Pure want to fuck
And I am wondering to myself is FANTASY a pure want ? hey young master you KNOW that I ain’t got IT ! … experience is adventure for every one of us always in ALL WAYS ..there ain’t NO ONE with the Answer for you ..they can give ideas … info ..SPICES from the isials of the grocery soptre of IN FI NITE POSSIBLES … but you in your experience …. Have to do the living . as they have to do their living for themselves by them selves ,,, loads of teachers maybe so sad in what they have experienced and what they see around … that they would like it to be a state of 1….. 1 pure concepts …but not here that is not what … this DREAM of time/space is about ..distilling things back inot a state of 1 but the exploration thru SEPERATION of all … ALL POSSIBLES .. all possible story lines or naovels ..or adventures and each comes up twith what WORKS and ( does not work out for them ( hey even the horror lives in the state of TAO …. Will nothing more than just the GREATEST of horror fils you have ever seen while being here alive ….
Ohh but back to sex …… and your alone time ….. that time when you are doing your step 2 of the 5steps … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html and i am wondering how much of SEX FANYASY could be classiflied as PURE wanting …. Wants with out the Baggage of needs …. Which are the focus in Truth of the state where you are not …thinking of where you want to go …for remember each NAO SECOND …the HERE AND NOW … is disappearing becoming justexperinced DAT or memeory in the inifite state of tao possibles …… reality is a NANO SECOND expression of QUANTUM FORM ….. the quantum being a thing for that nao second … an AGREEMENT of ATTRACTION .. assembling into what is EXPECTED … the constant Assembalage …of the universe …. Like pages of matter we travel thru the pages so fast like ,,, images on a movie film … like expressions of data assembling on the screen and then dissaparing …. http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html and http://www.instinctualism.org/quanta.html
Are your dreams of SEX your wants …. PURE or poisoned by limits and fears and mostly …. MOSTLY FRUSTRATIONS … remember sex is supposed to be a antural everyday part of being the savannah ape ..that we are ..we are from a very NATURAL nudist sexually recreation DAN strand ..of GREAT apes … http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html in the REPRESSION of your INSTINCTS you act out of a state of HORMONE frustrations …
“ you will find it all very exciting at first .But can you last more than a night ? More than a week ? More than a month ? Will you want to be his slave 3 months from now? “ there is a lot of good and shityy info in the book compleat slave . http://www.amazon.com/Compleat-Slave-Creating-submissive-Lifestyle/dp/1881943135
there is the needy ness state of one who has lost her sence of self so much as to desire SLAVEHOOD and as her sence of self comes back her self esteem the relationship that first formed …will change she will no longer be that PURE FOLLOWER she came to you ..young master as …… ahhh the step1 once again the NEVER …EVER ENDING of the adventure …. Thank god it never gets done perfection is so boring we leave the state of TAO to be here in the agreement state of Limits …..forgetting WHO AND WHAT WE ARE .
THAT IS WHY ON THE section about children in http://www.instinctualism.org/relationship_contract.html there is a guide …. Guidelines NO just ideas spices for you to use to make your own Pie ….. ideas
6 months …make sure that the Fansty state born from the contrast the wants the pains and confusions of living in a fairy tale ..passed down thru the ages for 1000’s of years written by such smart reverded men of knowledge that men after men have just REJURTATED the spices of some one elses life experience …. http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html
fansty is important … it is thinking ….. is it the thinking that I will be FOREVER jackin off to porn images? ..is it the tool of stimulating PURE THOUGHTS .that combine with ..the ACTIONS of PASSIONS ..that get you out of bed everyday in the building of a THOUGHT FORM life style ,,, now we have a PURER .. ( never pure noever done never compleat …. Always with the Op ..oppurutunity to exeperinece a contrast ) a purer life , based upon the expecations of the COUNTLESS tao.. beings that form the BIO MACHINE that we use … that live with Expecations built and writien in the DAN design of the form they ,,, indivuvual cells use …. To experience MULTI CELLED LIFE . AHHHHH …instincts … and th cause for the site of SPICE .. http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html
( think for yourself ,,feel … it … remember you have been trained to accept living in a state of slavery ….. of limits or REPRESSIONS …. So whatyou believe is happiness maybe just happiness from with the ALLOWD limits of society and not TRUTH of your instinctual nature ….. so agin re visit the emotional guidance scale feeling the Bio chemical messages of the bio machenin you use … understand expressions of the sexual lfrustartion born of floods of HORMONES …. Strong chemicals like the MORPHINES ofendorphine and the sexual hormones of testosrones . )
what does the entertainer Ester have to say today …..
Never mind what-is. Imagine it the way you want it to be so that your vibration is a match to your desire. When your vibration is a match to your desire, all things in your experience will gravitate to meet that match every time. --- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Sunday, January 12th, 1997
Just an entertainer ..a teacher who if you were to listen to her tells you and everyone …I AM NOT GOD … think for yourself ,, Ester is just ranslating her ideas ..her own expressions of TAO … you can and do it for yourself also everyday …. Use her spices by free chopice and in constant learning tasting your PIE each step of the way and adjusting the Recipe that tastes RIGHT for you . ( think for yourself )
Saturday, January 17, 2009
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