Lion love
Young master there is this great you tube video floating around showing the ability of the BEASTS of the field to having long term love …… real real real love ,,,,, now the lion for example like so many MAMMALS is a harem based family unit ….. And if the LION can love a human well is it not logical to think that the lion is also loving its family ? Why does the average girl FEEAR the idea of the POLY OR HAREM family so much , the idea of concept that real human love will not be expressed in the POLY family ,,,, a mis conception that the words of hope to stimulate you with new ideas
Well it is because of the MODELING ,, we do not learn thru words .. Or teachers all this does is pPREP us for experience , for when events like the HOT STOVE comes into our world as we grow up , well we are READY with DATA about the possilbes … it is not learn it is data from which we can then make better choices but it is the pssing thru the real events of confronting a HOT STOVE , that will leave REAL learning in our long term ememory ….
Relationships ,,,, and modeling … see modeling is learning or experienceing by the constanst small increments of expsosure …. Swince we in the WESTERN WORLD have made so amny things ILLEGAL support of the maninpulation for the betterment of a few … twisited and diconnected humans … well we have no POLY familys to view to make honest judgemenst about any more so we continue to BEAT THE OLD DRUM … of the 1 on 1 because of lack of ingredients in the kitchen of the universe of our experience . …..
Now if you look young master , and notice the DEPTH of the girls MANIPULATIVE efforts ,, how TWISTED they become in their quest for OWNERSHIP of you …. The self DESTRUCTIVE paths and activities they engage in the stress then is translated to everyone alround them including the health and wellness of their won body because they themselves are NOT LSTENING TO THEIR EMOTIONAL GUIDANCE SYSTEM …… but why ,, because they have not been shown any other model , and learnin is most commonly done by modelsing
I get a lot of letters often the same girl and often though the same theme as if I am writing back and forth to the same girl , yet they are different ,a nd the theme of he is cheating is there ,, the girls knows it and does not just move on ,,,, NO , she fights harder to the ALPHA FEMALE and expects him to relaize what she is doing , when she is acting and talking in a form that does not commuicate with him …. Again refer to the gereat observations of Dr. GRAY in MARS AND VENUS BOOKS . ..the contiued Resistance of the female starts the stress and dewpressions which are so common in female the increased problems with health ,,, especially amanifesting in her reproductive organs … cumlative effects often leading to expressions of her own hatered for her FEMALENESS example breast cancer …. If seen with META PYSHIHCAL EYES ….. IT IS AN EXPRESSION OF SELF rejection . And this has to do with the UNA-NATURAL attempt of the female to be an ALPH FEMALE , acting outside of her nature EXPECTING ownership and greed to be the real expression of LOVE …. The fairy tale ideas of love … the failed model of love that for 1000’s of years back in the time of the TRAGIC Greek theartre … they told stories about the hurt and pain and of course the HIGHEST OF HIGHS when the end of SEXUAL FRUSTRATION came and two humans were allowed … no longer aminpulated by social conventions expectations by HSOULDS AND HAVE TO’S tthe poisin of the TAOist anture . When finnally at last two people could be together in passion .
Ahh apssion the wet pussy the hard cock , both are results of HORMONES …………….. Reproductive messages as old as life expressing life itself , this is not FAIRY TALE SHIT , it is the evidence trail of MANIPULATION … un named … un realixzed un-DISCUSSED ….
Look young master at our magazines , read the covers of magazines while you are at the check out stand , and understand the importance the female animal has in this whole game and study about sex and relationships ……. Compare their magazines on average to our won , about fishing hunting basket ball and car racing … thiers is about sex , beauty aids ( which is at root sex ) ,,, health ane wieght which is again sex ….. About the way to a mans heart is thru his stomach cooking and cleaning angain ,,, it’s basis when percieved for what it really is is ,,,SEX …
Do not compare porn to this , yes we are said to have our heads stuck in sex also ,,, but PORN is just a tool to release the tension fo seuxaul needs ,,,, and the LARGEST FASTEST GROWNING CONSUMER OF PORN ,,,,,,, IS THE ……….. Westerniszed female worldwide , the largest PURCHASER of sex toys is the westernized female ,,,NOT US MALES , in fact we are a shrininkg market because of the ffects of cohericion/ control manipulatiion … after expressions of anger and done ,, after bullying is over …. And as we give up and hide in self medications like smoking dope and drinking beer everyday , we are then into number 10 withdrawing ..escaping , fanasty ,,,, then regresion …
Regresion is going backwards , the mommy effect letting the female rpresent mommy or the subltle leadership of a mother figure and thus ,,the amles acutally becomes NON-SEXUAL …… the factsa re the continued efects of thos UN NATUIRAL RELATIONSHIP FORM IT THE EXPRESION OF MALE un sexuality , AND THEN HE IFACT LIKE THE FEMALE IN VAST numbers …. Develops ILLNESS to get rid of the USE-LESS seuxal organs ,,,, like to the tune of 80% of men ( 20 percnet are active still but as gays open or closeted with a tiny fraction of promisucuos older HETRO men ) who develop PROSTRATE PROBLEMS ….. Like breast cancer if viewed from the META …. YOU see and understand . 1 on 1 is unatural for mamals there are 4260 speices of MAMALS with 1000’s sub species in each of those groups ,,,,,, the tiger which does not form a single home yet in his range or territory he protects and is involved with like 5 girls ,, each tigeress has her own private home .. ( 3 tents ) … how many animals are 1on 1 ‘s very very very few ,,,, mammals are not in some forom of poly family or harem family .
nature somehting we have not realy studied , we have built A BOMS we have travled to the moon , but we have not realy funded well the programs for observing nature in the wild except fo the last 30 or so years , and form that we have very little data , the observations of animals in our ZOOS is taineted by the ffects of human contact …. REMEMBER YOU ARE A PART OF THAT MAMMAL FAMILY ,, YOU ARE A DNA bio-machine …..
Thursday, July 17, 2008
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