My non sexual nature
Is part of nature also , the complexity of that Gorilla Self ,,the evidence I am not CHIMP/bonoboo but again it is not BLACK/White all or nothing a couple things 1 from nature is the return of big ole’ mr. TOMCAT around the ouse and the watching of thier dance of lust ….
Him and baby mamma cat … family unit after weeks of having a lil’one in the ouse 24/7 ,,, I am drinking a lot of make believe coffee and eating playdough doughnuts ….. And then there is that thing to learn from all those gigabytes of storage I have available to learn and compare from if I want to use it…
Ahhh it feels like ,,the coming again of MIRROR TIME …. It is not the the blame about who started what but the fact theat the evnts of re= occuring patterns show back up time and time again …. Nad how that would change if we humans again were to realize we were confused/and /conquered by the managers of PHAROHS . Slave industry ,,twisted into living a way that supported their ,the richest 1 percnet ,,, their desire and greed ,,, and we by default allowed it , and one of the ways managers first found out how to control armies and slaves was thru , the control of their sexual expression. The CARROT ON A STICK allowing of sex on THIE TREMS , for their goals and the sublte ablity of a smart mind to adapt to its TRAINING in its attempt to survive…. Remember do what I say or die ….that was man kinds reality often enough.
Then the effects of this maninpulation. … ok but it is not again all bad or good black or white ,,, but remember fission/fussion is to remeind you of that … not all or nothing ,, pyshcihcs is not all hard stuff and energy stuff but the effects of working with in each of those pyshihcs ,,living in PARADOX happily …. My noo sexual nature … is the reality of working to make ends meet most of my hours of the week , it is the wanting to see smiles , it is the non sexual natrue of the total family unit , ….. It is the ….HOVERING THAT BIG OLE’ MR TOMECAT is doing right now around the house and aroudn baby mamma cat … see she is at the end of this MOMMY cycle her last set of kettens are now getting big …. And moving away , hunting and exploring the world like mamma taught them to ,….. So herr interanl clock her HORMONES are stimulating and expressing themselves on the wind , her SCENT her commuication devise is turned on once more and TOMCAT has heard her commication and has returned from months of not being seen ,,, to watch him over this last week getting bolder and following her right to the front door of the house as she does her con job of being nice to me purring and shit to get a hand out of free food , then she will dissapar until she is hungrey again … then she will work … come be nice to the human get free food easier than catching somethng herself. …. This morning during my run I see MAMMA AND TOMCAT , on the lawn of a nieghbors , she is laying back chilling and TOM is sitting up .. WAITING … WAITING TILL her need for PENETRATION IS SO GREAT SHE PRESENTES HER PUSSY to him …..
Ok , my self ,,I am WAITING ….
In my pasts ,,, the times in old marraiges when things got realy cool , the focus was on family I did not leave ,,, but was just the mirror to what ws being presented , and what was being presented was the need for TERRITORY security ,,, ie ..job and work …. And playing with young children , eating and drinking make believe food ….. And tickling and water parks and river swimming etc etc ….
Sex was mainly during mastrubation time ,,, because th mirror ,,, was one where I saw and heard , I am sick my back hurts ai ma tired ,,, or the hormone commication was one of NOT NOW , I am in MOMMY MODE … now ,,,,, in my past when I tried to commucaite that this is what I feel .. Or seee ,,, the blame game showed the female confused at my lack of ….PRESSURIONG SEX ,,, I am not being sexually aggressive like a male is supposed be AS PER the descriptions in fairy tale book or the interurptations of my actions in the beginning of the relationahip when I was all over that pussy , but that was because the pussy was being presented to me , so my nature is then to fuck that presented pussy as often as I think it wanted to be penetrated .
When the commucation is different I move away ,,not unlike MR. TOMCAT , but in ways antureal to the harem nature I hold within , which means I come home daily after PATROLING MY TERRITORY ,, security work , in fact going to work for abastract hings called GREEN PAPER ,,, numbers on ledger in a bank …. But I come back ,,,, and soon I feel myself turning off , getting into that NON SEXUAL MOOD , the EXPECTATION of not having sex is so great because of repeated events , that I get what I expect form the female I live with , yet hse is starting to EXPECT something different based not upon REALY listening and understanding NATURE but based on the story book of love ,,,,, WHY IS HE NOT COMING ON TO ME ….
It is like this girl who tels a story about her husband she catches her secretly jacking off in the AM , and then she beats up on herself and him in her mind , wondering WHY IS HE JACKING OFF TO PORRN WHEN I AM IN THE OTHER ROOM AND HE …….KNOWS! From our past that he can fuck me any time there is no ,,,NO”S …. well wrong honestly she had told him many many many many , times not in many many subtle ways .. Till he a smart human learning from experience that is what we humans do automacitically adapt ….. He finds new expression for his every 7 hour needs till he ,,, hears the call his animal nature needs once more to hear froma female ,,, ehn a girl sublty comes on to him again , when she leaves that mommy mood or if it is a new girl who forexample never had the moomy mode and it is her who is , HOVERIN her scent commicating with his ANIMAL senses automatically … but woman number 1 is beating herself up woprrying about him not lvoing her ? Or not desiring her , when he is in the non sexual mode because THAT ALSO IS OUR NATURE …. As harem males that we have expression onf NON SEXUAL LOVE AND CARING ,,,, again go down the page in mating behavior and understand the RAPE WORLD OF THE CHIMP .. And the love and respect of the gorilla , in harems it is up to the girl to show her interest then ,,,the male starts ahanging sound until she is so horny that the pussy is so wett that it beggs for his penetrations …. The gorilla and human both have deep honor ,, and giving of HIS LIFE if needed for the family unit TRAITS ….. The chimps forms no LTR’S …. the swapping of females among the GANG is what is the norm ,
Young irls who have IMMATURE gang minded boyfriends ,,, since human are not black and white not all gorilla or chimp like yet fusion/fission we are grey , and show the effects of having the DNA of both cousin appes. in us ….. Go thru gang stages also ….
But instead of growing up in the harem like is our nature ,,, until it became ILLEGAL IN THE UNTIEDSTATES only about 130 years ago ,, only 130 years that is it , and is stilllegal in most of the civialized world except cultures of industrial SLAVEHOOD …. Where sublte controls have been pasted down from bossman to bossman from king and Clergy to to king and clergy , where the powerful rulers learned for the xperiences dating back to PHAROH.
To create states of unstablity at home is a form of divide and conquer . To give the population entertainment so they will work hard to get that FREE TIme , that day off the $$$ to party . And forget their troulbeles which are truobles created and maintained by the slave master industrist machine supported by the RELIGO who gets tithing of 10 perenct for providing ticket back into what is the QUATUM NATURE OF NATURE … the tao , they box it up within controls and call it good and charge you ten% to for a return ticket ….. Complexity upon complexity ….. Subtle issues young master .
Monday, July 7, 2008
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