue that illudes to INSTINCTUAL but illegal activity ,,, instinctual for the ANIMAL is capable but the CONTROLERS ..have decided to …for their OWN best interst to … decide for them to manipulate ( whose ..OWN ? best interest the controlled or the controllers ) … what actually can not be manipulated an so ..we have … confused furstated …. And depressed TEENS ….twisted instinct
But this is not about that this ..is about this … and tht is FORE ..the word fore …before ,, go for the , forward , forefront , …and FORE GET and FORE GIVE … on the CD http://www.musicforcandles.com/musicforcandlescds.htm#AT a teacher I needed talked to me at a time +THAT I COULD … HEAR .
WAY fucking important dipshit as you go off to get married in a short time and believe me I am happy for you both and wish you welll …. Work hard , read the right books if or when I starts to get all fucked up …. And fore get ……about me
To act as if it is FORE the getting of something ……
Now the misconception of to forgive ….. and that is and has always been something you do ..it never never ever has to do with the other person … ohh ihave heard that piece of wisdom many times and understood it ..because it is LOGIC ,, I am the one doing the FORGIVING so it has to be me …. And that goes for the forgetting too ….. but what is NEW
Was the idea of the EMOTIONAL guidance ,,, sure KNOWLEDGE learned shit like the stuff ..stuffed into your brain at school well that DATA … born from the CONTRASTING events …. The pains of love a lot of time …. Those contrasting EVENTS …. That are Blessings in that they help you ..to choose from the WANTED Aand UNWANTEd …. Except where the options for wanted and unwanted are very LIMITED because of UNANTURAL uninstinct ..relationship form choices … hey like in our PASSED DOWN society ,,, ideas passed down from generation to genenration no One ever realy QUESTIONING and saying WHY …. Only saying over and over because God said so … or because it is the WAY we do things …. Welll people used to bleed each other to let out EVILS spirits when they had a bad cold ,,that is the way it was done should we still continue that practice just because it is the WAY IT WAS DONE ?
To ..be or feel like it was FORE the getting of the contrast and FORE the choosing of the next … wants … those choices based on limited info and ALTERNATIVES . http://www.instinctualism.org one more FREE CHOICE that is all that whole web site is … it is NOT the WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIGHT ,,, it si one more FREE CHOICE out the kitchen of the universe to quatoe ESTER HICKS …. http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php ........ you can not limit the truth of the UN IMPOSSIBLE the possibles are still there our culture may try to make it ILLEGAL ..but that NEVER limited the TAO it is still full of possibles … so go my fine young friends you and her …. Fore get ….. what ever it si that you have BEEN FEELING about my writing ,,, now the learning sorry that is a FACT of DATA sotroage … and the human brain ….. you are stuck with the expanded concepts and alternatives … that your exposure to http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html has brought you ....
BE FORE …the getting how did you feel young mster before you got some of the BAGGAE …. The pain of living that you now BASE you current choices on … what were the choices you had while GROWING up … at school when they taughts sex ED when you were about 12 ,,,it was based on the 1 man 1 woman model and that was ….ALL …… hmmm a lot of pressure to put on a DAN immature mind to limit it ,,teach it to not feel itself ..but live within the rules of the expectation of the SALVE MASTER for the amster knows for 1000’s or years of history the way to control a population is to divide it’c concertation … enteratin it ,, keep it drunk and high ,,, keep it sexually unstable …. And BEGGING …. MAKE THE GIRLS feel ugly unless they live up to scoietys IMAGE /
Okkkk back to the AGE thing …… the 18 or 17 …. That IMPORTANT number forced upon us to GAUGE us and for ourselves to …… get confused by ,,get programmed by ,,for all there ever realy is . is NOW … the past is in NOW DATA ..inofrmation that is used to form energy inot mthe next series of NOWS ns the next series of evnts TO BE LIVED by you ..the continueing evolution of the WANTED ANDUNWANTED the experience of CONTRAST . the automactic – ness of starting concluding you wants borm of personel PREFEERENCE … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html . Out of the changes in the EXPECTED …the DATA the learning in your brain is the expected , iF THAT NEVER changed then there would never never never be change …. Boring dull not the ever expaning of Tao .. of in fi nite changes for ever unending to a point that it is UNTHINKABLE to a human mind only able to cope with 2 million bytes of data per second …
AGE …….. to truly FORE GET … you do not foreget the DATA …. That is in you brain sotred …. You FORE GET the emotional SET point the STUCKNESS of you at that point of CONFSUION where you got stuck because of a lack of ALTERNATIVES … of free choices … the learning the storing of data to use automactically that FORE is a feeling sometimes of AGENESS ….
Remember th body if CLONED will not birth an OLD MAN but birth a baby …. The feeling of age is a choice for the ( for the lack of a bettere word tool ) SPIRIT is agaeless ,,, young children feel old and wise .. and people feel in their prison of meat sack of bio machine of body suit they still FEEL ..17 ….. they feel a special age to them a time when ther power WAS theirs finnaly or they felt ..themselves …. A reference point .
Now you yong master may or may not understand this , I believe even you at 22 , do feel it ,,part of you still feels t times the UN EaSYNESS of being TEEnyet you are now a YOUNG MAN …. Free and legally responsible yet acting and feeling like you were still 9 years old ? ( yeah one guy talks about feeling 9 and he has that MAUTURITY that …helpless ness also …. The needy ness of being a child unalble to ….create his territory to be the silver back gorilla male equal in human/homo spaien / savannha ape …terms http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html ... i put down 17 for it was then I had my car packed my boat hook on the back and left home … everything before that was ..blended with the support of parental units ….. the scoping of my apt ment the enrooling in college ,, even the territory I would cover in the family business during my schooling years …. But the fainnaly being the LONE MALE … is refence point I have always still felt .
And when I FORE GET … go back to being me ..before the BLOCKS in emotional growth and expeince or whatever it is … I find myself feeling that day … BE FORE THE GETTING STUCK …… now the fore GIVING ….. that is the RE PLANTING ….. the new SEEDS of internally accepted programming … giving myself clarity of goals ideas of sense of self again ….
FORE GIVING is about me … and FOR ME …… it is taking focus ,, ATTENTION energy …. Thought is what ? can you come and give me a galss of thinking ? no only the evdeence trail of the thoughts made 9 THIS BLOG is evidence trail of thought made ) it is not the thoughts .
FORE GIVING am I sparking a thought in you about the idea of FORE …. Be ..being FORE the acts that confused you ..the PROGRAMING of you to suit the needs of others ,,, but since we humans are such NICE LOVING animals we take the feelings of others into account .. I SAY THIS AGAIN IS THE EVIDENCE TRAIL OF OUR harem nature . the cablity to love many .
You have been programmed to think love is only ABLE to be 1 man 1 woman ,,,, but you young master will LVOE EACH OF YOUR children equally …. YOU WILL LOVE EACH WIFE equall FOR THE PERSON WHO SHE IS ,,, AND she will love her sisiters her support system and you …equally each for who they are …EXCEPT IF the EVE spirit is still entrenched ..the programming of GREED ..the divide and conquer training implanted to make sure humanity is in a state of confuseion or dsitration so that they can be used by the SALVE MASTERS of PHAROHS time ,,the learning pasted down to government after government into religo after religion ,,to create LEGIONS of followers dependant on the answers to the OCNFUSIONS . installed by the SAME .
Enough ,,,, FORE ….. that feeling of EMPOWERMENT ….. think about it young master .
Saturday, October 25, 2008
how hard does it get?
How hard does it get ?
Hard enough to do the job wanted by the wanter ….. you the pnenetrator designed to function within a STABLE expectable time/space event ,,you a POINT OF VIEW ..1 aspect of the infintire TAO …… by and in a state of wellbeing …. A state of agreement came into the BLANK SLATE of a BABY bio-macine ,,,, a tool of experience which has in it the ACUUMULATED knowledge and experience from each and every mommy and daddy that came before it from the beiging the info on how to be a lizard is still hidden in your DNa …. ROOT PROGRAMS so that life WILL NOT have to be so fucking hard that you will not have to THINK ABOUT so many aspects as to CONFUSE you so that you can ENJOY the WEALTH of ….. THE WEALTH oof things to be heard smeellled felt tasted touched and SEEN …. And you have AUTO progrming to want to PROVIDE a new genenration with this OPPURUTUNITY to experience BEING …. In a bio-machine ….so you cock gets HARD enough to penetrate .
One who hungers for just that PENETRATION …… http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html .... since you have not the DNA of a female and the hormones the info PACKAGES stimulated on ‘AUTO pilot ..to want penentration like they do …. Well we can not really understand what is going on in side them … but the EVIDENCE TRAIL of design ,,,,, now
You do effect the future experiences you encounter by the amount of ATTENTIOn you give to the vast topics you encounter … you encounter the GOODS and the BADS of a possible experience ,,, messages , models … the FEELINGS and info from others all come to you . in varied ways ,,, each is the info which help you build your OWN …experience which will be WALKED in your shoes .. absolutely NEW and different thatn even if the …. In another a dememsion another like you walked it ,,it would be theirs to walk and of course be ..new …. IN FI NITE ….. un impossibles …. Um limited beyond ..THINKABLE ..
Having some STABILITY ..in terms of atomic structure for example ..in terms of the USE of time before things become REAL ….. makes this time/space a place we can all PLAY IN …. In agreement that no one will show OFF to much break the rules of magic EXPECT in ways which we all ( or atleast the particiapants CAN believe in )
This whole topic … is tied to the 200 feet …to the other 400 feet out side of the direct view of your headlights as you travel the road of life in the DARK ….not really KNOWING THE FUTURE …. In the game the oppurutunity to have UNEXPECTED experiences ,, yin and yangs ….. the wanted and unwanted contrsts from which you can CONCLUDE you won personel preferences http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html … thru the GAUGE of EMOTIONS emotions which are of course tied to the BIO_ MACHINE …and the STABLE atomic reality platform we use of this universe . we a part of the TAO still in the TAO in a dream … of being here forgetting our TRUE selves so that we can experience LIMITS … thing …… thing from the concept of the NO 1 THING … but where everyTHING is possible http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
So sublte EXPECTATION programs get put into ..the MIND? ..the sub Concisouos mind …the TAO tied mind ….. toa tied mind ..not the TAO mind or TAO self ,,but the RADIO wave receiver … part of the TOOL bio-machine ,,the bio –machine is s FREQUENCY translator …. Your hearing is the tool of TRANSLATING vibrational waves ..into something USEAALBE …. Compared to events that happened before compounded events starting from the time of the
ABILITY to hear and store DATA …. In your mommys belly you heard and stored DATA …. As your mommy ,,had FLUSHES of ENDORPHINES about certain events and you experienced the RUSH the HIGH of mommys DRUGS manufacturing plant … when her LOVER your daddy was a round then you upon hearing his approaching presence whould repeond while still in your mommys belly … just ask a woman who is in touch with her baby while it was growning and she will tell you about how the baby stirred at certain times ….
Right now ,,you TRANSLATE the reciivieng … of PHOTON VIBRATION … and call it sight ….. you feel the texture NOT OF SUBATOMIC particles for that would be TOO MUCH inof to process the Brain is limit to processing about 2miilion bytes …. So you TRANSLATE not he FUL AMOUNT OF POSSIBLE DATA but what is going to be aBLE to be useful ….USE THE USEFULL … http://www.lulu.com/content/2019732 .....so you FEEL only the TEXTURE usefulll ..her soft PUSSY HARD AND SOFT LIPS ..the sensation of her LUBRICATION ….. all useful ! YES ?
If you were to “infect” your brain with unpleasant experiences, bad memories of your childhood and adolescence, and bad information or data, what will happen?
Research shows that you receive about 2 million bytes of information per second through your five senses (taste, sight, smell, hearing and feeling), but your nervous system cannot handle all this information at the same time.
Instead, it will process the information by deleting, generalising, distorting and compressing all the data into a manageable chunk size of about 134 bytes of information which is then stored in your brain. In the process, a lot of information will be left out.
Your brain will only process what you focus on, and selectively store it as a memory.
Therefore, you need to focus on what is important to you, to be able to get most of the information through your nervous system to achieve the desired results that you want, whether it is to be good in certain things or to be knowledgeable in certain areas.
For instance, if you were keen to be the best soccer player, you would focus on how to play soccer better. Likewise, if you want to be financially successful, you need to focus on collecting relevant financial information and data, and gaining lots of……
ONLY 2,000,000 bytes per …….NOW ….. opps now is gone …opps now is gone …. The FILTER of COMAPARISON ….. how and where to sotre INFO is based on your WANTOS ….. that thing which gets you out of bed each morning ….
Is it a PASSION of a fear … and from that is what you will tend to FILTER to TRANSLATE to see in your world …… ALLL useful in its own way ,,, for it is contrast …..so form that you cDO HAVE FREE WILL to choose what you will give you FOCUS >>>OR A>>>ATTENTION to ..because form this will be what and where the next streams of events to process will be drwn from the more you ae FOCUSED ON THE WANTS and passionalty ..filing away SUPPORTING EVIDENCE OF THE WANTS ….. the more you ustay in the STREAM of NOTICING TRANSLATING FORMT HE VASTNESS OF data AROUND THE 2 miilion bytes that rralte to your WANTS ….
BUT >>>>>>>>>> all this is imporatn to understand that you still are the BIO-machine that has PREPROGAMED into the easiest way to live for that BIO_ MACHINE ….. expecially when it comes to something as important as PUSSY ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html your harem nature .
See wealth is to GIVE NO THOUGHT about $$$$$ …it is to find the WATNED ..the joy of BEING without WORRY about if the DOW is at 8 or 9 …and no long at 14 ….. the rich man is not WEALTHY .. for he woryys so much about his money .
Hard enough to do the job wanted by the wanter ….. you the pnenetrator designed to function within a STABLE expectable time/space event ,,you a POINT OF VIEW ..1 aspect of the infintire TAO …… by and in a state of wellbeing …. A state of agreement came into the BLANK SLATE of a BABY bio-macine ,,,, a tool of experience which has in it the ACUUMULATED knowledge and experience from each and every mommy and daddy that came before it from the beiging the info on how to be a lizard is still hidden in your DNa …. ROOT PROGRAMS so that life WILL NOT have to be so fucking hard that you will not have to THINK ABOUT so many aspects as to CONFUSE you so that you can ENJOY the WEALTH of ….. THE WEALTH oof things to be heard smeellled felt tasted touched and SEEN …. And you have AUTO progrming to want to PROVIDE a new genenration with this OPPURUTUNITY to experience BEING …. In a bio-machine ….so you cock gets HARD enough to penetrate .
