Friday, January 16, 2009

saving marijuanna seeds

Saving marijuana seed

so I was talking with spot last nigh at JAMMIN’ IN JENSEN ,,,, covering the tye dye booth for Deb who is still out of town ….and spot said you can build anything on / ( i am ...... the clown of tao ) hmmmm interesting worth giving a few minutes a day to ….. but I guess I wll need expert help building the i wonder can i have custome furniture … would I be able to buy BDSM items like a Saint Andrews cross for my dungeon ? can I be a nudist on gaia ? have familys? Design gardens and fishing ponds ?

ahhh so if I were realy dealing in mari-juanna seed I guess I would have gotten your attention huh? Young master but instead I was saving …breaking and paking weed seed ..not weeds but second generation lettuce seed …… the genetic offspring of lettuce that TRHRIVED in my exact location and earth type ..seeds predisposed to growing in my world.

This theme has some angles to it ,,first is your young master…NEED TO ESCAPE …. Living the model that yu grew up in . I mean I am inot BLUE BERRYS but mine growon plants and wellthe active ingredient of your originated from plant origins ..OPIATES …. But your are ….. well from what I hear the SUBDUED slave on opiates is not as mean as you are when you are drunk so it is better for your chick and the kids for you to be ESCAPING thru opiates …blueberries ,the weekly cost even at the redeuced per hit cost I hear you are getting of 20 bucks each is still costing on aveage 100 per week not everyday … just 5 day the other days it is weed and beer …. But beer accomapanies even the blue berries …. OHHH OVER TIME opium based highs destroy sexual libidos . the deep cost of MENTAL SLAVERY not under standing the ..mind fuck that has casued to to seek ESCAPES …

But my lettuce seeds …… you laugh why would phil spend time with seeds when you can buy them at home depot for like a $1 …. Yes my orginal seed I bought there …. And yes you get 1000 sedd for a buck ….. but lets us look at ecomonics …. In many forms …first is recreational value ..ESCAPE …. Relaxation ….. and coming home and playing with NATURE in a very real way ..a way that is actually feeding me real food something I have to do EAT ….. is a satifying recreation much better than WI or TV or computer living like Giai ….. the better my plants are the happier they are for they are LIFE … beings ….. the toa expressed as the adventure of BEING …. ( lettuce ? hey why not INFINITY IS LONG ….. you got way to much time to explore every different possible life and state of BEING ….. so a part of the I … IN …. I … is being lettuce … actually me my inner self is still part of that I in I )
The thoughts that you think will — wanted or not wanted—eventually become manifestation if your vibrational accord is sufficient enough... And so, you could say, as you're launching thoughts of appreciation and things that make you feel good, that you're filling your Vibrational Escrow full of all kinds of things that are going to please you when you get there.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Sacramento, CA on Wednesday, July 27th, 2005
Plus cash …… how much is it ..ohh first I think I am correct but like 2 years ago at Wendys you were bitching that they only gave you 1 piece of lettuce on your $3 burger … for sure you did not buy the Groody Dead animal flesh sandwich for the lettuce ,,but you NOTICING of the lack of lettuce does say something for the importance of lettuce ?? if I were to have fresh lettce everyday ..fresh organic lettce ibis types from lets say WHOLE FOODS markets honestly with the life sapn of lettuce etc ….. it would end up over the months to have daily fresh lettuce a per day cost of about $1 …….
That bag of wild-IZED genetically modified by nature to thrive in my location …. Had enough seeds ( lettuce plants I let bolt then collected the seeds heads as they matured ) to provided about 3 sets of planting or about 3 to 4 months worth of lettuce grazing …. Or about $120 worth of the freshest most natural foods that you can not even buy at a store … the true meaning of the PHRASE …..EAT local ! …..
And you think $120 over 4 months who cares ..well you should dipshit ,,,, you are still living with mommy and daddy with you girll and the kids you have given her in onw room ….. why because you ….. are a ……____________ you fill it in ( slave to ecomony who has to excape the PAIN of being a man …. Of the divide and conquer .. not thinking for your self about what has happened and the MODEL you are now providing for your won BIO LOGICAL OFFSPRING ? )
Ahh the toatll complexity of it …..saving lettuce seeds something I can buy for a buck sounds like a waste of time when I could be escaping like you HIGH ON ..WHAT EVER ? being KEWL

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