Sunday, July 27, 2008

m4m , f4f

M4m . F4f
Young master , as you open your mind to the REAL choices and freedoms you have in this life…. And you see the CLOSED minded relationship forms of the controllers the churches mainly .. Have not worked for them did not provide you with a happy childhood . A lot of you young masters who have more that the average brain and mind aAblitlity are choosing to explore M4m man for man , and girls also mainly because guys are so shy because they are so confused etc ,,, the girls also to get the affection they need that all animals need ….. They too are exploring F4f ,,, girl to girl … this is all fine and as it seems very antural even in the the world of our cousin apes this is very very common m4m or f4f ,, but to do it without also understanding the reasons for the shoice without exploring is to make a choice without all the DATA and understanding of the FREEDOMS of relationship choices you actually have ,,,now is NOT supposed to promoted as the 1 and only relationship choice just because it seems to be the most natural relationship that is TRUE ,,,,, but we humans yes..YES ,, have evolved into animal that can MORPH its instinctual calling sometimes with pleasnat fulfilling results ,
Other times not ,,, this comes to mind because of the interaction I have had recently with some gay couples ,,, m4m’s and f4f’s … and in both I found the same DOM/sub theme evovle in their 1 on 1 ….. I think even here the 1 on 1 is a stressfull relationship form .
The Demand of the Silver back ,,,, to be the boss is Supressing to 1 person … the concepts of the 3 tents ,, the 3 individual homes plus the masters quarrters ,, gives each of the girls some freedom to be in control of their own space yet ,,, also on their own terms interact with the Silver back MALE the DOM , like in the gorilla harem the female seduces she attracts the male when she is ready to fuck to interact with him in the way they are BIOLOGICALLY designed to enjoy interaction.
See young master if you really think about lets us say the Mars and Venus data understanding the Futility of TRYING so hard to force humanity to live in CONTRAST to its design … here study the pages you can get there for that link .. Think for yourself .
The 3 tents gives each human their own dynimc self the expression which it needs and the support system of FRIENDHSIP ,,, ( ahh now if the GREED of eve shows up well that is the evidecnce trail for that LONE indidivual for them to SELF soul search to figure out what they actually a truly want in life ) again personel choice . Freddom of choice
For everyon else the beinfits are there to BE CREATED AND ENJOYED I say created in that it is not magic , especially when understanding that we have been trained programed c conditioned to act outside of our nature so long it is hard to return to the loving nature that is HUMAN INSTINCT. ….
The studying of nature with out the FEAR based programming … will change how you feel. Try this page about cancer …. View it differently ..view this BODY COMMICATION for what nature actually desgned if to do … NATUES LITTLE HELPER … understand the ability for the bio -machine to SELF DESTRUCT when the GAME the ADVENTURE is just to fucking stressfull is a very neat ….. Skill … special feature or desgn .. But if viewed with FEAR of DEATH ( which by the way is the reason for the business of health care or relgons , the teachin of fear of death is the basis of ECOMONY and wealth creation .
Dating back from when withc doctors and priests both controled the gate ways to the after life and the concepts and skills of medicine …. the first coloum of this page is the dicsusion about the fear of death …. And again to refer to the owrds of Buddha “ all we have to fear is FEAR itself “
Now back to sex ,,,,, the fear that there is 1 man for each girl is the fear of girls and boys , the data we have been fed … and over the last few 1000 years of birth the birth rate has given us a closer male to female ratio …. But reality is this …. 1 in10 guys will CHOOSE to be gay ( now adays actually 2 in 10 ) …leaves 8 … 1 in 10 will die or go to long term prison because of being DUMB ..leaves 7 1 will be A-sexual non sexual genetically … leaves 6 … the 80/20 rule states that 20% percent will be responsible for 80 perent of the good ….. That means 2 men will be REAL MEN …. And the balance will be the bumms most girls date and complain about ….. It is not some cut and dry birth rate data ,,,, data can be re=assembled like I just did to give the conclusion of who ever is doing the writing to support their point of view ,,, in mine ,,, I take away ,,males because of varying factors ..leaving just 2 good men to SERVICE to be MEN to the 10 girls …. Of aour current parody of birth rates …. 1 man 5 girls…. The harem nature.
In nautre ,,the mom can not keep the UMIBICAL CORD . Connected to her son like we human have been doing now for years thru the use of $$$ …. And helping the weak male to live when nautral selcetion should have selected him ( FEAR OF DEATH TAKEN OUT OF THE EQUATION ) SELECTED him for a return trip back to the TAO … where is would still be himself in NON time space and MOM would be able to ineract with him her lil’baby after she leaves this ILLUSION of time/sapce but because of the PROGRAMING of fear , moms have established this idea that to let their young men …fly or live or prove themselves by themselves , is just to scary ….. So we have to many shitty men … and expect thiese shitty men to be something other than what they are …
Whya they are is OK , they should be the adventures of their own lives ,,, and live it for what is it is and if that means eventually having a family is that they will make the EFFORTS on their own to create that future …. Ahh again going back to the MANHOOD tests of the aborignal peoples where a man had to go alone and live a year …. In the wild before being welcomed back to the tribal lands and allowing him to have MATES …. Girls …. If he did not leave for his man hood training he couls stay but he would most probably express himself in gay manners ( homo sexuality was also around in aborginal tribes …. ) hell it is kinda seen in the gorilla tribe harem also , silver backs who do not leave the ahrem but live a SUBbie males , they provide stability and enhancement for larger groupd harems….. Their DOM drives not being stimulated sometimes till they are much older than would be expected … then they go off to form their own harems ..or take power as the older Silvber back becomes to weak and is ready to retire ,,,, lose his position go off into the woods and die … a naturl death returning to the toa ,,, without tohe programmed fears of mankind.
The struggle for life , the bio-machines A, PROGRAMING IN dna TO STRUGGLE TO LIVE IS strong yet …. It is different than the fear of some fairy tale about hell and living because of fear of death … while you read blog after blog person after person you hera the same thought stream of that this life is hardly worht living … the bio logical desire to live the balance with the emotional guidance of the EXPERIENCER of the tao , who uses the BIO-MACHINE to experience PONT OF VIEW of the un-impossilbe TAO …. And then the freedom of choice of the mind of the bio - machine based on their own experience their own walk their own wants the ,,,, variety … and freedom of choice ..
1 more choice to look at , in this world full of choices to freely ........ choose from !
The opening statement of

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