Unthinkable pussy
Young master you look for ward … you want something to haapen and are expecitn ing it it is said you are looking for ward to it ,,,,, all the things you look forward to are THINKABLE ….they are based on events you have already lived ,,,, it maybe something new to you atleast you think new to you , but it ,,the WANT and later the expectation the looking forward to having it ,,, is bassed on the hard cold ,FACTS of past experience.
The concept of what isUN THINKABLEE ,, is vast , there is unthinkable here in your current life , it is un thinkable because of RULES you have learned 9 HEY EVER break a rule smoke cigarette before you were 18 , break the HERB LAW of the US since it is not auniversally illegal action to smoke herbs that gorw naturally from the ground …. It is just a RULE ever SPEED ? While driving )
And then there is the idea of unthinkable in META TERMS 9 remember I like to open you up holistic mind body spsirit this is some more spirit shit but it has to DO WITH WANTS …. You want GOOD PUSSY and peace nad love and HARMONY …. Now attempting to make a man ,, A MAN into a woman to marriage counsel the male instinct away , to twist his instinct will give fucked up results , actually http://www.instinctualism.org/instinctualism_links.html if you study a bit from the MARS AND VENUS LINK you w iil get the idea that GR>GRAY is not trying to make men into women but EDUCATING women about men …. Vast and very important difference. … there was a question posed about the descrition about the life after death experience of people who came beck or near death experience it is called ,, and the wise one said ,t he description of events is tainted with the TOOLS OF DESCRIPTION ,,, it must be talked about using COMMON agreed upon ,, understood ideas of this limited reality ,,,the TAO is unthinkable …way beyond this time/space ….. Don’t think yourself so fucking important so fucking EGO that you think humanity and this life is the UTIMATE EXPRESSION OF BEING …..
We are just adventurers on a limited adventure … and in this adventure we use BIO-MACHINES to make understadnding living operating here in time sapce easier ,,, the DAN you carry as human is a DATA bank of the vents aof all the EXPERIENCES lives of the parents that came before , all the way back to that FUCKING BACTERIA tthat started it all ,,,, the data is soted encoded in COMPRESSED from on the sub atomic particles of those copies of DNA strands passed down form parent LIFE to CHILD life ……… the expectaion is written in ther the baisc rules for OPERATING HERE EFFEICIENTLY is ther . For if the PARENT LIFE id not pereate Effeienclty it would have had NO KIDS .
How do you look forward to and event that is for you actually very UN THINKABLE … HAVING 3 HAPPY NON EGO CENTERED WOMEN WHO co-operate for their own best inerst p[eace and harmony sexual fullfillement ,,, relaxation , creative living and ease of being a mommy …. How can you concieve or look forward to the DREAM ,,, the want of that when you have never ever seen it …. Look around you really think deeply about all your nieghbors in the homes around you look a the garabage cans on garagbage days and look at the amount of wine bottles and beer bottles and remember ,,, OHH SURE WE LIE TO EACH OTHER THAT WE DRINK wine for taste and aprreciation , but the facts is the factds if you were to be honest and remember the events of learning how to DRINK POISIN ,, yes beer wine , JACK it is all poisined fruit or grain juice ,,, anturally you would avoid the juice of POISIEND fruit like you woulod avoid the smell of rotten meat …. but you TRAINED yourself to aprreciate the FASHIONALBE taste of poisin mainly to achieve the HIGH the BUZZ , the became a LIAR … about the truth of hating this confusing life so much you would ignore your won INSTINCTUAL NATUIRE for 1 minute of escape ….
Ahh this is , important ,, emotion ,,, what feels good and what feels bad ,,, you have been trained so much to not worry about your won feelings , but live in the MOLD of what is expected of …of … you by sociaety ,,,, to the point you accept living in hatered of your won life as ,,,, NORMAL … then how can you really feel the truth about your won emotional guidance if your guidance is so tainted as to BE A LIAR TO SELF … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html the emotional guidance SCALE on this page a reference to learning once more how you are really feely , expecially in terms of what you are LOOKING FORWARD TO …. When you are looking forward to and event that you have data about that you feel is POSSIBLE , how do you feel on the sacle , I am talking in terms about WANTED things like the anticaption of a cool fishing trip …. Now something as unreal ,,, as having antural peace relationship with THE OPPISITE SEX ,,, we all KNOW that relationships are hard you gotta work at ,,, there will be fighting etc etcetc ….. And this is not reflected any where else in the natural world of DNA animals except here in the human experience why is that dipshit my friend ?
The idea that 3 women can LOOK FORWARD TO SHARING YOU , how does that realy feel be honest with your self , if that feels like you are being a LIAR ,,,, that feeling is is important …. Moving that feeling up the scale will be the key to having the WANTED event happen in your life ,,, if your fishing trip …. Feels way down on the scale versus another fishing trip that feels way up on the sacel which trip in you PAST DID YOU REALLY ACTUALLY HAVE … the one that was UNTHINKABLE . OR THINAKBLE ..
Understanding ,,,,the truth about your DNA anture , as compared to your programeed expectaitons…. And and , then remember this is a TIME - SPACE adventure it will take time to make the changes upt he scale of expectations… I feel it isl like this ,,, 10 perecnt of the years you have lived + /- if you are 18 …. It will take about a year plus for you to really feel that the BEST vsion is possible ,,, ohh you my accept or create a , half assed vision only to feel frustration and return to old patterns ,,,, this is because you LEAPED thru time instead of experienced the adventure of time ….. Like so GURUS talk about manifestation , of the thought energy ,,,, gurus like NAPOLEN HILL hardly a guru many would think him more a strat forward CAPATALIST…. $$$$ show me the cash … but actuall if you read his later book a META THINKER AT HEART WHO KEPT IT ALL HIDEEN TO FIT INTO THW ROLD AND CULTURE of his reality . Manifestation … will happen the QUARKS and QUANTAS that make up this time/space ..of wants …. Who want and agree to form , THING so that EXPERIENCE CAN BE … that time space thing can be that we can have storyies to live ,.,,, instead of being the very possible thing every possible second all the time to the point that is is NOTHING … no 1 thing ,
Back to unthinkable pussy ,,,, you fanansty ideas of the POLY THE HAREM ,,, then there is real day to day year after year reality of the poly the harem ,,, there is the dream of landing the 6 lb bass there is the fact of casting my BOMBER bait INTO A TREE … also . Rainy days for sunny days , winters and summers ….. The design of the BIO MACHINE we use is such as to give us the chance to NOT HAVE TO …RE-INVENT the wehheell each life time ….. We carry with us knowledge for areason …. In your DAN is the compressed data to show that being a HAREM SPEICES will be easier and more fulfilling ,, AND THE EVEDENCE IS IN THE DESIGN OF HER PUSSY ,,, it is not exactly like other cousing apes who are not harem ,,family based ,,, more confusion family based aviolence family based .. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html violence like over 1 in 10 kids getting murdered mainly because of the manipulation of competing greedy females ,,,,, ahh the genisis of the eve spirit and a very close DNA cousint to us ,, yet the pussy all around real resembles the pussy of GORILLA LIKE YOUR , fat acorn headed dick resembles the non-sperm competive Gorilla , our size our LENGTH shows the EVNTS of sexual RECREATIOANL selection over the last 10,000 years a that is all . The more I can get you open to the idea of THINKABLE , THE FASTER AND HAPPIER THE ARRIVAL OF WHAT YOU LOOK FORWARD TO WILL BE.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
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