Other masters pussy
Young master hopefully , you have no the baggage of learning WHAT IS ,,, like have when it comes to women and , honestly the earlier you have been exposed to the ideas of http://www.instinctualism.org/ the less negativ expectation or other wise commonly called emotional baggae you will have for you hav experience with newer filters of possibility , you may not have developed the COMPOUND or come out of the closet so to say ,, and proclaimed to the next girl you have met for coffee saying , YES AND BY THE WAY I AM A POLILGAMIST AN INSTINCTUALIST ,,, I HAVE 3 HOMES .
All on the same 5 acres estate ,,,, I know calling it an estate is an EGO ,,, thing , but so is that Camero you are looking 10K for a fucking 20 year old used car when you can get a brand new Kia out of the box with 100K miles of warrenty for the same cash and better gas milleage ,,,the Camero is TOTALLY EGO …. Ohh but of course I drifted way off todays point ..of …
DAYDREAMING about fucking a tied up pussy , ,, and putting yourself in the EMOTIONAL STATE of that master ,,, if ,,if ,, you are like and the years of NEGATIVE expectation are making it so that even my daydreams ARE polluted with problems of my past , then the future I am expectin gthe future that I will live will be a lot like that which I expect to live ,,strange how that happens but I wish you would open you eyes , and relaize how what you think about does become ,,,the GENERAL the baisc life you do end up living ,,, you gotta take some time to think about what you expected and wht you lived so far in your past ….. Take time to remember ..things like th sprots aor game you have enjoyed ,, remember the daydreams you had about that ..ACTIVITY , can you Remember any , NEGATIVE expectations surrounding that activity ythat you would kinda of ..plan for while doing your daydreams ..?…. And did no you actually some what find that exact issue , your expectation coming into reality ..along with of course the GGOOOD aspects that you enjoyed ,,the core reason for engaging in the activitiy in the first place …
This is part and parcel of the Science of meta pyshihccal creation some have called it , the baisis behind the books like THINK AND GROW RICH ,, it is the teaching of the … THING the also limited aspect of the totla of un-impossible called TAO ,, known as ABRAHAM … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html Ester is just preforming an STREAM OF CONSIOSNESS ART … the law of wanto and atraction ..the chicken and the egg of time/space.
Ok when I was practising HYPNOSIS .. http://www.instinctualism.org/hypnosis.html
I would often find people who could not VISION the good for themselves whther I was working with a cancer patient who wanted to stimulate their own immune system to act like it should and kill of unatural cells like the immune system had done for years automatically …. Or I was working with the many golf pro’s who UNERSTOOD the need for good REAL visional training ….. Often these people had BLOCKS about seeing something REALLY good happening to them ,,( ooh the gift of the programing revolving around seriving the GOD /king of PHAROH … it dates back that far , it resemble the trainin go the elephant who learns while a baby that it can not escape or break the rope , so that when big and large it does not realy try to break the rope ,,, because of past learning ,,, NEGATIVE EXPECTATIONS ) THIS IS VERY VERY VERY common your training will not allow you to see your own BEST GOOD becaue you think you are NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE that ,,it would not be humble of you ,,, and you even if you are extreme in your TATOOS or the GO item of your COOL car , still have , the traiing of being humble drilled into your PSHyCE.
So to get a person to FEEL the EMOTIOANL STATE not just the TV images of movies in their head ,,, BUT the real emotions which I knew brought about the best results … I would ave to have them think about some one ELSE living what it was that they wanted , ( some triners sy this is wrong , BUT THE KEY WAS to get them to FEEL mentally the feeling OF positve EXPECTATIONS …. Even if it meant it was from THE VANTAGE point of someone’s life ,,,ahhh but the reality is it is not someone elses experience of feelings , the TOOL of the other THE OTHER MATER MASTER allows you to be free of your own expectations to live the EMOTIONAL experience and postive expectations of another ,, I am not talking about just the fun of the MASTRUBATION fanasty ,,,, that is just a porno movie lacking the EMOTIONAL CONTENT of total relationships …. I am talking about ..using yes that type of mental porno
Where for example ,,, this other master has the 3tents and camel compound …. AND HE HAS THE MASTERS HOME , THAT STARTER home the 16 x 40 for himself , what would his be like , 1 giantic open room ,with a JACUZZI … a small comfy kitchen , a king size bed ,…. And padded , puppy chair , complete with safe comfy velcro strpas ..to safely SECURE the girls who WANT WANT << AGIN ,,, feeling understand EXPECTING tha for this male ,the girls who are there are theier because they TOO are fullfilling living htier own best EXPECTATIONS ,, so it is girls who WANT TO .. ( wanto ) be tied and teased and fucked , naked the soft young slighty hairy pussy lips , slightly swelling … the pinkness and wettnes of her pussy noticeable…. The POSITIVE feeling of living that which is wanted ,,WANTED by both .. Can you feel his EMOTIONS ,,, his feeling of COMFORT …. His feeling that this is how life should be ,,, his state of not expecting anything else but hwat is his REALITY ,,, of being with girls who FREELY CHOOSE to be here now ,,, you can goo ahead and use this tied girl in this daydream for todays MASTRUBATION ..fanasty , fuck her as you want with the feeling aslo that you are giving what she wants .. And the end ing resutl is a girl totally exahausted for PENTRATIONS AND ORGASISMS , folling aound the floor felling like her pussy had been used by a mack truck ,,, like she is BROKEN ( LUCKLY PUSSY HEALS IN MINUTES ) I bring you back to her natural desiring and her urges of HORMONES … her own desire is to be www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.htm l
If , when you think about DATING or ASKING A GIRL out and the STRESS is intense! Then realize there is baggage in your mind and experience ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/dating.html and things like practicing your cating if you are a fisherman or riding the skate baord if you are a boarder is the only way to over come probmesin your sprots ,,,, and that the daydreams hold witin them the seeds of the future events ,,what are you expectaions in other things you do and then compare the sexual expecation you have ….. And if you can not passs something , then feel it form the eyes of some ,,,, daydream person , but the whole idea is to FEEL the EMOTIONS OF SUCCESS …. If you can feel then in the body of someone else atleast you have FELT THEM .. It is the jumping off point for the next step ,,because now you atleast BELIEVE INT the possible that daydream becomes THE MODELING ..that we humans learn from … ahh back to childrens issues such a holisitc site http://www.instinctualism.org/children_ina_polyfamily.html
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
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