Saturday, January 24, 2009


Pussy cumms easy

Young master your TRAINED expectations ..are resuted from training many thru the life MODELS you lived , the $$$ cash flow of your parents … since they had a certain social group you have been kinda born in to a CLASS system … and you tooo gravitate to that which is familiar because the unfamiliar is un comfortable ….. the AUTO PILOT … of the BIO machine ..
WORD TOOLS and teachers I bring up ESTER HICKS a lot for her word tool I understand ..her clarity of telling everyone think for yourself do it your self you do not need me ..but I am here for these baby steps you need hand holding to break free of your PROGRAMING …. Another good fashionable teacher is ..the CONVERSATION WITH GOD dude …his links you find on the Children Issues pages why because home schooling to help create a stablier BUBBLE for your family ,,, FREE choice …. The kids willhave the right and desire to eXPLORE the contrast later as their INSTINCTUAL MATURE ARRIVES AND the expression of wanting to leave the nest comes into tplay around 15 +/- before the harem family and the children born to the moms who INSTINCTUALLY by FREE choice have choosen this life style …. there should be a new play mate for each mom on average of every 5 years …. With a common starting point of having a baby fairy quickly after decidieng to be part of a poly family …. Then slowing down to enjoy the flow of the other girls having new babys to dote over … and you dumb ass welll we just be DADDYS ….. not mommys like current relationship models try to create the male to be ..

But today is supposed about about the repressed sexual expression … of ressitance to feeling her orgasim because of the repeated social training that sex is BAD …. Well that topic expressed is over you can understand it ,,it is easy ….. if she was able to and trained to and modeled that sex was natural and good well the repression would not be there … so . understanding the ROOTS of the BOX OF THE MIND …the unwanted … understanding step 1 helps a person to think more PURELY to want more purely … and in that thnking …step to ..want everything …. The energyt hat CREATES WORLD will be sent out into the UNFORMED .. toa … as a persenel choice of you an INDIVUAUL user of a bio-machine to then expreince variations on the WANTED theme further Clarifying the wanted Aspects for YOU . so I guess I should bring up again the reference to masturbation ..found in

But the BOX the limited or trained expecations of life style … hmmmm $$$$ …. You can get a $3.00 tub of fresh greens at SAMS club ….. cheap cheap cheap ….. permaculture the tour of duty ,,the paid off houses ,,the ablity to have your own MICRO industry company ….. and then fruit trees ( it will take 5 years for them to be areal source of food depending on the size and type of trees you buy ) ….. and the SQUARE FOOT GARDEN … there you will realize a food flow within 6 months of learning and expereimenting ….
Now the picture of the lil’angle playing in the idrt with her parents …… ahhh there is something that can NOT be bought with 3 dollars at the corporation sotre …. $$$ can not do everything …. It is not about the $3 bucks realy yet it is about MONEY tooo.. it is about mental freedom deep inner ffeeelings of SELF ….. satlbity on the deepest level to be FREE of the constant need to jump thru hoops for the basisics of MASLOW HIERARCHY OF NEEDS ..sure young master make that cash ,,,, buy shit have fun ,,, hey invest some in lands for the next genenartion instead of saving for university … if they want to go to college they can find their own funding but developing start up land for them ,,planting the food while they are still only 8 or ten .. well when they are 18 …they have a sense of securuity their BAcholars Degree realy does not give …

The DEGREE just means they can make more $$$ to spend more $$ and actually live more DEPNDANT …. More trapped on the and in the system of slavery … I wonder if you are getting the freedom BASSIS ia m trying to open your mind to ,, are you feeling it or is this concept so far OUTSIDE of the model of your up bringing that you can ot evn conceptualize …?'s_hierarchy_of_needs getting this aspect of living so ..easy to CARCK THAT NUT ..that it is a non thought … housing electric food …. Done done done never to be thougt about …is freedom of the BIO MACHINE … that is SECurity we all want for OUR loved ones and well your kids even though you do not know it yet ..they will be a very important loved one ….. their free choice not to take dad up on living on the land he created for them while they were kids is their free choice ,,the concept that the land is always there …… is a safety net ..that allows them to walk higher on the HIGH WIRE of explorations …it is NOT ABOUT THE $3.OO … for the box of greens …. It is so much more deeper

It is not about the concept of GOD or spirit it is the understanding of the ..WHOLE ISTIC adventure …. Mind .stress ….. bio mechanics and recreations moving towards the wanted ..THE SPIRIT AND understanding the trained concepts and the UNTHINKABLE NESS of in fi nite …. Unthinkable beyond 2 gigs of human brain processing …. We only process DATA blocks that are able to be recongnized by limited senors tools of touch hearing sight ..we do not seee ..the REAL data of an object … we just see the block called tree , we do not see the DATA of molecules ..for at that leve just 1 molecule express’s more than 2 gigs of data per second more than our brain can process so OUR BIO MACHINE filters LIMITES reality so that we can function . … understanding the UNWANTED to ehlp you live the wanted and the wanted ..well is simple ….
You like smiles …. But living only for the smiles of others …. And suppressing the smiles of you is TIWISTED use of the concept …. It is the raining of serving the god/king MAKING paharoh smile AND then earning a right to go to heaven after your service with PAHROH …. No …… you thinking aobut what makes you SMILE expressing … YOU and then realizing the nature of social animal values that are OUR ISNTICNTS ..the auto macitc blending …. So that in being true to yourself … you provide a stability that will create DEEPER TRUER SMILES ….being true to your self is BEING A HARD DICKED HORNY MALE ……

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