One who hungers for just that PENETRATION …… http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html .... since you have not the DNA of a female and the hormones the info PACKAGES stimulated on ‘AUTO pilot ..to want penentration like they do …. Well we can not really understand what is going on in side them … but the EVIDENCE TRAIL of design ,,,,, now
You do effect the future experiences you encounter by the amount of ATTENTIOn you give to the vast topics you encounter … you encounter the GOODS and the BADS of a possible experience ,,, messages , models … the FEELINGS and info from others all come to you . in varied ways ,,, each is the info which help you build your OWN …experience which will be WALKED in your shoes .. absolutely NEW and different thatn even if the …. In another a dememsion another like you walked it ,,it would be theirs to walk and of course be ..new …. IN FI NITE ….. un impossibles …. Um limited beyond ..THINKABLE ..
Having some STABILITY ..in terms of atomic structure for example ..in terms of the USE of time before things become REAL ….. makes this time/space a place we can all PLAY IN …. In agreement that no one will show OFF to much break the rules of magic EXPECT in ways which we all ( or atleast the particiapants CAN believe in )
This whole topic … is tied to the 200 feet …to the other 400 feet out side of the direct view of your headlights as you travel the road of life in the DARK ….not really KNOWING THE FUTURE …. In the game the oppurutunity to have UNEXPECTED experiences ,, yin and yangs ….. the wanted and unwanted contrsts from which you can CONCLUDE you won personel preferences http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html … thru the GAUGE of EMOTIONS emotions which are of course tied to the BIO_ MACHINE …and the STABLE atomic reality platform we use of this universe . we a part of the TAO still in the TAO in a dream … of being here forgetting our TRUE selves so that we can experience LIMITS … thing …… thing from the concept of the NO 1 THING … but where everyTHING is possible http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
So sublte EXPECTATION programs get put into ..the MIND? ..the sub Concisouos mind …the TAO tied mind ….. toa tied mind ..not the TAO mind or TAO self ,,but the RADIO wave receiver … part of the TOOL bio-machine ,,the bio –machine is s FREQUENCY translator …. Your hearing is the tool of TRANSLATING vibrational waves ..into something USEAALBE …. Compared to events that happened before compounded events starting from the time of the
ABILITY to hear and store DATA …. In your mommys belly you heard and stored DATA …. As your mommy ,,had FLUSHES of ENDORPHINES about certain events and you experienced the RUSH the HIGH of mommys DRUGS manufacturing plant … when her LOVER your daddy was a round then you upon hearing his approaching presence whould repeond while still in your mommys belly … just ask a woman who is in touch with her baby while it was growning and she will tell you about how the baby stirred at certain times ….
Right now ,,you TRANSLATE the reciivieng … of PHOTON VIBRATION … and call it sight ….. you feel the texture NOT OF SUBATOMIC particles for that would be TOO MUCH inof to process the Brain is limit to processing about 2miilion bytes …. So you TRANSLATE not he FUL AMOUNT OF POSSIBLE DATA but what is going to be aBLE to be useful ….USE THE USEFULL … http://www.lulu.com/content/2019732 .....so you FEEL only the TEXTURE usefulll ..her soft PUSSY HARD AND SOFT LIPS ..the sensation of her LUBRICATION ….. all useful ! YES ?
If you were to “infect” your brain with unpleasant experiences, bad memories of your childhood and adolescence, and bad information or data, what will happen?
Research shows that you receive about 2 million bytes of information per second through your five senses (taste, sight, smell, hearing and feeling), but your nervous system cannot handle all this information at the same time.
Instead, it will process the information by deleting, generalising, distorting and compressing all the data into a manageable chunk size of about 134 bytes of information which is then stored in your brain. In the process, a lot of information will be left out.
Your brain will only process what you focus on, and selectively store it as a memory.
Therefore, you need to focus on what is important to you, to be able to get most of the information through your nervous system to achieve the desired results that you want, whether it is to be good in certain things or to be knowledgeable in certain areas.
For instance, if you were keen to be the best soccer player, you would focus on how to play soccer better. Likewise, if you want to be financially successful, you need to focus on collecting relevant financial information and data, and gaining lots of……
ONLY 2,000,000 bytes per …….NOW ….. opps now is gone …opps now is gone …. The FILTER of COMAPARISON ….. how and where to sotre INFO is based on your WANTOS ….. that thing which gets you out of bed each morning ….
Is it a PASSION of a fear … and from that is what you will tend to FILTER to TRANSLATE to see in your world …… ALLL useful in its own way ,,, for it is contrast …..so form that you cDO HAVE FREE WILL to choose what you will give you FOCUS >>>OR A>>>ATTENTION to ..because form this will be what and where the next streams of events to process will be drwn from the more you ae FOCUSED ON THE WANTS and passionalty ..filing away SUPPORTING EVIDENCE OF THE WANTS ….. the more you ustay in the STREAM of NOTICING TRANSLATING FORMT HE VASTNESS OF data AROUND THE 2 miilion bytes that rralte to your WANTS ….
BUT >>>>>>>>>> all this is imporatn to understand that you still are the BIO-machine that has PREPROGAMED into the easiest way to live for that BIO_ MACHINE ….. expecially when it comes to something as important as PUSSY ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html your harem nature .
See wealth is to GIVE NO THOUGHT about $$$$$ …it is to find the WATNED ..the joy of BEING without WORRY about if the DOW is at 8 or 9 …and no long at 14 ….. the rich man is not WEALTHY .. for he woryys so much about his money .
Thursday, October 23, 2008
200 feet till free pussy
200 feet till free pussy
Jon Davis from KORN in the song FREAK on a LEASH say “ and … you were supposed to be a CHEAP fuck for me to lay “ …… hmmmm think for yourself young master ….. FREAK on a leash there is a SURFACE meaning the symptoms of problems and images and then there is the CAUSE And effects of the reality behind ,, under what came before … maybe long long long before the PLAYERs THEMSELVES .
Ok A meta-mind teacher described using the CONCEPT OF MAGNETIC ENERGY …the LAW of ATTRACTION ( law is the wrong word worng concept stop using it except when talking with new people …. There is NO QUATUM prison or QUATM police force ..arresting NON well being acting participants ..it is a generally state of harmony and well being where by all sorts of the WANTED and Unwanted can be experienced so that personel preference can be formed ) in fact science is ye to REALY explain the common MAGNET really http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy but what is IT ?
Ok so lets say you have never gone to LOS ANGELES … SO FOR YOU IT IS NOT real ,,, OHH YOU HAVE SEEN FOTOS you have met people from there you see it on TV ..hollywood etc … the fancy houses and Rodeo Drive and maybe you have even daydreamed about yourself driving down Rodoe DRIVe with a SHOTGUN ….. RAGE against the MAchine ( wow a black president in the US we gotta be fucking proud of ourselves America we done GROWN UP ! give yourself a pat on the fucking back ) Los ANgleles is a MODEL to you …. A life or place modeled but not REALY EXPERINCEd by you ….. sure you want to go there it is your GOAL for this blog ….. but since you have never touched smelled lived there it is notREAL …..
Now you can drive to Los Angelels from here in JENSEN BEACH FL. …. At night sure it will take a few nights but lets say ,,, you can only drive at night because each day you gotta stop and go to work in another city ….. while driving at night you DEPEND on your HEAD LIGHTs to UNCOVER THE RAOD THE PATHWAY TO …los angeles ….. you get to see about 200 feet really clearly and you get an good idea about the 400 feet before that and ….. you get to see only vague shadows of maybe another 300 feet before that ….. you will incounter important information signs along the Way … like ROAD signs , tellsing you to TURN here enter or merge …. You will have DIRECTIONS like the WHITE line on the road to help make sure you arrive safely …. In your lane …. Helping each of us ..FREINDLY HUMANS who on average like to live NICE PEACEFULL lives …. To work and live and play together … more GOOD THIGNS happen …than bad things ..or else you would have died a long time ago while driving … but … reality IS …. We humans like to CON EXISISIT …. In a friendly manner we help each other we open doors for each other just NOITCE THE TURTH … watch the REDNECK at HOME DEPOET .. helping the worker load his truck k..that worker being a balck man … later that day wath the black man opening a DOOR of a store for a mother carrying her child in her arms that women being a LATINA ….. humanity is NICE ( not evil ….. those who convince us of the vilness of mankind do so to hide their own ..EVIL .. divide and conquer ..the crimal wants to distract you from shis acitivty )
Back to the 200 hundered feet of LIVING … of arriving at your GAOl any GOAL ,,the goal of doint he 18 months of work … hey the local mobil gas stations are accepting APS the grave yard shit pays over 9 and hour … like I said if you are motivated if you see the next 18 to 24 months likie an ARMY stretch … tour of duty … living on BASE in a war ZONE is being at WORK 24/7 … but you gotta do on 60 hours a week and then get drunk the rest of the time or what tever … 60 at 9 is ….. 540 .. you have lived BROKE before …. So continue that same SKILL SET …. Prove to the provider of your free room and board with the double EE”S form http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html and well do the 090/10 … save ninty party ten … ride a fuckng bike not a car …. That would mean about 500 a week goea to the compound … if you set up a LLC holding company and fund it with you saving after 6 months you can dDEFFER tax bites ..take the full 5 dependatts of your W2 … the LLC will buy your land . llc’s cost 60 bucks fill out the paper online at myflorida .com … 18 months is $ 45,000 bucks and land going for … 3 to 4 an acre with in 30 miles of good growning citys every where ….. you can pay cash for 5 to ten acres and have some start up building money and RE LOCATION CASH .. And then you do the cash work while you build and date and STRAT YOUR ARTISIT BUSINESS it is not time to DEVOTE all your time to becoming or growing your TATOO company , if it is a good idea it will be a good idea in a few years also ..if not … then you will be broke in a few years ..tooo will your art not be wanted still in 20 years ?
Ohhhh this … wel this is ..that I just said ..that is a description of LOS ANGELES … how to get ther drivng in the dark …. Where you have no one to hold your hand ,, is to look at the next 200 hundered feet of living … grasp ideas aboth the next 400 ..and watch for INFORAMTION signs and shadows of problems in the distance haze and ahdows cast by your head lights ..
Can you think for yourself ?
Now the yin and yang … los angels is NOT only HOLYWOOD rich paved with gold … hot and cold running pussy town …no it is COMPTON and the TRAILER parks of M-N-M …… it is the getthso …. It is pain and lost people junkes and kids forsale for sex and drugs ..it is abuse and horror and depression ….. ….. ohh this information is held on the signs post writine in reflective paint yso you can read it and prepare you self for problems in fact .. understand the AMP you have used to drive across the whole antion so that you DO NOT take the exisit into Compton but get off int Hollywood …. Do you get the idea …. Master think ..use the USEFULL the most usefull thing is your mind …
( ohh here is a caution sign and iformation sign … do not becom like EVE … and THINK we will be like GODS ….. once she ATE from the TREE of KNLWELDGE … myth grows form FACTS … the knowledge of the POWER of attraction …. Realized way way way way back in the pre writeen history of mankind …. And you may think …you will be albe to ALTER even the DNA of your won body …no you willnot GROW wiongs and fly you will design a plane and fly ..but not grow wings …. We can alter the BREEd of a cow but not the Cow ..we can change skin color the horns size ,, etc ….YOU ARE A HAREM SPEICIES ,,no amount of LEGISTALATION will change that …. Only it will cause STRESS force yu and her to lie unnaturally ….. twist your instinct …. The FAIRY TALE of love is the confuse and conquer the distraction into the UNREALITY …. So that a few can do EVIL be the greedy kings and queens the PHAOROHS of an day and age . )
Jon Davis from KORN in the song FREAK on a LEASH say “ and … you were supposed to be a CHEAP fuck for me to lay “ …… hmmmm think for yourself young master ….. FREAK on a leash there is a SURFACE meaning the symptoms of problems and images and then there is the CAUSE And effects of the reality behind ,, under what came before … maybe long long long before the PLAYERs THEMSELVES .
Ok A meta-mind teacher described using the CONCEPT OF MAGNETIC ENERGY …the LAW of ATTRACTION ( law is the wrong word worng concept stop using it except when talking with new people …. There is NO QUATUM prison or QUATM police force ..arresting NON well being acting participants ..it is a generally state of harmony and well being where by all sorts of the WANTED and Unwanted can be experienced so that personel preference can be formed ) in fact science is ye to REALY explain the common MAGNET really http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy but what is IT ?
Ok so lets say you have never gone to LOS ANGELES … SO FOR YOU IT IS NOT real ,,, OHH YOU HAVE SEEN FOTOS you have met people from there you see it on TV ..hollywood etc … the fancy houses and Rodeo Drive and maybe you have even daydreamed about yourself driving down Rodoe DRIVe with a SHOTGUN ….. RAGE against the MAchine ( wow a black president in the US we gotta be fucking proud of ourselves America we done GROWN UP ! give yourself a pat on the fucking back ) Los ANgleles is a MODEL to you …. A life or place modeled but not REALY EXPERINCEd by you ….. sure you want to go there it is your GOAL for this blog ….. but since you have never touched smelled lived there it is notREAL …..
