Monday, July 21, 2008

tied teased and fucked

Tied teased and fucked
Young master remember it is nothing that she does not ddeply inwardly really desire …. Ok just to go over it again you were born with something that will ENLARGE and get stick called a COCK that is a DNA expression … she was born with a HOLE … that wants to be filled in fact it wetts it is SELF LUBRICATING an expression of her NATURE her DNA to be pene trated due to the TEACHING due to the BRAIN WASHING , the continues repition of the ideas of the CONTROLERS , you have come to feel and think about sex as being UN NATURAL , when it is the most of NATURAL things in fact it is your INSTINCT .. It is your DNA ,, you are an ANIMAL , hairy with flesh and bones ans skin and HORMONES etc . like any other animal . In the MAMMAL ANIMAL KINGDOM , VARIATIONS ON THE poly / harem theme ARE THE BY far THE MOST COMMON family unit .. For many many reason and one is …
To allow the recreation of SEX ? Think about the fact that you very well maybe a daddy some day in fact every one of you young master who I meet with a child on the way for example you guys are so frucking proud and EXCITED with the idea of being Daddy ,,, yet you are still worthless bumms most of you not working and not saving , just starting life off like the ECONOMIC SLAVE model you grew up seeing … again think about the concepts on this page about modeling you become a person often like the people who riased you
But back to having time to realy enjoy , tieing her up to free her to feel that sensative body , to relax and be submissive finnally to be the PENETRATED AND THE FACTS ABOUT THE harem lifestyle THA FAMILY UNIT MOST easy FOR HUMANS TO REALY enjoy LIFE BY living … THE MOST EASY AND RELAXING LIFESTYLE …. Instinctualism… think about the opening statement of this page .
And undersstand ..the contrst the comparison between the stress of the NUCLEAR BOMB FAMILY of the society that has programed ,,, where the instinct of the child that you are so proud to create and invite into thtis world well it’s instinct to have attention will overwhelm you and your lover ….by having the 3 moms there is FREEDOM and benefits for everyone , the natural flow , the… the … truth behind the saying it takes a village to raise a s child well the single family concrete box home of 1 on 1 fairy tale about the handsome prince and the cute princess living in BLISS alone together …
Is not the reality you have seen in the world around
You want to have time and have space to CREATE ….. A play room ,, and then also have time to use it , and she too would love to have the FREEDOM to be used in your PLAY ROOM … ( ohh this page is still in the building I will putting in the links as time goes on )
Now rmember build it and they will come and cummm …. The action of your action will brin into your world those who are like minded with you …… the law of ATRRACTION ….. What yu are doing is not UNATURAL or evil or bad it is very very natural , and even the St,Andrew Cross is as natural to sexual ..submission to returning to her instincts as ,,,using electricty is for nioght time light ,,, just a tool that the human mind has created to aid it in enjoying it’s own personel experience of living ..for the only natural night time light is moon and star light , but we use light bulbs and in fact have in the past on occaions used more direct fuel based lighting like fire flame and candle …… the CREATIVE TABLES AND BEDS AND AND SHIT THAT YOU CAN BUILD IN YOUR …your home see 5 acre site plan ½ down the page …well like buying a nice massage table is not WEIRD Or shit …. So why would building a puppy chair be weird ,,, oh a pussy chair is a comfy like foot stool thing to tie her to , so she can get fucked like a puppy ,, and of ourse played with and of course whipeed ,,,,
Why whipping , it is not for the damamging of her skin ,,NO NO NO … THE FLOGGER WITH ITS MULTI FINE STRANDS GIVES A CARESS TO HER SENSATIVE SKIN LIKE NOTHG ELSE CAN ,,, IT IS AN exciting FLAVER OF BEING TOUCHED AS NATURAL AS …. Well as getting a chocolate milk shake … for the milk shake itself can not be found in NATURE it is the xperince of the creative mind of man ,,, and a treat to be enjoyed …. Every thin done in MODERATION is ussaly ok ,,, ( some excepts maybe herion and crack ..but hey they are not fun they are suicides in reality , poisins) the feeling of the barbers strap …. Now that need some skill in using for the corse leather of the barbers strap could cause real damamge to skin ….. Ahhh but that is like the stretched muscles the skinned knees of really giving it your all in your favorite active sport , sometimes thing do go kinda wrong but it is not CALL to stop riding the orse just because you felll off …….
But young maste now with the baby on the way ,,, now tith you having to live hand to mouth at a job you hate ,,, now tih living in a 2/2 apt. where and how are you EVER gonna have the dungeon ? The paly room because facts are facts you will become 96 out of the 100 …. The ODDS are …. You will just be a slave. And worse than that ,,, you will most likey be a divorced salve in afew years … ohh but if you
Thought first would could your future be like ,,, and why why , buck the REALITY of time/space we all have agreed to live within ,,, we came here to experience time/sapce as human animals not as indiviual GODS …. But as cool thinking animals …… with built in knowledge of how the bio-machine works and is designed …. And of our DNA designed favortie recreational activity all aready programmed in ….. why make living more complicated than it is naturally desgned to be ,,,, JUST TO MAKE SOMEONE ELSE HAPPY like the priest of some fucking CHURCH ? Your alsmost dead grandmom ( god rest her soul soon ) just to live up to SHOULDS .

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