Wednesday, July 16, 2008


3 tents
Young master I have not touched on this topic for some time , the benefit’s the OHH SO DOABLITY of it all …… the jumping off point is from there hit all the links on the page to expand your mind as to the DO-ABLITLY ( as in the mission statement on the home page ,,1. Indidivula thinking .. Use these ideas to help you create your own teeritory and personal vision do not just copy shit dumbass )
3 separate home for three separate indidivual girls who .. Have EGO …. See even in the time of PHAROH in the slave harems there was fighting among the girls because mankind had started this insantiy of IGNORING our instinctual nature in favor of the ablitly to express CONTROL thru amnipulation ,, and here is when we males started getting the bad RAPP of being the controllers , yet in reality the EGG not the chicken should be EXPLORED as to the whole ISSUE of control and manipulation and the EGG is of the fighting for DOMIANACE that the female startted to express 6 million years we have walked upright , 2.5 million years we have been complex tool makers , yet for only 70,000 years this new GEEN DNA of GREED of eve …. Has caused fighting in the harem nature , the SOCIAL NATURE of human kind . To RESIST means the issue will persisit for your FOCUS on your repsonse of RESISTING keeps the cycle going , if you direct your FOCUS your planning on the SOLUTIONS on new goals then the old problems over time ( REMEMBER WE ARE HERE TO EPERIENCE TIME/SPACE Not the instant-tan-eee-us experience of still being I - in - I of the tao )
3 homes provides those SUBTLE dynamics the female human needs , in fact if you look at the site plan and realize …. You buy the land first based on the idea of building 3 small homes .. The starter home … that is the site plan you bring to building and zoning to start to make sure that the land you want to buy will be zoned to have 3 small cabin homes …. ( ohh perking problems the placemnt of septic systems , well … watch the for information about ALTERNATIVE drain field desgn it expands the over all drain field and utelized the high nutrient vale of HU-MANURE to aid you in growning your FUEL WOOD … which is actually Pellet fuel desgns .. Growing and using your won fuel wood is a 0 carbon lifestlye , you recycle the carbon you release each year . )
Now , you see 3 starter home with the proposed 2 bed 1 bath addtions behind it , ( when you go for your first building permit just get it for the 3 cabins only nothing more not even work buildings except your first isntant building a 16x16 shed thing cheap ..) next notice 2 other 16x 40’s one is your own place ,,, you never realy get invloved of worry about the girls own homes they desgn them clean them etc them as each wants to suit themselves ….. An the other is a group DAY home again this is an EXPRESSION of mainly you but you and the family unit …. Your own private home is where you can be expressive about the BDSM activiity you like to do and the girls which they had some male to privide for them , to help FREE them of their CONDITIONING so they can expreince penetration as their nature wants …. Again I refer you to the link for the book the LOVING DOM
But the 3 homes so important … and so easy and cheap to make , we have gone over your TOUR OF DUTY quite abit in the months past , talking about the issue of starting the whole ball going using saving plan of US saving bonds ….. That got you started ,,, you then can start building OUT OF POCKET ,, no SLAVE COLLAR OF MORTAGAGE … the design of AG land and 3 small cabins gets you low porterty taxes …. The family home and your home and etc actually could be and should be dealt with like they are just farm buildings so , the need to have them taxed will be different in each instants …. Understanding the simple repetive deisng of RIB AND SKIN …… and understand you can build this from solar power and wind power stored in a few 100 dollars worth of batterys on your off time from work ,,,, the rib/skin building is much like TILT wal construst , it is unstable in the beginning until tied joined together …. You gott support it safely while you raise the ribs …..and PLUMB . But simple JIGS to insure Plumb and Joining of ribs as you add 1 after another … are simple to employ and disconnct to be used for the next building porject after next building porject ……
Now the concept of the berming or BURYING of the home ,,,, for tempurature control and actuall FANSTIC stablity … I hav realy come to undertand the use of SAND BAGS …. And structual desgn and dymainc lods , the sand bags of a poly will not decay if buryed .. Lets ee if I can get this simple idea into your head it is the idea of water it is the idea of understanding the HUNTING instinct of prey animals like the fish you pursue … THE PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE ….. ( ahh again resistance understanding the flow of CHI energy ) so the ribs are up the skin is on ( everything is screwed together no NAIL GUNS ever watched a drywller at work or a guy who lays patio wood decking they know how to use a screww gun … screws will not BACK OUT like nails not problems later with you water proffing and that now is very simple , look up GAF weather guard , use that and then a good shingle then a couple top coats of kool seal , now since this will all be buryined and also be covered by 2 layers of 6 mill vapor barrier there is no weathing or UV degradation it will ast almost indefinitely … the 30 warrenty is more like 100 years now longer than your life …. And remember after you are dead some other male has the chnce to have the fun of building his own territory to PROVE HIS METAL . )
The FLAT wall is RESISTANCe if you placed sand bags of 1 layer up agains the wall the layer would eventually fall away ,,, moving to the path of leasst resisitance , that is why you have to create the slope … to keep the bags from falling away form your structure … simple , now that the LOAD of the sand ,,, is contained in the bag the wieght is diercted down ward maore the energy on the building is SPREAD because of the skin of the bag and helpt to insure that the ribs not the plywood is what is taking the force … less chance of any over time BOW in you skin . Using the vapor barrier the sand bags will stya dry for decades and decades ,m,,,, no condensation or moisture problems ,,, the constant sir flow on the interior of the house keeps a drying and constant healty envirmonet for the wood to respirtate … and then is your tool your personel slave for a life time who will feed from the frre food off the land ….. the sub compact tractor …. That tool and a stand to fill the bags 6 at a time … a trailer to bring the bags form the pond site to the building site … the tops soil is scrapped off not not not ,,, used in the sand bags …. That top soil is heaped and composted with 5 acres of grass cuting and leaves etc ot be used as finnal covierin for grass …
Let us ee if you can think for yourself , are you worthy to be called MASTER or do yu need a MAN to think for you , can you LEARN ON YOUR OWN ? Or are you slave only able to do what others tell you ? This is why I have the link to earht ship on buying his book instead of getting drunk at the bar this weekend .. Would be a good ivestment of your time and money … in fact 20 bucks on his book will be cheaper than getting drunk .. And the ideas of about human housing will open your eyes to the possible …. His plan is the ART of EGO …. Expensive and time consuming , rib and skin is simple and out of pocket doable whil you are stilll living alife , think about it ,, when ever you want you can for 5 dollars each yes only $5 fucking dlooars , piece by piece you build a home free from the slave collar of debt and mortgage ,,, buying the matreials you need you need at any HOME DEPOT … you have other things to woryy about building simple owner operator business is for one unless you enjoy complaining about working for a stupid drunk ass boss …. Etc etc et ,,, ohh yes meeting new pussy ,,,, you now the DIFFERENT 1 … she has dated everyone else there is to date , the nice guy who she is bored with fast ,, the BAD BOY who is bad and causes her the SELF GENERATED stress yet she returns to him …. And now you OPTION ……….. NEW !

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