Now you can drive to Los Angelels from here in JENSEN BEACH FL. …. At night sure it will take a few nights but lets say ,,, you can only drive at night because each day you gotta stop and go to work in another city ….. while driving at night you DEPEND on your HEAD LIGHTs to UNCOVER THE RAOD THE PATHWAY TO …los angeles ….. you get to see about 200 feet really clearly and you get an good idea about the 400 feet before that and ….. you get to see only vague shadows of maybe another 300 feet before that ….. you will incounter important information signs along the Way … like ROAD signs , tellsing you to TURN here enter or merge …. You will have DIRECTIONS like the WHITE line on the road to help make sure you arrive safely …. In your lane …. Helping each of us ..FREINDLY HUMANS who on average like to live NICE PEACEFULL lives …. To work and live and play together … more GOOD THIGNS happen …than bad things ..or else you would have died a long time ago while driving … but … reality IS …. We humans like to CON EXISISIT …. In a friendly manner we help each other we open doors for each other just NOITCE THE TURTH … watch the REDNECK at HOME DEPOET .. helping the worker load his truck k..that worker being a balck man … later that day wath the black man opening a DOOR of a store for a mother carrying her child in her arms that women being a LATINA ….. humanity is NICE ( not evil ….. those who convince us of the vilness of mankind do so to hide their own ..EVIL .. divide and conquer ..the crimal wants to distract you from shis acitivty )
Back to the 200 hundered feet of LIVING … of arriving at your GAOl any GOAL ,,the goal of doint he 18 months of work … hey the local mobil gas stations are accepting APS the grave yard shit pays over 9 and hour … like I said if you are motivated if you see the next 18 to 24 months likie an ARMY stretch … tour of duty … living on BASE in a war ZONE is being at WORK 24/7 … but you gotta do on 60 hours a week and then get drunk the rest of the time or what tever … 60 at 9 is ….. 540 .. you have lived BROKE before …. So continue that same SKILL SET …. Prove to the provider of your free room and board with the double EE”S form http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html and well do the 090/10 … save ninty party ten … ride a fuckng bike not a car …. That would mean about 500 a week goea to the compound … if you set up a LLC holding company and fund it with you saving after 6 months you can dDEFFER tax bites ..take the full 5 dependatts of your W2 … the LLC will buy your land . llc’s cost 60 bucks fill out the paper online at myflorida .com … 18 months is $ 45,000 bucks and land going for … 3 to 4 an acre with in 30 miles of good growning citys every where ….. you can pay cash for 5 to ten acres and have some start up building money and RE LOCATION CASH .. And then you do the cash work while you build and date and STRAT YOUR ARTISIT BUSINESS it is not time to DEVOTE all your time to becoming or growing your TATOO company , if it is a good idea it will be a good idea in a few years also ..if not … then you will be broke in a few years ..tooo will your art not be wanted still in 20 years ?
Ohhhh this … wel this is ..that I just said ..that is a description of LOS ANGELES … how to get ther drivng in the dark …. Where you have no one to hold your hand ,, is to look at the next 200 hundered feet of living … grasp ideas aboth the next 400 ..and watch for INFORAMTION signs and shadows of problems in the distance haze and ahdows cast by your head lights ..
Can you think for yourself ?
Now the yin and yang … los angels is NOT only HOLYWOOD rich paved with gold … hot and cold running pussy town …no it is COMPTON and the TRAILER parks of M-N-M …… it is the getthso …. It is pain and lost people junkes and kids forsale for sex and drugs ..it is abuse and horror and depression ….. ….. ohh this information is held on the signs post writine in reflective paint yso you can read it and prepare you self for problems in fact .. understand the AMP you have used to drive across the whole antion so that you DO NOT take the exisit into Compton but get off int Hollywood …. Do you get the idea …. Master think ..use the USEFULL the most usefull thing is your mind …
( ohh here is a caution sign and iformation sign … do not becom like EVE … and THINK we will be like GODS ….. once she ATE from the TREE of KNLWELDGE … myth grows form FACTS … the knowledge of the POWER of attraction …. Realized way way way way back in the pre writeen history of mankind …. And you may think …you will be albe to ALTER even the DNA of your won body …no you willnot GROW wiongs and fly you will design a plane and fly ..but not grow wings …. We can alter the BREEd of a cow but not the Cow ..we can change skin color the horns size ,, etc ….YOU ARE A HAREM SPEICIES ,,no amount of LEGISTALATION will change that …. Only it will cause STRESS force yu and her to lie unnaturally ….. twist your instinct …. The FAIRY TALE of love is the confuse and conquer the distraction into the UNREALITY …. So that a few can do EVIL be the greedy kings and queens the PHAOROHS of an day and age . )
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
love potion #7
Love potion #7
“ In every great FAIRY TALE (unreality ) the sorccerors take a little sciene and throw in a little magic tocreate the perfect brew to bring TWO lovers together ….” WWWWOOOOWWW does that sound NATURAL ?
Young master ,,, http://www.instinctualism.org / ..is about being NATURAL ,, in harmony with who and WHAT we all are .. it is about the FREEDOM to choose this …nature as your personle lifestyle ,,, and when you have done your Job your TOUR OF DUTY ( to be read and thought about …. Again not direction or TRUST ME’s as much as seeds to help you to START to think http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html on down the page some )
The firt section and the title both come from an advertisement the MIND FUCK …. The keeping you RUNNING ON A WHELL like a TRAPPED …..RAT ! chasing the CHEESE of pussy that ,,urge deep in your DNA to reproduce that has been found out thru the eons to be usefull in the CONFUSE and conquering of populations …. Divivded attention ….. keeps the slaves unable to REBEL or understand how much stress they are actually havein to live with in … creation of ECON OMy for the continued exixitatnce of the thought FORM economy ….
UN NATUIRAL …. From the writing of Chuangzi … from the words of 1000 BC man , who even then was feeling the stress of DATING A ND LIVING RULES OF CIVIL ( ?????) MAN … is the sotry of mr. I don’t know … http://www.instinctualism.org/zhaungzi.html .... remember OK , now matter what others try to tell you that you are above ,,, the other fellow TAOIST oint of view experincers who are all USING bio-machines for the TEMPORARY experience of adventure in time/space ..dependant on the QUANTUM itself to BE …. So that ATOMS can BE use the sub atomic paricles ..so that MOLECULES can BE ..using atoms … so substances can BE … so that so the POTENTIAL of the NO 1 THING can …… BE …. Thing … and that thing become groups of substance that makes up … makes up BIO MECHANICs …. That we all use … and each related for each BIO mechanincal SUIT …. Which a POINT OF VIEW …. A you … a BEING uses …. Has in it DNA a common thread of ….. INFORAMTION … ( ok maybe not the virus but as far as I know all others s do ) ….. and the truth even those who CHOOSE to continue on to the NEXT dream of aCHRISTAIN HEAVEN ….. must FIRST DIE … no one gets out of herea alive …
THE UN …. NATURALNESS of our DATING ..because dating has become a system of POLICTICS ..evolved from …. Times of HANUNRABI’S CODE … a tool of GREED and FEAR …. Gread and jeoulsy is all based on FEAR ..so the current the under lying focus of thought is upon STRESS and lack ,,, and the idea of I WILLB EHAPPY WHEN … IGET the next big TOY or item or influx of cash …she will be happy and give you kisses ..love will HAPPEN after you buy her that Diamond Necklace advertised with the …. FAIRYT ALE words …sure love for a minute until she starts fto again FEEL …her TRUE focus of greed and FEAR and UNWORHTYNESS ….. a neve ending cycle that keeps ECONMY ALIVE …. Something that continues while we humans come and go , live and die . worry about the HEALTH OF ECONOMY …… well it just keeps on living on ,, a THING …. So vast we can not see our part to fit …. Our PART OF IT … yet with out us it does not live ….. welll you dumb ass , can not live without the PROBIOTIC bacteris that has evolved to exoxtst in all complex Living creatures the symbios …. Seen in every eco system … and the bacteria do not understand expect for the world they live ,,they live and experience within the PARAMETERS of their design the dangers of their world with ,,the PREPROGRAMED URGE TO ….RECREATE THE OPPURUTUNITY FOR …THE NEXT genenration fo ….. BEING to come experience …. Being . another adventure from a UN limited amount of choices ..for ….EVER … in fi nite ,, some thing so fucking big NEVER eVER think you can .. even really THINK about it ,,, it is to vast for a little human mind ..for in fi nity … means that it would take in finity to just experience it ,, much lesss conceive of the wholeness for there is NO WHOLENESSS beyond that of continued IN FI NITE GROWTH …. And oppurutuinty . the life form the thought form of economy …. The SERVICE to the GOD?KING was the first basisi of this …the need to HAVE tools of service for the GOD?KINGS ….. good trainable l..beast of burden with abilty to pull a plow or paint a piciture or carve some ART ..or cook a meal … or suck a COCK ….. all in one PACKAGE CALLED the human animal … easy to capture and TRAIN by fear ..bREADING THUS more TRAINABLE GENARATIONS …. Which have become the CONFUSED beings you currently are … being used and LIED TO ..every day .
Can you think for yourself ….
Dating is STRESSFULL it is why you have to get tha beer or 6 before you TALK to that girl ,, your CORAGE in a cup because of the STRESS of acting OUTSIDE OT THE DNA …programming the DAN expecataion …
Currently ,, there is anew school of thought when it comes to training your PUPPY DOG ….. they now realize that DEEP in every dog is still that DNA dog of ages before it decided to evolve a CO-exsitance ..with human kind …. It still has written into its DAN ,,the urege to be in a CAVE or burrow ..so they recommend the use of the PUUPY PEN in training a dog …. AHHHH the ANCIENT DNA urges are still there after how many years ? how long has MAN and DOG been the BEST of FRIENDS way ..way ..way BEFORE man kind become the SALVE animal the besast of burden for PHAROHS ….. and if the DOG still has this ACTIVE DNA URGE ,.,,yet can be trained to ignore it …. By violence and negative RE0INFORCEMENT …. Or as we find now it can live evn beter by being in harmony with DEEP NATURAL urges of DNA …… again I will go back to US … you are nothing more than BIO MACHINE …. That is the truth ,,, you can think but you do not GROW WINGS … your urge is to fuck human girls not chickens …. You have INSTINCTS …. But you now have TWISTED INSTINCT ….. ( selfless plug ….. I like to see that number of people grow …. Expaning thought thru out the world ….. so get a copy for a buck an quarter at …. http://www.lulu.com/content/2019732)
Ok ..so not only you BUT SHE TOO ..is in a confused state sure she likes the ATTENTION but when the ATTENTION stops comeing shes GSTS DEPRESSED ……… and woorys about self worth . ahh the cost of the GAME of greed EVE …. Your creation from when you DECIDED upon MANIPULATION of man thur SEX ……. Hanurabi’s CODE ….. the first wife concepts . the genisis ..the myth in fact all myth have SEEDS ….
“ In every great FAIRY TALE (unreality ) the sorccerors take a little sciene and throw in a little magic tocreate the perfect brew to bring TWO lovers together ….” WWWWOOOOWWW does that sound NATURAL ?
Young master ,,, http://www.instinctualism.org / ..is about being NATURAL ,, in harmony with who and WHAT we all are .. it is about the FREEDOM to choose this …nature as your personle lifestyle ,,, and when you have done your Job your TOUR OF DUTY ( to be read and thought about …. Again not direction or TRUST ME’s as much as seeds to help you to START to think http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html on down the page some )
The firt section and the title both come from an advertisement the MIND FUCK …. The keeping you RUNNING ON A WHELL like a TRAPPED …..RAT ! chasing the CHEESE of pussy that ,,urge deep in your DNA to reproduce that has been found out thru the eons to be usefull in the CONFUSE and conquering of populations …. Divivded attention ….. keeps the slaves unable to REBEL or understand how much stress they are actually havein to live with in … creation of ECON OMy for the continued exixitatnce of the thought FORM economy ….
UN NATUIRAL …. From the writing of Chuangzi … from the words of 1000 BC man , who even then was feeling the stress of DATING A ND LIVING RULES OF CIVIL ( ?????) MAN … is the sotry of mr. I don’t know … http://www.instinctualism.org/zhaungzi.html .... remember OK , now matter what others try to tell you that you are above ,,, the other fellow TAOIST oint of view experincers who are all USING bio-machines for the TEMPORARY experience of adventure in time/space ..dependant on the QUANTUM itself to BE …. So that ATOMS can BE use the sub atomic paricles ..so that MOLECULES can BE ..using atoms … so substances can BE … so that so the POTENTIAL of the NO 1 THING can …… BE …. Thing … and that thing become groups of substance that makes up … makes up BIO MECHANICs …. That we all use … and each related for each BIO mechanincal SUIT …. Which a POINT OF VIEW …. A you … a BEING uses …. Has in it DNA a common thread of ….. INFORAMTION … ( ok maybe not the virus but as far as I know all others s do ) ….. and the truth even those who CHOOSE to continue on to the NEXT dream of aCHRISTAIN HEAVEN ….. must FIRST DIE … no one gets out of herea alive …
THE UN …. NATURALNESS of our DATING ..because dating has become a system of POLICTICS ..evolved from …. Times of HANUNRABI’S CODE … a tool of GREED and FEAR …. Gread and jeoulsy is all based on FEAR ..so the current the under lying focus of thought is upon STRESS and lack ,,, and the idea of I WILLB EHAPPY WHEN … IGET the next big TOY or item or influx of cash …she will be happy and give you kisses ..love will HAPPEN after you buy her that Diamond Necklace advertised with the …. FAIRYT ALE words …sure love for a minute until she starts fto again FEEL …her TRUE focus of greed and FEAR and UNWORHTYNESS ….. a neve ending cycle that keeps ECONMY ALIVE …. Something that continues while we humans come and go , live and die . worry about the HEALTH OF ECONOMY …… well it just keeps on living on ,, a THING …. So vast we can not see our part to fit …. Our PART OF IT … yet with out us it does not live ….. welll you dumb ass , can not live without the PROBIOTIC bacteris that has evolved to exoxtst in all complex Living creatures the symbios …. Seen in every eco system … and the bacteria do not understand expect for the world they live ,,they live and experience within the PARAMETERS of their design the dangers of their world with ,,the PREPROGRAMED URGE TO ….RECREATE THE OPPURUTUNITY FOR …THE NEXT genenration fo ….. BEING to come experience …. Being . another adventure from a UN limited amount of choices ..for ….EVER … in fi nite ,, some thing so fucking big NEVER eVER think you can .. even really THINK about it ,,, it is to vast for a little human mind ..for in fi nity … means that it would take in finity to just experience it ,, much lesss conceive of the wholeness for there is NO WHOLENESSS beyond that of continued IN FI NITE GROWTH …. And oppurutuinty . the life form the thought form of economy …. The SERVICE to the GOD?KING was the first basisi of this …the need to HAVE tools of service for the GOD?KINGS ….. good trainable l..beast of burden with abilty to pull a plow or paint a piciture or carve some ART ..or cook a meal … or suck a COCK ….. all in one PACKAGE CALLED the human animal … easy to capture and TRAIN by fear ..bREADING THUS more TRAINABLE GENARATIONS …. Which have become the CONFUSED beings you currently are … being used and LIED TO ..every day .
Can you think for yourself ….
