Spreading her legs
Young master ,,, so you want to be a millionaire ,,, hmmm ok fine no value judgements like it is beeter to be rich than poor in terms of money of shit … no ,,, like yesterday I did not mean to DEMENA people who ride harley’s …it is a big world with lots a FREE choices just kinda understand the RAOSNS behind the choices you are making ….. Why you strive for 1 and only girl … why you feel so angery when she is not acting RIGHT ..
Understanding this forced life of confusion and see for WHO OR WHAAT our confusion beneifits …ok having done that lets move on to …. What 1 human is TRANSLATING into with her words ..what she calls ..her interp …. The law of attraction . http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
So whatca gonna do with that millions of dollar ,,, well fisrt you are goona get a COMFY PAD …. How about a 5 acres estate home 12 bedrooms 2 garages massive private office playroom dungeon how about a fishing pond so clean and clear you use it like a pool having it heated also a mile worth of nature trails do to do you morining run on .. Etc etc etc …. http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html … hmmm does this fit the bill ?
Ok my firned it is not the NUMBER …. It is not the green stuff the tool which is gonna make you happy …. It is the expereinces of living .
If it were only about hooking and landing of fish and if every cast you made you caught a lunker large mouth bass no matter wheere or when you went fishing soon you would get bored with fishing there is NO ADVENTURE …. If everytime you opened a new video game you automatically were able to win it to its MAXIUM LEVEL right from the first playing soon you would get bored with ALL video games
But you know something this does not realy hold ture for sex….. Becaue sex is TRUTHFULLY dynamic … and it is natural like eating like running like breathing in fact it is a needed BODY FUNCTION … that is designed to be FUNN . ( fun…. Hmmm test this tease the girl you are with by not ..not …not letting her open her legs …..ahh this you will find in the 1 on 1 ,, something you can do with her while in the beginning phase of the relationships after the 1 on 1 has aged liked it does … and you are not COMMITED to serve her and only her because of your statement of HONOR … the I love you statement …. You can no longer tease her the same becaue if you LOVE HER YOU WILL NOT CREATE IN HER STATES OF DISCOMFORT or teasing ,, that is not anexpression of love …. It is INGONGROUIS….. So in fact what she gets is what she does not really want to have ..by forcing you to be what is un natural for both of you … if she is living in a system of friendly supportive competition like nature designed and she has to Sseduce YOU TO GET YOU ATTENTIOn , she is still..
Growing ……. SHE IS NOT , like the fisherman who has always available the fish on each and every cast ,,, subtle dynimcs.
But back to the lust she feels when not able to open her sefl up FOR PENETRATION
http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html YOU FIND THIS LINK first on the http://www.instinctualism.org/submissive_training.html page .. It is good to understand it in context .. The HOLISTIC life .. Of human female , form carreer outside of the home and family to fulltime of healthy living to children to sex , to health care etc etc etc , all to be found on this page ….. But the NTURE OF her desire to OPEN HER LEGS FOR fucking is the truth of humanity ,,, no matter what else .. You think .. It is NATURE . Of the bio machine we use for the experience of 1 point of view of the TAO .
Back to law of attaction , and another way of descrbing that force that TAO is to call it WANTO … want … becaue if you want … that action that emotin that feeling is one of ATTRACTION ,,,, the whole of the to… all the countless Quarks that are expereincing themselves as Quark for their own beneift remember they are like you IN FI NITE , so what does 5 or 10 billion years of being a Quark rela mattrer to some one who is IN FI NITE ….. When thye stop being Quark that 10 billion years will semm like 10 seconds as they remember re-emerge into the TAO …. So it is with you and your short 70 to 100 years of being a human …. But you wantede to be a human and to be human means you depend on the TAO of everyopther point of veiw expereinceer to WANT to be the particles that will make up a universe for you to experience being HUMAN …
Now … that does not help you with ,,, you ILLUSION of needing a $1,000,000 before you will be happy ….. How do you get that $1,000,000.00 first understand it is most probably NOT the number in a bank account that you want it is the lifestyle that you want ,,,yes some do want the number th achievement of numbers for them is what is nice ,,,, often these people will live what looks like struglling lives so that they can AC HIEVE the score keeping the growth the challenge of making their numbers GROW… their own video game ..
But you in reality are looking to sped that $1,000,000 on life style on comfort and safety and not working to hard …. Ahhh again I desinged a company where you never work at the same job more than one day a week … I re-frame any job you do into , and ART FORM aand expression of your own personel skill you do , and guess what PEOPLE PAY YOU FOR HAVING FUN …. http://www.instinctualism.org/cash_cow.html it is about opening your mind and re thinking the TRPA of economy you have ACCEPTED .. Undestand free choices …
Now ,, the law …… of want to …. The quARK wants to be quark , it is s cool 10 billion years state of deep ZEN meidation and purposefull expresion of being and service .
It can not fullfill this goal unless something else wants something from the expression fo what can be formed with QUARKS ,, do you get that ?
I can not receive the SMILE of APPROVAL from my expression of art … tha being coming homw with a 6 lb bass fresh for a clean lake to slip in the oven with lemon and garlic to be enjoyed aby family and friends ..their smiles are as much fun as catching the fish …. I can not enjoy the smiles of people telling me that I am the best and happiest window washier they have ever seen …. Without their smiles my day is much less enjoyable.
The quark needs to be needed , without the WANTING it would be floating uselsess in the expanse of TAO alone …. Bummer we all like to be needed and appreciated ..that wet pussy looves to feel the throbbing of your cock in it …. The feeling of being NEEDED.
It is a YIN and YANG .. The wnater is as im protant as the person who wants to be wanted …. I as a male want to be wanted ..for my many values of protector and fucker …etc.. as a hunter or farmer or fisher man I want to be wanted for that which I bring home to the cave … as the window wahser iw ant to be wanted for my skill ( and my whistle ) …
As you want , there is A WHOLE UNIVERSE here of infitnite numbers of ZEN expereieicers who want to BE WANTED ,,, they want to be the paritcles of the creations that will make you smile ,,, if that thing that will make you smile is the 5 acres setate then reality will form for you … into a 5 acre estate ,, if it is elelctronicn numbers on a banks balance sheet stating $1,000,000.00 then eletirc particles forms will BE to provide you that smile ,,,,, but first comes your WANTO …
Ahhh but time/space is not the INSTANT EXPERINCE OF tao …. No no no … we wanted the experience of TIME of challenge of adventure ,, we did not want to catch a fish on every cast ..like we do in the TAO …. The JOURNEY ..is fun , too.
Just clarify your wants ,,,, understand contrasts and the limits you have been trained to expect … like the chooice to be a slave to economy ,, or not …. The coice to study something different … like http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html also is 1 more choice in a world of things to freely choose from … why are you atracting this information into your experience of living ?
Monday, July 28, 2008
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