Win , win , win ….
Young master it is nice that the kitchen of the universe is so large you have the OP to create your own special dish of living of life stlye from the all possilbe ingredients available. To suit your personel flavor then invite others to taste and see if they like it ….. Understand I said taste to try , to explore ,,,I put in not HAVE TO’s yet so many will come along and demand of me that I see there point of view ,,, give the OPP of tasting is different ,,, than blindy continueing to press a issue with YES BUTS …..
Kids are on my mind ,,, with the little still here for some more weeks to come 24/7 it has been a pleasure and remeinding me of single daddy days , wear I could create as if saw fit ,,,,, there were years there I had 3 lil ones working full time , no family to help , just me … I had a kitchen of ideas and creating the EXPECTION ,,,,,, creating instinlling POSITVE EXPECTATION ….. The core of meta pyshics. Actually is instinctual…..
Now when the gorilla troop arrives at new location and proceeds to set up their temp housing and bedding of leaves , that activity , drives away much of the DANGEROUS animals like snakes that may have been around that area ,,,,, again the BLUSTERING activity of the DOM male also , signals to much and many , yo ! Unless you are up to getting fucked up by one big 700 lb vegatarian ,, fucking stay away from this area for today. With out thinkig from instinct , they all proivde a SAFE LOCATION for the babys of the troop to explore … the nature of young ones is to stick close to mommy ,,,, you see this when you try to drop you child off at daycare they scream because of the seperation ……. It is unnnaturl at these young ages ,,,
Yet society wants this ….. Pushes us into stress at very one ages , the thought form of ECOMONY to help insure the future of confused stressed and thus CONQUEREED , working class of slaves ,, who need the escape of purchased recreations … dependadnt ….addicted ….
Back to instinct … I have a choice in my own … , to create that safe EVIROMENT for the youngin’s I INVITED INTO TIME/SPACE….. It is my frree choice to fill my home with BREAKABLE shit which will cause me me stress if the young ones break it , my anger of my expression after some important EGO item antique has been damaged by a child who does not UNDERSTAND EGO items and how they are ME ….. Can only see that the thing … that broken thing is more important to the parent than the child is …. Now ,,,, I make choices ,,, I invited the kids in ..they do not have the ADDICTION the need to find personel importance of position in culture thur the OWNING OF POSSENSIONS , ( less possensions the rcomemendation of all ancient sages , so the theme has been around for 1000’s of years. ) ….. I can still have my shit but why do I need to display it ,,, in the SAFE territory that I should be creating for the babys of my troop is not creating SAFETY the repsonsiblity of the parenst … who invited baby traveler from the Tao into time/space ?
Yet we humans feel that the baby SHOULD LEANR way before ..BEFORE they are ready ….before they have become depandant on things for their self worth … like parents have … it is like a baby animal living in a cave that is full of dangers ….. Full of poisiins and snakes and scorpins …. Does not the mom and dad gorilla their natural activity is one of picking a safe place and one where the Bee’s nest is not RIGHT THERE for everyone to wrooy about ? What happened to logic?
Next is activity teaching the child to expect to win ,,, at living ,,,, I do not place myself the gorilla does not pick a sleep area right next to cliff .. Wear accidental death can happen sith aslip …oppps game fucking over ….. Age approriate games ,,, letting the kid WIN the do not understand or want to realy understand the sublte stragerty of moving chess pieces they are just hings to slide around , and I let them beat me ,,,yes 2 year old beat daddy , over and over , yes wrestle with me and WIN … play cards game an I let you learn to EXPECT POSTIVE RESULTS . For all to soon you will learn slowoly and naturally that things will not always go your way but , while you in that beginning stages of learning about time/space a dememension where your WNATO nd EXPECTAION , you power of thought will play a massive role in the gins you will experience why not instill the basic expectaion of getting good things
But if I force them to LIVE in adult world so young where every second they HEAR …NO , NO , NO you can not win !!!! No no no ,,, I insitll the mind set of a slave …… the mind set you grew up in most likely … the mind a caged animal , who evnetually gives up and adapts to it …
Your freedom of choice for something someone you Say… you proclaim love for … but the eveidnce trail shows love for yourself and love for your EGO is much stronger than the love fo humanity … your freedom of choice is to let them WIN WIN WIN and then win some more even alloowing CHESTING , because at this age up till the start to loose their MILK TEETH ..their baby teeth it is and was and still is the design of nature that thy should be ahaging close to a loving protective parenst not thrown into the INDUSTRIAL world of programming , leanr young how to be a COG in the macherenry of ECOMONY .. Sepearte alone ..dependandt on EGO items and self mediaction ….and the adivse of professionals who , actuall enhance the whole system of CONTROLS.. For they can not live the life of PROFESSIONAL with out you growning up to be DEPENDANT on them allowing them their lifestlyes of power .
As nature urges the child away from the mom or dad they will learn to adapt to the social demands of interacting with friends ,,, if they act in correctly antural selelction will EXCLUDE them from any of the activities until such time as the child is ready to GIVE AND RECEIVE ….. And what is the antural design of the mom well the mom should be now focused on her next INVITED GUEST .. While her first now getting ready to lose those mild teeth the evidence trail of ready to go out and exlpore … well she is now focused on PROTECTION of the next TRaVELOR … there for the last baby but with INSTINCTUAL urges of protection for the next …. And does that urge mean … the baby should leanr about the concept of the $$$ dollare value of that items mom bought so she could show it off to her friends , proving her psositon in the world of a THOUGHT FORM called ecomonoy a concept so ab stract that the PARESNTS THEMSELVES do not understand their own ..slavehood to it? How can a baby , really undesrtand it?
Saturday, July 12, 2008
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