Dating is STRESSFULL it is why you have to get tha beer or 6 before you TALK to that girl ,, your CORAGE in a cup because of the STRESS of acting OUTSIDE OT THE DNA …programming the DAN expecataion …
Currently ,, there is anew school of thought when it comes to training your PUPPY DOG ….. they now realize that DEEP in every dog is still that DNA dog of ages before it decided to evolve a CO-exsitance ..with human kind …. It still has written into its DAN ,,the urege to be in a CAVE or burrow ..so they recommend the use of the PUUPY PEN in training a dog …. AHHHH the ANCIENT DNA urges are still there after how many years ? how long has MAN and DOG been the BEST of FRIENDS way ..way ..way BEFORE man kind become the SALVE animal the besast of burden for PHAROHS ….. and if the DOG still has this ACTIVE DNA URGE ,.,,yet can be trained to ignore it …. By violence and negative RE0INFORCEMENT …. Or as we find now it can live evn beter by being in harmony with DEEP NATURAL urges of DNA …… again I will go back to US … you are nothing more than BIO MACHINE …. That is the truth ,,, you can think but you do not GROW WINGS … your urge is to fuck human girls not chickens …. You have INSTINCTS …. But you now have TWISTED INSTINCT ….. ( selfless plug ….. I like to see that number of people grow …. Expaning thought thru out the world ….. so get a copy for a buck an quarter at …. http://www.lulu.com/content/2019732)
Ok ..so not only you BUT SHE TOO ..is in a confused state sure she likes the ATTENTION but when the ATTENTION stops comeing shes GSTS DEPRESSED ……… and woorys about self worth . ahh the cost of the GAME of greed EVE …. Your creation from when you DECIDED upon MANIPULATION of man thur SEX ……. Hanurabi’s CODE ….. the first wife concepts . the genisis ..the myth in fact all myth have SEEDS ….
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
BEND OVER ..trust me
Bend over ….TRUST ME !
I really have not been saying to your young master …TRUST ME … over and over everywhere I say the say thing ..form day one in TWISTED INSTINCT I sy the same theme … ( ohhh get the Ebbok for a buck and quarter http://www.lulu.com/content/2019732 )
Think for yourself …… use this DATA stream of …of ENERGY AND INFORMATION we experience as TIME/SPACE ..to feel you own emotional guidance , yet realize that emotional guidance is TAINTED because of the fact that HUMANITY is so FUCKING trainable that it has been TRAINED porogramed to TRUST …and not think …. Trust ..for if you did not trust the SLAVE MASTER would have you killed or put on a job site where you be in danger and be CULLED OUT wuickly for free thinkers are a disruptive influence in the RANKS OF Good slaves ,,good mindless trusting slaves …who will follow like sheep the fashions …the recommendations …of leaders.
You know the history of SEX when it comes to humanity atleast you think you do and WHY because … you trusted some one to think for you and tell you what is OUR NATURE .. Zhuangzi was a taosit Philospher unknown by many most thik about Lao Tzu … but Chuangzi wa very important … http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html his Treatise the music of nature …. Seeinf the INSTINCTUAL the experience of life as the I … IN … I experiencing different forms of bio-machine even thought 1000’s of years ago he did not and could not understand the concept of Bio macheinics . … next realize with him and WITH ALL HUMANS …. Every sage is TAINT’d by the cuturual programs of his experiences. None can commuciate the [purelity of the UNEXPLAINABLE …. Because we cn only describe things as realated to esperiences we have already encountered ,, or atleast encountered enough ot formulate .. in mind decirptions of the non exsitiant yet .
Ok so back to some DATA ,,not a trust me but DATA … WOMENS rights to act and control against the TAO of the natural human males DNA design …. ( ie the design evidence trail of the human penis in fact the human female pussy also http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html ) the the gensis of female rights start here in writing .. in a VERY small percentage of the total human population city life and dwellers represented only a fraction of the total human population .. unti l just a few years ago .. most of us lived outside of city influence .
Polygamy and polygyny have existed since recorded history and practiced throughout the ancient Near East, the Far East, the Mediterranean empires, Europe and Britain as attested by royal archives of kings and Caesars and writings of ancient historians such as Moses, Herodotus, Demosthenes, Polybius, Strabo, Livy, Plutarch, Tacitus, Suetonius and Josephus. Besides legitimate marriage, temple prostitution and the spoils of war were the two most common sources of women for polygynous men. Records of explorers and missionaries in the Christian era confirmed the widespread practice of polygamy among native tribes in Africa and the Americas.
Realize this is mankind tainted by mankind … the reference to warfares etc … hierarchial cultures. God/king cultures that sprang up and died over and over ..the fear which is the BAISIS for greed! The FOCUS the thoughts eventually brought them their REALITY … thoughts become things .
Some ancient societies did offer protection to wives against a second co-wife. The Babylonian Code of Hammurabi stipulated that in the absence of special circumstances (such as infertility, sickness or misconduct of the first wife), the existing wife first had to agree to the second union.[1] Only among the Greeks and Romans was there any effort by civil authority to enforce monogamy for legitimate marriage. One Greek marriage contract reads, “It shall not be lawful for Philiscus to bring in another wife besides Appolonia.”[2]
AGAIN realize the POISIN of the concepts of POLICTICS ..the legitmate ..children .. an abstract construct not of NAUTRE in any way but the evolution form pre-exixiting GOD/KING CULTURES like those of NUBIA AND PHAROH ….. ( NUBIAN PYRAMIDS ACTUALLY …predate eygtian ones . )
However, concubinage was universally practiced in all ancient societies as illustrated in the famous quote from Pseudo-Demosthenes (4th century BCE), "Mistresses we keep for the sake of pleasure, concubines for the daily care of our persons, but wives to bear us legitimate children and to be faithful guardians of our households."[3] A concubine was not a legal wife, but a slave woman who lived with a man (often married) to provide regular sexual relations. Children of this type of union were not considered legitimate.
So as my reply to one who would write to me and say TRUST ME monogamy is the most natural state for humanity known ! …. Isay ,,, NO will not BLINDLY trsut you ! and I recommend to you young master to NOT blindly TRUST …. But think for yourself
The above refences came form …. http://www.blainerobison.com/concerns/polygamy.htm always remember evey human COLORS their words with the effects f the life they have lived …. ( one reason I refer to ESTER HICKS as an entertainer her and Jerrrys own description of their TEACHING events … to make sure you do not DO NOT fall backward into TRUSTING in gods! http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html , http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
FACTS FUCK HEAD ….. not faith
In most human societies, females outnumber males. In the U.S. there are, at least, eight million more women than men. In a country like Guinea there are 122 females for every 100 males. In Tanzania, there are 95.1 males per 100 females. 55 What should a society do towards such unbalanced sex ratios? There are various solutions, some might suggest celibacy, others would prefer female infanticide (which does happen in some societies in the world today !). Others may think the only outlet is that the society should tolerate all manners of sexual permissiveness: prostitution, sex out of wedlock, homosexuality, etc. For other societies , like most African societies today, the most honorable outlet is to allow polygamous marriage as a culturally accepted and socially respected institution. The point that is often misunderstood in the West is that women in other cultures do not necessarily look at polygamy as a sign of women's degradation. For example, many young African brides , whether Christians or Muslims or otherwise, would prefer to marry a married man who has already proved himself to be a responsible husband. Many African wives urge their husbands to get a second wife so that they do not feel lonely. 56 A survey of over six thousand women, ranging in age from 15 to 59, conducted in the second largest city in Nigeria showed that 60 percent of these women would be pleased if their husbands took another wife. Only 23 percent expressed anger at the idea of sharing with another wife. Seventy-six percent of the women in a survey conducted in Kenya viewed polygamy positively. In a survey undertaken in rural Kenya, 25 out of 27 women considered polygamy to be better than monogamy. These women felt polygamy can be a happy and beneficial experience if the co-wives cooperate with each other. 57 Polygamy in most African societies is such a respectable institution that some Protestant churches are becoming more tolerant of it. A bishop of the Anglican Church in Kenya declared that, "Although monogamy may be ideal for the expression of love between husband and wife, the church should consider that in certain cultures polygyny is socially acceptable and that the belief that polygyny is contrary to Christianity is no longer tenable." 58 After a careful study of African polygamy, Reverend David Gitari of the Anglican Church has concluded that polygamy, as ideally practiced, is more Christian than divorce and remarriage as far as the abandoned wives and children are concerned. 59 I personally know of some highly educated African wives who, despite having lived in the West for many years, do not have any objections against polygamy. One of them, who lives in the U.S., solemnly exhorts her husband to get a second wife to help her in raising the kids.
I really have not been saying to your young master …TRUST ME … over and over everywhere I say the say thing ..form day one in TWISTED INSTINCT I sy the same theme … ( ohhh get the Ebbok for a buck and quarter http://www.lulu.com/content/2019732 )
Think for yourself …… use this DATA stream of …of ENERGY AND INFORMATION we experience as TIME/SPACE ..to feel you own emotional guidance , yet realize that emotional guidance is TAINTED because of the fact that HUMANITY is so FUCKING trainable that it has been TRAINED porogramed to TRUST …and not think …. Trust ..for if you did not trust the SLAVE MASTER would have you killed or put on a job site where you be in danger and be CULLED OUT wuickly for free thinkers are a disruptive influence in the RANKS OF Good slaves ,,good mindless trusting slaves …who will follow like sheep the fashions …the recommendations …of leaders.
You know the history of SEX when it comes to humanity atleast you think you do and WHY because … you trusted some one to think for you and tell you what is OUR NATURE .. Zhuangzi was a taosit Philospher unknown by many most thik about Lao Tzu … but Chuangzi wa very important … http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html his Treatise the music of nature …. Seeinf the INSTINCTUAL the experience of life as the I … IN … I experiencing different forms of bio-machine even thought 1000’s of years ago he did not and could not understand the concept of Bio macheinics . … next realize with him and WITH ALL HUMANS …. Every sage is TAINT’d by the cuturual programs of his experiences. None can commuciate the [purelity of the UNEXPLAINABLE …. Because we cn only describe things as realated to esperiences we have already encountered ,, or atleast encountered enough ot formulate .. in mind decirptions of the non exsitiant yet .
Ok so back to some DATA ,,not a trust me but DATA … WOMENS rights to act and control against the TAO of the natural human males DNA design …. ( ie the design evidence trail of the human penis in fact the human female pussy also http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html ) the the gensis of female rights start here in writing .. in a VERY small percentage of the total human population city life and dwellers represented only a fraction of the total human population .. unti l just a few years ago .. most of us lived outside of city influence .
Polygamy and polygyny have existed since recorded history and practiced throughout the ancient Near East, the Far East, the Mediterranean empires, Europe and Britain as attested by royal archives of kings and Caesars and writings of ancient historians such as Moses, Herodotus, Demosthenes, Polybius, Strabo, Livy, Plutarch, Tacitus, Suetonius and Josephus. Besides legitimate marriage, temple prostitution and the spoils of war were the two most common sources of women for polygynous men. Records of explorers and missionaries in the Christian era confirmed the widespread practice of polygamy among native tribes in Africa and the Americas.
Realize this is mankind tainted by mankind … the reference to warfares etc … hierarchial cultures. God/king cultures that sprang up and died over and over ..the fear which is the BAISIS for greed! The FOCUS the thoughts eventually brought them their REALITY … thoughts become things .
Some ancient societies did offer protection to wives against a second co-wife. The Babylonian Code of Hammurabi stipulated that in the absence of special circumstances (such as infertility, sickness or misconduct of the first wife), the existing wife first had to agree to the second union.[1] Only among the Greeks and Romans was there any effort by civil authority to enforce monogamy for legitimate marriage. One Greek marriage contract reads, “It shall not be lawful for Philiscus to bring in another wife besides Appolonia.”[2]
AGAIN realize the POISIN of the concepts of POLICTICS ..the legitmate ..children .. an abstract construct not of NAUTRE in any way but the evolution form pre-exixiting GOD/KING CULTURES like those of NUBIA AND PHAROH ….. ( NUBIAN PYRAMIDS ACTUALLY …predate eygtian ones . )
However, concubinage was universally practiced in all ancient societies as illustrated in the famous quote from Pseudo-Demosthenes (4th century BCE), "Mistresses we keep for the sake of pleasure, concubines for the daily care of our persons, but wives to bear us legitimate children and to be faithful guardians of our households."[3] A concubine was not a legal wife, but a slave woman who lived with a man (often married) to provide regular sexual relations. Children of this type of union were not considered legitimate.
So as my reply to one who would write to me and say TRUST ME monogamy is the most natural state for humanity known ! …. Isay ,,, NO will not BLINDLY trsut you ! and I recommend to you young master to NOT blindly TRUST …. But think for yourself
The above refences came form …. http://www.blainerobison.com/concerns/polygamy.htm always remember evey human COLORS their words with the effects f the life they have lived …. ( one reason I refer to ESTER HICKS as an entertainer her and Jerrrys own description of their TEACHING events … to make sure you do not DO NOT fall backward into TRUSTING in gods! http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html , http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
FACTS FUCK HEAD ….. not faith
In most human societies, females outnumber males. In the U.S. there are, at least, eight million more women than men. In a country like Guinea there are 122 females for every 100 males. In Tanzania, there are 95.1 males per 100 females. 55 What should a society do towards such unbalanced sex ratios? There are various solutions, some might suggest celibacy, others would prefer female infanticide (which does happen in some societies in the world today !). Others may think the only outlet is that the society should tolerate all manners of sexual permissiveness: prostitution, sex out of wedlock, homosexuality, etc. For other societies , like most African societies today, the most honorable outlet is to allow polygamous marriage as a culturally accepted and socially respected institution. The point that is often misunderstood in the West is that women in other cultures do not necessarily look at polygamy as a sign of women's degradation. For example, many young African brides , whether Christians or Muslims or otherwise, would prefer to marry a married man who has already proved himself to be a responsible husband. Many African wives urge their husbands to get a second wife so that they do not feel lonely. 56 A survey of over six thousand women, ranging in age from 15 to 59, conducted in the second largest city in Nigeria showed that 60 percent of these women would be pleased if their husbands took another wife. Only 23 percent expressed anger at the idea of sharing with another wife. Seventy-six percent of the women in a survey conducted in Kenya viewed polygamy positively. In a survey undertaken in rural Kenya, 25 out of 27 women considered polygamy to be better than monogamy. These women felt polygamy can be a happy and beneficial experience if the co-wives cooperate with each other. 57 Polygamy in most African societies is such a respectable institution that some Protestant churches are becoming more tolerant of it. A bishop of the Anglican Church in Kenya declared that, "Although monogamy may be ideal for the expression of love between husband and wife, the church should consider that in certain cultures polygyny is socially acceptable and that the belief that polygyny is contrary to Christianity is no longer tenable." 58 After a careful study of African polygamy, Reverend David Gitari of the Anglican Church has concluded that polygamy, as ideally practiced, is more Christian than divorce and remarriage as far as the abandoned wives and children are concerned. 59 I personally know of some highly educated African wives who, despite having lived in the West for many years, do not have any objections against polygamy. One of them, who lives in the U.S., solemnly exhorts her husband to get a second wife to help her in raising the kids.
