Sunday, January 11, 2009

a mary un happiness

A mary un happiness

I have written a whole bunch of shit over the last few years ? correct ? have you been thinking ?

I wish you a merry un happiness , I wish you an merry un happiness , I wish you a merry un happiness and an PAINFULL new year ….and we call this LOVE ? the basis of the I LOVE YOU FAIRY TALE is one of being SPEICAL ….. un-naturally special …. Un I in I Tao … to be the Focus of attention that is so IMPORTANT , that if you or the other were missing then there would be PAIN …. You wish young master ..that she would FEEL it! Feel the Confusion you had felt in the relationship ….. you want her to feel BAD after the break up happens … YOU WANTED TO BE MISSED ….. you wish that person who you said , … you loved…… you wish them PAIN ?

AND THIS IS LOVE ? un conditional love? Fuck no …. Very very conditional love ,, in fact not love at all . but IN SECURUTIY …….. lack of self worth .

Look young master ……. This NOW you are experiencing here in a very very very fast Assembalge of Quantas …. Into time space based upon the expecatations learned from the entry into using A BIO MACHINE …. Or human body . but the facts is facts ..


The aboriginal human often had a saying …. IT IS A GOOD DAY TO DIE …. An aborted christain translation based upon POLLUTED programming and word tools …… it is a good day to transiton back into the …UNTHINKABLEMESS of Tao. ..transition . and 1 second or NOW you are here an in another second ….. you are in the unthinkable .

Would you want your loved ones to FEEL PAIN of the missing of you? ..and you call this love ? you are sick and you do not love any one if you wish them pain …in the MISSING OF YOU . ahh the fairy tale of love is based upon this ,,the … PRODUCT of threatre starting from days of the Greek Tragertys .

The TRANSITION of relationship ….. of love is the same ….. the Harem gorilla is an example of UN CONDITIONAL LOVE … .. the male does what is INSTINCTUAL for him and the millions of years of DNA in him ( you are a DNA animal also and our current stress is the example the evidence trail of the TWISTED INSTINCT or DNA expectation not being allowed to lived because of …socal Shoulds )
He builds provides claims and area of EARTH …. In this area there is food protection for the Females who can come and go as the PLEASE ….. as the PLEASE … I n hopes of feeling GOOD … the moving towards that which is fun or feels good is the INSTINCT of TAO and the core of the TEACHER/ ENTERATINER ester hicks and her stage show of channeling ABRAHAM ….

You can live comfortably and joyfully and resiliently and healthfully as long as you have desire that summons life through you. People don't die because they pass through time. They die because they don't allow this arena to stimulate decisions. The only reason people ever die is either because they have stopped making decisions about being here, or they have made decisions about being Nonphysical. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Orlando, FL on Saturday, February 21st, 1998
In nature …. If the female wants to leave ….. she can just walk away …… now in the chimp world ( who we share a lot of DNA with yet sexually we resemble the Gorilla more ) there are VIOLENT WARS revoling around sex , to the point that 14 babies out every 100 get murdered in SEX/love based ..violence ….. in the bonobo world you the male has no mating rights except … what the girls decide for you like ..the DRONE male bee of a bee hive … ( bononboos are chimps but with another sexual SYSTEM not to much different than their brothers they just found new social controls …. Yet again look at the BIO machine ..we resrmble more the Gorilla ) and the gorilla has a very very very peaceful life ..even more peaceful that bonoboo ….
But ……… we do not love unconditionally ..allowing growing and the natural expression of the search for personel PLEASURE ..and that pleasure can be the SECURE FAMILY …. Provided by the HAREM MALE …… here you must again understand concepts of PERMACULTURE nad the tour of duty and the building of Green housing ..that makes LIFE …SIMPLE AND STABLE .. FREE of the stress common to most . LOOK THRU THE FREE STUFF PAGES of
we want the other to see us as the MOST IMPORATNT ASPECT OF THEIR LIVES ….. we get again ..SELF WORTH in that manner …… hmm self worth issues at the core ? and when it collapses we get hurt feel lied to … and SPREAD anger pain in mis DIREDTED WAYS ..because HATE IS GOOD it is motivating … the energy to learn and build from the Contrast to move again towards the wanted …. .......... think for yourself

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