Monday, January 19, 2009

nude and natural

· Nude is NaTural
NUDE IS NATURAL it is INSTINCTUAL it relfects deep self esteem . How about foto of just your NUDE arm , ankle , fat belly or messed up morining hair ? The real YOU . Do you like yourself enough to be ....NUDE AND NATURAL
Nude and antural

It is about …. Self esteem … un conditional love of SELF first ,,, ahh to start there it is always about SWEEPING YOUR FRONT DOOR STEP … all changes tarts with in …in .. you ….. young master first change your THINKING and then you actions will follow and then the world you FREELY choose to live will chage ,,what you GRAVITATE to also changes and tthen you find the UNCONDITIOANL love of humanity every where .

Be naked and feel the freedom of not having the STRESS the WIEGHT of the fabric coviering you …. It is not just the FABRICS but the …SELF IMAGES that each piece of clothing brings into your mind and self image ,,, your POSITION in a social structure …

Resistance ..resistant thinking is the WORD TOOL used to describe the RESULTS of years of a life time …..or PROGRAMING of mind fuck …look around you no other DNA species lives in so much fear …. Like we do we are afraid realy of almost everything . we can find the BAD the negative expecations in anything …even when you meet the most turned On tapped In happy person if you wanted to you could find something about them to DISLIKE ..the key though …in that example is the WANT OT expressed in the finding of the negative aspect .

For it is NATURE to realize and expect the GOOD …. Ion fact that iswhy ,,, you FEEL naughty going NUDE … like breaking a law or something ,,,, again the interst in doing dope really comes from the BREAKING of parental bonds and bbreaking of STIFLING rules ( plus the effects of the poisin helping to numb the confusion of be a SLAVE ) the expression of the effects of manipulation

Embarrassed in your bare ass ….. dating back passed down 1000’s of year from the time when LIKE arisitole formed his ideas into WORD TOOLS for the benift of the RULERS the pharohs of his time … the time when CITIZENS got to where clothes and SLAVES did not ,,,, we are the only animal who depends on clothes 24/7 we even wear clothes at night in the privacy of our own beds …

You do not need the clothes ..except to satify the mind fucking ,,the PROGRAMING you were force fed in your youth by loving people who NEVER …….THOUGHT FOR THEMSELVES ..and all my words are ever supposed to be is the grain of sand put into the shell of your mind from which your THINKING will put layer upon layer until you have a pearl of PERSONEL IDEAS … the fear of the human SKIN ,,passed down to the next generation of children …

The fear of sexual recreation of MASTRUBATION ….. when masturbation is found through out the animal world as NATURAL anormaal ..time passing activity … laying around in the sun rubbing the feel good spot .WHY BECAUSE IT FEELS GOOD …. DNA life animals following their bliss. but humanity trains it young to FEAR … FEAR ..FEAR …
And under neath it all is the FEAR of REJECTION of society which you depend on for $$$ … ahh again I go to MASLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS's_hierarchy_of_needs …. And the deep reason young master you should think deeply about the benift aspects of the tour of DUTY
and the fear of rejection has coupled with it … even for your young master with your NO FEAR ..tatoo is the fear of DEATH ….. fear of TRANSITON because again ,,, feel the self guided mediation of PARADOX study the Quantum theory and sciences we already know from the What the bleep movies … and realize there is NO REALITY to daeeth yes ,,the use of a NAMED BIO MECHANICAL DEVISE called human bdy … with an ID name of FRED or PHIL or SALLY …. Feels real ..the reality of the DREAM STATE ..but life is ….. never BORN NEVER DEAD ….

your SHOW of bravery is almost the confused ….. call to kill me end my pain … the effect of manipulation once again … when the DAN ... Within you SPEAKS in feelings in EMOTIOANL Guidance ,,, TEELING TO LISTEN TO YOUR ISNTINCTS .. the instinct to live in BLISs actually in peace …. The gorilla is very peacefull

from within the 5 acres you are so isolated when you want that you realy can not even hear your neighbors party or fight ,, or smell them cook or even have to see them …. I have very few people I do not like but one neighbor and I are at odds …. He lives just outside of acres circle if my current home was the middle ,,I never here or see him expcept to 4 or 5 times a year see him drive by ….. that is all PEACE IS VERY PSOOIBLE … with the design of the the PRIVACY HEDGE which also is the fuel supply for heatin ( outside of solar thermal mass collection ) and cooking and reacreational bon fires …. That hedge provides him and you with …..PEACE and the OPPURUTUNITY to not notice the bad in eachother ..if you choose to ..not search for a life full of negatives .

what does the entertainer ESTER have to say to day …
Make more decisions in every day. Because a decision is a summoning of life. That's why a little chaos is good for you, because often you don't make a decision until you get yourself in a jam. And then, in the middle of the jam, you make a decision, but that decision summons Life Force. Have you ever been a place where you couldn't quite make up your mind and you just felt sort of limp? "Oh, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know." And then you decided, and you felt alive again. We want you to know that you'll never get it done. So don't approach this from, "I gotta get on this" because you're not ever going to get it done, anyway. And the other thing we want you to know is, you cannot get it wrong. So, make a decision. Let it flow. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Larkspur, CA on Sunday, August 16th, 1998

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