Monday, October 20, 2008
best fucking behavior
Best fucking behavior
Young master I talk about the EE spirit and I hope you are getting it is NOT blame on any one person , as much as using the EVE MYTH … as a word TOOL ,,, to describe a very OLD pattern of UN NATURAL behavior expectations of BOTH parties ,,both you and her … now girls who ARE INTO it …. Well they adopt and love the ‘EGO of it all the SPECIALNESS of it …well they are EVE …
During dating in the beginning both of you are on your BEST behavior , trying to get in EACH OTHERS PANTS ..remember that young master ,,keep that concept os the penetrated the reality of who and what she is as a DNA animal …. http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html she wants what is in your pants as much as you want what is in her pants …now ,,in truth after a while TODAYS girls ,,,, do not really give much of shit about what is in your pants because you as such SORRY FUCKS ….. guys that … they really give up dreaming that they will finda guys who can SUE IS TOOLE with SKILL ….and the girl HUNTS ofr a guy with good cash flow …security ,,the evidence trail of the SILVER BACK GORLLA territory … the same shit in different form … they look for compatablity and that you have a sense of humor since they know form the past HEART BREAKS that the fun of sex will soon fade away ,,so you had better be more that a POOR FUCK …. Ahh again there is evidence of this ..in Gorilla harem relationships … taken from http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html a female gorilla needs to feel comfortable enough to initiate mating feeling comfortable …. See even there ..FREE CHOICE the animal world … BEASTS have free choice they are not just mindless slaves to INSTINCT yet they do not act outside of the DAN program of the BIO_MACHINE they are USING FOR TIME/SPACE A adventure ..agin they and use ,,and every molecule ,,every atom ..every QUANTUM it self are all part and parcel of the ADVNTURE the STATE of agreement ///the flow of wellbeing …. The POETENTIAL of adventure … since the Tao is an INSTANT state of everything … at evey momonet ALL the time … this environment of time/space ..this ARENA of ..thing after thin after thing LINEAR TIME . allows for the illusion of ADVENTUIRES of problems … we forget our TAO nature to enjoy the GAME the illusion to buy into the PRICE of a moive ticket you have to GAMBLE on EXPERIENCING live cat dead cat of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schrodingers_cat yin and yangs of CONTRATING events the WANTED and unwanted from …. From the UNWANTED COMES THE WANTED the knwolegde of comaprision … to start the 5 steps of living and creation ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
So you dressup ,,you clean up .. you take off the PROVERBAIAL Blood stained T-shirts … ( the word tool just like the concept of EVE is a word tool ) your blod stained t-shirt of the fisherman hunter , recreational football player ..to get ready for a DATE …… and she welll she willl PREEN for hours if not DAYs in advance otf that first date ,, and she will continue the DECEPTION of PREFECTION until the slave statement of I LOVE YOU …the honor statement that triggerien state of the GORILLA MALE who gives his life first to protect the family ..the triggering of you DNA proagraming thru ,,, 3 ili words … I love you . then she can relax ..and become herslf more and more as she begins to trus that you meant what you asid ..for she has had many many guys say that to
GET in her pants and she has accepted it from them ,because of her own desire her own nature ..her won WETNNES .. the need to BE filled back to the graphic images ,,to drill it in to your head ,,she likes to be PENETATED http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html
AND then as in any marriage counseling experience ..you start toe xplore this concept not fully form the INSTINCUTALISM ,,broader persecpectives ..but form a LIMITED perspective of A PROFIT BASED INDUSTRY that needs to maintain CLIENT base …to pay off school loans to pay for OVER HEAD of an office and provide continuso income stream so that the PORFESSIONAL CAN MAKE paymenst on his home and Mercedes benz ..so that he can keep the EVE in his life ahppy with a constant stream of … amterial things ..to provide wher with smiles ..thru $$$$ ….. because she is so ..DISCONNECTED . from the TRUTH about WEALTH and happiness to believe her life long training of I WILL BE … or as the media teachs traines minds fuckes you into FEELING you WILL BE HAPPIER WHEN YOU ….BUY …BUY … BUY ,,ourstuff . ahhh the SCIENCe of mind control the learning of humanity ..in fact it was Frueds Nephew who studied humanity from his WISE SMART uncle who created this great advertising hertigae of the US and the western cultures …
But back to …the CORE ,,and the CORE is SEXUAL MaNIPULATION …. Not a blame thing except when the EVE realy is understanding and USING it concsiuosly ,then ,,it is HER own FOCUS .that provides her with her eventuall life of discomfort …. The constant state of I WILL BE HAPPY …WHEN … never happy in her now always happy ,,,, when she gtts X Y or Z …. Very un-TAOISt …. But those who do not know what they are doing WELL here is some thought for you to think about …. So think for yourself ….
Young master I talk about the EE spirit and I hope you are getting it is NOT blame on any one person , as much as using the EVE MYTH … as a word TOOL ,,, to describe a very OLD pattern of UN NATURAL behavior expectations of BOTH parties ,,both you and her … now girls who ARE INTO it …. Well they adopt and love the ‘EGO of it all the SPECIALNESS of it …well they are EVE …
During dating in the beginning both of you are on your BEST behavior , trying to get in EACH OTHERS PANTS ..remember that young master ,,keep that concept os the penetrated the reality of who and what she is as a DNA animal …. http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html she wants what is in your pants as much as you want what is in her pants …now ,,in truth after a while TODAYS girls ,,,, do not really give much of shit about what is in your pants because you as such SORRY FUCKS ….. guys that … they really give up dreaming that they will finda guys who can SUE IS TOOLE with SKILL ….and the girl HUNTS ofr a guy with good cash flow …security ,,the evidence trail of the SILVER BACK GORLLA territory … the same shit in different form … they look for compatablity and that you have a sense of humor since they know form the past HEART BREAKS that the fun of sex will soon fade away ,,so you had better be more that a POOR FUCK …. Ahh again there is evidence of this ..in Gorilla harem relationships … taken from http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html a female gorilla needs to feel comfortable enough to initiate mating feeling comfortable …. See even there ..FREE CHOICE the animal world … BEASTS have free choice they are not just mindless slaves to INSTINCT yet they do not act outside of the DAN program of the BIO_MACHINE they are USING FOR TIME/SPACE A adventure ..agin they and use ,,and every molecule ,,every atom ..every QUANTUM it self are all part and parcel of the ADVNTURE the STATE of agreement ///the flow of wellbeing …. The POETENTIAL of adventure … since the Tao is an INSTANT state of everything … at evey momonet ALL the time … this environment of time/space ..this ARENA of ..thing after thin after thing LINEAR TIME . allows for the illusion of ADVENTUIRES of problems … we forget our TAO nature to enjoy the GAME the illusion to buy into the PRICE of a moive ticket you have to GAMBLE on EXPERIENCING live cat dead cat of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schrodingers_cat yin and yangs of CONTRATING events the WANTED and unwanted from …. From the UNWANTED COMES THE WANTED the knwolegde of comaprision … to start the 5 steps of living and creation ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
So you dressup ,,you clean up .. you take off the PROVERBAIAL Blood stained T-shirts … ( the word tool just like the concept of EVE is a word tool ) your blod stained t-shirt of the fisherman hunter , recreational football player ..to get ready for a DATE …… and she welll she willl PREEN for hours if not DAYs in advance otf that first date ,, and she will continue the DECEPTION of PREFECTION until the slave statement of I LOVE YOU …the honor statement that triggerien state of the GORILLA MALE who gives his life first to protect the family ..the triggering of you DNA proagraming thru ,,, 3 ili words … I love you . then she can relax ..and become herslf more and more as she begins to trus that you meant what you asid ..for she has had many many guys say that to
GET in her pants and she has accepted it from them ,because of her own desire her own nature ..her won WETNNES .. the need to BE filled back to the graphic images ,,to drill it in to your head ,,she likes to be PENETATED http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html
AND then as in any marriage counseling experience ..you start toe xplore this concept not fully form the INSTINCUTALISM ,,broader persecpectives ..but form a LIMITED perspective of A PROFIT BASED INDUSTRY that needs to maintain CLIENT base …to pay off school loans to pay for OVER HEAD of an office and provide continuso income stream so that the PORFESSIONAL CAN MAKE paymenst on his home and Mercedes benz ..so that he can keep the EVE in his life ahppy with a constant stream of … amterial things ..to provide wher with smiles ..thru $$$$ ….. because she is so ..DISCONNECTED . from the TRUTH about WEALTH and happiness to believe her life long training of I WILL BE … or as the media teachs traines minds fuckes you into FEELING you WILL BE HAPPIER WHEN YOU ….BUY …BUY … BUY ,,ourstuff . ahhh the SCIENCe of mind control the learning of humanity ..in fact it was Frueds Nephew who studied humanity from his WISE SMART uncle who created this great advertising hertigae of the US and the western cultures …
But back to …the CORE ,,and the CORE is SEXUAL MaNIPULATION …. Not a blame thing except when the EVE realy is understanding and USING it concsiuosly ,then ,,it is HER own FOCUS .that provides her with her eventuall life of discomfort …. The constant state of I WILL BE HAPPY …WHEN … never happy in her now always happy ,,,, when she gtts X Y or Z …. Very un-TAOISt …. But those who do not know what they are doing WELL here is some thought for you to think about …. So think for yourself ….
Sunday, October 19, 2008
More than more fucking
More than more fucking
Young master … whole ….. what does that mean ? whole ? HOLISTIC what is meant by that statement on http://www.instinctualism.org / wow I know I have brought out the idea of MASTRUBATION CONTENT …. In the blog about making and using vision boards http://www.instinctualism.org/vision_board.html graphically … I hoped to show you about your own level of SEXUAL frustration …. And the EVE concepts are about the GENISIS of that frustration ,,, the recurring reference to PHAROH and the Slave master who had to learn to CONTROL humans …. How the use of SEXUAL frustration was learned … how in Ancient GREECE the EVE spirit started to refine it …. With SOCIAL RULES … and ROME completed the mind fuck we have been living in … with it’s EMPIRE CHURCH …. Even the off shoot churchs form the ROMAN church all get together to ..make sure there is .. an underslying PEACE among them evidenced from the policitcs of religions way back in the beiging between roman Christ based government and Bysitines and Greeks and other Sects of that time .
I know it is COMPLEX young master ,,from the ideas of QUATUM pyshihcs .. and the idea that your thoughts do effect your world in general themes and the idea that here and now is a PLAYGORUND which is changeable by only the efforts of your thinking …. To understanding that we are just a PART TO FIT in larger “” life forms or thought forms …. The UN IMPOSSIBLE THE UN…UNTHINKABLE “” like thoeroy or concepts of Gaia or Economy ….
But the compound young master is a HOSITIC ….. alternative ..free choice …. Mind body spsirit economy family recreational and SEXUAL …..
One TOPIC …. I have not touched on enough is the $$$ aspect of EVE … her careers her desire for the FREEDOMS just won over the last DECADES to work hard get stressed ,,, by GREED . fine that is a FREE choice …the idea of the compound the 3 tents and a camel is .again ,,, your provide the basics of MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS ….. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-actualization#Self-actualization …… that done and if the particiapants who freely choose to live with you ..understand the under lying concepts and EMBRACE THEM … by free choice …. Then in THEORY the girls should be happy with about 200 a week ( increasing with inflation and market pricing ) of spending money …… you did the job of making the homes the etc ,, you provide the camels ,,the Vehicle the transportation to go to…and fro ..the city …. Not complete breaking form the WORLD but the BEN FRANKLIN idea of everything in moderation … and free choice and understanding …
http://www.instinctualism.org/safehome.html this CASH cow for the Girls …. Done only 1 day per week …… it never can become a CHORE or job … or slavery if done 1 day week … it stays the ….. PASSIONATE service describe by http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Schweitzer and that also plays inot MALSOWS concept sof human actualization ….. but again I give only SEEDS for your brilliant mind to expand on … young MASTER for I trust in that you are WORTHY TO BE >>>>> MASTER ! …. And in such like in the days of Aborginal Humanity when you would have to prove your man hood by living 1 year alone .. in the woods .. it proves you are able to …. In a Push come to shove ..TAKE YOUR FAMILY OFF AWAY FORM THE tribal lands in enenrgency and care for them … that you and family would STILL on . ahhhhhh the idea of the LONE MALE … STH SILVER BACK GORILLA … in there own way ..they PROVE PEACE ….. and lives of non greed in a hormaony with each others respect of the idea of bluster , show of force yet not needing to test that force UNTIL SUCHA TIME AS THE OLD MAN DOES SHOW EVIDENCE OF BECOMING AN old man ….. and his Tao adventure is ready to end and in the bennifit of the whole … of the bio-machine speicies .. HE GETS BEATEN AND LEAVES HIS FAMILY safely IN THE HANDS OF A BETER MAN .
back to EVE …… so she can make $$ .get out of the house alsone for day ,.,,, trust her kids to her sisiters swho she had better trust for they also have to trust her with theirs ….. each gets a day away …. To serve and be given cash …. Simple easy fullfililng . BUT NOT EGO GRATIFYING ….ahhh important for EVE to realize before she chooses STUPIDLY … to create new life with you …the 6 months refered in http://www.instinctualism.org/relationship_contract.html ... if her EGO is such that her needs are for FAME AND FORTUNE then ,,,, yo! Hey WAKE up ..save yourself …. Free choice move on … this is not a fairy tALE … this is life … and it seems to be a life you do not want …. So PEACE GO WITH you EVE …. Next is the aspect of ART and self expression again go back to MASLOW …. And then realize the beinfit of another day away … on acycleing baisis created by the EVE’s …. In the form of EVENT RETAILING http://www.instinctualism.org/id79.html again great soical interaction great EXCUSES to be in TOWN and making cash and mmeeting friends and family etc etc …… and expressing ARTS and CRAFTS form all the girls .
