Fat dick, slit pussy
Taken today form the science of others observations ,,,, I just want you to open your mind LARGER than the Ppro’s WHO we depend on for the answers , they often think about their boservations only from within the brick wall of books they all agree on as being THE WORD ! http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
“ Chimps have a narrow muscular penis inviting intentional displays rather than the fat hydrodynamic penis of the human “ THIS again ? Yes you gotta get to open the idea of FOCUS ,, see if you can only think about what has arealdy been thought you are limited to the trap of the past …. Look at the pictures on these two pages one of a chimps which the PH’d’s all say we are like , yet the evidence trail the form of your body TEACHS something else .. http://www.dhushara.com/paradoxhtm/homo.htm here is chimp info and http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
“ During copulation the female exhibits compressed lips and the male exhibits pursed lips. The female will occasionally look over her shoulder at the male, and sometimes wave her head side to side with her eyes closed and may emit copulatory whimpers.” hmm animals like us other DNA beings , sem to FEEL SEX ….. Expression of the lips ,, whimpers , looking back at the man who who is fucking her getting into and expressing it by shaking her head and hari…. etc. sound fammilair ?
“ Parameters for monitoring ovulation induction in the gorilla appear to be similar to those for humans ‘ the massive labia enlargement of the female of the chimp family is so grossly different than that of the female Gorilla or female human . As to again show evidnece of our DNA nature .
Masturbation: Manual:An animal rubs its genitals repeatedly with hands. Pelvic rub:A female backs up to an object (tree, rock, etc.) and rubs anogenital area against it. Haunch-bounce:While in a squatting position, a female bounces up and down on her haunches. (Referred to as Eve's "hiccuping.") Coo vocalization:Pursed lip vocalization sometimes given when female's masturbate.
GOOD DAM DOCTORS don’t write in regular words … but you can understand this , it is the same shit we see in our word …..DATING COMMUCICATION ,, the art of SEDUCTION ……
Sexual behavior: Anogenital touch:An animal examines or fondles the anogenital region of another. Anogenital sniff:An animal sniffs the anogenital region of another . Stare:A female stands motionless while intensely observing the male. Head jerk:While staring, a female intermittently jerks head to the side. The body is relaxed and lips are not compressed. (Referred to as "the come hither look".) Extended arm invitation:A female extends her arm with open palm toward the male. Ground or object tap:While orienting toward the male, a female repeatedly taps ground, rock or log with both hands (as if playing a drum). Haunch-scoot:While squatting, a female uses her arms to propel herself on her haunches toward the male. Quadrupedal-bounce:While standing on all fours and facing another animal, a female bounces hindquarters up and down. (Similar to haunch-bounce but done while animal is standing - may be form of masturbation as well as sexual solicitation.) Pronk:While standing on all fours and facing another animal, a female hops about in a jerky fashion. The hindquarters tend to be slightly elevated. (Behavior "invented" by Cleo.) Pronk-mount:A female pronks while grasping another animal around the waist. Present:A female stands quadrupedally and orients anogenital region directly toward another animal; hindquarters are slightly elevated (but not an exaggerated display as in some primates). Back-into:While presenting, a female walks backwards directly into another animal. Play-present:A female presents in a playful context. Form is generally exaggerated, e.g., animal bends way over with head close to ground and rump in the air. (May occur only in young animals.) Spread-legs display:A female slides on an incline past another with legs spread widely apart. Occurs in a playful context. Crouch:A female bends low to the ground with her limbs pulled in. Another animal may then mount dorso-ventrally. Lie prone:An animal lies flat on the ground face downward during a sexual encounter. Lie supine:An animal lies flat on the ground face upward during a sexual encounter. Dorso-ventral mount:An animal mounts another from behind. Ventro-ventral mount:An animal mounts another from the front. (Both animals face each other.) Ventro-ventral mount of infant:An adult animal stands quadrupedally over a supine infant and thrusts without making contact. Awkward mount:An animal mounts another, but orientation is improper, e.g., mounts from side, etc. Mount and thrust:An animal mounts another and thrusts, but intromission does not occur. Copulation:An animal mounts another and intromission occurs (hard to determine whether ejaculation occurs). Coo vocalization:Pursed lips vocalization given by female which may occur before, during or after copulation. Reach and touch:During copulation, a female reaches around with one arm and touches male on the head.
Why get so ,,,LOST ..in thoughts that you lose the evidence trail in easy sight? Why make it so difficult ….AHHHHH the F - word in the last sentence …the greed of
Does the embryological state of genital undifferentiation suggest the possibility of a collapse of gender from male and female singularities to a more complex, layered concept of sexuality where each of the sexes can be seen one within the other? Could the sexual body be represented as an ontologically transparent skin through which art and science are mutually visible? These questions are posed by the author in the form of cross-disciplinary works: original biological-visual research into the development of the genitals in the human embryo, 3D models, drawings, videos, paintings on the body and didactic lecture-performances. The works draw upon disparate fields of knowledge--linguistics, psychoanalysis, the histories of visual art and biological science, the subjectivity of the artist--to propose alternative terms for the construction of sex, sexuality and gender during this time of crisis in sexual difference as it stands at the intersection of feminism, science, art and politics.
Hey young master , this is way to complex to think about GOOD then stay LIVING THE LIFE YOU should be a good boy , and follow in foot steps of those who went before you ,,, in others words BE A FOLLOWER …. A slave …
Not the a master ….
Saturday, July 26, 2008
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