Breaking into pussy
Young master … it is like clothes are a COMBINATION to a safe each piece of closes is like the number of the combination that unlocks the pussy under neath … is manipulation. For the human skin is NATURAL ..helll all around you are people talking shit about how healthy and naturl they are are then look at how up tight we all are and they TOO are about their clothes ..their true self esteem is shownin the manipulations they go thru to hide themselves ..for they are not the clothes or the big white SUV but the flesh … the human ..
Now girls wonder why are guys so fucking mean why do they lie so much etc etc etc .. why are they such drunks why do they spend all their time involved in sprots …. And all of this can be found in the effects of manipulation expecally chroninc manipulation confusion anxiety about not realy understanding the RULES ..really …. The effects of manipulation
1. resistance , defiance , rebellion , negativism
2. resentment , anger , hostility
3. aggression , retaliation , striking back
4. lying ,
5. blaming ,
6. dominating , bossing , bullying
7. needing to win , hating to lose
8. forming alliances , organizing against
9. submission , obedience , compliance
10. courting Favor (
11. conformity , lack of creativity , fear of trying something new
12. withdrawing , escaping , fantasying , regression
giving the fuck up and investing your money in Budweiser or getting lost in activities that a person feels they have some form of control over or understanding about ….can be seen in numbers 9 and in number 12
I am going to refer back to the entertainer ESTER HICKS here …. ( entertainer teachers are not supposed to be like Fucking Gods to you their QUANTUM equal you a = I of I … good teachera are supposed stimulate your individual thinking ..not use their knowledge to control you to GUILT you into living their way ,,but guide you and expand you .help you realize form your won experience ..because words do not TEACH they are only DATA it is the comparison of the DATA with you personel exerpince which realy teaches ..the comparison thru realiazing wht your inner self is feeling FREE OF SOCIAL GUILT and shoulds … emtioanl guidance scale realizing all NATURAL LIFE strives for the sun light it is INSTINCT ..strives for what feels better and better ,
Ester talks about Dope or BEER as tools of … finding any form of aligment the INSTINCTUAL inner self being expressed thru a DNA bio machine can do given its state of MANIPULATION …. A tool for numbing and become submissive in the end to the CONFUSE AND CONQUER of societys rules ….
You willnot walk around with a constant hard on if you were in a social family oriented NUDIST environment …..SEX WOULD BECOME a ntural expression of UNCONDITIONAL love … of giving to each other thru the PLEASURE of touch …. The feel good spots …kinda like how natural it is to masturbate it is done thru out nature animals do it …
masturbation is a normal part of childChild neglect and psychological abuseChild safety seatsChild tylenol cold multi-symptom plus coughSchool age child development
hover_boxes.hoverize_link('term_22581_1', 'highlight_term')
developmentAdolescent developmentAsperger syndromeAutismDevelopment of baby teethDevelopment of permanent teethDevelopmental dysplasia of the hipDevelopmental growthDevelopmental milestonesDevelopmental milestones recordDevelopmental process of atherosclerosisDevelopmental reading disorder
hover_boxes.hoverize_link('term_22581_2', 'highlight_term')
. Don't punish a child for engaging in this behaviorAutistic behaviorBehavior - unusual or strangeBulimiaHyperactivitySuicide and suicidal behaviorTemper tantrums
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, but it would be appropriate to have a chat with the child and explain to her/him that if when they does that, she should do it in privacy like in the bathroom, a bedroom, etc.
all the TWISTED INSTINCT we have been guilted inot accepting that fucks up the basis for natural expressions of humanity love for each other …. And family acceptance of the natural goal of feeling good moving towards the sumlight like every expression of DNa life soes here in this time/space adventure .
If you have the ability to desire it, the Universe has the ability to deliver it. You’ve just got to line up with what you want, which means—be as happy as you can be as often as you can be there, and let everything else take care of itself.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Asheville, NC on Sunday, April 25th, 2004
The thoughts you experience … you allow yourself to think ..the FREE choice to choose ANOTHER thought about what yu are expeincing ..the choice to notice the other 97% of life of …atomic matter of activity that is actually PRETTY FUCKING …OK …. The sky is ever changing and dynimc and fun to watch the trees moe the bird fly the dust blows … every where in everything are OTHER THINGS or aspects to FOCUS ON allowy you reslt to think to realize that GOOD abounds if you would just let yourself seee that more often then you will get a bigger and bigger Quantum stream of things like that
Yeah but… is that your reaction to my words ….. it takes time to break old habits … are you 20 it will take a good 10% of your years to break the training that you have been mind fucked with …. It will take 2 years to … become naturally more positiviely focused until then …… you will be doing a lot of yeah buts ..and the staying focused on the negatives is remember your choice … you can choose to focus on something better …
Back to being nude …… and touching human skin and the unlocking of the PRIZE under that sexy chicks clothes ,,,, think for yourself about the level of CONTROL her clothes gives her ,,,she knows about the flood of HORMONES rushing thru your viesn …she understanding the industry of SEX of strippers and how the TEASE effects men into …. Welll it is almost valentines day … AND DIAMONDS Will make the clothes f many many girls fall right off .. EVERY KISS BEGINS WILL …ZALES ….. ahhh the gold the power expressions of the kings an queens AND WHO IS REALY PULLING THE STRINGS in sublte manipulative ways creating THE NIGHTMARE then blaming MEN for the effects of the manipulation the created and maintain …. POINT A FINGER AND REMEMBER 3 MORE ARE POINTING BACK AT YOU … ( fathers who wanted to catch the ye of PHAROH sold their daughters thru exanagrated sexuality so as to gain position in court ….. the 3 fingers pointing back at me …yet men did not know the arts of make up so …mommy and grand mommy had to educate the daughters in the arts of sexual manipulation ,,,,, WE ALL ARE TO BLAME >>>
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
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