HOLISTIC ……. ( they are happy if they want to be …but what does EVE want ? I will go back to what girls have told me and I heard described in that movie P.S I LOVE YOU … girls don’t know what they want ,,,, straight form the horses mouth the honest EVE will …. Admit to that . if she has taken any real time to realy SELF EXPLORE ) ohh and what about you …welll ….. the STRESS of having to supply unending $$$ cash to an EVE who thinks that happiness will happen when she GETS ..x …. Or y ….of Z …. Will never happen for if you do you job , then you have done your job … you willnot be stressed by fear of econlmy shifts or job loss if your are the Captain of your own ship …. http://www.instinctualism.org/cash_cow.html ... and you got some great fishing on you own …owned land …. http://www.instinctualism.org/ponds.html plus sex ....... as the urge of the Eve ebbs and flows the 3 will be more than enough to keep you from experiencing a TRAP of 1 on 1 seuxla frustration and the nned to become the LIAR amanipulated by ..sublte sexuall urges . can you young master …. Think for yourself ? … can you act out side of the BOX really in an ALTERNATIVE manner not just …. Following the crowd and getting another tattoos or being anti governemt and society by doing more DOPE ….. can you ? do yu have the guts to say ….. I am a DNA species ..here is the evidence of science to PROVE ..it …. And here is my own created solution to the problems of my culture as I believe . can you do you hae the guts and the smarts to do it young master ?
Young master … whole ….. what does that mean ? whole ? HOLISTIC what is meant by that statement on http://www.instinctualism.org / wow I know I have brought out the idea of MASTRUBATION CONTENT …. In the blog about making and using vision boards http://www.instinctualism.org/vision_board.html graphically … I hoped to show you about your own level of SEXUAL frustration …. And the EVE concepts are about the GENISIS of that frustration ,,, the recurring reference to PHAROH and the Slave master who had to learn to CONTROL humans …. How the use of SEXUAL frustration was learned … how in Ancient GREECE the EVE spirit started to refine it …. With SOCIAL RULES … and ROME completed the mind fuck we have been living in … with it’s EMPIRE CHURCH …. Even the off shoot churchs form the ROMAN church all get together to ..make sure there is .. an underslying PEACE among them evidenced from the policitcs of religions way back in the beiging between roman Christ based government and Bysitines and Greeks and other Sects of that time .
I know it is COMPLEX young master ,,from the ideas of QUATUM pyshihcs .. and the idea that your thoughts do effect your world in general themes and the idea that here and now is a PLAYGORUND which is changeable by only the efforts of your thinking …. To understanding that we are just a PART TO FIT in larger “” life forms or thought forms …. The UN IMPOSSIBLE THE UN…UNTHINKABLE “” like thoeroy or concepts of Gaia or Economy ….
But the compound young master is a HOSITIC ….. alternative ..free choice …. Mind body spsirit economy family recreational and SEXUAL …..
One TOPIC …. I have not touched on enough is the $$$ aspect of EVE … her careers her desire for the FREEDOMS just won over the last DECADES to work hard get stressed ,,, by GREED . fine that is a FREE choice …the idea of the compound the 3 tents and a camel is .again ,,, your provide the basics of MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS ….. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-actualization#Self-actualization …… that done and if the particiapants who freely choose to live with you ..understand the under lying concepts and EMBRACE THEM … by free choice …. Then in THEORY the girls should be happy with about 200 a week ( increasing with inflation and market pricing ) of spending money …… you did the job of making the homes the etc ,, you provide the camels ,,the Vehicle the transportation to go to…and fro ..the city …. Not complete breaking form the WORLD but the BEN FRANKLIN idea of everything in moderation … and free choice and understanding …
http://www.instinctualism.org/safehome.html this CASH cow for the Girls …. Done only 1 day per week …… it never can become a CHORE or job … or slavery if done 1 day week … it stays the ….. PASSIONATE service describe by http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Schweitzer and that also plays inot MALSOWS concept sof human actualization ….. but again I give only SEEDS for your brilliant mind to expand on … young MASTER for I trust in that you are WORTHY TO BE >>>>> MASTER ! …. And in such like in the days of Aborginal Humanity when you would have to prove your man hood by living 1 year alone .. in the woods .. it proves you are able to …. In a Push come to shove ..TAKE YOUR FAMILY OFF AWAY FORM THE tribal lands in enenrgency and care for them … that you and family would STILL on . ahhhhhh the idea of the LONE MALE … STH SILVER BACK GORILLA … in there own way ..they PROVE PEACE ….. and lives of non greed in a hormaony with each others respect of the idea of bluster , show of force yet not needing to test that force UNTIL SUCHA TIME AS THE OLD MAN DOES SHOW EVIDENCE OF BECOMING AN old man ….. and his Tao adventure is ready to end and in the bennifit of the whole … of the bio-machine speicies .. HE GETS BEATEN AND LEAVES HIS FAMILY safely IN THE HANDS OF A BETER MAN .
back to EVE …… so she can make $$ .get out of the house alsone for day ,.,,, trust her kids to her sisiters swho she had better trust for they also have to trust her with theirs ….. each gets a day away …. To serve and be given cash …. Simple easy fullfililng . BUT NOT EGO GRATIFYING ….ahhh important for EVE to realize before she chooses STUPIDLY … to create new life with you …the 6 months refered in http://www.instinctualism.org/relationship_contract.html ... if her EGO is such that her needs are for FAME AND FORTUNE then ,,,, yo! Hey WAKE up ..save yourself …. Free choice move on … this is not a fairy tALE … this is life … and it seems to be a life you do not want …. So PEACE GO WITH you EVE …. Next is the aspect of ART and self expression again go back to MASLOW …. And then realize the beinfit of another day away … on acycleing baisis created by the EVE’s …. In the form of EVENT RETAILING http://www.instinctualism.org/id79.html again great soical interaction great EXCUSES to be in TOWN and making cash and mmeeting friends and family etc etc …… and expressing ARTS and CRAFTS form all the girls .
HOLISTIC ……. ( they are happy if they want to be …but what does EVE want ? I will go back to what girls have told me and I heard described in that movie P.S I LOVE YOU … girls don’t know what they want ,,,, straight form the horses mouth the honest EVE will …. Admit to that . if she has taken any real time to realy SELF EXPLORE ) ohh and what about you …welll ….. the STRESS of having to supply unending $$$ cash to an EVE who thinks that happiness will happen when she GETS ..x …. Or y ….of Z …. Will never happen for if you do you job , then you have done your job … you willnot be stressed by fear of econlmy shifts or job loss if your are the Captain of your own ship …. http://www.instinctualism.org/cash_cow.html ... and you got some great fishing on you own …owned land …. http://www.instinctualism.org/ponds.html plus sex ....... as the urge of the Eve ebbs and flows the 3 will be more than enough to keep you from experiencing a TRAP of 1 on 1 seuxla frustration and the nned to become the LIAR amanipulated by ..sublte sexuall urges . can you young master …. Think for yourself ? … can you act out side of the BOX really in an ALTERNATIVE manner not just …. Following the crowd and getting another tattoos or being anti governemt and society by doing more DOPE ….. can you ? do yu have the guts to say ….. I am a DNA species ..here is the evidence of science to PROVE ..it …. And here is my own created solution to the problems of my culture as I believe . can you do you hae the guts and the smarts to do it young master ?
Saturday, October 18, 2008
youlickem dot com
Youlickem dot com
It ahs to be a JOKE or stunt ..but if it is not then it is a Prime example of the UNDER LYING .. PROBLEM ,, NOT THE SYMPTOMS OF Loves distress that mankind has been enduring since the beigning of the fairy tale of AOUL MATE lovestorys … http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html …. I hear the ad on the BUZZ http://www.buzz103.com I / just had to phone the jock and say is THAT for real and he says “ YEP IT ‘S paid ADVERTISEMTN … for what I have no idea . “ ? for priests congressmen and middle school teachere?
The key is not the symptoms ,, but the under… the SUBTLE …the example of the cohesion ..the manipulation ,, and then the LEGAL of the marriage and thus CONTROLinG . the divided attention and stress confusion and CONQUERING … of free minds .. so free they can choose SALVERY …. It is the mindset ,,the THOUGHT form ..the spirit my I use that ..it isNOT NOT the individual PEOPLE EFFECTED by generations of ignorance to what was going on … no it is not the girls ..who KNOW … NO OTHER … model than what the MEDIA and the MEDIA is one will come up with mind fucks like youlickem.com if it is for real …. Or even just a good radio JOKE ….. it speaks to us all about US ALL.
Girls write me …. And say I LOV EYOU …. But and this time the but is MINE not theres … they do not ge the idea ….. as one girl said “ WHAt do you want me to be a ROBOT ..just following your ideals and orders ! “ no no no I think I have said over and over enough times to THINK FOR YOUR FUCKING SELF PEOPLE …. I am here to stimulate that in you to present ideas that you may never have ALLOWED yourself to ever think about like ..the truth in EVIDENCE on our fucking bodies about the NATURE OF our NATURE …. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html what is that picture you are first greeted with on that page ? the scienfitic like drawing o a human males ERECT COCK ….. and what does it say .. what does the vidence trail say …. It is the cock of a HAREM SP[EICIES male . and if you would read the words below all taken from good scientific soursces ….. then MAYBE YOU CAN ALLLOWWWWWW !!! yourself to think for yourself about ..the shit started way way back in the time of pahrohs….. read the artivcle in FEB 08 . in national geographic ..not only for the topic but the ….. other inferred info …. About policatical power marriages ,,womans place behind the man … making the man …. The woman behind the male chimp …. That actuall stimulates the insanilty of a 14% infanticide rate …. Think about that ….. 1 and half kids kids by GREEDY women mothers directly or thru the sexual manipulation of an MALE …. To US HUMANS ..that level of violence is insane ..yet we do it ….. in sublt ways in the name of greed and power and comfort ….. when in fact you and me YOUNG MASTER ARE VERY AHPPY OUTSIDE in our Blod stained T-shirts sweating fishing palying hunting …. Who is the one who needs .. Climate controls and SHOWY GOLD EARRINGS ….. really?
So girls you write me …. And you say I love you BUT …. I say but back …. If you loved me then write to me about how you see the EVE spirit in the world …. Tell you understand that a sexually manipulated animal ND WE HUMANS ARE ….. dna …. Just DNA animals … hariy , flesh and bones …. Blood and hormones …. We choose …but so do animals choose ,, we play but so do animals play …we have been trained for 10,000 years to fear the GOD /king or die …. Good movie to understand how real this was even during our own history ,,, it was goind on …. In the ADVANCED world of Europe the HEART and HIGHT of mand kind ….. watch Goya’s Ghost …..
To see and feel the DICHOTOMY of the fairly tale of love watch ….. P.S I Love you agreat enterataining movie filled with thrth about love ….. we do love each other and the 1 on1 is so un natural that loves gets KILLED By it ….
NO GIRLS I DO NOT WANT YOU to repeat to me my words without feeling and agreeing in them like a ROBOT ….. no …… and thus for you I must not want you in my life in my future .. for to be with me will mean to be in the public eye every fucking day for fucking ever … because like in part of the movie PS I love you the mom says ,,, to a daughter a parenst only want is for the children to have a better life to not live the pains they did …… go to this link and then go get the $1.25 download at Lulu http://www.google.com/search?q=twisted+instinct&rls=com.microsoft:*:IE-SearchBox&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7GWYE
“ for my unborn son , lil dude , punkin head , booskie , ola , maneeee and any other chidren I have or raise in the future “ ….. all of this and all of http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html is ALL ABOUT them to me it is not about getting into your little wet pussys . yet to be honest I sure when I am really living the eXAMPLE and oepeing it up eery weekend for people to CUmmmm and explore is will get inot more little wet pussys I than I expect to . occupational hazard I am sure .
but it can only be those who have a PASSION for the ideals of the LIFE STYLE complete with the understanding of the WHOLE _ISTIC concepts … mind body spsirit … it can only those with WANTO’s equal to mine that would ever be the coreect match ..so NO … ROBOTS ….. go be free if the poly life I project is of interest … try these places http://www.green-passions.com/ , http://polygamynow.blogspot.com/ , http://www.soulfulharmony.com/signup.php , http://sisterwives.yuku.com/ ….
If my exploration my USE of the HOWARD STERN model of entertainment and attention getting media projection of SELF … as being crass ….. uncouth etc etc ,, or just fucking stupid …. ( the truth ) I will just keep on Stabbing WESTWARD Save Yourself lyricsI know your life is empty And you hate to face this world alone So you're searching for an angel Someone who can make you whole I can not save you I can't even save myself So just save yourself I know that you've been damaged Your soul has suffered such abuse But I am not your savior I am just as fucked as you I am just as fucked as you I can not save you I can't even save myself So just save yourself Please don't take pity on me Please don't take pity on me Please don't take pity on me Please don't take pity on me My life has been a nightmare My soul is fractured to the bone And if I must be lonely, I think I'd rather be alone I think I'd rather be alone You can not save me You can't even save yourself I can not save you I can't even save myself Save yourself So just save yourself
It ahs to be a JOKE or stunt ..but if it is not then it is a Prime example of the UNDER LYING .. PROBLEM ,, NOT THE SYMPTOMS OF Loves distress that mankind has been enduring since the beigning of the fairy tale of AOUL MATE lovestorys … http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html …. I hear the ad on the BUZZ http://www.buzz103.com I / just had to phone the jock and say is THAT for real and he says “ YEP IT ‘S paid ADVERTISEMTN … for what I have no idea . “ ? for priests congressmen and middle school teachere?
The key is not the symptoms ,, but the under… the SUBTLE …the example of the cohesion ..the manipulation ,, and then the LEGAL of the marriage and thus CONTROLinG . the divided attention and stress confusion and CONQUERING … of free minds .. so free they can choose SALVERY …. It is the mindset ,,the THOUGHT form ..the spirit my I use that ..it isNOT NOT the individual PEOPLE EFFECTED by generations of ignorance to what was going on … no it is not the girls ..who KNOW … NO OTHER … model than what the MEDIA and the MEDIA is one will come up with mind fucks like youlickem.com if it is for real …. Or even just a good radio JOKE ….. it speaks to us all about US ALL.
Girls write me …. And say I LOV EYOU …. But and this time the but is MINE not theres … they do not ge the idea ….. as one girl said “ WHAt do you want me to be a ROBOT ..just following your ideals and orders ! “ no no no I think I have said over and over enough times to THINK FOR YOUR FUCKING SELF PEOPLE …. I am here to stimulate that in you to present ideas that you may never have ALLOWED yourself to ever think about like ..the truth in EVIDENCE on our fucking bodies about the NATURE OF our NATURE …. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html what is that picture you are first greeted with on that page ? the scienfitic like drawing o a human males ERECT COCK ….. and what does it say .. what does the vidence trail say …. It is the cock of a HAREM SP[EICIES male . and if you would read the words below all taken from good scientific soursces ….. then MAYBE YOU CAN ALLLOWWWWWW !!! yourself to think for yourself about ..the shit started way way back in the time of pahrohs….. read the artivcle in FEB 08 . in national geographic ..not only for the topic but the ….. other inferred info …. About policatical power marriages ,,womans place behind the man … making the man …. The woman behind the male chimp …. That actuall stimulates the insanilty of a 14% infanticide rate …. Think about that ….. 1 and half kids kids by GREEDY women mothers directly or thru the sexual manipulation of an MALE …. To US HUMANS ..that level of violence is insane ..yet we do it ….. in sublt ways in the name of greed and power and comfort ….. when in fact you and me YOUNG MASTER ARE VERY AHPPY OUTSIDE in our Blod stained T-shirts sweating fishing palying hunting …. Who is the one who needs .. Climate controls and SHOWY GOLD EARRINGS ….. really?
So girls you write me …. And you say I love you BUT …. I say but back …. If you loved me then write to me about how you see the EVE spirit in the world …. Tell you understand that a sexually manipulated animal ND WE HUMANS ARE ….. dna …. Just DNA animals … hariy , flesh and bones …. Blood and hormones …. We choose …but so do animals choose ,, we play but so do animals play …we have been trained for 10,000 years to fear the GOD /king or die …. Good movie to understand how real this was even during our own history ,,, it was goind on …. In the ADVANCED world of Europe the HEART and HIGHT of mand kind ….. watch Goya’s Ghost …..
To see and feel the DICHOTOMY of the fairly tale of love watch ….. P.S I Love you agreat enterataining movie filled with thrth about love ….. we do love each other and the 1 on1 is so un natural that loves gets KILLED By it ….
NO GIRLS I DO NOT WANT YOU to repeat to me my words without feeling and agreeing in them like a ROBOT ….. no …… and thus for you I must not want you in my life in my future .. for to be with me will mean to be in the public eye every fucking day for fucking ever … because like in part of the movie PS I love you the mom says ,,, to a daughter a parenst only want is for the children to have a better life to not live the pains they did …… go to this link and then go get the $1.25 download at Lulu http://www.google.com/search?q=twisted+instinct&rls=com.microsoft:*:IE-SearchBox&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7GWYE
“ for my unborn son , lil dude , punkin head , booskie , ola , maneeee and any other chidren I have or raise in the future “ ….. all of this and all of http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html is ALL ABOUT them to me it is not about getting into your little wet pussys . yet to be honest I sure when I am really living the eXAMPLE and oepeing it up eery weekend for people to CUmmmm and explore is will get inot more little wet pussys I than I expect to . occupational hazard I am sure .
but it can only be those who have a PASSION for the ideals of the LIFE STYLE complete with the understanding of the WHOLE _ISTIC concepts … mind body spsirit … it can only those with WANTO’s equal to mine that would ever be the coreect match ..so NO … ROBOTS ….. go be free if the poly life I project is of interest … try these places http://www.green-passions.com/ , http://polygamynow.blogspot.com/ , http://www.soulfulharmony.com/signup.php , http://sisterwives.yuku.com/ ….
If my exploration my USE of the HOWARD STERN model of entertainment and attention getting media projection of SELF … as being crass ….. uncouth etc etc ,, or just fucking stupid …. ( the truth ) I will just keep on Stabbing WESTWARD Save Yourself lyricsI know your life is empty And you hate to face this world alone So you're searching for an angel Someone who can make you whole I can not save you I can't even save myself So just save yourself I know that you've been damaged Your soul has suffered such abuse But I am not your savior I am just as fucked as you I am just as fucked as you I can not save you I can't even save myself So just save yourself Please don't take pity on me Please don't take pity on me Please don't take pity on me Please don't take pity on me My life has been a nightmare My soul is fractured to the bone And if I must be lonely, I think I'd rather be alone I think I'd rather be alone You can not save me You can't even save yourself I can not save you I can't even save myself Save yourself So just save yourself
hands around her throat
Hand around her throat
Young master … the concepts of BDSM the under lying concepts of the PENTRATOR you the one with a hard cock and the Penetrated her the one who has to ALLOW , submit to penentration ….NOT HAVETO but WANTS !!! TO . submit to pentration to realy feel her self … to feel your HARDNESS .. moving inside of her ,,, moving around forcing yourself to EXPLORE the INSIDE of her body ,,, her instinctual nature is designed to WANT this crave this INFACT ….WETT …LUBRICATE in a plead for this ….the two corresponding books of pages http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html and for the girls http://www.instinctualism.org/submissive_training.html The loving DOM and Errotic Surrender …… again my only job here is to STIMULATE you to THINK FOR YOURSELF young master ……. Look think logically … forget ..before getting …. That time before that which fucked up your base programming your DNa nature …. FORGET ..FORE – GET …. Of course always retain the learning but the emotional state …. The clarity of personel prefences the ablity to be SELF DIRECTING and true to the HOLISTIC NATURE OF the human ape the homo spaien ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html
Like I was alluding to in the bolg ..bumping into my hard cock …. The dating aspects … as you have been trained to function form WITHIN a box of created rules and expecations and the THRUTH … life liberty and the pursuit of happiness …. That you are free to choose to act from a much much MUCH larger box of rules in fact so braod when done form the TRIUTH aspect of humanitys NICNE NATURE …. Even my hands around her throat have no REAL DANGER but are her TICKETS to her own surrenender …… so I wi;; guide you to exploring new SKILL SETS http://www.instinctualism.org/dating.html and then say ..the OP to preent yourself ,,, outside of the common box is there is you WANT TO … see it .. and then realizing your CHOICE to act or not act…. Comes into play the TAO of cause of and effect … when dealing with the rality of the power or energy of your inner world the real world .. is deep in you …… that place still IN FI NITE …. Not in the ILLSUION of time/space limits …. But the BRAODER PERSEPCETIVE of SOURCE ENERGY …. Or Tao …. From there you WANTO’s function as the MOLD from which reality arises … like a plaitc mold in the Filed or continuum of Quantum pyshihcs … the mold wave energy …. Your TAO ..WANTO perepective … once UN leashed from the limits of FEAR of the MASTER /slave programming returning to the HARMONY of nature and the ECOSYSTEM designed into the expectations of your DNa which has a history of 6 million years … ( as compared to the training of our current culture which is just mrere 1000’s of years )
Last thruday night at JAMINN IN JENSEN ,, I was mannint he TYE DYE booth while my girlfriend was out and about walking the crowd enjoying her now …. I hang out but not often work the booth ….. mainly I sit on the bench nad talk wit hthe variable personalities of the whole worldk ….. I am there to help her set up and tear down … but this time while I covered the booth a couple of girls who had been walking back and forth during the night like the 100’s of other girls do ,, shopping and shopping and shoopoing … like girls do …. This time they STOPPEDN in …… and one presented herself for my hands to cover her throat for me to carress the tops of her chest her breast for me to complement her NOT THE …ITEM ….. ok this is basic dating ideas I have covered for years on and off … I have talked about this one guy who sells womens jewelry ther on the street …. Etc …. I have pointed out that … out of 30 jelwerly vendors only one is a male ,, and while the 1000’s of men in my city/towns are at bars …. In a population of 5 guys to each girl …. The guys having to GET THEIR COURAGE UP … by drinking courage in a cup ….. allkeyholll ….. this 1 in 1000 male has 100’s of girls comng to him …. Bumping inot his hard cock .all night long … wanting to be touched ..wnanting to look him deep in the eys ,,,wanting to get him to touch them to TEASE THEM …… in hopes he may ASK ….. that me may BEG …for a date ? NO NO NO NO …. No !
No in fact what he is DOING represents the activity of a SILVER BACK GORILLA http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html he is sowing HIMSELF … not him drunk enough to act unnaturally and beg for a dance …but he is showing himself ,,, here I am ,,,, I work ,, I talk ,, I smaile I interact …. I am in good shape … if you GIRL want me COME TO ME >>>! That is NATURAL … dating .
So one of these ,,,, floaters ..these girls shoops a necklace now she could have figured out the adjustable leather rope band herself expecially with the help of her friend but ,,,,, she and well I …I KNEW … I could feel the INVITIATION …. Pur your hands on ME PLEASE …. So I LIKE THE OTHER MAN WHO does this to 100 girls a night over and over … FORM CARRESSING THEIR LEGS WHILE PLACING ON ANKELTS . TO PLACING adjusting judging , flatining … neclasces on and around and ACRROS the CLEVAGES of single wome hour after hour ….. thensaying NO … that MAY not be right for you lets us try this ONE next …. The action of DRESSING UP a >>>> LIVE BARBIE DOLL … then teeling her if she …she …SHE ..is prettier with that color or not ,,, it means nothing that the items LOKS GOOD ON HER ,,, it is about if she looks good
For she had been traind to not believe in her own self worth but depend on flash and fashion to bring her beauty … I find myself in an incongruis manipulative state here , because I just find humanity to be perfect as it is ,,,, SHE NEEDS NOTHING MORE THAN HER SMILE …..
But because we have been and still are deeply entrenched blinded HYPNOTISZED … by society ,, I must and she must use …. Oppurutunitys to meet each other like …… well like asking me to continue to touch her ,,, to adjust the necklace to latten ithe item our across her soft BREAST to lace the Ttrinklet IN HER TIT CLEAVAGE HERE ,,inpublic to look her in excited happy eyes and tell her yes she looks good .. and then without another thought she is looking for a way to pay me .,.. forcing cash into my hand … not a bad thing either …
Think for yourself ….. here is the daydream … here is the make believe ..here is something for you to understand about taking astpe in changing your life from the NORM OF HANGIN OUT …LIKE THE 1000’S OR BEING DIFFERENT . think for yourself .
Young master … the concepts of BDSM the under lying concepts of the PENTRATOR you the one with a hard cock and the Penetrated her the one who has to ALLOW , submit to penentration ….NOT HAVETO but WANTS !!! TO . submit to pentration to realy feel her self … to feel your HARDNESS .. moving inside of her ,,, moving around forcing yourself to EXPLORE the INSIDE of her body ,,, her instinctual nature is designed to WANT this crave this INFACT ….WETT …LUBRICATE in a plead for this ….the two corresponding books of pages http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html and for the girls http://www.instinctualism.org/submissive_training.html The loving DOM and Errotic Surrender …… again my only job here is to STIMULATE you to THINK FOR YOURSELF young master ……. Look think logically … forget ..before getting …. That time before that which fucked up your base programming your DNa nature …. FORGET ..FORE – GET …. Of course always retain the learning but the emotional state …. The clarity of personel prefences the ablity to be SELF DIRECTING and true to the HOLISTIC NATURE OF the human ape the homo spaien ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html
Like I was alluding to in the bolg ..bumping into my hard cock …. The dating aspects … as you have been trained to function form WITHIN a box of created rules and expecations and the THRUTH … life liberty and the pursuit of happiness …. That you are free to choose to act from a much much MUCH larger box of rules in fact so braod when done form the TRIUTH aspect of humanitys NICNE NATURE …. Even my hands around her throat have no REAL DANGER but are her TICKETS to her own surrenender …… so I wi;; guide you to exploring new SKILL SETS http://www.instinctualism.org/dating.html and then say ..the OP to preent yourself ,,, outside of the common box is there is you WANT TO … see it .. and then realizing your CHOICE to act or not act…. Comes into play the TAO of cause of and effect … when dealing with the rality of the power or energy of your inner world the real world .. is deep in you …… that place still IN FI NITE …. Not in the ILLSUION of time/space limits …. But the BRAODER PERSEPCETIVE of SOURCE ENERGY …. Or Tao …. From there you WANTO’s function as the MOLD from which reality arises … like a plaitc mold in the Filed or continuum of Quantum pyshihcs … the mold wave energy …. Your TAO ..WANTO perepective … once UN leashed from the limits of FEAR of the MASTER /slave programming returning to the HARMONY of nature and the ECOSYSTEM designed into the expectations of your DNa which has a history of 6 million years … ( as compared to the training of our current culture which is just mrere 1000’s of years )
Last thruday night at JAMINN IN JENSEN ,, I was mannint he TYE DYE booth while my girlfriend was out and about walking the crowd enjoying her now …. I hang out but not often work the booth ….. mainly I sit on the bench nad talk wit hthe variable personalities of the whole worldk ….. I am there to help her set up and tear down … but this time while I covered the booth a couple of girls who had been walking back and forth during the night like the 100’s of other girls do ,, shopping and shopping and shoopoing … like girls do …. This time they STOPPEDN in …… and one presented herself for my hands to cover her throat for me to carress the tops of her chest her breast for me to complement her NOT THE …ITEM ….. ok this is basic dating ideas I have covered for years on and off … I have talked about this one guy who sells womens jewelry ther on the street …. Etc …. I have pointed out that … out of 30 jelwerly vendors only one is a male ,, and while the 1000’s of men in my city/towns are at bars …. In a population of 5 guys to each girl …. The guys having to GET THEIR COURAGE UP … by drinking courage in a cup ….. allkeyholll ….. this 1 in 1000 male has 100’s of girls comng to him …. Bumping inot his hard cock .all night long … wanting to be touched ..wnanting to look him deep in the eys ,,,wanting to get him to touch them to TEASE THEM …… in hopes he may ASK ….. that me may BEG …for a date ? NO NO NO NO …. No !
No in fact what he is DOING represents the activity of a SILVER BACK GORILLA http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html he is sowing HIMSELF … not him drunk enough to act unnaturally and beg for a dance …but he is showing himself ,,, here I am ,,,, I work ,, I talk ,, I smaile I interact …. I am in good shape … if you GIRL want me COME TO ME >>>! That is NATURAL … dating .
So one of these ,,,, floaters ..these girls shoops a necklace now she could have figured out the adjustable leather rope band herself expecially with the help of her friend but ,,,,, she and well I …I KNEW … I could feel the INVITIATION …. Pur your hands on ME PLEASE …. So I LIKE THE OTHER MAN WHO does this to 100 girls a night over and over … FORM CARRESSING THEIR LEGS WHILE PLACING ON ANKELTS . TO PLACING adjusting judging , flatining … neclasces on and around and ACRROS the CLEVAGES of single wome hour after hour ….. thensaying NO … that MAY not be right for you lets us try this ONE next …. The action of DRESSING UP a >>>> LIVE BARBIE DOLL … then teeling her if she …she …SHE ..is prettier with that color or not ,,, it means nothing that the items LOKS GOOD ON HER ,,, it is about if she looks good
For she had been traind to not believe in her own self worth but depend on flash and fashion to bring her beauty … I find myself in an incongruis manipulative state here , because I just find humanity to be perfect as it is ,,,, SHE NEEDS NOTHING MORE THAN HER SMILE …..
But because we have been and still are deeply entrenched blinded HYPNOTISZED … by society ,, I must and she must use …. Oppurutunitys to meet each other like …… well like asking me to continue to touch her ,,, to adjust the necklace to latten ithe item our across her soft BREAST to lace the Ttrinklet IN HER TIT CLEAVAGE HERE ,,inpublic to look her in excited happy eyes and tell her yes she looks good .. and then without another thought she is looking for a way to pay me .,.. forcing cash into my hand … not a bad thing either …
Think for yourself ….. here is the daydream … here is the make believe ..here is something for you to understand about taking astpe in changing your life from the NORM OF HANGIN OUT …LIKE THE 1000’S OR BEING DIFFERENT . think for yourself .
Thursday, October 16, 2008
no plastic cock
No Plastic cock
Young master ….. I say do not expect …but I rephrase it with the WORD …need ….. the inner feeling I will not be RIGHt or happy with out the arrival of ….. the expected …. When in fact life is not just sex with 3 chciks …. 3 irls who want to have sex with each other and with you ,,they do not want to use a placitc COCK some made in the image of MANKIND ..but it does not THROB it is not warm … I mean hot full of blood and life … there is BEING for sure but the DYNAIMCS of being BIO=MACHINE and being plaistci has different levels … like there are HOT DAYS in the mid summer and hot days in the middle of winter ,,,RESEPECTIVELY HOT each . more on this later on down
The idea form the movie the SECRET is that the so called secret was hidden that it has not been told to man kind for age after age ,,wellthat is wrong ,,the secret is in each of the Religious book Christian Buddha , Tao , islam ,,now yes I will agree that the ORGANIZED reigons didi not promote the truth about the STATE OF WELLBEING …because to do so would ..LESSEn their controls over the population and the evnetuall demise death of their INDUSTRY their cash flow ..from which they themselves used to create the …life style which brought them PUSSY thru power ..the ablity to control p[oeple …. To lead lil’ girls and ( boys ) inot bed … eve if the church leaders were supposed to be NON SEXUAL ….. bullshit …humanity is SEXUAL . and history has shown that LIARS live .
You … are such a nice PLEASING ANIMAL AT HEART that you ae easy to train ,,,, it starts very young your mind needing much learning to live our complex life ,,we left the JUNGLES of plenty .. having to survive in the SAVANNAHS . exposed to preiditors .. we increased our ablity to REPRODUCE … fast compared to our brother/cousin apes ,, we learned to eat a more varied diet ,, we learned about fire ….. for fire is part of the grass land ECO SYSTEM … in our play with the rocks in the protective DEFENSIBLE cave … we accidentally made fires as kids …. This LONG period of needing to learn before becoming ….MASTER … we had to be nice to our parenst and family ..so as not to get kicked out of the cave to early ….. for being a disruptive brat .
You are a nice animal … yes you put on the FACE of BLUSTER …. Youir trucke and your stickers all SPEAK OF NO FEAR but deep within you is the state of NON UNDERSTANDING HOW MUCH FEAR YOU HARBOR . … in fact you resist this knowing ,,,, to quatoe … JUNG ,, what your resisit persisits … it is a focus of fear .
The choice to REPROGRAM yourself is a new foucs … you accepting a limit now ..no longer are focused on the UNCHANGABLE …. With fear but on the new WANTED ….. you no longer repeat thoughts of the fear ,,, and cover them with BANDAIDS of bl uster or image …. The new wanted state is the FOCUS so your thoughts are there instead of REPRESSING that which you ..maybe do note even understand yu are thinking about by TRYING not to think about .
To try is to think about about something on 1 hand posivitly ,,, I want this so will do this ….( atleast try ) but at the same time you are thinking and ..and PLANNING for the failure …. So you got +1 thought energy added to -1 thought energy ..= 0 real energy ….+1 + -1 = 0 simple math . to accept ceratin thinkgs understand certain things allows for new concrete GOALS … expecations ? not fears ..but expectation based upon deep wants .. PASSIONS , that in the day to day living the tiny little SUPPORTIVE EVENTS … the cell by ceel … unseen creation of muscle mass in the body builder they do not BULD UP in one day but ..months do whte road all of a sudden they look a themselves and SAY WOW …. It happened 1 cell at a time ….
SELF HELP Actualization MOVEMENT ….. has been around for decades there are many baried teachers … and for a reason each teacher presents in a way that can best touch thehearts minds stimulate the PASSIONS … best for the new student …for we are not robots …( we are generally trainanbe . useable as slaves but indidnvuals tooo…. ) from http://www.instinctualism.org/instinctualism_links.html find a good teacher whose great description fo the SECRET …. Is worth using .. the complex tool of REPROGRAMINg you gotta understand the programming of SLAVERY you have been filled with for YEARS nand YEARS ….. will take like cell by cell time to change , but in time you will some day lok around you and say ..fuck ..that shit actually did work . http://www.musicforcandles.com/attunementprogram.htm
OK BACK TO THE SEX ….. and daydreaming about life to come …. Probably the most important step is the feeling it can be … your wants can be ..for f you can not even DAY DREAM ..about it ,,then the DEEP fear or NON BELIEF is your truth . www.instinctualism.org/hyponsis.html being able to realy get yourself in that day deream ot just during JACKING off time … but anytime in fact thinking about coming home to the COMPOUND nd three WIVES ? wife the word has too many PERJORATIVES .. to many con no tations … to much expectation ,,, hidden in just using the word to DRAG you backwareds into th PRoGRAMED life of your upbringing .. bein limited to the trapp of your parenst who actually want you to live a better and happier life than they did …
So ,, comng home to 3 girls who FREELY choose to be TOGETHER and be with you …. It is not all aobut your cock ,,, your cock is part a nice part but the whole of life is …. Is ….. so think not just about the idea that you will have a girl RIDING YOUR HARD DICK …. And that her SISTER may be licking her clit while at the same time ticlking the shaft of your ckc as her sisiter friend rides you …. Dipping down to lick your balls … but not enough to get you to shoot you load of hot sicky white sperm to fast …no her INTENTIONS ARE T O excitie her sister her friend to get her to experience a climax relatively wuick …. And oftern and have you able to WITHSTAND THE PLEASRUE ..to hold back , so ,,, she the LICKER AND hgope on the live DICK NEXT ….
But this is after …you cam home form work ,, went out to the pond … while the girl were finishing dinner making lids bath time … laundry folding …. You went to the pond casted a plastic worm out and watch as the line COILS wer jiggling and dancing as the bass was peeling of line before you set the hook on one of thee fisn in your private honey hole … willit be a largemouth will it be a sunshine bass ? http://www.instinctualism.org/ponds.html ..even doing what kids do
LIVING MAKE BELIEVE … in that program form music for candles ,, his recommendation is to understand that living is in and THRU the barin … so in fact the childhood experience for make believe is REALITy ,,, remember the OLYMIPIC TRAINING done only in the mind is as good as theat done on the field .. …. The fine art of MAKE BELIEVE AND …day dreams … but the turh of PASSION … your actions speak louder than words ..what you willl and WILL NOT ! do …( based most often on the self image presented to your peer or social group .. your KEWL ) ..that acion of not doing is what realy is speaking .
Young master ….. I say do not expect …but I rephrase it with the WORD …need ….. the inner feeling I will not be RIGHt or happy with out the arrival of ….. the expected …. When in fact life is not just sex with 3 chciks …. 3 irls who want to have sex with each other and with you ,,they do not want to use a placitc COCK some made in the image of MANKIND ..but it does not THROB it is not warm … I mean hot full of blood and life … there is BEING for sure but the DYNAIMCS of being BIO=MACHINE and being plaistci has different levels … like there are HOT DAYS in the mid summer and hot days in the middle of winter ,,,RESEPECTIVELY HOT each . more on this later on down
The idea form the movie the SECRET is that the so called secret was hidden that it has not been told to man kind for age after age ,,wellthat is wrong ,,the secret is in each of the Religious book Christian Buddha , Tao , islam ,,now yes I will agree that the ORGANIZED reigons didi not promote the truth about the STATE OF WELLBEING …because to do so would ..LESSEn their controls over the population and the evnetuall demise death of their INDUSTRY their cash flow ..from which they themselves used to create the …life style which brought them PUSSY thru power ..the ablity to control p[oeple …. To lead lil’ girls and ( boys ) inot bed … eve if the church leaders were supposed to be NON SEXUAL ….. bullshit …humanity is SEXUAL . and history has shown that LIARS live .
You … are such a nice PLEASING ANIMAL AT HEART that you ae easy to train ,,,, it starts very young your mind needing much learning to live our complex life ,,we left the JUNGLES of plenty .. having to survive in the SAVANNAHS . exposed to preiditors .. we increased our ablity to REPRODUCE … fast compared to our brother/cousin apes ,, we learned to eat a more varied diet ,, we learned about fire ….. for fire is part of the grass land ECO SYSTEM … in our play with the rocks in the protective DEFENSIBLE cave … we accidentally made fires as kids …. This LONG period of needing to learn before becoming ….MASTER … we had to be nice to our parenst and family ..so as not to get kicked out of the cave to early ….. for being a disruptive brat .
You are a nice animal … yes you put on the FACE of BLUSTER …. Youir trucke and your stickers all SPEAK OF NO FEAR but deep within you is the state of NON UNDERSTANDING HOW MUCH FEAR YOU HARBOR . … in fact you resist this knowing ,,,, to quatoe … JUNG ,, what your resisit persisits … it is a focus of fear .
The choice to REPROGRAM yourself is a new foucs … you accepting a limit now ..no longer are focused on the UNCHANGABLE …. With fear but on the new WANTED ….. you no longer repeat thoughts of the fear ,,, and cover them with BANDAIDS of bl uster or image …. The new wanted state is the FOCUS so your thoughts are there instead of REPRESSING that which you ..maybe do note even understand yu are thinking about by TRYING not to think about .
To try is to think about about something on 1 hand posivitly ,,, I want this so will do this ….( atleast try ) but at the same time you are thinking and ..and PLANNING for the failure …. So you got +1 thought energy added to -1 thought energy ..= 0 real energy ….+1 + -1 = 0 simple math . to accept ceratin thinkgs understand certain things allows for new concrete GOALS … expecations ? not fears ..but expectation based upon deep wants .. PASSIONS , that in the day to day living the tiny little SUPPORTIVE EVENTS … the cell by ceel … unseen creation of muscle mass in the body builder they do not BULD UP in one day but ..months do whte road all of a sudden they look a themselves and SAY WOW …. It happened 1 cell at a time ….
SELF HELP Actualization MOVEMENT ….. has been around for decades there are many baried teachers … and for a reason each teacher presents in a way that can best touch thehearts minds stimulate the PASSIONS … best for the new student …for we are not robots …( we are generally trainanbe . useable as slaves but indidnvuals tooo…. ) from http://www.instinctualism.org/instinctualism_links.html find a good teacher whose great description fo the SECRET …. Is worth using .. the complex tool of REPROGRAMINg you gotta understand the programming of SLAVERY you have been filled with for YEARS nand YEARS ….. will take like cell by cell time to change , but in time you will some day lok around you and say ..fuck ..that shit actually did work . http://www.musicforcandles.com/attunementprogram.htm
OK BACK TO THE SEX ….. and daydreaming about life to come …. Probably the most important step is the feeling it can be … your wants can be ..for f you can not even DAY DREAM ..about it ,,then the DEEP fear or NON BELIEF is your truth . www.instinctualism.org/hyponsis.html being able to realy get yourself in that day deream ot just during JACKING off time … but anytime in fact thinking about coming home to the COMPOUND nd three WIVES ? wife the word has too many PERJORATIVES .. to many con no tations … to much expectation ,,, hidden in just using the word to DRAG you backwareds into th PRoGRAMED life of your upbringing .. bein limited to the trapp of your parenst who actually want you to live a better and happier life than they did …
So ,, comng home to 3 girls who FREELY choose to be TOGETHER and be with you …. It is not all aobut your cock ,,, your cock is part a nice part but the whole of life is …. Is ….. so think not just about the idea that you will have a girl RIDING YOUR HARD DICK …. And that her SISTER may be licking her clit while at the same time ticlking the shaft of your ckc as her sisiter friend rides you …. Dipping down to lick your balls … but not enough to get you to shoot you load of hot sicky white sperm to fast …no her INTENTIONS ARE T O excitie her sister her friend to get her to experience a climax relatively wuick …. And oftern and have you able to WITHSTAND THE PLEASRUE ..to hold back , so ,,, she the LICKER AND hgope on the live DICK NEXT ….
But this is after …you cam home form work ,, went out to the pond … while the girl were finishing dinner making lids bath time … laundry folding …. You went to the pond casted a plastic worm out and watch as the line COILS wer jiggling and dancing as the bass was peeling of line before you set the hook on one of thee fisn in your private honey hole … willit be a largemouth will it be a sunshine bass ? http://www.instinctualism.org/ponds.html ..even doing what kids do
LIVING MAKE BELIEVE … in that program form music for candles ,, his recommendation is to understand that living is in and THRU the barin … so in fact the childhood experience for make believe is REALITy ,,, remember the OLYMIPIC TRAINING done only in the mind is as good as theat done on the field .. …. The fine art of MAKE BELIEVE AND …day dreams … but the turh of PASSION … your actions speak louder than words ..what you willl and WILL NOT ! do …( based most often on the self image presented to your peer or social group .. your KEWL ) ..that acion of not doing is what realy is speaking .
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